I Rent A Motor Home For the First Time! - My Wife's Face!

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hey everyone welcome back so when I was a Youngster I had many fond memories of a campervan holiday across Wales north Norfolk in fact it's where I fell in love with the seaside I remember going to hunt Stanton with my dad in one of these and it's been years since I've been in one and I wanted to show Gabby that these are actually really good fun the fact that you can park it up and have a cup of tea by the side of the road or somewhere Scenic like this so this is a full birth Swift motorhome it comes with a kitchen a shower a toilet a little sitting area one main bedroom and then one kind of bunk bed which is also a double bed I'll come to the price of how much I paid at the end we've also got to find a campsite I've got to show Gabby it but before I do that let me show you around come on all right let's step inside you know what these are so much more luxurious than what they used to be or what I remember so first of all starting off in the front part of the motorhome obviously where you would drive I'll show you some of the controls it's pretty basic really it's um an automatic which is good there's a camera on there so you can see out the rear because even though there is a rear view mirror I don't see the point of it to be honest these seats are really nice and comfy and I think they do swivel round as well they've got arm rests there's some cup holders there if you're traveling with a cup of tea a basic radio glove compartment and what's really amazing is the amount of Headroom that I've got in this motorhome so first of all and this is something I remember as a kid up there is a double bed can you believe it all I need to do is just pull this down and it's pretty big up here I mean like it is really spacious we'll be up there a little bit later on but up here you've got um a couple of little shelving areas you even got a little window to look out and it also comes with a a blind as well there's steps there which I'll use obviously to get up I don't know if the camera shows just how big this uh double bed is but of course it's not the only bed in here we'll come to that in a second but this lifts up like that so you can have more room in your living area we've got a little sofa here a little dining table to have food on also comes with a couple of seats and yes it does come with a television we'll see that running a little bit later look at the view I've got out of this window where I've just parked up here in chroma out to sea obviously all these windows open as they would do in a normal little Caravan comes with curtains there's a few Lights under here as well which is quite nice and there's also more charging if you want to I love these little pin spot lights though really nice very atmospheric and talking of the lighting I like that the a lot of the lighting is quite soft and and the LED lighting just on the top so let's show you the kitchen a pretty basic kitchen but at the same time there you go that extends really nice work top and for a caravan this sink is huge and sews the tap look at that now I'm what you would call off grid right now so I've got Electric in here I've got running water in the tank as well and that is all operated by this system here so it tells me how much uh waste water that's the waste water and so much clean water I've got um they call it gray water don't they I'm here for the electrics I can turn the lights on and off I can see how much power that I've got in the battery currently the heating on from here as well and this dial here will control the hot water and the heating as well and also the gas obviously I'm not going to use that right now but if I wanted to I could turn the gas on and do myself some food and I'm really surprised how big this is I thought this would be like a little two burner thing but you get an electric hob here and three gas burners along with a huge oven nice Grill and then I've got uh some shelves in here some nice and forks are it's obviously renting this cab and it comes with everything I need a dustpan of brush down there that's why it's all fling open saucepans in there under there some frying pans it's amazing what they managed to squeeze in and of course I've got the fridge now I haven't turned the fridge on yet but it's a fridge and fridge freezer I mean you can get a good few ready meals in there just gonna make sure you close these up because what some people have done not close them up and then you can see it's done damage to the night at home right let's put the bowl in there I got a welcome pack mind you not much will welcome back but I got some tea some milk sugar and some this coffee biscuits very nice plug here for a kettle is there a kettle here I can't see actually we do have wow some pretty huge wine glasses and some cups as well all neatly away and obviously when the Caravan moves none of this is going to move all the plates are protected there the glasses but I love the lights how soft they are and also your air vents have got either you can have them open mosquito and then that's how you close them at night that's pretty good I really like that so yeah that's the front of the van what I really love about this motorhome is got its own separate bedroom which is just through here come on and here it is and it is a pretty big double bed now this does extend out a little bit more so the bed becomes even bigger and also has this little area where you can curtain this off comes with its own little window which is quite nice so you can look out plug socket there for your mobile phone a little shelf unit as well and some storage it's got another one around this side around here is your the lights for the bedroom so you can turn them on and off also some charging for your mobile phone nothing this uh some little mini storage units here which is quite nice I mean that's actually your wardrobe that's actually really deep it's pretty good nice big mirror here and I love the lighting very subtle on there and again you've got a little window blind and you can close it just like that and it's it's really cozy in here more units there put some stuff in and then you can turn the little reading lights on above the bed just there I mean obviously when it comes to motorhomes there are so many different choices you can have some that are slightly bigger you can have some with a separate shower and a separate bathroom but this comes with a shout and toilet all in the same room I guess you would call it a wet room and it's just behind this door first thing Gabby said to me was can I actually use the toilets on a motorhome obviously you can and this is it so yes it is small but it is an all-in-one wet room so you've got your toilet here to do your business and the flush toilet holder and then you've got a a shower curtain that you can bring across just here to protect the toilet and then this is your sink with storage underneath the sink and then your TAP is here and this is where the uh the shower is basically so you pull this out like this and then you wear you pop that up there turn it on obviously what I'm not going to do that now with the door open and then there is your shower obviously your water takes probably around about 20 minutes to uh to heat up but yeah that's all you need really obviously it's up to you you can go for a number two in there if you want but if you're the person that has to clean it out and there's a little switch under here that I have to kind of move left and right nice big mirror there's some lighting in here as well there's also uh um ventilation which again I can close or open big ventilation I think well I really like it the question is will Gabby I've got to try and convince her by the end of the weekend that she will definitely want to do this again so I'm going to do tonight I'm going to cook Gabby a dinner in here as well just to try out the oven and to see what she thinks because obviously we could go for fish and chips but I thought you know we've got to make the most out of the motorhome that we've got so I'm going to cook her a nice dinner I think I'll go for something easy like spaghetti bolognese so let's go and show Gabby and see what she thinks so let's start this bad boy up so that's my camera now I thought I'd actually be really nervous about driving this but do you know what it's really easy yes it's quite a big you know motorhome it's no different to joining the car really you just gotta watch your the width and the length seat belt on it's really easy to drive put it in Drive handbrake off the hand brakes down here which I didn't realize I almost forgot to do take off window up oh that's the other thing you've got to make sure that everything is secure because otherwise you're going to hear things moving around which I think I've secured everything and shut all the cupboards properly yeah love these armrests though what I love about motorhomes is that you can just go anywhere I mean I've always wanted to do the whole driving around Europe in a motorhome from England down to the bottom end of Spain and I'm at home I've always thought that would be brilliant maybe one day I'll do that so what's it like to drive well you can tell it's heavy I mean you know going faster than 40 miles an hour when you slam on the brakes it takes you quite a long while to slow down but it's just the width of the vehicle that I'm trying to get used to and when I go past you know big trucks on these Norfolk roads I kind of breathe in a little bit and I get um well freaked out because this is the vehicle is actually very wide um so it takes up the whole Road pretty much I do get a little bit nervous I'm not gonna lie I should have removed the um the grate from the grill which I didn't do because that's making a right racket oh I guess I should have said Gabby actually doesn't know that I'm coming with this either so this is gonna be interesting to see a reaction okay big moment I've arrived just yards away from home and um we'll find out what Gabby has to say you know we're going away for a couple of days I know I just said I just needed to get something out my car yeah I've got a confession right we are going away for a couple of days but we're not gonna go and stay in a hotel you see that over there oh what I've rented it for a couple of days Casper's happy look come and have a look why are you not a big fan of these why can I ask you why not big fan of these I've got it um all right sorry but you you just can't move or maneuver or get yourself sorted in one of these can you well not the dream vacation well it's not a small one this is this is pretty big Look it's even got a bedroom at the top I can imagine myself banging see that see the little boy in me that I get excited about that but you clearly don't boys and their toys but look at the size of it this is a beast to drive as well do you want to go and have a look come on hang on yeah it does there you go so worried so you've got the living room just here kitchen just here bedrooms in the back toilet there is a bed and then you put the stairs on there and then you get up but go and check out the bedroom it's interesting I haven't made the beds up yet though so yeah proper kitchen sink look with running water oh I've got to mention we've got a microwave actually as I thought get walk around there when you realize just um how much room you've got I know Casper's Car Seat is there so like this is no different to like a normal Caravan that we've stayed in before with a a normal size it does pull out a little bit more it does does it yeah it does it does it does pull out a little bit so where's the Wardrobe then well there's there's a there's a wardrobe over there but there's also there's a wardrobe in here which I've got some stuff in at the minute best size yes just really deceiving I've just realized I now know where the cattle is as well and there's a toaster in there I was like where's the kettle yeah what's that for Casper what are you doing is turning it's turned the hazard lights on go on get up there go feel it because I would love to sleep up there but I know you're gonna go well there's a bed there go on get yourself up so cozy it reminds me of my childhood me off Santa Claus the Movie you know where their little beds in that little cabin bit oh I didn't want to have my shoes on that's really bad I'm not that sort of person you see but you'll see how big that is up there is quite deceiving I could imagine banging my head in the night but it's kind of cool yeah go all the way to the end it is so big but it's good you got a little window it's me but look this comes up as well so this protects you so you don't fall out kids obviously could be up here or the big kids can but do do a couple of rolls because I mean you could do a good couple of rolls on that if you get right to the end because you make me do some dark things didn't you but in it great look at that how many people you can get you can get three people up there easy but you couldn't do any Hanky Panky up here could be a little bit restricted yeah not that I'm making any suggestions too quite cool actually all right so we're allowed to sleep up there will you let us sleep up there or would you rather rest I know it's obvious that you would obviously rather be in the bed well breastfeeding but I'd be happy to keep anywhere really Casper could be up there with us Serena bed he's going in the middle what he's doing someone's driving Casper what are you doing all right he's he's loving don't worry I've got the ignition in but he's pressing all the buttons aren't you Casper obviously I didn't show you but these swivel round so you've got a couple of uh nice chairs as well all right here's the burning questions yeah where's the toilet okay obviously in there right yeah this is what I've been nervous about because I know that you probably wouldn't like this but um here you go sit on the toilet see I'm assume you've got do you know what it's like is this a shower as well you know when they go and do that flat and um he says stand in the kitchen and go Ah that's exactly what this is yeah but it's got it you just you just pop it on there by the way we've just parked up on the roadside and there is running water as well look Gabby Tim tap them wow it's amazing the first time and the only time you're seeing on the toilet but yeah I'm sitting on the toilet here and there is plenty of room and actually when you come in here there's actually nice I'm trying to sell this to you this is great this is perfect for me what's a shower curtain for them uh obviously the shower curtain because you can keep the door open I think that the shower curtain goes I think it's just extra protection for the door so the door doesn't get wet yeah let me just bring you in this is more than adequate for uh for me we'll see I might show you showering because nobody wants to see that okay so we are in our look I love these swivel chairs it makes more of the living room ten hazards on so we need to find somewhere to stay tonight in here and uh we need to pop to Tesco to get some food that's right yeah wine in here or are we like because obviously it's a vehicle that you drive so I know you're laughing at me but that's a good question it's a very interesting question wheel but if you're parked up if you're parked up and um well that could yeah that's an interesting question like with your mobile phone but you've got your if you're parked up in a caravan site I don't think they can really do you for that yeah surely not because people do do it right yeah people in the Caravan Club so I thought I thought I'd cook you some dinner rather than um go and get fishing a microwave so we could do jacket potatoes no no I'm gonna cook you some dinner let me cook you some dinner I'll have steak please well you can choose what you want we need to get a Tesco Okay so we've found our campsite and we've found somewhere to pitch up I'll tell you how much it cost me in a minute I was quite surprised actually still not yet used to driving this [Music] should I reverse it in or drive it in like this if you're wondering where Gabby is she's literally just pulling up in the car next to me I think that'll do I think they've done it right I could be wrong I know there'd be people saying maybe you should yeah maybe I'll reverse it and have it so it's sticking out that way all right so I've parked it nicely back to the Hedge and kind of good that we're right by the toilets that cost me 32 pounds if I want electric that's five pound more which I'll see how I get on because we're only here like maybe one night so I think the electric this in there already should be enough and obviously we've got gas so that's how we're going to do the food anyway we need to go to Tesco so I can cook Gabby this wonderful meal and I didn't want to take the camper van so Gabby's bought her car okay yeah you think it's a good idea Daniel leaving the campervan here and going in your car to Tesco why not yeah I know what didn't look it up hang on it's a handbrake on just double check I keep forgetting that there's two keys for this one key for the door and then the other one to actually lock it good job there's a Tesco close by we need the essentials but also I need these amazing ingredients for my wonderful dinner that Gabby's going to have tonight which add some wine and some wine must be so much fun to be in a trolley remember their place at all no I don't either I don't think my parents put me in boards how many times do we go to Tesco a week so much choice of sources of Bolognese only the best for Gabby Dormeo saw some meatballs does it actually make any difference hey the Tesco one is fine for me I don't mind I'm a cheap date gone for the quick cook pasta for the way he is strapped in he loves it when I do that [Music] right pick one for us Casper oh Gabby you pick one you're the wine Connor sir are we having red red or white with pasta bread all the time with red meat I don't really know wine yeah I love it for Chilean what does that mean make sure we get the pound back trolleys again they're really good stuff I still can't believe they do this it's like people Nick trolleys anymore their quality trolley compared is that what is that why really surprised they haven't gone up to two pounds typical is that a thunderstorm or is that just a truck going past yeah that's the thunderstorm lovely British summer I'm gonna try and put this awning down as well just get this inside what do you mean there's a toilet here yeah using that very lights on and set the mood oh by the way the TV does work I've just got to show you how it works aerial is in here first of all I have to click that switch on then I have to put the aerial up bye doing this and I lift that up basically and that puts the aerial up at the top thing is with the teller you need to tune in each time which is a little bit of a pain I've just got a scan for the channels operation canopy I think you think yeah there is there is yes there is and I don't know and go in here two hands so this is for my electric there's something for my dirty water there this is for the canopy it comes out all the way to these metal am I supposed to I think is there supposed to be stands for this as well I thought it is a is it because I would have just thought of thought stands I hope you don't fall down oh you need to sort it out to him just figured something out and I think the legs on here by the way this does come with the video that explains everything but as always um I just like to figure it out for myself just brush past that video been so much better because some were shining could you just do the other end for me darling just bring these up a little bit that looks good right let's do the dinner put the kettle on Gabby [Music] compliments any meal doesn't it does TV's just come on just fun of in tune in it's amazing right that all the electric that we're using right now is just off the Caravan itself yeah not through the campsite because we haven't connected that yet we'll only do that if we need to because it saves a bit of money here's the question what sort of extra do you get when you connect to the campsite how much more advanced is it you know much more advanced well yeah because you're saying you just get hardwire electric what do you mean hardwire electric well you plug it in yeah but why do you need to if you can use it off the van because the van won't last for too long Oh you mean because of the battery life yeah and like so for example you might probably be able to charge we can put this TV on for a little while and you probably won't be able to charge your phone and we'd have to use gas rather than anyway I need to show you how to do the gas up here we can see how much electricity we have left um obviously how much water the tank is full tank tank is uh something wrong with this saying that it's a full dirty water tank which it's not yeah there's also an outside light I've got to show you this right don't go anywhere I'll just go and put the gas on which is around here so I've got to just turn it on that scares me this and I have to press that a couple of times hopefully that's done it and I know there's a lot of people asking about the toilet and um well it's pretty simple really this comes out completely and um I literally unscrew that and then tip it away and then put it back here goes nothing and we got gas I don't know why but I just love the fact that um at the moment we could be parked up anywhere I know we're on a campsite but we could park by the side of the road and cook food and have electricity all right the electricity won't last for too long but uh the gas will there's even a kettle here for the tea so obviously I'm gonna do the pasta first Brown the mint put the sauce in and then we'll be good to go I feel like this section is uh was it Lloyd Grossman who used to drink wine every time he used to cook a nice glass of red wine everything's to ham which is really good I love how this drawer comes out from the nice Imports although it does feel weird being so close to the bed if you want to pass out once you've eaten it's really quick has anybody else seen this quick cook pasta it's literally ten five minutes in the hob and it's cooked and there's me thinking we're saving over a hot stove anyway Cheers Cheers so far then do you like this Caravan do you like the motorhome thing is it exciting I love it I mean it's brilliant there is something quite exciting about it and when we rocked up as well I was I found myself kind of looking at other people's setups actually wondering what theirs was going to be like inside and stuff like that it's a shame that the weather's so bad though typical British summer there's a thunderstorm rolling past it looks pretty dark didn't realize I was even flying low there sorry about that um yeah it's probably going to get dark early tonight well actually it's August now so it starts to the nights start rolling in how'd you like your mints usually people say how do you like you meet when they're asking about your steak the no one's ever really asked me that when they've been Browning my mints off that sounds really weird doesn't it brown and moments off how much have you went to drink about two sips is this a bridge yes wow can I have a look yeah yeah like I'm nosy and I'm nosying around okay it looks quite snazzy doesn't it for a the only thing we've got in there mobile homes Bridge Casper's outside enjoying himself when I do have a show how this is gonna operate I mean you really would have to adapt do you know what you mean no one says you have to live in it for Africa if you're used to it you could adapt couldn't you but if you've never done it before it is like how am I gonna how am I gonna sort of get around everything and so are you trying are you trying to say that we're not going to be buying one of these anytime soon mind you if you've seen the price of these then yeah some of these cost as much as a house I can see why people like him and it is quirky so I get it it's all right for a couple of nights sort of sort of there maybe people might be interested in how much I paid for this camper van for a couple of nights so make sure you stay tuned to the end of the video and I appreciate it so much if you give the video a thumbs up and did you know that uh 76 of you are not subscribed it is free if you see that red button make sure you hit that subscribe button [Music] there you go that's simmering nicely I love the fact there's a little window here in the kitchen so it does feel like it's complete little area do you know what I mean it does feel like a proper I know it sounds stupid but a proper kitchen yeah it does Gabby has set the table Casper's watching Gabby's doll's house drinks starting to like it and here is my spaghetti bologna well it's not spaghetti bolognese it's Pasta Bolognese I've mixed it all together rather than just put the pasta around the outside and the bolognese in the middle because I think it looks a little bit better like that what do you think yeah RT cheese now maybe I'm being biased but this does it pretty good this does we're not in a starter though I know I've got some cheese unfortunately Gabby can't have cheese we've turned the Telly off because that was kind of distracting I'm still amazed at the moment we could be by the roadside and be just living off the power off the motorhome it's brilliant and the water as well yeah that's what I like it seems weird to go to a campsite with a motime when you're plugging the electric and that because the whole idea of it is to park up and just oh no you can't really it's illegal isn't it but you know yeah I have a cup of tea and well some people do but you know you know what I'm saying we haven't really said where we are um we're just on the outskirts of Great Yarmouth actually I hired the campervan from sharing them so so would you say compliments to the chef you don't have to lie no I would I'm gonna say if you've got any more left in there because I might top up it's just so weird to be eating and just there's the wheel I love just how these seats pivot round so like one minute you can eat your dinner the next thing you can go oh I'm driving hang on now I mean now I'm in the cabinet like a spaceship it's brilliant I don't know if you've seen the episode of the in-betweeners when they go to the caravan club and you know when Jay's dad goes into the bathroom and they will just like die in and can't breathe I can't stop thinking about it I mean I haven't done that I don't know why she's saying that because I haven't done that no but he hasn't I don't know why but I just associate Harry Bunny with that episode I don't know why there is only one downside to washing up and that there's no drying area so you kind of have to dry as you go wow that water is so hot I know it sounds so stupid but it's like we still haven't plugged into the mains power and I'll keep going on about it I find it fascinating that still we haven't plugged into any Mains power or water all this is just literally off the um the camper van right now and I've just realized that in this particular cupboard that I didn't check there is a tea towel and some washing up Liquid some bin bags and even first aid and an extra toilet roll which is always good so I can now dry it up there he is his little girl look at all this big open grass you've got to run around and come and Chase Daddy come on Casper come on catch me up oh no you'll be sick everywhere there isn't much on the site to be honest there's a little play park over there but there's all this big I think this is part of the campsite actually isn't it but it's nice for him to run around okay so I had a great shower it's getting very late right now Casper's gone to sleep so kind of got to be a little bit quiet he's in the bedroom we had a nice evening we just had a nice little walk obviously there's not too much to do on this campsite but yeah we're gonna get a bed and we'll see you in the morning don't I morning so last night's sleep was it was all right um it was very windy in the night so the um the the motorhome was actually moving quite a lot um Gabby is already up just haven't pulled the curtain back yet if Casper's still in there let's make a cup and see the old-fashioned way do you know actually last night was actually pretty cool around here there was quite a bit of atmosphere everyone had got like fairy lights all around their Vans and their tents and stuff like that and people had fires going and kids were just playing around and it was just really nice it was it felt like a little bit of a community around here I bet some of these people that go Caravan and know other people as well everybody make a stand join they will be demonetized oh sorry so you still don't like it then I'm not in no hurry if I'm being honest to do it again because I think that there's quite a lot to it really like when you think about we haven't used the toilets because we've been pitched right next to the toilets which is amazing but you have to like empty your own toilets and things like that and if you're hiring it for the night it's expensive and then you've got to pay your pitch fee so when you think about what it adds up to I think not really I mean to me this would be a cheapy Little Getaway but it isn't cheapy but I'm not knocking anybody that is because I can actually see why people would like it I do I'm gutted because I thought I might be able to change her mind but clearly um I haven't been able to I did enjoy it but I just couldn't do like any more than a couple of nights so so how much did I pay for this motorhome obviously I rented it um for two days um and it came out to I got a slight discount on it it came out around about 600 pounds which yeah is quite expensive obviously because you know it's a moto you've got added insurance on that as well I wanted to show Gabby that this is so much fun um but unfortunately I haven't really done that if you went back maybe 20 years and I was about 10 I'd have really lacked this up I hope you liked it it was a little bit different this video I wanted to try and change Gabby's Outlook and perspective on Mo time holidays but unfortunately I haven't typical it was fun but only for a couple of nights that's my perspective I liked it but no longer than a couple of nights maneuvering around with a baby in a mile home oh yeah when you can do it but like um it actually slept in our bed last night which is doing a bed it was it was quite tough yeah it was quite cram and um with him sort of running up and down and that it's really hard because you're worried he's going to bash into everything all the time so you feel a little bit like well it's not really the best place for little little children yeah you know about above three years old you're probably okay because they'll love the bunk beds like I used to as a kid if you like the video please make sure you do give it a thumbs up and I'd love to hear your comments is Gary wrong should more people do more time holidays please go easy on me what do you think tell us in the comments give the video a thumbs up and if you haven't remember to hit that subscribe button I'll see you next time or we'll see you next time or I might see you next time yeah it depends whether you're coming or not I don't know if it's a matter home you want definitely not
Channel: Walk With Me Tim
Views: 447,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 50sec (2210 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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