I renovated the BLOXBURG STARTER HOUSE but it's REALISTIC | Roblox |

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guys I have decided that I want to redo the starting home a lot of people have already done this but I have not and I want to do it better you know so if you guys find this interesting subscribe so yeah enjoy the video okay this house is worth 7,500 which for this I don't really think it's worth it but it's fine oh God this house is really freaking ugly there's yellow sighting brick like it's it's disgusting the roof isn't it's you the inside it doesn't get any better there's small kitchen small dining room small living room like it's all tiny the lamp the light isn't centered that there's only one bathroom who builds a Super Deluxe camper with just one bathroom in the bathroom there's toilet paper on one wall and then the toilets on the other you're joking the bedroom it's okay but it's just ugly like the wall color and the disgusting and again what's going on with the gardening guys the house bills are only $22 okay overall it's got a lot of work to do but I think I can do it I don't know it's kind of ugly my goal for this house is to try and keep the layout the same I don't want to change like the main house but there is a couple things I just need to make bigger or smaller so this is me deleting everything but the walls and I'm going to get $5,000 for which isn't that bad really the only thing I'm going to change is I'm going to make the kitchen bigger just adding these walls here so it's like one block bigger kind of I don't know okay I think we going to paint everything white I think I am going to have some Stone like accents on the walls what is that why why is it doing that okay I painted a wall like stone color now I'm going to add accents of stone on the wall trim like all around it so for the front part of the house I'm going to do like a little porch up here so here's a time lapse of that cuz I don't think you want to watch me building that so yeah okay there are my beautiful Front St steps now we have to work on the roof doors and windows okay so I did this off camera but the roof is completely done we're going to do custom windows and we're going to add like the structural things in the middle just so it gives that like a more realistic effect and I'm going to put them like all over the place just where I want my windows okay door wise I think I want to do something that has like a little window in it just I want like as much light as possible cuz it's so small so I'm think I'm going to do this one but I can't figure out how to put it up I've tried everything but I can't I can't figure it out the front part is kind of plain right now so I'm just going to add little stones walking up to the porch I'm going to add a little scun this up here just so it's like a little bit lighter I'm going to add these like structural kind of things to support the roof at least it looks like that but um I really like it and the only thing we have to do after this is the railing and gardening and then we're completely done with the outside so I'm just going to paint the railing black and then just garden and then we're [Music] done [Music] oh okay here's the house so far the outside is completely done we have gardening we have the like little porch of the railings and lights we do have to add like a little um like sitting area up there with a picture but we have like little things on the roof I don't know what they're called like little structural things but I think I did pretty good so far we will go on the inside and finish it again on the inside the only thing I did was add this wall I mean it is kind of cheating if you're renovating but it's fine um so just to make the kitchen a little bit bigger but we have to add cabinets floors like we have to add everything right now for the floor I'm just going to do the same wood color that I did on the pillars outside so it's just going to be like linen with like a nice wood texture and then I'm just going to paint all the walls white cuz I want it to be really bright cuz I'm going to add a lot of windows so it just be bright Airy like it'll just be so like open I'm going to put a lot of windows in the dining room so it makes it feel really open cuz this is a small living room for doors I'm just going to do these traditional indoor ones I'm going to paint them like a darker color just cuz I want it to be kind of mixed with dark and light we'll have a lot of light in there a lot of Windows I've been saying that a lot but um just have all that a little bit of dark and then we'll just move on to the kitchen and cabinets I think I'm going to do Craftsman cabinets and we're going to have like one of the ones with the fridge cut out we'll have the fridge over here and then we'll do everything like the the stove by the um the window [Music] yeah [Music] oh [Music] [Music] and then here I want to have an island that kind of wraps around we'll have some seating there and it'll just make the kitchen just a little a little bit bigger [Music] again for the stove I'm thinking I'm going to do the pro Chef one cuz it's not that big and it looks good I painted the counters I think they're beautiful they're white nice light whatever I have to decide on a vent Hood I think I'm going to do the one on the left cuz I like the curve if I don't want it to be too sharp I finished up the appliances so now I have to work on cabinets and I think I'm going to do the craon on so they match the counters in the one on the top of the fridge at the time I recorded the video it was July but now it's December and I'm doing voiceovers so I'm not I don't really remember what I was doing and I don't remember what I was talking about and I did have like like what I was talking about in the video but it was like really bad so now I have to do red like all of it so if if it's like cut if it's like jumpy then I mean that's why and this video took me so long to do because I forgot everything that I was talking about so now it's just like I this has been like 3 months like I need like yeah it's like there's grass outside right now there's no like it's I'm going to place these cabinets on the walls but I do have one that is for the microwave cuz I don't really want to put on the counter so I finished the house like a long time ago but I already made the thumbnails for it but I haven't posted it in a while so now I have to have to pick from and I put out a poll and most of you guys are saying option one which I agree with I think that one's look better looking so I'll put that one out and if it doesn't go like doesn't go well I'll just do option two and from looking what I was saying before I do like all these voiceovers I have grown so much and not just like that but in views to my best video right now is sitting at like 8,000 like I had two faes of YouTube My First my first phras it was like all of the face it was like Royal High adopt me bloxb but I settled down to one Niche and it now like my best video from that like little section was 206 and I was like aesthetic but now um I took a break and I was just working on bloxburg and so I came back and my video then was at like 2,300 so I have grown so much and you guys have supported me so much so thank you I'm not that big I'm not a big grader I mean 8,000 views is not like a lot compared to other ones but I have grown so much because of you guys so thank you I kind of want it to be more realistic than like a normal house so I added uh like paintings on the back so I can add custom tile um now I'm just going to add a sink and I think we're almost done with the kitchen all we have to do is decorate all I'm really going to do is add books like the kitchen like utensils um maybe some place mats but I'm not really going to add that much okay there is my kitchen I added some stools there's plants but that is my final kitchen besides um decals moving on to the dining room I really do like it cuz it does have a lot of windows but I think we have to do like a smaller table cuz we can't like there's not the the house is small like really small so we have to do smaller things smaller living room so I think I'm just small table we do it kind of matches the stools in there we'll do carpets we'll do chairs and we'll have a light that's actually centered on the table I'm just going to move over some decorations from the kitchen um I just will add some like uh plates and like napkins and all that stuff we add chairs and a light and we'll also add like little like floor plants like we did like the little tree one or a couple those maybe like a mirror and then we'll pretty much be done with the dining room and then from there all we have to do is a living room the bathroom and the bedroom and then we're pretty much done we don't have much of an entryway cuz it's just so small so I'm just going to do like a little coat rack a little bench and that's pretty much it for the dining room and entryway that little section there there is our little entryway not much but I mean it's something for the living room I added two little chairs and on this what we're going to do the TV and like the TV console and might do a little couple decorations too but that's pretty much it okay this was me I'm editing it after this is me cuz I figured out like what I'm going to do for the living room but I couldn't talk right so I just put everything outside cuz I'm lazy apparently so yeah this is me putting together this is me putting together my living room it's got mirrors lamps little decorations um but we're going to put the TV on that wall and then that's pretty much it we don't really have much in the living room it's kind of boring okay I found and painted the dresser that I want now I just have to put on the TV I don't want something that's too big but I don't want something that's too small so I think I'm just going to go with the best TV that I found aka the one that's it's in the yard so yep okay guys here's my living room made from the yard I know there shouldn't be windows in a bathroom but I really want it to be cuz the one before didn't even have any windows I want it to be lighter so um they'll be curtains I promise I should probably do tile for the floor but I really do just like the wood color and I'll just have it's it's a just a bathroom it's fine okay we'll have a corner shower we'll have a toilet and we'll have like a double stin kind of thing but it won't be a big bathroom but I'll have some tile on the wall so it's something I'm going to have two little lights like coming down from the ceiling cuz I think it looks good I mean there is a lot of gold but it's fine I don't know if you guys know this you probably do and it's going to make me look stupid but you can scale these mirrors and I really like doing this cuz it makes it look there's like more depth and it's not like so flat to the wall it adds more to the build but you probably knew that okay we're on to the last room we have the closet in the bedroom that's basically it again we're going to do um wood flooring same wood flooring that's throughout the house we're going to paint all the walls white not that ugly I don't even know what that is it's already looking a lot better I already added the industrial bed and now I'm going to add like a curved Doorway to the closet so it's open before I forget I want to add plants in the back so it's not so plain that there'll be like a little gardening that you can see I'm going to add these wardrobes just so you can see them I'm think I'm going to paint them like a darker color like I think I might just keep them the way that they are just because it's like a little accents I think that'll look good I'm going to paint the doorway white and then that's pretty much all for the closet I'm going to add this nightstand to each side I'm going to have like different decorations but I think I might put a lamp on both of them I'm not really sure so I added some carpets I added some lights and I painted the night Sands um so I think I'm pretty much done I have to do is like add some books um a little bit of decorations and mirrors and all that stuff but that from then I I really think I am done okay last thing over here I'm just going to add like a little dressing stand like I have the closet over there but this is where you can kind of like get ready and all stuff like see how you look in the mirror that's pretty much it and then I'm done oh I have to add this painting that's I'm done so the house is now worth $65,000 which is not that bad okay so I made this video back in July but now it's December so I went blonde too if you didn't notice so I haven't been on spot in a while so this will be new for me and you a little bit so let's give you a tour okay here is the outside beautiful just marvelous just spe spectacular it's just gardening is amazing with snow on the ground white white grass on the ground just beautiful um on the porch here we have like a little carpet just a little sitting area little light and going on the inside we have a light that's actually centered on the table I love this room because it has like all like all the windows it's very bright very airy great kitchen okay the kitchen's my favorite room because it has like custom black Splash whatever it's it's bigger I love the vent Hood just it's I love like the wound Corner kind of thing my favorite room just so beautiful so fab don't mind the ceiling cuz I got really like I get really lazy okay living room wise it's tiny but it has everything you need you have your TV your sitting little thing you have some books you don't really need much to the living room I should maybe add a coffee table you have one in the middle so it's fine bathroom I don't really like the bathroom that much I feel like there's tooo much gold in it like it's gold like Popp kind of looks yellow but it's fine it's a lot better than the other one that was there before but I kind of forgot to add toilet paper again but at least it's not across the room anyways we have like two mirrors so bright so just okay the last room another one of my favorite rooms is the bedroom cuz it's just it kind of it gives me like boho Vibes and I really like it the windows aren't centered in this room but I don't really want to fix it cuz it looks kind of good from the outside so I don't care again the painting from the porch um books side tables a mirror like a dressing little thing here and here's my closet I really like it cuz it has like the yeah the curve the curved doorway it's looks a little bit more fancy than the one that they had before so so there's my start house redo I think I did a really good job I mean I've seen other people do it but I wanted to do it cuz I haven't done it yet so I think I did a good job on it I'm really excited I'll probably do the other ones I think there's like five other ones probably do those ones at a later time but there is my beautiful I don't know what home of Roblox here there's my redo [Music] bye
Channel: Haileyxbuilds
Views: 36,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HRmPKLkxgY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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