I remade every mob into Rainbow Friends 2 in Minecraft

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I added every monster from Rainbow friends chapter 2 to Minecraft first I made cyan and I used to ravager because they look exactly the same I removed this stuff colored her cyan and gave her some eyes I added cyan to the game and she was actually looking pretty good oh wait she's attacking all the villagers I don't really want her to be doing that that also made me notice that her legs look really bad when she's running but other than that she looks fine she also has a really big shadow that looks kind of funny in the game you get chased by cyan so I decided to see how that looks in Minecraft cyan is really fast in the actual game and she's also pretty fast in Minecraft too so that's pretty accurate okay this is actually kind of scary she looks really hungry oh wow she also does a lot of damage I can't let her hit me again that would be bad since cyan does so much damage I decided to see if she can beat an iron golem in a fight okay I don't even have to use the stick they're already mad come on cyan you can beat this guy easily okay never mind I was wrong it looks like the Iron Golem can beat cyan easily oh wait why did she drop a saddle that's kind of weird I decided to give cyan the 9 out of 10. she looks really good and her Chase in Minecraft is really accurate it's time for the next mod next I made yellow and I decided to use a hogland to make him I shrunk his whole body colored him yellow and gave him his propeller thing on his back I added yellow to the game and I can't really tell if he looks good or bad to be fair yellow is quite hard to make so this honestly doesn't look that bad he also has a big Shadow just like cyan that's really weird since hoglands can't live in the Overworld I decided to go to the nether to find a wild yellow okay here's a group of yellows that I definitely didn't spawn in I found them naturally oh yeah there is also a baby yellow but I think something is wrong with him let me know in the comments if you can tell what's wrong with him it's kind of hard to see since yellow is supposed to be able to fly I decided to see if I can make yellow fly in Minecraft as well okay now you might think hoglands can't fly but there's actually a secret in Minecraft where if you look at the ground for three seconds and then look all the way up as fast as you can you can make all the hoglands start to fly it's definitely not a command it's just a secret feature I decided to give yo follow an 8 out of 10. he doesn't look that bad he's just really hard to make it's time for the next mob next I made pink and I made pink from a zombie I bend his legs colored in pink and gave him some eyes finally I colored in his eyes gave him a mouth and then I added some small cheeks I added pink to the game and he was burning okay I should probably fix that when pink is not burning he actually looks pretty good there is a slight problem with his legs they aren't really connected but other than that I'm not seeing anything wrong with him since pink was supposed to be added to the game I decided to make him battle cyan and yellow to get a spot in the game first we'll do cyan versus pink okay that was kind of embarrassing I don't think he even hit her what about yellow versus pink okay this fight is actually looking a little close and pink still died I guess we know why he was benched from both chapters I decided to spawn a baby pink to see what he looks like and he looked about the same as the big one I will say the baby one runs a lot faster than the big one though this guy is going crazy I decided to give pink a 9 out of 10. he honestly turned out pretty good other than his legs that's the only problem it's time for the next mob next we'll make orange and we will make him from a wolf let's change the shape of his tail and we'll rotate his body now let's give him some arms and we'll give him some teeth okay these are way too big that looks better okay I'm not sure if you guys see the problem here that should be good enough okay his head definitely does not work though I guess wolves bend their head a lot let's spawn a baby orange it's the same thing with a bigger head let's try to tame orange yeah this is perfectly normal nothing is wrong here now he just has a big red square and his tail is broken let's spawn an army of oranges and let's see them take down a skeleton okay the skeleton got eaten in like two seconds come on orange take down the warden oh no that was fast all right I'm going to give orange a 6 out of ten he was kinda cursed it's time for the next mob next we are going to make purple and we are going to make him from a frog let's delete all this stuff and we'll change the shape of his body now it's color in purple now let's extend out his head and we'll make it a little bit round now finally let's give him some eyes and we'll add some black pupils inside out of all the mobs to break somehow this one isn't broken surprisingly I think he looks really good okay these fines need to get out of the way what about a baby purple oh yeah frogs don't have babies let's see purple eat this slime never mind he's not hungry oh never mind he just attacked him he looks so weird when he's swimming let's spawn an army of purples wow purple jumps so high the noise they make is really interesting let's see if purple can take down orange okay I don't think purple knows how to fight let's spawn a bunch of slimes okay they're all too big I love how there's no animation the Slime just travels to their mouth alright I'm going to give purple a 10 out of 10. I thought he looked really funny it's time for the next mob next I made red and we are going to make him from a Strider let's remove his hair and we'll shrink his body now let's make him a bit shorter and we'll color his head red unless colors pupils black and finally we'll give him a couple shoes and I think that looks good let's see him in game okay something is definitely wrong with his legs but other than that I think he looks good oh God why does it take so long for his legs to turn let's go to the Nether and here we have a red walking on some lava okay seriously what happened to his legs it's like they're backwards or something thing I mean now they're on the right side but somehow that made it worse okay that's close enough we're just gonna ignore that let's ride a red wait this is the wrong fishing rod okay this looks weird like it usually does let's see a baby red okay baby red just has no legs let's spawn an army of Reds okay Red Army follow me isn't this weird because red is supposed to tell me what to do all right I'm going to give red an 8 out of 10. he looked pretty good it's time for the next mob next we'll make green and we will make him from the warden let's shrink his body and head now let's Color Him fully green and we'll color the back of his mouth black next let's give him a bunch of white teeth and we'll copy these to the top next we'll extend out his eyes and will make his eyes circular now finally let's draw his pupils and that looks good let's see it in game I don't know how I feel about this one there's something about the way he moves that is very terrifying he's also very tall I'm not sure if that's accurate I'm not going to lie he kinda looks like a cactus monster let's find green in the deep dark of course we have to see him emerge from the ground I'm not gonna lie that might be scarier than the warden I wonder how this thing looks when it's angry we'll give him a jeep that he can't hit I'm sorry sheep okay that wasn't that cool let's spawn an army of greens and let's see if the flash can beat them oh he's running at him yeah the flash will not win that I give the green rainbow friend a 10 out of 10. he's honestly scarier than the warden it's time for the next mob next we are going to make blue and we are going to make him from an iron golem let's make his arms a bit smaller and we'll do the same for his legs now let's change the shape of his body and we'll Color Him fully blue now let's add his crown and we'll color it yellow next we'll add the spiky Parts on top and we'll add his eyes and let's put the circle inside this one and we'll add the X to the other one now let's draw his mouth and we'll put the Drool on the side and I think that looks pretty good let's see it in game that looks pretty good I think let's see if blue can beat Gordon Ramsay easily let's see if blue can beat Thor and Gordon Ramsay still too easy let's see if blue can beat Sully yeah blue literally had no chance let's spawn an army of Blues oh no oh God this is bad I think I spun a little too many there's so many of them they can't even move Sully's not even fighting back he knows he's doomed never mind wow he actually almost beat them he almost beat like three percent of them I'm going to give blue a 10 out of 10. I think he looks perfect
Channel: Eider 2
Views: 140,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KYf70U6i6Ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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