I gave Mobs Growth Cycles in Minecraft

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most Minecraft mobs are boring they walk around do some damage kill you whatever I want to make mobs better and to do that I'm going to give them growth Cycles baby evolv and Elder versions I think all mobs should grow and become stronger in the world around us so let's make Minecraft Mobs actually good I want to start off with Minecraft's most iconic mob the creeper look at this guy he's got absolutely nothing going for him all he can do is well blow up I'll change that let's start with the baby ver one of the most defining features of the creeper is the lack of arms but what if this baby creeper didn't even have legs so I went ahead and got rid of them and gave this baby creeper a new snake body to Slither around with I wanted to make the creeper texture more exaggerated for the baby version 2 so I gave it these black spots and the face totally needs a change up as well because the creeper isn't an evil explosive machine yet it has a cute little smile I really like the idea of a baby creeper that is pure and not just trying to kill the player but after some Final Touch is I think our baby creeper is ready so let's make the evolved creeper we'll start with the normal creeper since this will be the next stage in the growth cycle being the evolved creeper it basically just needs to be a bigger and better version of The Creeper this evolved creeper should be a true threat to the players in the world so let's start by exaggerating the length of the body and add these creeper texture cubes to give it more depth and shape to its body I got rid of the normal creeper legs and gave it these new more menacing ones I realized that I started to make this this creeper almost like an insect though but that gave me inspiration for the rest of the design so I got to work with recoloring it and giving it some spines on the back I thought it would be fitting for me to make this creeper more Well Creepy and after adding some red eyes and making the texture far better the evolved creeper is ready now for the final creeper the Elder creeper I want it to basically be the evolved creeper but decaying and full of explosive energy as if it has just been building up for years so I started with the Evol creepers model and went from there you know how I focused on the limbs for the creepers well the Elder creeper is going to be the only one that ever evolves to the point of having arms it is the complete and ultimate creeper so I made those like praying mantis arms to stay true to the evolved creeper concept then I made the face look withered and I changed the eyes from red to blue over time the body breaks down gets darker and starts to have energy flowing through it my thought is that if a creeper doesn't explode during all these growth Cy it will have all that explosive power built up inside of it it can't hold it forever so this blue energy shows that it's so close to the end of its life cycle I'm super happy with these creepers so let's see how they look in Minecraft our baby has joined us and he's looking quite cute and if we get close to our creeper he's going to run away in fear trying to find some place to hide and he's burrowed into the ground over here oh I wonder where this baby creeper went but be careful on the approach the baby creeper could get angry so if we get close he's going to do the only thing he knows how to do and explode oh my gosh going to have to dig my way out of here as long as we don't scare him off we should be able to get relatively close and see this baby creeper Evolution to a regular creeper quickly and now a massive evolved creeper he's at least four blocks tall and he looks quite sad actually a little hunched over more of a spider look on his lower half absolute Honker this guy looks disgusting of course that's the goal and our evolved creeper has gotten his anger slightly under control he's going to back away if we get close to keep some distance until finally he decides that we're no longer worth his time and decides to just conquer us oh yikes it's time to see your next Evolution ever so quickly we can witness the Elder creeper this guy has the energy of the world trapped inside him consuming him picking away at his brain slowly over time but as an elder creeper his anger is far more controlled but not that much control if we sneak up behind him and give him a poke we could set him off just build up to this massive creeper here and give him a smack he's going to suck in all the power from the entire biome around him and then he's going to kill us oh holy moly look at this thing and at the very center we found the Elder creeper Essence all I have to do is begin sucking the energy from the biome everything should go just fine and oh my gosh oh my word we're almost down to bedrock look at this massive hole we've created I'd say our Elder creeper would be proud I've always hated how slept on the Enderman is let's do better and I'll start by making a little baby Enderman so everyone knows how tall the Enderman is so for the baby obviously we want to make it short like really really short so short that it is basically just a blob but I wanted to make sure I kept the most iconic part of it even as a baby and that's the ability to hold blocks so I gave this cute little grass block to hold on to in its hands and I couldn't forget the purple eyes even a Baby Enderman needs those okay this looks great let's get started on the evolved Enderman this guy will be stronger than the Enderman but we won't go crazy it's basically going to be like a Predator version of the Enderman those skinny Enderman arms are going to get a lot bigger when evolved he's going to need to be beefy and the legs too not cutting it evolving basically meant going to the gym every day now we need to fix the head usually the Enderman just has a boring blank face but when it evolves it grows a defined jaw and Jagged teeth to better hunt down players I thought it would be awesome if I added these tendrils off the head make them real long and creepy then I realized how hard it is to actually see the Enderman though so I wanted to add splat flashes of color and nothing would fit better than this shade of purple now we just need that color flowing all through its body as if end energy is starting to build up inside of it making it stronger and stronger and stronger and you get the point now for The Elder Enderman the frame of the evolved Enderman is perfect so I'm going to use it as the base for what will be this crazy Elemental Tempest Enderman but we're going to need to change the head big time completely recolor the arms my idea is that the Enderman couldn't handle the power of evolving and has been completely taken over by it this elder Enderman has become a host for this end energy now just a husk and it should be ready let's see our better Enderman in Minecraft look at this tiny little blob and the Block in hand this baby Enderman came out perfect he looks so happy to be able to hold a block and be in the world with the rest of us our baby Enderman has arms that are not quite fully attached to his body yet naturally of course because the most important thing about an Enderman is to maintain a solid grip on his grass block so I've brought my own grass block if we bring our grass block near the baby Enderman he's going to attempt to steal it from us slowly chasing us down he grabbed our grass block and he's Off to the Races he seems very happy now that he has the grass block move our baby back to his home here in the village and let's turn him into a normal Enderman and now we have the lanky arms and lanky legs as usual let's mature him one more step to an evolved Enderman and we have the Beast ly evolved Enderman the tendrils coming off the back of his head and the legs look at the thighs on this guy he looks like he's walking on stilts he's been hitting the gym regularly if he finds something slightly distasteful he's going to slowly take it into the sky that horse is likely done for both our evolved Enderman and our horse are way up in the sky and now he's got a pig in the sky he's taking every animal for a ride one by one the horse survived hopefully the pig Will Survive too uh okay and now he's got us and he's stuck under the tree which means we're all up here all alone oh yikes this is a little too high for my comfort please drop me softly I'm not dropping soft I'm not dropping soft one more evolutionary phase to the Elder Enderman he's become so powerful he now has a Boss Bar the jaw has dropped even further he's been completely consumed by power power that is so destructive he can hardly contain it anymore and after just a short few moment in the world our Elder Enderman is losing control teleporting all over the place oh my goodness I can't even keep track of this guy and the unlimited energy is now raining from the sky we have to take him down before the rain gets us just about there just no more rain no more rain we got him hide in the cave the rain has stopped we're safe the ghast is one of the creepiest and weirdest mobs in Minecraft but there isn't much to them let's make some adjustments I'll start to make the gas better with the baby gas to to do that we'll need to shrink it everywhere that means small head short tentacles and little wrinkles I don't know why the ghast has wrinkles but I kept them we always see the ghast crying in Minecraft but the baby ghast wouldn't have anything to be sad about yet so here's a little smile for the guy and I also just came up with a new design concept for these gas since there's so much focus on the eyes I'm going to give them more and more eyes as they evolve so starting with the baby it'll just have one eye that's our baby gas now let's move on to the evolved gas this is the normal gas Evolution so I want to give it a pretty similar shape but give it more scary details I want players to be terrified to go to the nether let's make the tentacles a bit curvy and make the mouth giant almost like the Joker's face like I said we're going to focus on the eyes so let's add some holes for three eyes and then I'll turn the eyes red and yellow to really fit in with the fiery depths of the nether that it's going to be flying around but again this gas needs to be scary so I'll add this little bit to attach teeth to and I also want to give gas the feeling that it has molten lava inside of it since it's going to be spitting out crazy hot fireballs and because of that molten interior it can even be seen as lava in the veins now for The Elder Gast and now you know this one is going to be crazy let's make the eyes and mouth both bigger and even more teeth and then we'll take these tentacles put them on the back of the head and then go absolutely off the hinges adding tons of eyeballs on the ends this is definitely heavily inspired by the beholders from from Dungeons and Dragons but this monster of a ghast is going to terrify you I promise with all our gas done let's see how they look in Minecraft and our baby ghast is already up in the air in his natural habitat with a cute little smile and one massive eye now we have to figure out a solid way to intercept this ghast because I've got a fire charge here that we can use to tame our baby gas since a baby isn't quite as strong as his evolved forms we can convince him to work for us not against us don't go that direction really bad idea to head towards the lava I'm telling you buddy please don't do it I'm truly horrible at this whole parenting thing I feel like a dad chasing his kid around at the park right now hold on folks let me get down to our baby where did to go we've lost him oh he's stuck up right behind us here we go we can officially tame him and then we can use our baby ghast as a helmet he's still quite large even though he's a baby but he's riding on our back we have officially given birth to the largest baby ever created but our very large baby is going to work with us to defend us against his natural habitat we can use a baby gas somewhat like a turret if we get towards anything that might want to harm us our baby gas will fire off fireballs and defend us against all the harms of the Nether and the Fireballs are quite explosive hopefully explosive enough maybe not explosive enough all I have to do is work with him to keep the distance and he can fire off the Fireballs couple more shots a little bit more burning we should have have these guys taken care of in no time and here we go finally safety it was actually a little bit more of a close call than I was anticipating our baby gas did good enough though pull this guy back off our pack because it's time to evolve our gas instantly into our regular gas now this phase we don't want to hold on to for long because the gas yep is going to get crazy and quickly evolve our gas again into our evolved gas now of course a baby ghast though sweet living in the nether is not soft on anything and our evolved gas has absorbed all of that rough living looks like he's been struggling for quite a while more tentacles more veins coming out the sides and a face that would scare away anything that face does not look like he's very happy to be around much these days the evolved gas has developed laser vision to Target anything in sight anything that moves anything with a heartbeat and blast it with Fireballs until there's no longer a single heartbeat left in the area these lasers are not the lasers you want to step in front of and if you do unlimited Fireballs hot butt hot butt run away I think we tricked him to believe we were gone before this guy causes too much destruction evolve him into the Elder Gast eyeballs in every direction the veins still and the face has gotten even creepier this guy guy is utter destruction in gas form and that fiery anger is not giving up anytime soon he's got an unlimited source of fire blasting out anytime anything gets close to him this elder gas is not happy he is completely sick and tired of the nether if we try to stay close to him he just keeps a constant fiery breath on us the entire time and he's not going to leave us alone until we're gone which means we're probably the ones that are going have to put an end to this don't worry buddy it'll be over soon taking down an elder gas in Minecraft we've got something we've got an elder gas tendril and we've absorbed unlimited fire resistance which means time for an adventure straight dive into the lava wooo make it to the surface and we have unlimited Fireballs as well blasting anything we want see you sayara woohoo this fire might be just a tack that bit too much power for me to hold on to and there's one last mob to evolve before we destroy the world now let's talk about the Ender Dragon Minecraft's final boss I think it's kind of lame that it's just one simple fight the dragon is kind of pointless and there's almost nothing to this mob let's completely rework and fix it I'll start by making a baby dragon one that will actually hatch from the egg I'll start with this dragon head since the baby dragon is going to be way smaller I also don't want it to fly around instead I decided to give it the body shape of a rabbit then retextured the whole thing black for the eyes of course they've got to be purple and even though it's a little itty bitty baby it will still have little dragon horns I'll give the baby Dragon's Tail some little spikes it may not be able to fly but that doesn't mean it won't have wings let's add some planes that will retexture into wings and with those done our adorable baby dragon is complete but no time to play around let's start on the evolved Dragon we'll take a nor noral dragon and make it way cooler in every way let's get some better horns then adjust and bend These Wings trust me these are going to get way better better tail little spiky bits and better posture we can't have a hunchback Dragon let's get back to these wings I decided I'd give it this magical purple effect like it's gaining more magic power the more it evolves and I want this purple effect used in lots of places now we just need some better details like Bright Eyes sharp teeth and even more detail on these eyes I did not plan to spend this long but I think it's worth it and it'll make the Elder Dragon even better too let's get to it I'm going to blow your mind with how to make the dragon into an elder done just kidding honestly this already works but I'm not lazy we're going to make it better the gray scale does mess with some things like the teeth let's fix those but this is the perfect base I'm going to make it look older with these flowing eyebrows bring some purple back into the eyes and mouth then give it this old scraggly beard with age comes wisdom except in my case it's old not a fighter anymore you can even see light hints of purple still in the wings but clearly this is not the same aggressive Dragon it once was our Elder Dragon is the protector of the end no longer just a boss fight and if the player can gain its trust they could have an ally for life now let's see our new and improved Ender dragons in Minecraft but remember folks Safety First ensure your own Survival before messing with dragons to bring in our baby dragon we first have to place down a dragon egg then carefully taking an Eye of Ender feed it to the egg and our baby dragon will slowly begin to hatch all that's left is to break the egg and our baby dragon is here oh my word this guy doesn't look like he could harm a fly look at how cute our baby dragon turned out tiny little spikes on his tail cute little wings just barely big enough oh hold on our baby dragon is crying don't worry we brought some food feed it the raw pork chop now he's happy again ready to grow up and defend Minecraft I mean technically our baby dragon will grow up and prevent me from destroying Minecraft hold on he's crying again my goodness you're kind of high maintenance give him another pork chop don't worry buddy we've got plenty and he's crying again all right you are really high maintenance my goodness buddy it doesn't look like it but his belly is absolutely massive my goodness he's crying again this guy could consume a village I was definitely not built for this whole parenting thing let's grow this baby Dragon up he's turned into our Minecraft dragon and he's Off to the Races and let's trigger another Evolution we now have our evolved dragon look at this dragon flying around the wings are beautiful the underbelly looks magnificent he slowly built up more power and energy over the years and has become a true adult of a dragon purching for us to get a good look at his face just briefly and he's off again this guy runs the end and he's become extremely powerful safety first as we go to engage our evolved Dragon he's going to rain particles of rain over the end everywhere he flies dropping down Underneath Him these things trust me folks you do not want to touch them oh he's raining it around me looks like he's trying to chase me down keep my distance keep my distance flying over the center dropping the rain as he passes by woo that stuff looks a little bit touchy and coming in for a perch as well let's evolve him into an elder Dragon the entire end has transformed as our Elder Dragon has completely sucked the energy from the end everything has been withered away and our Elder Dragon looks as though he's in old age his once youthful face has now aged with a great Dragon beard hanging off the end of it and his wings just the very slight amount of purple left on them everywhere he goes he's flying so slowly and destroying any blocks that he runs into this entire pillar has almost been completely chopped down and our Elder Dragon in his old age has given up on attacking the end given up on trying to destroy me and now we can get close enough and potentially ride our Elder Dragon soaking up the view of the end which has now become so withered there's not much to look at but the breeze down here non-existent and delicious these mobs are radical if you want crazy mobs like these check out gobs of mobs on the Minecraft Marketplace
Channel: Kipper
Views: 2,055,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i remade every mob in minecraft, custom mob, custom mobs, minecraft mob, minecraft mobs, minecraft custom, custom boss, custom bosses, minecraft video game, custom model, custom models, minecraft mod, minecraft mods, minecraft custom mod, minecraft custom mods, banned minecraft, minecraft mobs remade, custom minecraft mobs, minecraft, custom mobs minecraft, minecraft models, better mobs, minecraft better mobs, minecraft scary, minecraft remake, blood, minecraft blood
Id: cbxuPSaLhpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 4sec (1204 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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