I Remade Breath of the Wilds Combat In Godot! (godot 3.X)

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i finally got around to playing the legend of zelda breath of the wild a few weeks ago damn it's a good game from my observation in most games there are three tiers to game design there's the second to second gameplay focusing on game feel and immediate mechanics like shooting or parkour then you get the sort of larger areas related to things like level design guiding the player through areas and often some more elaborate puzzle design and then finally there is the grander core mechanics that drive the entire game like the exploration of your open world or process of discovering and completing four divine beasts in order to gain the strength to fight ganon in breath of the wild all of these are executed brilliantly and i could speak about its design both positive and negative but mostly positive for hours however this video isn't about that this video is about me trying to imitate some of that second to second game design in my own little prototype whilst further learning how to use godot and for the very first time ever trying to seriously produce something in 3d okay so the first thing you need to start working in 3d is a 3d character controller i had a rough idea how i wanted my beam to behave a short amount of acceleration uh jump that goes up you know standard stuff contrary to a fair few prototypes i actually wanted to get past my bean stage fairly quickly when playing breath of the wild the animations of link are actually really important to how the character feels so i wanted to tackle that early i had hoped i could find something similar to the unity asset store where i could just import a fully modeled and rigged character with animations included this wasn't the case turns out that it takes a lot of work and so most people ask for money for that kind of thing or just don't do it at all for a good while i tried experimenting with both modeling rigging and animating a character myself but for each attempt always ended up falling flat in the rigging stage each time for different reasons eventually i ended up using the character and some of the animations from the gd script 3d character controller github repository that i found i did make a few animations myself such as the jogging animation and a few others you'll see later turns out that actually applying these animations is relatively easy once i had learned how the godot animation system worked now onto the fun stuff some basic combat i've made something for my player to punch this bean will do and proceeded to make it so that when the player goes up to them and punches them they lose health and eventually die now this this isn't fun at all okay obviously even though the punch bag is taking damage there is literally nothing to show for this which isn't particularly fun or tactile or very well designed at all one really important thing i wanted to add is some knockback for the beam this ended up not being too hard since the beam is a rigid body it is as simple as just applying an impulse in the opposite direction to the player so i made a function that would find a vector from itself to the player and send the beam flying in the opposite direction this technically worked but for some reason it wasn't behaving in the y-axis not to worry i'll just take that out of the equation entirely nice so a bit of polish some particle effects and an attempt to make a shock wave shader before giving up after a few hours and replacing it with some more particle effects i had something i was pretty pleased with so next up is a ranged combat so a bow and arrow i'm gonna use honestly this works really similar to the punch just with an arrow as my hitbox instead of this i can carry most of the particles across and just add a few more animations to make it all work at this point i have a fairly satisfying combat system running around punching and firing arrows at my beans feels pretty good i made a few basic sound effects to give each impact a bit more oomph and i have something i feel fairly happy with now i do have a slight problem with this prototype at the moment the truth is it's not very challenging my beans they are they don't do a whole lot to fight back okay if i wasn't in uncharted territory before i definitely am now i decided to try and make a basic state machine ai for my beam so it can fight back previously i had avoided this at all costs but that's not a great way to learn and it turns out it's not that complicated at a basic level anyway for my game i just have three states idle pursuing and attacking idol is self-explanatory but the enemy will begin to pursue when the player gets within a certain range i ended up making my own navigation algorithm since despawning enemies using the default nav mesh cause massive lag spikes my algorithm basically just moves the enemy towards the player but has a one in four chance each second to go in a random direction helping it get around obstacles it's not very clever at all but it creates the illusion of being clever pretty well the final state is the attack state when the beam is close to the player it will charge an attack and then launch itself at the player using similar code to the knockback a few more particles and a really crappy animation later and the player is now able to be hurt look at his her ass poor soul can't handle himself against the beans okay so at this point of writing the scripts i've done a bit more polishing and made a few basic levels just so i can publish the game on itch for you guys to try out there is no fail state which isn't really a good idea as it leaves the play with no consequences at all for bad performance other than that i think i built a fairly decent if incredibly basic prototype for a combat system if the project didn't get messy towards the end it would and probably still will be something i can build upon in the future comparing it to its inspiration i think it holds up rather well for an amateur in a couple of weeks with no experience in 3d before i think the feel of throwing punches and firing arrows lines up fairly similar to the feel of swinging swords and using the bow in breath of the wild not only that but i feel really comfortable in godot now i know i've said this in the last few videos but this project i really have tried new things and moved quite a bit out of my comfort zone and i've been rewarded with an incredible wealth of knowledge on the godot engine so what's next well uh brackie's game jam is next week and i'm definitely going to be giving that a try as well as that i've got a few ideas for a bunch more 3d games which i can't wait to get started on but i also don't really want to elaborate on that since you know what they say actions speak more than words and honestly ideas will definitely change thanks again for watching this video though if you did enjoy it please give it a like and subscribe um if not then comment telling me why is probably the most helpful thing you can do
Channel: Leon Stansfield
Views: 33,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breath of the wild, the legend of zelda, i made breath of the wild, breath of the wild 2, i made breath of the wild 2, breath of the wild emulator, breath of the wild mods, i made breath of the wild in unity, i made breath of the wild in 1 week, i made breath of the wild in 1 month, zelda: breath of the wild mods, breath of the wild emulator 4k 60fps, coding breath of the wild, making breath of the wild, breath of the wild cemu 4k, recreating breath of the wild
Id: Lje3SWN3Ivo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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