I Regret Answering Baldi's Impossible Question Correctly...

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this is the discovery of our lifetime there's more than one answer to baldi's impossible [Music] question hello everybody I'm kindly kid and welcome to baldi's Basics classic remastered it's quite the title but I've made a discovery baldi's been holding out on us he knows what he's doing he doesn't want us answering the impossible question correctly but guess what I know the answer to the impossible question and not only that I know multiple answers to the impossible question I think Baldi has gone so far with the impossible question that he's actually made a question that has more than one correct answer I don't know exactly how that works I'm not a mathematician but let's get to the bottom of this what is going on okay obviously we need to get a notebook um and then we need to get to the impossible question look at me I'm doing math also you guys probably noticed that I sound nasy that's because I am sick again I feel like I just got better and then I got sick again but that's life when you have kids between the ages of like 2 and 10 I'll get through it 11 good one four I can't you messed up Baldi you messed up I hate that noise that you're making I really really hate it you guys notice that they changed the sound that he makes in remastered I don't know if it's worse or better it's still bad let's put in the answer 101 819 96 okay welcome to baldi's Basics in education and learning that's me that said if baldi's Basics was released in 1999 it doesn't look any different I mean baldi's b oh my gosh all right yeah that looks pretty different I can't use my mouse like I have to use a and d to turn left and right oh that is weird weird okay I can click so I move like my hand across the screen with the mouse now oh my gosh that is so disorienting we've got to try more of this th this is so weird no wonder Baldi didn't share this answer with us I don't know if this is a good or bad thing it is very difficult to to play like this oh it looks so bad is this really what games look like in 1999 hold up I'm trying to think like what was I playing in 1999 little Kean was 12 years old which is crazy to think about because most of you probably weren't even alive I think the Nintendo 64 came out I wasn't really playing PC game well you know what I was actually playing PC games I was playing Warcraft not World of Warcraft I was playing Warcraft 2 maybe Starcraft I never like legitimately played the games I would just cheat I would just use cheat codes which was super fun for me what if I put in that answer again if I put in that same answer again will it take us back to 1989 what would baldi's Basics look like in 1989 that's like the era of of the original NES but like what were PC games in 1989 what no wait it took us back basics in education and are we still are we still in 1999 mode no it took us back that's that's actually pretty funny I guess uh going back in time twice actually makes you go forward in time this whole time travel thing I'm still figuring it out okay I'm back in 1999 mode I'm going to give Baldi the wrong answer which of course is 12 which I still believe is the right answer but we're going to give this a a real go like like just see how we do in 1999 mode can I okay I can press space bar to turn around I think I use items by clicking them maybe I don't know actually I can't select items with like my my mouse wheel Mouse Wheels didn't exist in 1999 actually I I said that as a joke but actually I I don't think mice had had like the the roller wheel to like scroll and stuff or maybe that was like Advanced Tech that wasn't readily available definitely a huge improvement though you think about like scrolling through web pages and stuff without the the roller on the top of the mouse like you have to actually click on the sidebar and like drag it down that would be so annoying I guess that's kind of what I was doing though okay playtime wants to play with someone and I would prefer not to okay so I did have to click the item that I wanted to use which is super annoying by the way like that is definitely going to complicate things it's going to make things a little trickier where's Baldi dude I hear him but I don't know where he actually is gosh this is so weird we're doing pretty good despite the fact that I'm dealing with very strange controls and obviously the window is like really small I can't oh gosh oh gosh no no no get him okay get out of there get out of there I'm dead oh goodness does it send us back to not 99 mode ucation and learning let's see no we're still in 1999 mode so I guess the only way to get back to not 1999 mode is to give Baldi the the answer that sends you to 1999 mode in the first place it's all very confusing also I have no idea how to run wait oh oh my gosh it's a toggle you guys see that so you have to switch it on and off to run I did not realize that that probably would have saved us in that in that situation where we were stuck in that room with Baldi whatever okay I've escaped 1999 mode which is very cool and very scary but believe it or not there's more answers it's so weird being back in normal mode cuz now I'm looking at the game and I'm like dude this game game has insanely good graphics look at these Graphics yeah in comparison to 1999 mode the graphics are improved but compared to something like I don't know like cyberp Punk it's a little rough around the edges I think games have improved in the graphics area a little bit uh let's get back to the impossible question and uh give Baldi another answer that perhaps he will accept nine not 90 you got it okay I think you I am smarter than you watch you you I'll prove it here right now zero it starts with a zero not a lot of mathematicians out there answering impossible math problems starting with a zero what can I say we're going to figure out what this does time for some cool Tunes where am I um there's a lot of buttons on the wall Welcome To The Music Room oh what press a button will this play music please tell me [Music] this that's my jam okay wait we can change the pitch that seems very funny okay what what kind of what kind of Bops do we got over here okay right little Jazzy tune love that playtime what is that I don't even I don't I don't know what that song is I don't think I've ever heard that song in baldi's Basics it's kind of like playtime but like if she was taking a nap like it it's it's playtime bedtime maybe I don't know what is this I think that's like the the wind screen right time to [Applause] [Music] ready what is this I I don't I don't think I've ever heard this one either it's got It's got some serious 8s Vibes and whose voice was that was that baly what does he say he says like it's time to dance or [Applause] something it's time to have some fun get ready to dance and I'm pretty sure that was baly I love this song this is the best Boss music in baldi's Basics ever it might be the only Boss music in Baldi Basics ever but it's really [Music] good yo whoa oh you got the drop in there dude so sick definitely very intense for for boss battle okay this is the shop music I know this okay that's like the the warning screen [Music] music I don't I don't I don't know if I know this I mean it's obviously like the the the baldi's basics theme but oh I think this is like the the secret battle with null which is this is also very good yo yo I don't remember this song at all but that is a Bop and a half I think this is like the the final final battle let's pitch it down this is going to be interesting yo oh my gosh the whistle I I genuinely don't remember this song at all let's pitch it [Music] down I don't think it's changing maybe I have to restart it let's see oh that didn't change it really pitch up speed it up I don't feel like those are working yeah I don't feel like these are maybe I'm not doing it right oh oh there you go oh oh my gosh pitch down that is upsetting that is really upsetting I don't like it let's go with this the the you can think pad [Music] let's my you can think pad is running out of batteries all right dude the music room is sick everybody's favorite subject um that's oh it's the name of the song yo okay so if I go over here what is this called Schoolhouse trouble demo Anthony Hopton what a banger this is a good one too okay so these are both the same Schoolhouse trouble and then the other one was Schoolhouse trouble demo which I don't think is in the game or maybe it is I just don't remember either way awesome songs all right that is enough jamming out to music we have more answers to Impossible questions 11 219 94 epilepsy warning highly unstability okay just heads up epilepsy for real what is this what there's welcome to my SCH it's totally normal there's nothing different it gave me that very very dramatic warning and then did nothing something tells me something is going to happen also what the heck uh he's moving he's slapping the ruler great job good one what what why what is why is Baldi active sweep sweep sweep okay okay I mean oh gosh okay no why is Baldi is moving very sporadically right I have to click to jump not press space bar I also have to cough oh no oh this sickness is going to be the death of me oh there's more than one oh no oh I'm dead I'm dead dude I'm dead oh gosh why why did it give an epilepsy warning though what what is this we have to try this again for science so there's more than one of every character got to sweep sweep sweep and I mean got to sweep right off the bat he's like he's going crazy awesome oh no no no no I definitely hear multiple principles because one was just down the hallway and I'm hearing whistles on the other side of the school that is upsetting we can do this though we can we can beat him there's only two of every character that's not hard I can work with that oh no there's one Baldi hello principal I hear multiple whistles oh oh no oh there's okay I was wrong um there is not just two of every character or at least there's not two of Baldi there's at least three no I'm dead what is happening there's first prize oh gosh I hear got a sweep going nuts dude oh no oh no no no no no oh oh gosh what was that was that God of sweep like speaking in in synchronicity I got the I got the math problem oh yeah it was yeah it was that was upsetting holy cow go no no there's so many there's so many I can't oh gosh where do I go what do I do oh I'm so dead got to sweep sweep sweep I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead give me detention give me detention somebody oh gosh I hate that it's pain all right I think Baldi was trolling us with that answer he knew what he was doing he was by making us think that we were smarter all right I got one more for you Baldi it starts with a zero 24 1 9 [Music] 93 click the question mark what question mark question mark maybe I have to get into the game there's a question mark yo what invincibility no clip super speed and I can give myself unlimited items do so are those all in my inventory now holy cow that's sick oh my gosh I'm so fast I don't need no mod menu that is like the ultimate answer to baldi's question that gives me unlimited power basically I love this for me um seems very overpowered very unfair and very cool you can't you can't get me dude I'm Invincible I'm literally Invincible I can't be stopped I go straight from one notebook to the next with no intention of ever stopping it's too much power I love it where's the last notebook I don't even I don't even know where I am anymore it's got to be this one right nope this one yes green notebook let's go congratulations you oh no I can't um I can't get the exits probably because of no clip I would think yeah yeah yeah I but I can do that which is kind of funny because like that's obviously like the fastest way of traveling in the game but because I have super speed I can travel faster than the grapple hook can pull me which is extremely unfair gosh it's so red I can barely see I'm the greatest gamer alive D dude baldi's Basics when did it get so easy I'm insane at cheating I win Baldi I win kind of
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 499,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindly keyin, keyin, baldi, balid's mods, baldi mods, baldi new, baldi scary, scary baldi, scary baldi's mod, baldi's basics, baldi's basics mods
Id: v2E1PTSivtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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