The TRUE ENDING of Baldi's Basics...

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this is it we're finally unlocking the true ending to baldi's Basics [Music] hello everybody I'm Kylie Kidd Welcome Back to baldi's Basics remastered as you guys probably already know there are a lot of secrets in this game we unlocked a lot of them in the previous episode however we have work to do we must uncover the mystery of null whatever that means and in order to do that we have to uh do some work and we're gonna do that with the very handy mod tool from old sport originally by fast guy this thing allows us to go through walls which is truly the only way I think that I could ever complete all of these challenges also I'm about to get detention so in my previous video if you didn't see that there are tons of things that we did discover however there was a bit of a roadblock that we ran into and and that was null we found this null mode we unlocked it but we couldn't get past a certain point in fact we couldn't unlock any of the notebooks in in that mode well apparently in order to do that we have to complete some some additional challenges in like the main game someone in my comment section on that previous video goes by the name rice left me a very very in-depth explanation of what I need to do and uh is very helpful so thank you to them so we're gonna follow those instructions the first thing we need to do is complete just classic mode with all of the questions being incorrect which is probably the easiest challenge of all of the challenges that we have to do to unlock null because in the party mode we have to do some crazy stuff that requires a lot of RNG and uh I'm I'm a little nervous about that but you know we'll figure it out as we go we have the power to go through walls so that you know that helps a lot I would say okay we've answered all of the math problems incorrectly look at me I'm so bad at math okay and remember we have to turn no clip off in order to trigger the uh the exits so that is precisely what I'm doing three more exits to go it's arts and Crafters I don't know what he's doing also there was an update since the last time we played baldi's Basics remastered I don't know exactly what was added I don't think it was anything too extensive however there is a free run mode which allows you to like you know explore the school without having to worry about Baldi destroying you with the power of rulers and math which is pretty cool but you can't unlock anything in that mode so it doesn't really do us any good oh that is just a lovely lovely sound more of that please thank you Baldi I appreciate it very soothing in fact it's so soothing I think I'll I'll sip some some coffee yep warm coffee and this noise go together like peanut butter and jelly all right that's another one wait what what why was I able to leave hello okay that was weird I guess I was inside the wall still my bad okay this is it this should give us win number one all right don't look at that like I made it to baldi's office and I got an achievement for it [Music] I always forget about that and this is file name two which a lot of people were saying in the comment section this is actually null n-u-l-l whatever that means I don't know is he the True Villain of baldi's basics who knows man I guess hopefully we'll find out by the end of this video so you know stick around destroy the game he wants me to destroy the game before it's too late it's kind of nice having the subtitles because I've never really truly understood what he was saying that would be ridiculous yeah that would be ridiculous [Music] I got really corrupted yeah that's fair you are kind of missing your arms and your feet and your face I there's just trust me trust him you gotta this isn't this seems that seems oh you're having a hard time kind of expressing your feelings here you know I don't intentionally vague intentionally that's that's you can't tell you uh some stuff is classified I can't say it classified I wish I could say more I can't talk normally it's corrupted yes your talking is corrupted clearly [Music] never come back never come back [Music] and it crashed the game I mean thanks I guess all right here's where things get significantly more tricky we gotta go into party style so what we need to do is collect all of the notebooks however we need to get an item wait a second can I just give myself the item we need the dangerous teleporter um well that makes things a lot easier because apparently this thing has very very low spawn rate and it's completely random but with the power of cheats we just gave ourselves it that's pretty sweet so now we need to go through and answer all the problems incorrectly I don't know if we actually have to answer all the problems incorrectly but I'm gonna answer all the problems incorrectly because I'm bad at math and it also seems like the the hardest thing to do which seems like a good challenge even though I can go through walls I can't believe we got the dangerous teleporter I wonder we should we should grab items along the way and just see if we we get fortunate let's see if we maybe bump into a dangerous teleporter by chance I guess you can also get the dangerous teleporter from vending machines oh my gosh no not like this not like this get me out of here oh my gosh that was terrifying okay let's let's see maybe maybe nope nope I'm gonna try another quarter I got another quarter oh [Music] we got it kind of legitimately even though we're still like Mega cheating I actually got it from the vending machine that's okay that's kind of remarkable first try let's go uh okay so at this point I need to get all of the exits which well duh and then we need to blow out the candle and after we blow out the candle we use the dangerous teleporter and then we walk to the principal's office okay turn off no clip get that exit get out of there oh [Applause] my gosh that was so close oh even when you're cheating Baldi is scary all right this is gonna be a little annoying you're right next to the door maybe I let him pass okay okay yeah yeah yeah and then we'll no clip get that exit no clip on get out of there do you think the principal can see me running through the walls no he can't we've learned new lore about the principle he can't see through walls alright Final Exit go to it yes okay okay and then and then we get to blow out the candle yeah yeah yeah yeah do it okay okay now we teleport where am I okay I know where I am and we go to the principal's office this is wild there is no way I would have figured this out on my own kind of scared what's gonna be at the principal's office a principal just waiting for me duh I mean oh again oh yeah [Music] I didn't I I didn't realize you were gonna be here aren't clever enough to yeah that's fair I did start the game again [Applause] you just called me an idiot losing it dude stop messing around how are you coughing aren't you a computer you're not supposed to get sick [Music] he's getting I kind of kind of aggressive all caps don't worry I haven't told anybody except for all the people who watch my videos [Applause] I guess I told a few people sorry what he killed the game again no I can't stand for this we must go back in all right the final is to go into demo style we have to answer all of the questions but then we have to like double back and go back to all of the rooms and answer additional questions I guess okay let's do it four minus three I got this boom give me my notebook all right I'm sure I'll take the quarter although who cares uh I guess the answer is eight it's not eight all right fair enough and I don't think it matters if we get the questions wrong or right I don't actually know though so I guess I'll just get them right we'll go with that and remember to actually pick up the notebooks after you answer the questions a lot of people were saying that I missed one in the last video it didn't really matter because we still needed to do all this other stuff but oops ah right yes it's a bladder hello bladder um I hope you're having a good day trapped in that very small room hi principal it's just me your everyday student answering math problems oh uh oh please don't make me upside down okay Baldi lost his ruler which means he's not gonna make noise which means we won't know where he is at any given time which for the record is not great but I think we'll be oops okay oh it's beans dude beans I missed you bud been a long time but uh there's more pressing issues what in the world is this okay I'm I'm it's another secret gosh okay we need to focus though we'll come back to that is that a basement does Baldy's school have a basement since when anyways there's there's one more notebook well one more main notebook and then I guess we gotta go back to all the previous rooms and and collect more notebooks hey bud he was just staring at me I didn't like the way he was looking at me all right all right let's go back let's go back we'll just go in reverse okay yep bonus question one minus zero is indeed still one wait what oh that's one of six okay I see I understand I understand absolute Insanity I just can't believe how much stuff is in this remaster it makes me really curious to see what the dev is gonna do with the final game because if he's adding this much stuff to just a like little remaster of the original game imagine how many secrets are gonna be in the final game it's just overwhelming honestly I'm loving all of these secrets it's so good that bladder you still seem to be doing great despite this situation oh good a Whirlpool oh great oh gosh I'm getting teleported where am I can I go back nope can't go back all right oh my gosh I'm getting teleported again oh this is just awful where am I wait I know where I am okay this is fine I just don't want to get sucked into the whirlpool again please please let me go and we're back we made it back okay we've got another one and the water is gone now which is nice here we go two minus two where's the zero where's the zero there it is we got four of six beautiful done two more two more zero plus eight there it is eight get it last one last one is the the room that we started in isn't it right here yep that's the one okay drop that seven in there oh what what what is this what do I do with this okay now we have to find the room that has the scissors poster on it I don't know where that room is but we will find it eventually is it this one hey kids safety scissors are great for cutting paper jump ropes robots homework could be but I don't I don't think that's it I don't think that's it but I hate this room not scissors poster is it this one okay you know what dull baby okay so that's what led us to this ladder which technically we weren't supposed to see until this point but we saw it because you know we can go through walls we'll just ignore that for now can I go in here baldi's basement okay oh boy all right um this is creepy it's very quiet I don't like how quiet it is should I don't want to go that way it's too dark it's too scary I'm not no clipping right now because I'm scared that it would like break the game what burn the hair he's so mad at hair in fact all hair should be burned hair is unnatural who needs hair anyways I don't baldi's got some uh some issues okay what what is this there's just an x on the ceiling all right we'll just ignore that for now I love this picture though he's one punch man oh got a door whoa what math for preschool students math for grade one students for third grade fifth grade seventh grade ninth I how high does this go 11th I hear water for grade college and Beyond I love that um why is there why is there water okay I mean all the grades up to college and Beyond Valdez Library I guess for kindergarten students That's my kind of math right there all right weird very weird okay this is where we started so I've gone in a big circle so do you think this opens there's definitely something back there Rushing Water which definitely scares me um what okay there's a river running through the bottom of of baldi's school of course there is of course there is this is it oh oh um I guess turn on the power and press the button door motor running oh we just I think we just unlocked okay but that what does that do for me it gives a big old thud but now what now I've just opened a shortcut something else must have opened or changed wait I think oh what the heck am I looking at what is this can the parent sound like me select is key where is 99 this is the this is the crazy guy board this is the the GIF the guy with the the crazy guy with all the string and the what the heck is going on in here is is file name two doing this what is this [Music] oh [Music] um I pressed the button realize [Music] yeah tell me about it [Music] yes this room is pretty weird it's weird this weird conspiracy yeah [Music] the end of that guys he is not not literally no it's just no name actually makes no sense that's not the point getting off track here okay he is not okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know what I just don't no no no no I want to go in the don't don't do it [Applause] maybe I can wait no no no no no no no don't I want to know what this thing is is there do you think okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait don't don't I want to see what's in here there's nothing he's gonna he's gonna close the game he's gonna crash the game don't do it don't do it he did it he crashed it so now that we've done all of those steps we should be able to go into null which is right here and we should be able to progress further than we did before this is terrifying this is absolutely terrifying okay but we can collect the notebooks now is is null chasing me now it I I'm smarter than Baldi by the way okay that's that's not saying much honestly sorry Baldi dude what okay yep whoa he crashed the game this is so crazy null is very scary um but I still have the power to go through walls now I am a little worried that like he's gonna know like he's gonna he's gonna have something to like prevent me from from using these these hacks I don't know at this point I feel like null can do anything he can he can stop me from doing anything and he has the power to to prevent me from from cheating and that's very scary also is the the layout different I don't think the layout's that different is it we're doing this the hard way huh yeah yeah we are doing this the hard way bring it on null what is this it's a whistle oh yeah the principal whistle there you go everybody's got detention except for me just a dot dot dot huh all right fair enough I don't know where he is by the oh my gosh he's he's so fast dude what I think the only reason we survived is because we have no clip-on I think he literally just just caught us but he can't this won't be fun I don't know I'm gonna have a great time I'm having a great time figuring out what the heck you're all about but it seems like you might be the actual villain of baldi's Basics like maybe Baldi is trapped here because of him I'll make you quit by force okay okay have I do I need to go collect or go to the exits what the heck where am I it's very scary what look at him okay okay I think I need to get to the exits right I turned off no clip for like half a second and he caught me this is too much man how do people do this without hacks that's what I want to know they must be just on a different level I'm gonna make myself like super fast maybe I don't know if this will help oh that's too fast or is it maybe maybe it's just fast enough I don't know nah it feels too fast let's go to Five yes this is good this is very good stop just in all caps and I can still Sprint so I can still go like really fast okay I don't know if it's fast enough though I mean this guy's zipping through the hallways at the speed of light it's kind of crazy but there we go we got all the notebooks let's go okay you just you gotta go so fast okay all right that's one just keep an eye out that's two here we go three no clip false tab tab I'm doing it so methodically okay this should be it no no no [Music] how close [Music] [Music] he's so mad what I what what is happening [Music] he's kind of said nothing [Music] [Music] with this guy [Music] foreign [Music] it's like he doesn't want me to know what he's saying anymore [Music] [Music] just waiting for [Music] me to close the door it's loading but what if I okay but what he's he's just gonna force me to to close the game is that really what he's doing or do you think maybe maybe we can go out this way maybe we what is this a chair what why are things are just floating now what in the world can I launch these at at him maybe [Music] [Music] oh oh my oh my okay okay he's like warping time and space what do I do it maybe I can I can throw something at him again you think I can you think I can Chuck this at him where'd he go where'd he go there he is get him oh blast him okay okay this is this is very scary but I I think we can make this work because we are so fast get him I'm so scared ah dude get away from me oh my gosh okay okay this is fine I think we're actually okay because I can throw items at him without having to get out of no clip blast him just keep blasting him with with deadly bananas oh gosh the music is going so fast it's so much faster than it used to be where is he where is he sounds like Mega Man music I love this why is this music so good we blast him again I could not even imagine doing this legitimately like this is so crazy where is he I don't even know where he is I oh there he is there oh my gosh even at like Mega speed he can catch up to me keep hitting him I don't know how many times we need to hit him but just keep blasting I need a chair thank you there he is I don't know how many times we've hit him at this point probably like six seven maybe I thought maybe seven based on how many notebooks we normally have to collect but that is not it oh gosh what was that wall there's no more items really there a banana get him still gotta hit him again oh my gosh a chair [Music] you are my only friend right now Mr chair where is he there he is there he is okay the music is just is just a solid noise now I can also hear like the the Baldi music though I just need probably one more item if I had to guess there a banana I got a banana now I just need null where are you get him oh I'm gonna turn off no clip okay okay what what is this it is this um congrats a message from the developer Micah McGonagall no this isn't some Meadow whoa the game developer was part of the lore the whole time moment just me destroying all sense of immersion to congratulate you on beating my stupidest challenge yet and to reveal a bit of what the future holds for baldi's Basics many of you have been wondering does baldi's Basics have lore to that I answer there is a story I'd like to tell all these bases is going to be part of that story emphasis on going to be I want to be very clear I haven't started telling this story yet but some of this has to be part of the story I hope this doesn't spoil the fun at all but you've worked so hard to get here I want to save everyone the trouble and clarify that no baldi's bases game released before baldi's Basics plus version 1.0 should be considered a part of a said story but I mean this is so good that you've got to include null the original games are just too unruly for me to adapt to it when finished baldi's Basics plus is going to be a part of something I put a lot of thought into I hope you'll look forward to it until then I hope you'll enjoy playing the baldi's basics plus Early Access and of course baldi's bases classic remastered thank you so much for playing thank you so much for making this insane game I really really do hope that there's more to this now please talk [Music] [Applause] are you okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay maybe I should know because you honestly think is a game [Music] the game this was never a game now I understand all these Basics isn't a game life [Applause] what
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 3,508,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindly keyin, keyin, baldis basics in education and learning, horror game, educational horror game, baldis basics lets play, baldis basics gameplay, baldis basics game, hello neighbor, baldis basics mod, baldis basics update, baldis basics ending, baldi new character, baldis basics beans, new character, baldi new teacher, baldis basics plus, baldis basics math, baldis math, principal
Id: 9FC_4sY9jRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 46sec (2086 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 01 2022
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