I Recreated EVERY BIOME in Minecraft 1.18 Hardcore (#34)

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today we're back in my 1.18 hardcore world I see you yeah that's what you get but ladies and gentlemen I have an amazing insane build idea today I want to make a giant Minecraft Museum and the purpose of this museum is to Showcase every single biome in Minecraft so my mission is to go around the world collecting blocks so I can recreate all these biomes in the museum and I meant business I popped on my nerdy glasses hopped in a separate creative mode world and began designing the perfect Museum okay we have an amazing design but now we have to go get a lot of materials this build is literally gonna cost us thousands of blocks so we gotta go on a big old Mining Adventure wait but first I probably should heal up my tools they don't look too good so that means quick pit stop at the Enderman Farm oh hello there funny seeing you here and as I fly there please subscribe and hit the bell and there she is the farm we all know and love now give me some XP and that being said it's time to go mining we'll be here for a while oh look but anyways the main reason to get at least two Cobblestone so the mission is simple mine mine a lot oh hello diamonds well that's funny I'm gonna use all this Cobblestone to make the walls and the floor for the museum I also grabbed Granite for the roof and a few more kinds of stone just for extra details ah bugs and that is what I am talking about look at all these stones and the best part is I still gotta get a ton more materials like wood and glass and things like that I'm using wood to make tons of external details on the building and I'm using glass to actually make enclosures inside of the museum and we're using so many materials I had to get two new shulker boxes and all right we are back one full day later and I have all the materials I need so that being said let's get to building now where am I gonna put this thing because again it's gonna be a very big build so I need a lot of space and not over here probably not here either could I just say if I built this underground it would have been 10 times easier but I want to go the extra mile for you guys you're welcome ah you know what over there on that Hill looks pretty promising it's pretty flat up there it's all alone shall we go investigate who owns this land Mr B you own the land well friends I'm gonna build a museum here and you can either leave or get crushed by construction I suggest option A so I began construction by terraforming the land a little bit lower to make it easier to build upon oh hello there get to be yes yes be Warfare I love it are you the guys from town hall guys I have my permits it's fine I have my permits go away I hate laws that's the police I'm sorry I love lost I love lost the best dumb jokes aside I brought a beacon over so I can terraform a lot faster I highly underestimate how much work this was gonna be but on the bright side I found an emerald how cool is that not cool at all and done all right so Mr Cow get out the way without any further Ado it's time to begin building though I probably should change pickaxes though right that's probably a smart idea let's do this thing so I began by using my Cobblestone to make a nice little foundational base for the building above that I used more stones and tons of wood to make beautiful detailed walls that led up to an amazing roof made out of granite and what do we think about this bad boy guys I love this I love how it looks it looks so Grand and amazing I couldn't imagine it being any better so we walk up here to the small platform not really needed at all but it looks fancy so I did it then we walk up here to go in to the museum which is right now totally empty but the idea is to have like an exhibit in all of these little wooden boxes so one here one here one here and then all these other ones I forgot about the glass I gotta put glass over all these rooms too and that right there is much better getting back on track we have an upstairs we have the middle ground that you already saw and we have a downstairs so in total that equals 18 total exhibits so that means we gotta go pick out the 18 most iconic biomes in Minecraft and put them in those cells side note look how comfy that skeleton looks in that shell oh I'm so jealous of you carrying on it is now time to begin filling up the museum with biomes I decided to start off with the three most iconic biomes in the game the planes biome the desert biome and the forest biome while the planes biome should be very easy because we're in a plane's biome right now so I just needed some grass a little bit of the other grass and maybe a few flowers and let's see what my small brand can come up with here pop inside of here we coat the ground in Grass we make some height variations so it's not all boring and flat and we sprinkle in the details now I'll be honest here this is like the easiest biome I could possibly pick so if this looks bad we're in trouble and I'd say that looks wonderful next up we're off to find a desert so the desert contains cacti these dead bushes oh would you knock it off and of course a bunch of sand ooh and Sandstone I'll take a little bit but then I realized I made a big mistake wait oh my goodness I forgot last episode I got a pet ravenger and I totally didn't finish the raid no not the children let me just take care of this really fast okay and what we get oh some totems Don't Mind If I Do back to work we go so I got my resources flew back to the museum and began making the best desert biome of all time and glorious oh I love this one this one's so cute and next up it was time to visit the forest now the forest is an interesting one because it's the same thing as a plane's biome but there's just some trees here so that being said I might have an idea to make this a little bit Cooler why just build a forest when I could build a flower Forest how sick would this be tons of flowers I think I'll be sick it's been decided ooh pumpkins yes that'd be a great touch oh yeah oh no I didn't even get it don't kill me it's hardcore I'm not playing this game right now I'll find another one Aha and you're empty all right that's good stupid bees so once again I flew back to the museum and began building the biome oh my gosh there's actually bees in here I did not know that oh don't all Escape I will literally murder you guys I will call pest control and the tree in the corner looks kind of weird to me I guess the this is better it's tough because you know the enclosure is so small I can't build like giant things but I mean that's all right also what did I just say you could have had it all but you chose Freedom instead what a shame all right first three down 15 more to go what should I do next I don't even know but I know someone who does know oh Broderick Mr scientist smart man I need your help I need you to help me think of some biomes to put in my new Museum okay okay sure all right those are some good ideas Broadway good job and by the way how's your book coming along any new chapters for me oh is rain too common yes yes Broderick it is you are so smart dude I totally agree with that I hate the rain carrying on it is now time to get back to the journey and here we are in the jungle biome now funny enough jungles are my favorite biome in the game so I really want to make a good jungle biome for the museum so let's get some jungle leaves some Vines some wood oh and some of these things these ferns these are kind of rare for me oh cocoa beans oh and bamboo there's so much stuff in jungles man ah but there is one issue the grass here is really bright and it won't be this bright back in the museum so that means we're gonna make a substitute Everybody follow me oh how do we feel about moss this looks kind of jungly I think that would fit in nicely ice maybe give it a try all right please be good please look nice and spoiler alert it looked amazing I'm not gonna lie I really like this like obviously it's not really jungle grass but it looks even more jungly and I got the rest of the stuff here and I think this is the best one yet to be honest with you I love it now at the risk of this video getting a little bit repetitive I'm gonna skip ahead a bit I collected samples from all the other foresty biomes like Savannah's swamps and dark oak forests look how small this biome is it's literally this big that is so weird I then popped back in the museum and got back to work building the biomes oh my gosh the spruce Tiger Biome looks amazing we got the podzel the mossy Cobble the spruce tree that actually looks good somehow amazing it wasn't all good though as the dark oak biome was killing me why is it so hard to fit this one I just want two mushrooms and a tree is that too much to ask for all right I'm satisfied with that one no wait Broderick he was right he knew it all along won't stop raining okay here comes a very interesting one The Acacia biome I have the wood I have the leaves but the grass and The Acacia biome is very weird it's like yellowish so I gotta find a replacement for that and I don't know what to actually do let's investigate so I hopped in a separate creative mode world and began experimenting with some weird blocks but then I found a really good idea okay call me insane but what about a path Block it's either this or wet sponges and I don't really like the sponge idea so let's go with the path block I'm nervous about this let's do it ah I don't know but it's not terrible so that's a good sign right I guess we'll roll with it and see how it looks at the end little tree in here if I can pull this off I'll be the best Minecrafter of all time and things were going so well until I forgot something oh dang it it looks so good but I can't put down grass now right it won't yeah dang it I'll have to improvise once again so I created a savannah-only world popped on my glasses and began studying the landscape for Secrets ah ah it's not perfect but this is not terrible and you know what I think that's good enough Savannah done and I'll put one of you here just cause and right there too awesome and of course as soon as I make a little bit of progress I got sidetracked hold on it's a thunderstorm and you know what that means I can get mob heads if I use my Trident where are the creepers at mobs come here we have a party a gathering all right do it explode do it do it well that wasn't safe what'd we get we got a zombie head any more heads just one zombie head really no one time I want the rain and it stops you can't make this up ooh spider jockey I'm still upset okay I just finished up with the swamp biome which looks pretty decent I had to use Moss for the grass color but anyways I am ready to start doing some more exotic and you know creative biomes so my idea is to make some interdimensional biomes like nether biomes or an end biome I think that would add so much variety to our Museum and make it more colorful and just more unique so I love that let me just grab some food from the old Chief over here I'll take some of these thank you very much and off we go to the Nether and hello my beautiful nether base I've missed you I always miss you I love this base so much but anyways I've calculated that I want to get two nether biomes for the museum so I think a warped Forest would be awesome so I'll take some of this stuff oh there's so much stuff so many thanks now for the other biome I was very conflicted if I wanted to do like another waist or you know like a Soul Sand Valley oh go away no no no no no what I thought you're scared of me I'm bigger than you better than you what I was saying is I think I'm gonna go with the other Forest the Crimson Forest so I got some Crimson stuff and I was ready to head home oh wait a second I can't leave yet last episode I said if the video got 3 500 likes I would go fight a piglet brute with no armor and you guys were so close but I'm a nice guy so I'm gonna count it alright let's get this thing over with I'm a little bit scared off to find out Bastion oh would you stop at oh well that's convenient Sebastian all right here comes nothing let me just take off my armor and now we search for a bad boy now as far as I know these guys can one hit you I think right it's either one hit or two hit but either way it's very dangerous oh not dangerous lava well that's not good I lost my totem that's not good at all oh dear now I'm scared I'll put my electron so I can fly a little bit that might help okay I don't see any brutes here so I'm just gonna go find another Bastion on second thought I'm out of firework so I gotta get back home and get some more BRB oh dear oh dear all right I got it so I grabbed some gear and headed back out to find that Bastion we found one in a really weird spot it's literally in the middle of a waste biome but all right is that one oh no it tricked me that's one though all right my armor is all off let's go oh you're you're dying oh there's two is this cheating whatever I don't care you're dead you're dead you're dead all right I did it oh no all right bye armor back on see ya but that being said if this video gets 3 500 likes I will tame a pet Pillager and yes that's possible now at this point I was ready to get back to work and finish up this Museum so I built the Nether exhibits the end exhibit and even a couple more exhibits for Overworld biomes oh hey there buddy how you doing what's what's up what do you got for me yeah nothing too good oh no he despawned dang it now for our next biome we needed to travel quite a bit away alright it's adventure time I'm doing a snowy icy biome but there's no ice here so I gotta go find some off we go on a big Journey so I flew for over 4 000 blocks until I finally found something just what the doctor ordered it only took me like 4 000 blocks of flying but it's worth it guys a polar bear hello there my furry friend how you doing oh look how cute he is I didn't know you attacked me don't do it don't do it oh look at this little I'm just here for some ice I'm just here for some ice I definitely gotta write this place down so when I went building the snow biome until not again there's always gotta be a distraction but you know what this is a good one I can get more mob heads hey little buddy do it float up quick do it no no no yes we got one awesome that's what I wanted let's go and while I'm here here's an update with the biome so I made a little Mesa biome which I think is adorable with a little Minecart I love this I made a warped Forest a Crimson Forest and an end biome which is very Bland but whatever I can't do much with the end I have the pillar though which is pretty awesome and coming up here to the very top floor we have two snowy biomes a snow tiger and over here ice spikes now I'm not gonna lie the glass touching the ice here is a little bit triggering but I can't do much about it ice spikes are big so I gotta roll with it but anyways we now have one two three four more left and oh boy we gotta get creative for these last four now for two of them I made underground cave biomes but for the third one I want to do a mushroom Island now the issue is I have not found a mycelium Island yet and I'm not gonna go exploring for one because they're super duper rare so I'm gonna make a substitute I tried using purple concrete and let's see oh that looks very very bright purple that might not work oh maybe that what is that that terracotta light gray terracotta that looks very mycelium-y oh yeah I love it already are you telling me I can plant mushrooms on this too this is the perfect block for this oh my gosh it looks amazing I love this and ladies gentlemen we've saved the best for the last for my last biome we're gonna make an ocean biome but without the water like I could do water but when you put water between glass it always looks really weird so I'm gonna try and do this without any water and it could look sick it could look awful I don't know let's figure it out and I'll just say this was by far my favorite biome because I really was creative with it thoughts I think it looks really good I used Coral I use some like nature blocks to make it look kind of like seagrass and kelp I even made an ocean ruin and a shipwreck I think it looks fine but anyways guys that's it that's the whole museum we're all done she looks glorious and now it's time to do the official Farsi biome Museum tour starting over here we have the planes biome the desert biome and the flower forest biome this way we have the dark oak biome we have the spruce Tiger Biome and we have the jungle biome going downstairs we have the nether warped Forest the nether Crimson Forest and the end Dimension the Savannah Biome the swamp biome and the Mesa biome and last but not least up on the top floor we have the Lush cave biome the drip Stone biome and the underwater deep ocean the Mushroom Island the ice spikes biome and finally the snowy Plains oh you know what I should do I should put lecterns here so I have like the names of the biomes in front of the exhibits and boom there we go Mission successful but guys I'm gonna end it here so make sure to like subscribe do all the good stuff and I'll talk to you guys next time so until then goodbye
Channel: Farzy
Views: 6,164,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Farzy, survival, farzy minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft java, minecraft 1.18, 1.18, minecraft lets play, minecraft hardcore, survival lets play, hardcore lets play, minecraft 1.18 lets play, minecraft 1.18 survival, minecraft 1.18 hardcore, minecraft 1.18 survival lets play, minecraft 1.18 hardcore lets play, minecraft 1.18 museum, minecraft 1.18 biomes, minecraft 1.18 epic builds, minecraft 1.18 i built, i built in minecraft, i made in minecraft
Id: 9kP3xrmko8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 08 2022
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