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[Music] brought to you by the every dooll app start budgeting for free today hey I really need your help um I need your help with my financial discipline I need to I moved my back home this year and my parents told me that I have this year to fix my finances I make 105,000 a year and I'm totally in debt 121,000 in debt um they're allowing me to pay a rent of 400 bucks a month for the rest of the year for me to get back on my feet what's the debt man uh what is the debt of yeah it's uh $8,000 in credit card $37,000 in an auto loan $57,000 on student loans and $199,000 in a line of credit what' you buy with the line of credit and the credit cards uh so the the line of credit was to consolidate my debt from the from my divorce because I got assigned the debt because I made substantially more than her and then the credit card that is just that that I've been carrying for the last probably 10 years when was the divorce final uh five years ago okay and so you've not done anything about cleaning up the mess from five years ago yet I I have not I have not and that's why I my discipline has just been absurd when did you buy the $37,000 car so that was actually even worse what happened was I actually bought a $72,000 car and within the month I realized that I wasn't going to be able to afford it so I took it back to the dealership because my monthly payment was going to be 1,400 bucks a month and I was able to get into another Mercedes that was uh I could roll that negative equity to which was 56,000 and so far I only owed 36,000 but my monthly payment on the car is 800 bucks a month MH so that you owe 37,000 now and the car is worth what today it's probably worth like 20 where'd you get that number um just kind of what I've been looking to see if I could resell it and get out of it okay yeah okay uh and and your question is how to have Financial discipline yeah how can I get my bus in a road to be able to pay this off this year while I have the advantage to just live at home I have a girlfriend that I'm pretty serious with that I want to start a life with next year and she has an eight-year-old kid so I want to be financially prepared right now I don't know if my debate is should I just save this year to get like $30,000 in savings and then start tackling my debt next year or I think I think it's time you start tackling this debt I mean that's why your parents let you move home with sole purpose with a sole purpose of you getting your crap together and getting this mess cleaned up and they told me this is the last year that they would do that yeah yeah so I mean you got you know and so what you need to do is work all the time like more than you work now like you make 105,000 40 hours a week right yeah I'm salaried I can't get over time I didn't ask you to do that I want you to get another job go throw boxes this isn't you're not serious about this yet you don't need a hack bro you just need to do it what is what has kept you from doing this I get dude I get a year after a divorce man those are messy times you make dumbs decisions you buy a car you get an apartment you can't I get that this 5 years you're 35 years old you're about to enter into another till death do us part relationship this time with a kid like what what what hack are you looking for man I just I don't know if because I I have only $2,000 in savings so I don't here's here's what I want you to do all right um you you have to decide that getting this debt paid off is now a matter of life and death because this crap this misbehavior on your part has stolen your life literally yeah and it's stolen your peace and I want my life back and I want my peace back and I'm willing to do anything to save my life like the doctor just walked in and said you know you're 100 100 lb overweight you're about to die of a freaking heart attack you got this this and this and if you don't drop the weight buddy you're dead in a year you know what you would do you would drop the weight buddy nobody have to talk to you about how to be disciplined you'd be scared out of your freaking skull and you drop the weight right yeah so get scared out of your freaking skull and qu you know you're hovering around this emotionally as if it's something that is just out there detached from you like discipline is to fly in and light on your shoulder like a bird it's not you're going to have to just look up and go I am sick and tired of being sick and tired I've had it I'm not living like this anymore you got to get that thing that roar coming up from inside of you and then you don't care what your friends think and you will work six jobs throwing boxes at night while you make 105 during the day and you'll sell this stupid butt Mercedes Mercedes should be driven by rich people not broke people and so what were you even doing on the lot that don't even make sense so you got to start talking to yourself like that okay and go no more I'm not doing this crap anymore I'm 35 years old this sucks and I'm not going to do it anymore that's where discipline comes from is a healthy level of disgust when the pain of the situation you're in exceeds the pain of change your butt will change and until then it won't but this pain is an em is emotionally manifested meaning you just decide I'm sick of this and until you are you just going to wander around in circles chasing your tail like you've been doing for the last 5 years and that's any of us man we all do that and I've told the story a thousand times now it feels like during the fouchy pandemic I ate every doughnut in a 50 mile radius I looked down and they were hanging on the front of me and I went this is ridiculous a fat man is on the radio talking about discipline I've got to drop the donuts and you know what hadn't had a donut now since the fouchy pandemic and I walk or run every morning this morning I did two miles yesterday I did five miles before I came to work as the sun was coming up because I decided I wanted to do that more than I wanted to be fat and so I decided to lose it and it's a decision I I got disgusted with myself yeah and I I can't communicate this strongly enough there's not a a there's not a a fstep program to discipline there's not a super hack there's not an app you have to decide and I'm not not not next Friday I'm going to start start right now that's when it starts that's when it starts and hey hang on the line I'm going to send you Financial Peace University I want to send you the videos and you got to commit to watching them and I want it to seep seep in you're in your parents house you're 35 this is your ticket out here to be disgusted you got to do it you got to do it a lot to be discusted about so get discusted now urgent create your free every dooll budget today the simplest way to budget for your life
Channel: The Ramsey Show Highlights
Views: 61,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the dave ramsey show, budget money debt cash, real estate, insurance, how to make money, dave ramsey, save, credit card, compound interest, buying house, buy, snowball
Id: rSO1Tm3KoEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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