Reading the ACOTAR series in one week…

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[Music] hi reader pops you're about to watch me read the acotar series for the first time a court of thorns and roses is the name of the first book and if you're not aware it is just an extremely popular fantasy romance series and the first book is kind of a beauty and the beast retelling i did not mean to read these books in a week i didn't go into this with the concept of this video i literally was filming a different reading vlog bought the first book on a whim and then read them in a week so here's the reading vlog for that [Music] okay i started the court of thorns and roses which is acotar and it's so funny because since i always thought i would never read the series i've already watched every spoiler vlog even a three hour video explaining the entire plot so that's a bit funny but i know something that happens at the end but i honestly don't really remember anything in between because when you haven't read it for yourself you don't really remember the characters names or like what happens to who so i feel like i don't really know that much i just know one thing at the end yeah i'm on chapter four now [Music] good morning put on my red sweatpants today they actually don't match at all now that i'm looking at it it's another cloudy day i just finished editing my august reading wrap-up where i read 20 books it was chaos and that is uploading so now i feel like i can actually relax and read my book i'm 154 pages into a court of thorns and roses i'm trying so hard not to crack the spines because i love the covers of these and they're my favorite material like that soft smooth matte feeling i'm just obsessed with it and it's very easy to crack if you want to but i'm trying for the first time in my life to not crack the spine although i don't know how that's not gonna happen with the second and third book because they're massive so how would i read it it's good so far it's nothing crazy i don't necessarily understand the hype yet but i'm only 154 pages in and i'm enjoying it so not many thoughts yet i'm gonna keep reading [Music] it's now thursday morning i finished at guitar last night on august 31st within 30 minutes of september 1st but we're gonna say that i read this in september because i already uploaded my august wrap-up i feel like i did my best job at making it look unread which usually i like the tattered look on books sometimes but something about these covers i'm just so excited to have them on my shelf and i kind of want them to look good but it's kind of hard to like i cracked it i didn't full-on crack it but i bent it a little bit on accident twice but you can't really tell anyways that's besides the point i rated it four stars i'm so sad that i watched an entire plot explanation video and so many spoiler vlogs in this book because i thought i wouldn't remember but then as i was reading it it jogged my memory and i was like oh i know what's gonna happen here and here and here and here and it happened so many times and i feel like i would have genuinely been shocked like twice in the book there's this riddle that everyone thinks is like way too easy to answer and i already knew what the answer to it was from watching spoiler vlogs like i said but i was reading it and i was kind of curious of like if i would have guessed it because i'm not that good at riddles i don't think but everyone's like that riddle was so cheesy and easy to answer like are you kidding me i would like to say that i would have known the answer but i can't really say that because i knew it before going in yeah i feel like it was a good story i liked the characters a lot i know that this book it's so famous and popular that you have like a huge fandom and so many people who love it but then there's an equal and opposite force who hates it and makes fun of it also i'm trying to be more specific about spice ratings because i think a lot of younger people watch me and they say that they want to know before going in and this series i think is spicy but this one wasn't there was like one and a half scenes but honestly if you've ever read a colleen hoover book i feel like it was less than a colleen hoover book which is shocking because the series is seen as like super spicy but i think that's because as the books go on it gets way more and like the most in the last book so i'll keep you updated on that but this one was like i feel like less than a normal romance book and i think it's because it started off as y a and then it became an adult series so i'm very excited to go buy the second book because the second one is the one that everyone is obsessed with and when i read the cool prince trilogy the second one was the one that i loved so i understand that feeling of loving the second book more in a fantasy series i also did watch a plot explanation on that video on that book so i'm hoping that i just don't really remember anything other than the beginning of it so let's go to the bookstore and buy hakka moff a court of mist and fury okay switch to the little camera i'm gonna look for akamoth akamop but also babble by rf quang it's new release she also wrote the poppy war which i own but have not read because every time i say that i'm about to read it all the comments warn me about the trigger warnings and how dark it is and how graphic it is and i just get scared off so yeah those that's those are my two goals and also i saw a tick tock of a girl saying that when you have a creative idea there's a time window in which you need to actually act upon the creative idea or else it leaves you and it's just not it's not gonna work and i was thinking about how that applies to books so well and sometimes i'll tell myself i should read something for whatever reason like i need to finish this series or i just bought this book so i need to read it something like kind of arbitrary like i'm making up these rules for myself instead of just reading the book that i want to read next and i feel like you won't be in a reading slump if you just follow what your mind wants to read at the moment instead of being like oh i was gonna read these so i need to do it and then forcing yourself to because then you'll just enjoy books more maybe no one else needs to hear this except for me because i'm just putting weird rules on a fun hobby but like in my brain i really want to read the second book to the avatar series right now but i'm telling myself that i should read the final gambit because i just got it in the mail and then i would finish the inheritance game series instead of just reading that when i feel like i'm in the mood to read that so yeah that's what i'm gonna try to do this month [Music] i'm back home with my little friend he's so cute look at him i ended up getting port of mist and fury i literally stand there and check every single book and these covers i am obsessed with them because like i've said a million times like the soft matte covers are my favorite thing ever but they bruise like a soft apple so there's just always like there's so many imperfect like tiny imperfections so i'll just go through all the books and stare at all of them and try to choose the least imperfected one but then i dropped it in my car so it's like it doesn't really matter and then the lady who checked me out was i don't know how old she was she looked like she was in like probably the sixth decade of her life and she told me that she loves the series and it's really good so i think it's so funny how broad this series is and then i didn't see babble i literally didn't see any rf quang books except for the final book in the poppy war trilogy which is really weird i was like this probably means it's on a table somewhere but i couldn't find it and i didn't ask but um i did buy shadow and bone because earlier this week i had the urge to pick this up and read it but i didn't have it and like i was saying with the creative ideas things like you need to act on them when you feel the inspiration to i think jack edwards said this in a video one time but hauling a bunch of books is kind of for that purpose because once you're in the mood to read them like you have to act upon it which is an excuse to buy books so i got shadow and bone also i love reading series and then reading the full book and not buying the rest so that i have to drive to the bookstore to get the next one because it feels like i'm giving myself the anticipation so i'm specifically buying these one at a time which is so funny i think i'm just to go ahead and start this book and just get like 50 pages in or something so that we can see it's like 600 pages so we're gonna get over our big book fear by reading this book it's 624 pages so for some reason i just feel like i'm gonna fly through this so i'm not scared of it but other books with different writing i'm very nervous about so i'm obsessed with holding it like this it's just so satisfying to hold these bricks [Music] so [Music] [Music] hey guys i just got out of the shower and my hair is just it's just gonna do that yes i got home from the three hour road trip yesterday we went there for a day came back and i unexpectedly had hours upon hours to read and so i thought i was just gonna take a quick little trip not really read anything at all and then come back and be able to vlog my experience and it turns out i got to page 557 and there's only 624 pages so i really don't have that much left here's how the tabbing is going last night i was freaking out because of a i feel like anything i say is a spoiler but you're watching a reading vlog so it's kind of like here's some tiny details but i'm not gonna be specific chapter 54 we have a conversation and my heart was swooning and hurting i love in romance books this is like fantasy romance that yearning feeling where it actually feels like your heart hurts a little bit and i was feeling that and i was like oh my gosh this is so cute but then also the action and the politics is so fun as well it feels very well-rounded so far and i'm not done with the book so i can't say but there was a spice scene like 20 pages into the book but then there wasn't another mention of it until page like 450. so it feels like the normal amount in a romance book but it's a 624-page romance book so if they like added another scene you know what i mean it's not like in every chapter kind of like how i pictured it being from the way that it's marketed but that's possibly true for the later books like i keep saying still don't know anything except for what i've read so far but yeah i am loving the characters in this book the setting the friends found family aspect the drama and the romance so i'm gonna go ahead and finish this right now and i'm so excited to do so [Music] what the crap just happened yeah so i need the third book immediately five stars why not why not what the heck i'm gonna go watch every plot explanation spoiler vlog and tick tock edit ever made now that i've read the book and can finally watch it without spoilers that ending was so good i have never finished a book gotten in my car faster driven to barnes noble walked straight to the section i knew it was in and purchased a book so fast in my life that was an experience that is the experience i purposely didn't buy all the books in advance for because it's so fun for some reason got home safe with me 700 pages this time let's go i'm back in the same spot i have my reading friend here a new coffee and the most beautiful pink book i've ever seen i'm just gonna get right into reading sunday and i only had like 67 pages left of this book so i really haven't read that much today which is why i'm so excited to just keep reading look at how beautiful these are i love these so much text is yellow on this one and not on this one which is weird but let's get to it oh oh this one doesn't need the spine to be cracked oh my gosh it's so floppy what the heck that's so nice why are the other ones not like that that's crazy oh my gosh this is so nice so floppy okay amazing i'm gonna shut up about the floppiness of a book [Music] [Music] it's the next day and let's take a look at how far i got an akka war that's the what do you call it echo or acronym acronym i'm on page 245 right now so i'm making good progress this book this is a tiny mining spoiler i knew this before going into it it's just like what this book is about kind of this book is about the war that takes place so some people find this one to be the more boring book but so far i love it and i think the politics of everything is so interesting and then training i'm very entertained and i have not been bored at all which is why i got through so many pages in today so i'm gonna keep reading even more [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay i think it's my third or fourth day reading a court of wings and ruin and i forced myself to stop reading because i'm on page 660 so i have 40 pages left we're in the war obviously this book is about the war so many things have happened so many twists and turns it has been very fast-paced since the war has begun this book is so much floppier than a court of mist and fury court missing fury i was trying so hard not to crack the spine by reading it like this and this one is made completely different amazing that they changed the book technology throughout the books but also today is the first day that i think the paperback of a court of silver flames came out it's the orange version so they all match now instead of having the rey hardback that was out for the first year so i placed an order at the only barnes noble location that had it and i got the next book a court of frost and starlight which is just a novella so it's less than 300 pages and then the paperback of a court of silver flames which is 757 pages i think but now i have the entire matching book set and it's just it's one of my favorite things ever i just love how each book is one color and i cannot wait to see what the other books colors are gonna be when they come out i'm hoping for like a navy blue and a yellow i think that'd be so pretty i'm gonna go finish the last 40 pages of acawar [Music] oh 700 pages done i liked this way more than i thought i would because everyone said it was super plot heavy all about war and in my brain i cannot read books about war because i feel like i'm not smart enough for them i don't understand what's going on but i understood the politics and i really really really enjoyed it i loved all the scheming that took place and all the trickery and all the plot twists yeah this one was more plot heavy but i really really liked it here are my tabs i used blue ones yeah i think this was like i don't know if she wrote it thinking it would be a trilogy and then added a bunch of other books if that's the case then i have now completed the original trilogy and next i have the novella [Music] i can't even see if it's focused it's so dark it's um it's night time and it's also storming which is so fun for reading but um i'm post war and i can finally read or know i can finally watch carrie can reads plot summary video on this book because i was so tempted to watch it before reading the book just like i did for the first two and this one is three hours and 30 minutes so if you haven't watched her plot explanations on books they're so fun i think i might just start a court of frost and starlight tonight i thought i would be sick of being in this world and the characters and need a break but i just can't picture reading another book and i went did something for two hours and came back and i was like actually i want to be back in the world all of a sudden probably because i went on book talk and saw people unboxing the new paperback of this so also the title of this video is probably like reading all of acotar in a week and i calculated it i did read the original trilogy i was just watching an interview she did say that this was like originally just gonna be these three books i read these three books exactly from september 1st to september 7th my hair is terrifying at night also my skincare good morning i started portafrost and starlight yesterday i think and i'm on page 150 there's only like 100 pages left i think but i have read so many pages in this world that i will be asleep and in my dreams i'm like saying things that the book would say like i think in my dream i was saying something about an illyrian soldier and dreaming that i was like from reesan's point of view giving azrael an order because it's probably what i just read in this book but yeah it's infiltrating my my sleep because i've read so many words from this series this week this book so far is kind of boring me a little bit i'm not gonna lie it's not one cohesive storyline really and you're also jumping from different characters point of views for kind of the first time but in the new people's point of views they're in third person instead of first which is very strange i'm not really sure why she did that it is kind of fun to see like what's happening after the war but i'm just gonna go finish this real quick [Music] okay guys this is the last update for a quart of silver flames because i actually dnf'd this book which means did not finish at page 268 i think right when we got to part two of the book i'm deciding to dnf it got to this part part two and this is where i am dnfing it um it's a 757 page book you guys all told me it was spicy but i just i read the rest of the series and it wasn't what what i thought it was gonna be but this one is what i thought it was gonna be so i'm gonna spare myself from like eight hours more of reading but i did read all of these in the span of eight days overall experience my favorites were the second and third book and i had spoiled the first book for myself and i didn't like the novella that much and then i dnf'd this one we had two five star reads come out of this if you love fantasy or romance more specifically romance then i think you would enjoy these books age rating i think on them is 18 plus because there are spiciness in these they're gonna look so good on my shelves i love the colors of these books and i'm glad that i finally have read the series that has so much hype like i have not seen this much hype for a series since twilight i feel like at least in like the realm that i watch movies and books there's a show coming out of these books so i'm excited to watch that now that i've read these yeah i hope you enjoyed let me know what other series you want me to read but subscribe to this book channel if you're not in my main channel and you can also keep up with me on instagram and tick tock so i will see you guys somewhere else on the internet bye
Channel: Haley Pham Vlogs
Views: 147,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: haley pham vlogs, vlogs, haley pham, Reading vlog, Reading the entire ACOTAR series in one week, 5 books in one week
Id: S-ogrfzsAZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2022
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