I Read 8 Books In 48 Hours?? // BOOKOPLATHON VLOG // Reading Vlog #137

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hello everybody welcome to my 48-hour bookopalathon vlog [Music] so just real quick because the readathon will have passed by the time you see this but the hour book operation is my readathon based on my tbr game because i'll pop the announcement video up here if you do want to check it out i may do one of these again depends how this round goes but um yeah all the details will be there the main thing about this one is that it is completely live it's going to be happening completely live on youtube through youtube reading spreads and i know the big thing about the booklet on is that you don't get the prompts at the beginning of the readathon you only get two and the rest of them are released like every 12 hours throughout the two days so it is 11 20. i just got off the phone with safina who is going to be joining me for the first step sprints that start in 40 minutes and i've had a cup of coffee because i've had a nap for around i think an hour and a half i might just sleep for not very long but i'm planning to go hard for this i don't think it's gonna work guys i don't think it's gonna work but the whole thing that this being completely live having so many co-hosts like i'm just super paranoid and super anxious that something is gonna go wrong fingers crossed it won't and i'm i'm feeling kind of optimistic about it but i'm just a little bit on edge that something is gonna go wrong so i don't want to sleep like i don't feel like i can be relaxed enough to sleep for like a full eight hours so my current plan is that because there are two prompts every 12 hours i am planning on reading a graphic novel or manga and a normal book for each set of the roles and fingers cross complete all eight of them if i manage to do that that will be wild because i'm not a fast reader to start off with but hopefully i will complete the two books in a 12-hour period and have a few hours left where i'm going to go and sleep up until the next 12 o'clock and get up and do the same thing again and essentially i'm gonna sleep for like a couple of hours every 12 hours as opposed to getting like a decent solid chunk of sleep so i'm gonna be a zombie by the end of this and i do not work well when i'm i'm sleepy i'm a nightmare to be around honestly so i apologize in advance but i need to go set up and get ready for the first set of sprints a little bit nervous can't lie and i also need to tell you guys what i'm going to be reading so from the first role drop the first prompt is to read a fantasy and for that one i'm going to be going with a comic and that is going to be rat queen's volume 4 high fantasies by curtis g weave this is an adult fantasy comic book series that follows for boozy battle maidens for hire that have been thrown into jail for starting one bar fight too many and they are offered their freedom providing they complete some quests for the realm so the plot is like quite far away from that where i'm up to in volume four but that is the basics really love the characters and the story in here but the art does change throughout and like some out styles i prefer more than others but this is going to be my very first read because i can get like a good head start by knocking out like a hundred and summon page comic book this one's also on my belly tbr because i landed on read comic and i've saved it for this because it's perfect i'm the only book really that's on my normal booklet tbr that i'm confident i can read in a 48 hour period part of the book of thon is that because it's so short you can pull in books that you're currently reading and pretty much there's no rules just do whatever you can to survive the two days so the second prompt wow this is a bit dusty um but the second problem is to read a book with a dark cover so i've already [ __ ] up because i'm also reading den of vipers by is it ka knight and i was supposed to finish that today because i'm doing like a whole separate vlog in it and i haven't finished that and i don't think i'm going to be reading it for this readathon i have like 100 pages left but i really don't want to be working with two vlogs at once especially because this one's going to be like quite intense with a 48-hour readathon so earlier on in the week i started daisy jones and the six by taylor jenkins read and this has a great full-cast audio book and i really struggle with audiobooks i need something like a full-cast element to actually keep me interested so i started this one earlier in the week while i was diamond painting and i was like cool i'll listen to 30 minutes to an hour every night leading up to a couplathon and then i'll only have like two three hours left of it to listen to i i listen to this i think i've listened to an hour and a half of the audiobook on single speed so i could speed it up but i i didn't want to rush it i was trying to take my time to make it last till the weekend so i can bump it up a little bit maybe to around 1.5 we'll see how i go when i'm actually listening to it but it's not like a super slow audio book and it reads kind of like a biography or something so it is really nice to just listen to it on single speed and it's kind of like a podcast or something like that but um yeah i've got about seven hours left of this so i shot myself in the foot there but this one is like a historical fiction contemporary style it is pretty much like a fake biography taylor jenkins reed is like really good with those and this one is about a rock and roll band called daisy jones on the six it starts off in the late 60s i think yeah it starts in 1965 and i believe it comes all the way up to present day and it is about the members of this band daisy jones and the six like how they started they started off as the six how daisy became part of them and how they broke up and it's like the first time that they've ever spoken about these topics she is it's like a fake biography it's real interesting but at the moment it feels like maybe a three star read for me because i do really appreciate the audiobook and i love the seven husbands of evelyn hugo but if we compare this to the seven husbands of evelyn hugo evelyn hugo is about like the golden age of hollywood and this is about music in the 60s and 70s and this generally like music in the 60s and 70s is not really a topic that i'm interested in at all so it's kind of like really good for what it is and i'm enjoying it for what is really enjoying the audiobook but i'm just not that interested in the topic so these are my first two books feeling real optimistic at the minute real energetic i've had my morning coffee i've had my nap and it's all downhill from here so i'm gonna go start the stream yard and set up for the first round of sprints and i will check in with you guys a little bit later on we're currently at 974 people watching and that has actually gone down because we were um at a thousand a second ago but oh my god thank you so much to everybody who has joined because like 1 000 people is a hell a lot and i'm hella orange right now because i haven't changed my camera signs um but yeah oh my god i'm just so overwhelmed right now i should be reading i'm gonna go read because now i haven't even turned my camera off i'm just vlogging in a sprint um but yeah thanks because i was not expecting that i was not expecting that at all and we also have some highs from you guys for you guys when you watch the vlog later as well [Music] good morning whatever it is right now it's like my eyes going red oh no yeah no i don't know i don't know what's going on i'm starting to flag it's only 2 a.m and i did have that one hour sleep as well so it really shouldn't be like this but i have just finished rat queen's volume 4. i give it four stars i did really enjoy this one i should have read the end of the last volume though before i started this because i wasn't not necessarily confused i just was a little bit fuzzy on the details of where the last one ended but i just i love how funny this is and i love the characters the rat queens are expanding in this one as well when i read the fourth one at some point last year it could have even been like the last four year over couple of fun i did say that there was like a little short story that was the backstory of a character who had been in the comics but as a side character and there was like a little short story at the end that was that character's backstory and it's because they're more present in this volume they're actually on the cover it's that one and she is a new trans main character which is really exciting this series is like super diverse and super queer as well to start off with but i really enjoyed seeing that trans character come to the forefront of the story and be included more in this one and yeah just the humor and how like ridiculous it can be in parts while still providing like a really cool high fantasy questing kind of story so i really like that one this was also a gift from ash as well so thank you so much ash for gifting this one to me so there's 12 minutes of the sprints left now so i might rearrange myself and set up to do some diamond painting while i listen to the audiobook of daisy jones on the sixth so let's have a look how much of this audio i have because it's gonna be a lot seven hours and eleven minutes 7 hours and 11 minutes that takes me to 10 a.m if i listen continuously on single speed which i'm not going to be listening continuously because we have the chat breaks in between the sprints i'm feeling optimistic if i can get this done by about 9 a.m that would kind of be the goal but i will keep you guys posted and we'll see how we go with that but yeah i'm gonna settle my diamond painting and just chill for the next 10 minutes of this sprint and then when we get into the next one i will crack on with this audio hopefully i don't know because with how i'm feeling right now with the tiredness i don't know whether the diamond painting is going to make it worse i kind of make the time pass kind of not necessarily quicker but in a way that keeps me focused so we'll see [Music] [Music] [Music] but then you can't like i want you guys to know that i did a shot like actually i've got fat fingers this is going to be awful that's a lot [ __ ] i'm going to regret it [Music] oh my god it's 25 plus 4. i'm on page 118 of daisy jones my audio now has like four hours and 20 minutes left i believe so we're looking at like 9am before i'm getting any sleep and then it's only gonna be a couple of hours so good times all round but that double shot that double shot i pulled way too heavily like i'm not drunk but i have that tipsy kind of feeling that you get during drinks when you first start to get drunk so i'm gonna listen to my audio i'm gonna do my diamond painting and i'm gonna hope it passes i just kind of want to show you guys actually where i'm up to with this so i can compare it to where i end up at when this audiobook is finished because like now just bumped it up to 1.6 speed and i have three and a half hours left which sounds much more doable but i started earlier like i was in this section somewhere and his ears weren't done and now i'm like moving my way down so we'll see how much i get done so it's 6 a.m no it's not it's really not it is 8 30. oh my god and i'm currently sprinting on steph's channel but nearly there with this guys how much does my audiobook say i have left it's only about an hour i think an hour and 15 minutes um and i'm around the page like 250ish mark i have listened to a little bit since the last time i put my bookmark in i still no please sir don't do this no no no no no no no no no no no no why are you such a problem child you could be so wonderful you could be no please get down i still feel the same way that i kind of did about it earlier like i'm really enjoying the experience of listening to it i enjoy the voice acting i like the characters but i just don't really care about the 1960s 1970s music scene so we'll see how that reflects in my rating and the next time i come back i will be like you know what i think also look at this makeup like wow when i finish this books desperate is still going to be going on so i think i'm going to use the sprint in time to take my makeup off and shower um look he can be cute no you can can you hey so i look very different than the last time you saw me i just finished daisy jones on the six and there's 10 minutes left at this current sprint and then in the next one which will be the last one of stef set i'm gonna go and get a shower so i just thought i'd just take my makeup off now give myself a head start fallout shower cause it's gonna have to be a speedy one but i wanna spend a decent amount of time in there and just kind of like freshen up a little bit even though i plan on going to sleep in like two hours maybe so um daisy jones i put it through call pile which is the written system that was created by gia book rose because somebody always asks when i mention it i'll put a link to her video in the description box but you just like rate the book based on its individual components and i put it through there and it came out four stars now personal feeling on it enjoyment i would say it's three stars and i didn't think it was gonna come out at three stars but when i was writing it like the things that are rated on there we have like characters characters definitely the best part of this atmosphere the atmosphere in the audiobook is top tier cannot deny so they were really highly rated i think that the writing was decent in it can't fault the writing plot not bothered about it surprised me what the plot turned out to be but like the plot isn't what stands out in here and then the intrigue i enjoyed it because it was nice to listen to as an audiobook so i haven't really written the audiobook here and how that was produced combined with the story of course and then logic was fine enjoyment fine like there's an element of this that i wasn't expecting when you go into this in your following daisy and we're talking about the members of the six i thought there was a very clear set up here with two dynamic lead characters and it actually turned into something completely different than i expected and that kind of vibe is something that i really love don't want to spoil it for you because it is kind of like a slice of life but with a rock and roll band and like it's all very fleetwood mac and abba mushed together so with abba we had the dynamics of everyone being married to each other and then in fleetwood mac we had them as an established band before like stevie nicks and i think lindsey buckingham as well joined a little bit later on so it's kind of like an amalgamation of those two bands there was probably more those are the only ones that i'm familiar with and my information what i know about them is very spotty to start with but it's that kind of story you know like what happened to the span they just broke up rand not randomly but suddenly and nobody knows why and this is the first time that they're talking about what actually happened and it was a lot of different reasons for the different members of the band but um i'm just not like i like listening to music i constantly listen to music but um i'm not like a music both i did music in school like i played an instrument for a while but it's not something i was ever good at or something i could really wrap my head around it's not something that i'm incredibly passionate about and in terms of eras for music 60s and 70s is just like my least favorite music i'm an 80s girl when it comes to listening to older music so in terms of like what it was actually about with the vibe and stuff it just really wasn't for me which is why it feels like a three stars but i do think that there is a pretty good quality book if you like your contemporary stories it has contemporary themes like evelyn hugo did and the audiobook is fantastic would recommend listening to that it's full cast and i love me a full cast audio book but pretty much with a couple of exceptions they're the only audiobooks that i listen to so that is both prompts done daisy jones for dark cover rack queens volume four for fantasy and i have an hour of 15 minutes until the next roll drop so my original plan as you guys know was to read both books and then sleep until the next roll drop i'm not sleeping for an hour and 15 minutes my new plan is that i'm going to go for a shower in this next spring i'm going to join ashley sprints until the roll drops done do my roll drop stuff which is on twitter and discard then i'm going to probably get in bed curtis isn't up yet actually i thought he would be and i'm glad that i'm not sleeping till 12 because he may not be up before 12 to wake me up but i'm gonna get in bed take my laptop watch ashley sprints and read my first books as i mentioned earlier i'm doing like a manga comic with a full-size book so i'm going to read my manga book for this drop and then sleep until about six o'clock get up make dinner jump back in with my full-length book and see how we go i'm feeling real optimistic now but i'm thinking like it took me 11 hours to read two books one of which was a comic and there's still 37 hours of the readathon left but i haven't slept yet so while i'm feeling optimistic while i've done the two books within the drop type i haven't slept and i'm gonna need to do that at some point hey it's me again it's only been like 30 seconds but i just wanted to let you know that there are massive trigger warnings in daisy jones for substance abuse and addiction the whole like crazy rock and roll lifestyle kind of thing like all the drugs all the time so do be wary of that if you're going into it just remember that i said i would show you guys my progress on this by the end of my audiobook so i was around here when i started at like three in the morning and now i've completed all up to here and then started to come down on these little bits as well so quite a lot of baby yoda got done tonight so it is 11 40 now we have 20 minutes until the next roll drop but i'm actually going to be hopping live shows so i'm going to be going straight from stef sprints straight into ashley's and i obviously know what all of the prompts are so i'm going to be letting you guys know what i'm going to be picking up next now i am him and hopefully fingers crossed for eight books during this readathon but from here we're going a little bit more like what's the word like spontaneous spontaneous with it essentially i may not have time to read the books that i think i might want to read for the rest of the readathon so i'm just gonna be picking them one by one from now on so the two prompts for this roll drop are contemporary and poc rep so i'm starting with contemporary however if i do run out of time because i'm gonna be sleeping during this 12 hour period this one will double up for both of them if i need it to and that is this is not the right book this is not the right book so i'm going to be going with my shorter pick first and i'll be reading dreaming son volume 3 by ichigo takano so this is a manga it's written by a japanese author with japanese characters it's been translated into english so it does count for poc rep as well but it is a contemporary because this is a young adult shoujo manga series that follows a girl who has run away from home because her father has remarried they have a new baby and she's feeling like real pushed out so she i'm just gonna put you here because i'm tired so she runs away and she finds this guy passed out in the park and he offers her a place to live on three conditions the first condition is that she tells him why she ran away the second is that she finds he's missing a house key and the third is that she has a dream and falls in love and this is just like a really cute funny contemporary easy read i really really love this series i think i've given the first two volumes four stars but yeah it just makes me happy to read it so this is going to be my first pick i've sorted out all of the roll drops so i just need to press tweet after actually has unveiled them then i'm gonna go and get into bed and read this one before i fall asleep so i'll let you guys know what i think [Music] so i feel like it's really starting to show if it hasn't already that i'm tired as [ __ ] but it is 2 20 p.m on saturday still and i have finished dreaming son by ichigo takano i give this four stars and it's come to my attention that i have given every book that i've read this month four stars and i've read and i've read three books during this readathon and i've only read two books this month outside of this readathon i don't know what's happened to me this month but yeah i really love this it was cute it was funny it had me laughing out loud at moments even though it is utterly ridiculous in some aspects and i kind of just want to shake the main character i don't know it's just like feel good vibes you know there's some problematic elements in this series but overall it's just like a fun time kind of light-hearted kind of silly and just put some massive smile on my face so yeah first after this and this is the contemporary prompt down and that brings my total pages up to 600 for the readathon so far and we're only 14 hours in so i am going to sleep now for around four hours i want to be awake for about 6 30 p.m um and i have to be awake because i will be making pizza to eat of course what else would i make pizza for and after that i will be picking my book for the poc rep prompt and sharing it with you guys but until then i'm gonna piece the [ __ ] out good morning oh good afternoon i'm not sure what time it is it's 5 30 in the afternoon so i guess that means i had three hours sleep we'll see how long this energy lasts me i'm gonna go make some food and then we'll get this show back on the road [Music] okay so i appreciate that i still look like [ __ ] but i feel a lot better because i've had a coffee now it is almost 8 p.m it is 7 50. so we're in the last 10 minutes of mel sprints which have just been like a whole lot of fun just a hilarious time all around of the like two hours that i caught and i have started this is how you lose the time war by amal el mota and max gladstone now this is one that i never thought that i would pick up because from what it looks like it didn't look like something i was interested in to me i feel like it looks like a contemporary literary fiction book like looking at it but it is a sci-fi that is co-authored it is kind of like the authors that have written it are both like award winners they're pretty well regarded sff authors and this is a sci-fi story very confusing where i watch you so far i'm 38 pages into it but i am loving it which is is weird but it is confusing and it is about two agents called red and blue and they work for opposite factions in a time war and the writing is very beautiful very flowery i'm i'm loving it i think from what i've gathered i've just made notes in my phone i think the time is in threads or strands in here and they work with the strands to shape the future now i don't actually know what both of the end goals are at the minute i think that blue is in like a more past time zone like a historical time zone and red is in the future and these two are working the strands through different time periods past and future to sabotage each other and passing like sassy notes to each other in various different ways as they go because they're trying to sabotage each other because red wants her faction to win and blue wants her faction to win and i think during the process of this they fall in love i'm like so thoroughly confused there was a chapter that i read where one of them i can't remember which one it was but they were somewhere talking to siri and siri was asking them questions and they were responding with passages from the jabberwocky but i already feel like 38 pages into this that this is going to be a book that makes a whole lot of sense upon reread and not all that much sense the first time you go through it this is one that you maybe would not expect me to like one because it's sure the writing style i do really love flowery writing but it does have a big sense of ambiguity around it you guys know i don't do well with that um and with it working through time and the different time periods how they relate to each other how they're sabotaging each other throughout time while so far apart and passing these messages i think it's gonna be genius i'm only 38 pages into it as i keep saying but i'm really excited to see how this unfolds the prompt i'm using this for is the poc rep prompt i don't know if any of the characters are of color in here but the author is an author of colour so i would say it definitely fits the prompt and yeah i'm thrilled i'm hooked i didn't expect to be this hooked 38 pages into a very short book but the writing style has me utterly captivated all i want from life is to be this comfortable that shouldn't be too hard this should be everyone's defaults they're in my favorites are pretty girls like manslaughter no exit by taylor adams and i'd like to look to this and just goes back to murder castle [Music] i just [Music] i just don't wanna [Music] so we're almost at 11 20 p.m and i need to sort out the royal droughts for midnight but i only have 45 pages of this book left and i'm desperate to get it done before midnight so i have already set up with my slumber party set up for gav sprints i mean it's weak as [ __ ] but we have my coat of mr fury blanket which if you guys been around a while you will have seen this um and just like a lot of pillows i've also let like one candle i'm gonna put my stuff on here so yeah currently watching the last hour of deja springs they are about to go i think for a 30 minutes room which should be what i need to finish this book then i've got a high tail in there switch over to gas sprints i thought i will offer the prompts so it's likely that i won't be able to fill you in on this is how we lose the timeline as soon as i finished but um when all that craziness is done i will get back to you and we can also pick my book for whichever prompt i'm going with next which i'm i'm not actually sure depends how i feel in like an hour look at those views from my babies gavin lexi we love to see it okay are you guys ready for the first four drop and that is the first book in a series hey so we are past midnight now day one of piccopothon is over and i finished this is how we lose the time war and i gave it five stars because i [ __ ] loved it so the best thing about this for me was the write-in i do really like flurry right in there's some types that i don't like like i don't really like aaron morgenstern but i love this it was just so beautifully written and it is this very pure sapphic romance on this twisty time travel backdrop with a really cool plot it's like who am i who am i because this book is like 198 pages not even 200 pages and i would say that this is one of my favorite books of the year surprised i love this so much look at the indents in my nose from my glasses and my skin is disgusting like i need to sleep i'm also like i feel quite awake right now but i feel weird in my body so i'm gonna grab a snack in a minute but we need to pick one of my books if you guys actually followed along with the readathon i can't remember what sprints it was now maybe stef sprints that were like eight until midday this like saturday morning i said that there was a prompt coming up that i didn't want to fill it has now come up and that is to read the first book in a series so let me put the big light on i definitely want to read my chance card and that was the one i was gonna lead with for this section of time which i still might but that is confessed by colleen hoover this was a gift from ashley like ages ago she just randomly sent it to me thank you so much ashley because she knows i love my co-host but this one is an adult romance i want to say i tend to just go into colleen hoover books blind because i love how angsty and dramatic they are but this one is about a girl who finds an artist i think and she takes a chance and puts her heart in control only to discover that owen is keeping a major secret from coming out so really excited for this love me some coho and i always read colin hoover really quick so when that came up as one of my chance cards because i always just use my chance cards from my normal board like i don't make special ones or anything i get really excited when something like that comes up i know when we did the last 48 hour booklet on it was a big book it was leviathan wakes by james i say corey and i was like absolutely not that's going to be my core book there's nothing i can do about it which means my first book in a series has to be a graphic novel ori manga and i do have loads of stars of series but i'm like 3 out of 10 volumes into dreaming sun i'm currently i think 6 out of at least 10 volumes into children of the whales i'm one volume into the canonical continuation of buffy the vampire slayer and angel i'm one volume into isola what else am i like currently reading graphic novel wise i'm now four volumes into rat queens as well i do have tons of first books in series but like there's so many that i've already started i really don't want to start a new one but i'm going to have to i don't think i'm gonna go for a manga because the manga that i have the series that i have tend to be quite long ones and the annoying thing is i could read manga really quickly like i could work it so i read like a manga or a comic every week and just like slowly make my way through but i never do that so i think we're going to be strain away from manga and i might dip back into manga for the next roll drop for whatever i don't even know what i'm doing for that um i'm just so [ __ ] tired so graphic novels we have the new buffy the vampire slayer ones like the modernized ones we have die fantasy heartbreaker blackbird and monstrous and i think i'm actually gonna go for the new buffy the vampire slayer because i've been desperate to read this for the longest time so you guys know buffy right one girl from every generation destined to read the world of vampires and the forces of evil good old sarah michelle gellar this is one i stumbled upon in a comic book store last year and just got really excited about it because i've seen it before and just thought it was the old comics because there are so many buffy comics and so many different types of them and then i found out that this is like a modernized version and the art is absolutely stunning so it is the story of buffy but told in like 2018 or something so i think we're gonna go with this one i don't know how long is left of gab's first sprint now like 20 minutes but i've just got out of like reading intensely to try and finish this is how we lose the time war for however long that was and then watch the beginning of his not in the roll drop so i want a little bit of a break but i don't actually think i'm gonna read for this sprint i'm gonna have a wander around the house refresh myself a little bit um get some food snack i don't want any more coffee but i think we've got innocent like green juice in the fridge like let's be healthy at one in the morning and get myself settled and then i'm gonna start in the next sprint and i think i'm gonna knock this one out and then spend the rest of however long i don't even know when i'm sleeping like i need to get at least another four hours of sleep in before the end of this readathon and at this current moment i have no idea like where i'm scheduling that four hours in sorry for the low lighting situation at the minute guys i can't have the light on anymore because it's just killing me but i'm about to get settled lie back carry on watching gav sprints because the first one is nearly over and i have my books also don't know who i am anymore because i stopped drinking pepsi and i've started drinking water i still have half a glass of pepsi behind me but i just need to be like cool because normally when i'm sleep deprived i start shivering and i'm really cold but um all through this readathon i've been really really hot so i'm just drinking cold water and earlier i asked curtis to get me a fruit box from the supermarket you know like the ones that you get there in a tube like this big and i wanted like a melon medley so i asked him to get me one of those so i didn't have to prepare it because busy readathon stuff and he said okay he brought it back put it in the fridge and i can't lie i've been pretty out of it today so i didn't look what he bought i've just gone and had a little bit of the green juice to boost my energy levels and got my fruit part out of the fridge and he's got me this food platter which i'll show you i feel like a child i feel like a toddler in nursery and i mean i'm not mad about it i didn't know these things existed and i'm just living my two-year-old snack time life [Music] how could you even tell oh i'm so sorry gavin's slumber party with lexi is legitimately ridiculous and chaotic on so many levels but i'm so glad that i've managed to stay away from this i'm about to show you guys the highlight of the 48 hour live book upload on 2021 you've probably already seen it but i just can't stop choking every time i watch it back well i know but like jack dawson is bae forever he is the love of my life so i would love him to sing to rose i think he couldn't fit on the door though and i'm still really pissed same lexi same so we're now at 3am and it took me a little bit longer than it usually would to read the buffy reboot um because of all the chaos happening in this stream but i haven't compiled this yet or anything because i'm conscious of the fact that the sprint is ending in around 10 minutes but i am obsessed with this oh my god it's definitely gonna be five stars i would say i love the art style in here and i love what they've done with the modernization the characters are like all modernized in the they dress in a more modern way they speak in a slightly more modern way but the writers of this have still managed to capture the voices of the characters like i can hear all of the dialogue in here in the voices of the actors that originally played them in the 90s tv show and i just loved it so much there's queer rep in here because willow is a lesbian from the start there's mental health rep in here and at the time that buffy was aired it did a lot for television like it portrayed one of the first openly gay especially female female relationship on television and especially one with like main characters and it did a lot for things like television for teenagers because the whole point of buffy is that the vampires and the monsters and everything that they slay is actually a metaphor for the things that you have to deal with when you're growing up and then that matures as the characters get older throughout the show but it is a lot of humor as well it's very funny and there's jokes at the expense of certain characters and this has already even in comic book form given some of the characters a lot of depth so like a lot of these characters are the same characters but like xander is struggling with mental health which realistically based on his character in the tv show he would be but it's not something that's ever mentioned like willow is queer from the beginning it's also introduced a lot of the core characters from throughout all seven seasons of buffy in this first volume so um spike and drew are in here even though they only turn up in season two of the show anya's in here even though she only turns up in i think season three but she only becomes a main character in four or five angel isn't in here yet he's in like the corner of one frame so that's really exciting because he turns up i think it's like episode five of the first season of the tv show i think jenny calendar is in here although i'm not too sure and robin wood is in here who is only in season seven of the show but he's as like a teenage main character which i found really cool as well so yeah so obsessed with this the art style i'm just going to show you guys a glimpse of the art style as well because i love it and i love how recognizable the characters are like this is spike and there were some stunning like frames of cordelia cordelia is and has always been one of my favorite characters from buffy and i just think that she's the most beautiful beautiful character person actress in general like here we have cordelia and um one of the shots in particular of buffy zander and willow early on i really like are frames i guess not shorts which was this one you can't really see xander i will say with the art style in here zander's come out the worst like he looks the least like nicholas brendan but it's still a really good likeness i do know with the reboot i think they're up to volume three or four of the buffy one now there is also i think there's an angel crossover called welcome to the hellmouth which actually might be volume three there's also going to be or is a willow spin-off so i have a lot of catching up to do i need to figure out what order i want to read these in because i just i i love it so much they've also tied it in with things that happen in angel so like one of the big things the big themes in angel is a law firm called wolfram heart and that is mentioned in here even though it never had anything to do with buffy and was created solely for angel and then woven into buffy a little bit afterwards so this one is a first in a series down and i'm going to be starting confess in the next sprint i'm not sure how far i'm gonna get still haven't decided when i'm gonna sleep but the entertainment in these sprints is actually perking me up in between every sprint which is great so yeah it's time for more reading it's just circles in my head i've been running after something i know money couldn't help always starving for my purpose maybe i ain't found it yet i'm gonna make this real quick cause i'm trying to make the most of the time that i have but it is 5 22 am and i'm calling it a night for now i made it to page 71 i'll confess that very intriguing but i will tell you a little bit more about it tomorrow because like i said trying to make the most of the time that i have and i want to catch the in-between sprint chat of jade's sprints while i'm getting ready for bed but yeah tired as [ __ ] i'm aiming for i think getting better half five maybe about five six hours and hopefully it fingers crossed fingers crossed that will carry me through to the end of the readathon because i'm kind of stressed about when i'm sleeping because i don't want to sleep for too long because i still want to read all the stuff want to participate catch everyone's sprints and stuff but i need to have energy for a four hour live show at the end of this thing and i'm now just suddenly regretting the decisions that placed me at the end even though that was my decision like i did that makes sense because i'm the host but uh yeah that is quickly becoming a reality and i have many regrets good morning just letting you guys know that i made it i have a cup of coffee i'm scheduling the next roll drops which i will not be participating in yet because i still have to finish my book six so now it's looking less and less likely that i'm gonna make it for the eight books but um i'm feeling refreshed i slept for five to six hours i think more like five and i did wake up and catch the beginning of best friends actually when she was making pancakes watch five minutes of that went back to sleep and i've just caught the last hour so yeah don't know if i'm on track or not but even though i was half asleep last night i was reading confess pretty quickly i'm feeling optimistic and yeah gotta get these roll drops scheduled and then i was gonna say that's my last responsibility of the day but i do actually have to do the final live show i love this book it is my favorite non-fiction ever is [Music] we are now at 1 40 p.m on sunday and i am 150 pages into this so i'm like bang on the halfway point and i'm really intrigued it really isn't as i expected when i started the prologue i was worried that this was actually going to be younger doll which i mean is fine but i prefer colleen hoover's noodle and adult stuff to her young adult but there's that follows a girl called auburn who's moved to texas and there's a lot of mystery surrounding both characters in this one the love interest is called owen and he runs a art studio called confess and he has people post confessions into like a little letterbox and he uses the confessions to inspire a painting this book is also dual perspective from the second chapter which i think is about 30 pages in we know that owen knows auburn and she turns up at his door sees a sign that says help wanted goes inside asks about the job because she needs money for a lawyer and he is looking for somebody to help him sell his paintings he only opens once a month sells all these paintings etc so she starts to work for him and this book has only took place like there's been a space of time in between but the actual happenings of the story have only really been across two days so far with like a gap in the middle so he already knows her but we don't know why he knows her and he just doesn't want her to leave so she does this work day they go to a bar we have a gap and then it goes to this next day that i'm currently reading so we don't know a whole lot about these characters because we don't know why auburn wants a lawyer we don't know why she's moved to texas and we don't know how he knows her he's shady in a lot of ways he lies to her repeatedly and even though we're reading from his perspective like he's not telling us what the lies are he just says that he's lying so i'm just i'm mainly intrigued about how he knows her i have just made a theory about the reasons why that may be because in the prologue of this when i thought it was a young adult it is because it's from the perspective of auburn and she is visiting the hospital to see her boyfriend for the last time when she's 15 years old because he is dying of cancer so definitely trigger one is for cancer in here you do have like quite a few problematic elements in there like the way that they start talking it's kind of moving quite quickly but in a way that i'm used to with colleen hoover and the relationship relationship is kind of intense like the interactions between them and he is like a little bit pushy in like she ends her work day she's like i'm gonna go home and he's like no come for a drink with me and then he's like no dance with me and all of that stuff but really intrigued really enjoying it and i'm interested to see if my theory comes true not gonna be too mad if it does because like i'm halfway through the book now but i do love how just like wild and unrealistic and dramatic colleen hoover plot twists are so it is 5 00 p.m and i just finished my sixth book which was confess i realized i don't actually have a written for you guys on this yet because i haven't put it through call pilot it feels like a four-star though so if it isn't if it turns out i'm not a four-star i will let you know at some point saying that i will probably forget but it does feel like a four-star yeah crazy wild dramatic really fun really fast read super angsty more trigger warnings in here for sexual assault and like domestic abuse but i really enjoyed it it was i'm saying trigger warnings but it was a good time it was what i expect from colleen hoover like i go into her books expecting that it's going to be like a romance was really dramatic and angsty and it delivered and i flew through it and i absolutely loved it so there's seven hours of the readathon left and i'm now in this really awkward position i can't read the book that i wanted to i really wanted to read the wicking by k and chrome i don't have time to read that i don't really have anything else i did pull a couple of short books down so like i could have read one of the sections of the many lives of stephen leeds because i've read the first one but i haven't read the other two novellas in here which would have been 160 pages could have read nick and norah's infinite playlist which would have been just under 200 pages but i realized real borrowing stuff now my bills go out tomorrow and i need to transfer the money to make sure that they get paid real boring stuff like i have the money it's just not i need to put it in the right account and i know that i will forget if i'm like hurrying to read and i'll be too tired to do it later i also need to go to the shop fingers crossed that the shop across the road from me has soda water because i want to make apparel spritzes tonight and i don't have any soda water left um and it's sunday so everything's now closed i also need to make dinner sort my hair and makeup out for my live sprints in three hours you need to take a thumbnail for this vlog because i don't have one of those yet and i'm pretty sure there's something else did i say eat because i also need to eat as well so i'm taking the week option guys and i'm going to be listening to the remainder of the audiobook for good morning good night by lynn marwell miranda this was a gift from curtis for our anniversary and it's real short they're just like little are they all four lines no they're not all four lines but they're just little poems and you're supposed to read one like in the morning and at night and they're like inspirational things like pep talks the audiobook for the entirety of this is 45 minutes so this is going to be for the prompt other which is to read a book that's outside of a genre that you would not normally read don't know what you would call this would you call this non-fiction i'm not sure because it's not telling a story it's not a fiction book but it's also not non-fiction would it just be poetry i suppose it would just be poetry actually although poetry does have a genre like different poetry is different genres so i'm confused about that but i can tell you that i don't normally read inspirational poems so that definitely counts for that and then to read a book set in the present we're gonna loop back with some more manga i'm gonna read remiss on volume four which you already know what it's about because i read volume three earlier so yeah that is my plan for the rest of the readathon and i'm not even gonna read now i'm gonna take three hours off get my [ __ ] together get ready for my live show because yesterday i read dream sun volume three in two sprints and as i said i only have 35 minutes left of the audiobook for good morning good night so we're all sorted i'm gonna do eight books my choices for the last two a week but i'm still feeling incredibly accomplished hey so i keep forgetting to update you guys it is now 11 00 pm so we have one at whoa it's 11 p.m we only have one hour i thought we had an extra hour i'm not real confused that the chat has descended into chaos we are now disco said on the chat is discussing in depth while we are sprinting the difference between an english muffin and a crumpet so that's what's going on in there i am struggling because i'm slightly tipsy and very sleek deprived at about i want to say like 9 30 9 40. i did finish my seventh book which was good morning good night by lin manuel miranda sorry for the shaky cam guys i'm not responsible for any of my actions and whoa i keep making this way oh lord i should not be here i did just eat a crumpet though so the butter is making my lips shiny and i do like that effect i'm going to hate editing this whenever i get around to it but i finished good morning good night by lynn manuel miranda i've classified it as just poetry i gave it five stars because the audiobook for this is narrated by lin manuel miranda and there's just something about lin-manuel miranda telling me nice things about myself and telling me to go get them that i really appreciate so five stars for this and this one was for other to read a book that is outside of my usual genre still haven't established what genre is but we're going with poetry which i pretty much never read i read the odd book in verse but normally only for a readathon because i don't know i like listening to them i find it an enjoyable experience but they're not something that i would i want to say choose to pick up but it's not like i will want to pick up a novel purely because it's told in verse i'm now i'm going to be checking in with you again very soon if i remember because i have this much left of dreaming son volume 4. so i'm about i want to say maybe 70 of the way through and we have 23 minutes of the sprint left but i think i'm going to be done in about 10 minutes i'm not going to tell you what this is about again because i read dreaming sun at volume 3 earlier but i'm not enjoying this one as much i think that this one could be a three star and on that note i'm gonna get back to these sprints and as well as that i'm gonna pull myself a drink because i want one got me out of a major reading slump and this felt like such a community event it was so well done it was so good it was great i felt like i was hanging out with friends all weekend i've cried many times during this readathon and i'm gonna do whatever this is because it's not shot yeah okay [Applause] okay guys so it is 23 54 6 minutes till the end of the 48 hour book upload on march 2021 because i don't know if i'm doing another one i finished dreaming son i gave it three stars as i predicted and that has me with eight books finished for a total of 1 627 pages now i was just gonna actually wrap this up later but i do want to do a run-through of my books first proms daisy jones number six dark cover rat queens volume 4 fantasy that's actually called like the volume is called high fantasies as well which is really cool then we have dreaming cern volume 3 for contemporary this is how we lose the time war for poc rep volume 1 of the buffy reboot for first book in a series could not for the life of me remember confessed by colleen hoover was my chance card dreaming son volume 4 was a book set in the present and good morning good night was my other prompts or book from a genre that i don't usually read so let me just actually use this tripod as a tripod and this is it this is my stack of books that i have read in two days as you can tell a lot of them are real short but i am still really really impressed with myself i have never in my life read this many pages in a day so currently at the moment we have yesterday i read 798 pages today i've read 829 eight books in two days it did not think it was possible this round of the bookloppathon has been so fun i loved the live format it was just like so immersive and i liked that i was also able to participate as opposed to just kind of chilling and thinking about what i needed to do next i was actually participating in reading as well i want to say a massive thank you to all of my hosts like the 10 hosts that i had i will link all of them in the description box i know a lot of you guys are going to thank me for the great time that you had but i could not have done it without my host if a single one of these sprints overran or did not start on time this whole thing would have collapsed entirely so yeah thank you so much to all my hosts i'm so appreciative i will reach out and thank all of you as well and aside from that also thank you to the hosts that helped my hosts are the ones that were invited to run sprints with my host that made everything a fun environment thank you for everything that you planned thank you guys for participating thank my co-hosts that came to my live sprints at the beginning in the end and yeah i think that is everything i have to say this is the best readathon that i have participated in as in not as in like being arrogant like i plan the best readathon ever and then i have never done this well in a readathon before in my life i am shocked at how well i've done i'm a little bit tipsy and i'm also sleep deprived because i slept for seven hours over the entire 48 that is it i've caught at least an hour of every single sprint and the majority of them i have watched all the way through so yeah i have two minutes and 30 seconds till midnight i'm in the middle of a live show and this is gonna be me signing out so i do hope that you guys have enjoyed this vlog if you've made it this far if you have please don't forget to like if you liked it and subscribe if you wanna and i will see you guys next week i don't know let me know if you want another book opelathon and i may i may do it if i have the energy bye [Music] [Music] though is
Channel: Becca and The Books
Views: 11,414
Rating: 4.9870272 out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, reading, Becca and the books, reading vlog, weekend reading vlog, readathon vlog, 48 hour readathon, 48 hour readathon vlog, bookoplathon, bookoplaton vlog, bookopoly readathon vlog, bookopoly readathon, 8 books in 48 hours, recommendations, manga, comics, graphic novels, daisy jones and the six, #bookoplathon, live bookoplathon, live bookoplathon vlog
Id: EZLfIpk-npY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 49sec (3169 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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