BOOKOPLATHON READING SPRINTS // Bookopoly Readathon // 2021

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hello everybody we are now live welcome to the four year old copperthon the first completely live fortier of a couplathon um hopefully everything will go well we currently have star wars froze god kelsey are you still here or is it me that's froze it's me frozen to me too is it is it me no have i frozen no oh i'm good i'm good right cool oh zap's back just like let's get all of the technical difficulties out of the way now carolyn's still frozen yeah style is still frozen but yeah welcome um i will let everybody introduce themselves aside from startler until she unfreezes but um yeah introduce yourselves your channel whatever and let everybody know what you're reading starting is that for you back yeah i'm back hey cool right you go first hello i'm definitely from the psychonics i am going to be reading a course filled with flames by sarah j maas um am i meant to say anything else about myself you can say whatever you want my dear i like horny fantasy smile we all like horny passing it over to kelsey who writes horny fantasy i'm kj sutton i am reading chain of iron tonight and i don't really like have a channel i upload some writing vlogs now but yeah it's just it's kj sutton i have linked your channel in the description box as well yeah very new but did you say what you're reading did i just miss that did i zone out for a second you must have i'm so boring um i'm reading um i am just checking my messages to see no style's not coming back here but i'm currently reading i'm not currently reading anything but i will be reading rat queens for the fantasy prompt this one's volume four um and daisy jones i started i'm only i'm like 70 pages into it and i'll be listening to the audiobook of this and i'm currently going for eight prompts but we'll see we'll see how that goes i am gonna say as well that i possibly um well no definitely will not be able to get to every comment in the chat because there are so many of you guys here we're at 744 people now oh my goodness you guys yeah hey hi sorry i don't know what happened just like as soon as we went live just technical difficulties i know it dipped out real quick um yeah if you want to introduce yourself and let everyone know what you are reading me yeah hi i'm starla uh from the channel starla reads i am currently reading for this uh yesterday's history by kosoko jackson which is a queer oh no oh she went again the internet hates starla yeah she will back she will be back um i've just seen it's gone now because the chat is moving so fast but we're also we're almost on 900 people now oh yeah i don't really have a plan for this live aside from that we are going to be getting a ton of reading and we're also going to be doing dice sprints which is always a fun and also chaotic time but um essentially for those of you guys who don't know what dice prints are i will be rolling two six-sided dye dice die i think it's dice um which is how like what i do with bookuply and every dot represents five minutes and that's how long we will be reading for and then we'll be going until four in the morning the link to the next sprint is down in my description box so that you guys can just like go over there real quickly um and yeah so we'll see how long the dice prints go because i might not do a die sprint for the last one in case it's gonna take us over the time and we'll just like fill in the time however yeah i like it i'm just reading some of these comments yeah i'm just i'm looking through the comments now you will feel like i like that me and gavin are going to be reading the same book but it's unsurprising that like you're too horny when you're reading the facebook can't find him hi gav i can't find anyone but like we've got people excited for dice sprints which is good bobby is happy about the cover of beautiful nightmares thanks bobby it turned out really amazing i can't feel it you're weird saying thank you because i didn't do the art but thank you got people saying hi yay dice prince probably going to bed in a minute that is honestly a mood there's a lot of people reading fantasy definitely because of that fantasy prompt because tower of dawn that's the one book i skipped and becca still gives me crap for it i can't believe that you skipped it because i've heard that it wasn't that like it wasn't bad that i skipped it it was very skippable i i've heard that it's all so good i'm sorry like i'm still on a saturn's blade of that series like i'm still on the first story of a southern blade and like i've been there since last year and like i will eventually continue yeah but yeah you definitely should i mean i read just the main books and i know that i missed some things in tower dawn because there are references where i'm like don't know what this is talking about but i still adored it um somebody asked when the next drop is but i've lost it in the chat um the next rolls are coming at 12 o'clock so in 12 hours and they're on ashley's channel which everyone's linked in the announcement there's like a whole ton of stuff i have put some stuff like the um schedule in my description box and it's the ones like with the little dice on the ones where the prompts are coming hello everybody joining oh my god we're almost at a thousand people that's amazing just like that there are so many nerds here it's it's enough you know much time let's go also abandon the throne of glass because mana should have been a lesbian honestly wouldn't have been mad about it yeah i could see it i've got some support for tara dawn here as well um no there will be eight prompts in total there will be every we've just gone over a thousand times oh my god um there will be eight prompts in total they will be every 12 hours from now until the last ones at midday on sunday for the uk obviously like i don't know what timezone everyone's in i always speak in like my time zone then realize that people don't have a point of reference for that you are gonna be just useless tomorrow if you're gonna pull an all-nighter yes i'm hoping my plan to get through this is to read two books every 12 hours and then sleep for the rest of the 12 hour period so like hopefully i'll finish like two books in eight hours and then sleep for four hours we'll see how it goes because like i was saying to zaf earlier because she called me um i've had an hour and a half nap and like i can get through a full day on an hour and a half so i could easily stay awake yeah i might need to get some liquor for you know like an hour into this hello sorry apparently my nephew was playing with a router in the living room my computer kept shorting out this connection and why it was like so sudden as well oh did you explain what the doubles roll back oh no i didn't so yeah dice sprints you roll the dice every five minutes every dot is five minutes for the reading and then if i roll a double if you are reading two books or if you're going to be reading two books for like one for each prompt you have to switch books but if you only have one book and if you only want to read one book then that's fine you don't have to do the switching rule well um yes darla do you want to say what you were reading again because i'm sorry yes i was reading yes i am reading yesterday's history by kasich jackson it is a queer time travelling story about two boys that fall in love in like different time periods very nice but actually i really like time travel things like that i love time travel stories i say that though that i haven't read any yet i keep collecting them i think is this is how is it called this is how we lose the time war is that kind of like that yeah that's definitely that's super time traveling it's like almost hard to follow time traveling i might read that at some point yeah it's really good still i liked it super queer too we'll see we are um style you missed we went over a thousand people as well no pressure no pressure everybody a thousand people saw my technical difficulties weird weird noises on my end it's my dogs like oh have you let them out i did i put up a child gate because i just cruel i'm terrible hamilton is sleeping here okay how was that like he actually um he sleeps through the night so i i'm expecting him to be asleep all through the sprints which would be great yeah mine would be like walking in front of the screen and wanting my attention and it just wouldn't go very well for me so okay so i'm gonna do the first roll which if i angle it right i should be able to do it here i've got cushions here so it's not gonna be as good as i can normally do it and we'll see how long we're going for and then we'll go like quarter past i want to see all the animals it's a double but it doesn't matter because it's the first one but that one is 20 minutes all right okay nice short one to get us going mm-hmm as soon as we start i'm going to go pour myself a drink come back so my camera might go flip out for a minute no problem at all also oh all the dogs have been locked out this is a dog friendly space guys when i get my liquor a double already i've been doing these like i've been trying to do in dice sprint's life with my patreon group and we've never had a double in all of the roles which is super surprising because when i actually play bacoply i roll them all the time like it's rare that i don't roll a double um see we've got some dogs here like imagine someone just literally sat down they had their book ready and then like they saw that you rolled it up when they were like bloody like yeah and i will definitely i saw a comment i will definitely let you guys know what i think of i don't know if i'm gonna finish that in four hours because i'm not a very fast reader but we'll see um somebody asked a while ago and it has gone now but um the question was what books do you write kelsey so if you want to do a little plug oh thank you um i am currently working on the fortuna sworn series and it is fantasy romance i'm terrible at doing the elevator pitch becca you're much better at it i'd love to hear your elevator pitch on it i wasn't i wasn't prepared okay so i can do this like really quickly now actually so fortuna swan is about a young woman who is a supernatural creature called a nightmare which means that she can kind of like manipulate people's fears like she knows what people are scared of and can manifest them in their minds it's like an illusion and her brother has been missing for two years at the start of the story and he's disappeared without a trace and she has almost given up hope on finding him until she is approached by a very powerful fairy male who tells her that he knows exactly where her brother is and will take her to him providing that she marries him marry the fairy not her brother no becca you're so good at that thank you thank you i've noticed that i get into a pattern of doing things like that so they never change it's like exactly the same words it's like when you're working customer service and you like learn how to answer the phone it's like that exactly you guys are so sweet i love it and yes we stay on collis it turned out even better than my wildest dreams the comments are curious um the fourth book is called beautiful nightmares and if you google it i'm sure the cover will pop up and the artist is amazing we have cassie here who will be joining me for my sunday sprints if you want to go check cassio sophia yes i am very excited too i'm just here like with my book out like waiting like i thought we were reading can we read already is it why a or adult i would say it's noodle i yeah i definitely it's 100 on the adult side of things yeah like i've seen people categorize it as y a and don't no i had one review recently where the person had purchased it thinking it was y a and her review was like one star and she said i should be ashamed for writing pornography for children adults it has never been my a like while i didn't tell said that you just need to memorize my pitch i really do i know i need to be good at pitching my own book i just don't weirdly enough i don't talk about it out loud very much yeah so anyway humble brag but people hoping to read it um i will say if you're hoping for smut i don't think there's much in the first book so no it's it's a slow button but it's payoff i think it's at least i think the payoffs worth it yeah i'm biased i would say so unfortunately does match both prompts actually mallory i love your picture everyone in my discord is obsessed with fortune and so on it is true i love it i can't even join your discord because i would just creep on everybody okay we're at quarter past so we will and i have an upper timer because i never do i'm not prepared again i'm gonna go get alcohol and dogs because apparently i'm just evil let me just share my screen with the timer in it there we go full screen that nope don't full screen yet i'll see you all in 20 minutes so hello how did we all do i don't want to stall anyone because it's quite scary when people just randomly start talking right especially in quiet it's been quiet for a minute um i think i read about maybe a quarter to a third [Applause] yeah how did you guys do i read 20 pages oh 18 minutes 56 i read 25 pages okay good it started off really fast that's really impressive and i'm like looking at the comments and everyone's read like a really good amount of pages okay i read 12. i would just like to hold on i'd like to justify my behavior here there was some very explicit imaginations happening and i had to have a moment to like yourself your behavior oh my goodness oh i was like okay i can't let anyone know that i'm being affected by it that must be really interesting because i haven't come across a steamy scene yet but reading that on screen hmm i'm just gonna feel bad at reading smart during sprints when i was reading a course over flames like i start to get like my face starts to get hot so i i feel like you can see it even though you can't so then i start to behave strangely and i just like i sink slowly like behind my book everyone knows exactly why i want wine in my cupboard i want to be this comfortable hi hamilton am i the only one drinking yeah no no oh no lemonade why am i the only one drinking come on i can't drink no you're not i'm the she was like one beer in bed he's been sleepy starla do you have anything yeah i got tequila and pineapple juice yes okay okay all right i like actually went through the effort of digging through my you know bottles and i found some wine so yeah thanks lauren i appreciate it red wine i definitely have a temptation now this is not quite a copy you gotta counteract and i went and got one of these oh my gosh he's a puppy so precious he's like what are you doing yeah i'd fall asleep if i drank if i drank vodka i would stay awake but i would be way too drunk and if i have like a beer or wine i'll go to sleep let's get you some vodka no no vodka i think it would be i would say when we're in the last hour of the life you have to drink at least one shot yeah mm-hmm fine yes peer pressure oh my god oh my god pressuring you into drinking i'm gonna because i've got my audiobook for when i finish this i'm gonna diamond pin while i'm doing it because i can't just sit and listen to an audio book or read along like it doesn't occupy my brain enough so if i have a shot of vodka i want to see how my diamond pin in turns out see it's for science now just gets like wobbly or uglier as i go do you want big bombs yeah jaeger bombs keep you awake this read-a-thon is dead we're drinking night and i'm here i don't know what maddie's doing muddy sprints are after these ones and she said she was thinking about doing drinking games but then maybe not because she has to stay awake for like eight hours at least and she's here now i think so that's 12 hours she's doing wow mandatory sprint shots ah pina colada yes we all need to take a shot in the final hour then yeah it's just what it's gonna be now there's some really really cheap tequila on my cupboard hey i have actually got i bought a bottle of prosecco today for the sprints that i'm doing on sunday because i'm going to make spritzes i'm really excited for that but that's fine because it's last four hours but i'll probably get really drunk because i'd be really tired i love drunk becca well they will now they'll know now just shoot water no one will know [Music] yeah that's what we'll just ask her to like pour another one just to be sure and if it was both vodka then she's are we is there any other prompt happening right now i don't know the next proms are in 12 hours oh okay okay that's what the comment meant well not 12 hours anymore like 11 hours it's still we haven't even been here an hour yet i feel like because it's in the middle of the night time has just gone weird well it's only like it's not even 8 where i am so not drinking games but there will be a game in each chat so if steph loves his end oh god they have to go from four in the morning uk time till midday because they're doing both sprints together so drunk that would be interesting i need mimosas just brunch mimosa sounds like a whole mood right okay i'm going to do the next roll so we know how long we're going for i didn't think this through i don't have a bookmark for this i am in minnesota apparently you can really hear it in my accent [Laughter] throughout the 48 hours there are going to be quite a lot of games going on because maddie's doing some um gab's doing a sleepover which has like all sorts of fun sleepovers stuff in um who else is doing there's there's more there's more game show type things going on during the 48 hours so yeah party all round i'm excited to see how this is going to go because it's going to be a massive vibe check between each different sprints like people are doing all sorts of different things i just got to say apparently we got a lot of minnesotans in this i love it oh the cool people are from minnesota yeah say snickerdoodle snickerdoodle sounds normal to me yeah it sounds normal to me too you can really only hear it like once in a great while with my o's i think but i know you were talking to me once when you were tired and you said your accent was coming out but you think a lot of u.s accents sound quite similar unless it's like deep south or like i can identify new york as well and chicago but i think that's it i'm sorry i'm a crying puppy okay let's do this roll see how long we're going for uh is anyone else annotating by the way even in the chat the way my cousin says bag did i say it weird beg i don't know we got a seven so that's 35 minutes next week and we'll go ahead should we go in a minute yeah uh just set up the timer i just when i read a comic i always expect it because i know it's not going to take me long i expect it to just like actually take me like 10 minutes but i actually have to put the time in to actually read it i said actually a lot then i'm really aware of that we're all judging you please do yeah we're a judgy group of people you said it normal she says back like bag now i want to google this words minnesotans say differently how do the roles work for time in the roles are one dot is five minutes divide somebody just said divide by two times by ten that's a little bit more complicated it's just five minutes i do them as ten minutes sometimes but not live because nobody wants a two-hour sprint that's just too much but um yeah let us get started screen which i've lost a thing again i'm i might go make myself some food actually seeing as i'm staying up all night uh i just want to say the people like i just saw a comment that was talking about um undertaking but not wanting to physically annotate the book would recommend just getting a small little notebook to like write your thoughts and stuff like that because that can be kind of fun yeah i've got one of those paige um myself and starla are from the us or in the us and it's pop by the way not soda we call it soda i cannot stand it when people say pop i'm in the midwest currently and everybody's at the top and it it grates my ears it's soda what is pop pop is a sound not a thing okay we call it pop but we call all types of drink like i don't know how to describe it like all probably beverages or fizzy drinks i would say yeah like even a fizzy drink yeah no we call them fizzy pop that sounds like i don't know what like a child's like okay yeah it's like a fizzy pop or anything anymore because um i just drink pepsi max so i just said pepsi you don't throw that fight me i won't mind you like this is the hill i'm ready to die it is soda soda greeted right here thank you yeah that's what i was trying to say pop is also juice in the oh no it's juice is that a northerner because i i've never heard anyone refer to fizzy drinks as pot down south it might be a northern thing because becca who agreed with me is from not far from where i grew up so it might be a northern thing and like i i was brought up like middle of england like northampton all the way down south so it's like i like angry water i like hungry i like that yeah juice in scotland all right we got off to off track here yeah let's read i'm gonna have my fizzy pop oh god i'm gonna go get myself some angry water hey okay i'll see you all in 35 minutes i'm gonna grab my charger so hello and y'all get on 24 pages here i'm not bad i think i'm at like 75 percentage i only have this much left we got another 30-ish pages oh we got a cap trying yes join so chill hamilton doesn't like being held very much but he's like the biggest cuddler she will cry if i don't hold her thank you jane come here come here come here oh my god jane's my favorite bring me jane i've tried she's so lazy guys you have favorites so they're your favorites she my little ball it's because she's a pit bull that's why everyone has to meet you she's crawling to me come here my child oh look at that face oh my god love her everybody we're reading books oh the cutest is she a beagle no she's a um i did a dna test and she's a boxer pitbull mix oh yeah she's a huge cuddler pitbulls are illegal in the uk and it makes me sad they're illegal they are that makes me really sad you can't have them but if they bite someone like if they cause an incident two times then they essentially get put down i mean i understand if they hurt someone but i am very much in a firm believer in the nature versus the nurture versus nature yeah and they're so sweet like um habitual terriers are dangerous dogs in the uk but they're my favorite and they're the sweetest things they are oh my goodness jaden like she scared her own shadow she would never bite anybody they're illegal in canada as well that was gracious like maybe people should stop making them aggressive by treating them poorly you know just like yeah i mean the reason there are more aggressive pit bulls is because people think oh i need an aggressive dog let's get a pit bull you know and then train it to be that way you know yeah i just looked it says in the uk it's against the law to uncertain types of dogs these are pit bull terriers and japanese toasters oh my god clearly vicious oh what a vicious animal august i'm sorry apparently jane is becca's favorite it is because she's a pit bull because like they do look a lot like staffordshire bull terriers and my dad's dogs are stuffy and i love her she was precious oh someone said i'm really interested to hear how sterla is finding yesterday's history oh okay so i'm loving it so far i'm like 60 pages in now it started off so like plot wise instantly um and it's just really interesting it's already like really gay too so i'm loving it the time travel aspects i'm like just stopped at the part where like it's starting to get explained so i'm very very excited but it's reading really quickly and the like pacing is really fast right from the start i like it by the way um i just saw a comment i did not know that pitbulls were used to babysit kids that's really cool oh yes it is the same for staffordshire bull terriers which is why it's the people who own them that have made them aggressive so like in victorian times um staffordshire bull terriers were used to babysit children so the other name for them is nanny dogs because they were nannies like you would leave them with your children to look after them because they're very wrong i don't i don't know what victorians would and where they were going but i think the i think nani in pisapani is supposed to be a stuffy i don't know mess that up then yep because they're not like they're owned by like i don't know if you guys in the u.s know what chavez do you know what chavez oh my god i don't know i was just checking out like no but they're like people who drive like this is a stereotype that people how would you stereotype chavs off okay so basically imagine this foundation that's way too dark for you block eyebrows over lined lips and then be like do you want to fight though do you want to fight no seriously could you give me pups right now to kick me off like honestly who is he like that kind of person and like were like the stereotype is that they were track suits like matching tracksuits just like that's all they were so the thing with staffies in the uk is that those types of people would have them and dogfight and like you'd get a staffy training to be aggressive and then you'd look like really tough when you were walking down the street with staffy so that's why they've got a bad rep in the uk um but yeah they're the sweetest things they're adorable i'm reading all these comments jane you're famous you're trying council house and violence oh my god ashley what i did not know that it actually stood for that oh it kind of makes sense very good chair of impression nothing wrong with having a council house and council estate like i used to live in a council estate when i was a child what nitrax is yeah they're really like plasticky material ones as well oh but like double yeah it's not a good time yep i'm sorry i'm just reading the comments right now uh kg how is your book going on oh china i am really enjoying it my biggest complaint is that like there's actually a plot instead of like just tons of smut but i don't know why because i feel like i see cassandra clare get a lot of crap but i think she's an amazing writer like even even the quality of it like she you know i i'm kind of a nerd when it comes to victorian stuff and the historical detail in this series is really well done um so i'm enjoying that aspect of it and the writing is really good and it's there's a slow burn and it's killing me but it's well done is it like significantly better than our earlier books because i only have her earlier books you know i have not read city of bones since i was a teenager um so i can't even remember what the writing is like but i do think that the writing is really amazing in this at least this series and i've read um the lady midnight series and the clockwork series and i think they're all so good yeah i stopped um after the infernal devices i do have the next three the dark artifices but i haven't read them yet i love that series too but i don't know have you managed to put clunge into the floor in your bookshelf i was wondering when that was gonna come up it has not um the opportunity has not presented itself organically yeah read this thing because you still don't know what clunge means i know what it needs now i've been friends with you and gavin and ash long enough oh my gosh isn't punching like clenching your no like clunged off like clunge back you'll have to explain where that's coming from i can't remember we did a live show and the word clunge came up and kelsey was in the chat and she didn't quite understand what it meant i didn't know what and so i started putting i started throwing sentences out with it in different contexts to see if anything was correct or if it would stick and so one of my sentences was clenching to the floor and like but they were all drunk at that point so like there was a solid two minutes of just laughing at me but what's clunging clunking it was like i just had to google what kanji means and i'm like if you have to google it then what have they got to be then i was like oh yes i'm sorry a word for a thing um it's spelt the first way yeah yeah that was a fun a fun drink live i'm gonna do the next roll drop moving on from all the vagina talk in front of 1008 people we are proud of our vaginas becca no no no i just want to say like i've got to the early 280s in this book and like i'm actually really really impressed like i already feel like the way um sarah writes about certain topics is significantly better and the ptsd rep makes me feel so proud so i really like that so far so for anyone else who's actually reading this book i definitely think it's worth it i got it but i haven't gotten around to it yet i just saw the comment from rachel unread i'm a certified dog trainer and used to train pitbulls and they were honestly the sweetest babies to ever exist it's the owner i'm angry yeah yeah are you angry um treats yeah the equation of flames is not her best i would say it is for some aspects of it like i really like the character arc in that journey but plot wise it's not what i expect from her it's like kind of basic and i will say though that the plot aspects that we saw were really good like i won't spoil anything for you but there's a scene where she goes to a swamp and that was probably my favorite scene of the entire book um so when she does focus on plot in that book it's well done but we just don't see enough of it a swamp that's where i live i've been doing everything where i'm originally flaunt blonde from so like all kinds of words now honestly what is happening so where was originally raised it's called swell and swal literally means swamp because it was all like the place specifically it was promised called marish and marish comes from the word marsh and marsh it was basically all marshland so that that's all i have to say um my story is that the map of prothean is a map of the uk and i was trying to work out where i live and i've done this before and i thought i think i thought i was winter coat but i actually got up the side by side like map of the uk map of them i live in the bogaverid which is the swamp like of all the places that i could live all of the courts i live in a bog near under the mountain and i'm like great this is beautiful what's gavin saying what's he doing oh no oh my god he's making so many of our conversation topics relevant right now the roll was 10 so it's 50 minutes which means i'm definitely gonna get food in this one um i'm definitely gonna get food too by the way i love bethany's comment typical british attitude we've discussed intimate parts for too long changes subject pretty much gavin should write small oh my god no no i feel like that would just be a glorious trash fire kevin needs to do a video where he gets drunk and writes more oh my god gavin and kelsey collab i'll focus on the plot gav you got the smut 50 minutes means half not half reading if i not now i'm not getting up you guys are carrying on without me okay let's have a look do you want to start now we can start now sure thing let me just gavin i am in what's he doing another seven he said glorious trash fire correct oh my god wait i just lost it trunk live writing smelt with kelsey that sounds like a good time right i will see you guys in 50 minutes so hello [Music] did i do you a startle a little bit how did y'all do awesome i broke the 100 pages you're doing well i have no idea think i got 100 pages sorry in total or just for the past sprint yeah i think so i'm on 453 and i think i started around 350 something wow there was a comment that really cracked me up it was about yusuf somebody said like is that okay like she okay so i would just like to say so you know how you said earlier like oh like you might come across something steamy and i was like okay cool like even slight see me cool but then and i was already like oh like they're suggesting something here but then um there was like a really explicit thing that happened and i just i just i couldn't oh yeah oh my goodness like sarah definitely took it to a new level with that book like i respect it it's fine i just wasn't expecting it and then i had a another complete moment where i like completely zoned out you know when a book is so good that you literally forget your reading and you're like so immersed in like this head visual you had i had that and i was like yes i love that i finished my first one four stars for that it was good um so i'm going to listen to daisy john's in the next one oh i've heard really good things about that one i'm already 70 pages into it because my idea was to listen to like 30 minutes to an hour a day so that i'd only have like two three hours left to do tonight um but i didn't do that i haven't even finished down the vipers i have a hundred pages of that left um so i've got most of the book to read i'm only on page 17 but i was listening to it on single speed because i didn't want to rush it i wanted to have enough left for tonight if i can up that a little bit now um but yeah i've got seven hours of the audio left and i like it because it's it's like evelyn hugo it's like a fake biography kind of thing and it's a full cast audio and like i have the problem that i thought i would have with it and it's that i don't care about 60s 70s music so i don't like i'm enjoying the full cast stuff i'm enjoying the biography aspect but i just don't care about the music industry in the 60s and 70s that's yeah cool what was that so what about you how goes your book and how did you do this round mine is amazing um we broke down like the whole time traveling aspects and another boy was introduced so it's like a two boys but it's gay so it's three boys classy it's really cute and it's like two boys over different timelines so it's i'm really enjoying it it's really fast-paced um i read a lot this round i also ate i finished off my i made kabobs and i had to eat them quickly because my cat was trying to eat it i saw someone in the comments was making cupcakes how did those turn out oh my gosh cupcakes sound so good right now i cannot tell you guys last time i had a cupcake me either actually yeah september we were gifted cupcakes when we like me my best friend and her husband when we all moved in together her friends gifted her cupcakes so i remember i ate a bunch of cupcakes that day i love it i've been seeing everyone's snack hauls on twitter as well that they've done for the 48 hours and i went and did mine today and it's really boring because i just bought porridge sachets because i just mixed milk with them and put them in the microwave for like a minute and a half he is asking for a short fantasy recommendation who uh this is our wheelhouse um my go-to is always the wayward children series but i don't actually like them that much but i don't read short books i don't like short books so it's not a good one for me i don't know what constitutes this short but i thought a promise of fire was really quick it's fast-paced it's not short when i get short i think like especially for fantasy i think like under 300 pages okay okay um my go-to recommendation for a short fantasy is trail of lightning by rebecca rohnhorst it's like 250 pages and it reads so fast i haven't read that one i want to read it oh my gosh it's so good it's rebecca rhone horse have you read blackstone yeah i read black sun i really liked him too i didn't love the ending but the overall experience was really good because i want to read one of their books but then they released black sun and now i have to make a decision and i just don't do well with decisions i honestly don't like i i if you really feel like you could read either i don't feel like one is like you have to start somewhere because they're both just so good in very different ways but they both have very different sets of like indigenous mythologies woven into them so like trail of lightning and storm of locust is like navajo mythology and folklore and then black sun is more like southern into like um mexican uh indigenous cultures that's cool it's so good i know quite a few people are reading black sun now because it fits both prompts ash says power of hades i feel like that one has a really cool cover i can picture it helpless guy yeah from like a chin to waste yeah ash to recommend something with greek mythology i think a lot of comments saying you're trying to ravens and i have to say like that's a book that i actually really like because if you're going in for something that's short fantasy based romance like it gives you exactly what you expect from it and it's not like crazy over the top through her so it's a really quick satisfying read that is actually a short book that i really like um i know when it was released a lot of people were complaining because of how romance based it is but if you go in knowing it's fantasy romance and expecting fantasy romance then it's actually really good um that would make me want to pick it up again because i remember picked it up but i put it down because it wasn't it wasn't what i thought it was it's just like a fun romance with like a bit of banter that's good yeah uh i just saw a comment like ali marie that says the beat like talking about the deep i think deep is an incredible short story not only for like from like a narrative perspective but from a linguistic perspective it's literally a literary intriguing piece but it's also like quite painful but like it's incredible i highly recommend anyone check it out and because it is so short like you can get through it quickly i double that recommendation i keep seeing people say fire heart tiger that is one of the tour novellas i think maddie read it recently um she read a whole bunch of actually that one's also gonna get linked to that video okay because it is all short fantasy well that got us on a tangent yeah someone's eating tacos sorry that was not me see if i can move the camera there we go the video i've just put in the chat is maddie's reading vlog she read like i think eight tour novellas in a week so they're all like really short fantasy okay that's cool i finished my wine i'm feeling a little silly oh no i mean when i get silly it's like i just get like a little more loosey-goosey and sleepy i thought you're not reading my book uh binti is sci-fi i believe i don't like very much but i don't like short things it's just not that i like short things binti is one of my favorites it's definitely science fiction i wouldn't say it's fantasy it's like aliens and in outer space and all of that [Music] it was um i liked the concept of it i probably thought i've continued with the rest of the series i would have enjoyed it more i just don't like short things and i've i think there's two or three short books that i've enjoyed but anything under 400 pages and i kind of just leave it being like i don't care i think they have a there's a bitty binder maybe if you read it all like together back to back to back um hold on sorry because becca doesn't like short things that really explains why she likes cassian so much let's be fair i don't think any of us like short things [Laughter] um it's been t3 books it's three plus a like a short story within them already being novellas like 3.5 that's cute yeah i am tired i'm flagging and i can't this no what time is it what time is it 2 30 nearly 2 40. you know what's funny is i'm afraid to say that to people now because i remember i said that to a co-worker once i was like you look tired today and she got super offended she was like thanks so now i'm afraid to even say those words out loud i feel like i wouldn't say that to a stranger but like i was friendly yeah oh i say things to my friends all the time what did i say is that what did i say to you about your hair oh so basically this is when i was blonde for a while she was like um oh i miss your pink hair but you've got this ugly blonde mop on your head becca's never said anything like that to me you probably know i'd cry me too i'm so sensitive about my hair do not tell me it looks bad but the thing is that's always like i know my hair looks terrible because i need to dye it pink so i was just like it looks better pink than blonde it was actually when you cut your fringe in though it did look really good blonde thank you but like i think it's the south the brown south asian part of you that's like coming out there like i need to like let this just the bluntness that comes out oh god right i gave you this next roll drop i'm so sensitive that i would probably have someone said that to me i would cry and probably oh thank you and then i'd go home and cry do we want to oh do we want to just roll again should we roll again i mean we got the dice for a reason if we're just gonna break the rules see goosey what's the point of having them okay okay the chat can vote do you well i'm not gonna be able to count the votes but we'll see what comes through more do minutes or do you want me to roll again i'm a real follower in most regards it's being another role i'm usually a rule follower but like anything under 20 minutes i'm like we're leaving the point everyone's saying roll again everywhere cool watch it be 10 minutes now 25 that's better that's actually a good balance yeah that's good i still feel like what is even the point of the dice now fine are you anarchists i would like to say i was not part of this this would look better i would have been happy with the people i'm going along for the ride the majority of them do say either roll again or just add them together everyone stand by me all right we think of them you want to add them together oh this is what i don't know if you guys can see my babies but they are passed out wait this way you're waiting i don't know how you can sleep in the bed with two dogs in that because they're just so big and space consuming ain't no man here they fit i take my side of the bed they take theirs rolling again that you use the dice more kelsey it's fine all right we'll go up quarter two for 25. cassie just said that she kicks her cats out i hamilton doesn't sleep with me but that's because curtis said that we could get a cat or like a pet provided that he doesn't go in the bedroom and he went into my bedroom twice the first time he shot in my wardrobe the second time he peed on my bed what i hear is that he's feeling really just unwanted and neglected you won't let him sleep with you so boycotts are more likely to like mark their territory too so if he's not in there often he's more likely to pee when he can get in there that's what i said to curtis because curtis said afterwards that we'd have to lock him out of the spare room in case he pees on that bed and i was like he's not going to because that's his bedroom like he's right he's not like like cat pee is the worst it went right oh my god i don't know how he pees so much but my blanket like my duvet was all scrambled together because i hadn't made the bed so he peed on top of this massive like pile of duvet and he went through the duvet the sheet all the way through the macros to the other side into my bedroom there's something really terrible about cat pee i found it at two o'clock in the morning and i had to roll the whole bed out everything how did you get please uh bicarbonate of soda and vinegar oh my god yeah and then we had to put like we went to bed at about seven in the morning so i had to put toes down on it so i could sleep on it and then take the mattress off again when i got up and it dried out for two days like uh you lead such a glamorous life i know i'm so classy seriously though like goals all right he knows that sorry i was gonna say should we start with our you know anarchy 25 minutes well if you want to start now i thought we're starting at quarter too but if you want to keep breaking the rules oh no we can we can chit-chat for two more minutes look happy let's do it so cathy okay talking about poppy this cat needs to pee so that was a really smooth transition i appreciate what you just did there oh my cat won't clean her bowman's birth po everywhere no you still keep her that's a good cat owner i did have to wipe hamilton's ass last night because sometimes he comes and he smells funky and i'm like i'm just gonna make sure there's nothing going on here because you smell i can't even judge because sometimes when my dogs like when they're having trouble you know with number two i have to like get a plastic bag and help them oh gosh the thing is pet owner right you were good when you're used to having pets like you don't even think about it it's just something that you do i remember when i was younger i had a really fat cat and he was like so fat to the point that he couldn't reach to even lick himself like he wanted to so i literally got baby wipes and just he he led a really good life oh my god callie's comment [Laughter] i remember with the um interview that we did on my channel we played marry kill and you couldn't say and then i changed it because you wouldn't say and then you said are we not doing now and i was like make your mind i'll say it if it's warranted and if i'm feeling it in the moment oh my god right now no i was raised up until 16 in a really conservative home and so like a lot of that is just ingrained in me but anyway ever since my little nephew has been born i've been like having to substitute words and now they're just part of my normal language now i say potty all the time i don't even say that i'm like i have to go potty like i'm five oh wow right i'm gonna start this time and i'll see you all in 25 minutes okay bye guys hello how did that one go 20 pages we got another 20 pages too i did 21. i got like 30 pages i don't know why i did got so much in such a short amount of time this time 21 17 i'm thinking for the last sprint we don't do dice because we need to wrap up like dead on four o'clock so what i'm hearing is that it's time for your shot not yet not yet i'm thinking so if you go at 20 past four 30 minutes that'll take us till 10 two and then i will do a shot and we'll rock we need to see you do said shot right yeah i'll take my laptop we can do a shot i don't even know what i've got i've got some sort of flavor of vodka but i think i've only got one flavor another minute all right i'll thank you fashion fruit mary jo says shot shot shots i need to post this song was popular overseas but that song that goes shot shots yeah everybody i remember that one from being in the club yeah oh clubs remember when i missed the club actually something that lockdown has done for me is i don't like going out very often and i feel like lockdown has made me realize how much i should actually go out and i will actually leave when it's over i don't know i fear that it's had the opposite effect where i've gotten so used to being in my bubble now that even when the world opens back up i'll be like nah something that's been good [Music] so i don't feel that much different something that's been good for me is that i became self-employed in january last year we went into lockdown in march so to me it kind of just feels like this is my normal routine now so i haven't become scared of people are scared of going outside which is good whereas i imagine a lot of people who abruptly had to go home and then have to go back to the office and stuff are going to struggle a lot more yeah i just miss going to restaurants like i missed like i missed the vibe of like getting ready going out eating good food having a ton of cocktails because i've never been to a club in my adult life like i did go clubbing when i was a teenager but i've never like my vibe is normally like restaurant and like bars and stuff so i miss that a lot i don't know how things are there but here our restaurants are all open i just went to i went to a restaurant like two weeks ago no we're in full lockdown um and like i live in mcbang central london so a lot of places are actually not open and if they're open it's more so the takeout but also i just don't want to run the risk because like i have a very weak immune system i get that i'm just sick of like because if it's a birthday or anniversary or something it's just order because i live in a small town as well so it's just ordering from the sim like four takeaways it's not even special anymore library missile library restaurants and bookstores movies yeah i'm just going to movies more than anything yeah definitely have not been to a movie theater in over a year right wow i haven't seen your boyfriend in six months that's rough wow dude actually i got into a long distance relationship during the pandemic and stuff so it's been like we've been friends for like almost two years now and we've been together for over a year and yet still haven't met because leah said do we call it i've just lost it where did it go oh no do we call it a club or a pub both they're different yeah pub or at least here there's a difference between a club and a bar um we have bars as well bars are like fancy pubs for young people yeah and like a pub is also where people go to have like a really stereotypical white food like english white people food like shepherd's pie and a casserole and maybe a lasagna or something but like laura is just like pie yeah you know what a bar is just like straight up drinks and like looks nicer and then um the club is like daunting music yeah this dog you guys so vicious she's got just such a rough life oh she's beautiful i named her after jane austen oh and then the spoons a genre of his own yeah we love spoons spoons is like um a chain of what even are they weather spoons is a chain of uh pubs basically it's basically like the guy he buys other pubs so now he just has a giant chain of pubs but apparently the leader is like a toy i'm not surprised but it's just like cheap food cheap drinks and it turns into a club at night all right oh dear one of my dogs just did the biggest snore in doggy solidarity hi this you know what i miss most not having to wear masks you know what's funny this is gonna be kind of a dumb story i can't believe i'm telling it i had a cello tutor for the longest time during lockup and i had a huge crush on him and then i saw him without his mask once i was like oh never mind masks make you cuter true depends what you've got underneath that yeah it's like this part is hard to really become ugly but this part oh thank you it's an entire ring like you can literally just search moon fairy lights on amazon that's how i found mine they're cool i'm always staring at people wondering if i know them and then looking away quickly when i realized i don't i love math because i hate when people talk to me in public sorry i can't can't talk don't no i'm i don't even perceive my existence i just want it to become like a normalized thing that whenever someone gets ill they just wear a mask like it's a normal thing exactly like it's a normal thing in east asia i want us to have that because like i catch anything within a 10 mile radius not stds so i'm just like for me it's um because i have asthma but it's like very mild asthma and it's only triggered by like colds and allergies but growing up it was difficult to breathe at times because like it would be a lot worse when i was a kid and i find it difficult to breathe in certain situations so like one is when there's a lot of humidity which you get in a mask and it makes me feel really claustrophobic and then makes me kind of panic a bit um and the other is like in a car with the heating on and it's really dry so i don't like to be in those situations like i haven't been anywhere like i go to the shop which is like a two minute walk away and i'm there for 10 minutes and come back so it's fine but if i go somewhere where i have to wear a mask for a long period of time just not a good time i didn't know that about you becca what that i have asthma yeah yeah it's not too bad now like i rarely use my inhalers but it's allergic asthma because i'm allergic to dust and everyone laughs at me when i say i'm allergic to dust but it's a real thing i can have a dust allergy i believe you yeah so um yeah it gets all of my someone in the comments giving me shade for saying during lockup oh john john josiny jonathani um the reason i say that is because in i'd say most of the us we're not in lockdown anymore like a lot of people are going back to normal life as if you know everything's fine and dandy now um a lot of us aren't like yours truly but a lot of most states i'd say are going back to normal starla would you agree yeah i would definitely agree yeah so like it's a lot of states some states are even lifting like their statewide mass mandatories and everything some states they don't have to wear masks anymore so for us not in public like private businesses can still make you wear a mask but yeah that's really cool rachel said my dog is allergic to dust flies cats and humans oh my gosh you're poor dog oh wow my god right in the comments i'm gonna start this time up for the last sprint of not even last sprint of the day just the last sprint of this sprint session i'm gonna pass my halfway mark yay i still have not gotten to any like i don't think that cassandra's claire has smut but like any team was that the historical series yeah like the most i know that she wrote like making out right like i don't think he writes anything else you know what i will say yeah in this one at least there is a scene where how do i word this delicately you get to see one of the characters come to completion so like there's a little bit yeah it's described very prettily like stars and all that um just before i start this sprint out maddie is next and the link is in my description box to muddy sprints callie no there's kelsey's shirt and button that she's gotten tipsy this is where it started damn it once again kelsey writes smart what says to completion i'm trying to get a lady on the sprint all right live right i am starting me earlier peeing but okay you know what we're gonna read now you guys are the worst what all right i'll see you in the oh i can't even start this right i'll see you in 30 minutes and then i'll take a shot hey how'd we all do i keep forgetting to keep track i just worked all of mine out i read another 21 pages so that puts me at 169. so far nice lady yeah i have no idea i think i read like another 40 ish pages i'm kind of lucky that you're all past my hat what was a comic so it should have been a lot more pages for me i got like i think in total i've hit like 100 910 pages which i'm not mad at considering i was annotating so one sec um how is my internet's still okay as well because the kitchen's not the best yeah it looks fun to me cool okay how long have we got six minutes it's time to do a shot i don't even have short glasses so i'm gonna have to find something there was a couple people had to leave and they were legitimately bummed that they had to leave before they got to see you do your shot so if i do a shot in one of these it's like a finger width isn't it as a shot yeah i don't know the zoom in the bottle with the glass just all right so i have passion fruit vodka i'm not doing a shot of bellies that's just weird i've got rhubarb and ginger gin five minutes vodka i've got normal gin right now we're not doing gym no gin today should i just do it from the bottle but then you can't like i want you guys to know that i did a shot like actually so like this as well i want to like see you put it in the gloves right let me just they don't trust you i trust you becca absolutely did you just meet becca i've got fat fingers this is going to be awful yes yes yes yes you're ready right i'm gonna chop all right what a way to end the first part of this too short for regrets well i haven't done that since i was about 22. i love it well you made all of our nights yeah i'm so happy i i hope we get to see it sink in a little bit i don't i'm sorry i didn't have tequila because i actually have lemon in the fridge and i could have done like a full tequila llama it's not too late he just wants to see the world kelsey is the devil on your shoulder yeah she literally just drank too short at least 3 50 a.m like no mortgage people think reading is boring this was fun next round yeah okay so how long have we got three minutes i will give a brief i can't even think in the description box there is a link to the schedule that will tell you where you need to be at all times um there's also a link to the playlist which if you click on that it will have everything in your time zone and everything is in order if you've joined and you don't have a clue what's going on there's a link to the announcement video there is also a link to this way kelsey and starla's channel if you wanna if you've had fun tonight you wanna check everyone out um and yeah still got two minutes so i did that a bit too quick some people took shots just because you did thank you but no zaff if there's like a group of friends and the girls are looking for someone to talk them into doing something i always volunteer oh i can tell it's gracious yeah we can all tell entertaining to have on a trip [Laughter] thank you thank you all of this super super fun and like i can't wait to see everyone else's sprint and how you conclude this on sunday yeah he put so much work into this and it's so amazing it's a work of art fingers crossed everything goes okay because i'm just nervous that something's gonna go horribly wrong but i think we're gonna be all right it's gonna be great right what time is it i love seeing these shots happening guys yeah everyone needs to do a shot now i'm just wait until it gets to ashley and it's like everyone else has done a show and you haven't actually said absolutely not absolutely not i am out of wine now so we should all take a shot at the end thank you head over to maddie the link is in the description box i will pop over there in a little while i need some time to recap calibrate thank you to kelsey and starla for joining me and i'll see you in 40 hours for another set sprints
Channel: Becca and The Books
Views: 11,202
Rating: 4.990099 out of 5
Keywords: bookoplathon, Becca and the books, bookopoly readathon, reading sprints, live readathon, live reading sprints, becca's bookopoly
Id: WeiPi2wVsXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 42sec (14322 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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