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today we're gonna react to hilarious roblox and minecraft memes if you guys like minecraft or roblox i need you guys to leave a like on this video if you don't leave a like on this video i'm going to assume that you hate minecraft and you've never played roblox in your life so please leave a like on this video let's watch some minecraft and roblox memes all right what do we got for this first one here we got a skeleton oh wait wait what the world just happened me adopting my 100th child in bloxburg so if you need anything don't be shy okay there are no rules in this house not like a regular mom i'm a cool mom right regina please stop talking that's so true there's no rules come in have some fun and all the the all the people in the house are yo there's 500 rules you must follow them every second all right this dude's looking at some diamonds oh there's another player a noob that just took his diamonds [Music] [Laughter] that's literally so true when someone takes my diamonds that's how i feel fortnite and roblox oh my gosh barney got some moves bro all right we got another skeleton oh oh oh [Music] no no no what in the world this dude has a giant ice block and he is carving something i'm assuming it's gonna be something with roblox okay first off can i just go ahead and point out that people that carve ice i am very impressed by you because we tried to do that in one of our vlogs and impossible so i'm gonna go ahead and give this guy massive props wait it was a roblox logo then he just smashed it with a hammer all right well that's cool what do we got here this dude's walking there's a water oh wait what wait what that's actually kind of cool he's like teleporting oh through the end [Music] okay that has to be some of the coolest transitions i've literally ever seen making guys leave a like on this video if you know this song all right this guy has a cobblestone generator i have failed to make a cobblestone generator every single time i don't know why i can't do it so you drop this pickaxe oh my god oh my god oh my god what is happening right now this dude's falling into like 50 different things what in the world just happened that dude just clutched like five different moments in like a couple of seconds i love you wait this game looks really fun i want to play this game in roblox this actually looks really cool oh no no we don't kill we don't kill bella with a big shotgun and barney's on the floor no more purple dinosaur this girl's a savage her breath is like she say she wanna dance why why is that why is that a tick tock why is that a tick tock this is this is this is so bad this is so that is so crazy why would you even try to do that my reaction the moment bloxburg becomes free no no no oh no oh no oh no no no no no okay first off can i just go ahead and point out the oh no song is starting to get really old no offense i've heard that song so many times it literally drives me insane if i hear it how girls play minecraft putting down some flowers feeding the pig how guys play burning the house literally that's so true chicken wing chicken wing this song is not annoying though [Music] oh my gosh they're doing it they're doing in roblox on tik tok [Music] whoa what wait you can't actually do that hold up hold up let's see let's see if that is even possible okay so he put a piston down and then a lever and then you obviously and then when you place a block on top look there you go okay so it's separated and then ah that's so false look at that look at that that doesn't work fake fake tick-tock i'll switch it out for a sticky piston no that's so fake that's so fake bro that's so haha you're trolling me the six most expensive roblox items okay now this is the tick tock i want to see red domino 500 000 robux which is 1 750 you're telling me someone would spend 1 750 in that ominous frigidaist 10 million robux or 35 000.35 buddy do a second tick tock and tell me how many people have actually spent that much money on that item the cleanest and fifth 10 million robux 35 000. domino crown 50 million robux or 175 thousand dollars bro this is literally the price of a lamborghini and the most expensive item the eerie pumpkin head 99 trillion robux so you can say this is priceless that is insane what whoa whoa whoa wait what okay that was pretty sick that is some mission impossible minecraft whoa that dude just picked up a pressure plate and then kill the zombie with it what in the world just happened whoa whoa this dude got whoa these two got some mlg hacks that dude was like insanely good at that roblox game all right this dude is about to die in minecraft and then there's an enderman okay hold up that's that's that is completely illegal against the rules that is not possible now that i know that these minecraft tick tocks are fake because i literally just tried one i'm going to assume that most minecraft tick tocks are fake what do we got boring this is one of those scary games dives [Music] yeah that game is boring all right what's happening here this dude yeah i like your cut jeep no that is legendary i love it i love it 100 thumbs up for me all right we got giant spongebob here oh my gosh yo wait hold on what game is this i need to play this [Music] this is hilarious i need to play that game someone let me know where i can find that giant spongebob that is epic what in the world you're just slopped around that kid he did what i got a bad feeling about this oh no here comes the mom what are you doing you have no candy that's the baddest hero brand i've ever seen oh my gosh yeah i wouldn't mess with herobrine i wouldn't mess with fat herobrine either [Music] new texture pack part five replace a squid as squidward actually used this skin before a do not laugh challenge oh my gosh that is great hey mom what's roblox oh it was popular game when i was younger well the app got deleted oh this is in 2040. oh i always have you ever thought of that like what are games going to be like 30 years from now think of it 30 years from now are people still gonna be playing minecraft and if they are that's like kind of crazy what is going on in this tick tock me walking into the toy aisle clicks a button [Music] that's so true when you actually press something in a toy island it makes an insane amount of noise you just like yup i gotta go yo the graphics though whoops all right let me wind it whoops hey you want some wheat dude i'm so hungry bro [Music] this video is literally just trying to trigger every minecraft sense in me i reckon it's bedtime it's been a rough day oh there was another the whole time bro what the flip okay all right all right that was very triggering you're being kidnapped it's a ten minute drive why would i take a nap there no i'm saying you're being kidnapped i do not have kids sir no you're not leaving leaving away the car what about the car i'm taking you with me well yeah you're taking me to starbucks to get around to make a sweater no i'm taking you to my house your house has a stir back how did you do that no it doesn't why get out of the way here oh we're here we haven't moved that is hilarious yo why is that every person i talk to on roblox oh that's great that's good that that literally explains the game of roblox if that doesn't explain the game of roblox i don't know it does okay this guy is trying to mine bedrock with a diamond pickaxe however buddy that's not gonna work because it's bedrock and stop you violated the law my life has been a lie okay also i know that tick tock's fake because i literally proved in this video that it tick-tock in minecraft suspect time to check my social media [Music] why why oh it's a minecraft baby that's so funny baldi what are you doing go away mom i'm i'm watching minecraft animation let me see hey you're you're literally me right now oh it's the big old herobrine again why is there a fat herobrine in every am sick minecraft tired of your behavior so you know what i'm gonna take away your not my phone not my phone not my phone in this room um this hanger i'm taking away your hanger what you gonna say about that huh oh geez wait what minecraft in 40 seconds let's have a walk i am a steve i must find the diamond and building house wow wow wow wow i am building a house why is pickaxe so big wow wow wow i have found the diamond yes yeah i have found the diamond and built-in house i'm a crapper i'm gonna blow your house into diamond it wasn't so crazy isolated i am dead what in the world did i just watch okay this dude's mining up some cobblestone and he fi i'm sorry what yeah you built all this buddy i know i ain't falling for your tricks but it might be something funny so i'm going to keep watching and then inside the door oh my god those guys wish they were us minecraft pokemon cod roblox well at least i'm not you know who this is literally so true words can hurt fortnite [Music] okay all right that last one was that was enough for me guys that's gonna wrap it up for roblox and minecraft memes thank you guys so much for watching please leave a like if i should do more reaction videos on the channel until then i'll see you guys next time peace you
Channel: UnspeakablePlays
Views: 2,584,285
Rating: 4.9612765 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakable, unspeakableplays, mini game, game, custom, crazy, challenge, modded, games, maps, secret, redstone, funny moments, mcpe, minecraft pe, pocket edition, unspeakablegaming, trolling, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, glitch, funny, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, how to, parody, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakableplays minecraft, Laugh Challange, you laugh you lose, tiktok
Id: EzJvxBhDA4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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