I reached max level by killing Bandits... (Blox Fruits)

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what's up guys welcome back to another video today as you can see my level is two four nine no wait no no no no no my level is two two thousand four hundred forty nine and as you know that is one level away from hitting max level so right now you're probably asking bro why aren't you hitting max level yet well I want to get to max level by killing Bandits yup the bandits you kill in the first C for that Quest the first Quest you ever do so yeah that's gonna be some levels to grind anyway so before we start the video make sure to subscribe like follow me on Twitter and let's get right into this well now we have to go head over to the first C because that's where the bandits are so let's go God enforcer now let's go thank you we're at Port town so now we gotta go over here talk to this guy and we're going to Second C okay we're in there uh for C I mean bro second C so we gotta talk to this guy and then he'll bring us to the first C uh I didn't mean to go to public server let's go to our private server all right so we're now in first C we're gonna go over here and these are the guys we have to kill and here are the only rules we cannot get any XP except for these Bandits we can only get XP from their quests by killing them no other NPC or boss if any raid bosses spawned like graveyard no and we can also not buy Double XP so let's start this all right so we're about to start the grind but first let's see how much xp we need right now I'm currently at one 124 million 651 and 601 and we'd and we need 124 million six hundred fifty three thousand and 500 and 500. so we will need about 2 000 more XP around that number so let's shut the grind editor please um speed this up now and let's start laughs [Music] all right so I think this is the last Quest we need but I'm not gonna do the quest I'm just gonna fight Bandits on my own so we need a couple more XP to reach max level we only need like I don't know like what now like 30 36 more boom we just hit max level let's go bro let's go wait what is that did that appear before when I was my yo is that for my arm yo that's my arm yo what the hell why is my arm up there anyways we just hit max level that means we can finally max out our stats everything is Max except for sword and gun anyways guys thank you for watching this video subscribe and like and I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: ChaosYT
Views: 7,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9OCA21PKXuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 1sec (241 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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