I Ranked All 24 Middle Starter Pokemon Evolutions | Mr1upz

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having done all of these ranked videos dishing up some spicy hot takes apparently middle stage starters might actually be a good little rest set for me probably gonna be the least controversial as far as these go because for a lot of them stage and their evolution line is far from the only thing mid about them looking like the halfway point to an animorphs cover everyone rushes to get that final evolution it's rare that you stop mid game and just take in the sights a bit with the half-baked creature you're walking around with they're still not getting judged on what they evolve into in the sense that combustion isn't getting anywhere near number one just because it grows up to become blaziken i might compare them to previous evolutions for how appropriately they developed the design and sometimes later revolutions just for how well it holds up in its overall evolution line but for the most part it's just them and them alone you can get on me for not rating tart wig too highly you know that's fair game i understand the appeal but i want to watch you try and front any kind of defense for grotel if it weren't for turtwig you'd have a very hard time convincing me that grotel has that official nintendo sealer quality underneath one of its stumps telling me arceus made every pokemon must have been beta arceus who sorted your man out here because grotel's looking like a placeholder sprite even sure this is from pokemon diamond oh wait yeah i easily from pokemon diamond for the game boy color the one boss man down the market who sold shisha sticks and shirts of patrick starr hitting a bong rip hooked you up with wouldn't know whether the frog pokeball at it or get his phone number because you're definitely ripped straight out of keitai denju telefang grotul might look like a fugazimon but quilladin you're not too far off yourself big man no wonder chestnut was forgotten and greninja absorbed all the hype half the people who chose chespin probably reset their save two hours in just to go back and choose froakie instead this is pokemon's first main series attempt at 3d and you're gonna design the least flattering specimen to ever not make it to the second dimension looks more suspect than timmy turner in retroville looking like something of one of those competitions where kids get to design their own pokemon and maybe it'll end up on a trading card that'll be worth 50 grand in 20 years it's as if game freak never had the balls to tell that kid whoa what's that you drew a nice picture for us drew a funny little character let me see here ah oh oh well look at that this one's definitely going straight up on the fridge just the other way around just so i can write down a quick little reminder for myself to never allow you to wield a pencil ever again pig night has that same aura going for it where it doesn't look legit not like sold on the markets pokemon jade levels of not legit but i'd say more like a 4 out of 10 fake one if you're gonna go out of your way to pull a treble on fighting types you better make it look like it's worth the repetition blaziken inferno not today we haven't even begun to peak out of all the combinations you could have gone for you were just that dead set on making a third fighting starter which means that some part of game freak just had to make pig night look everyone i know we're pushing it with another one all right i know maybe we should switch it up but we've just gotta get pig night in the game too much money left on the table to risk not pulling the trigger here got the pun name all set and everything come on everybo come on do pig night do my pig night idea it's almost unfair for me to criticize breon for looking like a counterfeit mon to me because up to this point i honestly think that i've never seen this before i don't think we've met breon put her there because i chose rowlet in alola so being strong against water types i probably never had a rival fight where i wait a minute that game holds your hand with that gorilla grip i swear it's the one where your rivals started going for a type disadvantage against you so there's no excuse for me i've definitely seen this before not even gonna say it's that terrible but easily dead tier since i've got zero recollection at all made zero impression on me apparently the route 110 battle in hohen you never forget those wars cold sweats in the night to this day waking up as that last mud shot lands that marsh top has been living in my head rent free since the first encounter yet four alleged encounters with breon and i've still drawn a blank not many are happy about the last one where oshawa had to be the martyr for being the worst starter in my opinion so while i'm digging myself this deep i'm just gonna tell you now hey what mate you're not doing any favors either there's a lot of ways you could go about making a sea otter pokemon and sadly this had to be one of them a very safe design that doesn't really give off starter pokemon impressions you could easily convince me that this isn't a starter evolution line doesn't even have a third evolution at all the bloodline ends here and you could probably catch both of them in your nova at whatever mid game area vanilla spawns in combustion is a very lucky three-piece meal that it grows up to be a big bucket of blaziken because in its teenage years it looks like a complete goober for something that can kick you twice at once looking like a complete weenie literally bit of miscommunication when designing combustion easy slip up no worries got told to design a pokemon based around [ __ ] and wasn't showing the implication there you mean like a chicken right or do you mean like i'll just check off both to make sure monferno starts to give chimchar some actual character development it seems it's not that bad it's all right but i have to ask myself is monfono really that much better than everything else i've roasted so far or is chimchar just that bland that i'll take what i can get past that throw a bit of blue on his forehead give him a bicep hoop or two that shadow the hedgehog fluff is calm just because you did something a little bit more here cinna really might have the weakest not fully evolved set of stars print plop isn't doing you any favors and being memorable i just played through the remakes with it and the most memorable thing i can think about staring at it for hours of game time his head be looking like the futurama lightspeed briefs surely a peak example of filling in the gaps for an evolution line right boys we've got empoleon sorted we've got pip blop finalized maybe i'm actually right maybe they did just go and get the guy who sorts the animal front covers to spawn us the middle one but i respect the hustle it's a very inoffensive design where you've gotta pay your dues a bit you know sometimes you just have to brave it through the puppy fat to reach your prime fennekin was about as passing c grade as you can get starter wise and the thing about braxton breaks in brexit is well consistency is key it's creative enough leaning into the witchcraft aspect but yeah it's not my kind of thing you know i'm not so much harry potter i'm more lord of the rings i need my turtles of war it's not my kind of thing either cause man is bordering a bit too uh a bit too anthropomorphic for my tastes you know what i mean where i stand with dark tricks is about the same as where i stand with prinplup very inoffensive middle stage but at least here i can say that it doesn't seem like an in-between frame from rowlet to decidueye it actually feels like its own design and a lot less like just a halfway point your man looks clean too prin plop's head looking like a pair of futuristic boxers dart tricks is suited to pull fresh vest fresh trim man's alolan but definitely didn't go to diglett's barber mike got instinct was saying marsh tomp wasn't too shy of combustion tear at first but maybe you know being the bouncer of route 110 it's just because that mud shot barred me from going past so many times that i don't know i guess what i'm trying to say is maybe marge tom sparked me out until i learned to love him in gala if you did cop yourself the chronically depressed lizard if you were getting sick of that crying having to hide all the stationery in the house in case you catch it drawing quillidins again you'll be more than pleased to know it quickly grows up and discovers my chemical romance while pretending it never cries but against all of my instincts it's actually a step above sobble and a good chunk of the middle stages for me something as simple as splashing a bit of green and a design fleshing out some personality that isn't just pissing and moaning he's calm he's just vibing to himself what turtle and ivy saw are on about the same level for me i'm not being completely lazy and undecided this time the kantos starters aren't all in one segment because i've found them all two equal only done that for two of them this time surely it would be weird for me to like all three originals so evenly and then suddenly have an issue pipe up for one of them just because they got a bit of a beer belly on them bulbasaur is a top boy so why wouldn't i like the more agitated and slightly more wedged bulbasaur like a bulbasaur shifting side to side getting wider like a car in gta remastered and squirtle is my guy so why wouldn't i care for it packing on some beef moving into a nice medium-sized shell and increasing its lifespan a hundred times over snivy i rate highly for the first forms because he's a sneaky little goon sirvine irate decently enough too but it's nothing too groundbreaking as far as middle stages go it's nothing we haven't already seen with snivy to begin with either cervin isn't fully up there with the big boys but it's nowhere near down there in the animorphs tears where you could rig up a guitar hero controller to play mario paint and still pull off a better first draft for an evolution they actually sat down and adjusted snivy's older design appropriately it's about as on point as a development from that design as you could get really a very safe one but no complaints snivies are bangering off as it is really was the best shout you know not to stray too far off the menu from what you already know this feels weird to put rabu above two-thirds of the kanto ones but hear me out alright it's arguably not better than those two by a long mile but the development from score bunny to this is much more significant than the shift bulbasaur and squirtle had evolving for the first time because rabu has one of those personality designs that you know i like it gives off so many vibes to me i feel as though everyone who grew up in the uk knew a kid like this treats pe like they're in the euro finals probably steals dust caps off cars i reckon only like two people will get this but where's cabrini man comes pre-built with pockets probably where it keeps luka's ads to sell during lunch time on the playground my point is rabu is a solid mid-evolution to me because it's obvious there's an actual development does anything really shift that much when tart wig becomes grotel aside from becoming 10 times more vegetated and having its nintendo seal of quality peeled off evolution here feels like it's actually getting older and not just wider tora cat is a prime example of what i mean with cervine and even the kanto crowd wasn't really doing anything too groundbreaking for a midform incomplete or not it doesn't matter really in the end evolution should imply that it gets better you shouldn't evolve just to end up getting wedged between single wide doors you ain't got the clout to be cursing them bodacious hips like your miss finster everyone knows muriel's the only one worthy to be cursing those handles damn torah cat not only feels like a peak upgrade from litton it feels like its own specimen it's a lot more distinguishable than just a litten who's fallen off a building and found its way into a van full of lasagna froakie might look like it gets shoved into lockers by tadpoles i assume by a dropkick given the current limb situation for him but once it starts to evolve once it starts getting on the weights climbing buildings slinging pebbles so fast it needs a license to even be in possession of its own webbed hands those now poliwhirls are gonna be the ones getting shoved into the lockers ones of the davey jones variety froakie looks a bit scuffed to me but frogadir starts to wrap it up a lot more nicely that's more like it none of the awkward puberty phase here was built awkward from birth an upgrade here was well warranted i love the little spicy salamander so why wouldn't i rate the more agitated and slightly more sunburned charmander charmeleon is a few notches higher than the other two for me i know it developed in pretty much the same way the other two did got angrier been on the weights got a shade darker but charmeleon just hits different everyone's so gassed to get straight to that charizard they don't stop to soak in and appreciate the dark red weapon they're armed with currently ivysaur is decent but we all know it's just a bulbasaur who got a bit fat and is pissed off about it war title is solid but easily the weakest in its evolution line charmeleon isn't getting overlooked by me because i think it looks like a bit of a geezer that dark red makes it look like a bit of a hard man look i understand i'm a grooky man didn't look up the leaks for the evolutions kept myself nice and pure going into gen 8. and then you see thwaki for the first time i was right there with you almost made me cave almost pulled off what quiller didn't somehow couldn't with me back in 2013 and have me reset my save and go back and choose score bunny wacky is leagues above your man there but i can see how jarring of a shift this was especially in 3d along with the shift to yellow and coming off such an elite design like grooky you've just got to give it time to get used to let it soak in a bit because eventually you realize it's an oddly sleek design the 3d doesn't do it justice at first it looks like a guaranteed banger whenever you see it in 2d and eventually you'll warm up to it now you all thought i was being a good little boy not lumping in the three kanto starters again going down the easy road fence sitting well i'm about to paint that fence gold and silver gonna put an x rocker on top because i am a true sigma male gamer gonna slide right back onto that fence for the johto trio its final forms might be a bit on the lower end of the starter spectrum but they're providing a collective s t of a middle stage trio when crocodile is maybe the weakest looking that's a top set right there might not be ready to withstand elite falls just yet but what a unit the big jaw croc is looking like it's built to withstand car crashes this shift to yellow somehow bang for thwacky and you better know the same goes for bay leaf maybe it's because of the front man status from the anime speaking to me even though i got bored of that 107 but for as underrated as chikurita and meganium are that only makes it even more noticeable just how much of a staple pokemon bay leaf is for the johto region and given how underwhelming the middle stage evolutions are half the time quilava might just be the best second form straight cyndaquil was already top shelf as it is could have easily botched this one knocked it off the top shelf straight into the frozen food section but nah they maintained the heat with quilava this isn't even just me being overdosed on the johto pill the three of them are just elite middle evolutions you know i guess that says a lot more about their mid final forms but still most of the others all feel transitional but these three all feel elite predictably grovile is the top draw here i can't tell just how much mystery dungeon is swaying me here but it is but grovile is about as clean of a design you're gonna get for a middle stage starter revolution doesn't feel transitional doesn't seem like an in-between frame just to get the sceptile as quick as possible if sceptile weren't a monster in its own right you just have that b button glued down until you get a hold of that ever stone because this isn't even a case like the gen 2 pokemon where the third evolutions being mid is maybe what makes the second stage evolution stand out more sceptile isn't lacking any elite energy and trico is no slouch of a design in its own right and i know i've been trying to judge them all as individual pokemon but that to me makes it that much stronger of a design because it's rare that you have a middle evolution that stands out so well when it's wedged between two already top dollar designs [Music] you
Channel: Mr1upz
Views: 348,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon go, pokemon showdown, pokemon tcg, best starter pokemon, worst starter pokemon, ranking all starter pokemon, pokemon starters ranked, pokemon starter tier list, pokemon middle evolutions ranked, starter pokemon ranked, starter pokemon tier list, top 10 starter pokemon, pokemon starters tier list, middle starter evolutions, strongest starter pokemon, scarlet and violet, pokemon tier list, tier list starter pokemon, ranking starter pokemon, all pokemon starters
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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