I Quit My Job Because I Was Not Learning Anymore

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[Music] [Laughter] [Music] assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatu what's going on guys it's your boy Nelson from Miko's code if you're new to my channel go ahead and subscribe and also go ahead and smash the like button so that a YouTube algorithm ranks up my channel so I can get lots of subscribers and eventually you reach 100,000 this year so today I want to talk to you why I decided to quit my previous job right and this is this is an advice for you so as you know like I'm all about giving giving giving you guys you know advice I think you should really take it because I've been there and nobody takes and I just want the best for you really so I quit my first job so that was the job that I didn't manage to secure after my my university right so after university I started in a company where I was writing code right so I was actually a junior developer and when we joined we we had like two months of intensive training so that was really cool right so we had intensive training and then he about Linux learning about databases learning about Java learning about c-sharp learning about Python so it was really really really awesome so I think that was you know maybe one of the the best parts of all of my time in that company but what I also liked right was that and they gave us two options right so we first did a a nine-month rotation right in one team and then at the end of that you would actually do interviews with other teams and then join if you promise the interview or not right so that was a bit you know frustrating because you know no one wants to do interviews where I while you have a job but that was the case right so my my first nine months they were awesome because I was working with people in Poland and I had this guy which really was looking after junior developers right so I'll you would give me a tasks I would you know complete them submit pull requests and then he would give me thorough reviews and then we'd have phone calls and you would explain how to do things this way that way and it was it was amazing right so that's what I needed as I as a junior developer right especially coming out of university cos because you don't know really what were you know production code looks like until you actually join a company and see you know bunch of classes like thousand classes and diagrams and you know things moving very you know you like it's not like a you know a small project by you do right so for example to do app is nothing like that it's really really different right and you know for me to switch my mentality right into you know business logic which is nothing to do with mm and design patterns and ello world programs in and I feel like that was challenging but I had the support that I needed in my first nine months so then I actually moved into my second team and and then I was actually in a team of one guy in London so there were two of us I was the junior one and the other one was actually the actual manager so we didn't do no coding at all but then I was working with guys in China right so I was working with people in China and I had no support whatsoever right and that was like the the point that you know things really started to go down so you know there there is no no discrimination or anything like that that is that you know the Chinese people but you know my own experience was that I didn't get any help and the code that these guys were producing was like really poor really really poor right even me I could see like you know you no codes no tests you know comments all around and it was just a just a big mess right we wouldn't even merge to master that was like really appalling right so I actually was working with them and you know there was no you no real interaction no communication and and yeah and it's just it's just one and it was just one of those things that I couldn't control I couldn't control and also my manager in London where I'm a managing in London it didn't care at all right and I was actually you know very sad because you know me joining us in tuna developer and I had no support whatsoever and and that was really really bad really bad so if you're a manager you know watching this video make sure that you look after junior developers made sure because junior developers didn't need that full support when they they they join a company so I remember that in the first month I was actually taking time just to set up my own environment it was ridiculous it was ridiculous right and then we would have stand-ups for a bow and now along and it was crazy and within the team there was no no even knowledge sharing or anything like that right so what I ended up doing was actually you know learning new technologies and it just became to a point where was like you know what you know the job is very chilling you know that the salary was was amazing so I was getting with money there and I was like you know is it more about the money or is it more about you becoming a better software engineer in the future right so that was me I was like I don't be here cuz cuz like you know people are chilling around you know having you know good salaries and in good money but but then in the long run like you know what's gonna be of me like I don't want to be sitting around just enjoying and just pretending that I'm actually doing awesome work which which I was no one was doing like really awesome right or or using you know these new technologies right so I was like you know I think it's best for me to leave and I'm just gonna quit so I made my mind up I said I don't want to be here just sitting and and getting good money doing nothing and my day is just the same right so I was like this is not me this is not me I want to learn and I want to be able to help others right because if I was there until now I'd probably be like a really rubbish software engineer you know one of those who are engineers that the only thing that I know how to do is to talk right but they they don't walk right so you know you see throughout your career that you'll find lots of people that they can mention all of these technologies and and things about software engineer but when it comes to actually implementing or best practices they don't know because they they are stuck in in this world where they use really old technologies and to be honest this is not their fault as well all right isn't is not their fault actually part of it is their fault because if they only change that in the queue they can change like I did but that wasn't gonna be me right and and it was even emotional because when I when I left the company my last day actually cried right I cried and the reason why I cried was because I didn't feel that he was it was fair you know he was fair towards me being in a team where I had no help no communication no progress no direction it was it was just it was just sad so I actually said you know what I'm going to to quit and you know that was that was part of the history right so this is when I actually began my career so the advice really for you is it's it's difficult right so when you when you start your career you don't know where actually some people do know where they're gonna work right some people have a clear vision unlike me and many others did they wanna know you know and you know what companies to apply what is what is best to learn what technologies actually should be learning for the jobs on and so forth right so so my advice to you is it's fine to end up in a job that you don't know but if you feel like you are not learning you don't have any support from knowing the best thing for you is to leave the best thing is for you to leave and I can you know give you more tips on you know the best way to apply for jobs into and to prepare but yeah I mean just just leave the job if you're not learning anything you're not gonna gain anything and you know for you I think you are a really clever intelligent guy or girl if you're watching this video and I think that you should be aiming high right you wouldn't become the best engineer possible learn as much as possible and who knows you might even build something really awesome that will change this world this is off now let me know what you thought about this video if there is anything else that you want me to talk about go ahead and let me know and if you haven't joined the private Facebook group go ahead and join because there are a lot of people engaging and asking questions and learning from each other go ahead and smash the like button and also subscribe if you haven't done so so I can keep on providing content like this this is all for now catch you on the next one assalamu alaikum [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Amigoscode
Views: 59,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vlog style, quit my job, how i quit my job, why i quit my job, quitting your job, quitting, quitting corporate america, starting a business, business, working, amigoscode, coding, coding bootcamp, how to become a software engineer, learning how to code, london software engineer, is coding easy, day in the life, software engineering course, software engineer salary, software engineering interview, software engineer day in life uk, software engineer apprenticeship
Id: kgxgYQ-tNVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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