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you'll never get away with this concerto!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Doofangoodle πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just sounds like a honky tonk piano that old saloons would have.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DonDellilo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
i love pianos and that's why i have so many of them but i always spend more of a guitar person and i will tell you why on a piano all you can do is this yeah it's either playing or plong but on a guitar you can do a lot of techniques you can do slides you can do bends you can do harmonics and my favorite of them all hammer ons so let me give you my pitch a piano has 230 strings and these strings are producing the sound by getting hit by a total of 88 slappers if i replace these slappers with actual hammers from the hardware store i would have the first piano in the world that could literally play hammer ons i can barely fit my video equipment because of all the pianos i already have but the problem is that this piano has guitar strings this one has fishing line and this one has bass strings and i need a piano with piano strings i know what you all think you're gonna need another piano so i drove to my secret piano dealer my goal was to find a piano with worn out slappers then i wouldn't feel bad for ruining them with my experiments when i arrived i explained the situation [Music] [Music] i ended up picking a pretty decent piano for 440 and i don't know about you but i never seen a piano with curtains before and i didn't know i needed one until now [Music] [Music] we have a problem if even i can hear that the piano is out of tune that means it's very out of tune so i downloaded the piano tuning app for 35 usd and the app agreed with me every dot you see here is the key on the piano if the piano is in tune i think they should align with this line so it was time for me for the first time ever to actually try to tune a piano that has piano strings two hours later and look at the dots yeah it's still bad but it will work now when we got the decent sounding piano it's hammer time first i checked if i already owned any hammer that was small enough to match the size of the piano hammers and no not even close so i decided to visit my local hardware stores to be completely honest i felt a little weird about asking for 90 hammers so i asked you guys for a good excuse to tell the staff hey can i ask you a question i'm working on a project and i need like really small hammers how small do you need them this one is actually the smallest one this one looks pretty good do you have 90 of them 90. yeah i have a lot of nails i think i can order it for you and i have three of them i need 87 more yeah yeah i would never had that much in stock oh i don't think another bit ema has such money no no yeah that kind of sucked but i think they were too big anyway so i asked you guys in a community post if you had any ideas of hammers i could use after going through 670 comments later i placed an order of the top three most promising tiny hammers one week later and here they are first on the list we have number three the engineer hammer it is smaller but it's way too big and heavy still number two is the doctor's hammer you know when they hit your knee and hopefully something moves actually they never tried that on me so let's try it now yeah great experience but i kind of want a hammer that looks like hammer so skip number one the u larry hammer this one looks perfect and they only had four in stock [Music] i went through every single website in sweden that had any chance of selling hammers similar to this one after two days of intense searching i found it it was the unbranded klaus ulsan hammer so i empty their entire central warehouse of 58 hammers and spent 340 the rest i will have to drive across sweden to get in physical stores but that's a problem for later you know what i realized i've become that guy in the math problems materials bought 58 hammers from a hardware store and used to sponsor this video honey to get 15 off how much did he save the real answer is nothing because honey doesn't work on swedish websites so you are the lucky one here okay if you don't know what honey is it's basically a browser extension which you can get for free with just two easy clicks and it can help you save money but you might not want 58 hammers so maybe you want a knife okay so i will guide you this is how it will work right now we are 130 000 supported websites and honey pops up and we just click apply coupons click apply coupon honey pops up and we just click apply coupons now we wait a moment as honey test the codes you can find and if it finds one that works yeah it did we saved thirteen dollars it's free so if you have a computer you should have honey on it if i ever come home to you and you don't have honey on your computer that's going to be really awkward get honey for free by going to joinhanny.com matthias that's joinhany.com so they know i sent you they really liked this video idea so please make me proud and maybe we will see honey again [Music] if i wasn't an engineer i would be like whoa this is a lot of hammers but i'm an engineer i have no idea what i'm supposed to do now but you know got the hammers i eventually realized that the smartest thing here would probably be to remove the heads of the hammers and then just exchange the heads on the piano hammers and the heads of the hammers came off pretty easily but on the pianos there were no way they were coming off i asked you on discord for help and i tried all your tricks grip off the glue bonk a lot of times fire and also an alcohol solution it just didn't work and i think there's only one way [Music] left yeah that was pretty effective now there's no tuning back [Music] so i decided to just flex tape the hammer now quickly to see if this will even work in the first place but there was some flank in the way and you know what they say it's just a plank bro so i'm just showing this out of the way okay it's time for the live first test [Music] okay yeah that's it's not even funny yeah i i will do a better solution than the tape but i'm surprised it's even working so now i have to admit that i never used my hands for anything else than scrolling youtube and yeah but i do know how glue works so i bought the strongest glue i could find this one is supposed to become as hard as wood and it was really strong but there's a problem i want the hammers to be glued so they hit the strings perfectly like someone would actually hammer the strings on the piano if i just put him on normally this would be kind of weird hammering technique and i'm pretty sure it won't last that long if i glue it like this but my dad gave me another idea which sounds good in theory let's just see if i can make it happen first i had to find hollow steel pipes in a very specific size apparently that was not easy at all and i spent four hours looking until i found these on amazon and four days later they arrived they only had two in stock i'm going to need a lot more but let's start with what we have and then i can order more in the meantime next i figure out the perfect bunking angle for the hammers and then all i need to do is just cut this steel pipe eight eight times in that same angle yeah i was just going to check if it actually was steel obviously i knew this wasn't going to work let's go to build tmi and see if they have something i don't know about you but for 190 dollars isn't that that looks pretty good yeah this machine probably sent me like 20 hours of work so i guess it makes it pay to win i never knew something called steel glue existed before but yeah apparently it does and for me that's great so i put some glue on the steel pipe put it on the hammer head waited for five hours and then i could just slide the hammer head on and it actually worked and it looked kind of great it did take me one hour of work to make one so i guess it's 87 hours left but let's let's do it first problem it's not even hitting the strings but i have easy solution i just need to use that saw again [Music] i think the saw was broken or something because this is like very uneven i was kind of hyped for this video at this point so i started to work 13 hours per day just so i can finish it as fast as possible the second day i started mass gluing the first round of hammers and then i could eventually after over 32 hours and three days of work put on the first 16 hammers i have honestly no idea what to expect but this is getting exciting and it hits all of the strings perfectly now it was time to get the rest of the steel pipes at the post office and just finish it [Music] and they sent me their own pipes so i placed a new order of one pipe quickly to see if it was just bad luck and i got the correct pipe but i needed a lot more so i placed the final order of eight pipes and four days later i got the wrong pipes again it was here i started to realize that the piano gods probably cursed me because of my crimes [Music] so i had to look for another pipe material and blabla it was hard to find but eventually i found the perfect material carbon fiber it was supposedly light and extremely strong i thought i really stumbled on something great here because it was so easy to work with and everything went so fast especially the cutting i double checked because how can it be so strong if it cuts so easily but google assured me that yeah carbon fiber is easy to cut so i kept working until this point i haven't spent 250 hours on this video you might wonder what i use those hours for let's just say i had an insane amount of setbacks which i ended up editing out so i was pretty frustrated but i kept going forward somehow and i spent another two days putting on 40 carbon fiber hammers when i realized that i actually never tested them on the [Music] piano [Music] and it cracked i thought that's bad but it might be just this one they snapped like twigs all of them looking back now i'm pretty sure this wasn't carbon fiber i think i bought carbon in fibers i actually quit this video here because this was one of the most frustrating things i've done in my life but after thinking about it for a day i realized that i destroyed this piano and i had not uploaded on youtube for 35 days i just couldn't come back with an itunes guitar to cabbage video so i ordered pipes in brass material so yeah let's let's start over this time i got the correct pipes which is a good start [Music] my life kind of turned into making these hammers i mean i continue not socializing and i barely took time to eat i was producing hammers like a place that produced hammers really fast after 58 hammers completed it was time to drive around sweden to get the rest of them in physical stores this video is getting kind of expensive so please buy merch please i just can't believe we did it [Music] there was just one more thing i needed to do paint them [Music] so all of these moments brings us back to right now the piano is over there and i haven't actually tested if it works yet so we're going to do that now [Music] so [Music] it actually works [Music] the reason i'm laughing is because it just feels so weird to play [Music] it's so heavy to play doesn't it actually sound good like actually good [Music] okay i'm going to see if i can break a string so i'm first going to play normally hard hard and then as hard as i can and we're going to see if the hammers can actually snap them [Music] okay now harder [Music] [Applause] now as hard as i can [Music] [Applause] [Music] does it look like i have a mental breakdown now it probably does [Music] okay i guess it's it's working and the strings doesn't break so yeah i'm i'm an engineer i guess yes i know i missed a million opportunities in this video because i didn't really have time for all of it but that's why i'm taking requests in the comment section because in my next video we are going to have some fun with this piano i'm now going to take a few days off to rest is what i would say if i didn't have this limited trade offer i'm here to make a deal with you only eight point nine percent of you who are watching this video are subscribed to my channel if you subscribe now i will answer all the comments in this video for 24 hours and i will tell every single one of you personally to join my new discord if you don't know what to comment i really like great video ideas so show me what you have and i might make it happen in the future also 500k merch looks kinda hot 440 left wait i just realized that i never tried the curtains with hammers [Music] yeah i kind of don't remember how to put it back so that's for next video [Music]
Channel: Mattias Krantz
Views: 1,393,924
Rating: 4.9451666 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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