I Pretended To Be Chinese on a Blindfolded Game Show (IT WORKED)

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so I recently went to LA I was on this game show with this YouTube channel called Jubilee they get everybody blindfolded and so the game show that I was on and they just posted this video is called uh six Asians versus one secret white guy and I bet you'll never guess who the secret white guy was I got to say guys let's let's click into this this is my first time watching it I'm so nervous right now being on this game show was genuinely one of the most nerve-wracking experiences of my entire life um everybody's blindfolded um and there's one mole in the group and everybody has to kind of talk and figure out who the uh the secret Outsider is so my goal was to convince everybody that uh that I was Chinese and so uh let's let's take a look and see how this is going to go I'm Asian I'm Asian I'm Asian I'm Asian I'm Asian I'm Asian and I'm white oh this is so cringy okay I can't do will they find them all I don't know I'm Leanne I'm fully Chinese and I was born and raised in Hong Kong a little fun fact about me in Cantonese is which is I did Chinese dance for 13 years hi my name is Caleb I'm Korean akm Korean fun fact that was the fun fact Korean his fun fact was that he was Korean my name is me I broke my fourth finger at chck I am so nervous in this moment hi everybody my name is Kevin I just felt like Kevin was a very stereotypical Asian-American name don't hate me but by the way for this video I had to come up with a convincing backstory a whole character because I was worried there was going to be a question like what do your parents do for work or like when did your ancestors come to America or like something like that and I would be put on the spot like I wrote a whole story of who Kevin was of his parents like his his life story that I had to memorize for this video to try to be a convincing mole I am Chinese American and I only started learning Chinese in uh the summer After High School and I spent the year in China and had just an amazing amazing time and the more that I learned the more that I wanted to learn and so I ended up getting really good at it I really don't like eating cilantro which is which is the worst for if you're Chinese like I mean everything has got cilantro in it Kevin seems kind of suspicious just the way he kind of sounds bro sounded white what what do I sound white there also by the way was something that did not make it into the video somebody asked what are you wearing my answer like everybody was like oh I'm wearing you know this fancy outfit and like you know listed the the the style whatever the brands like I'm not really like a very fashioned person I was just like you know oh I'm wearing a polo and jeans and then backstage after we shot the video Caleb was like dude that was like the widest thing you could ever say he was like when I heard you say that I was like there's no way you're Asian like no way oh I'm Chinese American uh hi I'm Ana I'm South Asian I'm from India a fun fact about me I have a question for everyone what is the first thing you do when you enter someone's household too easy green flag some people don't take off their shoes in my household and I'm like I don't know how it's just disgusting that's a little rough also I actually do think it's disgusting to wear shoes in your house I don't get like why why that's a thing you guys have home clothes like do you guys oh yeah home clothes yeah do you have change into like my mom would always clothes to shower before wait what is the the p word that any Asian kid wants to hear from their parents proud of the math oh my God you chines prep Chinese School you guys go to Chinese school I went to Chinese every Saturday as a Filipina obviously I sing do you too huh you don't know what is that oh yes with the sticks and you like the mo right by the way uh everybody's voting for who they think is white now I closed my eyes during this whole session so I actually haven't seen their votes so let's keep Ryan shout out El HRA but that's all I heard oh Caleb oh he's getting me a tie oh word and the tie is remember I haven't seen who people voted for yet between Ryan and Caleb oh ah damn no I could have sworn at that moment I was like the tie is going to be me and somebody else but I was spared I made it I made it holy so going back to it so I'm Chinese so nervous so nervous but okay don't walk R we'll get you now let's get back to the video you know I feel like Asian YouTube was a huge thing for the Asian Community you know different place oh yeah who you all watch am I considered Asian YouTube I was like very tempted in this moment to just be like yo you guys ever seen that white guy on YouTube who speaks really good Chinese I thought better of it though no guava juice my fellow guava juice okay and you remember Fun Brothers oh my gosh you remember Michelle Fawn makeup Community Channel Community I was oh yeah jubile oh okay guys I want to know what is your favorite part of your culture oh the food so much I want to say food too Indian food slaps and been missing it so much I think food is a kind of obvious answer but I think really just like you know being proud of what China has been able to build and become on the world stage every time I go to China with my family it's just beautiful like de the cities and how everything's developed my personal favorite no no no no why did I say that okay I made a mistake there afterwards everybody in the cast room was was telling me like dude that answer was like not what an Asian-American would have said like it just like you should have said food that answer was what a young person who grew up in mainland China and like went to school there and everything would have said but it's not what an Asian-American would have said honestly the people they have instilled Hospitality I mean every Filipina is a nurse I got be honest I'm not a nurse I'm sorry Papa I was going to say I like Hong Kong because of how multi like International it is did you go to International School in Hong Kong no I went to fully local like School you sound really American I mean I just felt like the other Chinese contestants were the most likely to call me out on my like especially language wise maybe best to try to get Leanne off I mean it's something that I get on a day-to-day basis my friends tell me I sound American my white friends tell me that I sound whiter than them and I'm like do you have a least favorite thing about your oh I mean I grew up in the Korean Church a lot of Gossip happens over there so there's always a little thing about like the Korean church and stuff piggy backing off of what they had met mentioned we call it mangis they're just gossips like they speak behind your back and a lot of times it will be to family members so I think while we do have a great heart sometimes we're not as kind to each other my least favorite thing I think um is colorism sometimes and the beauty standard is you know a lighter complexion is more beautiful more gorgeous but I I love the skin that I'm in I don't know if like in Korean or Filipino culture it's the same but like in Chinese culture people can be super Direct about your personal appearance oh Nea like you're fat now all a sudden in my videos you can see this happen to me a lot of time like I'll go into a store that I haven't been to in a while and they be like oh hey shama like you've gotten so fat so I'm very familiar with that I don't want to get cancelled for seeing this a lot of it is still like patriarchal and it's so normalized like you know you see someone walking by it's so okay to like fat shame them or like like say oh they're so dark why they're here like that happens a lot okay let's see if I can could survive round two voting I'm going to go back to it I think Kevin just sounds more white two people voted for me CB whoa everybody's voting for Caleb baby yes Caleb from the very beginning I was like I got to get him out he has to leave a damn why damn I I really wanted the money gas is expensive in California so please raise your hand if you want to continue playing the game I'm obviously like no let's not continue playing the game cuz cuz I don't want to get voted off the next round so at this point I'm the only guy in a group of girls so I felt like I was in the hot seat and then I was thinking maybe the only other person who was who people could be suspicious of was Leanne lean do you speak Mandarin I do speak oh D no I'm not D at all because I learned Mandarin at school it was like a prerequisite so my mother tongue is Cantonese I speak multiple languages that's a part of the thing is like you can always learn a language I feel Chinese a lot of you know demand Chinese is a language that a lot of people want to learn or is in demand so I kind of had an idea that it would be someone that spoke Chinese that would be the I knew you should get me I should have come in being like yeah I'm actually uh indigenous Australian maybe it's kin at one point I was actually suspicious of Camy I don't think she was that fluent in her own language which I understand it's like you don't have to be fluent in your like native language so who do we think is the hottest Asian like Asian race hottest Asian race I would say Chinese I'm married to a Chinese woman I had to say Chinese but you know when I ever see Bollywood movies and like the Indian actors and those I mean a very goodlooking man and woman yeah can I give a shout out to Dave shout out but I also started watching K I was going to say Korean men are so attractive Filipinos yeah okay technically speaking Miss Universe we have four winners from the Philippines and I hope to be Miss [Music] Universe oh come on come on Kevin no three for Kevin no Kevin we love you Kevin you're so Chinese and I can feel it I can feel it at least I got through two rounds of pretending to be Chinese so that was cool I'm going to skip a little bit ahead if you guys want to watch the full video it's in the link in my description but um I want to skip ahead to where like I reveal who I am because I think that's pretty funny let me just skip ahead oh my God Caleb I knew it oh oh sh oh okay yeah it was kind of crazy because I actually seen his videos before I think it's a really what what Caleb you've seen my video you know actually going into this one thing that I was super worried about I was worried that somebody on the stage was going to hear me speaking whether English or Chinese and be like oh hey shiaa and then I'm out watches you I think I've seen him yeah you might yeah yes possible yeah my real name is Ari on YouTube I go by shama which is my Chinese name oh what an experience what an experience
Channel: Xiaomanyc 小马在纽约
Views: 4,272,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xiaomanyc, jubilee, xiaoma jubilee, game show, xiaomanyc jubilee, jubilee asian, jubilee fake asian, jubilee mole, fun challenge, challenge, odd one out
Id: IFo1qE-wUHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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