I Played The Worst "Souls-Like" - Dark Days : Devil Hunt

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well it's finally happened I've dived so deep into the dumpster that I may have just found the worst Souls like on Steam with of course bonfires rolling clearly Estes mlg's vihander burning child and looking onto enemies even though it doesn't bear the tag of souls like and look I'm not a professional this guy is but my God this is unexplainable the trailer on its own I have no idea what's going on this game is called Dark Days devil hunt it goes for this price and you know what jumping in straight away it doesn't seem all too bad I mean it actually has settings although granted as you'll see later most of the settings are in game but actually jumping into the game you may notice that it's a little bit more than cursed my back I tell you what man this career is not good for your back the sitting all day oh we're in I was just talking oh when will we go fishing I am waiting waiting for you Perry hey Steve are you well follow me I miss my mom so much Dad you know I wish my mom was with us right now I'll catch the biggest fish I am very excited you've got a surprisingly large head for a child I'm a viking I I think I'm pretty sure my bike this looks like a viking Hole uh you can see yet the shields are backwards on the wall there's a lot of detail here a lot of things around but the graphics already it feels like I'm playing something from 2012 2011. um these chairs are backwards while the chairs facing away from the table right well I guess we've got to go outside into this beautiful Wilderness it looks very blue and icy get out the way Harry the tale of Father and Son this reminds me of another game where it's snowy and you play as a man who has a child my God okay this is uh yep let me guess it's a it's a I'm pretty sure that's a bonfire looks like Lego bricks and I've just lit it from over here we're playing Dark Souls this is Dark Souls oh God this is God of War is God of War Dark Souls so you could rest in this game oh there's not really anything okay just save load game sure we could do a lot of saving and loading I really hope this is not one of those oh okay well Escape brings up the menu we'll have equipment I'm pretty damn sure I've seen this before in ma3 okay there are settings settings menu we got gameplay uh a lot of stuff I feel like there's more stuff here you can even like show blood we got all this stuff here but on the main title screen there was basically no I mean there was stuff but there wasn't enough stuff graphics it says just disappears it's gone and it's slowly coming back uh right I've not even started this game and it's already broken can my child survive fire it looks like Harry's not flammable by the way I've already noticed something kind of annoying and uh look if if I turn and have a look at my character here right and I just leave it for a second it will just there we go it would just kind of bring you back around here I have no idea what's going on with the UI is that manner I don't know is that health I don't know is that health and is that manner I don't know what are these balls no idea are these spells can I use any spells okay apparently one is to attack but one is not to spell this right up here I think is meant to be a uh mini map but all it is is just a camera pointing down with high fov I tell you what though it does look really nice like some parts of it like the water I don't know where they got it from but it looks really really cool like all the boats are sinking and Harry's walking on water which leads me to believe yeah well there you go if it wasn't the UI if it wasn't this mini map if it wasn't the weird text-to-speech walking on water confirmed that this is most definitely one of those games and trust me we've only seen 10 of what this game has to offer in just weird like for example when I actually chose to follow the objective and not walk on water actually taking the intended path I quickly fixated on this building here because something just didn't seem right I mean it's it's missing a wall This Woman's clipping through it it's not even shaped properly I have no idea what's going on when I turned the corner I noticed another building that was missing a wall and almost like an air generated image the more you look at it the more weird things you find like for example whatever the hell that is in the distance when I saw this I went over to it but on the way I found an even more cursed building and even more stuff after that what is going on there that is not how you build a house my God man like how the doors here you've got random wall in the middle I guess it's meant to be a corridor and then it just kind of breaks off over here the camera's going nuts uh I can get up the stairs at least are there any kind of Secrets no but uh I guess that's normal for a house isn't it there you go if you ever wanted to see what the character the main character looks like that's his face anyway uh on my way to try and figure out what the hell this is I've already discovered a whole bunch of other stuff the water is now very clear oh my God and yeah all right so I guess it's supposed to look like that in the distance yeah this this just ain't right man this is uh there's definitely something going on with the uh the Water physics and what is that what my footprints are just jpegs if the game is like this already there is a way to get out of bounds I'm gonna find it give me like what 20 minutes all right so since being over there I've just kind of gone all the way around the Border just seeing if I could find a gap and the idea is that I was just gonna go all the way around see if I could find some kind of Gap right I thought oh okay maybe if I jump on a building I can kind of jump over uh no turns out this first place this this first grand hall all you have to do is come out of here just to get out of bounds by the way and just go around the corner that's it our bounce all right so it appears that all this is is just bugged out water you've got some nice glowing trees though they're pretty damn cool but then you got this it's just it looks cool I'm not I'm not bashing the glitch maybe it's just a feature so I I feel like I've progressed so much in this entire Series right my my career doing this that now I'm teaching my son I'm teaching my son the glories of going out of bounds and and seeing stuff like this it's beautiful whoa okay what are these coffins was that it's just bones not gonna lie man I think this may just be the first time where I've genuinely been jump scared into Primal Fear whilst out of bounds there's just something really ominous about encountering a bunch of coffins and bones and and a barrel I mean the barrels all that you get what I mean but this was obviously a bad Omen for what's to come because when we actually progress with the story and take Harry fishing the town totally unprepared quickly goes under attack and poor little Harry was terrified what's going on I'm so afraid calm down I need to find a weapon to be fair in hindsight he has every right to be stressed because as we'll see in a bit what will happen to poor little Harry is uh less than ideal anyway now we need to find some weapons and for some reason on my way I I kind of got caught up in the settings again I did find that I could change the volume though because the music in this game is Extremely Loud however this slider just doesn't work I tried multiple times even just now and no it's great to have this feature but there is a reason why I'm shouting for most of this gameplay but if you ever doubt it for a second that this wasn't a Souls like according to the keybinds you can in fact roll and we will be doing a lot of rolling soon because now I'm at the objective but uh you see when I got to this building I heard something kind of strange okay so I've got to go in here [Music] guns I'm pretty damn sure I heard guns yeah he definitely said guns but are there guns in the chest no instead we've got a viking Shield a Viking sword and is very overpowered as vihanda this is the part of the game where we learn or should I say we have to figure out how to do combat and after going outside we're first told how to lock onto enemies using tab which is good to know but uh the game at no point tells you how to equip your weapons or even how to attack now thankfully because I've been messing around the menu I already know how to equip weapons so that that's not too difficult but of course this game can't just be normal for a second and the weapons in combat are just well you know what I'm just gonna show you there you go I've got my stuff I'm gonna attack oh I'm hitting stuff and yep I can block like that of a sort I mean it works I guess if it works it works I've got no idea how to actually change weapons in this game I'm taking damage apparently what the hell's going on man all right it's it's just Mouse wheel to change weapon and Jesus Christ I just realized we're holding us by hand and with one hand all right so uh I just came down here just to see what the hell happened below the platform the game is Frozen by the way it's yeah there we go it's it's finally caught up uh but whilst doing so the game froze again but I saw a glimpse whilst uh actually holding my shield up uh that this is how to block in the game with your Shield this is how you use a shield in game right is it the same with the uh I've got two Shields okay so that's how you block with that you just right-hander okay now it's just changed to this I don't know what's going on man I think I need to kill stuff though there's something there's a goblin in the distance let's do some combat what was it tab to lock on okay definitely Dark Souls I can roll I'm gonna attack my God the combat is amazing it's it's perfect and it just flashed into some green goo there's a lot of blood effects I think going on and maybe too many as well along with all the other special effects but killing I don't know what this thing is it well I died whoa what it just that was a nuke that wasn't that that well that's definitely woke me up yeah right okay so demons just taking Harry it's he's slamming him into the floor man he just took my child slammed with the floor look he's just forgotten how to do his fly animation as well and Harry's just chilling there they go off Into the Dead offered to the distance man and now I'm following an arrow uh oh look at that it's it's stabbing into the demon as as an arrow normally does and it's kind of falling and glitching out Harry is safe though after falling from a great height and the demon with blowing arrow in the background is just dead so um he should be all right Harry should be all right I swear to God man this child must be bulletproof we already know he's not flammable he can withstand a slam from a demon into the ground and he just fell from God knows what height without a scratch on him you know what man I've got high hopes for this kid I I think he's gonna make it through but after this amazing cut scene we're now back in town and we've got to find somebody called Isabella on my way to that objective I found some items on the floor these little pouches and it turns out that in this game you can pick up items however when I went to see if I could actually use any of these items I just for the life of me couldn't find them I thought there must have been some kind of crafting system or I don't know any kind of use maybe we could sell these things later but no I have a feeling this is one of those features that has absolutely no use now when I finally make it over to Isabella we get ourselves our first dialogue without any text-to-speech and to be fair the dialogue in this game isn't too bad I mean the grammar is okay it's probably the most unbroken thing in this game but in a nutshell she tells us that we need to reach shangri-lar and find some wizard to save not just poor Harry but also this world from whatever evil is going on however whilst talking to Isabella I was drawn to this multiple response dialogue wheel now I was actually quite excited to see this I thought that maybe we'd have multiple endings or different kind of dialogue choices for different characters well I'm just gonna spoil it now this is the only time we see this and the only choice in this whole dialogue turned out to be just a waste of time the wizard will find you when the time comes everything will make sense and then we have a choice uh it says I'm not ready sorry well I have to set out on the path my destiny has shown me maybe I can find my son and avenge all that has happened I'm gonna pick the first option that's different and I can't believe it it's it repeats the whole thing you gotta love how the only choice just repeats the whole dialogue but uh after finally picking the right choice we find ourselves in a new location which is also broken and at this point so is my brain I don't think I'll be able to get I don't think you will Aries I don't think you will right well now we're in a snowy Landing I mean we were in one before this game's scrambled my brains already I don't a commentary is not going to happen for a while I I don't I don't even know man is it a level two yeah we're level two this is level two look at this I made it we got snow we've got trees uh we got this the the boundary it's just kind of overlaid images oh look at that got a sharp ax perfect ax gilded dagger halberd wood mace and a bunch of potions now I actually remember these potions from ma3 and these Health up potions and stamina potions you you need to drink these straight away so I've got to figure out how to do that apparently it was you to use item but I can just use them from here all right stamina up potion yeah look at that but use these it just increases my stamina to an ungodly amount okay so one thing I've noticed about the iconography in this game is that they've clearly just got an icon pack for weapons and thought uh yeah that kind of works with that so uh let's see what this ax looks like in reality if I just bring this out and you know what screw it I'm gonna bring out the uh I'm gonna bring out this perfect ax as well because that looks normal okay what do they look like huh well that is the that's the perfect ax and I'm holding it the wrong way okay so I'm just gonna smack people with it and this is the other ax that I'm also holding the wrong way so you don't chop people with axes you smack them with axes I'm gonna use this for a bit though because I think the the supply hand is cool and all but I I want to see what other weapons do look on the surface like at a glance it looks pretty cool okay it looks pretty cool but when you start doing stuff like this it just you smack people with an ax jumping around with all the special effects I'm not even jumping by the way it's my character's being flunked it it just it just takes it away okay he's dead right enough and he's died again and he's he's gone green perfect another enemy it is a it looks like a really weird werewolf she's gonna stab him no he's dead like two hits got another one okay never mind I killed him way too quick this thing is this thing's strong I think it's actually better than the ax okay it's vihanda is 70 damage all right and then you've got these other things like defense range defense rate stamina cost okay but then like this is 25 damage this is new gear and this is what this 40 That's 40 That's 35 and that's 60. using this viahander seems like the best choice like why would I use anything else right I've got a oh I've actually got to go this way I don't know man I have no idea where I'm meant to I I know where I'm meant to go but I like I don't know if there's any obstacles in the way like if I'm actually going the right way but going into this cave and now I'm through the floor I'm pretty damn sure this is not the right way can I get out of here is it possible all right hang on there we go I think I'm inside something no way okay I thought it was stuck for a second so wait a minute the enemies now inside this they they followed me inside are they stuck no no okay he's just come back out again right okay oh got more things gotta mess up my favorite sword ever along with a spy hander gray Warhammer gray dagger a Croatia Shield Denmark Shield you know what I'm I'm gonna give Croatia a shot there we go um okay right that definitely doesn't look there is something really wrong with these shields okay I've got I've got to break down what's going on here um you can see that there's a face on that Shield what does this one look like that looks like the Croatia Shield you could also see like the shape of the shield like it's sort of translucent and they've just stuck the image on what happens if I change shield now okay it just does that my god dude I haven't I how how do you do this how do you manage to do this all right I'm opening the door I I've seen enough I'm gonna be prepared for this I'm gonna change this by hander and open this door and I can already see that as the door comes off of its hinges there is a white wall a white block I think that I may have seen coming here and let me guess I've got a walk walk through it you can even see it on the mini map that I've just I've fallen off the edge again and now we're in a pub with their eyes on the map and looking for Treasure this team was ready to hit the road all they wanted was to be rich fate continued its fine line I have no idea why this guy's wearing a Monday looking peaky blinders hat which is a weird sentence to say anyway all right okay so now I'm here and I think I'm playing as a Swedish man with a shovel is I don't know what's going on I think this is meant to be like some sort of uh flashback maybe Flash Forward maybe this is another character Arc maybe there are multiple character arcs in this game it's one of those things where uh everything comes together but I've got to go this way but uh see what's going on over here and there's a dragon they had heard the dragon's voice I didn't pay attention to it all right let's see what happens what's well I'm dead yeah I'm dead and everybody else as well just it's almost like they forgot the queue and they were just like oh man oh yeah we're supposed to die now trust me in the end this will all make sense anyway now we're in this underground Wizards passage there's another bonfire to save game and even more loot that unfortunately still isn't as good as this Estates vihander which I've got to say is kind of lame right they give you this overpowered weapon a one-handed display hander and all these other cool weapons with these cool icons and these axes that you you can't even hold properly none of them actually seem to be worth your time and again if there was just a moment of doubt in your mind thinking that this was not in fact a Souls like regardless of if it has the tag or not I just rolled into some things and they broke granted they are missing some textures and it turns out we did actually get some more items and as we already know items are of nowhere to be found in your inventory anyway so I have no idea why they're in the game at all but uh what I did like about this level and what this game does actually get right is that exploration is rewarded you see we have the marker over there and if we go in that direction we can get it's the end of the level quite easily but there are different Avenues where you can fight enemies you'd otherwise Miss and find more loot but to be honest after exploring for a bit I kind of got bored of this place and just jumped off this ledge and at the bottom there was this guy who seemed to be guarding this chest quite menacingly and uh of course I stole everything from the chest before also stealing his wallet but after doing so this game takes a bit of a weird turn and yet again I'm left kind of confused about the situation oh another cutscene I swear to God I saw a truck in the distance okay pretty damn sure he's The Witcher and uh he's sitting on some skulls and there's a fire dragon the sorcerer fights with all his might against the azazim I mean first of all saying a Zozo like that is hilarious but now I'm playing as geralt of Rivia apparently who's who's also still floating it looks like though I've got the same gear as before and apparently this is like over what 350 years ago so I don't know how the hell I've still got this equipment yes the same stuff man is is actually the same game I'm gonna have a mess of this time oh I can actually do magic look at this I can do different magic now the Magic's unlocked for me I don't know if any of this stuff actually does anything like ice does it freeze enemies I'm gonna have to test this stuff out right check this out I can see a demon in the distance can I use magic whoa I'm really interested to see what all these different spells do okay that one I didn't really see too well I have no idea if it's doing any damage to them because besides what's going on why am I going through buildings I actually can't do what stop I can't I actually can't stop this is my life now I've just been pushed through where I okay cool it seems like the more I play this game the more confused I become but this glitch in particular will come in handy later now when I eventually made it back to where that demon was there were nowhere to be found however I did find another chest with more weapons in it but this time one of them was actually better than this vihander this shiny sword with about 80 damage that's 10 more than this viahander will help me with what we're about to encounter next although when I progressed forwards to the main objective uh I had another very broken encounter with one of the Demons is this guy gonna fling me across the map it's definitely teleporting oh okay and uh after fighting this guy he has permanently stuck me in this position so uh I guess we're gonna be running like this for a while honestly the best thing about getting stuck at an angle is that you can actually see how broken the mini map is not only am I tilted but so is the camera so technically we just got two bugs for the price of one but regardless of that nothing could have prepared me for the sequence of events that was to come not gonna lie man as goofy as it looks I really like the look okay I like the look of this place right it looks really it looks disgusting but it's I guess it's the purple right it's on brand but look at the you know people are gonna at least try and explore right you know people are gonna come up here but then they see this random block of crystals just over there you could see the abyss you could probably go out of bounds if you really wanted to all right the situation is this uh I'm I need to open this door but I can't because I think my characters bugged out from just being like this uh I have no idea how I'm supposed to get through apparently I just I just walked through and there wasn't even any it was just a wall there and I'm called Robert is zazo was waiting for him the battle was as close as a bread right I've got to kill the azozle all right my name's Robert I've got to kill the others or there are things on the floor though can I pick this up apparently I can't help that potion okay I'm gonna pick up things and see if I can use them to buff myself before fighting these demons it might that sounds like a good idea I have no idea Christ it's just going mental on the spot like what's he doing let me pick it up man let me let me pick this up let me okay I can't pick it up then I guess I'm not allowed he's just teleporting to me dude like how bugged do you need enemies to be oh God he takes he's got a lot of Health all right so far the combat has just been this okay I don't know now I'm flying oh God that guy's joined in uh I'm flying again I think you know I don't even think I'm flying I think it's the camera yeah the camera's bugging out is he all right is he what's he actually doing this guy is having such a hard time he just doesn't want to exist in this reality apparently I'm stuck on this guy all right that oh okay he's doing something else now right okay um azuzzle increases his power death spell this is one of the greatest spells of some kind of bodily and Aura origin before a Zozo can respond to the spell you must finish him off generally you can use up to ten percent this is a limit if you cross the border you die use eight percent power of death spell what spell is that on is it that one it looks like it do I just press six and then where we I have no idea where he is my God whoa he's just draining my health is on top of me so he kind of like jumps on top of you has like this weird spell and then it just drains all of it all your health and I think I'm gonna die I could really do some health right now can I kill him oh no oh okay I have a feeling that I may have just died but um this just came up as usual increases his power the only way to stop him is to increase the power of death spell to 10 and activate Pandora's box trap all demons in this box use 10 of death spell power right right oh and what so I just died I just died and we got a cut scene yeah I don't really know why I was so surprised about this but uh I'm gonna be fully transparent with you right now it took me about an hour and a half to beat this guy you see he has a lot of health and we don't do that much damage and we gotta get him down to about half Health before he does a little cut scene and we get this this dialogue which by the way these aren't instructions this is some kind of narration about what I guess we Robert are doing originally I thought that we had to cast some kind of death spell but no that that's completely not the case but yeah killing this guy is much easier said than done and trust me I did try I wasn't just trying to hack and slash this guy in the corner I was also messing around the Spells but uh I may have just discovered a very overpowered spell that put me in a pretty bad place oh oh okay what happened to him no way there we go look you can just delete enemies brilliant uh I have cleared all the enemies I have um I have defeated them but unfortunately the wrong way so I I gotta I gotta figure out a way to get out of bounds so I can restart this this really wasn't an ideal situation but somehow I managed to completely delete all the enemies including the boss with this one spell by doing so and technically defeating the boss the game didn't count it as a win So eventually I had to quit my game and thankfully I did save before this fight and also thankfully the save system does work so it really wasn't too much trouble getting back into the fight however it was still quite tricky trying to kill this guy a lot of the times he would just roll into me do a lot of damage and he would just keep doing the same attack again again I mean this hitboxes really aren't that easy to predict with all the random animations anyway but uh at one point I did use some of the potions that were on the floor however I purposefully didn't use all of the potions because I wanted to see if I can still hold on to these few after I died and it turns out yes you do so instead of using skill the plan was quite simply to pick up all the potions on the floor die pick up more potions die again rinse and repeat now to make this process even faster this demon right here the same demon that pushed me through all those buildings earlier would still push me outside of the map every time I hit it and because thankfully enough the outer bounds does have a kill floor it's a very quick way to reset and collect more potions so after about 30 minutes of collecting potions I buffed myself up to the absolute maximum and finally took on the Azazel but the events after this only left me more confused one more slice one more slice one more slice come on it's like right we've got another one I totally okay we got a whole other bit to do a whole other bit to do on this much health I I'm not too confident man but uh we got a cut scene for it he's hang on did we do it no I'm dead I'm dead okay I think I think we did it we actually did it it took me hours I actually finally did it and now we're here what the f command we spawn in the first thing this guy says I guess we I guess the Cat Knows the way I'm following this this random ass asset cat and the great thing about it as well is it already tells you where you need to go but it wants you to follow a cat you know I'm gonna not follow a cat you know at least these houses look white houses they actually look normal and they're some there's some women over there and there's a whole hole in here there's another out of bounds area this is this is another out of bounds the the start point was over there and again we've got another out of bounds straight out the map there's a white box there I have a feeling that that's probably gonna trigger something I know man let's see is it a good idea I don't know and it does it actually triggers something I have no idea I don't know a treasure Hunters I don't even know they're Slumber in question their motives they had seen a sign in their dreams that they should not is this just an alternate path however they would soon continue on their way from where they left off right so I'm I'm now back with these guys but did I just did I trigger what I was meant to trigger did I was I meant to go that way did I just find a completely different path is this an alternate ending have I just found a secret ending this looks like the same assets from azozle oh we have to fight that guy again I am not going to fight this guy over Spade I swear to God right okay I guess we have the isuzel round two then I'm I'm so not looking forward to this I tell you what though man as as much as there is sun glare this looks way better than it did before it looks it actually looks kind of aesthetic you know it's it's very glowy but it it looks much better than before and there's a chess I think is that that's the Pandora's chest isn't it it's just appeared and let me guess we're gonna open it because we're treasure Hunters yeah didn't even it didn't even open when he did the animation but who guess okay now the whole world is on the verge of Extinction will Aries reach Shangri-La so what happened to Harry wait that was that was it well there you go we just beat the game this is only season one by the way so there is nothing else but there is one thing that I needed to clarify because of course instead of following the white cat earlier we walked into this white block and honestly I thought we found some kind of Easter egg some hidden ending so I reloaded my save and this time actually followed the cap but all it did was take us over to this guy here which I'm pretty sure is the same guy we played as earlier and there you go it's the same cutscene it's it's the same chain of events I don't know how they managed to just leave this thing here this giant Gap in the world I mean to be honest I don't even know why we had to follow this white cat the marker was right there we didn't need this cat oh no man this whole game is an absolute mess and for this price the most you're gonna get out of it is a good laugh you can however play the demo for free but also there is a prologue now I won't go into too much detail about this there really isn't that much to see it's a lot of the same stuff but weirdly enough it did actually feel more like an RPG where there is a main quest but you can still explore and find different things although just to be clear I still wouldn't really call it an RPG it's uh I mean yeah you basically get the point anyway that was dark days devil hunt what a what an experience of course a massive thanks to all my supporters over on patreon you guys are awesome and of course a massive thanks to all of the supporters on this channel as well thank you very much for getting yourself whizzed but of course finally a massive shout out to all of my Wicked Slayers and cyber Wizards gibbles by the Dozen Nick I've dealt with ghosts before I am not gonna deal with that Waller the cuddly bot Camille B Nega Dan the one with seven toes blixed anikra rare Alex basto finra Linker Mr Pine spooky King swing distant reality legayana Drago fanyan Alex nibs arcadius Adam borky Chris blager Scotch Stakes big RAM grimba and umbiths I can't I'll see you in the next one where I you know what I'm gonna be playing a whole Library full of games
Channel: Wicked Wizard
Views: 328,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worst game on steam, worst game on steam wickedwizard, wickedwiz, what went wrong, worst game ever, horror game, what went wrong wickedwiz, wickedwizard, wicked wizard, worst game of the year, scariest game i've ever played, inhuman, steam horror games, worst game on steam?, silver soul, horror, Tahoe Dragon: The Beginning, Spider Queen Cave, souls like games, Horror Adventure, Ma3, Hammer of Virtue Review, dark days devil hunt, dark days devil hunt penguinz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 8sec (2048 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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