I Played The Worst Games On Steam...

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these four games May within the space of a month by the same developer cost just about 50 each I've just played them and I think it's safe to say that these may just actually be the worst games on Steam I mean they're uninspired lazy and Engineers to trick people into buying them on sale with what I assume to be fake slash ironic for the sake of being ironic reviews I was curious of course thought they had a 95 off bundle for six pound sixty about this much in American and you know what even that's asking for too much because today we're diving deeper than ever in this dumpster known as Steam so let's take a look at this first game called school trip where the story is that we've survived a bus crash and we need to find a way back to school apparently this game has about four features which are jumping running carry things and cool music so I guess this game is going for more of a minimalistic approach which is evident on their title screen because there's not really much here I mean you can see the bus in the background on fire the only two buttons are play and quit so unfortunately we won't be exploring any settings for this game anyway let's press play and uh here's my here's my first impression no way no way get this my my curse is not even logged in and I can't even okay I can look around there's no sound there is nothing there's nothing hang on I've got sound on my PC there is no sound here I'm hurting I need find help that bus crash was insane oh what you mean the one over there oh yeah I guess we saw it at the title screen maybe we should go over there that's interesting I can kind of see the uh this isn't this is I feel nauseous playing this game okay I can't go back there because there's an invisible wall but I'm what I'm trying to say is I I can see the stuff through the the grass right well that's a powerful start by the way upon further inspection there is actually cool music in this game it's just insanely quiet and the only reason why you're gonna hear it in this video is because I had to do the job for them now I'm not going to go ahead and try and explain the logic of this game but I will say this we've just survived a bus crash you can see it over there the police have also already arrived and we're injured so of course to find Refuge we need to go into this dark cave now before going into this dark cave I thought well maybe this is where the jumping comes into play maybe there would be some kind of parkour challenge or even a puzzle no it just takes us into the woods and there's no path no direction and by the way you can jump in this game but to do so you need to double tap spacebar and you know what I'm Gonna Leave it to you to find the One Moment In this game where you need to jump anyway even with the slow sprinting speed with the uh the camera going all over the place it didn't actually take too long to find something or should I say someone very uh very strange looking person look at the schnoz on this guy look at the beer belly that is that is quite difficult to achieve look at the spikes coming out of his arm hello my name is Winston I can help you if you help me I need you to find my gasoline I think the gasoline is on the cargo in the forest I can walk through this NPC and just kind of get a POV of what it's like to be Winston it's depressing anything in the car no I need to find the cargo which is probably over near the truck but can I jump I know I probably can't go into this building can I eventually we'll make it eventually we'll make it to this container which I thought was a truck but it's not it's it's a it's a container yay and uh there is something on it need a key to open it'll be hilarious right if the key was just somewhere in the forest like behind a rock just somewhere like over there if the key was over there that would be amazing well I can tell you it's not over here it's not over here either I even checked Winston's little home couldn't find anything no I was walking around for a good 10 minutes trying to figure out where where should I go where do I find this key was it over there was over here I don't know where do I go where do I find this key but you see Winston's a helpful man he's a nice fellow with pointy shoulders and a big nose but poor Rod Winston can be a bit forgetful sometimes and you know what so am I I forget things sometimes even the dialogue we just had so I went back over to Winston and it turns out there's a change of plans does Winston tell me anything else okay so now he tells me he says oh you need a key for the cargo I think I dropped the key on the other side of the forest the key is in front of a rock that is all I remember a rock which one I've got it I've got it gameplay it's gameplay always look at the reviews always think to yourself I mean actually you know what yeah no is it worth the price uh it's definitely yeah it's definitely not this Rock This Rock will have the key why because it's next to the cargo realistically why would you go to any other Rock maybe that one over there I I maybe I've already seen it always look at the reviews always think to yourself is it worth the price there's nothing in this rock no it'll be hilarious right if the key was just somewhere in the forest I don't I'd I I really I've I've picked the wrong my career choice has not been is it worth the price I'm sure I've explored all of the uh the rocks that looks like a rock can't see a key near this rock [Music] finally that's the key that right there is the key at least it's easy to see but this was The Rock how do I pick it up okay I just walk into it brilliant sorry for the whole horror segment uh this basically drove me insane I mean I checked every Rock before finding the key at this one anyway with the key we can now open the container and pick up the fuel for Winston's truck this is where that uh carry feature comes into play and this is the only time we'll be carrying something as you know hang on we do in fact carry something else but uh we'll see that in a bit now once we've given Winston the fuel he gives us a med pack so we can patch ourselves up and kindly offers to drive us to school but there's a bit more to it than that I can get you there but first we need to stop at the gas station to refuel the car fuel okay Winston what's gonna happen man where are we now Winston where are we now there's an ax what am I gonna just wanna can okay we've now confirmed that I'm a I'm a child okay we've not gone with the police we've just decided to go with some random dude in the middle of nowhere uh he said we need to go to the gas station okay and the objective now is chop a tree oh no I have an ax in my car you need to shop the trees down with the ax why Winston why do I need to do this what okay let's just let's just Chuck do I need to chop every tree down how do I chop a tree I'm chopping one Winston I'm chopping the tree how do I chop the tree I've done it I've I've chopped the TR oh it's this one okay okay now this makes sense I I feel I feel like an idiot this by the way that's how you chop a tree you just there we go we've done it good job now we can go brilliant gameplay now at the gas station not gonna lie this place looks pretty cool but what do we need to do Winston oh no I don't have any cash can you go find a ATM and grab some cash then fill up the car I'm supposed to be a child I mean I'm pretty big for a child I'm I'm very tall for a child I've got so many questions now I can't go in this direction because it's blocked off uh all of the cars have stopped there are no people left in this town or this world this is the honestly this just looks like uh I'm in a weird apocalyptic landscape and the only person that seems to be alive and breathing is Winston and there we go there's the ATM I think I've activated I I don't I don't know I think you just got to walk into it now go fill up the car learning some great life skills here this is exactly what would happen if I found a stranger in the woods on my way to school I fill up the car okay cool I I now need to talk to Winston again good job now we can get you to school brilliant let's go to the car I was worried for a second Winston I'm not gonna lie man I was very worried you didn't take me to school but uh thank you very much I think it's goodbye now you can visit me if you want you know where I live I don't think I will Winston honestly I don't think I trust you I I feel like it would be a very bad idea but let's see what the hell school is all about oh I can't honestly I can't wait to see what the next level is I wonder what it is let's uh oh wow look at that we got ourselves an achievement finish the game the only achievement by the way and it just says thanks for playing press any button to continue we'll discontinue do takes me back here by the way that was the only music in the whole game that was the only Sound of Music can I even can I even quit this game properly I can't even quit the game properly well that was basically it you could speed run this game in about 10 minutes to be honest I still feel ripped off if this game was for free but at least the next game has a bit more to it this is a mega zombie explosion and the explosion will definitely blow you away it is extremely loud at least we've got options audio master volume one slider for all audio you know I'm just gonna put it down did I break the audio what's it normal potato all right brilliant desert Town let's pick that oh oh okay it's very high sensitivity I can change the GPI on my mouse right I I can do that but it doesn't do anything at least in this game I can see myself you can see my character it's very high Sensitivity I can run around properly apparently I only have a few seconds though oh no no oh God the zombies are here how do I inspect you didn't give me any controls okay right I'm just gonna take this and I'm gonna take all the guns because that seems like the the best thing to do um press one no two three okay cool now I can shoot it is ugly whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa my God okay there is a lot of them they run really fast I got I've just gotta run uh what what is going on can they not get me from here no way are you kidding me so they've just got I'm speechless I'm pretty sure this was intentional I mean this a bloody gun inside the wall either that or it's meant to be some kind of attempt at a uh Easter egg this wasn't an isolated incident either in fact I wasn't too sure which wool had collision and which one didn't but regardless of this I did go around to explore the map a little bit I jumped over this wall here thinking that I made it out of bounds but uh no we'll see that soon don't you worry we'll see a lot of out of bounds soon but there's not much here besides killing more of these glowing zombies and uh this out of place untextured staircase I don't know what they've got against staircases in this game but personally I love them anyway if you thought that was bad wait until you see the next level because somehow it's even worse I can see my character just by pressing escape at least I can change the uh the volume they did think about that that's very nice of them wait a minute check this out Fire camp and shelter drag around okay come on run run change weapon change change the gun okay how do I change gun what button is it to change this gun they're just okay I've got to put it here right this right now these frames are the same frames I'm seeing it just keeps spawning in zombies this has no recoil on it by the way so let's just let's just have fun I guess yeah that's how an AK works can I can I just run through this stuff because apparently you can yeah there we go there we go that's what was that's what I was looking for I don't know how many I need to kill but I have a feeling as well the bodies stay around you can just see them like spawning in from just just not out of nowhere they're all here as well this is this is this is too much man what the hell am I looking at I really wish I could explore this place but it's just so laggy I actually want to see what happens if we fall let's let's see if uh okay I the gravity must be insane and there's the fastest I've fallen out of a map Jesus Christ man there are so many things wrong with this game that I don't even know where to start like the AK for example the audio seems to be on rapid fire and trust me it was much louder than you heard right there thank God for editing the issue with the frame rate in this level is that for some reason it starts off with what feels like 100 zombies and keeps adding to it the issue of this is that I'm pretty sure the bodies don't even despawn like I have no idea how you're meant to progress in this game if uh if my PC is about to blow up maybe that's the mega zombie explosion my PC explodes and there you go there's your explosion I even tried turning on potato mode and here's a side-by-side comparison there is no difference I think the only difference is pop in but it doesn't really work for this map in hindsight what confuses me the most about this game is that it's meant to be some kind of survival I mean you can see your hunger and thirst here but there are also these little buttons for I guess camping which of course don't work but just out of curiosity but I did give it another go just to see what happens if you run out of thirst and hey look at that when it goes to minus one you do actually take some damage so uh I guess it kind of works anyway if you thought this level was bad the next one I don't know how but the next one is much worse I've got an RPG now which is good I'm looking forward to this because this is a part of the uh zombie explosion right yes they have exploded for a game that goes on about explosion by the way what the hell is going on with the map wow what's the fun if they just spawn in like that come on this is this is so what is why okay oh man a screw it I'm not even taking a gun I just want to explore what the hell is going on like the pop-in is insane can I just walk through it yeah yeah there you go very nice Sky Box I feel like I'm playing Google Earth okay zombies will spawn in there it's fine I'm just gonna Sprint and just watch everything pop in because they this is what optimization looks like this is how you optimize the game right if you have everything pop in right in front of you well there you go I can't run anymore uh you should be fine I want to see if I can make it to the top I've got to be able to do some Parkour though and I'm pretty sure I can do it from here foreign I I don't really have any comments at this point let's just move on to the next game which is a world of barn an RPG of all things one thing I can give credit to is that there is at least some variation between these games and you know what this game seems all right at least compared to the other two which I found to be quite suspicious right well this this game is called world of barn apparently I can make a character as well so let's see what character creation looks like oh look at that nice name always Whistler there we go okay well we've got a dialogue box it's pretty damn cool this must be a demo level just from some random RPG store asset or whatever there's a fighter here hey no time to lose go pick up a weapon on that chest let's pick up a weapon on the chest oh okay cool wow brilliant uh I've got different spells I've got ice I've got wolf got but whatever that is uh I probably have an inventory now wow look at that I'm gonna I'm gonna use a I'm gonna use an ax just screw I'm a wizard I'm gonna use a star there we go cool you can do alchemy in this game don't know why uh are there any quests set up here you've got a Crafter get hides accept gather blue flowers mine copper okay yeah this game is actually quite decent you've got uh weapons Alchemy these crafting quests and uh you can explore this little town full of the same person now I've just got a Quest from this guy to speak to somebody in another Village but while I make my way there let's see what's really going on behind the scenes you see I checked the positive reviews and found out that this game was surprise surprise made by the use of an RPG Builder and apparently this one was made with blink I compared what I saw on the website versus this game and yeah it's spot on the best part about this is that blink doesn't require any coding it's just an editor that you use to make your very own unique RPG so I guess that's just something to keep in mind but moving forward I found the person we need to speak to and I've got myself some clothes and also another Quest but this time to kill some skeletons now apparently they're in some kind of coastal town so uh we're gonna have to explore to figure that out because uh the mini map in this game just doesn't work but first I wanted to check out this big castle it seems like the kind of place where something might happen but surely this is a place where I can find skeletons it looks like a skeleton kind of place a lot of lost frames around here but don't Matthias struggling in this area as well yeah I just found this uh cool purple block oh what there's a a dragon okay why why is there no sound as well that has got a lot of HP I'm not gonna do anything about this and uh okay well there we go there's a lot of crap over there okay cool we get to fight our first dragon or wyvern I don't really care what it is it's big it's got a lot of Health it's stuck in this Archway and took me about 15 minutes to kill it now in these 50 minutes not too much happened but I did notice this down here this blinking icon it turns out to no surprise that this RPG Builder comes with some kind of skill tree system just looking at it and based on what we've seen already I'm pretty sure these are the basic skills that come with the whole template anyway after finally killing this thing we got ourselves some special weapons including this special staff which is pretty cool and somehow made those 15 minutes worth the pain there wasn't really much else to this Castle I couldn't really find any chests or anything of Interest I did see another town though through this gate so of course I walked through and on the other side there are some skeletons the same kind of skeletons that I need to kill for this Quest I've got to be honest here my energy levels for a commentary were quite low at this point killing these skeletons wasn't anything special I mean to be fair they are pretty cool you've got two variants you've got these stabby ones and the uh magical shooty ones for some reason they sink into the floor like this when they die and the worst part about this Quest is that not enough spawn at any given time so while waiting for more skeletons to spawn I checked out these rocks and uh also found out that I could go underneath the castle by doing so I triggered another wyvern and this time it wasn't too hard to kill because I already leveled up and got some more skills I've got to say this RPG Builder isn't too bad I'd be really interested to play a proper game that was made with this Builder anyway when I killed this guy I went back to the town and there we go there are some more skeletons although I need to kill 40 in total and I have to wait for them to respawn again so I thought screw it I'm gonna go up in that direction because it looks like the sea and uh apparently this is meant to be a Coastal Village so let's see how that pans out here we go here's the C is there anything to the Sea I have a feeling this is not the sea I'm now in an icy Tundra and I can see polar bears how far does this go it's not a polar bear it's a bear remember that it's a big wide open space to explore some mountains as well in the distance I think this is meant to be out yeah I think this is meant to be the end of the map so uh if that's the case then surely I can't jump over it right wow are you kidding me you can't be serious you can literally walk under the mountains and you can also run backwards you could hear it in my voice I was blown away by this I've experienced quite a lot of outbounds in this series let alone this video but nothing quite like this 33 pounds and you can run under the mountain because they didn't even bother to patch the terrain at this point I pretty much had enough and just jumped off the edge of the map the best part about doing this is that when you save your game your character will forever be falling and if for whatever reason you want to explore this game further you've got to make a new character so I did that I made a new character and this time I wanted to explore the map a little bit more just to see if there was anything we missed any Villages or any kind of other terrain that would be cool and interesting I can tell you right now that all I found were a couple more Villages nothing too interesting I mean it's just the same NPC the same buildings and that's it I also went to explore the icy Tundra a bit more just to see if there was anything on the other side and I stumbled across a lake a lake with what I assumed to be the Coastal Village right next to it unfortunately this lake has an invisible wall so you can't really dive into the water and test out the water mechanics I mean that is until I found a gap within this invisible wall and there you go you can in fact go into the lake and here's your AAA Quality Water mechanics before trying out the next game I wanted to see what happens if you uh die well this is me dying in the game I've just sunk into the floor and I've respawned in the camp near the castle which just by the way I didn't even trigger any quests before I was naked I was running I was scared and after dying I respawn here so technically this is a speed running Strat anyway there's one more game to look at and you know what I don't think you need me for this one so I'm just gonna pop to the shop get some milk and you guys can enjoy this a very long in-depth murder mystery called Murder of the Bear Lake apparently this is just version one it was made in 2021 so yeah obviously no updates probably for a long time or ever it does have some settings though yeah yeah of course obviously this simple menu is uh it's just a template that they've not even bothered to do anything with can I even play the game well thank God I can play the game no idea what this game is about it's got the same issue as the first one where my cursor isn't locked in but I guess if I no don't think there's anything I can do to fix this I'm gonna have to deal with this now oh here we go hello woman hello woman what are you doing in the forest at this time I want to explore the forest the forest is dangerous in the night I can survive on my own okay but I warned you yes I know but I go now bye bye if I press Escape nothing no any other buttons any other buttons nope no jumping no nothing it is another walking Sim what is going to happen it's getting it's very dark oh look we've just started off in this other little area I think the lake is close cool Lake must be this direction then brilliant there's a drunk man I this guy dead okay the man is sleeping what how simple is my character man hey you oh oh he said something what are you doing here at this time I am exploring the forest why the forest is dangerous I know but I still want to go okay but I warned you bye bye very nice man what a tree in the path maybe the man can help with this I need help with something what do you need there is a tree in the path I think there is a ax on the log you can take it thank you no problem bye bye eat a chop wow I chopped with ax why can't I are you kidding me I pressed e Is It Anyway yeah okay cool well there we go ladies and gentlemen I managed to make out of bounds once again there's probably no point going over there because it will just uh lead to a pit of nothingness so I'm just gonna go this way and hopefully trigger a cut scene which you know should have happened um is is this where I'm gonna go there we go there we go I actually had to get out of bounds to fix the problem finally the lake there is a campfire I should go there yes you should hello what are you doing here I am exploring okay can you do something for me what I need mushrooms I go grab some mushrooms for you thanks well let me go grab some mushrooms there's a cave here this is where I need to go can I go back no I guess I've just progressed there is a camper I should talk to him okay uh is it the same guy who needed mushrooms hello you are the guy with the woman yes but she went home oh okay I think I go home too okay be careful bye bye what what is this game man what is this game what is the dialogue the dialogue even the dialogue's broken it's the same trees by the way it's always been the same trees these trees will haunt my dreams okay let me guess uh cool oh all right I'm back here then hello hello what happened to her some guy murdered her I think I know who who I found some guy on the near Forest he was with the woman thanks for the info no problem bye bye or she died do I go this way now it's just foreign what happened wow would you look at that unlike your dad actually came back yeah this game is the icing on the cake the peak of gaming you might say I actually had to play this twice just to see if this was in fact the ending and yes yes it was there's no alternative ending there's no secrets there's there's no nothing that is it five minutes of Gameplay at first I thought these games were some kind of lame joke like haha is so bad because it costs so much kind of thing because technically you can play these games individually within the two hour window and get a refund but if you got this in a bundle you'd need to be careful of course because if the play time is over two hours then you've just lost six pounds 60. but you see I still couldn't really believe the price so I had a look at steam DB checked out the price history and as you can see right here for all four of these games is that they used to be cheaper but that's compared to the 33 pounds or 50 price tag which is obviously used as a way to bring down the price on a massive discount so people just out of curiosity he will buy the game in the hope that they will forget about it and there you go they make some money but even on release they're asking for way too much when dumpster diving I try to be as Fair as possible the difference with most games that I've covered in this series is that you can see that there's some kind of effort put into them granted the execution may be poor at times but these games were just made for the sake of it no love and no care I've had a look at other games made by this developer and they all seem to be the same kind of thing only these four are priced at this much anyway that was it we've set the bar so low now that the next game is gonna look amazing next to these of course a massive thanks to all my supporters over on patreon you guys you guys you guys are pretty damn cool and also a massive thanks to my supporter on YouTube yes that's right I now stream here as well and if you really want you can get whizzed but finally a massive thanks to all my Wicked Slayers and cyber Wizards gibbles by the Dozen time wits Nick Waller here that was a Komodo dragon whiz also yes life happens I forget the cuddly bot Camille B Nega Dan the one with severed toes rare Alex basto finra Alex capral Linker Mr Pine spooky artistical Roselle Bugatti King swing distant reality legayana Drago fanyan Alex nibs arcadius Dr Damo Adam borky capitalist Moomin times twice Chris blager scotched eggs big RAM and grimba and I'll see you in the next one where I'll insert a fart noise with a lot of Reverb
Channel: Wicked Wizard
Views: 2,302,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worst game on steam, worst game on steam wickedwizard, wickedwiz, what went wrong, worst game ever, horror game, what went wrong wickedwiz, wickedwizard, wicked wizard, worst game of the year, scariest game i've ever played, inhuman, steam horror games, worst game on steam?, silver soul, horror, Tahoe Dragon, Tahoe Dragon: The Beginning, Spider Queen Cave, souls like games, Horror Adventure, Exorcism Ritual, streatham hill stories, Ma3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 46sec (1906 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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