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this video is sponsored by mm2 club mm2 club is a really cheap website where you guys can get your dream godlies for example I'm going to buy this Harvester and you guys can also use my discount code which is Molly for 10% off of your order as you guys can see here I'm buying the Harvester and I've just put in the discount code Molly will now ask you for your Roblox username just put that in since I'm over 13 I can just press here it will give you a link to the bot's private server so all you have to do is Click join server then once you've joined it will tell you to jump a few times just to make sure that you're a real person and then it will send you a trade request and as you guys can see it's just putting the Harvester that I just purchased so mm2 Club has instant delivery for really cheap prices thank you so much mm2 club and let's get back onto the video in today's video we're going to be playing mm2 except every single time we die we have to change languages so I have a spin wheel with a bunch of different languages and every time we die we're going to have to spin that wheel and then I'll go into my settings and as you can see it says experience language I have to change that so currently it's on English cuz I speak English I read English but I've got a bunch of different languages on the wheel so every time we die we will spin the wheel and then we'll change it to whatever this should be interesting but let's go also shout out to all of my fans from around the world I love you guys so much and yeah make sure to join the Roblox group and cop the merch if you haven't already and let's just get on with the video okay so I didn't see but it says I will receive a weapon so oh a murderer okay are you oh my gosh it's freeze tag I'm actually stupid okay guys I did didn't see so I didn't know it was freeze tag I just got excited cuz I thought I was murderer and it turns out it's freeze tag that's just my luck but we're going to skip this round because I don't really think this will count okay let's see what we get we're probably going to get innocent yeah that's what I expected to be fair though I think this will be really interesting to see like all the different languages seeing how everything looks like I'm actually really excited I kind of I kind of want to die just so we can spin the wheel okay murderer isn't doing anything I kind of want to spin the wheel and change the language like wait what oh there's people dead I didn't hear anything I think they have silent knife who's murderer I feel like it's her it's got to be you right go away okay maybe she isn't murderer yeah no she's not murderer never mind it might be her I haven't seen her like the whole round oh it is her okay waa okay so she has got silent knife where's the gun I feel like the gun's free I look for it why stop going for me has she got the gun the gun is right there yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes got it got it oh gosh I don't know where to go ah watch this I'm going to trick shot you ready never mind never mind never mind never mind okay okay we're we're free we're free we're not in the dead end anymore there we go so we won the first round so we don't have to spin the wheel but I'm not going to lie like I kind of want to spin the wheel like I think it's just going to be so interesting to see like all the different languages and stuff okay it's m Bas please give me Sheriff okay guys while we're waiting for someone to do something I'm going to just showcase off the wheel so here we have it we have six languages on here we've got Spanish Japanese Italian Russian Turkish and Chinese simplified so when I die I'm going to spin the wheel to one of them and whatever ones it lands on I'm going to change it like I already I already said this in the intro I don't know why I'm retelling you guys however guys yes I am aware that not all of them were added so I will definitely be making a part two and adding all of the languages that I didn't add I I think I hear someone killing I'm going to go look for the gun wa okay okay guys so we just died I went to try to go look for the gun but I just ran straight into her where was the gun oh she's just chilling I love that all right guys light promised I died so we're going to spin the wheel and let's see what we get all right we got Spanish let's go okay we got Spanish okay guys now time to change to Spanish I've never actually changed it before so oh W Okay Okay so we've got ACA and Dison guys I'm really sorry for all my Spanish fans out there watching this I am so sorry for my horrible pronunciation I actually did Spanish for a bit in school then I dropped it because I didn't want to do that for my gc's but look at this it's actually quite cool okay so we're going to see like the murderer and Sheriff screen in a bit so let's see how that looks l El Asino ganado I'm so sorry guys okay so oh wait the map okay okay I didn't even realize the maps are also in Spanish I only just realized that that's so cool em okay okay okay literally everything is in Spanish that's really cool to me oh we got inocente we got inocente guys eloen please no hate for my Spanish I I know it's so bad guys please if you are Spanish and you are watching this comment just oh what what whoa okay hello I did not see her okay I'm so sorry guys for all my Spanish fans out there or if you're watching this and you are Spanish or you have any Spanish blood comment down below I'm really interested to see where all of you guys are from so guys honestly if you're seen this just comment where you're from I just think it's so interesting to see where you guys are from I love seeing where my like fans are from like it's just so interesting all right it's time to spin the wheel because we died I kind of want to get Chinese simplified and I'll explain why in a minute but we got Russian okay all right everybody so we got Russian so let's change that oh look look at the maps names yeah I don't think I would ever be able to read Russian in my life it just looks so like complicated shout out to all my Russian fans out there as well make sure to comment where you guys are from I honestly love seeing where you guys are from oh oh okay we got murderer I'm so glad they're colorcoded because if it wasn't colorcoded I would not know oh look at my inventory okay it's got all the different okay that's so sick I'm sorry I love I love this I'm just I'm really like him exploring these new languages oh hello how are you not dead if I get shot though that will not be very good oh my are you Jo no not the B laughing and look she's dancing on my body hello no idea what this says oh wait no no I do know what it says it says a sheriff has saved the day hey let's spin the wheel okay we got Turkish let's go and change that is anything changed I don't I can't tell oh okay mum I don't know if I pronounce that right at all um I wanted to get Chinese simplifi because a bit about me if you guys didn't know I'm actually wanu I am oh I want to stay away from everyone I feel so bad if I die immediately what the are you Jo I feel so bad I don't know why I just feel bad because we barely had any time with it being Turkish but yeah what I was saying a bit about me is I am like I said I I already said I literally said but I am Wan I am half British and half Chinese because I am from Hong Kong my mother is from Hong Kong while my dad is just from England so yeah I'm Wan shout out to all my fellow wans out there but yeah we died I feel so bad because we barely had any time with Turkish I feel honestly horrible but let's just have a a quick look so this is how it's looking if you've got your settings set to Turkish and they've all got oh this is so cool sorry guys this is just like actually cool like I love seeing different languages and like I just love that sort of stuff you know I don't know what's wrong with me I just like it okay guys it's time to spin the wheel and we got yes okay we got chines simplified right I'm so excited for this because I love how Chinese characters just look oh okay okay I love I'm loving this these look so cool you can't say that doesn't look cool I love that wow okay I might just have my thing set to Chinese simplified over English because this just looks so cool one sec one sec I got to do something I've got to do something and there we have it sorry guys I just thought it was a right time to change it to this shirt like I just thought it was appropriate by the way guys if you want to get this shirt um it's available in my group along with the Jersey I was wearing earlier you should definitely go join my group I love you guys I'm really active in the group wall shout out to everyone that's putting stuff in the group wall I just I think this looks so cool and like Japanese Korean characters like I don't know there's just something about them like I just find them really cool oh okay I don't care what you say that looks sick that just looks so cool okay the problem is I have no idea what these maps are we're going to vote this one and we're innocent okay she's coming she's coming I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die but I can also speak cantones guys for you guys that didn't know know a fairly decent amount of it like I can speak quite a lot of it she just got shot okay I have no idea what these maps are again I'm just going to vote majority okay he voted first so I'm going to vote for this one I'm going to guess this is going to be biolab I don't know like Biol laab I don't know wait no bolab might just be one character all right let's see oh it was that was Hotel okay where's the gun though that's what I want to know like that's all I care about in this game is the gun oh bacon bacon how have you got such good luck how are you of two times in a row like what oh wa bacon where'd you go oh bacon yes right where did bacon go wait I think Bacon's dead I think I heard I just heard it yes bacon is most definitely dead and I think it's top floor it's not even top floor wait what bacon where did you die I'm so confused I heard bacon die I'm so confused are you just right okay we just uh we just died where where the heck was the gun what the heck okay guys so we've only got two left so let's see what we get I'm going to predict we're going to go to Italian and I was correct woohoo I like this it just looks cool clo vza stagon yeah I'm sorry guys I probably should stop because I feel like my pronunciation is just so bad right now I'm so sorry but shout out to all my Italian fans honestly guys wherever you are from in the world comment down below I love seeing where you guys are from just think it's so awesome like I don't know why I just think it's so awesome let's see if we can read any of the maps cuz as We Know Nicholas still hasn't added the pictures yet oh they're still the same okay that's fine ooh inocente that's so cool and I just oh she's got the gun why are you shooting at me what the heck it's not even me the gun what are you joking wait what the right why was her hit box so huge Okay so we've got one left it's just Japanese did you really need to spin it yes yes yes we do we do we do we got Japanese woohoo I'm really excited to see how this looks let's see where is it am I just blind or I can I know oh it's right here oh that just looks so guys I'm sorry this just looks so cool we're going to go for majority I have a feeling this is going to be like meal base I don't know I'm I'm just going to guess it's going to be meal base but guys honestly I just love every language it just looks so cool oh we got it right let's go oh and we got murderer okay oh that just looks cool that just that just looks cool we're all set to go I'm so sorry you're going to have to die first excuse me can you this is my hitbox guys this is like literally a daily struggle what this prediction oh wait what the heck how did I miss I she was that she stood still we what the right can you NOP nope nope nope nope nope what is your hit box I see you I see you I see you don't move oh my gosh there's no way I missed that girl I see yes yes yes yes yes yes come here whoa okay you're not juking me I'm sorry you are not juking nobody oh the bacon there if he shoots me I think I'll Rage Quit oh never mind that's not happening okay where's the last person Oh see now what is the point in playing mm2 if you're just going to hide like let's go we won in Japanese I think that just says Victory let's go oh that just looks so cool so guys thank you so much for watching that's going to have to wrap up the video If you guys enjoyed it make sure to leave a like and like I said a million times before in the video comment where you guys are from I honestly love seeing I love all of my friends from around the world I love you guys so much make sure to follow my Tik Tok and yeah I'll see you guys in my next video [Music] goodbye
Channel: dndmolly
Views: 65,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mm2, mm2roblox, roblox, murdermystery2, mm2differentlanguages, mm2gameplay, differentlanguagesroblox, diversity
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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