I was a MINI PERSON in mm2 with SO MUCH BAD LUCK…!

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I'm so cute and adorable and Tiny and that's what I'm going to be in today's video I'm just going to be tiny it's a baby version of OIC I actually feel kind of uncomfortable in these tiny legs because as you know I usually wear like super fat legs but that didn't work out oh my God that's not going to work will I have balls never mind that we don't want that my head is huge compared to my body I look so stupid still cute though I also feel like I run more quickly than I usually do but I actually don't since I'm so tiny it seems like my legs are just moving faster but I'm actually not faster it just feels like it cuz I run yeah I don't know I'm just adorable I can't like I can't stop looking at myself I'm so cute I think maybe this dude is a murderer he's just standing here all AFK actually I'm just going to whoa okay wait wait wait wait wait okay sorry sorry oh are you going to shoot him I think the sheriff is going to shoot him but it's oh my God it was him what what oh that's so weird I was so not ready for that and now he's just camping oh my God that's impossible to get a gun like that oh my god oh yes somebody got the gun I hope she hits it come on I believe in you girl whoever you are I don't know who you are but I believe in you oh my God good job that was such a nice shot oh oh wait wait wait okay I feel like oh my God oh my God wait wait wait wait that was too close oh my God I so thought that was above me and then this dude just comes out of nowhere to kill me oh my God you don't kill babies though why is this dude just going for me that was a kind of I kind of had padic for a second that was I was not yeah I was not expecting that there's still no Sheriff so I'm thinking maybe the first person he killed when I was down there maybe that's the sheriff but I didn't see it cuz I ran for my life so I'm going just check it out if there might be a gun in here or something oh my God it was no no it was there the whole time it just oh my God in that little thing nobody would have found it I'm still so mad I actually was so smart and found the gun and he just killed me right there the first two rounds were not really lucky from my side but I'm hoping this round will do better oh wa wait wait wait okay oh my God I keep meeting the murder wherever I go oh my God can I even get more than Lucky in this video honestly this tiny bot of mine just brings me bad luck why why murder Mr Ru why this girl is following me and I hate it I don't have a good feeling about this and this whole video has been bad luck so I don't like her doing that can you please stop I'm not in the mood for this I never am but especially not not please leave me I'm I'm I'm begging you please I think this person might be the murderer but the last time I said that I died so I'm going to be really careful with what I do and say I'm just going to stand here and let the murder come to me oh my God I thought that was a I thought it was a knife for a second that was traumatizing but it was just a cookie oh wait wait wait oh my God it's this dude and he's camping too what how did I not get the gun oh my God okay we can do this though we can do this nope as long as he just turns around maybe I don't [Music] know oh my god you're kidding me this cannot even go worse I just got the oh my God I would have hit that and oh my God oh my I've never had this bad luck in my life wait is it like Friday the 13th or something it's not it's January 25 with this bad luck I've had so far I'm genuinely scared for my life I feel feel like I might just collapse right here and right now and just die I was not the first person dying let's go okay they just won okay everything's going to be okay and all right and okay that okay I know who it is at least I'm just going to follow the dead bodies and if I have luck which I don't have today apparently I might also find a gun but I don't think I will cuz like my luck is really bad wait oh my God that was so quick okay here we go again so far uh I haven't died since my super bad luck rounds in the beginning of this video but I still don't feel very lucky like nothing good has really like been coming my way I don't know we'll see maybe this video is going to end in super good luck I don't know comment what you guys think am I going to just have bad luck the whole video or is good luck coming for me we'll see the sheriff is just shooting like oh what did he she just shoot that person I don't know I didn't hear anything but okay I guess luck is coming my way we'll see if I can even win this cuz like literally nobody's even died yet I don't even know where the murder is so ooh here's AFK PR should I just shoot her if luck is coming my way please let me have luck I have not have any luck so please give me some luck also look how big this gun is in my hands it's so huge oh my God it's bigger than my whole body anyway we're going to shoot her yes but I died wait what why did I die oh what this person was the murderer oh my God I was about to shoot her and he ran in my face and I killed him okay guys luck is coming my way this is the craziest video I've ever done what's happening this person just randomly ran in my face and I accidentally shot I was not even supposed to shoot him and I won wait wait but maybe that was payback because the first round when I was going to beat him as a camper I couldn't because the time ran out but this time I actually had my chance everybody just trying to get get up here H wait what how did you know okay good game I guess okay ooh okay luck is here I think as long as I don't die that actually proves I have some luck left in me but we will see about that wait who did that oh it's you oh wait wait wait wait wait I forgot to shoot huh wait how did that even miss though oh let's go we got her that was pretty good I think my luck is back this video has been a very emotional roller coaster let me tell you that anyway I'm going to go ahead and be an elf cuz that's what my destiny tells me to do at this point oh my God I feel so slow now when I don't have small fast legs anymore ooh there's a dead elf here okay one of my elves are dead that doesn't look good hello oh that's a murderer okay no idea where this sheriff is though like do your job please and if not just die oh she dead she dead good oh she camping but we got her oh my God my luck is actually turning better yes okay we got to do victory dance I never do Victory wait where's my dances I cannot dance when I'm an elf that sucks but okay I guess we're going to dance now then okay we're done oh sorry oh my God I just left this girl dancing that's worse than leaving somebody in red I'm sorry I'm going to dance with her again because I feel bad oh my god I think I'm too okay no I thought it was too short to get up here I just have to I'm just struggling a little bit but I can do it don't let your shortness bring you down even though it literally brings you down cuz you're short but like don't I don't know what I'm trying to say I just it just sounds worse when I'm trying to make you sound good okay wait wait wait wait wait what wait wait oh my God she's so laggy she just came out of nowhere literally no she's just teleporting everywhere I can't believe I'm alive though she was like right on me okay this is not looking good oh my God okay I'm just going to stay as far away as yeah not even that helps um I just I just died I think this is going to be the last round of this emotional roller Co roller coaster that wasn't that was hard to say like I feel like mm2 is not allowing people to be this small because everything is just so weird in this game right now I'm just going to sit here and drink a cup of coffee while I'm waiting for the sheriff to win oh okay and I didn't even die that's good this works better than my camouflage videos for some reason thank you guys for watching this was a very weird video but I loved every single part of it I did um hope you have a good day and night and I will see you in the next video probably hopefully normal sized bye-bye
Channel: Auiciq
Views: 234,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FhsCch2Fh3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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