MM2 BUT WE SWITCHED OUTFITS...😂 (Murder Mystery 2)

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[Music] all right you [Music] ready yeah they got come with the intro two one hello hello everybody it's always so awkward doing the intros three one everybody hello hello everybody today all right today I'm here with Toby say something then hello hello sorry bit be like be like hi guys I'm Toby just so they know that you're Toby go on then oh no hi um my name is to Dave sorry Dave my name's Dave how are you how are you all Toby no no say all right okay whatever okay guys so in today's video we're going to be playing mm2 but as soon as we die I have to put on one of his outfits and vice versa okay he has to put on one of my outfits so we're going to be playing murder mystery 2 like normally right but like as soon as we die on the first round I have to wear one of his ugly outfits and then he has to wear he has to wear one of my amazing outfits okay that's not very nice I'm I'm just kidding I'm just kidding I'm just kidding walking away now oh I'm s I'm sat in the prison C and I'm not happy do not do not do not come in here no I wasn't going to come find you anyway cuz I don't really care about you I will not I will not be happy get out you just you just pushed me y okay guys so basically we're going to go to a public server cuz I don't know if you can tell but we're actually in a private server right now I know it's a shocker but like we're in a private you see that backli there watch this how was that no okay so we're going to switch to a public server and then as soon as one of us dies we both have to switch outfits which we all know Toby's going to die because he's so he's just he's just he's just terrible at this game if I die we both switch outfits if Toby dies we both switch outfits if we both die then we just switch outfits okay all right so you ready Toby uh no can I just okay count that was not me Toby that's disgusting right that was definitely big yeah why are we in a pro Rich server I'm going to die oh my goodness okay guys he's right look at this what 1 2 3 4 there are four max level play oh my God okay well we don't send a CH until we were going to die in the first round I don't want to change my your horrible one take that back right now that is no that's horrible why does my shift lock not work in this server no really I'm going to done my shift lock no shame isn't it no one actually cares I care oh you don't matter though I'm just kidding I'm just kidding I'm just cing I'm just cing um oh what the okay okay first round okay Toby all you have to do is try not to die okay so don't die and then we don't have to switch fits all right I won't die just as soon as we as soon as any of us die we have to switch fits okay so just please try not to die um oh yeah I can't say that's going to happen why did you leave you donut what the hell just happened to we we we did it we we literally just survived the first round okay that's fine that's great guys we survived the first round but we can't promise anything that we're about to survive this round because that was a very short round I don't even know what just happened I'm the murderer [ __ ] no you're not don't swear you are not murderer go to the top floor and you're going to see my wife saw you I literally just jumped down nope Toby if you kill me you are aware this is we're switching FS okay I'm not telling you to purposly not kill me but I'm just telling you I'm I'm actually just going to go hide I can't I really I really can't do this if you hide then um I'm not going to hide I'm not that person I'm just going to keep running away from you though cuz I'm not dying I'm not wearing your ugly little fits the gun just Toby you are aware if he shoots you we have to change fits okay Toby just what I can't help Toby just don't bother throwing completely just follow him and stab him if he shoots you you're changing oh my no Toby you idiot you're so bad oopsy daies um all right would you look at this there's a massive X through your avatar nice one Toby he's a try hard I don't really give a flying poo about if you got me or not excuse me can we keep it PG please if we both get innocent just immediately reset and then change outfits okay okay okay I got innocent innocent okay reset okay okay guys so we're about to change fits so I have to put on one of Toby's fits not this one because don't really have any roo I'm going to put on one of Toby's original fits that I already have saved because it was it was it was a good fit so like I just put it on you know what I'm saying and he has to put on any one of like my fits okay is that okay no okay I don't care okay guys so I've Got My Fit ready need myself sorted out I Haven I haven't even started oh my God Toby you idiot okay well guys I've got my I've got my um this is one of Toby's outfits and now I am wearing it do you recognize this no it's good though Toby mate I'm going to ask again do you recognize this outfit yeah I made that outfit in 20 17 no you did shut up I actually made this like the other week guys and I thought it was quite good so I actually copied it if if I if I was a boy this is the outfit I'd put on but obviously I'm not a boy so I'm not putting this on this is the only occasion you will find me wearing this fit and maybe in some of my Tik toks it depends just depends Molly shirt it's good shirt okay but guys as you guys can see I'm going to give you guys a quick tour of my fit so firstly we've got the sh shirt this shirt is available in my Roblox group please go please go check it out maybe join the group while you're at it okay and the pants are also available in the group I'm going to be naked I have no clothes on it's not good okay but the pants are also available in the group so and even if you can't afford the clothes just go join the group oh no I have I have no clothes on this is not good no no bu where are you oh my [Music] god quick put on the my I heart mly shirt and then any any any pants I don't even care just put some pants on please oh my good oh wait the gun is right here wait I didn't even see that I'm actually blind what the where's M ah he's right there help I don't know where I don't know where he's gone I don't like this guys I'm really not liking this I'm scared I was about to come up watch this prediction yes that that's that's it you still this this Avatar is going to have to do for now no I died oh h l imagine dying would you look at that a hero has saved the date and it is me actually actually I think it was me because you are dress up as me so that's what I sa today good wait is that you oh my God I like it I'm actually liking it he's got he's got the merch he's got the IH heart Molly and he's also got the pants merch I love it I love the outfit I rate it I rate it I love it I'm not liking the legs though oh sh I forgot to make them fat don't I yes and can you stop oh oh I'm innocent oh I've got a roll I'm not going to tell you what my rooll is you have to wait and see what the look at my H box what is this oh hello oh he had the gun you me then that that means you um if you what the can you come here look at my hit box I've had enough I hate it oh it's oh it's you what the can you not not break my ankles please can you I didn't break your ankles send it no you're not you're not good did you know why you're good it's cuz you're wearing my merch that's why stop you're taking of my tiny hit box cuz I'll be real like I stabbed you I'll give up I'm not going for you and you got shot you are lit she's supposed to be don't you dance on my body into one of your FS now you're already in one of my fits another one if if you want yeah as long as long as it's one of my fits it doesn't matter you can change as many times you want it has to be one of my fits did you get Sheriff small base yeah no you yeah I got Sheriff that was no you're such a liar shut up can I just say if you want the pants and the shirt they are both available in my group please go join my group and if you want to buy it's actually my group cuz I'm Molly for the day well no Toby stop burping right stop it's not it's not good why oh my God the gun I want it a no you camper NOP I missed great I'm going to die now thanks Toby this is all your fault no I actually died no stop I was only joking when I said that no going to go there oh Toby get Campa oh you got it wait oh good job Toby oh my God you dare wait where did you come from though I didn't even see you oh I was hiding with an ice block cuz I'm currently mid changing oh really liking your outfit can I just like say it like it's a really like I wonder where you got those clothes wait where wa wait tell me where I can buy those clothes Buy in mol's group where's the gun the gun got it what no I'm about to die I'm actually about to die he probably going a massive H stop jumping oh my the spam jumping if I'm vote in mil base and I'm just to be murderer I actually wait that's my n someone sto oh my God it's you [ __ ] oh my God you idiot no no my heart I don't even know why that scared me that by the way guys that one of my most famous outfits that scared me because I thought some random person has stole it forgetting that the point of the video is that Toby wears My Fit okay guys I'm sorry but that really just that scared the living poo poo out of me very nice outfit I just put that out there also guys if you're watching this make sure to use discount code Molly when you're purchasing any item from luga G cuz then you get 10% off your order l. use code Molly all capital thank you very much yes cuz you guys get 10% off of your order so go go check out lug G okay guys so this is how it works you just go on the internet and then search up luga G and you should be greeted to their website and then you can find any like weapon you want to buy and then when you come to buy it you'll see that there's a discount code that you can put in just put in Molly in all capitals and you get 10% off your order if you're not using Code Molly lug G I don't already know what you're doing you're missing out on discounts basically I'm a sheriff yes I'm not pissing around this I'm the sheriff someone 's Dead Toby you better win I swear oh my God it's that guy Brown is he coming after I don't know I'm scared oh no yeah no he's oh no quick come up come up I'm jumping yeah I know [Music] oh I shot him he killed me you like you oh I got the gun just say anyone list up there if you do what that guy just did spam jump after the murderer and you're what a decent level what level is he and he's x 100 no I got murderer in this big map I do not know my flipping way around you probably want to stay away from me mate cuz I'm just going to oh sorry what no this is not I'm going to oh the spam jump flipping Sheriff if I die to this guy yes I killed him I'm going to kill you sorry what girl I was behind the flipping tell me how she killed me from behind the wall oh wow what a nice outfit who made that me I uh me stop the cap okay nothing stop burping right how many times have you burp this video uh let me think first time it was Molly second time it was Molly and that third time was also Molly who is who oh my it's laggy as hell help what the how did I not die dude the lag what the what just happened guys Toby is AFK and I think he's murderer Toby I bet Toby you're AFK and you're like 100% murderer I mean oh my gosh Toby you idiot you couldn't have chose a worse a time to be AFK please come back toy come back really small what the server's gone really small where the hell did you go for the past like 10es I said you not hear what I said no no I said it I said it about five times I'm just going to go and feed my cat now oh you were murderer and someone shot you cuz you were AFK and I was like it's her shooter even though I mean he but like I didn't know what to say I feel like it's this guy I'm going to try push him into the thing open it open it open it open open it click the green come on get in click it what uh the guy get the gun get get the gun get the gun oh my goodness no I'm going to cry I'm I'm going right guys watch this I'm going to give Toby my eyes piercing because I'm just that person like I'm just such like a thanks yes yes okay you're welcome he just gave me a free ice P guys that's how made some shift guys you need to sub you actually need to subscribe for that in order to have a bigger chance of winning any giveaway I host you have to use code Molly Lu speed glitching Toby he's speed glitching as murderer he moves bro look at the speed glitching yes I got it I got it I got it I got it oh no he's going to win he's L speed glitching what the no okay everybody so that's going to have to wrap up the end of the video I hope you guys enjoyed it if you enjoyed please give it a like And subscribe and check out my other video e get off check out my other videos as well because like you know what I'm saying they're just like cool if you like liked any of the clothing that you saw on today's video um it's actually all available in my group so I'd really appreciate it even if you could just join the group I'd love it I love every single one of you guys who's in that group okay I hope you guys know that okay yeah we do I actually do I told Toby this like every flipping day that how like grateful I am she does that's actually not a lie if that was was a lie he would have said cuz that's Toby for you he would have said follow the Tik Tok if you want to see more of me and Toby And if you want more videos of Toby then comment down below because I guess you guys might want to see more of him I don't know it's all up to you I'm Stu where am I cuz mol's kind of boring by ourself so need someone to like make the video boring mean okay come on shoot me actually no don't shoot me shoot someone else so I can get the gun I love how I said I was going to end off the video oh okay he still shot me yeah thank you again so much all like so much for watching that didn't make sense thank you guys so much for watching I actually love you like every single one of you and yeah peace out bye everyone bye bye bye bye now bye pip what to pip I thought you said Google pip I was like wants a Google pick bye bye bye
Channel: dndmolly
Views: 44,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mm2, roblox, murdermystery2, outfit, switch, switches, outfitswitches, fitswitch, fitswitches, robloxoutfit, robloxavatar
Id: s5Uc_IcC5WQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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