Rank 1 Shen Returns After Injury... *1v5 PENTAKILL*

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greetings there viewer I'm back and Shen is back reborn From the Ashes like the Phoenix Ashen Guardian Shen skin itself I am now ready for season 14 Shenanigans let me tell you guys wait what my item set it's gone okay there's actually a bug with item sets that uh if you um if you open up another account at the same time then it will always write the item sets on your current account temporarily anyways Titanic Hydra is back all right it's back and it has the active and it's on a 10-second cool down if I'm not mistaken it used to be 20 second cool down uh originally I'm pretty sure it was 20 seconds when it was in the game in season 8 I believe it was removed in season 9 right season 9 was the Mythic update regardless okay Shen is in a very good position and me thank you for all your concerns uh in my video of my injury cuz four weeks ago uh I broke my uh radius I had a distal radius facture from skiing uh I have now recovered almost to the point where I'm able to play without any pain I got my uh cast removed yesterday and now I'm doing some intense physiotherapy trying to re gain uh all of the mobility that I lost while um the wrist was in a package locked up by the doctors forcing me to watch from the sidelines as Shen got buffed and Titanic Hydra I got reimplemented into the game let me tell you that was a test of character okay not being not being able okay this might sound like this is like insane first world problems right it's it's really insane first world problems but still like watching from the sidelines when your favorite video game character gets buffed after 2 years of suffering with the Mythic items and the Q Nerfs uh I'm just going to farm this out very passively then go for a quick trade here nothing too dangerous EO his face rush I'm not too scared of that going to use my Q to trigger my passive Shield so that the last Auto attack that hits me will only grant me an extended duration on the Doran shield and second wind healing notice that sometimes it makes sense to take damage in order to activate these runes um because the healing you get might be more than the outo attack vlir does I'm not going to put a point into my w instead I'm going to go in for a quick little trade that's very good and don't give him the heal go into the bush deny the heal get the cannon minion and let's talk about season 14 guys okay Riot freak my homeboy all right he introduced a little bit of a Shen buff in the last patch giving us three more base ad and now some Shan players they were saying what is this man you give us 3 ad this is like nothing why not give a serious buff return Q damage but guys listen up here three base ad is a very very ginormous buff okay because when you think about it in the early game people have you know what 800 hp 700 HP so let's go consider empowered Q Nerf back in the day which took 1% Max HP damage from each Auto attack on empowered Q's so that one HP uh 1% Max HP is usually something like seven damage right so by introducing three base ad to our champion we are actually being granted an essential 0.4% Max HP damage on every single outo attack regardless of whether or not it is q owered or enhanced Q empowered right so every single out like is dealing a little bit more damage so this is somehow kind of analogous to reaing um damage on our Q now you might be wondering what you on about man it's three base ad that's not going to change anything but then we have some systematic Buffs to Shen through the introduction of the health uh scaling shards which are now two um we are being granted a lot of uh kind of indirect power uh firstly because Shen scales extremely well with HP right this is natural for you right because we have e that uh is damage scaling from HP and then we have um uh passive Shield scaling from HP and we have ultimate scaling from HP and we have grasp damage scaling from HP now he has a very huge minion wave here and I'm going to early ignite to reduce his healing and then we're going to play this play this out very patiently into a q Flash in in order to uh Force his o q flash to force his W and then when the W Times out you uh input the auto attack already with a move and the instant he comes out of the W he cannot actually flash away because your auto will always go through thus taking his flash in the process now what I was saying is that yes firstly uh Shen really likes HP runes but there is another IND buff in this Rune uh stat change because now people cannot take resistances and they're forced to take HP this means that Shen's Q Max HP damage is going to be more valuable because people innately have more XP uh HP thus your Q will deal more damage at all points in the game and since Shen is a character that does not build resist uh uh how do you say penetration um the lack of armor and Magic resist is very good for us because we don't have a way to kind of deal with armor and Magic resist stackers so if we have some kind of uh reduction in systematic resistances this will be a net damage buff to sh I'm going to take a quite greedy recall at this stage in the game um because I do believe that the wave does not completely crash and my beloved my beloved Titanic Hydra I am building towards you we will meet at the long last okay I'm so excited man and everything they did this is like good for sh right because they made this item be be like something that is very good first item because now it no longer scales from Bonus HP but instead uh from Max HP which is obviously better because uh at first item the kind [Music] of the what's the correct word I'm think it's not fraction in in Finnish it is called Su um a proportion uh not quite what I was looking for I this as a mathematician I should know this work but anyways you tend to have uh a larger percentage of uh base HP um rather than bonus HP uh at first item so anything that scales from Total HP will be more beneficial to you now what we're going to do here is we're going to fake that we're going to Ultimate maybe prompting Vladimir to go on us okay let's wait out this Q we can look for a little bit of harassment diamat is also much better because it has his uh his active back we going look here oh this is actually in the wrong order now we have gragas there where he should be now go in here W to clear some of the uh or deny some of the minion damage go back in he got the second kill which just don't want to give him the empowered que take a look at gragas what's happening over there never give him the empowered Q that's just free healing that you're giving him now we're going to look for an empow Q when he goes for this Minion Okay he wasted e okay he h now I could go in on this timer and look early ignite here let me tell you guys early ignite early ignite think about ignite as a source of value okay you're thinking about the total Damage Done by this Summoner spell and if you reduce the enemy healing by using it early on when the enemy is going to activate some kind of healing spell obviously you're going to get more value out of it ooh a is on Killing Spree okay let me get this cannon minion and get out of here it's looking a little bit dangerous at this point um 1,7 unless Tower plate in greed to get the Titanic Hydra uh Titanic is not uh dam is actually not an auto that re it so it doesn't uh increase my DPS output on the tower if I get this recol off I can sell my Doran shield and get Titanic Hydra Titanic Hydra at 9 Minutes come to me my beloved it's back okay let's go to Lane now you will witness uh the true potential of shen in season 14 as we move on in this game when we have completed Titanic hder we must understand at that this point we're running double scaling Health runes right we're getting 160 Health um from the runes themselves that is equal to Ruby Crystal a little bit more so 400 gold uh worth of Health then we have overgrowth which right now we have absorbed um 80 uh minions so when we absorb uh 39 more minions and we hit 120 we are going to get 3.5% Max HP uh right now I cannot go under Tower because I don't know where the enemy jungler is so I'm going to actually look for a very um you would say aggressive kind of scouting work to get information about the enemy CRS so this will be roughly respawning in like 2 minutes or something um let me get that with the patter o boom oh look at that active it's beautiful it is magnificent it is glorious I I can this is going to be a great year for me like I'm just going to do the physiotherapy I'm going to get my wrist back in order then we're going to activate the super compensation technology and become stronger than we were before get all of the minions use Q passive Shield to block the just dancing out of the turret rage was Graves bot no he wasn't um do notice that we have already four stacks of ultimate Hunter leading to a very reduced cool down I'm going to keep shoving the wave here uh and just put pressure on the tower we have three void CBS from our friend um uh gragas there which gives us a little bit increased damage on Towers I blocked that with passive Shield so it's no problem don't give him art Q uh we still don't see Graves and I'm wondering whether or not pushing the wave there was the right choice because we are unable to punish Vladimir for staying in Lane I will keep shoving here and actually ah I I I tried to cancel this recall um with the Titanic hyro active we don't want to fight him at this this timer because he has this ultimate so we're just going to recall and probably come back safely if he wants to stop my back that's fine because I actually think that no no no no no no no he has completed item no that's not let's not mess around right if he wants to face check that's fine I could go for a ultimate bot actually here ion and boost of Lucidity insanely good value still even uh when the ability the Hast was uh slightly nerfed from it uh the thing is that these boots only cost 900 gold now so it's a very kind of fast boost bures and the movement speed is going to benefit me immensely in this laning phase now take a look at overgrowth right enemies absorbed 109 so we have 11 minions until a power Spike that will increase our Titanic hyra damage e damage uh ultimate Shield everything um this is fine we need to be a little bit careful of graves because Vladimir does have some nice damage the cleave now we're going to be a little bit tricky here and just go in there and the passive Shield BRS the uh blocks the tower shot now I want to get a ward of somewhere I can't really harass Vladimir under Tower it's just not going to work he has quite okay we see graves in the B going to ignite early here again then we're going to back off and we're going to flash away from his que which looks to be weird but then we re-engage and almost kill him but I make a mistake there um I could ult on B here let's see if they overextend canot take that we get a great flash don't die don't go back into to die um looking for looking for the Poke there of the Titanic Hydra now I I would like to kill vadir obviously here I would like to do that but oh no I'm still alive I'm still alive gragas please no Gras missed it don't kill me mistakes were made but I was not punished please kill this guy now let's kill this okay I'm going to recall okay I got to stop eating here let's let's just be be be be happy with our back and uh yeah that's fine we got the overgrow stacks we're we're all good we're going to need some magic resistance here if we plan to fight this guy okay so I'm going to go for a new magic manle now you know there is this item there is this particular item of AIC rern uh let's just buy control I'm not going to use the rest of my gold because I want to be going for the magic resist as soon as possible K krer here 400 Health 80 magic resist so base Health Region quite efficient stats and then Mage Bane after not taking magic damage for 12 seconds gain a magic shield for 500 health this item simply a counter to every single Mage in the game change my mind uh there are some very powerful magic resist options in this season and I'm not even talking about the new uh Magic resist Sunfire C which is called uh Hollow Radiance I have not tested this item yet because this is my uh fourth game of the season we're going to be getting a tower here which is might impressive uh let me show you something guys when you can use your Titanic Hydra out of the reset to do extra damage to Towers but um the the splash damage not go through so this is I guess it's a nice quality of life thing because um you won't be taking Tower Arro for example if the enem is near uh so your Splash doesn't hit them I have my ultimate here uh and by the way infernal uh Drake is very good for Shen uh because you get ability haste by picking up these things and that means that your ultimate will be on Lower cool down and since ability haste is more gated in this season uh we're happy to take everything that we can get let me take that you get some movement speed as well take it easy here nothing too special I'm not going to give him a free m power que it just heals so much more on Champions uh so we're going to be looking for these burst trades and here's Ward and I have to be a little bit careful but we have good Ward coverage here notice I stay in range of the tower a little bit in order to get my Empower que like normally any other champion would move back immediately to dodge the tower shot but I want to be staying there to get my empowered que because I'm exchanging essentially one Tower shot worth of damage on myself uh in order to gain a little bit more damage on the Vladimir now we should be looking for an ultimate here um we can just punish them we see Graves spot side I'm just picking up some of the infernal cers do we have maybe a play here nope I'm going to pick up the the W toop Gras going in I'm ready to ult if need okay that's a bom um let onas he's going to be fine a little bit too passive for my liking we're going to pick up the kill on the smolder new Champion Dragon uh we're going to be moving towards mid lane I do believe and then I'm going to be taking a hop here to find the graves and then actually uh get it out of somehow going to fake my recall which will prompt Graves to come into me and then I will okay never mind it's not a fake recall it's an actual recall uh I'm going to finish my kic grern here and this will give me a nice little think about it this is like a burst trading pattern type of item because if I'm in the sideline versus Vladimir uh I can go in do auto attack Titanic Hydra Auto attack run away okay and then we wait 12 seconds and we regain 600 hp okay think about it because all of the damage that bladimir is uh doing will always be magic damage so we are just getting 600 hp every time we wait uh 12 seconds if we just utilize that Shield so to me this sounds pretty good uh in the current state of the game next item probably looking for something armor related since they do have an ad carry that is scaling and they have graes in the jungle uh I do very much en enjoy ice born Gauntlet okay because this item is uh I think it's noticeably stronger than in the previous season uh it has better gold efficiency and it's cheaper which makes it a very nice Shen item because you don't always have access to so much gold but this season actually you kind of do because you have Titanic Hydra oh look we have our Mage Bane Shield so nothing will really happen to us we can just go with for those trades when we really want to uh and then we look like we can take minion damage as long as we don't take magic damage so this is what makes this items are strong because now I have regained the full Magic Shield and I will not like care about the damage that he does and I'm just melting this guy now I could kill him there uh he still has W so what I'm actually going to do is I'm going to go for the classic he flash to the side and boom like do I need to flash there no is it good for style points hell yes B will die another incomplete ultimate on the Bane um that's my bad if I was looking at the situation more carefully I could have analyzed it better and realized that they still have cool Downs to kill B uh I'm still going to take the minion wave here put some damage on the tower vlir is still 20 seconds away from respawning so I have a little bit of free time here to do as I wish you know what rist is feeling uh very good and go in here for a little bit of poke nothing too serious though I'm just going to run out skill to get passive Shield here uh also think about it Shield bash okay let's let's let's take a look at Shield bash whenever you gain a new Shield your next basic attack against the champion you you know you kind of want to go for those okay my point Shield bash does not care if the shield is Magic or physical okay or magic or normal Shield right so whenever you gain that uh kic rer Shield you actually get a very strong Shield bash because it's 8.5% of the new Shield amount and this gives you a shield for 600 so if you do the math 88.5% of 634 uh will be 60 a little bit less uh 50 four a couple of sixes down six uh 52 uh 53 damage okay that's probably wrong anyways uh what should we purchase I I kind of like the unending despair no no let's let's go with the ice bong right there okay unless we terminos no no no no no I okay okay okay okay relax relax relax relax buddy it's it's only the first game of the season I can't bust out all of the technology yet so krer good interaction with Shield bash gives you strong autox nice trading very good choice into this kind of magic damage sidel line match up we have our ultimate ready uh I had a feeling that I wanted to say something nice about you guys watching oh yeah like you guys are I have the most wholesome viewer base it has to be the fact that I'm playing Shen like it has to be the Shen player base but I had like we had 1,000 comments on my injury video saying you know hey rest up King like like take it easy and you guys were saying such nice things and it has really been a source of strength for me during the recovery process because I've been thinking okay look my viewers they understand they're waiting and when I come back to YouTube they're going to be there all right and I even had one of my viewers in one of the games I played today he was playing Mastery on my team a guy called Magic Mastery this guy put on a performance right but look at this damage that I'm putting out by the way is this normal I should have not ignited there because ignite proms him to go back I it was a kill angle sometimes you don't want to use your damage because the damage will make the opponent scared now we'll wrap around here and actually force a kill on the opponent you see Karma there do we care about this no we don't are we really ridiculously strong yes they have still not broken my Magic Shield I went completely wi there okay okay okay buddy a little bit of misplays the critical misplay there was thank you Lux appreciate it the critical misplay was the to right here it was just not good right Miss Vladimir W Karma if I hit down to one of them there I will get my Q uh sorry passive Shield faster uh so that I can use my Q fast faster because I needed to get my passive Shield rotations much better um and I think that was livable like for sure if I play it a little bit more patiently uh iceb goldet is really cheap it's it's stupidly cheap actually uh I think I will wait the gold here it's 25 gold I can wait oh thank you sir hello there Mahar don't mind if I got to get two here to assassinate this guy and I SP slow on this guy should we go on smaller let's go on smaller okay is normal damage guys tell me tell me this is normal damage I I have still not lost my Magic Shield wait a minute wait a wait a moment uh I do think Shen is a little bit strong it it it's not just me guys right it's not just me okay okay okay relax relax I'm I'm saving my Titanic hyra in case I want to um go back in oh no s please I'm I'm having a little bit too much fun here guys but can you blame me can you blame me like hey Titanic H is back I just I just want to test how how far I can go uh now I'm thinking oh look at all that physical damage like I don't think I need to itemize for magic damage anymore like honestly the K krar is doing everything why does it have 80 magic resist on it why does it give me 80 magic resist hello that's that's not balanced guys um we could we could look for a new item here for example uh unending despair like honestly that sounds pretty pretty cool I have ultimate up but I don't think I will have it for never mind bom 90 storm search snowballing Gras hey why is vadir this low by the way okay okay okay okay okay check it out check it out check it out it's an encoding Mission it's an incognito Mission don't let them know your next move guys The Art of War the art of shen um do would we like to engage in a dance of the worm perhaps gragas would be interested in this kind of endeavor oh but look at the amount of this Magic Shield it's it's really immense it it looks so weird I don't know how the priorization goes by the way like does does my passive Shield take priority over the magic resist Shield uh that will be something to test out maybe someone in the comments can go test that out if they want uh maybe go into practice tool with like a like a ah Grump for example we could test it on Grump because it deals magic damage right I'm not ripping right Mr grumpus does deal per only magic damage at least he used to I'm pretty sure maybe I'm tripping um hello grapes uh unfortunately your kugs are not available at this point in time there's a play mid lane let me get all of these I have not lost HP here I wonder if like I feel like KY krer would be an item that is bugged like like just just from my knowledge of playing Riot games games for 10 years I feel like kenic Kooker would be an item that is somehow bugged and people don't even realize it um I like wait like wait I just need to okay okay this is a good example let's let's let's do a little fight okay karma is gone minions will finish him up uh let's Play Patiently go for the P here um I think he's gone uh Focus Graves here wait for the Flash and that's triple kill I have my basic Shield okay that's a Quadra get the penta get the I've never gotten a Penta in my life I have never gotten a pent on Shen please oh my God I got a p kill oh it's my first pent kill on Shen ever and it's been on my re on my injury game let's go that's one way to come back that's one way to come back that deserves a subscription man what was that I love League of Legends thank you R freak okay that was huge no way man I'm going to cry honestly wow yeah I'm being serious I have never gotten like there's look disclaimer I have gotten one kill uh one Bend kill on Shen and it was uh in all random or like the freaking ultimate mode like it was a setup right I had Nuno ultimate I I was in a bush and I did I I got a pentac kill with a Nuno ultimate on Shen okay that doesn't count but this was an actual game actual ranked game Diamond ELO and I got a pentac sh like this season is going to be so fire man sorry if I yelled a little bit too much hope it didn't break your ears or anything okay see you in the next one guys thanks for watching
Channel: xPetu
Views: 525,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xPetu, league of legends, lol challenger, league of legends guide, lol gameplay, lol commentary, lol full gameplay commentary, shen top, shen mid, shen gameplay, lol shen, shen build, shen commentary, shen full gameplay, shen top lane, challenger shen, high elo shen, petu, petu shen, shentakill, 1v5 pentakill, penta, shen pentakill, shen penta, xpetu injury, petu injury, shen buff, shen 1v5, shen season 14, shen s14, shen 2024 build, shen guide s14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 59sec (1799 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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