Challenger Support goes UNDERCOVER in BRONZE! ADC is SUSPICIOUS!

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you're a one-trick bell vet dude I have never seen velvet outside of the Jungle okay if you like aggressive supports you'll like her oh you're smurfing hardcore okay am I that makes sense bro you're 80 win rate out of 10 games oh my God I'm exposed I mean no I'm just pretty lucky oh yeah okay we'll see dude we'll see how lucky seraphine Caitlin We're not gonna win this early though unfortunately and that's what I don't see I don't know how to play with velvet like do we do we fight this early do we win this low-key if you start jump and we go on them together level one we might actually kill them yeah I'm more than willing dude let's let's do it let's look let's just like hide in the bush or something because I don't always um I don't pick a skill until I see what we're doing because like we invade or get invaded like I like to have a chump but you know if we if we don't I normally go bomb but yeah let's see let's see what happens sometimes Bob might do more damage too so uh not level one because I can't get all with my base attack speed without my Q or my bomb or my jump you know this is string I get like three I said sorry hope she can understand foreign [Laughter] because otherwise our lethal Temple is going to be so annoying yeah yeah I think so too I just want to see because if like if they come split in the seraphine's like alone that's oh yeah it's a free Instagram I'm gonna let them like walk out a little bit give us something yeah there's no chance I think we're here like is there no reason nobody ever does this I mean maybe it's there uh let's go Seraphina nice I gotta jump okay not bad not bad I should have flashed for that but oh that would have been one for one Church nowadays do so much damage I feel like okay oh my heel I'm like one in here yeah I'm on Caitlyn I'm on Caitlyn nice okay okay what have you used to figure out this game it's like stuck bronze bro like I I don't know you definitely should not blame your teammates you could definitely put that in like I play consistently but I don't carry consistently is my issue that makes sense you know what I mean yeah yeah no no yeah that actually makes sense oh we love him he's like he's like model League of Legends citizen right now damn you're object s I want to try mid one time here I mean that looks free for you that looks it looks really free not gonna lie oh is that a double he's weak as [ __ ] uh or maybe I don't know I'm not sure yeah oh okay one two invades they are terrified of me yeah maybe thin out the way but because I want to come around yeah let's look on Caitlyn here you can go if you want he missed all our traps I was scared for a second about the traps and she just [ __ ] threw him in like on the opposite sides of where I was gonna jump you know much they focused me hella hard I saw they did so much damage it's because I took some poke trying to thin the wave I think it was worth though flash I might look on her again bro roam all you want I like I'm I'm chilling down here oh loses yes but I'm not gonna die all right sounds good I'll I'll be back soon just a little quick visit I mean they're freezing anyways so chill and I'm just gonna be pigeon I have a shame well our team is so good this game what in the world uh this is the opposite of the games I've been having today actually this is really nice what kind of games have you been having today high wind Lane like I just like you know I'm coming out of Lane like 2-0 3-0 or something and then my team is like the score is like three to twenty by the time I come out of Lane it's just I have a question do you have a Costco near you unfortunately why unfortunately yeah I worked there for eight years but they did me really [ __ ] dirty so I quit they did you dirty I thought they were like known for like treating their employees well they used to be uh well times change but um yeah it was it was just it was some fun they did me dirty and I don't like Costco anymore because of it because like even like the higher up managers they like they're all snakes dude it's all it's like it's like a High School drama thing I think a lot of like those kind of jokes are like that sometimes actually let's try to look for it all in here I mean we can just yeah yeah yeah we can just yeah we're exhausted but I still get it nice dude if she stays up like this I can just well I watched this oh no there's a can here yeah I feel okay hi he's oh oh you are low you are low yeah I jumped a little bit too far just a little bit yeah that would have been cool though that would have been sick yeah really lit I think this Vex is angry at me it's gonna leave I mean aren't you the only reason she's died actually now that I think about it oh God I just worn it like she was she was [ __ ] on our laner and then you showed up and he just murdered her twice I got a base well I was gonna ask you what your favorite item from Costco is but as the I can see there's some attention oh wait I mean I worked there for eight years I do have like like what do you mean in like favorite food item favorite well anything but food is nice too I was saying like they're croissants with the the beef roast beef and the cheese I don't know if they had that at your Costco but I like those a lot they do um I'd have to say my favorite would be um in the deli section they have a brisket mac and cheese and it was [ __ ] amazing really bugs but I thought it was like really good I'll have to try that next time so they're like oh what maybe I'll have to boycott them after what they did to my man nah because like the worst part is like I know if any time I needed a job I could just go back to them but I'm trying to find something better oh we just kill him right I'll jump out I'm out of damage yeah I'm out of hell oh [ __ ] can I even oh I'm running oh leblanc's here I didn't want to leave but there's no green plans yet and I don't have any potions or anything like I'm just [ __ ] that's a it's a tough situation to join oh I almost got there in time we tried [Laughter] a lucky timing um I think she just hit it right yeah yeah oh damn we're still fighting yeah it's been like a minute long fight foreign I mean I'm still up in farm and I'm uh like you can even take that you can just shove that if you want I don't even care I'm just here for one more minion I need it for uh my side Stone yeah so generous though thank you well when I'm up like this and you're playing like a support they can like actually put in work like I'm down I don't care I love that down maybe I'll be a little greedy but what are the odds this can't try to divers I think do you think he hasn't farmed for a while so he probably has to do all his camps yeah he's top side yeah we're chilling you going for backs again yeah yeah I think I will they backed or rotated by the way so seraphim might be up there with you okay only matters yep you are the only reason oh my God yeah I killed her three times and she's uh she's faster I'd be tilted if I were sir dude I recently learned velvet has like a really long slow on her W I didn't even know that the knock-up dude I never thought Belfast would be a good support with Tristana but this is actually really nice yeah like we're both so aggressive right everybody always tries to play enchanters and stuff and I'm just like nah dude I just want you to jump on him with me and then just kill him exactly exactly like a row I think it's really good truth dude I haven't seen a decent what rail player in so long I'd love to have a real support though nice Rampage everything's still gone I think you guys killed her though right yeah yeah we got her she did not get to play the game oh that was too close that was dirty that was dirty she hit a double trap on me which I wasn't expecting but okay all right I did not expect there to be so much like resentment of Costco that's such a plot twist nice oh the level or the [ __ ] what was that Triumph Triumph yeah yeah let's try them yeah I have like 2K though no I need to I need to whenever I say something yeah to chat right there of course pink but yeah I don't even want that that bank has been there for like five minutes you've just all right I might just go early I think yeah yeah let's do it let's do it on the exhausted you yeah no more exhaust for okay well guys oh my God those okay there's a cane here oh I might have to let you die oh I should have just taken it I'm sorry I flashed behind you oh no you're okay oh yeah it's like so so bad I I should have eaten that old dude you only died because I made you tank the old all right this game's over anyways let's do uh hmm yeah I was just like I was I was too late because I died oh no I didn't dye this bag did I I don't even [ __ ] know if you've been working in class for eight years are you liking your like 20s or late 20s or 30 I'm 46 26 oh wow it was actually it was my first job and like they traded me really well at first and then like I feel like I kind of grew up and then I realized they are only treating me well because I was kissing their ass and I was like I don't really want to just kiss their ass like every day I show up to work and I stopped and it was just like a whole different world no you got to kiss some ass you got to kiss some ass that's just the nature of it I think no I was the best in my department at what I did though that's why I was like I'm done kissing ass like my work be oh I'm here I'm trying that's good work speaks for itself too Jesus sex is just all over I won this though right she has fear yeah yeah yeah it's not up yet it's not up yet his fear [ __ ] she had one more ability till she got here again oh if I had flash I'd flash this oh I got it already I think oh she's gone already yeah I was about to say she's [ __ ] no matter where she goes I needed it for a stack no you're fine I just I just wanted to oh it was worth it was worse yeah I get some like some stacking shits if I get the body I just wanted to troll I wanted to walk around ignited for two seconds oh my God Tyler thank you so much for the raid we're doing undercover right now so we're playing with uh yeah a stranger from the League of Legends Discord and yeah you guys came in on a good one because he's very chill and not going to be able to afford a house is that that's Isaac thank you search for the sub uh do you mean afford a house in like a nice area or so I bet you could afford houses like in like like a more lesser nice areas dude Caitlin doesn't even have her item and I almost have my I.E apartments are nice too but not for streaming I'll tell you that yeah Caitlyn from behind feels so bad I see her head feels really bad in my opinion okay I used to really like her but she just feels like weak streamers will say rural grows and then stay indoors seven days a week at that point you might as well be rural swords thank you so much for the sub thank you I think fax just used ulti there what the your girlfriend works in downtown Austin oh Austin's nice for the uh what's it called income tax I don't think they have it right I'm in there okay this exhaust is annoying oh Jesus okay I can actually block this one [ __ ] up I [ __ ] up I mean there's so many traps now I didn't hear it and then I got trapped and then I walked into a trip oh that was troll as [ __ ] dude need to pay attention to where I'm walking sometimes like the Caitlyn chaps just like suck you in like I don't know how to describe it but it always happens to me I just like I have to right click there yeah yeah there's our downsides exactly where you're going it's kind of [ __ ] downsides to uh should I even keep going bot Lane I feel so useless right now probably fake Tower yeah just a really good at getting turrets who's on comms uh we're doing undercover right now we'll probably just do this one game of undercover we're kind of just doing a little bit of everything today on stream all right Vex remember me I'm back again wait Chad did you guys know that velvet slows for like 2.25 seconds no no [ __ ] bot Lane after W I did not know that oh wait a body yeah there's a midterm here if you want it yeah I'm just I'm coming maid you guys keep rolling this backs and it just looks free yeah come get some kiss okay they just sit at the tower and they poke me down and it's just like fun I think I actually won the best ways to play against killings just to like avoid her laning face go roam or do something it's true what does undercover mean uh we're just uh in the League of Legends Discord server finding like a Duo and just uh yeah around doing playing with them oh I'm coming on the cane it's gonna be soaps I think he's on Raptors right now yeah do we want a way for him to come to no because like we'll see through the wall so it's like so hard to trap him um I don't know how oh nice careful for the this guy oh thank you I don't know if we needed it but I was I was panicking oh [ __ ] this Caitlyn dude oh I'm just leaving yeah she's gonna hold me oh the bunk's kind of looking though I can see this LeBlanc is crazy though she's so fed ex sure you guys be careful for him and ulti hmm this guy gives the same Vibes you guys remember the fish tank dude where we could always hear his the fish tank in the background it kind of reminds me of him I don't know I call him the fish tank did all right it looks like they're a little bit extended here so everything's gonna be right behind us and try oh yeah but if you guys have any questions for him I don't I think we're chilling I can definitely ask him for you to builders the other introduction is so crazy I feel like I took no damage oh I can kind of look here yeah [Music] I think I'm kind of honored just kidding here bro someone's CC Jesus she like double theaters back to back though that's I think if I would have like moved away a little bit hmm that was so good at picky pill she has like four four dashes like I could actually probably reach this but we probably don't have enough damage not till I get my Lord oh God I was feared the whole time oh whoops I wonder if I need to get heel cup for that Nas oh it's looking like an ace not nice let's go maybe we can do actually nevermind yeah I'm thinking about it right now all right I'm heading there yeah maybe we can do it Diana has to not go bot Lane though looks like she's going bowling yeah maybe just you can get the red and some Farm okay yeah I guess I'll take the red what if I go only one king all right they're just grouping now got a couple alts out of the way I'll try to peel you yeah I'm chilling right Kane's coming for me though he needs to go away oh yeah oh big combo though I think we can look here oh my flash one second die well the thing is that was four or five we almost won that which is nice I need this like as soon as I get Lord Dom's it's over for this nasus like I will just shred him like even nothing okay there are still it's time I'm almost there I just what what am I 600 500 I mean the thing is also if we can't deal with analysis you could always go split pushing too no no we got the trinity both of you guys because we're pushing [ __ ] it oh wow turn the mirror it's going hard right now I'd respect him so much more if he just altered and slapped the inhib but uh oh he's going for it he tried for the pen to kill or the [ __ ] one before yeah they they're cringe exhaust takers you can do it no he he just he was he was fighting them or maybe maybe I look I don't know is this crazy the web of no you should take it can't stop you're right you're right oh there's a analysis I'm on my way looks good yeah I can't walk past this now I mean yeah I'm just gonna ignore him because I can't kill him anyway oh nice yeah we're chilling you destroyed him yeah I can kill him I just I can't walk the rule like it's [ __ ] I hate Champions like that like I it's just like a wall that I can't walk past just because they're alive like mile fight and [ __ ] yeah exactly I can tell malphite like I I just gotta be non non-existent it's got to be in the [ __ ] Shadows yeah maybe after your name let's go for the Dragon should we double oh no no no probably not oh okay oh nice Dodge though oh I guess that works I [ __ ] baited The Vessel nice bait nice baits I can solo well we don't need a solo we can just burn it this Soul too yeah I need to join the cane with the LeBlanc you guys should do it together oh and we just called NASA's right after right and yeah are you okay yeah actually you want to look on this or let's go on NASA's I think oh they're not winning yeah yeah it is uh a little bit scaled oh my God does he actually kill there thank God we must have not had it I mean I respect that hmm I'm about to do Baron yeah you're doing yeah I think this is dead man this place is actually like poor item so I I will shred this nasus oh there's a try to knock them for you oh [Music] it's okay I would have killed her too if she didn't Zone oh dead seven times now dude but you got 10 kills yeah but all my debts for me just or I don't know that one was [ __ ] oh he's checking it I have a pain for that oh wow she got wow that was we don't have Diamond here but I guess we could well we did it's fast actually what Bella still is like no cooldowns okay nice okay I can do it okay I think I spawn like all the the boiling [ __ ] and we can win yeah I think we just run it down mid I'm down to run it down yeah always down to run it down I should have now flipped it [ __ ] beer that's what I needed [ __ ] about the Quicksilver sash now that's what I wanted to buy before Lord knobs but I forgot nice wow this game we had 61 kills as a team crazy all right GG oh my God he was so nice and I didn't even asked for his name how sad foreign [Music]
Channel: Stunt
Views: 198,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: High elo supports, how to carry as support, how to carry as support lol, how to climb as support, lcs, esports, Challenger support lol, stream highlights, stream highlights lol, best support lol, Stunt, Stunt support, how to play support, Stunt lol, league of legends, Support guide, support carry, league of legends gameplay
Id: SaL1KemutFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 23sec (1943 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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