I played goat simulator 3 so you don't have to

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ah yes the goat of Gaming ghost gaming you  probably heard about it you know panic in   the streets everyone's going crazy about Goat  Simulator three we're gonna take a look and see   how wacky it really is oh my God is this some  Skyrim parody hey you'll find a little way it   is oh this is great but awful Rumor Has okay  that woman just got crushed was that meant to   happen I'm guessing it was yeah another  one bites the dust You're Gonna Make Me   Filthy Rich I'm gonna milk you dry I cannot  understand what this accent is meant to be   it's a bit of everything oh God that is pan  into the frame was pretty scary to be honest   I can't believe you haven't skipped yet I was  just thinking the same thing but I felt like   I was so far into it I may as well just wait  ah but I got an achievement for it so haha I   got serotonins well here we are I'm not the  girl walking around I'm the one standing on   the other goat all right I've climbed the tower  synchronized I didn't know this was a Ubisoft game wow it's opened some portal okay so I guess  synchronizing unlocked this whole area and   now I gotta do a lot of those missions that  it's unlocked and this is my home what the   hell just sit inside the little castle oh it's  a bit of a fixer-upper it looked fine from the   outside it's got a demon door though so that's  pretty cool Sprint and jump to wall run but   I can move in the cutscene I didn't know great  just doing a little bit of interior decorating   I prefer more of an open chaotic plan can goats  climb ladders because I want to go try oh good   they can I always knew they kind of could what the  hell no I didn't want to go on the Satellite Dish   what the hell I wanted the mission okay I got a  hat from jumping on another satellite they're all   just berating me but I have a mission to lick the  same person for over a minute granted it's not the   most exciting of missions but I'm just trying  to get some serotonins here wait I'm licking   the traffic cone all right so forget about it I'm  gonna drive a tractor instead out of the way yeah   this is more fun oh oh it might have been a bad  idea uh the tractor's stuck are these bombs oh   I'm pretty sure they're bombs they were bombs oh  there's a mission fishing in bulk it must be like   throw dynamite in the water right come on where  are the fishies found something else to Lake OH   oh well oh manure sculptures how much are they I  wonder this is the world's largest corn apparently   God he kind of blew second place out of the water  didn't he I'm trying to steal the spotlight from   the corn though I'm a goat doing backflips on  the news but they don't care about me I stole   this camera man I'm gonna take him into the woods  what the hell is this oh my God someone is as   violent as me trespassing silence the senior how  the hell do I do that she just keeps shooting me   over and over again give me that I just hijacked  the tractor oh my God what do I do to this lady   my jaw I think you broke more than your jaw  look at his head it stuck backwards oh oh   they like me oh that's nice I want to dump on  you in the river come here all right I got a   sight surely an old person would be afraid of  a scythe right it's not a sight you want to see they're all just standing around just clapping  for corn oh what is this this could help with   the lady oh my God how strong is that weapon of  hers I have no idea how to make her stop it's good   to get a look at the map though isn't it I'm in a  totally new area all of a sudden oh you can grind   excellent good to know oh my God I'm climbing  this Tower I don't know why but I don't want to   fall now oh I'm getting used to it a little bit  no no no no I'm not oh that was scary oh geez oh   Jesus I hate this hold on maybe I can bounce up  instead all right that was a bit better I still   have no idea what I'm doing I like the look of  that thing though excellent I now have a jet   pack excellent great stuff just a normal ghost  just doing gold stuff it's very hard to control   I have no idea where I am oh it's a squeaky  and nothing to do with Ikea let me go in there hello pretty nice it's always nice to just  come into sway Kia for a little look around   you know just see what might suit your  home and accidentally activate your jet   pack that's fine people are paid to clean  up after me right this is totally normal   okay I got out of there this jet pack is not as  handy as I thought it would be it said contribute   to the sculpture so I'm adding humans to it  I think it really adds a flare of artistic   expression there we go I finally did something  oh New Gear The Noob Tube perfect let's go buddy   ah you love to see it what a happy ghost I think  that guy is dead there we go just ruining days at   Sea I really am an all-terrain vehicle oh my God  what the hell is wrong with your house I got him   sliding everywhere okay I've lubricated up this  human and now I'm putting him on the treadmill   he's just accepted it he looks like he's dead  it did clean him somehow though oh what's going   on here not the corn competition Farmers Got  Talent impress all the judges oh excellent don't buzz me I lick all of you okay here we go they didn't like it wait someone liked it yes  second place all right they love violence even   though I don't know where they went okay we're  back on the farm I really really would like to   try running over an old lady with a van also in  the game I think I'll try and run over that old   lady with a van oh my God how strong is that gun  come on I guess we're going up okay this one seem   easier okay fertilizer spread the fertilizer  scream at plants plants like that they grow   sounds simple oh my God I forgot you can actually  scream this looks like yeah this is fertilizer all   right I'm licking fertilizer living the dream  feels like I'm actually doing something good   for once now scream at the plants oh okay that  beanstalk's jacked up is that why they did this   for that pawn I approve help fix the Harvester  well good deeds are going better so let's try   that and when I say help I mean I'm gonna try  and Crush that man yes I crushed that man wait   I wonder could I just headbot that old lady like  I've been going so Overkill I assumed it wouldn't   work but I never actually tried it where is she  come on I've always wanted a headbutt an old lady she's getting angry she's getting angry don't  worry I can close the gap eventually it'll just   be a lot of pain for me hold on she's hitting  me in midair I actually can't get close enough   all of a sudden yes I finally destroyed the old  lady and now I can claim her basement or she'll   trap me in here and use me as target practice oh  nice basement very similar to mine except I don't   have this dart board all right let's see what's  behind the big safe oh what oh I don't feel very   safe they got a well down here I know it's meant  to be creepy but I just put on my Noob Tube and   I'm just enjoying the water okay let's go explore  oh no we're not more of this she's in every room   okay I got one of them she's everywhere though  is this what I did all this for just the golden   statue oh wait that gives me a lot of points  to buy new things okay I'm all right with that   then I like money oh no there's more I thought  it was done I've already killed like four of   them okay I've managed to get two of the five  I'll get there eventually it's going better   than I expected to be honest yes they're all  dead and now I guess a magic rocking chair oh   oh I unlocked the character excellent It's  RB to deal elderly damage and the Imposter   is dead is excellent all right let's go  deal some elderly damage on the elderly   oh now your aim is bad yeah fine whatever can you  drive with me oh I I think so yeah I can see her   arm she's reclining by the looks of it oh what a  shot granny new event backyard science oh my God   what the hell is this grease up the machine all  right well my first instinct is just to grease   it up with human doesn't seem to help oh I'm all  slicked up now can I go in or maybe I can slick up   someone else all right come with me I think I'll  have to get rid of this granny because she keeps   just screaming oh and it's getting a little bit  irritating all right I've greased up the machine   with me and humans and the granny died somehow  oh because I unlocked New Gear this little mobile   home there's an achievement for jumping on the  trampoline 10 times I've only jumped on it four   times now and I'm very very high okay thank God  I managed to get it I need more money because I   just remembered well my character is dead but also  I headed to the menu and it's still just dead on   the ground you can get different characters you  can get tasty ghosts you can get tall ghost and   you can get Tony check which you can't really  see there these just look like humans and this   looks like a banana so I can't wait to get those  I think I'm gonna buy Tony Shark because it seems   like the stupidest of options to take no this  this is definitely the best one yeah he's he's   on a longboard everyone all right I'm very happy  with my choice no he like flaps along he still   keeps his longboard even if you go in the washer  oh my God he's so cool can I drive vehicles ow I   could definitely get knocked over by Vehicles  anyway I imagine how terrifying this must be   for the driver you just knocked down a shark and  then it begins chasing you got it all right well   actually I think I might be in the passenger  seat I'm not sure what's happening there we   go now I care rejected my tail is just hanging  out how is he still oh just with his little arm   things oh I've entered into the horror portion  of the game I think the whole tone just changed   I can't think of a better protagonist for  a horror game than a shark on a longboard wait what the hell was that the hell is he it's  it's like whack-a-mole get him pretty much is   whack-a-mole yay I did it that was strange at  least it was one that didn't confuse me even   though it did confuse me a little bit because it  kept going on and on I just did a cool little hat   from it though so it was all worth it like you  tell me that doesn't look cool and I will tell   you that you are a liar spread your ashes  here okay is this the horror game good news   everyone sharks like goats can climb ladders and  annoying the whole town by ringing all of these   bells someone's in there I can I saw them just  walk through the wall press y to pay respects   respects paid okay I'll do that everywhere I guess  oh fell in an open grave that's terrifying there   we go I paid respects oh and that opened the  church give me some of that holy water I'm land   drowning what what oh this is very different than  I thought it would be pump perform prey CrossFit   fit for the cross motivate people to run to just  like lick them on there oh God building's on fire   by the way I don't know if people have realized  that did that guy just say I wish that was me   as I licked someone and pulled them away yay fit  for the cross the power of Cario compels you and   the power of a shark waiting behind you I know  that garage opened whoa what a cool shark or B   to shoot energy drinks okay they just give me new  tools for chaos every time the hell is that a ball   gown okay excellent can I put that on oh I don't  think it fits both goats and sharks unfortunately   I can get wings yeah why not that sounds like a  really good purchase I don't think I'll regret   that what a strange impulse purchase also it looks  like he's holding a trick when I fly so I really   like it good purchase I got bowling shoes everyone  look at the way he's wearing them I've absolutely   ruined this shark's life as well as everyone else  around me oh oh is that a magic bowling ball oh no   it says it's an eyeball okay well I'm going for a  strike I didn't get a strike I got lots of strikes   wait why does that have like suction in it this  one lane here you test it for me ah they just get   blown back okay okay this is just a lot to unpack  I think this game has jumped the shark pizza boy   gear unlocked I'm just going around stealing  things now I'm not earning them anymore okay the   music from These Wings is actually too annoying I  don't want them anymore plus who needs them when   you got a jet pack that you can definitely control  like this is just where I wanted to go all right the hell did I just do I think I found an insane  stunt bonus only available in multiplayer why do   you think I have friends game I'm getting ripped  off oh the zoo yes I love the zoo just trying to   fit in with humans you know this is what they  do lather themselves up in oil just get nice   and lubricated and slide around the floor oh  yes the tall goat it actually makes goat noises   and now the information is trying to make the  same noise beautiful majestic creatures much   like myself but you know what I kind of want to be  one now after seeing them I want to be a tall goat   yeah tall go jetpack time what's this I can't read  it because the sign is too low oh it's tall goat   okay well I should be in here then I don't think  tall goats can grind can they not oh they can't   that's so unrealistic and discrimination against  tall goats I'm sure they must have their upsides   though right I'm never giving up on tall goat oh  my gosh he's in shoes like this just looks like   animal cruelty it's just a picture definition of  the term oh the Dolphin Show are those Dolphins   dancing they're so smart hold on one second wait  I don't think you're real dolphins but just in   case you are I might try and save you just trying  to get some good karma so I'll just dump them in   the water here I'm licking things again some of my  favorite mechanics in the game oh my God yeah this   doesn't seem cruel was all they've turned the  whale into a cube I do declare oh well I guess   it's good right that I'm I'm saving him this is  me saving him right oh my God I don't know what   I've done well let's try and get him to the water  I think he's screaming in pain wait hold on I have   an idea I hope you like my dress by the way I  put on a while ago all right this this should   set you free I hope oh God he's leaving the  map it despawned for God's sake what the hell   am I after doing now well I freed Billy but I'm  under the map okay I got free and I think I've   ranked up I can go back to my castle I look so  fancy with my jet pack and my little ball gown nice another chain removed I have no idea  what's even behind here it seems like it   might be a bad idea but then again I did just  get a big extension to the selfish part of me   says keep torturing everyone in exchange for  house upgrades wait who are you guys you're   just living in my house I could use the throne  upgrade it's not the best I like that before   doing the throne or you know any actual useful  things he made this CrossFit section oh a little   escalator to have in here I'm gonna have a talk  with the big man upstairs oh wait no material   possessions instead even better all right back  to tall goat I'm not giving up on him oh my God   have you ever seen anything as fabulous  as this my guess is no hey buddy three out of this okay that's it I'm Gonna Knock  the battery out of all of them I'm sick and tired   of these renewable energies like do you have any  idea how many tall goats these kill a year I don't   either but I'm still gonna freak out about it oh  wait my mission is to activate the wind turbines   I was destroying them ow wait now I don't know  where the batteries have gone I can't wait to   go into the big city soon I found a battery I  feel like I need to reset the map I feel like   I've ruined everything I have a slight problem I'm  too tall to put the battery in should I just let   it drop or that's not gonna work is it but it's  kind of the only option I have okay let it just   stop spinning for a moment while I admire the  scenery okay now drop yes I think it might be   time to be tasty ghost just to give him a better  chance with the batteries and the first thing   you get to do is lick a battery yes I did it I  activated wind power oh that's what they were   trying to power I thought it was just like for  their basic electricity how powerful is the wind   I unlocked the tickler all right well now this  pig is armed and dangerous oh my God what is that uh what have I done I don't know what I  just did I think I destroyed okay yeah   seems about right this pig has had  a weird introduction to his new life what what the where am I now oh sweet here I  love this store but should I try and go again   okay yeah this is some weird fast travel thing  I don't know what happened but now I'm here and   I'm covered in some sort of a goop I see why  they call it the tickler you definitely feel   this new event cooking class oh let's cook okay  so I need to just add three ingredients well I'm   gonna add a chef chefs always make things taste  better and of course the chef will need their   trolley to really perform and a chair because  it was just close tastes so good it can't be   contained yeah it looks pretty good all right  wow what a great time for gaming I'm making him   lick it and he really doesn't like it this kid is  just taking pictures of this grease not big I see   another Tower I can synchronize wow look at how  Majestic he is I love that you can walk around   in the cutscenes wow the suburbs and some weird  hidden lab that I'm definitely gonna go destroy   all right the Echo and everything of the ghosts  screaming I can tell because you think a giraffe   is a ghost all right wait I can't fit in hold on  maybe I can just get my head in there the big red   button it says okay I'm gonna have to swap out  I'm afraid let's change some of the settings as   well and go all right let's see what happens oh I  set off a nuke over there I think I'm like launch   more yes oh I think I launched more I didn't even  Explore that part of the map yet and I've nuked it   oh it's just like when I play Fallout 3. oh okay  well at least I can explore it before I set it off   then the hell am I doing the hell is this I don't  understand what's happening Happy Birthday Philip   oh God Philip you're gonna have the worst birthday  of your life I need to bring up three friends okay   I'll give him three attendees of his birthday  party before I nuke him so at least he gets   to feel happiness one last time hey Phillip all  right you're kind of a weird dude but here's your   first guest I feel like he's gonna murder them  and then I'll be an accomplice that still won't   even make it to like the top 100 bad things I've  done today so I guess it doesn't matter oh look   at them they're making like a totem pole that's  a neat thing to do on your birthday there we go   yay it's film time happy birthday Phillip anyway  I'm gonna go dead Nathan nuke there we go happy   birthday Phillip I survived at least it's just  me and the Cockroaches now followed boy nuclear   unlocked might actually put that on it would be  fitting wouldn't it oh someone tried to kill me   don't really blame them oh this is a golden statue  buried down here it was all worth it after all oh   my God she's got a foot underneath and a leg on  her chest she just even seemed to mine oh my God   everyone is extra limbs they're just having small  talk through all this like this just happened oh   my God I love the sideways walk and how awkward  it looks oh I'm finally out of the radiation I   think I'm weird enough without more mutations new  event moving help not what I intended but okay   wait 0 out of 40 boxes moved I think the police  are trying to apprehend me I'm just doing my job   sir I'll throw the Cuffs at me oh my God they are  actually throwing cops at me no go with me or I'll   fire my laser there we go I just want to do my  job all right I need to get 40 packages in here   I've only gotten six and I already feel defeated  I might just stop oh some of them are like around   the neighborhood did I cause this you know what  I'm just gonna abandon it I don't want to help   them oh an open house maybe a time to invest huh  oh what's this hell did I just do I I don't know   what I've done I think I set off fireworks but  I I don't know how following this wire I simply   must know what it does oh it opens this okay for  an open house it's not very open go go go go go go   go go go go go go go go go I need this it's only  open it oh I really didn't need to rush but look   at that the stuff I found I don't even know what  they do but it's given me a good feeling inside   oh there are a lot of cameras set up this place  is weird I'm leaving oh a ghost horror movie now   I've seen them all now I'm kind of tired of gold  horror genre they've all kind of become the same   what a way to go getting blasted with a space  laser by a shark on a longboard seventh one   this week I'm showing up to the pool party so I  figured that the shark made sense oh God sharks   do not like slides I just learned oh just kind  of crashing my way through the woods and I found   another one of those statues hell have I ran into  the mountain dude Sawmill the first thing I go to   is the big blade oh God damn it I'm dead I can do  this it's just like fall cases just like Fall Guys   oh God damn it it's just like fall guys bring  Lumberjacks to fix the machine can I not fix it   all right fine I'll try fix it oh I see yes smart  Shack carry that electricity yes so now I use   it I'm helping right guys oh my God how long is  that log does it just go all the way to the city   they don't even answer me they're really no  help at all right well I'm gonna try and go   to the city I'm just gonna scratch my ass as I go  it does seem to go like all the way to the city   I'm still going it's still going underneath me as  well I don't think this is ever going to stop oh   I got a statue for it I'm just continuing on now I  must know how long it goes for and there's so many   interesting things I'm passing but I just have to  keep going oh my God I thought I reached the end   but no it's just still going I feel like this is  going to be really anticlimactic when I actually   get to the end if that ever happens it's still  going how much of my life do you think I'm gonna   waste doing this it's still going God damn it look  how far I've come my worst fear is that I'm gonna   get to the end after ages and there's nothing  my second worst fear is that I just fall off   are you serious are you actually serious  I went so far on that thing no that really   grinds my gears wait there's a slow motion  oh for God's sake I don't know if this would   have helped me but you know it's niche and  I'm annoyed I didn't know about it sooner and I can emote excellent oh do we have to be  dressed up to go to the con yeah moose horns   there we go I look dashing in fact I have my  ribbon on from the last cosplay thing I won the   hell is this is this a captain Ireland Shield  I don't know something that isn't copyright   Sergeant Yankee mask okay that works too oh  this is excellent I'm very happy with this oh   very very happy with this bring a headpiece  I think I'm wearing a headpiece aren't I okay   what about this said become your final form that  looks like it could be my final form this Shield   is the best thing ever I just kind of let  it run havoc and it gets me loads of points   makes pain noises everyone's screaming I love  it oh wait I'm supposed to build it out of the   mannequin okay well that was an accident bring  a body piece well this will just use whatever   is lying around then yeah there we go bring a  weapon how about this human man no it doesn't work   all right this massive palette then this is my  competition I think which is both terrifying and   impressive oh wait hold on a second oh I can be my  character oh no everyone is wearing my outfit oh   no I've ruined everything but yet I can't wear it  myself they all get to be fashionable and I don't   get anything I've ruined the game don't go in  trust me oh god well you won't be able to now oh   no oh no I said the guy with the Jackhammer loose  in the city what am I inflating oh that go big now   go home should I grabbed on to that no I can't  catch it oh oh here we go who yes I got on oh   all right I was worried what a great way of  seeing the city am I right oh there's that   damn log and there's that damn damn I threw  someone off the dam but I'm trying to explode   it I don't even know if you can I just like had  a feeling you might be able to oh my God oh my   God oh my God yeah you'll see your God soon the  hell is this okay do I have to find that dude   all right I'll try and keep an eye out for  a generic looking man and a yellow t-shirt no he launched me off surely I can't bounce  high enough to get back up on the dam can I   I'd really like it if I could but it seems  like wishful thinking although I'm nearly   there all right one more bounce and I'm going  for it okay one more because the angle was   a bit weird God damn it it's all right it  only took like 20 times I can do it again okay maybe I can't what was that can I just run  up the thing I've seen mountain goats do it come   on just be a better goat no all right I give up  forever you know the old saying if at first you   do not succeed try maybe once more but then give  it a rest wait can I get up oh this you see see   what I mean quitting is just easier sometimes  now that I spent all that time coming up here   I've realized that I don't really care about  coming up here anymore I don't know what there   is to do although I do kind of want to go in that  hot air balloon I'll try that before going back to   my castle and getting my rewards the hell is this  Jesus there are moles attacking me ah there we go   all right well this is mine now goodbye but what  is this I have spotted there's always something   shiny for me to get distracted by I think there's  like a spaceship or something in there but I don't   know how to get in okay what reward do I get  next oh excellent board game room or strategy   room or something but yeah I'm gonna play a lot  of carcass on in there wait do I have another   reward ready I really don't come home often do  I'm having too much fun terrorizing people and   getting confused and distracted oh yes no that is  a throne and that is a guy I don't know who that   is my Castle's really coming together now I've  people to bow for me go ahead yeah there they go   look at these other ones to bow for me that's neat  and I got my uh my go Throne summoned my Army okay um is that it the the one one thing just this  or can I summon loads of them ah this makes   a lot more sense yeah this is great all right  um assistant clean that up what's your name   Royal Guard Philip oh it's Philip happy birthday  Philip I could buy a megaphone that seems like   a good idea yeah this this is a great idea  why didn't I think of this sooner this can   be the ASMR portion of the video let me know on a  scale of one to ten how much it relaxed you oh is   this name gonna be Adam no it's Stuart Sanders  okay never mind well I'll take the Apple then   what what forbidden fruit but it's mine I saw  it first okay I don't know what this actually   gave me oh I don't have to be sitting on my  Throne to summon an army I just need to wear   that hat okay and I could buy this it makes me  look ripped what is he doing I don't understand   my Army defended me from God okay I think it  just gives me like the force whenever God touch   yeah it's pretty damned strong I don't  know why he's giving me powers for this so   um how's your day going oh no we won't go well  my mission is to relocate the residence so I'm   gonna have to make you go unfortunately all right  I think you got him hold on coming with me house   what a bizarre game all right there we go that's  much better now everybody loses oh and I uncovered   their basement they're just really into um ferns  that's all oh God is angry at me sorry for what   I'm about to do did you just scratch my ass well  I did more than scratch him I'm afraid and just   killed everyone good Lord the traffic is trying  to get around the house I'm licking the house   it's very far in the distance and it is freaking  out I think it's actually coming this way though   it's very stuck okay I got it I don't think this  is a costume I think this is just a really buff   coat my Army is so Fierce I don't fear anyone  I'll move this house wherever I want there I   like it here it's nice it's a Boathouse it's  fantasy what do you think they keep in this   building if I like to guess I would say probably  eggs but I don't really wait a second oh my God   I was right what are the odds if I keep up lies  like that they'll actually think I'm smart I'll   just remember to edit this out in post can I  oh thank goodness I'd be so disappointed with   this game if I couldn't ride a bike and like  that doesn't mean I'm able to actually like go   anywhere but it allows me to try and that's what's  important okay so you go with this and then you   you balance no God not right now please I'm on  my bicycle Jesus they say you never forget but   I can't figure this out I cannot even describe  what words how awkward and annoying this is I didn't click anything that time it just fell  off let's give the other characters a go I'd like   to see the shark up on that yes Sharkboy okay  all right we're managing we're managing we're   in the all right we got a few meters let's beat  the goats best but I really think tall goes where   it's at yes tall go okay maybe not tall gold oh  we're grinding though look at that head wobbles   this whole game is ridiculous Jesus Christ such  a violent way to fall all right okay okay this   isn't gonna work I gotta get back to the city  can I drive cars as the giraffe I assume I can   oh Jesus Christ no what did I do to deserve this  okay I ended up at the cemetery fittingly enough   oh my God what the hell is in there is that a  lightsaber I wonder if they were just sitting   around like what should we put in the game and  someone just said everything and they went yeah   let's go with that oh yeah this is good I like  this item I can't think of a better place to test   it than I had a graveyard hey what the hell this  is changing my outfit and this guy starts kicking   me no I'm already down man now stop go away would  you kick a giraffe okay he would kicked me so hard   he cured my color blindness would you kick a shark  yeah he would this man is fearless oh there was a   tower up there cool as I just saw on by okay I  somehow landed where I wanted to go well almost there we go I think I made it oh God I found  a statue excellent I got a mission saying reel   it in so I'm guessing I have to go up here I'm  getting pretty agile as a goat you know was I   wrong because this was actually pretty hard to  get out here yeah I I don't think I'm supposed   to be here all right I'll attempt to run back  okay somehow actually kind of worked I guess   if the challenge is reel it in I should probably  be doing it where you'd actually reel it right oh   yes okay excellent I've saved the lighthouse  not sure how they constructed this I'm gonna   check out the lighthouse even though there should  surely be nothing here because they would have all   drowned right I feel like there should be a way  in here but I I don't know how to get in so I'm   going to give up I've used this jet pack quite  a bit now and I still can't even tell if I can   influence it whatsoever oh yeah probably a bad  idea now that I think about it in hindsight but   may as well just continue with it now yeah I think  this was a good idea sure didn't earn me anything   but the chaos was its own reward there is like a  full-on obstacle course up here by the way I found   myself a bell so now I jingle when I run I thought  you might enjoy that oh what do we got here some   nerves from skydiving don't worry I'm sure you  can do it oh maybe not no you I believe can do it yeah that wasn't great felt like it was missing  something maybe a parachute I don't know what   it is I'm trying to get to I'm just following  this mad obstacle course that's going all the   way around these buildings oh my God I just hope  I don't fall see ya oh wait you're coming with   me lucky you I think oh my God I'm up so high  I better get something really good at the end   of this okay well there's a statue I might try  and back out and get this backing up all right   I got it now back up the building oh my god  when does it end I just want to see what I get   I think that was a baby or maybe a few babies  in one adult's clothes we just go up from here I   think I do just go up from here oh no no no no no  no no no no no no no I wasn't ready no oh man was   there anything even up there after all that okay  I avoided it this time and then on to the ladder   okay we're nearly up there there's nothing here  God damn it well I do get a trophy off the other   side at least but God damn it oh wait I'm supposed  to be over there shoot myself out of a cannon and   then go through the hoop okay that's gonna be more  difficult I was just gonna jump through the hoop   jump in not sure how you're gonna fit damn it  too low at least I can keep my head above water   as a giraffe in fact I think it's Jesus giraffe  because he's just pretty much walking on water   come on okay that counted apparently they're like  you know what he's too tall we'll give it to him I   actually looked at your window and a giraffe was  climbing your apartment building sorry tall goat   was climbing your apartment building giraffe would  be ridiculous excellent I found another Tower I   finally have a place to stay in the city oh here  I am getting crushed under that trellis I'm stuck   all right just a dance of my people to celebrate  a new home this is a cool area though like once   it renders in I'm gonna dress up the shark a bit  I think they've they've earned this is one of my   favorite characters I don't think I've come in  here is anything except for the ghost they must   be very confused dystopia I feel like I'm headed  there anyway so let's go oh it's a music festival   for like 10 people interesting oh I found a button  it's good I think it just set off some fireworks   which I guess is a little bit chaotic but when  I've been launching nukes it doesn't feel very   chaotic I just destroyed that guy's work that  probably took him hours of upon hours I can't   figure out how to make my own like the mission  wants me to so I just destroyed everyone else's   mystery loves company oh Lifesaver how adorable  oh well probably shouldn't start head body in   a fireworks store I'm completely stuck yeah my  head's stuck in the wall the hell is in here oh   just stuff to steal and people to attack hell  is this television gear unlocked okay this is   annoying but I'll keep it on until I can finish  this Mission okay I think I found it and I nearly   just yeeded it off the building the greatest  mission of all giving people entertainment oh actually no I'm hitting them sorry I'm looking  for the projector okay here excellent now we can   all watch the movie through this awful VCR quality  which will be the way we'll watch all our YouTube   videos without YouTube premium pretty soon so it's  like a banana horror film called peel that was   worth going up onto the roof all right everyone  even though no one else even really looked it   looks like that's the final character but I don't  have them yet but I'm really glad I got to see him I just murdered the king at this Fair once  they gave me a lance I'm their new king now   I'm just murdering everyone oh it is good to  be king so I guess we will leave it there but   thank you so much for watching check out  more of my content here if you want to   see more of me for some reason and I  hope to see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,746,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, goat simulator 3, goat simulator 3 gameplay, goat simulator, goat simulator 3 game, goat sim 3, goat simulator 3 review, goat simulator gameplay, goat simulator 3 multiplayer, goat sim, goat simulator 2, goat simulator 3 reaction, goat simulator 3 funny moments, simulator, goat simulator funny moments, goat, goat simulator 3 pc, I played goat simulator 3 so you don't have to
Id: dwkZ42O2FcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 47sec (2267 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 28 2022
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