I Played Genshin Impact With The Most CURSED Controls

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gentian impact is designed to be easy to play no matter what device you're running it on whether that be PC PlayStation mobile devices or the Nintendo switch okay maybe not that last one the game is supposed to be easy and intuitive to control so I decided to change that I'm going to be progressively inverting more and more of the controls as we take on different challenges and we'll see just how much more difficult this makes the game look at this I even got the overlay over there showing you what buttons I'm pressing as I press them and then I'm here too so you can more easily see my frustration we are going to start relatively easy for our first daily commission all we're gonna swap foreign well I guess we're not going to swap the normal attack or will I because I believe I clicked this I hit apply and now my left and right Mouse buttons are inverted but funnily enough on the little map on the bottom left it's also inverted now now I have to fix that with an inverted Mouse okay uh I can do this not that wrong button I could do that and then I can do this and now technically the mouse is backwards but it it's clicking the way that I'm clicking so it's fine it's so hard to even get out of a menu but oh right right right click I will left right right click but I didn't think the hard part of this would be actually narrating what I'm doing that is not a good sign of things to come the first daily commission the only thing that's different is the left and right click which is really weird to play with okay I could do this I mean I could just use all my skills only and then I'm perfectly fine but of course that won't last for long okay uh combat combat combat press q q wait what Q why is my character on fire okay well that I mean nilu kind of made that too easy which means we need to make this a little bit harder let's see how we can do that the worst part is now I have to change all the key bindings with my mouse being inverted maybe for this next one we will swap the elemental skill to q and the elemental burst to e which yeah you can't see there it is there I did it and then it is off to commission number two here we go this oh that I wanted my skill not my burst I guess I should have expected that how did I already forget what I changed it's fine I press Q for my e right yeah that makes sense and we're good but you see dodging their attacks was a little too easy for us so what we want to do is come back into this menu and change our sprint button to left control instead of left shift now when I try and Dodge I'm gonna enter walking mode this is actually going to be terrible horrible oh I'm already doing it oh my gosh once again nilu is going to save us here because I just walk over here I press q and then spam right click and she just shreds these things though if I'm being honest with you guys it's almost too easy still so I think what I want to do instead which hopefully they let me do we change spacebar to left control and then our Sprint becomes space bar and this will be really confusing for me but also this daily commission is just dialogue which you can't possibly make challenging or can you don't mind me I'm just gonna change a couple Keys here like that and this will be terrible torton towards him there we go I could just hand him any one of these but that's boring I think it's much more entertaining if we go out and try to get a new one for him so any leeway specialty should be fine it is so cursed holding down s to walk forward though I gotta give my brain credit it is doing pretty well here okay the jump the jump is a little difficult to get used to iron ore was one of the things we could give right let's uh that that's not e this is e all right we will take that we will bring it back for him which is gonna be easy so I walk forward jump Glide okay very nice then we drop we wait and we plunge attack right attack is the other button I knew that of course you can have the one ore that I got you there we go daily commissions complete easy the easiest daily commissions I've ever done now you see on this account I'm currently in oh no oh the KK that works almost killed another character I'm currently in the process of building up nahida so I'm going to need some more of this boss drop surely that won't be too difficult for us so to make sure that it is let's change the one two three four of our party slots to a nice four three two one nah nope this way Sprint Sprint that jump what was it wait what Sprint space I'm expecting a Flawless fight and what we want to do here very simple of course we wait oh we're gonna have to dodge wait how do I no no wait what's Dodge that's jump that's Dodge and then we press q and then one and then q and then e that not how I wanted usually I can one cycle this thing and then one and then I don't know how to okay Q nice four e spam right click there we go okay okay now we're getting there now we need nahida and a little bit of this action that's not Sprint space is Sprint it's so easy four Q run away and just like that we beat a boss honestly that went better than I thought it would which means it's time to make it worse you know I just spent about 20 minutes trying to find some way to invert all of the movements of my mouse to make this even worse unfortunately I really couldn't find an easy solution or any solution so the best I could come up with is I'm just going to turn my mouse upside down and now it is so stupidly hard to go where I want to go I also have to like clog rip my mouse now which is odd oh okay this is gonna be hard so let's see if we are able to clear a domain this is gonna be great uh so click click quick click okay that shouldn't even be a problem I'm struggling with the things that should not be an issue for us here we go this is maybe it's gonna be great so uh and then one of the SE into that and we swap to this one I can't stop I can't stop spinning the camera okay and then wrong button we just we push some of this out and then we press e for the burst and then I want Bennett I want your e thank you and then Ryden where's there's the enemy we walk towards the enemy we press e we oh thank you for the big crit riding appreciate that and then we we attack and wait I'm oh I'm gonna get you as soon as I can stop spinning I'm Gonna Get You uh-huh you know what let's just um oh my gosh this is so hard we just we just do this hand off everything just keep clicking the same button nice now we walk this way we don't try to Sprint because I'll press the wrong button luckily I don't even have condensed resin so I couldn't butcher the menu and we get inverted luck this is not the severed Fates domain I'm an idiot I was going to say since my luck is usually terrible and we're playing inverted I should get good luck if I actually went to the correct domain don't worry guys I knew the whole time that that was the wrong domain it was it was just a warm-up now we're gonna farm for severed Fates it's like as soon as I start moving in this oh no no oh it's your sister moving in any direction I just can't stop probably should have gotten the team healed before this but it'll be fine um just have to remember that everything is backwards so we press one e like why did I bring Ryan in here nilu Hugh and then wrong button and then maybe maybe throw out in in E this this is wrong no okay we need we need to heal we need the heal okay wrong button uh this way not that way away from that and then over here Q I would like it oh I don't I don't have my burst I this is useless sorry Ryden and then I can't get away I can't get away run uh here just just spin everywhere It's gotta hit them and then Q and then and then yeah you keep it keep attacking we're almost there oh oh it's just so easy I think this proves that you can just Mash random buttons and still win but at least outside of the abyss and we should get inverted luck now I guess that doesn't work even just navigating the map feels so weird yeah this whole inverted luck thing it ain't working I could tell you that for certain I know what you all want to see though and I I really really don't want to do it but you got to give the people what they want I have already 36 started the abyss this rotation look look you see see look at that look I did it let's go to floor 10 because I'm not completely insane oh you know I could cheat and put the characters on the opposite slot where I usually use them and then when I press the button that they're supposed to be on it'll still work but I I won't do that I don't need to cheat in my own challenge all right here we go you this I just have to think like the opposite of what I would normally try and do so it it's possible it just takes me a lot longer to do everything and then we'll go you I don't need to waste a burst on you though so I'll use that just give me give me a second over there treasure order I'm coming for you I'm coming you must be terrified just give me a second throw out that we'll hit you with one of those uh-huh maybe one of these easy look I would have done floor 11 but it has the stupid monolith thing and this time there's slimes in there and they are so incredibly annoying to deal with so instead I will not subject myself to that again thank you thank you thank you thank you and we will instead just beat floor 10. whoever said the spiral Abyss was hard not me I I would never say that never once have I thought that this was a challenging part of the game that's the wrong button okay I wanted my skill but I guess that works too where am I going oh they're Electro fantastic I have this for you in one of these and then to make it better this oh it's so nice it will do this for the immunity the invincibility frame and then uh that dope I don't know how to Dash I should probably know how to do that I feel like the reason why I'm not struggling as much as I should be is because I'm just not pressing the buttons that I don't know how to press like dodging I don't think I've done that once uh wait wait wait wait wait let me think Q is e there you are q e oh wait that was the last one that was such a waste uh huh uh wrong character but I I oh gosh I guess it works do that we'll get our burst go with one and this and then to u q because Q is actually your e that's not attack that is attack where are the enemies this way okay there's one uh oh oh we took out two of them okay I want this for that and then you to put down this you oh it tells me in the bottom left or bottom right basically what I'm covering it actually tells me which button I've rebound it to oh it does that for everything I just have to stare at my own controls and I'll be fine I'm just I'm just spinning I I don't know how to stop the camera apparently but three stars again surprisingly the wasd I've just kind of gotten more used to the Q and E is still throwing me off and then so is dodging dodging I can't even talk now throwing me off so much I forgot how to use English yeah I think the mouse is the worst one of all okay just just beat him up just but you could do it right in I believe yeah if you have not beat the abyss yet I'm about to put you to shame uh with a little bit of this I kind of wanted to use all my other skills first but I gave up trying to use them and look that's floor 10 done now like I mentioned earlier I I just don't want to do floor 11. so let's go straight to 12. something tells me that this isn't going to be quite as easy as floor 10. oh it's magu Kanki all right it's fine everything is how do I turn fine uh four q and then a bunch of this where's the dendro application is it just is it just not doing dendro that's cool uh there now we have it up how do I Dash oh it's okay it's okay kokumi's tanky she could take a hit or two and then one of these a little bit of that one of where are you oh he's over here we press Q we attack once again I cannot keep the camera straight I don't my brain just kind of died there for a second I was trying to swap to kokomi as if that was going to give me invincibility frames I'm a genius trust no okay we need to heal it's healing time so we go kokomi we press e and then we spam okay he moved where do you go sure I don't I don't appreciate this do you realize how I'm playing this game right now could you be a little nicer to me oh I successfully dodged you didn't think I could do that all right back to nilu Q this should be the end of him that was so easy and like I'm kind of joking because the controls are obviously really hard but also that was just kind of easy uh this won't be though uh-huh we'll go here here uh three e one e this is so hard and then e okay this should be good good damage run at the oh okay yeah come to me that's fine one of this I really want to get you with your regen back so we can do that then swap back to Brighton and Dodge so we don't die okay and then e for the Q kill both of you that rhymed imagine rhyming at the same time as doing this all right we want to Target this beautiful little Contraption I guess this really is inverted because why did I just compliment the enemy I would never do that I would usually complain about it what is happening it's broken my brain enough to the point where I'm actually complimenting the thing that I'm trying to fight maybe I should be a little worried I can't swap no q q I'm I you see what's happening okay we might not be getting three stars that who wants three stars anyways three stars kind of overrated when you think about it oh we haven't damaged the system Mage we're beautiful great I would have been very sad if we had actually gotten any you're gonna die you're gonna die okay uh you are on like one HP and I don't think I can bring you back in the field because you'll die if I do uh wrong button wrong okay that is about how I expected this to go all right I'm still gonna finish this I'm not resetting we don't need to reset because we have Kazu lots of kazoo then we go here into that easy wow Dave is just that was great two stars now this okay I'm gonna reset on this because uh there was literally one second into the challenge let's try that again this time uh I'll be over here and then that into this for the iframes oh my gosh I I gotta be honest I didn't actually mean the president into the here into yeah okay I need I need this into this into that and then and then and then that and then we should be good they should do a good chunk of damage and we'll press oh gosh no no no yes uh we need we need your cue this is good we need healing and then we can go with that into nilu into her e for some nice big hits okay I was hoping for a little bigger than that and then that kills how is that site doing so well this side is in shambles but that doesn't mean I'm gonna give up I just have to play out of my mind give me my e yes okay and then four and then yes oh good damage I mean I didn't see the actual number but like they're almost dead maybe if I actually learned how to use my Dodge key this would be a little easier so maybe I should start pressing my space bar more oh I didn't want that no I wanted my e and then who's next where are you I can't see oh these idiots it's fine maybe uh-huh just stay in the healing ring healing ring is gone panic panic I need to swap to you to do this to get the E to do the I mean the Q the Q to this is not there's no logic here wait how did I swap characters wait this will kill oh three stars I am shocked by that oh this is great okay um wait I want to reset I want to reset I have to I have to get my brain in the right spot before I start so the first thing I'm gonna do is press four and then q and then maybe e okay here we go four four four four four wait no okay run it back what I'm actually going to do is press one and then q and then e so here here Q E I don't think I actually marked all of them okay I just used a quick little retry so here one Q into e e oh it's it's on cool then no that's the abyss fault that's not my fault here we go one Q E and then we'll we'll use this for funsies we'll use that also for funsies and then some of this and it should be a good amount of damage going on that's not bad actually it's pretty good and then you're not who I wanted to see you're who I that's not what I wanted this is what I wanted uh you know what yeah just continue doing normal attacks I don't feel like trying to swap characters this works this is fine okay uh coke uh buttons buttons buttons I'm probably oh gosh oh this is this is this is this is hard wait I killed something what did I oh I wasn't it wasn't an enemy there's the other dude movers he's just gonna stand there and watch like we're supposed to be fighting and you're not participating if I spam enough buttons one of them is bound to do what I want to do that is kind of my logic right now yo here we go here we go we are down John Ling we don't need her it's fine it was a worthy sacrifice actually we probably do need her at least I would perform okay we're gonna need pyro here right so yeah uh four e dodging is gonna be really good for us here if I could learn to do that yeah of course we don't need the Pyro actually even though he was our healer it's fine I'll give this one more try I will just give it uh one little attempt here very nice even though this one little attempt is really like our I don't even know what number attempt because it's just a shield we just break the shield and then you're dead we'll try and not do that ideally okay this this run is not going as smoothly as the first time take this thing out because it's annoying me and then back to you we don't need dendro application because I have a DPS nilu anyways look look the 76k it's beautiful yeah this is this is much slower but I also am struggling to walk in the correct direction and then my hand keeps drifting off and I don't know why yeah this is this is uh hmm all right Coco you know what you you just solo this we don't need three stars I would I would like to beat it be kind of funny to just to beat it though I gotta be honest against this enemy I don't think we're gonna be winning at all basically we're screwed because when that thing starts chucking ice what am I meant to do I can't Dodge my Dodge key it technically works but it doesn't really work oh ryden's dead even though she didn't die on field I love when that happens that's always my favorite part and I also like that when you destroy the shield the other one doesn't stop shooting that feels very fair and balanced see this is that Java you guys know the one that complains about everything I'm back the inverted gameplay can only and I don't think Kazu is going to be soloing this call me crazy I don't see it happening ah you know while we die I'm just gonna sit back I'm gonna take a little refreshing honestly I'm just shocked that we got three stars on any of the chambers in floor 12. but by far the thing that is still throwing me off the most is just basic navigation and dodging or I guess in this case dashing I I can't figure it out I want you to know that for about 10 to 20 minutes after finishing this challenge I swapped over to a different game and kept accidentally moving my mouse in the wrong direction so after editing this video I am quite proud of how well I did with an upside down mouse and with that being said I hope you guys did enjoy feel free to press that like button if you did and as always I will see you all next time laugh [Music] s
Channel: JavaTheCup
Views: 112,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, genshin impact game, genshin impact 4.0, genshin 4.0, genshin fontaine, genshin 4.0 update, genshin impact 24 hours, genshin 24 hours, genshin challenge, fontaine genshin, genshin impact challenge, genshin challenges, genshin impact inverted controls, genshin impact but, playing genshin impact but, beating genshin with, beating genshin, beating genshin but, genshinimpact challenges, genshin inverted, genshin inverted controls, genshin 4.1
Id: 0Adjuqx1ncI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 22sec (1222 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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