I played fall guys for 24 hours straight

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what is up guys my name is oxford one and welcome to another 24 hour video where we're gonna be playing fall guys for 24 hours straight no break if you don't know what fall guys is it's basically this very adorable but infuriating parkour game where you have to beat 60 other players in order to get a crown since this game is repetitive and doesn't have a story i will actually be breaking it up into sections i'll show off five games and then another five games six hours later and then another five games 12 hours laters and so on and so forth that way you'll see the progression of how i started as a noob and then become a professional crown speedrunner by the end of it or maybe i just lose all my brain cells on top of it all i will show all the stats of every single game i played did you know i played 446 rounds of fall guys in 24 hours and the most played game mode was actually fall mountain i developed a non-likable relationship with this map and i won more games on the yellow team than any other color i'll show the rest of the stats at the end of the video but if you could do me a favor these videos take me a long time so please smash that like button and subscribe if you're new i only upload quality content so hope you guys enjoy the video well here we go the 24 hour stream started and our first game mode is gate crash this one seemed easy enough because i just had to predict when the doors were opening and closing this one's all about iq and big brain which i have both by the way my overconfidence and my love for diving got the best of me because i started diving into these walls twice even when it was completely lowered and i went from being in the lead to being eliminated i had to vent myself from that bad start by falling right down that didn't seem to put you in a disadvantage at all though the wrecking balls on the other hand those gave me nightmares just seeing my tiny little ball getting smacked by something so big they didn't get hit though so all good the next round we had our first team game oh i'm on the yellow team i already hate this we had three balls right off the bat so i tried to steal the red one but i got denied no so i kind of just waddled around and protect the ones that we had and it worked for some reason yellow one and red team at zero on round three we had a memorizing game at first i was really confused all we had to remember were these two fruits i mean what are we playing a children's game easy cherries but there was this fake imposter spaceman trying to eliminate me well the game really stepped it up i had to remember four fruits now so that means i had to use my brain i still got in the bag though but i nearly didn't get it when this whole crowd nearly pushed me off you are so mean and on the last one there were so many different things to remember i just went with the crowd and that seemed to work on to round four i was presented through ninja but without the sword i jumped on the wrong side and my whole life flashed before my eyes i wasn't out of it though i just kept to the side didn't get hit once and qualified so this meant i was in the finals now it was fall mountain and i'll be honest i developed the most hateful relationship with this map i had a good spot right in the front and i just led the pack focus i dodged those balls like i was in the matrix not all of them though that one hit cost me the victory but there was a little gleam of hope that i saw the people mr jumped but then it was just taken away from me this guy looks like something that's not family friendly i had a lot of adrenaline from last round so i was really pumped for game three to get past all these people this is like black friday shopping everyone is trying to get through the middle it was easy enough though oh this looks like bowser's castles but with beyblades i learned pretty quickly this is one of the few maps where getting hit actually helps you i mean sometimes at this time i don't even know how people even get past the spinning blade it goes so fast but it didn't really matter because even if you take the slower path it would seem to be an easy qualification oh what's this another team game and i'm on the yellow team again for this game you had to collect the eggs and score for your team my strategy though was to collect the eggs and throw them in this little cup holder that way we would have the most eggs on our side and that actually worked we had the most amount of eggs so i just started trying to steal the yellow egg from the red team and i almost got it too but then i've created chaos everyone was after this egg we ended up getting as well with this pineapple grabbing it but i was holding him back because i thought he wasn't on the yellow team that gave us a clear win we had more points than both the teams combined on to round four avoid the walls and stay on the platform is this serious are you serious right now there's no way this is an actual game mode people are being eliminated is this supposed to be the difficult part i know how to press the space bar hey whoa that was nearly a disaster but we're in the finals again and we're in the front this is going perfect i just can't get hit by anything my hopes my dreams wait there's still a chance hope it's right in front of me we're on game four now and you can see my hateful relationship with paul mountain leading the pack on miley cyrus's wrecking ball area i thought i had the option to go through here on the right but then this pigeon got in my way and now i'm all the way behind but i didn't get hit once after that and i qualified this is the only game mode where i have to focus the entire time the map is one thing but you really have to look out for people because everyone is moving around like they own the place i got myself a quiet area and i qualified on to round three and hey look a new map is this another one of those joke maps i mean why is everyone freaking out you literally just have to stand still and jump wow incredible easiest game of my life you got to be kidding me can i please get another final map we have a good position again this could be our chance i was leading strong but look at this my guy decided to do a back somersault look at this my guy he barely gets hit and he decides to take a nap i'm still gonna make it i'm still gonna make it i'm entering depression right now we're on game five now and hey a different map i like this map you just follow the arrows and you feel like fast and furious then there was a walkway that shot giant balls but it didn't really slow you down and this always gets a lot of people there's actually a hole there yes even though i just found the hall that i just mentioned about i was able to qualify when i got ac 130 above but i still made it on to round two with the moving walls i had to qualify this time i mean my iq is over 9000 now i'm doing well i'm in the front when these jelly beans on a stick hit me and then a whole crowd of people came and trampled me i was still in it i was sliding i was predicting the right door but this time i forgot to dive and i got eliminated as you can see i made many mistakes and it was my first time playing multiple maps but after six hours of non-stop playing i developed a keen understanding of every single game mode and my brain cells were still intact we were in game six and a couple of my friends came to join the stream and i was feeling really good i'm even starting to learn things on these new maps like it's always smarter to go right through the middle no matter how many people there are as long as you don't get hit by the wrecking balls it's easy peasy on round two we're back on the rolly map and you know how i said people are the worst problem well now that i'm playing with my friends they're intentionally trying to grab me and grief me am i walking away don't touch me don't touch me i had to deal with them the entire time and somehow i was able to qualify round three was a team game but a different one called hoopsy daisy i played it before though you just jumped through the hoops and it's much nicer when i'm on the red team i have a strategy to stay near the ramps and it just seems to work out for me i get a lot of hoops look at this scale i come from the skies and dive right through but if you haven't noticed we're in last place with yellow team in the league but it wasn't about beating yellow team it was about beating blue team so you're not last ended up being much closer than we thought but we made it through round four was a nightmare we were on the yellow team but it was fall balls that was all team based and right at the start yellow team scored a shot because we didn't have a goalie so then we had three goalies i did my awesome deflection while blasa and bag bag scored a goal two goals in fact and after that we just rolled over them because most people just quit when they start losing stressful but we qualified what's this the final round is actually something different hexagon the pressure is high here because all of us haven't gotten a crown yet so we were all in here to win it i had an insane start by still being on top but it wasn't even worth it because i ended up falling through not one but two floors i didn't take it slow at first because there was this other person trying to grief me and just when i thought i had a peaceful area someone dropped from above bombs are dropping from the sky no one was eliminated yet and we still had a couple layers below us so we were all in good stance i tried to stay on the yellow as much as i could but when i dove my character took a nap and fell through the floor i had a crazy move where a pineapple charged at me and i cut him off i took it as slow as i could but there was another guy that was just running around so i fell another floor it was the last floor and everyone was just running around and back back was still above me the people on my floor ended up dying and it was just me versus backpack backpack [Music] i got my first crown in the 24 hour stream and we were only four hours in game seven was here and i was ready for another win i wanted to go through the middle but this pineapple pushed me all the way through and he got through and i didn't i didn't get hit though so we were all good on round two on disney heights i can say i've never got eliminated on this map ever even when i get hit down and slide and everything i'm still always near the front on round three with the eggs i told blaster and back back my strategy by throwing the eggs here in the cup holder and backpack didn't care but blaza helped me and we got the lead so fast also learn if you're already leading just defend your eggs because it's so much easier to defend than steal them we're not letting yellow get a single egg i don't think i ever saw this before but yellow team had zero eggs the curse of the yellow team round four is where my ego hits me because i consider this the easy map i did my normal standing in one place strategy and that was the end of me after that embarrassment on game eight we add a new map it's called slime climb but the idea was definitely taken from my server lava rises where lava is rising as you beat a parkour place you should definitely join after watching this socks.gg we're adding a shrek map anyway everyone takes shortcuts on this map but there's no point because most people don't even qualify my goal is just to take my time and not get hit by anything unlike backpack who just died because he was doing a shortcut even when i have the option to go past two of these walls i just go one by one it's definitely worth it because most people don't even make it to the finish line so many people got eliminated that the next round was already fall ball i just went goldie because i wasn't gonna put my game on the line from some other person's mistake we're up 3-1 and look at those defense skills i break the yellow curse when i'm on it i qualified but there was only five people remaining and it was already the finals on round three a tail game as the final game called royal fumble the last person with the tail wins and i'm the one who started with it so i just ran i didn't hold it for long as i got head shotted by a wrecking ball instead of chasing for the tail i just studied the map for a little bit because we still had a whole minute left with 10 seconds left it was my time to strike so i tried to plan my way so i cut them off but i just missed him i had one final dive attempt but i didn't make it game nine on to bowser's castle which becomes one of my favorite maps i think it's hilarious seeing everyone just fly all over the place blossom and i tried to hold people off trying to make them fall but it didn't work so well round two was a new game called jinx they call this game jinx but it's basically what's happening in real life i found myself a nice little platform to stay away from the infected the piece didn't last long though because somehow this guy touched me i couldn't find anybody so i just ran around but we won because we're not the yellow team round three was perfect match but i still haven't learned the strategy if i through already shows on the screen it can't show up again that makes memorizing on the later stages much easier but i didn't know this so i still relied on people and that was literally everybody's downfall because everyone went to the same place but it was the wrong one literally over 20 people got eliminated and only one person knew the right answer and they actually won it on that game this is a great lesson to not be sheep kids we can only go out from here on to game 10. it's smarter to wait behind to see what doors are real but then again it's fun trying and i was guessing correctly i even got the next one but all great things come to an end i still qualified so we're still good on to round two which was see-saw and my only goal was to get ahead of the pack because the less people the better i used my big brain and used other people as weights so i could go on ahead can't stop won't stop round three was back to the children's game and i just can't take this game mode seriously you think i would learn my lesson and fix my ego after the jump club disaster but the thing was i was focused but the little bar caught me and literally flex taped me right to it and i couldn't jump out of it six hours pass and i'm in the 12 hour mark do you know what playing fall guys for 12 hours straight feels like an inner power has activated in me and i was ready to win this was my prime time on game 11 because all my friends went to bed so i could focus now the first run was see-saw which was no problem as long as there's not six million people all the way on the left i was a little behind everybody because i didn't want to be near people but it worked out at the end well well well isn't it one of my enemies gate crash i've been playing for 12 hours now i can predict the predictions of the walls you see that spaceman on the left that used to be me i'm a new man and the final run went even smoother i leaped over there with plenty of room i was worried for a team game but this egg game is fine even though i was on the yellow team i did my normal cup hold strategy we were so far ahead that actually blue and yellow were teaming up on red just to make them lose i felt a little bad but at the same time i didn't round four was the matching game but i am no longer a sheep i'm a shepherd knowing that since it showed oranges oranges will never show up again so on the final matching i only have to remember where three of the fruits are instead of all five of them and i was the one where people went to and even me being so nice people still try to push me off anything but full mountain yes hexagon and yet i was the only one on the topmost layer now this is a huge advantage but i put myself in a bad position i ended up falling through like 10 freaking floors i wasn't gonna let that stop me i mean i'm not gonna lose to a cactus i looked myself around just so i could make it to this other yellow platform that had a lot of spots there were two people remaining but i didn't know where they were i was guessing they were somewhere on this bottom floor i made every single tile count and i even made an insane clutch to a safer area there was only one more person left but i had no idea where he was when he showed up right in front of me and somehow i held the platform for a second longer and i actually won let's go on to the next game i actually wanted to get back-to-back wins and i started out really well with flawless jumping nothing else really happened so yeah the next round was bowser's castle and just the way i moved was so flawless i usually attempt myself to go through the middle but it never works out it doesn't matter though as long as you play the rest of the core safe round three was matching and i failed to mention backpack did join me what made it a lot funnier no he's pushing me off and i proved myself once again by not following the crowd and being by myself i would like to mention we were on round four but there was still 31 people which is a lot that was all gonna change with the slime climb because this gets a lot of people eliminated i try to stray away from the people because the only danger is the other players even backpack took his time and we both qualified and there's always that one person that forces you to watch them before the round ends we were in the finals again and it was hexagon which was perfect right at the start i got griefed by the same chicken that forced us to watch us at the slime climb i always try to create my own little safe area but that only works for so long i started panning kick a bit as backpack took away my safety platform and there was nothing on yellow so i had to quickly go back on blue it wasn't enough there wasn't enough platforms for me to last even though i took every single tile i could i ended up getting third place but only if i had a couple more platforms game 13 started with the moving doors which i was actually happy about i learned this beyblade move that makes me look ten times better than i actually am so i can time the doors right look at that impeccable timing and easy finish on round two my hopes were shattered because it was a team game and the tail game i quite like the tail game except when my own teammate grabs my own tail how does that help anyone though but it doesn't matter because i just wait for the last couple seconds to strike it was quite close though because we went over time like three times you would think by now i would learn my lesson about this game but i just do the exact same thing it was even funnier because all my friends did as well we just stand in a triangle together somehow all three of us made it round four was hoopsy daisy which is one of the few team games that i like unlike fall ball my circus skills are impeccable i should join a circus i did do one embarrassing thing by missing this gold ring but back back saved me by getting it but we were so far ahead it didn't even matter you guessed it the final round was fall mountain look at this i was in the lead dominating when a ball came out of the sky from nowhere and i got knocked over like 16 times and because of that this happens are you kidding me that happened so many times i wasn't gonna let that get in my head though because i was getting to the finals at least 90 of the time and i started with my favorite map because i was qualified the next round was doordash and i wasn't taking any risks so i'd let people be nice and open the doors for me it can be a little scary if you get trampled over here but i was in the clear round three we're back on the slime climb and look all these people trying to do shortcuts but it's not worth it the only problem is the other players look they're in my way they block me from jumping i did panic by jumping too early instead of waiting i just wanted to get away from all those people and i was inches away from falling okay i lied i did some shortcuts and it actually worked out i got in front of this guy i was there in the end and there was that guy that guy that tries to ruin people luckily he was a little bit distracted with the other guy and i sneaked through the next game mode was tiptoe and i'll be honest this game mode can be really dumb i did my civic 2d by leading the path because my iq is that high i made the tragic mistake of dying that late and i didn't think i was gonna make it but some guy didn't make his jump and then i didn't make my jump i was so angry you can actually hear me slamming into my keyboard on game 15 it's funny that we started with door dash because i was actually eating something from doordash not sponsored i just thought that was funny i didn't panic a little bit because there was a lot of people in front of me but i was still in the top 20 so no harm done on round two we had the slime con which i was excited about because that means a lot of people are gonna be eliminated i was almost one of the players that got eliminated because there were so many people here i didn't even have a choice where to go but after that it was all clear so i could just take my time my words came back to haunt me because since there were so little amount of players that means we were playing fall ball i went straight for the goalie position and i made sure nothing got past me i was gonna let my tiny body get crushed by the giant soccer ball if that's what it took we ended up getting a double score so it was already over by then six to two easy wins that meant there was only four people in the finals how is that possible it was the royal fumble with the tail but i knew the map this time i started with the tail which was okay i guess because i knew the best places to go in order to avoid everybody keep on moving on the outside of the maps and use the moving things and just don't get hit i did get outsmarted though because there were people behind me and somehow this wolf grabbed my tail when he was inches away but that was all part of my master plan all you need to do is get the tail last so while everybody was chasing the tail man i was plotting my plot everyone was chasing him so i knew he was gonna come around this corner yes yes come on come on you can come on just go forward actually you can just go straight just like that i had the tail and i just held it on the outskirts of the map baby and just like that we were 18 hours within the stream my peak has dropped as my brain cells started to deteriorate but the drive was still there because i still needed that fall mountain wind we were on game 16 and nothing else mattered than getting a win on fall mountain no matter how close i got i got defeat after defeat and you know what i hate about this map you already know that it's over when you see people ahead of you there is no coming back no matter how close you are to the crown and you know what's funny i had a hex game right after that fall mountain map and i won it and it wasn't even stressful let's go baby it was game 20. it was the make it or break it game and it was all taken away from me from being on the yellow team in fall ball we kept on going and i made my way to another finals and i laughed in insanity as i saw it was fall mountain but was this game gonna be different i had to try this is it this is the final race whoever gets there will be born into life i felt inspired by mimi but i already thought it was over because my character fell down and i was in dead last i wasn't going down like this i activated my super saiyan and started catching up and this was my chance to pass i know i'm supposed to go with the hammer and both my opponents fell to the ground it didn't stop there perfectly timed another hammer knocking out another player i stuck out my hands in fear that i would not grab the crown and then i thought i'd made a mistake because maybe i didn't grab the crown in time but in reality i actually won yes i've done it i actually won a fall mountains game and that wraps up our 24-hour playthrough of fall guys i ended up playing a total of 446 rounds and qualifying for 326 of them out of all the race games i qualified all 25 games of hit parades i nearly had a perfect run on disney heights but this happened the hardest one was slime climb which makes sense because that's the most difficult out of all the survival games i got a perfect run on rollout which is funny because i found that one the most challenging on the team games i had the most losses in fall ball which makes sense but i nearly got a perfect run in hoopsie daisy which is crazy most importantly on the final maps i played 32 games of fall mountain and only won one of them at least i won one if you made it this far you earned yourself five gold stars as i got five crowns at the end of the stream thank you guys for watching and i'll see you next video
Channel: Socksfor1
Views: 2,205,777
Rating: 4.9519043 out of 5
Keywords: Socksfor1, socksfor1 24 hours, socksfor1 24 hours challenge, I played fall guys for 24 hours straight, fall guys, fall guys socksfor1, 24 hours, fall guys guide, fall guys win, fall guy crown, multiplayer, battle royale, fall guys world record, best of fall guys, fall guys review, how 2 win fall guys, funniest fall guy moments, fall guys speedrun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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