I Played 100 Days Of V Rising 1.0

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welcome to F Rising an action RPG where you awaken as a fragile vampire I died join me as I rebuild my strength hunt for blood and face off against powerful V Bloods bro bro all right all right now there comes to a point where there's too many spiders and hostile creatures in my quest for dominance prepare to sink your teeth into this adventure as I spend 100 days living as a vampire in V Rising [Music] as I awoke from my Slumber I began the creation of my vampire okay tell me is this uh is this the most sophisticated vampire you've ever seen in your life maybe maybe not the smile but uh let's get into it let's get into it Isaac no we're going to be very very original and name it me I have Ren again after waking up from my 100 years Slumber the game decided to teach me how to move again because it's been that long oh so if I hover over myself I have a I have a frail blood type right now with 0% blood quality oh ouch okay okay there's sunlight I forgot vampires don't like sunlight anyway I started by defeating my first skeleton and crafed my first sword this meant I could do more damage which was excellent news testing out my new sword in these skeletons gave me my first Spell ability Shadow bolt I tested this new ability on some more skeletons which then granted me your ability to kind of enemy attacks testing this new ability went as well as I thought it would okay you slow I'm really going to need to improve my timing if I'm going to make it out alive as I progress through the cemeter I found a gate that leads to far Bane Woods this arrow green arrow on my mini map I think that's the way I was finally able to craft some armor which was very much needed as I suspected I would be getting hit a lot so I can go that go that I need rug tides for arrest I then found my first creature which had a whopping 39% blood quality much needed nourishment to get me out of my fragile state come here 39% blood type give me okay the deer dropped hide which allowed me to craft bone guard boots and gloves now that my armor was complete I needed some tools to help gather resources I crafted a mace and an axe the axe would help me gather wood while the mace would help me mine stone with my new tools and armor I set off to find a place called home on my travels I ran into a rare human oh my God is that F 98% blood type right at the starting area wait no ST are insane I placed down my castle heart and filled it up with blood my castle heart to build around it I needed to clear the area but the sun had other ideas as it began to rise who whoa whoa whoa whoa I'm not ready I'm still making my base chill this marked the end of my first night in V Rising as the morning rised I finished building this random walls wow this is home an achievement to be sure I then placed my coffin to sleep in a Miss brazer to block out incoming sunlight and a chest to store items in another ACC at this point the game was telling me I was too much of a weak kid and I needed to get better gear to do that I first needed to build a sawmill no no no no no we can go here oh gosh I'm going to need so much wood to build a workbench I needed eight planks one plank would cost 20 wood which would need to be refined in The Sawmill as I wait for The Sawmill to work its magic I found some wers I had a feeling I would need a lot after a few in-game hours I finally had enough planks to craft a workbench this allowed me to craft plated armor tools and weapons with my new and upgraded gears now level 20 in this game the way you unlock new items and progress are by defeating bosses called fee Bloods okay so we need to find our first boss and we tracking the tracking system in this game is simple but cool you follow the line of blood and the game will tell you how far away where you are he's very far away which is quite annoying a okay okay no no no I I am not fighting a man trap I played enough Sims to know what they do oh nope no no why you popping up after fading those man traps I encountered a white wol fighting someone I did what any Noble vampire would do and third party him ah ouch oh okay okay he's stuck abuse him oh I'm buring no no I should have not I should have done this at night okay okay that was easy that was easy it's not like it's not like as Spider done half the work for me but yeah all right oh I can transform into a war fresh of my first Victory I was feeling confident I decided to go for my second V blood and roll the stone breaker okay this was a very bad idea oh my God I died be the end I died already all right well day three first death what that's not fair oh okay obviously my confidence was misguided as I got absolutely rolled before I even made it into the copper mine I used this opportunity at the mine to get as much ore as possible as I needed it to upgrade my gear I found erald deep into the copper mine all right oh okay so there's our second V type if you want this or you're going to have to get through me first okay let's get rid of these first okay oh you destroying ORS for me thank you I quickly realized that I could use arol to destroy all F easy copper okay okay he just change up his moves oh okay no no no health health wasn't too bad actually think I broke something excellent let's see what we get I didn't actually look we can make material and Gem storage and Chaos spell plant after filling my inventory full of copper ore it was time to go home Upon a arrival I made a materials chest to store all my shiny new loot on day four I decided to fight ruus the foreman ruus was supposed to be an easy fight with a static movement and slow crossbow but with some IRL distractions and my dog trying to steal my sausage rle the fight was a lot closer than it was supposed to be going you target practice okay okay okay D oh aen aaden aaden running let's pick up these Health WS no red not for you what the hell are you all right we've beaten him that was uh way too close for my liking way too close I feel stronger let's look at the rewards we got from it a workbench a wood station for shaping wood oh a crossbow nice as you can tell I was celebrating my victory with a sausage roll I then proceeded to fight the Frost Archer and died twice yeah we don't need to speak about this no this cannot be the end how do I you look at this game I'm in shade no obviously I was becoming Delirious at this point because I had forgotten how to speak English on my third attempt I decided a new strategy lure into the tent and Ed the close range to my advantage freeze freeze miscalculated easiest boss of my life easy that's to try lock her in a room and just dodge close combat that's do you know what tip for everyone bow and arrow not good for close range the more you know the more you know what we unlock from that Tannery lever oh armor armor all right so that's all the level 20s okay so those guys are quite a few levels higher so I need to I need to get stronger to progress any further I need a better gear when I arrived at my base I made a furnace to smelt my ore a research desk to study books a taner to turn hide into lever a gem chest to store you know gems I then had enough copper ingots to level up my castle heart to level two I can now expand my castle I spent day six and seven upgrading gear I made a copper sword and mace Night Stalker armor I then upgraded that armor to shade Walker with my new gear I was level 27 and ready to fight Grayson the armor with my new copper sword I unlocked ability called worldwind this was great as it allowed me to kite around the boss while dealing damage oh oh W okay okay new move new move new move I've got the tool for the job to hammer you out that's was uh pretty easy I think I'm getting a hang of it now easy easy game so easy what did I unlock for beating him o oh okay huge huge huge Workshop flooing was a huge reward it meant that any Workshop Machinery using this flooring would have its resource cost reduced by 20% after defeating Grayson the armor I returned to base and built a grinder I could now turn Stone into bricks which is a vital ingredient for castle walls on day eight I ran out of blood and ate my first rat changed my spells for the first time let's try it out then tested my new spells oh it like combos off them oh that's pretty cool I then spent the rest of day eight fighting a stone Golem honestly this thing had way too much HP it took like 5 minutes to beat okay listen let's be friends goem slam down a bit ouch all we dip out we'll he a bit we'll play safe play safe sustains me yeah easy easy mode I spent day N9 and 10 making a workshop building nice done finally built my first little uh area of um you know working eventually I want to move all like the workstation stuff to down there and have like this big area is a massive Castle I think now with the workshop flooring the cost to make items in this room will be reduced by 25% to end my first 10 days I decided to fight ging the ravager I caught him fighting another fee blood and once again did what every noble vampire should do do third party him oh I got help my boy no don't go for me don't go for me go don't go for me think I want to change my spells I I like being able to Dodge I think all right new spell Point graveyard deer can fine P made from dust so I can do that in a grinder now that means I'm on level 30s now I match them on day 11 I built a way gate this allows me to teleport from my base I then upgraded my coffin to Stone yay I coffin I'm never ever going to use actually let me sleep in it for the first time awaken I finally built a blood press to start farming greater blood Essence all right what can we do with this oh we have use for all the rats out there nice well done guys we have a use for you I ended day 11 fighting Lydia the chaos Archer okay Lydia chaos Archer let's go of the DI okay she's disappeared go away fight her I can Lally see you let's get some health that was pretty easy guess everyone's luck runs out eventually all right see what we unlocked by being out we can now we can now recyle while useless equipment that's good and we can make a bag which is really good cuz I don't have one I finally farmed up enough greater blood Essence to build two servant coffins I can't do much with them yet but hey they're there at this point I was getting fed up with how messy my base was and decided to revamp it I wanted all my construction to be downstairs and the living area upstairs first I would need to find a way to connect the flooring okay I think I found a way to uh build a floring underneath and can I just remove that and I have floring now okay look at that 200 IQ I decided to quickly visit the local Shady book dealer for any upgrades I managed to pick up a forge flooring book which meant I can now officially smoke my ore on my way back to the base I found my first Carriage oh yes give me loot l l oh there was quite a few people here wait come back here Stone ornaments wrinkle spell Weaver oh K stick straped nice all right it's good bit of a loot here that was some pretty juicy loot I'll be on the lookout for more in a future oh look my dra's already on look at it it's so colorful all right I brought a forge floor in So that um we can smell cheaper it's going to be so it's going to be so vial to our progress I didn't spent the next few days revamping my base it was going well until I realized I think I've made a mistake I've built my Forge room right on the entrance of my castle by day 14 I had finally finished relocating my Forge building all right well this Forge base is now finished I now have minus 25% which means less ORS per ingots going in the future which is going to be very helpful I then finished my workshop building all right so I've moved everything down here to these two bases I've got the workshop I've got the forge now so we've got two and we can actually get into the base we've got up here I need to clean this up I obviously need to build a massive Castle here to end a very productive day 14 I built a leather working station and made my first bag nice more inventory sock no bag and bag I spent all of day 15 at the copper mine as I had run out of all due to all the base upgrades not too bad good amount of uh copper or there nice on day 16 I built the devour and finally recycled unwanted items okay uh the devour is done what do we get 24 plants3 Stone good hide good oh first ever silver Donny Farms the common coin we haven't we're not in done any farms yet but okay just like the films vampires are vulnerable to Silver looks like I'll need to find a way to carry silver coins in the future you take damage over time based on the amount of silver you're carrying so I am I am not allowed to carry silver apparently I then made my way to the s m to fight Clyde the fire star but I had to run away I'm dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I have to get out of here mate there's too many of them I regrouped and retried to some hav all right got around two Clive had a basic move set his kit revolved around AOE Splash damage through explosives this would have been absolutely fine but I only had a sword what where are you going he just ran off oh I see is run off get all your goons as the sun rised I went around in a circle cover to cover dealing whatever damage I could oh my God I just got to keep running around in circle from shade to shade do you know what I really need do it be really helpful oh my God never do that again so scary I need him to get to the front do I really need a crossbow that would be so helpful guess that's what I get my in the candle oh my God I played that really ratty but gosh that was hard that was so hard I I need to crossbow after this what did we unlock for that alchemy table so we can make potions and explosive boxes I don't think I'm ever going to make potions but okay so we just need one more nibbles and that's question mark following my hardfought victory I rewarded myself with a visit to my favorite Shady book dealer and brought a couple of upgrades with these upgrades I made myself a merciless copper sword crossbow and axe nice I just need to upgrade my mace now and the rest and my vest and my boots and I'll be good on day 18 I had my first Blood Moon I thought it would be perfect to go V blood hunting blood moon boost the effects of your current blood type by 20% and increase your movement speed by 10% nice my first Target was fin the fisherman and I got to say this was one of the funniest boss fights I've had so far oh I think this is it fishing lake he's got his own little Boss Arena all right let's go Finn let's try out this new crossbow 21 damage get away did he just aim at me with a fish like a no there's no way you're trying to slap me with a fish right now what are you fishing for I bet you never seen a fish like this oh I have a Q ability as well okay nice uh out for this don't know whether I should fight ah okay all I no I'm not a bit of fish okay you can't just hook me like that I think I like the crossbow like this stop fishing there's too much fish here no no no no I'm not watching you come here no more of this let the waters [Music] Meep that was a really fun fight to be honest um it's a bit chaotic I been a Blood Moon kind of help and if I didn't have a crossbow there I don't think I win that so let's see what we've unlocked ah a fishing pole nice makes sense can go fishing I'm assuming based on every other game that has the same Concepts bubbly holes like that means fish spots with the blood moon on my side I decided to go for my second V blood of the night okay I'm assuming he's in here so if I right click okay I got to go this way to get in the bear cave unlike my previous fight kodia the bear was really slow and predictable making this quite an easy fight okay okay think a sword might be more better for this cuz I can just spin around them like that okay honestly I've had NPC fights harder than that boss that was quite easy like really easily I think enemies that attack fast more chaotic are harder this guy's really slow and attack patters are really easy to dodge did I unlock I can be bear now despite the quick progress I was making I started to feel gear stuck okay despite the bear saying its challenges being six gear levels above us that was quite easy I don't know if it's worth me getting my gear level up higher uh before I fight the rest um I think it might be worth it like what's stopping me from getting because I need to get to here as well before I complete the oh and then I'll complete the First Act I had to try their be form at least once D I'm a chunky bear I made a quick stop to the graveyard on the way home as I needed morning lies to upgrade my ring are they morning lies okay good awesome I need some of these oh hello Tristan no you did not stumble look you never saw me okay goodbye one day I'm going to get strong enough to beat Tristan really I can't wait for that day guy always stops me and bothers me every time I was finally able to upgrade my bone ring which I've had since day one right I can finally make a better ring than my uh blood bone ring and I can upgrade my mace I need I need a uh shade Walker Fest and boot this brought me up to gear level 35 I then traveled to the gardens to fight my next V blood poia the F Walker no I don't I've never died before in my life hey that's the same spell I have okay reminds me of when I played World of Warcraft and I PvP people and they kept making me run and turn into sheeps she's got Pixies fighting for her blood reses is now is not the time for blood reserves to run low me I'm going to ignore the spirit cuz she's so low okay it is my turn wasn't too hard actually I know I say that every fight and it must get so boring considering I've died 100 plus times already but you know these V blood fights ain't too bad so what did I un not for it oh a bunch of like garden and stuff a you gross stuff I'm not going to lie I don't think I'm going to touch any of that for quite a while following my victory I then decided to break 25 environmental laws and Massacre all the flowers on day 21 I went back to the graveyard to fight Nicholas the Fallen let's go Nicholas like most necromancers Nicholas summons an army of dead which was absolute chaos your mine oh my God okay I need to avoid that that damage okay that was stupid no I wanted to heal behind this tree be oh there is way too many of you guys Dodge Dodge no okay I what do I do in this situation he's so close I come on so close so close yes I did it oh my God he was actually quite difficult that was stressful what did I unlock let's have a look a paper press a workstation used for refining and fibers and swust into paper that'll be hery for the research okay just one guy left Quincy the Bandit king um I think I might upgrade my gear just a teeny bit first to the 10 people still watching you're probably wondering why why haven't I dominated a human yet well I was waiting waiting for the perfect one oh a carriage with a with a high level human all right let's go okay I think I'm going to finally do it how do I do it dominate human what do I do not resist okay will nice nice I decided to crack open the carriage for more loot to my surprise I saw another high quality cumin what whoa whoa whoa whoo you're killing your own people is that another worker wait can I can I subdue that person I could only subdue one human at a time so I quickly went back to base oh no my luck I've been waiting this whole time for like a a human to come right so I can like a high level one and then two come at the same time I was never good at a SC missions no leave him alone leave him alone please please no no no no no no no no no this can't be happening leave him alone please don't kill him he's so all right so I'm assuming I have to interact with this uh coffin confir fillment in service how long's going to 40 minutes I quickly headed back to find a villager still there wait is she still here yes let's gos are you are control I was more Vigilant on my defense this time destroying every skeleton I saw yeah not again not having that close again nope okay you willment in I can't express how happy I am right now some of you might have been going crazy why I haven't dominated a human yet but I was waiting for that creme did the creme the top tier human meat I started day 22 by making a fishing pole okay guys I know I forgot I forgot to make a fishing pole after I unlocked it so uh let's go and try this out okay how do I know when I'm assuming then first fish C du I finally checked my spell book again I just realized I haven't checked my spells in ages wait I got my first ultimate oh okay let's try it then I tried my ultimate this is going to be very helpful in the future and then there's skeletons after gu skeleton do him do him on day 23 I visited my favorite Shady book dealer he had an Alchemy lab flooring boot which is a great find I then proceeded to spend the rest of the day building the Alchemy lab which patterns the best I do I do kind of like this but two sulfur per Flor pattern okay let's move you into here I put the blood press in here so the blood press now is minus 25% which is great oh yeah this is this can defo come in here what can I make out of this so I can Brew stuff for my final piece of alchemy refinement I plac down a Ferman Nest so we this is how we get rats this is how we get giant rats wait ain't that a boss that's a boss right before I thought I wanted to finish the room but I didn't storage oh hello nibbles where'd you go nipples there you are you little rat okay oh okay I hate rats honestly all right what have we unlocked for this I of course had to try the new rat form I can't see a single situation where this would be useful or helpful I started day 24 by Awakening my new servant oh excellent he is ready okay soep expertise 39% tracking expertise reduces difficulty by 100 when hunting Aros inhabited by a creatures and monsters far Bane Hunters increase the amount of loot secured from successful hunts in Far Bane Woods I actually like the name Luna so rise a new Reit my purpose how powerful a servant is depends on its gear level and expertise the hunt proficiency is equal to 10 times the servant's gear level with the expertise percentage added at the end so for gear level zero the Hunter's proficiency would be 39 because of their expertise I couldn't do much with them as I needed a throne and wouldn't be able to get reinforced planks till Act but anyway meet Luna and Madison why did you look like a doll I once again visited my favorite Shady book vendor yes with this shade Walker V book now in my possession I could finally complete the gear set this brought me up to gear level 41 it was finally time to fight our final boss of act one I smashed my way through the barriers of the Bandit camp with my bare claws I didn't had to fight like a 100 Bandits seriously it was ridiculous after that grueling experience I was toe-to-toe with Quincy I had to fight so many people to get here how many people do you have at this base right let's go you do look really cool oh no not sunlight yep I'm stupid the sunris and I got rolled after defeating another 100 Bandits I was ready to fight Quincy again all right Quincy round two all right let's go it's a story worth telling you can tell I was locked in because I didn't speak once during this fight Haring yeah I waited to use my to he was down this time yeah you're not so tough about the sunlight back in your beef for defeating Quincy unlocked a Smithy for iron weapons a tailoring bench for crafting cloth armor the ability to make iron ingots and Hollow Fang armor with Quincy defeated act one with was complete but before I headed north I wanted to build my castle hello it's been a few days I've been uh I've been upgrading the base trying to make it look nice um I thought I'd give you a quick tour and keep you up to date what's been going on so this is the main Castle area now this is not where my bed's going to be I've run out of building tiles okay so I need to upgrade my castle H so I built two staircases J side um but I haven't built anything around it yet so those just go into sunlight and death I built a little room for the servants it's quite small feel like I'm playing Into The Stereotype here but I haven't decided on a flooring yet so this is the top I've got my TP there uh this is the entrance to the gastle I still need to make it nicer but just you know for now this will do so this is my new library room um it's very bare at the moment and while I'm here I can make finally make a paper press this is the new tailoring room um pretty much the same thing haven't got the flooring yet anyway enough of that yapping I didn't know where to go next so I thought if I track a fee blood it should take me to the right area I ended up in Donley's farmlands well I just ticked off here I'm in a dley farmlands and I'm getting attacked straight away while exploring I found a new or node I was hoping it would be Iron CS that's not iron the enemies in dy's Farmland were a lot tougher unlike far Bane Woods being riddled with Bandits Donley's farmlands was filled with trained militia oh my God what was that what was that I managed to find my first horse each horse has randomized stats this includes bace speed Can I mount this D farmlands was a lot different to far ban it was a lot more civilized it had militia patrolling Outpost for every village and farm they had houses for people to live in they even had a bell ringer to alert the militia wait no snitching I found beatas in a house house at dawn break Village all right sorry going here call the militia what do you mean call the militia you're not going anywhere wait does she not attack I'm pretty sure beatus was meant to go around town calling for help but she bugged out and stayed in the house this is perfect okay I don't know if she have so much I don't I don't know if she buged out or not but like she just didn't leave the room what do we get for it Al Loom and cotton yarn and a new Hunters cloak now that I've unlocked a loom I needed Cotton On my way to the farm I was introduced to yet another vampire Hunter o start another vampire Hunter I'm just going to run past at this Farm I was introduced to another hindrance in this land garlic oh garlic exposure from what from this it didn't stop me from grabbing as much cotton as possible garlic expose your debuff weakens you and makes you more suceptible to damage the effect Stacks up to 100 times each stack increases damage taken by 1% and reduces your damage output by 0.5% so if I stack this up to 100 I can take 100% more damage and only deal 50% less damage it didn't stop me grabbing as much cotton as possible when I arrived back at base I made a loom and turned all this cotton into yarn on day 33 I made a tailoring bench uh Hunter's cloak we need more cotton yarn uh I don't think I can even afford that cotton yarn cotton yarn cotton yarn cotton yarn all right I need to go hunting for more cotton yarn so I brewed up a garlic resistant potion and headed back to Donley's farmlands as I headed north I ran into F and the frostbringer I wasn't looking for a fight but hey while I'm here all right I feel like for finsen I feel like if I keep my distance I should be good Vincent was a lot higher level than me so I kept running around in a circle waiting for my Al to co down let's kite him a bit waa that's a new move oh whoa whoa whoa whoaa chill out chill out chill out chill out watch just friends come on I can do it just be smart I feel a chill coming up after 10 minutes of back and forth I had finally won the fight I didn't deserve it but sometimes you've got a cheese I'm going in for it oh I did it I mean I ran in about a thousand circles to beat him but I beat him what did I get anyway oh I can make prison sales now excellent my favorite exactly what I wanted to do for one of the rewards I finally unlocked a new Dash ability okay I ended day 33 cotton farming on day 34 I tried at the cave for the first time this allows me to quick travel between lands while holding valuable resources okay so it's kind of taking me back to uh far ban Woods which is pretty good on my way back to the base I found another Carriage I quickly destroyed it raided it for all its goodies and took home another high quality human to be my servant well welcome to your new home I spent the rest of the day in my tailoring room waiting for cotton to turn into yarn I finally had enough cotton yarn to make a better cloak this cloak gave me improved health and Sun resistance as well as adding garlic and silver resistance well my gear level's the same sick look at that I can't believe I've gone from a Bright Beautiful cloak to this ragged old thing I couldn't make any more armor as I needed wool frad to be able to craft wool frad you need to be Christina the sun Priestess so I grabbed my less stylish cloak and headed into dun's Farm I have the blood moon on my side Shin blessings despite that added bonus to my stats I got absolutely rolled it wasn't even a competition how do I beat her this is my conviction no you're just cracked mate how do I beat you if you just heal with my tail touched between my legs I ran to the haunted Iron Man to get better weapons Who Are You The Haunted iron manine was pure chaos it was filled with strong enemies what you what's going on hit it oh who you fighting not fighting anyone are you I avoided fighting as much as possible as every fight was a near-death experience I filled up my inventory of iron and headed home I spent all of Day 36 smelting ore I did find enough wol Fred to make one piece of armor but didn't equip it yet as IID lose my set bonus meet our new servant Duke still can't do anything with him yet I got bored of waiting for iron to smell so I went from Camp to Camp trying to find as much wol thread as possible oh wolf red let's go I also found um a werewolf on day 38 I finally had enough ingots to build a Smithy this meant I could finally make iron weapons and tools for some reason I decided now would be the perfect time to plant some seeds well we have some cotton seeds here then so hopefully um it spawn some nice cotton for us that would be great I made Hall of fang gloves and a new iron sword this brought me up to gear level 45 I then decided to visit an old friend of mine all right trist remember me you bully probably think you're something but you're just kill this fight was a great opportunity to test out my new spell ultimates as well as my new sword ability let's try this all maybe the spider is better for him okay stop setting stuff on fire Tristan bad take my ultimate I won't be the last one to come for you listen Vampire Slayer you have you have bullied me you have stalked me in this land and now I am finally strong enough to beat you okay for beating him I unlocked a great sword um I just made a sword but this is the most important thing I can turn blood into greater blood Essence which means I can make servant coffins way easier and I can finally build that throne with ease now so I'm going to do that I went back to base turned all my blood into greater blood Essence I was now finally able to make a throne for the castle throne let's just put it there for now finally let me sit in my Throne turns out all my servants were too weak they needed better armor and gear I didn't have the resources to spare so that would have to wait for now 0% at this point I had enough iron ore smelted to make a new crossbow and mace with the new upgrades it was time to pay the sun Priestess another phit all right let's go again I was struggling and close to losing again oh oh okay that's not good I switched out to my crossbow and kept my distance I love if I avoided her barrier which would summon soldiers when being hit I would be fine I will show you discipline all right that was close that was close as you know I switched to the bow and arrow absolutely smashed her so I can make a Silver Thread bag and even more inventory slots which is great and now I can make wool thread which I really needed I went back to base and started making as much wool thread as as possible I was now able to craft a silver bag this added an extra three inventory slots as well as allowing me to carry silver coins without getting burned nice and do I just drag oh wait oh it just doesn't matter okay I don't need to drag it in nice I started day 43 by harvesting my new plants oh so they grow back okay that's good to know I then made my Tor I mean a prison room I finally have my first prison cell there we go I just uh I just need to find someone to lock up in there to find a suitable prisoner I used blood hunger for the first time ech let's call him Ted Ted was po straight into a cell I was Keen to extract blood from him straight away oh he's dead well um at least we've done this yet another accomplish rip to you Ted Gone Too Soon anyway I finally had enough War frad to make hallo Fang leggings and boots this completed the set and brought me to gear level 47 and I've got the complete set but it doesn't give me any bonuses this time I don't think no I then made a great sword because bigger is better wait have I been scammed they look their exact same I Ked out medison with my old gear then used the throne to send her on her first mission all right first hunt I headed north and made my way to the Forbidden Tower like Finn the fisherman IM the Darks of had their own theme arena with a move set to match no one will hinder my research the exquis suffering of a paper cut oh what are you doing at this point in the fight I realized the great sword was a lot slower and had a different move set oh oh the great sword actually has a different move set here is mandatory I don't know if I like this all right GG's all right crossbow carried and I'm getting rid of that great sword as soon as possible he swings it so slow all right we've unlocked a study which is like an up upgrade on the research desks and instead of paper you use Scrolls now so yeah that'll be handy I ended day 44 finishing up my first piece of headgear oh my first helmet what do you guys think on day 45 I made my way to the church of the dam to fight the Andre the shadow Priestess I was not looking forward to this as the fight to get here was tough enough already okay what oh my God I was doing so well do you hear them they're coming bro my Dodges ain't resetting quick enough oh my God I did it will I don't know how I did that my abilities weren't cooling down quick enough like I just couldn't Dodge anything okay so I got artison table which means I can finally use all the jewelry I have a new pendant which is going to be great summon a swarm of bats to transport a subdued human to the nearest unoccupied prison cell within your realm that is so good this means I can TP a prisoner from anywhere on the map to my prison cell following my victory I wanted to make it three bosses in a row so once again I made my way to the haunted mines to fight CRA the Undead General the fight was going well until I started getting outnumbered I actually died to a skeleton I died to a skeleton oh yeah yeah there's so many people about I need to change my move sets you won't ever catch me giving up I ran it back this time finding CRA in an isolated area Meredith was also roaming the area are you thinking what I'm thinking all right let's try this look at you standing here like a Boss Arena I led her in made them fight each other and profited of their demise hit each other yes I'm a genius I'm a genius no don't go for me where are you running to come back come back come back come back you're doing so well while I was fighting Craig I can only assume Meri got taken down by a bunch of skeleton archers do know what why I'm here I was kind of surprised Crick lasted longer maybe because he's got an army surrounding him give me that Health nice nice big dubs two two for PR of one missen third party them just third party all right I've actually got two to look out here so we have Craig the Undead General locked a doorbell nice a Reaper I don't I'm going to stick to my regular sword okay I I don't trust it and a skeleton priest okay we be we beat Meredith the bright Archer sanded French uh storm spell point that would be let's check that out and a holy Resistance potion okay yeah checked out that storm spell it's pretty me I started day 47 by smelting the iron or I got from the mine I managed to find enough glass to upgrade my castle heart to level three CLE heart grows even greater I unlocked an eye of multi from it more on that later power to end the day I finally built a study let's build this you are massive uh I still haven't got a floor in for this but we've got a few stuff to unlock merciless iron ax looks pretty cool why a great sword Blood Hunter leggings on day 49 I gave my servant some basic gear I sent Luna to a logging Camp to get some Co Fred and Duke to a fishing lake because he was too weak to go anywhere else and yes you are correct I was playing at 2: in the morning like a DJ I made an Artis table hoping I can upgrade my ring well I can't make that yet so this we'll have to wait I figured making dust callers would be more effective at this time nice if we uh if we see any High value humans we can just TP them my servants were ready with the loot because at 3:00 a.m. I needed to go asleep would nice bit of uh Co thread really need that right Duke what you get for me and Alchemy lab flooring that would have been great if I didn't already have that and some fish okay nice bit of wol Fred oh a bunch of Scrolls you know we might be able to do we might be able to research a book so yeah I then gambled my Scrolls this could be massive oh Blood Hunter boots I then headed back to the Church of the dam to farm some more scourage Stones nice on my travels back home I ran into another Carriage oh another Carriage it had two high value humans 66% and 86% I used a dust coer to TP one of them to my prison cell I like rats nice and subdued you other to take home but this was a mistake no moving swiftly on from that tragedy I headed back home and made a pendant upgrade this brought me up to gear level 50 I started day 53 off by giving Duke better gear and sended him out on a hunt for cotton I then upgraded my iron great swword to meress even though I absolutely hate the sword also I've got a merciless axe now nice gear level 53 as the blood moon rised I went on a hunt for Bane the Shadow Blade I guess since he'll be rewarding us with a human form only right he would be using it himself You Are My Enemy No I missed my all quietly now oh no oh NY this is the Eternal Night nice death won't stop me I I think I'm starting to like the great sword low key all right the best thing about this let's look at the rewards all right Unholy spell Point human for that's going to be so good this is what I need and uh slashers don't know if I'm going to use slashers but they're there with my new [ __ ] form I'm now able to sneak into the market and visit the book vender I really wanted the flooring book and I managed to find one I definitely want this like 100% I want this Taylor and Florin well there goes all my money I headed back to base to put my new Taylor and Florin down it should be 25% cheaper for everything now it's absolutely amazing on day 55 I headed Northeast to the hollowed Mountains for the first time to fight the frost moreall but like always I got rolled in my first attempt you it it went through a wall no I cannot okay okay I run it back because no way I'm letting this lanky power bones beat me this time I adopted the rock strategy this time I had someone back in my be yes a moose I got carried by a bloody moose damn the ball's doing damage to him I did it I did it I did it I literally got not a ball like a moose i l she got carried by a moose on this game what do my life come to and this is why I did it so I can make thick leather now so I can get better armor and a new bag D while I was here I decided to farm some hollowwood as you can turn hollowwood into four planks and one oil I headed back to base and used the Tannery to start making thick Lea I then use the leather working station to make a mountain peak bag this gave me an extra fre inventory slots allows me to carry more silver coins and gives me a healthy plus 26 Health upgrade I spent day 57 and 58 at a new Iron cave the only way you can get in is by Smashing through with a bear it seemed quiet but there were Rock Elementals hiding in the iron nodes oh what what for the first time they were all veins big enough for a bear to smash through okay you are bigger than oh my God you are so much bigger I was in there for so long I ran out of blood with my inventory full of iron I headed back to base not going to lie I spent the next few days smelting iron ore but cuz it takes so so long I started day 61 by collecting servant rewards from the hunt see what you've got for me nice bit of cotton nice oh a book fireplaces not bad wood SAS of course red which is great okay nice bit of cloth nice bit of wol rad oh that's great mate that's nearly a whole book I did decided to gamble some Scrolls didn't get what I want who would have don't gamble originally I was hesitant to upgrade my armor cuz I was chasing a complete set but I decided I'd just upgrade my armor and go with the flow get level 55 I then decided to try a new Al before fighting graffle let's try this uh new old ice block skir but yeah I hated it it barely gave me any more HP and I ended up taking more damage after it anyway oh what is this man I'm about to get rolled again I reset the fight went back to my trade and trusted ultimate and fought her again break this is nothing this is nothing a little cut it's too much too much Fire come on bro how long does it take to shatter no oh my God impressed this is yes we did it so we can now officially make glass which is good and Blood Rose potions I don't get the point of potions if they don't work while you're in if it's limited while you're in combat I don't know I was close to tering a geomancer so I decided to go for a next she was on top of a mountain field with gemstones so I thought why not I sent out my death knight to distractor and started fighting are things were going well until she turned into a a stone Golem theet Stone Golem summon two mini Golems how is this even fair halfway through the fight I run out of blood so I had to eat a heart perfect timing despite the blood loss I managed to beat this tanky Beast let's go so close let's go even though my blood run out I started losing Health rapidly I managed to pull that back for my rewards I got a gemstone cutting table I can now turn my crude gemstones into regular gemstones I can't do anything with the obsidian and the Golem Siege because I don't play PVP on my way home I found another Carriage the loot was very interesting I'll be keeping my eye on those pistols for the future merciless iron sword yes I can finally get rid of my sword I can't wait I started day 63 by making another furnace to smelt some glass I then upgraded my necklace I went for a pendant of spell Weaver for that extra 8% cool down rate as I was tired of not being able to Dodge in time this brought me up to gear level 58 nice so this has gone from a 10-second cool down to an 8sec I believe which is you know every second counts I then headed Northeast to the ruins of mortium to find General Al the hollow this is where I started seeing vampires for the first time see while I've been fighting for my life every day fighting the Sun milicia and every literal creature these vampires have been living life in luxury they have friends they literally don't have sunlight where they live may there's more of me I did manage to find aena there's loads of them wow bro bro bro what the there's no way this is if I hit if I hit her I all these people going to jump me there's no way there's like 50 so I decided to wait in the shadows and pick the right time yeah definitely not creepy I went in for the attack but our two bodyguards hit so hard okay you what I'm off skis do you know what all you I don't even care anymore I don't even want to fight you no they just rolled me straight away bro I just got bullied in a video game with our two bodyguards distracted I run it back for what I thought would be a fair fight all right let's go the legion above what you mean ice pillar get down there o yeah I then literally had a 5 minute boss fight with a ice pillar gosh I suck V belongs to master Dracula BR that ice pillow was harder than most boss fights all right predict come on let's go sorry let's go what do we get alter of um alter of stigan Awakening used to unlock and Infuse your vampire with passive Powers okay not too bad to make and a frost spell ti two nice so that's all that done there that's that done there now we're on to these people and this and then we've nearly done act three so that should be pretty cool ient another person to my prison cell well 79% Brute go our prison cell we'll be all right before heading back to base I went to visit the new vendor to see what they were selling I couldn't afford anything yet but maybe for the future hello magent what do you sell what do you trade with San shards and you sell stuff like this okay and then and then I got touched without my consent no no how do you not consent bad I started day 65 by finishing off my Prison Room have I ever mentioned how long iron takes to smell yes finally the prison room's done anyway I finished the Prison Room blood draining damage is now reduced by 25% I was clearly happy about this cuz I started speaking to the prisoner like this you want some fish you want some fish of course you want some fish on day 66 I awoke Kai my new servant rant I kicked him out with the best gear and even gave him my favorite iron sword I then sent my servants on a hunt I sent K and Duke to the Church of the dam for more Scourge Stones let's go with those odds I sent Madison to the cotton Farm again and finally Luna to the Logan camp for more cool sprad nice I then made an alar of stigen Awakening and eye of mortium let's put you there oh these are passive abilities okay so I need a lot of sturon shards oh there's greater sing shots right very interesting can't do anything with it but that looks great for future looks like a lot of grinding and watch this so riff urss world events one starting in 32 minutes use your map to track riff incursions Within the Ruins of mortium the Legion of nocturn channels Jack's power to summon powerful entities from the shadow realm destroy these Rifts to obtain ancestral weapons and stigan shards okay I'm probably butchering that like hell but I still need to explore this and still need to go all these places so that's in 30 minutes level 57 plus so that I should be able to do that an achievement to be sure well since I've got 30 minutes I think I'm going to upgrade the base to be honest yeah I spent the next few days upgrading the base and completely forgot about the Riff incursions for now I started off by making a staircase for an upstairs area then expanding the top floor to match the bottom floor in terms of tile space the first room I relocated was the Alchemy room as I wanted more space all right this is the new and improved Alchemy room it's uh upstairs now the next room I wanted to focus on was the drawers room I started by bringing up the Artisan table I then made a gem cutting table I didn't have much use for it at the moment because I didn't need to PVP I finished the room by placing down Florent for that lovely 25% bonus nice 25% bonus I didn't set my eyes on expanding in the tailoring room it was in the same place I just had a lot more room to play with this is the new tailoring room I know it doesn't look as nice but it's got a lot more space to finish up on my Renovations was the Crypt room I increased the size to match the Prison Room and added Crypt flooring which decreases the conversion Time by half and this is the new CPS for my servants to sleep in by day 71 I was done with Renovations and ready to fight I set my eyes on Jay the Vampire Hunter I've been eyeing up her guns for a while and wanted to upgrade my crossbow this is not fair you've got a literal gun I've got a crossbow but like most first attempts I got rolled holy crap I ran it back because I was confident I could beat her although gameplay would suggest otherwise as I spent most of the fight humping a rock and hiding come on get her oh yeah ain't they that's a shame um she wasn't actually that hard to be honest um ched a basic move set that ultimate of hers was like kind of tough merciless iron Longbow that would have been so good but I've just unlocked the ability to craft pistols so I'm going to make them cuz they seem like fun I can make a advanced blood press as well now which is also awesome straight after the fight I headed to D's Monastery to fight razil the shepherd but got stopped by holy radiation I guess they'd be praying over there so I headed back to base made an advanced blood press let's put it there for now what can I make Primal blood Essence through six of that oh so it's the sa same I then made a holy potion to protect me against the radiation but that took so many sunflowers before making some pistols I can't wait to use these I then made my way back to the monastery for an army of devoted before interrupting ril's ceremony the pistols had two abilities F Hammer which fires bullets in a cone this also knocks the target back and explosive bullet which essentially gives me another Dodge KN the light the light oh oh damage kneel before the light what am I supposed to do there come on give me that damage give me that damage oh my God no no no no 22 HP this will not be the end let's check the rewards Dro crafting table what station use for crafting drills um I have to look at that I don't really know what I'm going to use that for on day 73 I visited the book vendor I brought Blood Hunter gloves which goes well with my current armor I then fished up a new piece of head gear oh I kind of rock it you know I then found a lonely workers to send to myself bye-bye before heading home to study some new books I found I started day 74 by making some blood Hunter gloves this gives me an extra one gear level as I had three out of four parts of the set nice get level 61 I then made a Dro crafting table I can now make upgrades for my spells this is very handy look at that perfect what can I make oh this is how I make stuff like this the abilities were randomized but it was better than nothing I started by making a death knight Jewel which increased its Health by 25% I then made a fail Frost Jewel I honestly didn't even know what this means I could make one for my ultimate so I equipped my new ones for now oh I already had one oops I then made my way back to the ruins of mum to fight General Casas to bet who surrounded by Entourage of heart in Vampires but I didn't let that stopped me as I got absolutely rolled it's becoming a common theme around here cannot be the end I run it back like always because I ain't no quitter us the fight started really badly that was close to running away I just don't know what to do look how like what am I supposed to do here please someone tell me mate look look how many there are I literally can't do anything why are there so many but his sword got stuck between rocks so I was able to do loser free damage I then lobed the sword out his head damage I am okay and when he sword came out to play again I had my ALT ready use my Al abuse him yes I did it I saved that Al for the perfect time o I need merciless iron pistols though so one day not even at this stage yet let's see what we got Unholy spell Stig summon in circle on my way back I pass by a scarecrow Farm those are some weird crows I then headed to the book vender and picked up a massive F merciless iron pistols I'll take that I then headed back home to make the pistol upgrades let's make those and a new piece of armor and I know this like gives me no set bonuses or anything like that but just for a little bit of extra Health um yeah just for a bit of extra Health to be honest so dear with my new upgrades I was ready to fight the final boss of act two Octavian the militia Captain I headed to the Bastion of Dunley smashed through his army until I was face to face with him that is just unlucky let's put I just no don't put me right into the fire how unlucky is that that anyway these pistols were absolutely cracked and I finished a fight quickly I think I can I think I can take him nice nice nice so we have an ancestral Forge now which is going to be great um unfortunately because I have all those weapons shattered weapon parts and I think you restore them in this but I don't have any rum alloy yet um so we'll have to work on that I rewarded myself with 93% brute and sent him to my prison cell we'll TP you back to base it seems like I can only find brutes for my prisons I then unlocked my first electric ultimate I got to try it straight away with this Carriage oh this is perfect oh okay that actually seems pretty good to be honest okay let's see what we get oh a bunch of iron another shattered sword um I got a spell modification for my death knight um gold jewelry Advanced furnace there's Advanced furnace okay Sul for all good loot I started day 78 by studying my new books I didn't put my new brute in a coffin to convert all right put you in there I then tapped some more blood poor guy what he does is eat fish and give blood need me some blood Potions all right I don't really know where to go next if I look at the map I've got all this area still unexplored so I'm going to do what I did last time and find this person track his blood because um he gives me the ability to make regim alloy which is what I need now and whatever that is Tech scrapped what all right so we're going to follow him he's North very far away so I followed a blood trail up north and ended up in glum rot South well I just uh I got a new achievement so I guess I'm in a new place I have a feeling my fishing rods not going to be effective here Gloom Rock was a bit of a weird place on one hand it was filled with sludge pools causing Mass mutation on the other hand it was briming with technology with robots and Machinery roaming the area I ended up making my way to the transcender Machine Factory where I'd fight CA while looting I found my oh first radium Ally and in another chest I found nice more radium Ally oh 80 Tech scrap after fighting an army of Engineers I was finally face to face receiver this one out this will be good whoa now CA would have access to many different guns and each gun was specialize in a different element oh so she just changes her guns man that just locked onto me like Aimbot blood so little Health oh I'm so dead here going you got get yes one HP one HP out let's go I started day 80 by capturing my first Gloom Rock prisoner a juicy 91% Warrior all right I've got him I hope you like rats I then made my way to russlock village where they kept why they just TR RS like pet animals the main priz of this Village was Domino the blade dancer she was the next Fe blood on my [Music] list let's go for a oh that's a this p is and let me tell you something she had her name and made it her personality love it when you struggle oh mate play it's not play time oh 12 hp 12 hp all right let's look at my rewards I can now make an advanced grinder that's good a whip uh Su oh my God that is a creepy face and Castle teleporters after my Gloom Rock exploitations I decided to try the local cave to see where it leads to where am I oh that is that is so good the only problem is I can't get up here but like I can just TP to places I can TP there and just hit back after my shortcut home I made a fabricator the only useful thing I can make from it now is sludge field canisters oh it goes in this room Elite let's go so I can make sludge field canisters um that's it I'm G to need a lot of iron I can make silver coins that would have been so good like when I actually need them I still need a Library floor I did made an advanced grinder but couldn't do anything with it yet what can I make out of that anything new no just a sa same stuff I loaded the fabricator up with materials needed to make sludge field canisters so this will make me sludge field canisters and then I can uh I can convert that into radium alloy by the um add in Tech scrap so far gber nice the merciless iron mace would be nice on day 83 I upgraded my mace to merciless I then made an ancestral Forge so I can finally upgrade my meress pistols to explosive Duan pistols nice I couldn't upgrade any further as I would need dark silver pistols but nevertheless I was now gear level 63 I then woke up Harold and Barney from their nap get them out and sent them to work I sent baronnie to the West Fortress ruins for stigan shards I sent Kai and Harold to the haunted iron manine and finally I sent the rest to the usual spots on day 84 I finally did my first Rift incursion Rift incursions are World defense where you face off against holes of Dracula's vampires work shippers Etc each riffic heran has a summoning Circle in the middle to weaken a summoning Circle you follow an Ascent which leads you to A Shard guarded by dra's Army all right that's cleared out does that just break now okay that's broken I it drops loer shards once you have broken all the shards you don't have a mini bus fight against a lesser blood cell for all my effort I was rewarded with a tier three Jewel and a bunch of sidan shards what do I get a void prism a tier three oh I don't think I'll be doing this again unless I have to anyway I headed straight to the book vendor as I really wanted a library flooring upgrade but luck was not on my side at least the shop refreshes in 12 minutes damn to pass the time I headed back to the hidden iron mine as I was starting to run out of iron this time I led all the golems and F them at the same time because clearly I thought I was that guy good amount of V for that why day 85 the shop had to refresh and I finally got what I want yes finally a library flooring that's exact what we wanted I headed straight back to base and put down the new flooring upgrade for that juicy 25% bonus although apparently this didn't mean much as I headed straight to Gloom Rock to fight and gram the purifier I just dodge when he's in that mode the this sun made it a lot harder than it needed to be but overall it was quite an easy fight trying to kill get rolled by the sun all right let's go oh okay oh first try first try okay so we have an ability to unlock new armor now uh I don't know how to make that armor but we've got new armor I headed back to base to check out the new armor set I couldn't make silk yet nor could I make pristine leather I guess it's time to hunt more fee Bloods I headed nor into the cursed forest for the first time where I was instantly jumped by a night ler as I travel deep into the forest I notice my mini map start to fog oh curse of the forest the forest is Curse it's easy to get lost in a Miss luckily there are Hollow wh scattered about to help guide you through the forest the cursed forest was split into three sections you had a spider cave a toad swamp and ghost Villages where banshe reside we'll be heading to the ghost Village first to fight Val Rock the [Laughter] soultaker I you aart now this was another Necromancer fight and I hate Necromancer fights because they just summon stuff and it becomes absolute chaos time to take the you apart all right I did it um I can now make uh spectral dust at a advanc grinder while I was here I decided to farm some ghost crystals as I had a feeling I would need them for special dust I decided to go for Ben the old wander next if you know you know and for those who don't know Ben is the most annoying frustrating boss fight there is all he does is run and because you can't see anything you just get jumped by powerful creatures whoa what the hell and when you do keep up with him he ins snares you and because you can't see anything he gets away and Regens his health after a few times of him getting away I finally got lucky and beat him all right all right this is this is the one this is the one no don't run don't run I just have to get him to run back here come back here come back here yeah yeah yeah anyway I just want to say whoever create this fight I truly sincerely hope you step on Lego ah it can be that easy it's just about luck all right and we can make pristine Lea and shroud of the forest makes the war immune to the curse of the forest anyway I de made a shroud of the forest cloak which removes the Mis curse I can now see look I can see everything now this is so helpful I next headed to the spider cave to fight Andora the Spider Queen something tells me the spider Queen's here it was filled with spiderland and skitso spiders but I was happy to farm them as they dropped silk worms I might have to fil up there on he he decid to kill Brew mothered spiders as they dropped a lot of silk worms eventually I made it to the Spider Queen I must admit I was a little bit scared because I had to fight so many spiders to get here I started off by by destroying as many spider cocoons as possible because we all know what's going to happen during this fight I need that hell oh did not mean that I was right this to is a pure chaos there's so many spiders everywhere man I'm on such little Health bro bro all all right no there comes to a point where there's too many spiders what kind of sh what am I supposed to do here just keep running in circles just keep running in oh no come on just keep running in circles get my health up oh po no so close come on oh my God that was absolute chaos by the way I'm so glad that Soldier by the way that death knight is so so good I L just running in circles and let him do everything for that we can turn into a spider and we can make silk I know I know you want to see the spider form all you can dig underground by day 0 I was ready to head back to base to start prepping materials for dawn for armor I started out the loom by turning my silk worms and cloth into silk I then went to theery to turn pristine Hyde and mutant grease into pristine lever while that was doing its thing I finally decided to upgrade my castle heart to level four all right dark silver iner Power core Primal blood Essence don't have any of that I didn't dominate the horse because the game told me to and a horse was right there oh that's cool recognize my power I then made a pair of teleporters now I can go up and down with thesee nice to end of the day I converted my first Gloom Rock prisoner I guess he'll be carrying that jug everywhere ah I forgot to make spectral dusts so I filled the advanced grinder with scour stones and ghost crystals okay I then waited around for ages for silk and pristin lever all right I think we finally might have enough let's see look at that calculated look it takes 1 minute and 10 seconds just to make one piece of armor like they need to like drastically reduce times all right it's finally here I get a 8% movement speed bonus and gear level increased by one gear level 67 now I started day 92 by collecting my servants rewards enjoy this silent film as the audio is unusable because my dog kept barking I then awoke my first Gloom Rock Hunter let's just call him N I probably should have picked an easier name anyway I kicked him out with my old gear and sent him on hunt I sent n to the pools of Reaper for some mutant grease and sent the other servants to the usual spots I then went to look for my next feed blood Target wolfred The Village Elder I ended up at graceful Village it was my first time here it seemed peaceful as there was only villagers and workers living there I decided to wait for Nightfall as I thought the fight would have been easier all right let's go oh okay blood I started off by doing major damage to him let me have a taste but then he just kept eating people and healing no no eating people yeah nice and we get we can make a better bag now which is great and that gives us Max Health as well and 10% resource yield that's going to be so good I think oh there's more werewolves now okay oh there's werewolves everywhere I then headed straight into the curs forest to fight my final two fee blood bosses of act three first I started with Albert the Duke of battin he's got a little crown his head it's kind of cool yes Target that big damage whoa you can't just Spawn Two damn that's probably the easiest fight I've ever had all right so we can now be a toad and now we can make coins which should be helpful I would have been helpful about 20 30 days ago but we move got one last boss of this act oh he's nearby I just go straight for him I decided to farm up some banshe as I waited for Nightfall to hit and then and then I got jumped by this thing what are you what are you no don't go for me look look look look look all these yummy Souls here and here we are the final boss fight of this video we must I it I do like the crunch I do like the crunch bro bro how many bro how many swords do you need like what is going on here bro just fight me look how many what is going on in this game like some fights are just so easy and some fights you don't know what's going on you have too many people come on okay let's go first attempt let's have a look at what we got so I can make an anvil now um for craftter weapons I can make an advanced furnace need L of radium all for that and dark silver ingots craft weapons armor and draws produ that advanced furnace nice so that's act four complete well done to us this is the last act to we complete the game now that act three was complete I headed straight back to base I started off by making a pristine leather bag this gives me an extra two inventory slots more silver coin carry immunity an extra eight Max health and a juy plus 10% res yield I then made that Anvil it had all the same weapons just their dark silver versions I couldn't make anything yet but it was there for later I was running out of space at this point so I rearranged the room a little bit before finally placing down an advanced furnace I need silver or and spectral dust to make a dark silver Ingot since I only had a few days left and didn't see the point of starting a new act I decided to spend the rest of the 100 days expanding the base I started with the for Dr first as I started to run out of space well this is the new for room um it's quite spacious at the moment but yeah and finally I had room for one last adjustment I moved the library room upstairs all right uh this is the new Library room it's upstairs now it was downstairs but yeah all right that's day 100 guys um we finally did it uh I got super ill towards the end of the video that's why I sound a bit weird at the moment but I'm super happy I know this video's had its issues and I know it's uh not been as consistent as we like but it's my first ever video doing something like this so um stay tuned for the next 100 days um that should be coming out you know in in the next you know 3 to four months I'm joking maybe a month and um I hope youy enjoyed and uh subscribe and leave a like if you enjoyed the video bye
Channel: TrickyyDF
Views: 1,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TrickyyDF, v rising, v rising full playthrough, v rising 1.0, i played 100 days of v rising, i played 100 nights of v rising, 100 days of v rising, 100 nights of v rising, v rising vampire, vampire game, vampires, v blood, v rising boss fight, v rising update, v rising game, v rising 1.0 update, v rising solo, vrising, v rising gloomrot, v rising first look, v rising build, 100 days v rising, v rising gameplay, vrising gameplay, i spent 100 days in v rising
Id: I8FhCRNyf08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 27sec (5967 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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