I Spent 100 days in V Rising 1.0 and defeated all the bosses

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I spent 100 days in the new V Rising 1.0 update it is a vampire open world survival game and they've added numerous new features my goal here is to defeat all the bosses will I be able to achieve this and defeat the ultimate boss Dracula or will I fail and be turned to dust so are you ready for this adventure let's begin I woke up from a very long Slumber I'm playing on a normal difficulty with the maximum loot multiplier that way playing solo won't be as grindy as it would seem without friends playing with you anyhow I went outside and defeated a random skeleton that was charging at me menacingly and got its bones I crafted myself a bone sword and I pretty much deal like I guess better damage and earlier I I don't see the difference honestly but I think it's faster and has a wider range and with the bones of my enemy I will make a bone ring increasing my spell damage and vanquishing this last skeleton I would now learn a skill shot so it's the shadow bolt it use like 170% magic damage it throws like a ball of blood pretty cool moving on it was now time to go out from this graveyard the very first thing I noticed coming outside is a teleporter this will be useful later on the game and I saw these Packa bus chasing a random deer so I battled them to death which I prevailed and got some animal hides which I can make some new armor set the bone guard set all right I'm geared up now let's go I also made myself an Axe and a mace the axe will be helpful for the trees and for the mace it's going to be helpful for smashing rocks I raided a random Bandit Camp I saw cuz it looked like they have some treasure like the crates hopefully there's something interesting here also a treasure box actually they were no match for my bone sword and my skills as a vampire like the shadow bolt I also obtained a skill where I can counter their attacks it's like a blood right well I was looking for a good spot to place my castle heart I was wondering why a dead eye was here here's one of the new 1.0 update that carried and oh my God I'm tickling this thing I I can't do anything at all my damage is so cute but I still try my best to kill this dead eyee I think it's the number one threat here the strongest of the pack or actually if I kill this they can just ignore me while I whack the carriage to death or something I was hoping that the items would be really great but it was just the regular old items you can find in any Bandit camp but without the overpowered level 16 and the enemies like the Dead Eye and these level 20 Warriors anyhow I decided to make my castle near the merchants cuz I really would like to buy some of their potions and Fishes after clearing the wolves in the area I place my castle heart and began cleaning up the place I plac a bunch of wood walls but I'm just scared that the strength entered my base I am too underleveled for the strength I can do nothing good thing I ran away though goodbye I continued constructing a bunch of stuff in my base I made some Sawmill furnace and some workbench once I get some planks and with a workbench we can finally upgrade our armor set also our accessories We are Becoming strong Stronger by the day so I unlocked the blood tracking ability once I got to like level 20 in Gears I have reinforced all my weapons and reinforce all my armors so it was time to hunt the alpha wolf or Alpha the white wolf checking what the merchant was selling I was so surprised that there are a bunch of new armor set there are like four sets of new armor the Grim Ranger the Warlock the maroder and the shade Walker I honestly wasn't too sure which armor set I'd go for but for this game play or playthrough I'll be going as a mage so I guess warlock is my choice after a long walk I finally found the alpha wolf okay let's see what this guy is made up what [Music] all right right we killed our very first V blood and now we can turn ourselves into a wool that's a reward so before returning home I gathered a bunch of copper ores while on my way I also raid a bunch more Bandit camps so I can get their lovely loot so they steal from other people and I steal from them yeah stons there's a new dominance structure called the altar of recollection what it basically does is reset your skills for you for free I currently did not use any skill points right now so this is pretty much useless at the moment so with the copper smelted in the fness I made a bunch of copper weapons my daily routine as a vampire goes like this I go and raid Bandit caps get their loots and then go towards the next V blood and our next V blood with be Arrow the stone breaker you're Lively for a corpse bet you smash up all the same let's hear the crunch by defeating arol I have received my first ever skill point which is a chaos skill point it's so cool how you can choose a spell now for the first spell I learned it would be chaos volley it's one of my favorite spell but looking at this lineup of spells you can actually start creating like a very fast attack speed mely build if you wanted it's crazy like ser and berserk together all right so before leaving this place I'm going to collect a bunch of copper ore so I don't need to come back here again then we will Target like Rufus well on my way to kill Rufus I found a golden chest and I got well not really treasure but I got some seeds I'm happy with the seeds anyway let's fight Rufus the fourman another assassin make it interesting this time you're de on your feet think you're quick on your feet I'm going to go target practice well that was fast it was pretty squishy I don't know man all right since key the Frost Archer was nearby I decided to kill her first before going home to my base by killing her we would unlock the Tannery and we can make a bunch of new armor and also a scarf that requires leather I believe so she resides somewhere around this Camp the Trapper camp and there she is all right let's initiate the fight and soon you won't be freeze freeze I'm honestly not really fond of the frost magic so I rarely use it in all my V Rising playthroughs but for now I think Frost Nova would be nice I mean ice Nova so at the very least we have something of an area of effect I guess there are new types of storages now like the material storage and the gem storage it's pretty pretty cool cuz you can automatically like insert all the items that are material and for the gem storage you can automatically St store items that are gems it highlights it in your inventory like that and that's awesome anyways I made the Tannery so I can now process some leather so I can make a new armor set let's go I also have a research desk now but the problem is I don't really have recipes for weapons and armors so we got to save up some paper and coins we can buy from the merchant I got a recipe for the marauder gloves and it seems it's for melee cuz it gives like weapon attack speed and Max Health on a set of two not really the one I'm looking for cuz I'm going for a mage run so yeah I'm going to buy the Warlock books from the merchants since I have like a lot of random items in my inventory I just made the regular large chest for now to store for some of my other goodies I went to the merchant to buy some books but I was curious of all the types of armor sets so I bought the three types I don't have yet to check what the stats are so I guess for the shade Walker set it'll be physical critical chance with movement speed as a set for the Grim Ranger is physical attack with a weapon recovery and for the Warlock as we can see here it's the Mage set cuz you know the name Warlock the marer gloves though it's or the marer set is for attack speed so yeah I'm going for the Warlock V I want to be a mage I'm a wizard it honestly looks like a mandas um I was thinking of like looking as Gandalf like an old wizard robe but I guess its advertisement on how it looks is what I actually got well I was on my way to Grayson the armorer I saw s Simon or Simon Elman how do you pronounce his name Simmon and yeah I'm not touching that guy I think he's too strong for me I'm just waiting for him to go away so I can raid this Armory right here there were honestly a lot of lackes here to kill before I reach the boss but I was just happy to get a bunch of loots from them all right so it's now time to fight Grayson the armor my not for long you can't stop me I've got the tool for the [Music] job Hammer you out I've got the tool for the job going to hammer you out all right so we have defeated grayon and now we have unlocked the assortment of storage shs let's go I also got a point in illusion magic and it's crazy how early we can get the raid spear cuz look at this thing it's crazy you can s side step while using this magic it's pretty good for dodging attacks so I'm going to be using it for now it's also pretty good to kill like a mob of monsters but I think every penetration lowers the damage so the next V blood for the today would be gors swine the ravager and after defeating this guy we can make a grave digger string another upgrade to our accessory for more damage as a mage drink it in the chaos all right let's go and since Lydia the chaos Archer was close by I de decided to you know fight her first before going home and doing a bunch of upgrades to my equip wow think on your feet think on your feet Pi on your feet by defeating Lydia we now had the ability to make bows and new weapon in the game so I'll be trying that out as well as a leather bag that can increase our inventory slot as I was on my way home I found another Carriage but now I'm stronger and before that I was just level 10 and weak now these guys are kind of easy to kill for the loot of the carriage it was the same a kind of like a disappointment so I crafted a bow cuz I was so curious and how it works and the new aiming system is pretty cool like look how when we pull the bow the line goes straight up that's awesome but I guess the main thing would be the attack speed I guess but if we have surge if we increase our attack speed the bow string pull is faster so look at this thing in action the damage is H so so I guess it's not there I think I need to pull the bow to its maximum length in order to like deal a lot of damage but yeah I mean it's understandable it's a range bu but I'd rather like cleave that skeleton's face with my axe since I didn't really have the entire set of the Warlock item set recipe I decided to make the gloves and boots as more rouder gloves and boots I'll make another warlock gloves and boots once I get the recipe so here are the sorted stores that we unlock after defeating Grayson there's basically one for tailoring one for alchemy One for herbs consumables I think that's it that's the four of them all right but also knowledge I'm not sure if I need to use it cuz most of my papers go to the study immediately or the research table since I have a stone grinder now it was time to improve our base we can now make like stone walls I had a quest to build like walls so we can unlock the way gate so we can teleport anytime in our base that would be awesome so this is my base so far while everything is processing I guess for now I'll go on a hunt for this hunt Clive the fire starter was our next Target what are you looking at huh all right with Clive defeated we can now make a Alchemist station and since poora was kind of close by I decided to end her be gone Spirits hear me be gone [Music] be gone hear me be gone be gone Spirit hear me be gone Spirits hear me okay we have defeated poora and we have unlocked the recipes for growing plots I can now plant the seeds I have looted since day one I was making my base or completing my base but there was this huge Rock I can't destroy unless I have explosives or I have a bear form I'd rather get the bear form cuz I don't want to waste my sulfur so there's this new V blood on 1.0 It's Finn the fisherman so we're going to go and hunt him down there's also this new area called the fishing lake this is where Finn is so it's time to initiate the fight I've been discovered but you won't take me alive your weapons are nothing against my rod I'm one with the water I'm going to Blue my expertise with the road is on F H the co of the Seaman I'm going to need more hearts for these watch out for this SE hope you're hungry your weapons are nothing against my r I'm one with the water let me show you missing I'm going to need more hands for me honestly the whole fight bu like a it's so funny how he just runs and fish and he like fishes attacks like buffer fish ranas and then the basilis anyhow with defeating him we gain an ice magic Point as well as a fishing pole recipe and since we're close by let's target the Ferocious bear so we can get the bear form and get rid of that giant rock at the base so we're here at the bear cave now we're going to fight kodia herocious bear w w [Music] all right the bear has been taken care of before going back home I wanted to see if I can kill Nicholas the Fallen first so I could have like the paper press so I can start making paper and research a bunch more stuff an interruption new specimen of those be m Let's test that meat suit of yours will be mine your Thon be mine [Music] [Music] don't bother burying me Craton I will be back for you and I have defeated Nicholas and now we have unlocked the paper press and we can make a bunch of paper for the next day I just work on my castle further expanding it cuz I needed more space I was thinking of making areas for like let's say a forge room a workshop room a tailor room and yeah you name it so you can get like the bonus benefits from the crafting stations I never once thought of like making rooms for my stations and V Rising not until like someone in the comment told me that it's more efficient to have like rooms for certain workstations that would decrease the material cost and increase the speed of crafting items right now I only had the recipe for a forge flooring and a workshop flooring so the other rooms will have to wait till I get like the flooring recipes plan to make this a second floor area into like a giant Garden cuz I have so many seeds and I'm assuming I'll get a buch I mean a bunch more seeds later on the game as well so since I don't really have any any idea what to do with this floor it's going to be a garden I'll be constantly checking this place out if anything of my plants have grown they're really good source of potions and would love to have them I spent a lot of time working on my base base building is not easy man it's always just easy to go out and kill monsters but thinking of how I should lay out my base it's pretty time consuming all right I have a new skill that races the army of the Dead like this there so many random skeletons around as I was on my way to quiny the Bandit King I encountered a carriage so I had to summon my dead army to help me in this fight what what happened so with a bear form we got from the Ferocious bear I broke the gate towards the vended king I defeated a lot of his lacky and continued pressing onwards so we can fight the boss I truly am sad that I don't have the D caller and the person right now cuz I've been encountering so many good quality blood enemies like this Dead Eye right here with 96% I could have captured this and sucked the blood for a long time anyways boss fight time let's go will ride to the CH show me what you got show me what you got arousing battle show me what you do no de feed incredible all right with quiny the Bandit King defeated we have finished all the V bloods on act one it's now time for act two I also got a chaos magic tier three skill point so I'm going to be choosing the chaos barrage the chaos bar is honestly pretty lethal they changed it I don't really use it that much previously but anyways I just noticed that I can move while shooting this after finally collecting enough gem dust which I haven't yet the entire playthrough I now have a teleporter would have made my life so much easier if I had this way early on I then decided to expand my castle some more as I really want more areas for like upcoming stations like the tailoring station and also something like the library flooring and most importantly I guess the prison I did a bit of decorating inside the castle so it would look more decent and now I finally have a Alchemy Station as well so this is where all the Alchemy works are going to be done so there was this V blood I totally forgot about the put rat nibbles to put Tri rat and oh my God the CH shot is like you know already made its HP half it's crazy [Music] and now we have unlocked the rat form all right we're at act two now we have entered the carban woods and the enemies are going to be tougher from here on out there also new resources like this quartz right here I'll be needing some garlic resistance so I'll need to think about how to make one soon they're also horses now so our mode of transportation would be much faster than before 10.9 speed let's go so for now I just raided a bunch of army outposts and Villages looting the treasures inside their houses and currently I'm carrying some silver but I don't really have any silver a potion but I don't want to waste this coin in my inventory right now so I have to ride my horse very quick towards the portal and store the silver at home I need some silver Resistance potion as well so I can loot the silvers safely I made minor garlic resistance Brew I'll need to go to the farms and loot some cotton now for an upgrade on an armor set and those Farms have a lot of garlic and each garlic that Stacks up as a debuff on you it basically makes you take more damage from enemies and it also reduces your damage so it's like a annoying piece of but with the garlic resistant potion we have it should reduce the effect of it there were a lot of cotton farms in the Dunley farmlands so it was really not a problem to collect these cotton also decided to go and get a bunch of iron ores completely ignoring the V Bloods they like fighting the undead cuz we need the irons so once I'm done farming iron ores I plan to lure the two V Bloods inside this cave to fight each other and I'll finish the one that's dying I actually didn't need to as they were fighting themselves already I just needed to wait till like someone's [Music] dying bless this shot why is it so a new knowledge acquired h all right two birds with one stone I got two VBS and one go and they were very higher level than me honestly looking at my damage on merid and the Undead General it was so cute like so small oh my God I was just level 40 so with that General killed I can now make a Reaper I also got a skill point for the lightning tree and a tier 2 Unholy magic this is the first time I have a ve of blood skill so yeah I I chose the ve of blood skill ve of Bones actually and while my iron ores were processing I decided to go out on a hunt for more items as well as I'll be heading to the Tor beatric the tailor V blood so I can make a loom to process the cotton I've been farming beatric isn't really hard to deal with it's just that the town that she's in is full of random soldiers so I took care of them first and there should be no more problem in killing that uh tor so this entire fight is basically just me chasing down beatric until she dies so let's just skip this and oh my God look at that pig I just killed it was a 90 plus% creature anyways after slaying beatric we have unlocked the loom I continued looting the entire town first before going home so I would be loaded when I get home with the iron ingots made I made a Smithy I can now craft the next tier of equipment the iron weapons so for the weapon of choices right now I chose the Longbow and the reaper was also finally time to think about making a tailoring room so I'll be moving all of my tailoring stuff like the Tannery and the Loom all over there I still didn't have a tailoring flooring though but it's always nice to be prepared for when I do have it when I get the book I crafted the entire Holo Fang set and now we will have more HP so with iron weapons and the Holo Fang set it was now time to hunt the V Bloods for act two our first starget would be Christina the sun Priestess the light demands me I will show you discipline shining blessings this is my conviction I did everything I could and by defeating Christina we have unlock a new recipe for a bag I don't want to go home just yet I want to continue my hunt for V Bloods cuz currently I don't really have a gear upgrade unless I get recipes or books containing upgrades for my current gear so next on the list is Vincent the frostbringer good luck getting through my sheld I feel it [ __ ] coming out I feel a chill coming on so by killing Vincent we have unlocked recipes for prison cells finally we can you know abduct the really good quality humans and imprison them so we can keep sucking their blood until they are in complete misery but feeding them with fish would satisfy them cuz they love sushi I went home for now and worked on my Prison Room we're going to be putting a lot of prison cells inside I don't really have that much reinforced planks right now oh yeah this is my plan for this room it's going to be our prison cell with a lot of humans with good quality blood inside I'm pretty excited to defeat the next V blood after Tristan which would be the shadow priest this she has an item called The Dusk dusk collar I think so basically what it does is once you capture a human you can teleport them back home to the prison cell instantly so you don't need to bring them back home very convenient I love it I like it so that's why I haven't been capturing humans at all at the moment cuz it's such a hassle to bring them back home for now just following progression I'll kill Tristan the vampire Hunter a w C all right we have defeated Tristan let's go I received a tier three blood magic skill point and I was torn between the beam and the Heart Seeker they're both pretty good but I guess for now let's take the beam it's pretty strong all right so our V BL of interest is in the Church of the dam let's go through all these monster gets they drop lovely lovely scorge Stones which we need for the dust colar so my Reaper is pretty good here cuz the reaper does like an extra 25% damage I think to Undead monsters and after clearing up the area of monsters and treasures it was time to fight Leandra the shadow Priestess the Bri the Dark Shadow do you they're coming deserves from all right with Leandra defeated we have unlocked the ability to make a new necklace as well as scorge stones and an artisan T table but the most important one would be the dust color so of course I immediately made about 10 cuz I don't know how many good Bloods I'm going to be in countering and my Adventures so the next days I just continued my raid on Army Camps well on my way to Maha the S it's always nice to have like an abundance of materials at your place just sitting there when you need it and while I was just casually raiding around I saw a 94% rogue I was so excited to dominate this and not only that there was also 100% Warrior what the heck like two bloods in one area sign me up I'm going to dominate these two hopefully I don't accidentally kill them I would cry oh my God all right that's d this guy right here and then I will return them to the base oh my God so close anyways the dust Coler is here for a reason cuz in the Dominate human form you can't really use your spells that's why you need to return them home so you can go back to your regular happy vampire that use spells so next prisoner we have is this Rob right here that's very annoying cuz he fires like fire arrow and it hurts so much like it burns so much I don't really have the fire resistance resistance right now I need to make the potions for fire resistance I haven't unlocked the recipe yet I honestly risk my life just to subdue this militia Archer I hate it so much anyways I got two source of good blood now all right so let's fight Maha then go back and experiment with our prisoners who dares to disturb me I just like how each boss in this game is an intro like they don't attack you for the first 5 seconds or something and you can just freely burst them to death rise demons accept these vessels to me I think it's a safety measure for let's say you encounter higher level boss like the vampire Hunters imagine if they just suddenly whack you you'd die instantly all right so with maahad that we have unlocked the study we can now research our new books and use Scrolls to unlock new recipes so we have unlocked like a free how do you call this uh custom armor for now I need to tap the blood of any random prisoner just so I can unlock the prisoner flooring so yeah let's do this I have a lot of uh rainbow fishes on my inventory anyway so it doesn't really matter and with this I now have a Prison Room an actual Prison Room that reduces the damage taken when extracting blood from prisoners so I now have finished researching everything I had for the research desk the next goal would be to get all the recipes on the study so it's going to take a while cuz it needs Scrolls so I crafted the Cosmetic armor set I just wanted to see how it looks like and it looks kind of good actually but I think I need to change the color in this so it looks like it's more noticeable than all dark now we're going to hunt in style it's just that our Cape looks raged we need a better Cape I decided to make a second floor as I didn't have enough room on the first floor to make a jewel craft in station so our second floor will be dedicated to just one small area for Jewel crafting and I crafted myself a scorg stone pendant which I'm going to upgrade to a pendant of the sorcerer once I have glass I also added some lights in my castle just to make it look good for the Alchemy Station I colored it green cuz you know the table looks green and for everything else I just place like the white light I really like how the white light looks just look at how good the lighting is in the base now anyways for the next V blood I'm targeting Bane the Shadow Blade I want the slasher weapon he will give us once we defeat him my enemy into the dark this is the Eternal Night look twice there will always be he killed my 10.9 speed horse I hate him so much oh my God but we unlock the slashers though also the human for meaning we can go and visit the merchant site at the donlay farmlands and buy books I love the slashers and as a mage I really appreciate the slashers cuz with the slashers ability you can hide like an assassin a cloak ability or invisible cloak ability and you also have your queue which can uh make you invulnerable while doing the skill I guess and Dodge certain skills so it's a really good weapon for me especially when I just want to throw chaos volleys or Spells at an enemy's face you remember that boss earlier killed our horse so I tried looking for a good one but nothing will be as good as the 10.9 horse we had earlier I did found a 9.8 one though I went to the quartz Quarry cuz this is where the next V blood we want to Target is and look how great the AOE I have right now I'm demolishing all these mobs so I got interrupted by an explosion I hate it but anyway you still see how good the blood beam is all right it's time to fight GRL the last blower you just made a big mistake a few birds build character you're a real piece of work watch for broken glass this is nothing feel the burn impressed this is nothing what a little cut afraid of the heat these arms aren't just for crafting shatter you're real piece of work let's melt you down these arms are just crafting all right by killing breel we have unlocked a glass as well as the recipe for some blood roast potions oh we have an improvement on our potion so before leaving the place I exhausted the entire area with of quarts I didn't take any rest or go back to the base I wanted to kill uh Terra the geoman Surfers you are nothing stones of arduran d [Music] right that was Terra the jail maner and now we have unlocked the gem cutting table I also got a skill point for a tier three illusion magic so I chose the Golem cuz it's pretty good if you want to like tank something it's spectral Guardian I then visited the book Merchant to see if there's any good books I bought the merciless iron Reaper and slashers as well as the library flooring cuz I needed that to make more Scrolls and I want the cost to be less than like 25% I wasn't planning on destroying this place but I noticed that there was a very good quality Rogue blood a 96% Rogue blood so yeah I'm going to take her as prisoner I also found a 92% blood quality Warriors I also uh delivered him to the prison the next Target was frosta the mountain Terror he was residing here at the hollowed mountains I need to look for him and kill him a all right with frost mode dead I can now make the mountain peak B which is a better upgrade for our current back I decided to go to the new area on the 1.0 update there were a bunch of new looking enemies here called the draculin and wow this place is looks actually menacing I'm kind of scared here as menacing as they look they weren't really that strong you're just right I guess there were a lot of them though like you can see a lot of enemies just gathered here like this place is surrounded with enemies and oh my God so the next V blood of Interest was here she's called the general Elena the hollow so we'll have to look for her and see how strong it is enemies of Dracula will be punished sheld for shield power the Legion of noctum rises above the Legion of noctum will be victorious power Bon Bend to my Master's will be be gone die [Music] w I could have killed her but there were just so many mobs around I think I'll go upgrade my gears first I need to upgrade my accessory to a better one than the scorg stone I also need to upgrade my weapons to merciless for my armor set I'll just mix and match whatever I have recip for so I made the pendant of the sorcerer further increasing my spell power and also have a 10% chance to cause ignite to an enemy for the armor set I got the dark Magus chest and leggings for the P for the boots and the gloves I'll go for the Crimson Templar since it's the only thing I have and there's a set combo the stats are way better in comparison to like the regular Hollow Fang so it's better than nothing even if it's not a complete set of the dark Magus and since I have unlocked the library flooring I can now make even more more Scrolls cheaper 25% cheaper so it's time for round two the Legion of not exists to stay beneath us where you belong there's just so many enemies here it's so annoying power [Music] suffer but my master demands Perfection and so he will have border on bench to my Master's feel the chill the Legion of noctum rises above Von belongs to master Dracula feel for shill not only there was a lot but they also do like a lot of crowd controls stun charm freeze everything it's so annoying anyways we got her so by defeating her we got the altar of stigan Awakening what this basically does is if we get like stigan shards from defeating Monsters of morom we can unlock some passives that will increase our power there also was another blood of interest just close by so I decided to defeat him before going home he was General cases the betrayer and let's see how strong this guy is nightall Edge calls for your neck let us begin my for our B will break them to US soldiers of death press this power was granted to us by the true king we have something to show you this power was granted to us by the true key so by defeating him we got the stagen summoning circle and a vampiric brew another addition to our potions God dang we're going to get stronger with this buff I decided to check the ruins of morum a lot cuz I was looking if there are like treasure chests but there doesn't seem to be any Treasures of Interest here there were just a bunch of monsters oh so I was looking for a new flower and these flowers are the pink looking ones we see on the field it's called the bleeding heart and this is the one that is needed to make the vampiric Brew so what it does is 10% in spell Leach and the blood type efficiency by 5% that's kind of crazy and addition to our Stacks and stacks of potion we have all right so for the next V blood we we got Jade the Vampire Hunter your head one shot one kill one shot k dance for me one shot one one shot one kill dance for me you're done dance not and now we have unlocked the recipe for pistols there also something new called the advanced blood press dang and also a blood Primal Essence the Advan blood press was huge and it needed to be in the Alchemy lab flooring so I moved it to my Alchemy lab so for maximum efficiency also made a stigan Circle cuz I wanted to see what it would summon and it can summon like monsters that drop study books that's crazy like look at this it USS like at least two books and great amount of paper and scroll and for other the the other one would be scroll and schematics this is actually really nice if we want to farm books look at the amount of potion Buffs I have now I just go through all of these and store it in my small consumable storage so each time I need to buff up just go here it's like worth one hour for everything my garden has a variety of seeds now so I can just take some and make more potions so the next Target was aasal the shepherd so I made sure to drink a holy potion I mean a holy resistant potion earlier so yeah let's begin the fight with Rael I was also hoping that I could find a good quality scholar blood here but there was nothing out of these nuns kneel before the light find repenting in death so with Rael defeated we have unlock the jewel crafting station we can now make some Jewels for our skills I upgraded my castle heart to level three and now I received the recipe for the eye of Mor morum how do you pronounce this moram and now with the eye of moram it will show me when our Rift will occur so it will be starting in 14 minutes I'll make sure to attend one cuz I want to get those fragments and I want to see what else I can get from this Rift so if you remembered when I told you I made a second floor it was for the Gem Art Des room I'm totally not sure what the flooring was called but anyways this is for Gem gems it's timely time to raid the Bastion of Dunley and defeat Octavian the militia Captain I killed all the potential backups first cuz I wouldn't want random like enemies joining the fight I'd hate that I then engaged in combat wielding the army of the Dead to me here's an old trick we had a good run Army of the Dead is very useful in distracting the enemy and targeting them instead of me so I can freely do whatever I want and you know burst the enemy to death I then visited the merchants section of the Dunley farmlands and check if there's any interesting book I need I didn't really have a lot of money though so I can't really buy much I just decided to buy some fish but I never knew that fish weren't needed to craft potions late game anymore cuz before you needed the fierce Stinger fish in order to craft a certain potion at the higher end but they changed the recipe now so I went back to the ruins of marsham as I wanted to see what the Riff incursion looks like or what the rewards were so inside these City looking places there were like Summoners and there's like a streak of black thing leading you to where you should be going and what you should be defeating so it's basically like waves of monsters you need to defeat in order to proceed I guess with the rift once the monsters are defeated it will break into shards so I need to do this twice before we fight the boss of this Rift so the boss is called a lesser blood soul and it's randomized through the Lesser V Bloods I guess Act One V Bloods I assume and from the skill it exhibits this is quiny the Bandit King they're way stronger than the weak counterpart and they have more skills than normally show me what you aring battle a me what you so after defeating the Lesser blood soul The Shard also shatters giving us more fragments of s stigan stigan fragments stigan charge also gave us a fragment of a weapon that will need an ancestral Forge to fix or make I got this forgers Longbow and yeah I'll be needing a lot of these shards if I want to unlock all the passives so these Rifts are basically un limited I not really but we have like 18 minutes left to go to Rift to Rift and like conquer each Rift and these Ur like every hour or so I think it's my server settings so then next boss I fought was I think Lydia the chaos Archer time to take a chance think on your feet time think on your feet time to take a chance think on you oh anyways that's basically the rift so let me just skip the part where I grind the rift I could have used the fragments to unlock passives but I decided to summon harpies so I can obtain some books and killing the harpies actually yielded so many paper Scrolls and books nice so I wanted to unlock it more cuz I'm still missing a lot of recipes on my table since I was really desperate in getting more Scrolls I decided to grind a lot of flowers I don't really need for pollen so with a pollen I can combine it with plant fiber and it will turn to coarse thread and course thread plus paper equals scroll so yeah anyways with Octavian defeated we can now explore the area of glom rout and our very first V blood enemy here is Zea the engineer I saw a random fight nearby with mutants and the residents of uh Bloom rot so I joined the fight cuz I wanted some grease oil from this mutants also Tech scraps from the enemies of Glo well I was on my way to Zea I saw a huge group of monsters or enemies here like oh my God why are they grouped together like this there's just so many of them but it'll be a good source of loot of course so on my way I saw 100% Rogue I'm definitely getting this guy to my prison it's was going to be a good blood Source the struggle was honestly real since there were so many enemies I don't know did they increase the amount of mobs in this game I did my best though even if I was surrounded until eventually we captured him and go to prison yes end to my will 100% Rogue Blood let's go only thing missing is 100 for scholar blood I would love a scholar blood so here we are we're going to fight Zea the engineer don't go down too fast on me let's try this one out work you stupid weapon I know exactly what I need love this view get over here and hail oh no not now no no no no now this is fun give it what's wrong this time hope this one doesn't blow up again tast BL this is the part where you run can't out run this I love this one face go test result in all right with Zea defeated we can now make some radium alloy cuz we can now make the Sledge filled canister with a fabricator look at my current Garden I have various flowers just laid over here so this will continue expanding if I continue playing I expanded my second floor but I don't really know what I will put here I just decided to expand it since I had the material anyways it's very spacious but I don't really have anything I want to build right now so the passives I was talking about was this the altar of the stigan Awakening so I needed some shards in order to unlock passive abilities and they're pretty strong considering that it's a passive ability let's look at all of these so I need to farm some shards just to get all of these so I place the fabricator inside my Forge area and I made some sludge field canister it's not a empty canister anymore it's a sludge field canister so we don't need to go back to Gloom wood just to fill the canister with sludge so with this and some sulfur and Tech scraps I can finally make some radium alloy and with the radium alloy I can make the ancestral Forge I can now make the blue items it needs to be in the Forge flooring and I need to expand my Forge cuz there's no more space inside here I don't know where to place this so I renovated the area and increased it by two floors and now it looks very spacious and looks nice so the next Target was Domina the blade dancer but for now I wanted to loot everything inside the houses of this Village it contained like full of good loots I collected so many Tech scraps and Scrolls just by raiding a lot of these houses and some B as well should have done this from the start it's a really great source of materials anyhow once I was done it was time to fight Domina the blade dancer what with that fake word again things a bit I Like It where have you been all my life come sit run and high for you're oh my so by defeating her we have unlocked the castle teleporters as well as an advanced grinder and the ability to make a whip let's go we can now try out the whip so the next enemy was angram the purifier and by defeating him we unlock a new armor set called the down floor armor set so I crafted and tried out the whip it looks really strong but I didn't like the E ability it's basically just a snare that deals like 100% physical damage it's not really good for bursting a boss and I think it's good for PVP but I don't think it's good for PVE and since we have defeated Domina we now had a castle teleporter so it's easier to access my gem area like with this I also made one for my Gardens so I can have ease of access just by teleporting like that to check if they're fully grown I then made the advanced Grinders and oh my God they're huge like wow they basically increased the crafting rate by 250% and it's very fast like wow it was now time to fight angram the purifier let's go initiate a fight with this guy it would be nice to lure these mutants to fight him though that raining welcome to the AP protol bru ination burn exterminate the PS die die Pro flesh die die die die destroy everything death R away Purge it all Purge it all attack it I will destroy you protect there will be nothing left that was honestly pretty close anyways we have defeated uh angram and now we unlock the ability to make some Dawn forn equipments but first we'll need to explore the forest wandering Forest forgot what it's called anyways we need to defeat the wander first so we don't get lost in the forest cuz there's the curse of the forest and it's called The Curse Forest anyways with the cape we should be safe from the curse so yeah our very first Target would be The Wanderer since the rift started I decided to farm the rift first I wanted to get a bunch of shards so I can get some passive abilities look at how strong key is key the Frost Archer as a lesser blood soul so basically the brutal difficulty key I plan to play the brutal difficulty once I finish the standard one the standard one seems pretty easy like I never really lost any fights that much I mostly live on my fights with the vuds so I guess brutal would mean I would cry and suffer and quit The Game Jesus Christ this kill is so strong [Music] the next one was rofus and oh my God it's crazy how strong it is like the the amount of arrows that was in my face including his minions anyways let's do all the brutal difficulty skills of these lesser blood Souls on another video so let just skip the part where I grinded for shards cuz it's going to take a while my RNG was really bad as I couldn't get any ancestral Reaper so I decided to just buy one with the shards I have obtained recently and yeah I could have went through the passives but I decided just buy The Shard cuz I really wanted an improved weapon so I made the finishing curve it had like movement speed and spell life Leach pretty good and theam which is decent as well and since I had the ancestral slashers I also made one for the passives I only could afford two of them so I got the chaos kindling and blood spray it was time to go back to our main agenda that would be to find The Wanderer so we can make to the cape that would prevent the curse from building up I made sure to put a waypoint to a portal so I don't get lost if I get like 100% on curse on the forest and and just like beatric the Taylor the Wonder is one annoying person to fight he just walks around the forest entangling you sometimes hitting you and snaring you but they usually leave attacking to the monsters or the enemies nearby but this time I will not let him get his way actually still in time we'll be there soony year now something is tickling my skull on the inside I can hear the forest Pro me okay we have defeated him thank God there were not much monsters around so I made the shroud of the forest and the only thing left now is to kill the giant spider Be Blood so we can craft some silk and with the fire resistance brew and the wrangler's potion the amount of Buffs I have now is there so many that there's like two areas now for my buff display this is basically my buffing station and it's so nice that whenever you drink something like your buff potion it would R return The Empty Glass or the empty skin leather skin anyhow I continued my Adventures to the spider cave where I need to collect some silk and honestly these spiders are really tanky and dang I really hate the sunlight that's why I don't go out of the bed there it's honestly so fun like killing a group of monsters in this game I regret not getting the void chaos skill which has like a really good AOE so after going through the cave defeating a bunch of spiders even like the broad mothers I finally reach onora h that [Music] you so with Angar the defeated we unlock a new form called the spider form and also unlock silk I never really tried a spider form but I know it's pretty good when you want to go AFK around the world cuz you can just dug underground and no one would be able to touch you as well as the sun W be able to hit you anyways before going home and crafting a new armor set I decided to defeat F rot the soul taker first in this Village in the curs forest full of ghost I also gathered a lot of ghost crystals cuz I know I'll be needing this soon to make like the new set of equipments after killing all the villagers and looting all the glass I mean the ghost crystals I will initiate the fight with fall RUP [Laughter] I'll act you aart time to take the rign [Laughter] time to take the rigns [Laughter] [Music] time to take the r blood reserves on low see you there so with f rout defeated we can now make some spectral dust so with some ghost crystals and scorge Stones I made a bunch of spectral dust cuz we'll be needing it later right so there's about three more V Bloods then we'll finish act three and go on to act four I checked out my prisoners and got some of their blood I'm mostly focus on just drinking the 100% blood but eventually they'll die to mystery cuz I'm running out of rainbow fish and while my silk were processing I decided to head out and fight the next V blood which would be Albert the Duke of Balaton a h by defeating Albert I have now unlocked coining meaning I can make copper coins silver coins and the gold Sun coins and the next Target is Wilfred he is residing in Village we'll be attacking in the morning so we don't encounter werewolves cuz this Village Elder is a werewolf and the other villagers that besides in the village so as you can see it's crazy how high the level of these villagers are cuz there are Monsters in Disguise and while I was casually just looting the cabinets it turned to night and one of them turned into a werewolf and honestly they're very strong and they hit really hard so it's always nice to defeat enemies that are weak rather than them turning into a strong creature like the werewolf anyways let's fight the village elder or the werewolf chief theny have a days let me have taste hold still with this boss defeated we had unlocked the silver Resistance potion and the pristine leather bag so more inventory slot plus some silver resistant potion that's better than the the one in the leather skin so with the materials ready already I crafted the entire Dawn Thorn armor set I also crafted the new bag to expand my inventory further and have extra HP I then made a bunch of new potions to add to our pool of buff potions cuz you can never have enough buff and then it's finally time to fight act three last V blood Cel the cursed SM do you bend like St or break you need a lot of work do you bend like steel or break let me hammer out the kicks join the eternal battle Agony from Beyond thank you all right we we have defeated Spyro now we can make an anvil for new weapons let's go and also we have the advanced furnace so it's now time to start act four and the very first enemy is Sir Magnus the overseer the advanced furnace looks so big it's huge oh my God all right so it's finally time to make our way towards the silver light PL B and we will now be fighting a bunch of higher tiered enemies mostly 60 plus and above I believe and they're pretty scary cuz they're everyone individually is very strong for now I decided to like raid a bunch of army outposts cuz it's always nice to steal items from the enemies since they have such high quality items in their containers what I mostly aim for here is to get a bunch of currency code the gold Sun coins as well as gold jewelries and the schematics it's always nice to have the thing so we can research new items and like I said everything here is very tanky and their quality of blood is also really nice after farming a lot of army Outpost I decided it was time to get some silver after storing all the items I farmed of course so I went through the sacred Sil silver mine just above like the waterfall area cuz the entrance was blocked by a gate I need to go to this area through that hole right there and mine some silver ores I can only carry a few of them I mean not a few but a lot but not like my full inventory I only had a resistance of like an extra 50 from my silver Resistance potion and some more from my Cape but it's not much I'll probably just get enough so I can craft all the weapons I need one thing I did here to make my life easier in fighting sir Magnus the overseer is releasing some of these prisoners if you release them they will help you in the fight with Magnus so I release a bunch of them or basically all of them that was in this area and we will now raid sir Magnus very well vampire I will put you in your place I hope you get the point a cold end for a monster like you watch your step I'm my caes jump to an icy gra have at you for the light taste my silver for the light the Church of Lum so I hurly went home cuz the silver was killing me by this I mean the excess silver that I had I was on my way to farm more army Outpost I saw a carriage and I was very happy to see this cuz will be getting a bunch of loot from this guys and oh my God look at the amount of enemies we have here they're basically invulnerable because there were like two cleric enemies that gave them like Buffs and HP this was such a hassle to fight I swear to God and something kept like giving them help I I I hate silver light because the enemies here have like classes and the most annoying would be the clerics or the scholars with the heels and the the shields I eventually took care of them all and broke the carriage and check out what I got the carriage in silver light had so many items inside like oh my God it's it's like the one on the earlier levels it gave like nothing but a regular Treasure Chest this one actually was very rewarding look at the amount of silver coins I've collected so far we just needed some gold bars so we can convert these to some gold Sun coins if you didn't know you can upgrade the ancestral weapons now and it just needs the new tier weapons like the dark silver and then finally the sanguin weapons so I upgraded my Reaper and my size I also made myself a ancestral bow I continued raiding Army Outpost for more schematics as well as the gold Sun points and gold jewelries I'll get here even though I can't craft gold bars yet it's always nice to have a lot in your inventory I then found a farm that had like a lot of sacred grapes we'll be needing a lot of this for certain Bloods and Alchemy potions it was pretty how do you say this pretty chaotic here since there's so many enemies like the soldiers the villagers and then there are also harpies that just randomly drop somewhere in this area we were trying to go to the next B of Interest which would be Baron du boin the suier after killing everything and harvesting all the grapes that I could see in this Farm it was time to fight the V blood but of course let's heal up first ah again PR this have a taste ah buttoms up St timey to hit me in just hit me H out how's this Flor it to you this is don't last don't was out wash the hand how this flavor oh kaer why don't watch them out wash your hands this all right we have defeated the baron and by defeating the baron we now have unlocked the blood Merlot as well as the blood Merlot necklace or accessory so next up was Moran the storm wi matriarch so I raided the harpy so we can reach more Moran Moran these harpies were tough man they were like very tanky and they had like a lot of random skills that made it pretty ult to fight them off but worry not we had our site that has like a wide range of AOE anyways let's fight Moran a go my blood Fu I swear to God I hate mornings any we had a difficult time because it was a morning I couldn't find any shade in the area before I went back I decided to make a pistol I also had the ancestral version of it so I'll be using the pistol and honestly for some reason I fell in love with a pistol grab my items first before I I initiated the fight help pistol is so fun like the burst the burst does it's so good it's it's so fun I I I can't believe how I slept on this so with the extra chaos point I obtained I got the void skill finally it's a really good AOE skill I don't know why I got this very late it was time to do their Rift incursions once more so we can Farm fragments and unlock more passives it's so much fun like mobbing all of them in one area with the void cuz with a chaos uh passive everything will just explode in the area so the V blood for today is I forgot his name was it Vincent the Vampire Hunter anyways the pistol like drained HP very fast and all my ultimate magic skells and the void the void is so good just clearing out the mobs it's amazing but anyways this guy's skill is pretty annoying as a brutal difficulty here the enemy look at these he doesn't do that when I fought him he basically just like stands there shot his crossbow and stuff so I really am excited to try out brutal mode after clearing the standard game play the next Be Blood was just El the cross Archer again so let's not highlight this wait it look it's f felora f poora I think I forgot her title but is this poora the spirit girl or something hear me with the amount of fragments I obtain I decided to just unlock everything I have enough to unlock the three remaining skills for tier 2 we'll need to do the Riff incursions that are like level 80 plus and above I don't think I can handle that yet but it's always nice to look forward to the next passive skills we're going to learn then crafted the blood Merlot amulet for even more damage I then converted most of my stigan shards to the greater stigan shards it's not much actually but better than nothing I wanted to go shopping now for books so I decided to put a castle heart at a castle near the human town at Silverlight which had the merchants the purpose here was just to place this teleporter just added some basic defense then I'll be on my way to shop with all the gold Sun coins I have on my inventory with the human form it was easy to just ignore most of the monsters or the enemies here and just go to the shop checking the price on the book I honestly don't remember these to be that expensive I don't know I felt so poor when I saw the prices for now I'll just buy the malefic scholar chess guard since we're a mage out of Rage because I am poor I decided to kill a bunch of humans in town to loot their coins so I can buy more books I went to visit the potion vendor and bought one of each a rage potion and a witch potion they should last me for a while cuz these potions give like an hour duration on Buffs anyways we're now ready to take on more V blood so I drank a bunch of buff potions from my consumable shelf it was time to head out our next Target was marwin the Elementalist start the fight I am the fire that will cleanse gor beginning with you he I will end you for so with marwin defeated we can now make a stronger holy resist istant flask so we can now kill the bishop that's residing in the church in silver light but for now let's just go through the progression and kill Henry black Brew the doctor in Gloom rout by defeating him we will unlock the athenium which means we can use the book we just bought and have the recipe for the new armor I think I was lost here this was not Henry black Brew but since we're already here why not let's fight voltia the power master trespassers will be treated with extreme security to me trying not to be two shot conion I can't stop here it took like three tries before I killed him cuz for the first try he summoned this clone too early the second one as well so I had a really hard time I had to run away each time he summoned his clone pretty early anyways we took care of him by killing vol sta we can now make a power core and it is needed to upgrade our amulet so once again let's go back to defeating Henry the black Brew I got a little Sidetrack though I went to thunder strike Peak first and collect like charge batteries I got some empty batteries with me after destroying a pile of tech scraps then I'll collect these charge batteries and come back here again once I defeated uh Henry cuz these things take time to recharge so better collect them now how it works is you interact with it you charge the battery collect the battery it becomes overloaded it takes time for it to not be overloaded and we go home and I hate this place cuz it's full of lightning and it can kill you anyways let's get back right on track and try to defeat Henry black Brew the doctor he is down there waiting for us so let's initiate the fight your inter is Brut your P the the fruits of sence TR me now not m at your par the power of my the end vampire time begins with you me now the storm set my fig in I'm brilliant right me now I failed all right we defeated the doctor let's go I honestly hate his get where he explodes and they will push us to the corner where we get electric shot to death we countered it by you know dashing in next up we have matka the cursed Weaver for the world SA [Music] boms are compared to the doctor this one was pretty easy with Mata defeated we now had the advanced Tannery as well as the ability to make some ghost Yarns I made the AUM I don't know how to pronounce this anyways we got the potion recipe as well as the armor piece for magic I'm just happy to discover a glove from a random RNG so now we have a two-piece set of the new armor so I made the advanced Loom and yes I can see that I can make the ghost yarn now let's go so the next V blood we're going to Target will be aariel the sunbringer so I'll be crafting a bunch of holy resistance flask I only need one but I just want a lot of them so something amazing happened while I was going here I found a 100% scholar you see that scholar though running away towards us now that's 100% scholar I'll make sure to bring her to the prison we now have a blood potion that would give us more magical damage I'm so happy with this 100% scholar let's go go to the prison I feed your rats moving on let's fight azarel the sun is my sword and shield you can still surrender witness the power of perhaps this is necessary witness the power of Fai perhaps this is necessary you can still surrender perhaps this isn't necessary I am beloved so with aariel defeated we can now make some gold bars and our next Target would be tclaw the ogre before I actually leave for ter claw and item upgrades I decided to raid the town first cuz I wanted more loots and it's so fun playing with a pistol and the void skill I'm just so I'm just having a good time mobbing with the void it's crazy I was at a point where I was carrying too many coins I had to go home real quick or I could have just spent it but thinking about it yeah I should run home with my horse so I ran R towards my base hoping I wouldn't die from carrying silver I'm just sad that I didn't have any silver resistant potion up that's why we're in this predicament anyhow I went home grab a silver Resistance potion and I'm going to bring most of my coins to go shopping again for books I found a witch potion book as well so I now had the two potions that I needed next up I started making a lot of gold bars cuz I'll be needing these to upgrade my weapons as well as making some coins I also already finished up making my new armor set the mfer armor and gloves and since I had a recipe for the boots I also made one it was time to go shopping since I had so much coins in my inventory right now so I bought both the gloves and the leggings I totally got dumb at the moment cuz I already had the gloves what I was missing was the boots I also bought my myself a master spell Weaver Amulet book so now I'm pretty set I just need to go back and redeem all these new recipes but of course these humans were too tasty to pass on so I killed them first before going home and looted all their stuff look at all the AOE look at all the enemies that are dying this is so fun you know how I didn't buy boots right but I was so lucky with the RNG and got myself the boots I Cann now craft the full set of malefic armor I was so glad oh my God I have to make the dawn Thorn boots again cuz I use it to make the Grim Knight boots since it's the only thing I had but anyways I had a lot of materials or extra materials lying around so it wasn't really a problem and look at my garden currently I'm not running out of Scrolls I guess cuz I've been converting most of these plants I don't use at all for making potions into Poland so yeah actually the potion of rage and the witch potion doesn't use fish anymore as a recipe they use sacred grapes and the plague Brier instead hell carens so it's pretty nice it doesn't require fish anymore so like I said earlier on the playthrough or this sorry I wasted so much money on buying fish it was time to head out again and combat enemies so I opened my consumable sash and drank all the PO ions I have there so our Target was terrorclaw the ogre and my God reg's potion with the horse is so fast he d right we have defeated Terror claw are our next enemy would be Simon Belmont yeah the Vampire Hunter he is a new addition to the 1.0 update pretty exciting what he does so let's go and hunt him down and there he was let's fight you seek battle with a Belmont you're f is the Precision of a Belmont blades this is a Belmont's D trembles under a Belmont's might trust the darkness my dagger strike true monster can escape a fire even Belmont embrace the flame foul creature destroy the enemies of good my light will enjo the darkness by my honor there will be Vengeance my blades are Guided by purpose how at you captures the wicked okay we got him let's go defeating him we have unlocked the sanguin whip believe we are down to like six more V Bloods for now I'll Target Lord sticks first cuz I really want that bat form I totally forgot about the Phantoms ve I've been using like a lower level Cape the entire time I also finally made the jewel crafting table as I needed like jewels on my skills like the ve of blood and the void cuz I don't have gems on them next thing to do was hunt Lord sticks at the curs forest but I didn't know that he was not here anymore so I guess they move him on 1.0 he was now staying at the place called Dracula's demise where it was at Gloom route upon checking the place it actually looked really cool like what the heck is this place and there's a new orc called the blood Crystal and I don't know who this spraying fire a dragon a giant dragon spraying fire anyways before I fight Lord sticks I decided to farm the blood crystals first and after collecting most of the blood Stones I initiated the fight with Lord sticks vict the Legion of knct your F has eded the Shadows this is blood mastery rat I will teach you respect so I had to run away for now as I wasn't expecting him to be so strong and my damage to be so weak needed to think and like regenerate first before I continue this fight so I decided it would be a good idea to have a shield cuz he throws so many project bow to the Everlasting your f is etched sh I fight for the will of knock the resistance is futile bow to the Everlasting night feel the darkness my blood reserve your resistance is this Blood master little rat I will teach you respect this is blood Mastery your fate is Ed in shs witness the power of a real vampire the resistance is futile bow to the Everlasting night your fate is etched in the shadows you will never that was honestly a tough fight I'm just so happy that I have both the shield and the fantasm spear that I can dodge most of his attacks we unlocked the bat form the blood key and the Onyx tier let's go and next was Gore Crusher the B the bat form is awesome cuz I can just fly towards any place I want it's so convenient think the materials needed for the blood key I didn't want to craft it since it needed like Onyx teers as well as greater stigan shards which I don't have so for now I decided to go for the Amulet of the master spell Weaver as it only required like some power course I went to Silver light again to check if there were any sanguin pistols but well I don't think the merchant sells books anymore for weapons so I just farmed a bit before going home so for the next few days I focus mainly in getting more recipes unlock like M making schematics cuz I really want to upgrade my gears you saw my fight with sticks and my damage just wasn't there I need to upgrade my weapons currently they're at level 23 and we just need the sanguin weapons in order to upgrade them I also frequent Gom route and got like a bunch of tech scraps as well as has empty batteries so I can Farm a power course charging them up was probably one of the things I don't like to do in this uh grind and with enough power course I made the Amulet of the master spell Weaver so now it was time to challenge Gore Crusher the Behemoth I don't know why he's going outside but I lured him back to his cave no come [Music] now if you're wondering where the barrier is coming from it's from the master spell Weaver amulet and oh my God that was an intense last round where the two of them were trying to charge at me I was so scared but I survived all right so we defeated Gore Crusher and we have now unlocked bat leather bag and bat leather all right so just five more V Bloods left with Dracula the ending I decided to try out the riff incursion that is for like 80 plus level and see how hard it is it was it had basically the same skit as the earlier one but the enemies here were a lot stronger like 80 plus 84 85 you name it it is honestly as struggle now but I really wanted the shards cuz I want to like get the passives you know for the boss of the incursion I think it's like the theer I mean the act three bosses cuz now we have the angura angora Spider Queen do I did I remember her name right anyways it's not that hard since we already beaten her a so it was time to farm the fragments I would honestly like to have a lot of passive first before I challenge the last remaining V Bloods so moving on let's go and defeat General Valencia the depraved your presence here amusing let's see if you're worthy of the night the scent of fear is intoxicated promise me your scream witness the Artistry of your demise let us test the stage give yourself to the Knight your suffering will be delicious the shadow down to the rhythm of your the rain don't run your blood will stain my heart immortality let us set the stage Come Close embrace the agony the sanguin r the weak embrace the agony feel the night forall right where you belong blood deserves f the shs die to the rhythm of your mind lovely pain promise me you'll stream she was one shot to death but now I know that that thing in the middle can be destroyed so round two here we go Darkness welcomes another soul will you survive let the ritual spill your blood for me give to the night I drink in the despair of your futile struggles witness the Artistry of your demand fill your blood for [Music] me feel the I crave the Symphony of Screams he the night for perhaps this will show you great a symphony on screen Purge the weak let the stage the sh those G to the rhythm of your Deni pengin the dance conclud heck yeah we destroyed her we've unlocked to make Shadow weave as well as tier five I mean tier for Jewels so I guess the next for V Bloods they dropped something called a soul Shard it's an amulet that's way better than my current amulet and it also has a ultimate that you obtain from wearing it so I went home determined to have like good books so I summoned some I guess you these are blood witch and they drop books I was kind of sad that I didn't receive any books for weapons and yeah I was really unlucky I I really needed to upgrade my weapons so I continued farming for Tech scraps so I can make these into schematics and hopefully get the recipes for weapons so let the production for schematics begin look at all the sanguin weapons I have there's just nothing that I currently use and I hate it so much so I finally crafted the last upgrade for the bag which would be the bath leather bag fully getting the benefit of having all the inventory slots unlocked as well as getting more resource shield and HP and since my RNG was really bad with schematics I decided to grind at army Outpost to get like gold and schematics as well it was pretty to go from Outpost to Outpost now that I had a bat form so it was easy to raid like a bunch of these houses containing a lot of treasure and as you can see I've G gaed about 348 schematic as well as a sanguin pistol recipe and I'm so happy cuz currently that's my main weapon I then upgraded my castle heart to level five and I unlocked the eye of Twilight I'm not entirely sure of what's the point of this now since we can actually just get the V blood tracking for the soul Shard so I guess it's just an extra feature where we can see the icons on the map if there were other players in the server I I guess we can see whoever has it so I made a sanguin pistol and upgraded my Quick Draw Shooters into level 26 earning an additional five physical power that should do really well now I also had recipes for a sanguin slashers but I wasn't really thinking of using it right now I don't feel the need to actually I've been using the pistol in in this entire run once I tasted the joy and fun of wielding the pistol all right it was time to fight Solaris So I readed myself up also if you notice my cave I actually looted this at one of the chest at the arm out it looks really cool it's the same stat as the Phantom wheel anyways here's the fight I'll slay you all this is L prepare to taste through Power your is is night your end is this is luminance this is my purpose this is luminant what and with that hilaris is dead and I got his soul Shard I got a new uh accessory that would give us like the Fallen Angel ultimate and also like a Dracula boots so I crafted an steer cuz I wanted to make the Altar for the necklace of Solaris it's the only way I can store it or else it's always in my inventory placed it on top of my castle since I didn't really have anything here it was pretty much useless unless like I just want to store a necklace inside of it well I'll be wearing it cuz I want the 10% chance to summon like a Undead one thing though because of this I won't be able to transform into a bat so I'll be using my horse to travel around so on to the next V blood it's tzor the wing horror there was actually no way to go up except for a bat form so I can't really bring the Amulet of Solaris so for now I decided to just drop it on the floor and fly up in a bat form and with this let's initiate the fight d what how en h h and with that we have defeated taler and now we have acquired his soul Shard the abilities and the stats it gave like was more magician like than the one I had earlier so I decided to wear this instead the next V blood was Adam the firstborn but for now I needed some power force in order to make an EMP grenade so I can access where Adam is all right so with some EMP grenade I have set it up so we can enter Adam's resting area and so by pulling this lever I would start the fight with Adam I was honestly not expecting him to be very strong so I did this for a couple of tries before actually winning I had to run away a few times because he was pummeling me to the ground I need to heal up and I'll I'll ret try to fight again for now I went home and crafted the Dracula malefic gloves and boots hopefully this should Aid me in having a shot with Adam at last I will make this world my own is this your first lightning oby my command you should choose away from me worm that's lightning over face my command you should too be squashed insect this is only a fraction of my power now die death by my is an honor I am as a God you are no match for me this is the ab of my power yes I can feel the power witness perfection I am a force of nature Witness contion oh possible that was honestly very hard I'm just so glad I survived and defeated Adam let's go so there's only Dracula left after Adam but I want to farm some shards first before I actually fight Dracula I would like to have a bunch of passives before the final fight so I crafted the Dracula's leggings and since the Riff incursion wasn't going to be occurring anytime soon I decided to check out how strong Dracula is but there was just one problem I couldn't get in because I don't have the blood key and to get the blood key I'll need to make like three onx but to make three onx I'll need to farm more power cores so yeah I need to farm power cores so some grind was needed before the final fight but once we're done here we'll fight Dracula so while waiting for the items to finish I saw this thing in the ruins sub mchom that you can actually Farm the greater Crystal crystals just by going to this aband I mean this place right here and breaking these crystals so I was pretty happy that I didn't need to wait for the rift so now I had a chance to farm the greater crystals earlier actually the blood key needed the the crystals so without the fragments I won't be able to make it so I got about a th000 greater shards this should be able to make the amulet as well as get like a single passive so upon return rning home I crafted the blood key I also got the turbulent velocity passive that increases my movement speed as I attack so I decided to farm some greater shards first before fighting Draculas since we're at already day 97 so I'm saving the last fight when I got like a bunch more passives so we will stand a greater chance of winning against the Lord of Darkness I checked the merchant on how much the ancestral weapons were but it was pretty expensive and I didn't really have the far time anymore to farm shards so I'd rather get passives and just use my level 26 pistols to fight Dracula so I got the hunger for blood passive to increase our damage with v Blood by 10% so I went ahead and did a bunch of Riff incursions just to farm shards to get passives this is only the Riff incursion one so it was easy to wipe the entire place with my void skill I'll be converting the shards I get here to the greater shards as small as it is it's still some shards while I was waiting for the ri incursion two which was 80 plus so this is my fight with Leandra the shadow priestess as a primal blood soul do you hear this come feel me honestly these improved uh skills for the B blood is scary but I'm also excited to try out the brutal difficulty so so we'll see how we Fair once we finish the standard one so I continueed the grind until the end of the rift incursions and hope that I can unlock a lot of passives by the end of this so I got myself a purple what do you call this a purple slasher but the stats were were pretty bad so I did not use it at all for the passive these are the only thing I could have afforded right now but I think it's good enough cuz it was time to face the Dracula we've already are like 2 days du I guess cuz this was supposed to be 100 day video it's already 102 with the blood key I can just pass through the door now and in Dracula's castle it looks like it's empty and broken and we never know what's happened inside so as I go further I saw a portal so I guess this portal will lead to Dracula and it is called the shadow realm so let's go inside so this is the throne room and Dracula waiting for us down there so let's go and fight this guy see how strong he is the scent of power unmistakably mine thank you for returning it to me me SA I am the darkness that devours no mercy weak run little we and wow dracul is pretty strong seems that dying the shadow realm nothing is really lost so I can keep trying and trying trying to beat Dracula but I may need to go home if I run out of my potions so I kept trying my best to like learn his attacks and I kept dying I did reach his second base though but yeah I still died this guy has so many things that he can throw at us and there's his crystals that means death anyways here's the winning fight I couldn't beat him until I tried so many times and my Strate strategy for this run is to play it safe with a slashers I will not tolerate this delay There Is No Escape of your fate my Lo the ESS true Darkness I am the darkness of the power all I dream the life of your veins feel the heart to you are a shadow an imitation this is what it means to be king it is too late to beg for your life feel the blood storms die flee from your inevitable Dems Lee will not see this gra this power gravel before your ch more bones to Ador my H is in the shadows I the darkness of the This is the End ground weak sang tears drown the Hat you the blood Storm's time behold the might of a k feel the blood Storm's time kneel to my Domin no impossible defeated by my own power there could be no other way and with that we have defeated Dracula and this is where our video ends thank you guys for watching my 107 days in V Rising I hope you enjoyed your stay here consider subscribing if you like my content you can also watch a few of my other 100 day videos check out my playlist so yeah this is Rogue signing off take this for
Channel: Rogue
Views: 25,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new games, new game, v rising, 100 days, v rising gameplay, v rising gameplay pc, 100 days v rising, i played 100 days of v rising, i spent 100 days in v rising, 100 days of v rising, survive, spent, played, v rising gameplay 100 days, i played 100 days of vrising, vrising, 100 days in v rising, 100 days in vrising, 100 days of vrising, i spent 100 days in vrising, 1.0, v rising 1.0, 100 days in v rising 1.0, 100 days v rising 1.0, 100 nights v rising
Id: jIoxWp3n2sI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 43sec (11203 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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