I Played 100 Days Of Foundation

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starting my own town trading with my neighbors and building my very own Manor today I played the most laid-back medieval city building game out there I played 100 days of foundation after searching for so long I had finally found the perfect location to settle a village in these new lands the area was broken down into territories unfortunately I didn't own any of them but I did have enough gold to purchase one this ter came equipped with a bunch of trees some berry bushes and a few rocks honestly what else do you need I had a great feeling about this territory everything was perfect I even surveyed a bit more and found out that the land was super fertile well there's nothing wrong with this area let's get down our Village Center I ended up placing it right between the rocks and the berry bush this seemed pretty ideal because I wanted to make sure that I was able to get to both without having to travel too far 10 villagers who were traveling with me had arrived at the Town Center well guys we got a lot to do before giving any official orders I had talked to all of the villagers to see what their aspirations were for the village I then checked out the Villager list this had everybody's name and their jobs on it I even found a tool to manage our trade relationships with our neighbors as well as one to manage our technology there were also a couple others but they weren't very useful at least for the time being I was now familiar with how I was going to manage my Village it's time to start construction the first building that I had my villagers build was who would have guessed it the Builder's Hut the Hut itself was constructed of very little wood this meant that it was very easy to put up but it could also be taken down just as easily I ended up assigning three villagers the role of Builder this was going to be their profession from now on oh nice they get their own outfits it was now time to build a lumber Camp really quickly before for that though I need to Mark which trees can be cut down so I did exactly that I zoned off a whole bunch of trees stating that these could be the ones that get knocked down I also included the berry bushes in that zone I then found a location for my very first Lumber Camp I ended up choosing this spot because it was right between the town center and the forest that The Lumberjacks would be working in my Builders immediately got to work they had to clear out one tree before building the lumber Hut well well the Hut's not even built yet and it's already taking out trees I'm not surprised as soon as it finished I had assigned three Lumberjacks to start working there their job was to chop down all of the trees in the zoned location I figured that sooner or later we were going to run out of trees so I ended up placing down a Forester right next to The Lumberjack Hut the Forester should hopefully be able to plant enough trees to Make Up For What the Lumberjacks cut down at least I mean I hope they do as the Forester was constructing I I had started mapping out a reforestation area this is the zone that the Forester would replant all of the trees in once that was done I moved on to placing my very first Gathering HUD the location that I selected for it was right next to the berry bushes that were in my territory I think it's pretty self-explanatory why I placed it there it was so interesting to watch the construction of the Forester it started off with just a frame and then it filled in from there I assigned one of my citizens to the job and we were set to go the Gathering Camp had also just completed I then made three villagers foragers they immediately started heading towards the Hut to get to work as each one came over a path to the gatherers Hut became more and more visible I also discovered that the lumber Camp was giving off an undesirable effect so no houses would want to be built near it which made sense since we were now Gathering a decent amount of food I had to have a place to store it it was now time to build a ground grannery after spending quite a bit of time finding the perfect position to place it at I had finally gave the order to start construction there did happen to be one little issue though I didn't have any stone now you might be thinking why is that important well The Granary requires Stone to build so we need some I immediately ordered that a stone cutter be built right next to the only rocks in our territory I also had to make sure that I clearly communicated that these rocks were able to be mine so I added them to the extraction Zone since I ordered The Granary to be built first I now had to move the priority up for the stone cutter so I did that and then the builders got to work they were now focused on the stone cutter instead of The Granary as my trusty Builder had finished off the build I had decided it was time to assign some workers to the stone cutter unfortunately enough there were no workers left everybody had a job it's not every day that you hear someone complain about 0% un employment real quick if you're enjoying the content go ahead and hit that subscribe button for more I have to do what I have to do I unassigned one Lumberjack from their job and then one Builder this freed up two spots so I could now have two miners I waited for these changes to take place as I watched all of my villagers huddle at the Town Center I honestly felt pretty bad for them because we weren't able to construct any houses yet so they had nowhere to go to rest except for the middle of the village after after patiently waiting I saw my very first Miner get to work we were now back in business The Granary is going to be built in no time I was pretty satisfied with everything that was going on our village was now self-sufficient we had a source of food which I found a second one in one of the territories nearby and we were now able to produce wood and stone Now That's What I Call hard work my Builders were carrying each Stone over One By One The Granary was almost ready to be built we only needed one more Stone soon soon enough that one stone had arrived and then my Builder started constructing The Granary this was probably one of the most complex buildings that we had in our whole village that made me pretty happy though because we were now able to construct Stone buildings or at least buildings with the stone base when The Granary finished I ran into the same problem as earlier I didn't have anyone to assign to work it I unfortunately had to go back over to the lumber camp and fire one of The Lumberjacks I then was able to hire them at the Granary I had also then instructed the worker to store berries at this location we were definitely expanding quite a bit the only thing is I don't have any housing for these poor citizens I guess there really is only one thing to do I started zoning off the area where I wanted my citizens to build their houses this was pretty much just a way to communicate to them to build here I did give them the freedom however to build them how they wanted before I had even finished off zoning the area I saw my Builders run over and constructing homes it wasn't long until the first house had finished I was pretty happy about this because it now provided a space for some of my villagers to sleep before I knew it the second home had also finished the Builder seemed to have this construction under control so I ended up placing down a market stall these can be used to sell food to the villagers since food distribution was pretty much handled I figured that I would build a well this allowed the villagers to come by and get water whenever they needed once once this last house finishes everybody in the village will now have food water and shelter the basic survival needs it seemed like the right time to invest in some new technology so I ended up spending my money on decorations now this might seem like a very weird Tech to invest in but the better the village looks the more willing people will be to stay well it's time to prove that theory I started decorating the village with a whole bunch of different random things the first being some flowers I placed them between two houses which increased the happiness of the people who lived in them as I was busy placing down my decorations I got distracted by the market stall I had to assign berries to be sent there so they could be sold I also had to tell one of the foragers to quit their job and come work at the stll I still didn't attract any new citizens so we were still limited on what jobs could be worked it's time to get back to decorating I didn't hold back I placed down as many decorations as I possibly could then this ended up being worth it the happiness of my Village Rose to 75% we could now take on some new villagers after all of that beautification I ended up placing down a sawmill the spot that I picked for it happened to be in the extraction and reforestation zones so I had to move them a little bit I then unlocked warehouses if I was going to be producing planks at The Sawmill I was going to need a place to store them in addition to warehouses I had also unlocked wooden bridges I immediately found a location to place down my warehouse this seemed like the ideal position to place it at because it was in between the Sawmill and the stone mine to be fair the lumber Camp wasn't too far away either wow two people want to join the village of course I accepted them as soon as I possibly could right when they joined they immediately headed over to the marketplace to get some berries and then to the well to drink water this fulfilled their basic needs I then scouted around to see what jobs I could assign them to the first one that I filled was forager I didn't want to have a lack of food in the village especially if we're going to be growing even bigger the second one was Builder I needed to make sure that everything was being constructed in a timely manner ironically enough my Builder started working on two more houses for the new villagers I then started to readjust the warehouse I wanted to make sure that it was at the perfect position with the warehouse not being the only thing that's new I tried placing down a bridge I wasn't actually going to build it but I just wanted to see what the blueprints looked like well more houses means that we need more decorations otherwise the happiness levels are going to drop in the village now that should be good after making sure that all of the houses were covered by some form of beauty I headed back over to the warehouse to check its progress I was honestly pretty frustrated I didn't even realize it but I didn't produce any planks yet so I ended up removing one of the builders the one that I had just gotten and added them over to The Sawmill finally planks are on the way as usual ual I was busy making things look good that's when two people wanted to join my Village I didn't even see them because I was so distracted finally I was able to recruit them and we now had two more workers I got a little bit scared I had noticed a random path heading into my Village I had no idea where this came from until I had thought about it this was a path that the new villagers had taken to get here it was pretty funny though because they had created a pretty long trail with the rate that our village was expanding at I knew that I needed to increase the area that we could build houses in I wanted to get an in-depth look on how the villagers were doing so I clicked on one randomly and saw that all of their needs were fulfilled except that they wanted two different foods they were only 75% happy this meant that if I wanted to reach 100% happiness in the village I was going to need to have two different food types honestly that sounds like a problem for later 75% isn't bad after what seemed like an eternity the Warehouse had finally finished constructing I immediately assigned planks to it I did realize something though I didn't have anybody to work it well at least I didn't think I had anyone to work it honestly I'm not even going to question that four people had magically requested to join my Village I of course accepted them the more help around here the better a new house was immediately being constructed to house the brand new villagers this was great and all but why were they building it in the middle of a path the this was cramping the aesthetic of the village I ended up telling them that they couldn't build there and I removed the structure that they had put up thankfully I caught that one while I was distracted with the lumber camp out of nowhere my Builders did it again they started building a couple of houses in the middle of the roads I still wasn't feeling this so I told them to stop finally a semide decent location it wasn't long until the new houses were completely constructed one of the houses was really long and the other one was just normal size I wasn't that impressed but hey if we're going to be able to house more villagers I'm not complaining it seemed like my planks were taking forever to be made so I checked out what was going on apparently we were out of logs so I paused work at The Sawmill and focused on getting some more I was planning on investing in a new technology when I realized something very important I never named our Village from this point on we will be known as the village of vortia as I Am Lord vorti I was pretty hyped about naming our village that I completely had forgotten I was looking for a new technology well I guess we'll be worrying about that later one of the villagers had suggested that I started a trade route with one of our neighbors this seemed like a great idea but I had no idea how and I also didn't know if we had enough resources I started to look into it in other words I just started looking all over to see where I could start a trade route at there we go uh-oh I don't have enough resources to start any of these well it looks like it's time to start producing planks again I tried assigning a carpenter to The Sawmill but that was when I realized I didn't have any free villagers so I had to free one up from the stone cutter camp that was when I finally realized I never unlocked any of the new technologies this made me head over to the progression screen and unlock fishing I also noticed that I could unlock butchering I had enough gold I didn't really think that the villagers were ready for for this though one thing at a time right as I exited the progression screen four new villagers had arrived at the town center with no hesitation I recruited all four of them and put them right to work I guess I won't have to worry about not having enough Carpenters now we just unlocked fishing so it was only logical to now build a fishing Hut I headed over to the nearest river and started to look for a good spot I thought I had found a pretty good one until I had headed over to the new territory that I just bought and found an another this spot was a bit further away than the other one but my villagers didn't have to cut through a forest to get here so I wasn't complaining right when I found the perfect location I placed down my very first Fisher Hut I noticed that my villagers were building yet another house this made me want to expand the housing Zone just so they had a bit more space to build unfortunately I wasn't able to expand it by much you know what they say something's better than nothing with my new Fisher Hut under construction I decided to assign fish to The Granary once we finally start catching some we'll be able to store them I checked the finances of vortia it said that we lost 97 gold last month and we made zero this was horrible the good thing is now I have the motivation to start grinding for that trade route that's right get song that would weirdly enough it looked like the Fishers Hut was never constructed I was pretty confused by this because I made it one of our top priorities hm H I guess it's not the end of the world but these villagers need to learn to listen to their lord since we were using up so much wood I decided to expand the reforestation area by a little bit this way I would be able to place down another Lumber camp and harvest more trees thus providing more wood oh yeah and I added the fish to the extraction Zone as the new trees were being planted I placed down my second Lumber Camp once this thing gets up and running we'll surely have enough wood then it had been a while since last decorated the village I started scouting out some potential locations to place down some decorations some of them didn't work out though well it looks like we're going to have to turn to the Old Reliable the flower bush you could put these flower bushes absolutely anywhere and they always look good I guess that explains why we have so many in the village well well what do you know we start tidying up the place and three new villagers arrive what a coincidence it must have been fate these three villagers arrived right after the second Lumber Camp had finished building I did a quick sweep of our resources and it appeared that we had over 200 berries this was the most of any resource that I had I then realized that I had around 19 planks this was great because I needed 20 to start our very first trade route come on we're so close after waiting around for what seemed like forever I finally had over 20 planks it's now time to trade with our neighboring Village northberry the only information that I really had on them was that they were located in a deep thick forest and they were welcoming to all strangers I'm really hoping that we learn a lot more about them now with this new trade route that we have we now had a friend to actively exchange goods with now I just got to decide what I want to trade it was pretty obvious that northberry liked planks after all that is how we established our trade route with them so I ended up saying after we have five planks in our inventory we could sell the rest I was thinking that we needed to store a lot more planks but we were just going to see how things go and roll with the number five for now there weren't any buildings that really required planks for building just yet at least I was very proud of our village we had established our very first trade route and we would now be able to start getting some income instead of losing gold every month the elders in my Village suggested that I build a manner this was honestly a great idea I would be able to enact any mandates and policies from this building this is going to be a great spot for the villagers to come to if they ever have any issues with things going on in the village it's going to provide them with the way to come and talk to me face to face all right let's decide where I'm going to build this Manor there were quite a few building blocks that we could use so I was going to need a whole bunch of space well that little patch of grass isn't going to work I started to look beyond our city we had everything established in a small little area it only made sense that the manner of royalty would be off by itself on a whole bunch of land the area that I ended up rolling with was right above the stone cutter there was a huge amount of open grassland that I could utilize for a giant building honestly as I started to think about it though I didn't know if I really had enough resources to build such a huge Manor I guess we'll just have to gauge it as we go I selected the very first part of our Manor The Rustic Hall this would serve as the main room for my Manor after that I planned out a doorway way we were going to have to get inside somehow I then moved on to the chimney a Manor wouldn't be complete without one even though it costed me extra resources it was worth placing down finally the last crucial piece The Rustic Tower I tried seeing where it would look best I ended up settling with the back right corner of my house a little bit further than where the chimney was at I wanted to add on at least one more little touch so I tried placing down another chimney all right we're not doing that let's just go go ahead and place down some decorations the ones that we've been using all around the village I was first considering adding a couple benches in front of the house but that wasn't going to do it I then remembered about the flower bushes Now That's What I Call some good decorations The Manor was ready to be moved into position at least it was until I had accidentally destroyed the blueprints you have got to be kidding me I ended up having to rebuild the whole Manor this was a little bit annoying but since I had just built tiled I knew exactly where the pieces went okay let's just hope that we don't delete the blueprints again I ended up moving the manor directly into the middle of all of the grassland this seemed like a good place for it to be I knew that a trail would develop directly to it but I was a little bit concerned if it was going to go to the front door or the side I really hop that the villagers figure it out I then moved the flower bushes until they were perfectly placed things were looking good but I still felt like I was missing something so I started placing down some rope fences on the side of the manor which had no Tower this was going to be a good little area for me to put any bushes or benches or whatever I could think of that is exactly what I ended up doing I placed down one wooden bench this was honestly a lot of open space for just one bench but hey I'm sure someone will use it last but not least I ended up placing down a marker to indicate where the villagers would wait when they want to come inside even though I did want my Citi to be able to come in and talk to me I didn't want them to completely invade my privacy right before I ordered its construction I had checked out how many materials I was going to be using 29 planks 27 stones and eight tools that's going to drain me dry oh whatever let's do this right as I demanded the construction started my villagers started making their way over oh God he didn't go directly to the front door it looked like a trail was developing leading towards the back of my house this was a little bit frustrating but it didn't look terrible hey look somebody's already using the bench that's a positive it also looked like there was a trail developing between the Stone Cutters Hut Road and the one that led directly to my Manor apparently enough supplies had been broughten over to the manor to actually begin construction so one of my Builders started building away they started with the stone base which was pretty awesome looking they then moved on to the wooden frames above the stone base were making good progress this thing will be up in no time surely enough as the manor was constructing three more new villagers made their way over to the town center let's go new recruits exactly what I needed I officially welcomed them into the village and then immediately started looking where I could assigned them to I ended up putting one at the mine one at The Sawmill and one at the warehouse The Manor was really coming together the main room had already completed as I was observing my beautiful house a random person had wandered into our Village I really couldn't tell who this was until I realized it was a Traer they were here to collect some Goods if we had anything to sell I would have never expected it but that bench that we had put right next to the manor was a lot more popular than I thought it was going to be I'm pretty sure four different people had already sat on that bench it hasn't even existed for more than a couple days it was now my proudest day the villagers had finished our Manor this was a huge achievement with this governing Hall up and running we now unlocked the busy progression tier this meant that we could now buy a whole bunch of new technologies we had also unlocked the labor Kingdom and clery progression packs what this pretty much meant was our village is expanding and we're going to expand faster than you'll ever imagine I also noticed that I had a new interface to issue mandates from I explored the options of discussing a levy it seemed like I would get a pretty good amount of gold from the villagers but I would also decrease Happiness by 30% this didn't seem worth it I could also promote a villager to a higher status there really wasn't a reason to do this now though there was no space for nobility yet with all these changes going on I agreed to decorate the village a little bit more I wanted to keep all of the villagers happy that was when I was informed that our village had caught the attention of three Estates of the realm they all expected me to build a monument for them this wasn't going to happen at least not for all three I started looking at them and it seemed like one was religious one was Labor and one was military I ended up going with the military estate this one seemed the most cool plus I wanted to get some guards around here in case we ever have to deal with any enemies while I was distracted looking at some of the new technologies that I could purchase a random Horseman had approached my Manor a bunch of fishermen were looking for a builder to construct a bridge they were hoping that we had someone in the village who was capable of doing this well since vortia does have some of the most gifted villagers in all of the world I guess we could spare one Builder to help out with this project so I ended up sending over a level two Builder to help them out I ended up gaining 15 influence from this as my Builder was able to successfully blueprint and build a bridge another random Horsemen had ended up in my doorstep that was when I had found out that it was a message from the kingdom they recognized that we were doing well as a village and gifted us some gold I really liked the progress that we were making I didn't want it to stop there so I started to look at potentially Building a Church this was something we had just unlocked sadly enough this was a very expensive thing to do so I deemed it not possible at the current moment after scrapping the blueprints I noticed three new villagers heading towards a town center there was also a random villager who was sitting at the Manor front door he informed me that the elders were in full support of our village they gifted us a couple of tools to help out with construction I had initially thought we were were only getting three new villagers I was wrong there were actually Four our village was growing so fast and so quickly that I had three different quests just waiting to be completed one of them was to increase the diversity of food we had the second was to plan the aspirations for our village and the third one was to promote a villager to a commoner I happily took on all three quests I then made my way over to the Fisher's Hut which was never constructed this thing was taking absolutely forever so I ended up destroying it and placed down another one in a different location and hopes that this one might actually get built I noticed a quest that my villagers had said I already almost completed they wanted one of every single decoration placed in the village apparently I was only missing a rope fence it was weird because I had some of those placed down in my Manor but I guess that didn't count as quickly as I possibly could I ended up placing down the rope fence this fulfilled the requirements for the quest I had just welcomed in a decent amount of villagers since I was so distracted with everything that was going on I didn't assign them jobs so I ended up checking The Granary warehouse and stone Camp to see if there were open jobs at each one of those locations there was not anym there aren't I ended up filling all of the jobs in the entire Village and we still had some unemployed villagers it looks like it's time to construct some new buildings I immediately headed over to the progression page where I unlocked butchering this gave me the hunting building as well as the butchering building while that just hit two birds with one stone we needed to get more food diversity and I also needed to create some more jobs unlocking butchering accomplished both I also grabbed some new decorations from the progression page I wanted to find the perfect location to place down my very first Hunter unfortunately enough I wasn't able to put it in any of the forests nearby the reason being is that I didn't own the territory that they were sitting on and I also didn't want to put it near the forest right next to all of my houses so it was time to make a big decision we needed to purchase another territory I ended up buying one that bordered the two that I already had it contained the trading path in it as well now that's a perfect spot for a hunter's HUD since we now were going to have some bores I needed to place down a butcher shop I knew the perfect location to place one except it was right on top of the Builder's Hut as I was trying to place down another Builder's Hut so I could replace the one that was currently two new villagers came to my Village to be recruited after taking a second to recruit them a random Horseman had also arrived in my town center I knew that this was going to be a distraction so I ended up placing down my Builder Workshop before I interacted with him I then ended up removing my old one and finally talked to the horsemen it was the fishermen from earlier they were thankful about us building the bridge but they wanted us to trade our stone for their fish this was a little bit annoying because we did help them out and I was expecting to get some fish for free but I guess I'll trade the stone I do have a surplus I could finally placed Down The Butcher Shop this was the perfect location for it as it was aesthetically pleasing talking about Aesthetics I had unlocked a decent amount of new decorations and boy were they cool there was this really awesome Stone Archway which was a little bit short but still awesome and then this cool looking water Pond thing unfortunately I needed some marbled Stone to be able to build it so I couldn't actually construct it right now I headed back to my progress tree because I wanted to be able to see what else I could unlock that was when I finally noticed the other tabs there were so many different things that I could buy new technologies and new items since I had so much extra Stone I decided that it would be a good time to try and sell some of it unfortunately our current trading neighbor wasn't interested in buying it I ended up checking out if I could trade berries it seemed like our neighbors were interested every Berry after our 200 in the stockpile I was willing to trade I made this very clear to the citizens as I didn't want them to oversell our berries I gave up hope on building the fishing Hut it just wasn't being constructed at the same exact time I unlocked the notable tier in other words I just unlocked a lot more Technologies and items The Butchery finished constructing I assigned only one of my villagers to work there even though I had two more I could assign the reason being is that we weren't producing BS quick enough in order for The Butchery to stay open it just didn't make sense to me to have two people working there when they couldn't even work after that I ended up placing down another Hunter's Hut this was to ensure that every single villager could get meat and berries while the Hut was building I ended up marking out a little area where they could go hunting this wasn't ideal because it's where we were chopping down trees but it have to do I couldn't stop thinking about all of the different discoveries we could make so I headed back into the progression screen and ended up buying the tax office I then immediately tried to place one down hm why can't I find it anywhere no matter where I was looking the tax office wasn't there that was until I checked the manor I had the option to build some additional add-ons to the manor one of them was the tax office what I just unlocked there ended up being a couple new rooms as well this could be interesting I played around with the different rooms and tried making a little tax house I ended up coming up with something super simple because I didn't want to spend too many resources that should work it was pretty cool seeing the tax office near my Manor better yet what if I just attach it to the side of the house so that's exactly what I ended up doing I placed it down right next to the manor this thing's got a lot of potential poal the more I add on the bigger it's going to get I then headed to The Granary and swapped out the storage of boes for meat each boore gives us multiple meat so it only makes sense to make storage for what we're going to have more of I then started laying out a church after looking around for a potential location for it and seeing how much it costed I decided not to build it since I ended up not building the church I did want to give my citizens something so I ended up placing down some more decorations near their house it was now time to place down a second Market stall we had enough food between our fish and meat to start Distributing it I ordered the construction to begin I also realized that I built a brand new tax office and I didn't assign anybody to work at it when I did try to assign someone to work there I forgot that I could only hire a commoner to that building so then I tried to promote a villager to a commoner unfortunately nobody was ready to be promoted well that stinks I then ended up Unlocking The stonemason Hut and of course I placed one down right behind the stone Camp as I was peacefully watching my villagers I had noticed that quite a few of them were asking for service that meant that they wanted a church honestly I should have just built this a lot earlier I don't know why I delayed it so I finally found the perfect spot to place down a church I even ordered the construction of a decorative bench right in front of it this is going to be the best Church in all of the lands it really was after I had found out that I also needed a place down a bell tower I tried scouting out the different locations where the bell tower looked the best I ended up going with the back right as usual all right let's get this thing built
Channel: Vortide
Views: 59,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100, Years, Days, Medieval, Castle, Simulation, Building, Knights, Action, Building castles, 100 days, village, builder, simulator, Gaming, Medieval Games, Strategy gaming, Indie Games, Gaming Commentary, Medieval Strategy Game, Survival Game, foundation, Foundation Medieval, Foundation Steam, Foundation Gameplay, Foundation Playthrough, 100 Day Challenge
Id: jIiedCoFzXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 12sec (1992 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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