I PAINTED Myself EVERYDAY For a Week! - Self Portrait CHALLENGE

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[Music] you've seen the thumbnail you see the title self-portrait challenge for practice this video was over 600 gigs in its entirety took almost two weeks to edit it's all about smashing alike for all the hard work and if you love painting like myself rewind two weeks when I originally stretch his canvas and start from the beginning [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wrinkles self-portrait challenge I don't think I'm the first person ever create a self portrait challenge you know hundreds of artists I think do self-portraits every week all the time Jean Pierre Roy does it self-portrait like every day an amazing artist you know it's nothing new but for me I love self-portraits I think practicing portraiture there's a lot color value you know composition forms shapes there's all these kind of fundamentals intertwined and it's a great you know great exercise to practice but for me I always want to improve with oil paint it it's it's a compartment in my life for over time I really want to progress and just like sports and learning language you really have to train and drill and you know you have to practice and so I always try to find unique ways to practice I tend to go with faces a lot oil painting I love to do self-portraits I've done a few in the past I love it and I have this painting this multi layer stencil with these six layered faces and I really love the composition I love the idea and I've always wanted to try something like that you know after I finish that so I thought it was a perfect idea to do like a six layered self-portrait and turn into a challenge I'm calling out all the artists I watch on YouTube smoke tiptoe ten hundred Cesar Santos Andrew Tischler you know Stan Prokopenko it opened everyone these are just artists I love and the challenge is six days self-portrait a new self-portrait every single day and you know to practice and improve and you know get experience you were gonna use a different palette every single day and also a different facial expression sad happy angry anyone can partake it doesn't need to be oil it could be drawing it could be colored pencils it doesn't need to be this layered style either that's just what I'm doing hopefully people will be into it and it's for practice it's for improvement it's for putting in the work and just painting more that's the whole goal let's take a photo [Music] I'm not gonna do a huge monologue before every face because the video would be way too long but what I will do like I said is explain the palette I'm going to use for each self-portrait I'm doing this too you know practice using different colors different palettes mixing colors it's a huge opportunity for me to practice and get introduced to new styles of mixing using new colors we're starting off really mellow today with just a really basic limited palette you know four colors and a white we got yellow ochre alizarin crimson cobalt blue and a burnt umber my white I'm using a flake white actually not a titanium white this is super basic I've used this several times you can mix any color obviously the yellow red and blue primary colors we got a bird umber to mix some blacks with the cobalt blue and alizarin crimson you know we're all ready that's all it I'm super excited I'm so excited let's begin so I'm going to do these little self critiques for the 45 second time lapses say something I did successful something unsuccessful just to get a little dialogue in but you'll see that the likeness of this portrait is pretty good I was pretty happy with the likeness resembling myself photo reference I think the hair is generally too dark in the face perhaps you'll see at the end especially when comparing it's all other faces in a row you'll see later but also the paint application specifically there wasn't it wasn't super opaque parts of the canvas were kind of showing through and that was just me being probably timid and hesitant for the first the first portrait I really liked that kind of cold purple shadow top-left corner by the hair I really like that that's my favorite part but generally pretty successful I'm happy with this portrait you [Music] if you're wondering yeah I wear pretty much the same thing the studio pants sweatshirt every day just in case paint gets on it I don't have to ruin all my clothes but something else I didn't realize that is kind of an oops ick the paint's still wet one day isn't enough for it to dry it's only covering a little you know this face is our only overlaying a tiny bit so it's not a huge deal I just didn't even think about that but the colors were using today because I have that saturate and you know beanie in the photo I'm using all cadmium zwip CAD palette I guess you can say titanium white CAD yellow deep cadmium orange cadmium red medium ultramarine blue cobalt blue and burnt umber so still pretty limited but that's what we're doing let's begin so this is a I think one of my more successful self-portraits out of all the six obviously start with a hat kind of do dissections trying to get that you know volume is cylindrical shape and you can see like I said before when comparing them you can kind of see faults and the other things so I went more orange with the skin tones and I brought that back a little you just saw but I think this this phase generally had more life to it the colors were a little more saturated the paint application was was thicker you know the nose a little pink there give it life and just generally I don't know how to explain other than it looks more alive the proportions are all good so yeah that's portrait number two day three we're going know how to ghin trying to switch up the lighting also drinking some nice Earl Grey this fine morning but you know I love this drawing stage you know if I went straight into the portrait with oil painting I don't think I would nail my proportions as well I think I could find it eventually but I'd be fumbling throughout the whole painting more than I you know already fumble so doing this drawing stage of getting the rubric the proportions correct before starting you know I'm doing a bunch of drawing on top of the painting it's great we're doing the Zorn palette today I'm so excited I've never used horns palette Zoran the famous Swedish artist everyone loves his limited palette consisting of titanium white yellow ochre vermilion which is a red and people switch that out for cadmium red that's what I'm doing and then ivory black you know the ivory black is like a very cool black so it kind of replaces a blue and then you can mix them you know subtle greens and it's just super interesting I've never used it I'm very excited let's begin Zorin palette and I was so excited to start this starting with the hair it's pretty easy to get these hair tones with the Zorn palettes and black yellow ochre I went too dark with that shadow side at first also a little too orange I thought I tend to do that I tend to put not enough reds and right here it looks pretty good you know soft but then I get to chalky what I mean by that is I used too much white to lighten the value obviously and then it just looks chalky and orangie a little also the raccoon eyes you'll see at the end it looks just a little like I'm a little cracked out honestly but um still successful I think just those are some issues I had but um yeah portrait number three the wry smile day four I finally changed got some new clothes got a new hat we're gonna take another selfie I'm gonna do a wacky one some cross [Music] another day another self-portrait palette I'm using today is kind of every color I have at my disposal you know two yellows two reds two blues black you know kind of just using anything I need we're switching sort of between the limited palettes like the first and third face and then kind of using whatever I need putting more tubes of paint on the palette seeing how that goes great practice to say the least we got a wacky expression today I'm excited for it to come to life let us begin shall we wacky face like I said but this is another successful portrait I think I think I did everything pretty well like you could see right there the face is blended super well the lightest lights and darkest darks aren't in yet that's kind of how I work kind of work up the mid-tones the hardest part actually in what I started with the most throughout all the portraits I thought was actually the mouth this mouth looks super wonky and underdeveloped I mean it was a weird face but all of them are kind of super wonky but I think I did good here with just everything kind of successful in the tones I think it's a little chalky again like I just always tend to use too much white which is one of my issues and I didn't add eyelashes until like the very very end of this whole project so looks a little bug-eyed but pretty good day five gonna do another funny face triangle face by the window for this light [Music] not really feeling it today day five I don't really want to spend another four hours painting myself but this is the challenge I got a kind of persevere and I feel like this a lot of the times throughout commissions whatever you kind of just got to go through the hump put in the work because I'm have a beanie on in this so I'm going to use more cadmium so I'm gonna do a limited palette of cadmium yellow deep cadmium red medium cobalt blue ultramarine and burnt umber to get some darks I know once I'm finished with this face the last ones gonna be right there and then I'll get to see them all in a row so I'll be amped after this wacky face and let's begin yes another wacky face this one actually gave me the most trouble out of all six I think this hat was super successful at this point but later you'll see that I made it way too small and it just looks like I don't have a forehead so I change that later flatten out the highlights there got the red nose to bring some more life so I didn't I knew I was using too much white like I said in the other one so I really tried this time to not be chalky and I think this has great skin tones lifelike skin tones but it has this weird kind of fisheye view I don't know if you can tell but it's a little weird I think the eyes aren't super successful but right there I make the Hat a little bigger which I thought helped a lot and oh yeah generally pretty pretty solid but it took me the longest last selfie I'm gonna do a sad face cuz I'm sad it's over the challenge [Music] let's go the last self-portrait I'm so amped yesterday I was not amped but I did still did a self-portrait I enjoyed I just had to push through this one this one I'm so amped we're gonna use the Zorn palette again I did the Zorn palette for this face and I remember fumbling around a lot but I love limited palettes the Zorn palette is so infamous it's so famous titanium white yellow ochre cadmium red light ivory black it's very simple there's no beanie or super saturated colors I should be fine getting all the colors in this portrait and I think moving forward I'm gonna start doing more oil paintings in the zohr palette just because there's good color harmony and I just marry into it limited palettes let's begin Zorn again love the Zorn palette even though this is I think the most unsuccessful portrait sadly the last one I don't know if it was the pencil under drawing that it did that wasn't you know proportionally correct or I was just again fumbling to kind of find the values and maybe it was perhaps also the original picture was the lighting wasn't super good and when it's really flat lighting and there's not a lot of shadows it's it's not that dynamic and it's I think more challenging but you know right here it's looking fine I think it's I don't know blotchy and the eyes are puffy I don't really I can't I can't call what I did unsuccessful but I think again too much white chalk you look in and I mean it there's fine likeness but I'm just something about it but um there the last one whole bunch of gray for the background of that let's do it [Music] that's all she wrote you know super happy with this week of painting it was a lot of work I certainly got kind of carried away within the project I wanted to make a really cool crazy painting I wanted to make an awesome video and most of all I wanted to practice a lot you know I don't do this much will painting normally in a week's time in six days you know each of those phases took between three and five hours so yeah it was more than I usually do but I should do more I'd do so many other things in my life I edit probably 30 hours a week on the computer and sometimes I paint that much a lot of times I don't so this is a good practice week and you know trying to up my hours I think that's what it's all about you know I always get DM dand people ask I'm obviously no super professional artist and it's just a intense hobby I have and take seriously and put a lot of hours in but I think that's certainly just the secret you know it's really not a secret it's just putting in work you know training just like a sport just like a language I think it's that honestly simple it's just hard to put that into fruition because obviously it takes time and it's not glamorous and it's not always fun but you really just got to put in those hours and for me that's what I want to do over time progress in oil painting so that's the video hopefully you enjoyed hopefully people try this challenge out I called out all those people I'm gonna do an Instagram post go check that out to call out more people and I think it could be really fun and self-portraits are fun if you never tried it no matter what level you are on you try self portrait out or maybe do six in a row you know week all right that's all I got stay tuned subscribe to the channel like this video was a bunch of work like I said at the beginning see you in the next video you
Channel: SLEW
Views: 678,688
Rating: 4.9734688 out of 5
Keywords: create, slew, art, vlog, vlogger, spray, paint, how, to, mural, graffiti, street, tutorial
Id: SGf0QKbKRio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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