I PAID $90 FOR THIS FIRST CLASS SUITE (Emirates First Class Experience)

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i am hiding a giant smile underneath this mask because today i am putting a massive check mark on my bucket list i'm flying first class for the first time for 11 hours from athens to new york one two three windows but this isn't just any first class this is emirates first class like the one with the private suite 200 bottles of champagne caviar i think i like it just because it's fancy and the best part is i paid less than 100 for this ticket that should have cost 5 000. [Music] oh wow i need to be flying business class today if you've watched our channel for a while there's a good chance you may have seen karen and i fly business class they even gave us slippers and you also may have thought to yourself that we were trust fund kids or spoiled brats trust me we've heard it all before and when i step back i can see how it might come off that way from the outside looking at but the truth is when we left for our one year of travel we had saved up 35 000 and that was all the money that we had to our name so we have never paid full price to fly business class and later in the video i'll tell you how i save 5 000 on this ticket but first let's go enjoy the experience [Music] thank you so much okay so i'm all checked in for the flight i've got my ticket and there's one very good thing and one very bad thing on this ticket let me get through security and then i'll explain [Music] so obviously the good thing is just getting to see first class on my ticket for the first time but what was unexpected was these four s's that you see down here on the bottom basically labels me as a security threat to anyone who looks at my ticket cara had these ones before it's a huge pain and after traveling to 100 countries this is the first time i've ever been blessed with quadruple esses probably has something to do with that little side trip that i took to morocco to climb the mountain or the fact that i booked a return ticket to greece and then didn't fly home on the second leg because i decided to stay here and run the marathon it hurts so bad and then i booked this ticket back weeks later okay it actually makes a lot of sense the problem is these aren't usually just a one-time thing my life going to the airport is probably going to be more difficult for the foreseeable future i would be excited about any flight i was getting on today because i just love the flying experience in general but this is literally like the pinnacle of aviation like top 10 airline seats in the entire sky oh there's still a smile under here okay great sectioned off in my own little uh my own little compartment of the boarding area okay i passed my additional security screening and uh should be boarding in five minutes [Music] i have such mixed emotions right now i'm excited for you but i'm very jealous i love you and i'll see you in a few days please take a moment to locate this number on your boarding pass tonight this is actually happening i'm not dreaming i'm walking down the jet bridge how are how are you welcome to your suite [Music] oh look at this one two three windows [Music] wow i have no words right now obviously i've researched this experience extensively on the internet but i don't think anything could have prepared me for sitting in the seat in person can we help you something to drink uh some champagne would be nice awesome coming up perfect thank you so much that bottle of champagne that he just told me costs more than what i paid for this point ticket cheers feels really weird doing this a lot that is definitely the most expensive sip of champagne i've ever had also i'm not sure if you can see it in the camera but there are stars on the ceiling that would be wonderful thank you very much i feel so bad that i i'm doing this without you okay guys this is her class i'm enjoying this for her [Music] enjoy your flight [Music] so this is dying on demand which means there's no set meal time you just gave me a wine list and a menu so at any time during the flight if i'm doing like a grilled beef steak or seared sea bass i can just order it and they'll bring it to me just like i'm at a restaurant except i'm sitting in my own private suite and i have a movie screen right in front of me now that we're in the air i think i can finally show you the best part of the suite are you ready for this there's a motorized door on an airplane i pretty much have complete privacy in the suite okay so i was so excited about this flight that i went out and bought a new microphone so you can hear me better i probably look ridiculous and i might regret this but here we go let me give you a full tour of the suite okay so let me start with one little feature that i've noticed since being on the plane and that said i have not one but two air vents right beside my seat so i have full climate control of this entire suite my left arm rest has a small storage compartment in the back and also a normal size remote that you would expect to see on an airplane but if you don't feel like using this tiny remote you can press this button which releases this old-school looking ipad thing that you can use to control the massive tv that's sitting behind the camera i don't even know what these buttons do this seat is too complicated for me i swallowed one of my warm nuts wrong and besides the motorized door this is probably my second favorite feature of the suite it's a motorized mini bar pepsi not one but two waters three waters but one of them sparkling seven up diet pepsi also this is a real orchid i mean i think we just need to appreciate that i could almost fit two of me in this seat they have also given me a full-size pillow this feels like a duvet there is just so much space in this thing also slippers they brought me these three little dishes but you can't find the tray table to eat surely you can figure this out nate seems promising no i mean i feel like this thing is it but how does it press okay i'm gonna have to ask somebody sorry where's the tray table oh i didn't press it hard enough wow is there anything i might be missing you can control like every single part of the scene okay thank you so much oh wow look at that now i'm moving backwards now i'm moving forwards okay i can do this my suite also came with a writing kit this is a mole skin notebook and a very fancy pen i'll definitely be taking these with me as souvenirs this is probably the fanciest amenity kit i've ever been given on an airplane should i do my impression of kara since she's not here o m g it smells so good no way a collapsible brush deodorant an entire bottle of cologne i don't wear cologne but i think this is a pretty nice brand bull bulgari cleansing towel lip balm hydrating body emulsion aftershave balm full size razor shaving foam toothbrush and last but not least tissues wow bit of a bumpy ride so far okay and the last thing i need to show you they placed a snack basket inside the seat gourmet popcorn chips nuts i mean all this stuff is stuff that you would get on an airplane anyway you just don't have to ask for it oh fancy chocolates ah hydration tablets they say you get super dehydrated when you fly genius nate from the future here we are currently surfing in mexico oh my gosh i really wanted to shave this before i interrupt it but care what let me so now you get to see my sorry attempt at growing a beard at the age of 32. but i'm not here to talk about facial hair i have two quick fair drop updates that i wanted to give you first we have partnered with polar latitudes to give away a free trip to antarctica after traveling to 100 countries in all seven continents this is our favorite trip that we have ever taken it's like being on a frozen safari or another planet if your trip is anything like ours you'll have the opportunity to step foot on your seventh continent float amongst the icebergs see tons of whales waddle with penguins and even polar plunge into the antarctic water it's one of those things that you just have to do so if you would like to chance to win a cabin on a free cruise to antarctica all you have to do is sign up for fair drop between now and the end of january because we are drawing the winner february 1st second thing we have now made it possible to gift a fair drop subscription and no not yet and since i like having something physical and since i like having something physical to give anytime you gift a fair drop you will get a printable pdf that turns into a paper airplane so you can get creative with how you wrap this up and the best part is when you unfold it it comes with all the instructions that the recipient needs to redeem their gift so all the fair drop links are in the description below now back to the best day of my life don't don't care i said that okay i'm finally gonna eat uh whatever these things are [Music] really good that's like roast beef with cheese inside salmon i would never order fish on an airplane but that is really good what is this i still have no clue well that was a fun start to the mill i'm now going to look at the menu and see what i actually want to order i also want to look up and see how much all of these whiskey's cost because i'm sure they're super expensive chavez regal i'm going to embarrass myself trying to say these things johnny walker blue label scotch whiskey this is a seven course menu it starts with canapes which is what i just had next i can get caviar then soup and appetizers then pasta than a main course because apparently pasta is not a main course and finally ended with dessert i feel so guilty pushing this button and asking for a flight attendant but i think that's what i'm supposed to do [Music] could i please get the caviar yes of course with the whole selection please wow thank you so much i don't know what feels more over the top than champagne and caviar why are fish eggs like the fanciest thing you can eat you put cheese with caviar salty slimy has an interesting texture and i think i like it just because it's fancy these chives maybe i like the combination of caviar and chives i feel like that's the most pretentious thing i've ever said as you can see the spoon is a bit different it looks like pearl yes like real pearl yes and there's a reason for that because caveat is very sensitive to uh stainless steel so the taste would be really affected i'm not a caviar eater i probably wouldn't tell the difference but a proper connoisseur can tell okay everything about this experience is more over the top than i expected that is a lot of food thank you wow so my appetizer came with four different plates plate number one plate number two plate number three and last but not least plate number four of course it's good the vine leaves are stuffed with rice inside it's all good this is so much food and i haven't even gotten to the main course [Music] this is the spinach and ricotta tortellini my main course actually came out with the least amount of dishes like everything else it looks incredible okay last but not least i'm finishing with the chocolate pudding drowned in hot caramel sauce i have no more stomach space left but there's like an extra little cavity that always fits dessert this is art i'm so sad kara's not here she will love this so much finished by the white towel it is 9 45 i just ate for the first four and a half hours i was on this plane so my plan was to not sleep at all on this flight because i didn't want to be unconscious for any of the experience but it's almost midnight and pajamas i decided that laying flat on an airplane and getting some sleep is all part of the first class experience we have some free sweatpants and a lighter gray top it's pretty much a standard airplane bathroom except they have free toothbrushes pretty sure this is expensive blown in case you don't feel like drying your hands with paper they also have cloths to dry your hands on it's over the top it's too much i've reached my limit i'm uh just gonna let that speak for itself as if the seat itself wasn't good enough they gave me like this two inch memory foam mattress this is ridiculous okay now i just have to figure out how to turn all these lights off i'll see you in a couple hours wow morning afternoon night time whatever time it is time to enjoy the rest of this flight it's not nice [Music] i know i have to tape my pajamas off just because i'm awake right right each suite comes with its own closet ladies and gentlemen welcome to newark liberty international airport it's over it's over welcome to newark thank you so much thank you oh i can't believe it's over that was the fastest 11 hours of my entire life the crew was incredible the food was incredible the seat was incredible and now i have an overnight layover in new york goodbye i'll miss you back to real life all right one hour later i have about 10 hours until my next flight so i'm gonna get some sleep and then in the morning i'll explain how i paid less than a hundred dollars for that flight [Music] go ahead and morning [Music] it's not very good okay let's see if our brain's working well enough to explain this basically the way that we saved all the money we i keep saying we because carriage usually with me the way i saved all the money on that first class ticket was through frequent flyer miles earned by signing up for travel credit cards this is something that carrie and i have been doing for years now actually one of the earliest videos on this channel is me sitting at mcdonald's explaining how we were saving money on flights around southeast asia using miles and points signing up for this credit card we earned 25 000 spg points i think i just fell asleep and we're basically still using the same strategies six years later except instead of redeeming the points for economy i just redeemed the points for a first-class flight so the first thing that you have to do to get a basically free flight like this is somehow earn frequent flyer models and in this specific case i did that by signing up for the american express platinum card once i had the miles in my american express account it was time to figure out how to redeem those miles so i logged into my emirates skywards accounts to search for flights that were available to book with points and that's when i found the flight that i just flew home on it was 85 000 points plus about 90 euros in taxes and fees then once i knew that the flight was bookable with points i headed back over to my amex account to transfer my american express points to my skywards account so i transferred 85 000 american express points those turned into 85 000 skyward points and then all i had to do was redo my points and book the flight and a flight that should have cost over five thousand dollars cost the taxes and fees that i paid for it which were right around 100. if you've never really looked into miles and points that could have sounded like a completely different language so to sum it all up i use points that i earn from signing up for a travel credit card i turn those into frequent flyer miles and then i redeem those frequent flyer miles in order to pay for that ticket make more sense no yes once you have a basic understanding of this stuff it's actually pretty simple and that's one of the things that i'm really excited that we're going to start rolling out with fair drop in 2022 we're going to start adding this miles and points education so we're going to teach you how you can earn and redeem frequent flyer miles to save a ton of money on flights whether you want to redeem those frequent flyer models to fly free in economy or whether you want to figure out how to fly in the front of the plane for the first time we're creating courses that are going to help you do it and it's all going to be free inside your fair drop membership we're still working on perfecting those courses but if you want to go ahead and sign up for fair drop you can start receiving awesome flight deals and know that in the next couple months you're going to start getting access to some awesome miles and points education that's gonna help you start traveling for free maybe even flying in first class that was a bit of a shameless plug but this is something that i'm really passionate about because it's actually how karen and i started traveling in the first place we started finding these flight deals and then i got into miles and points and i was able to book those flight deals using the miles and points and when we first started traveling we were broke newlyweds this was the only way that we could afford to see the world so we saved up a little money to go travel for a year and then one year turned into six and now i'm sitting here and in a way miles and points are the reason that i'm sitting here right now i think i'm still jet-lagged i'm gonna finish this coffee and fly to nashville okay i'm not gonna finish this coffee hello and welcome to the friendly skies united express okay i'm all checked in for my last flight and it's back to real life back in 32d in economy but it was fun while it lasted i think i'm gonna end the video here because showing an economy fly just doesn't seem very exciting after what i just experienced also for any of you who are hoping to see karen i reunited at the end of this video you're gonna be disappointed because she's still in texas with her sister but in 72 hours we will be reunited again and we are counting it down or as kara said three more sleeps until we get to see each other again so that'll be the next video it's definitely the most expensive ship is first tip not slowing my work yet as if this seat wasn't good enough already [Music]
Channel: Kara and Nate
Views: 4,760,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: first class, emirates first class, first class review, flight review, most luxury flight, business class, best first class, sam chui, emirates first class suite, travel vlog, first class suite, first class emirates, most luxury plane, biggest first class, the points guy, emirates airline, first class flight, luxury travel, emirates business class, av geek, aviation, emirates review, first class flight review, emirates first class suite review, kara and nate, travel
Id: xAtWZOvEnz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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