I Opened The Rarest Pokemon Box In The World ($40,000)

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[Music] something for luck right now look give me luck please three two one oh my God are you kidding me oh my God oh my God oh my God I told you it was possible guys [Music] collecting Pokemon cards is just a part of who I am the memories of opening up these cards as a kid really stuck with me the joy and smiles it brings to people's faces is something that you can't put a price on I think it's almost hardwired into me at this point the only thing I'd ever change would be starting this sooner I never imagined it'd get to this level but I'm grateful for every moment foreign [Music] thousand dollars in a PSA 10. I'm doing with this channel I think and I don't even know if it's gonna work out so for starters we just hit 500 000 subscribers on the channel seven years ago I was 10 000 base set booster box you see the cards inside actually weren't Fable I set every single one of those cards to PSA one and a half years ago and they're finally back through to make it to twenty thousand and a ten our total which brings us just over twenty two thousand dollars in value we beat the scammer what up what up welcome to the stream we're gonna be getting started here just a second we got an absolutely insane box today I cannot wait for this thing all right here goes nothing what's going on everybody today is the day we're opening up one of the rarest booster boxes ever made it's a top five set for sure worth over forty thousand dollars I'm so freaking excited to open this thing you guys have no idea today we are opening up an entire booster box of Legendary Collection this thing is gonna be wild because there's so many Banger cards in here and every single pack has a reverse card fireworks I mean guys there's literally fireworks cars in here it's the fourth freaking July I don't even know how we lined that up so perfectly but check this thing out you guys you might have never even seen a box like this before because of how rare it is we've opened up one of these and it was over three years ago it was probably close to four years ago it's the last time we've seen one of these in the Poke but oh my God look at this on every side the crazy thing about Legendary Collection is that they took all the original sets base set fossil jungle team rocket put it all into this one set and not only that they put every card in as a reverse and the reverses have never been done like this since they did this back in 2002 the box is over 20 years old the reverses are insane I just got to show you guys this box in every like every angle every detail of this masterpiece of a set here one of the last Wizards of the Coast ever sets ever made it's ridiculous you got Gengar Venus so you got Pidgey out there you got Machamp you got Mewtwo you got all the big hitters oh my God the best of the pack are back yes it's ridiculous Vaporeon Arcanine here we go look at this look at this look at this thing seriously I'm beyond excited for this I I can't believe we're actually opening this up right now all right all right all right all right all right all right I gotta get we gotta cut it out we gotta cut it over now oh my God okay okay we got we gotta get a little bit more hype for this chat let's go I want to see the chat blow up right now we are live let me see who's in the chat reptile Emperor what's up poke it Dave what's up Kayla what's up finding UFO what's going on everybody all right are we ready to do this or what okay the Moment of Truth Legendary Collection I can't wait for you guys to see all the pack artworks on this thing too it's wild if you've never seen it before okay oh I always get like extra nervous on this like a box like this yeah I'm gonna be freaking nervous are you kidding me I'm gonna be Beyond nervous right now okay oh there's chat okay all right there's the chat it's flying now yeah we gotta get this one going okay the Box Legendary Collection again if you're showing up right now because we're over it's forty thousand dollars for a box like this it's crazy it's beyond crazy but that's exactly what we do here at the Poke game we do the crazy all right maybe we'll maybe we'll change the angle for this nah now we'll keep it like this we'll keep it like this I'm overthinking everything right now here we go legendary collection and there's gonna be a big surprise on the top that I am going to be giving away to one of you guys okay all right I don't know what it's gonna be but there's gonna be a box topper it's gonna be a giant reverse fireworks pattern card could be Charizard could be uh Raichu could be I don't remember them all but there's four different ones oh there it is [Applause] this was it this is how they did it back then they literally put a giant card on the top look at this thing inside the booster box yeah why did why is Pokemon well going backwards we should be doing this in every booster box nowadays oh my God this right here is what you're gonna see on the reverse look at this thing this is insane this is insane you can't even read the text it's so amazing this is a jumbo reverse dark right shoe oh my God and I'm good I don't have giant sleeves on me what am I wait no yes I do I'll do that in a second but look I'm gonna give this away uh in this live stream to one person here but you got to be subscribed so if you're not subscribed click the Subscribe button and you gotta smash the like button on the video when the live stream ends leave a comment in the comment section of the video and then in two weeks from now in the description the next live stream the winner will be announced there that reminds me check the description of this video today because all the winners are listed down there from the last two weeks or so check it out but now we're gonna look at these pack artworks and they're so nice look at this okay starting off here the first one look at this look at this just oh my God crazy Mewtwo Alakazam Machamp look at this one look at this one right here you cannot pick you cannot pick which one's the best out of these because they're all insane being so charged our Blastoise the legendary birds look at this Moltres Zapdos and Articuno how many times I'm gonna say look at this but look at this for real the evolutions Flareon Vaporeon and Jolteon tell me right now which one of these pack RX is the best because I guarantee you you probably can't because I don't even I can't I can't I cannot tell you because they're always look at this stick dude all right I gotta calm down a little bit like I'm actually going kind of kind of crazy like all day I was just pacing back and forth I'm like we're gonna open this up okay first thing I gotta do is we're gonna take all the packs out of this thing okay because we're gonna mix them up we're gonna completely randomize this thing so we have no idea what's gonna happen here except I do know it's gonna be is that it's gonna be insane it's gonna be crazy Okay Legendary Collection again I'm gonna let you guys know One More Time released near 2002 it's over 20 years old every pack contains a fireworks reverse pattern card Pokemon has not done anything like it since and it's been over 20 years it's kind of like uh it's uh I mean you saw the Box topper right you saw the Box topper that's what we can expect for every reverse they're the best reverse cards Pokemon has ever made in my opinion that doesn't get better than the fireworks reverse cards here we're going to be seeing fireworks in the cave right now all right I know it's the fourth of July right now happy Fourth of July but right now in the cave we're celebrating its Style with one of the rarest booster boxes ever made and uh we're literally we're setting off fireworks every single pack we open up here is fireworks okay we're almost ready to go we're gonna open up our first booster pack in just a second just gotta get all these back in here oh my God this is gonna be crazy now okay let me just tell you guys some of the big cars you bought here of course the reverse fireworks Charizard which is the OG artwork and the PSA 10 goes for over fifteen thousand dollars just for that one card the Gengar is over twelve thousand dollars for the reverse pattern the Charizard regular Hollow is over 12 Grand at 10. the Darth vay Portland Hall is over five or four grand in ten thorax reverses three thousand dark Blastoise versus three thousand Pikachu reverses three thousand and ten Mewtwo dude the list it's like like I kept I could keep scrolling at the cards that are worth thousands of dollars in a tent but it doesn't matter because we're gonna be okay that's we're gonna make it even that's even now we're gonna just we're just gonna be celebrating right now in style look at this even this thing is hollow we're gonna put this back like so there's not many times that you're gonna see a box of Legendary Collection opened up the top popped like that and just ready to go all right we're gonna get it going with our first booster pack right now remember the Box stopper I know I don't have any sleeve yet because I need a jumbo sleeve this again giving away to one subscriber make sure you're subscribed obviously because it's going to the subscriber make sure you smash the like button and make sure you leave a comment in the comment section once the live stream ends all you gotta do is refresh the video the comment section will open up and voila you can enter the giveaway it's easy I don't want to pick that up money Mark anyway we're starting off with our first person you can't make this up who's going big all right it's Thomas M Thomas M is back again you remember Tom you have to remember Thompson last it was Thomas right that just went all like crazy on the other one I'm pretty sure it was Thomas M is going for four packs 507 41 four packs all right we got the evolutions can we get all four pack arcs that would be nuts we got Mewtwo Machamp Alex oh my God we might get all four let's go come on we got the starters oh and we got the birds let's freaking go oh my God okay dude you actually got all four back artworks that's nuts imma just do them in order right out I'ma just do them in order right out of the box like that okay all right all right all right all right here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go pack number one why am I extremely nervous for this right now I can't believe we got all four pack artworks all right start off with the evolutions right now for our first pack of Legendary Collection just look at this all right 11 additional game cards the back on here they're big they're bad they're all your favorite Pokemon from Pokemon Blue and Pokemon Red GameBoy games back in Action new Pokemon Legendary Collection set oh it's just it's just crazy wizard of Coast on the bottom there of course here we go all right hack number one legendary collection oh my God okay okay calm down dude calm down I need to calm down and I don't think there's any Patrick on these I think they just put it right in there and you just get to the goods at the end I'm pretty sure all right that's the symbol for Legendary Collection as you can see four sets in one and then they just made him crazy with the reverse we gotta throw us we got magnemites we got Pikachu we're getting jungle cards we're getting base cards we got Sage over again fossil cards we got both swords we got more base set cards Bill come on we got Magikarp we got a potion I think we might be coming up on the rare either this one or the next one it's gonna be the next one we got a Psyduck in our first pack is gonna be oh my God the Butterfree they actually put it as a reverse in legendary collection I completely forgot butterfrees are rare but this is the thing right every pack is gonna have an insane fireworks card some of them being worth up to fifteen thousand dollars each here goes on the first one at three two what oh boy the ride on as our first reverse and look at them this is literally fireworks it's literally fire what is with the chat now they added like emojis or something like that I think like all like I see like emojis flying up I don't know I I they changed it since last time we were live oh my God okay ride on as our first reverse these are so insane you get any of the cards in Reverse here all right number one off of our list going in and actually let me check it out again I think everything's on the front stuttering wise was amazing hold on hold on centering wise is pretty amazing on this let me check the back looks pretty good there's like a little speck there and I think I did see a print line yeah right there going on the border I haven't seen one I don't think I've seen one going like that before on the board but anyway we got one down we got three more packs let's get a freaking Charizard or something to start this video off or like a gang like there's so many big hitter cars in the set it's actually mind-blowing actually mind-blowing pack number one down let's move on to booster pack number two I'm ready to see some insane legendary collection cards I hope you guys are as well I hope you're excited all right let's celebrate in style who said like people are probably setting off legit fireworks right now we're just doing the Safeway here with the we just got we're just pulling reverse fireworks cars okay we got my chopped to start off this pack we got a monkey the monkey into a primate all right another Mankey the monkey and yes you can double up on cards because these were made to be played they actually made this set so you could build decks and make it a lot easier because you get multiples of the same cards and packs and same theme right so we got like fighting and stuff all right we got potion energy Rhyhorn we did get the ride on as the fireworks reverse we gotta say it's true we gotta say a slash all right that's not our rare our rare is gonna be coming up give me the first Hollow baby give me the first Hollow baby oh my God he's fine they brought me champ back from base set and you can actually Pull It in a box not just the theme deck holy and it ain't over yet all right Thomas it ain't over yet because you're gonna have another card behind here which could be equal or crazier than this this is an OG Ken sugamori artwork that's crazy I forgot this was in here okay okay ready I don't I want to see something it's saying behind this Machamp all right here we go here we go here we go who's gonna be it could be anything it could be anything it could be anything Kabuto let's go we'll take it Kabuto reverse oh my God look at the fireworks patterns on these they're nuts opening up a box like of Legend collection is just so it's just so exciting and fun to like it's ridiculous I can't believe we're doing this this card is by the way it's so clean this car literally looks perfect on the front by the way like it actually looks perfect on the front let's check the back out let's check the back out okay back looks perfect except for that tiny tiny little thing right there this card's really really clean the double Banger pack my Champion Kabuto and I was gonna try to like pull up prices on stuff but there's so many let me see if I can pull up my champ put champ real quick the chip BSA 10 goes for around 550 in a 10. all right so I gotta get card saved oh my God we double the amount of card savers for today come on and if you guys want your very own jumbo reverse fireworks pattern card which pretty sure in a 10 is worth it's got to be worth a thousand plus I would I would assume I don't know the ride shoe I haven't checked uh you might win in today's giveaway make sure you subscribe if you're not hit the Subscribe button smash the like button on the video leave a comment in the comment section went to the live stream ends and you're good to go you're entered giveaway winners are announced every two weeks in the description of live streams the winners from the last two weeks are down below in this live stream make sure you check it out see if you're one if you're a winner I think we're a winner today on this video all right let's go we got the OG Trio right here fully evolved Venusaur Charizard and Blastoise which one's the best Venusaur Charizard or Blastoise people will debate this for centuries okay I almost did the Patrick we don't need him on this one we're a pack number three for Thomas every pack ladies and gentlemen is amazing we've got Nidorino and Nidoran we got a Weedle we got Kakuna we got Weedle again oh my God everybody's here to chat dude everybody's here let's go thank you guys for being here for this is crazy oh my God all right let's let's go baby let's go baby this is sick Spearow into pharaoh we got Spiro again I think we're coming up on a rare now after this one Abra come on baby into all the Hypno not Hollow rare that's fine because every pack it's gonna have fireworks come on be a big one make this the craziest one make this the crazy one it's blue oh it's Psyduck Psyduck reverse fireworks patterns that's sick every card to turn any card into a banger like you can't even read the text how do people even play the game with these back in the day bro you have to get your glasses on I'm like really look at that thing this crate like why are we not having reverse cards like this anymore so far the three packs but we got three fireworks reverse cards so far and like every single one of those cards I can look it up so hard to find anything in this set because there's so many big cards all right we're gonna move on to our fourth pack either way here we go pack number four of four let's see if we get one more Hollow baby let's see if we can do it and thank you guys for being in the chat I'm trying to keep up with you but you guys are just going crazy in the chat like it's like I can't even keep up with you guys thank you so much for all the members people that uh we're sending over some super chats and uh remember Milestones thank you guys so much I don't know if I keep up with you today it's tough I'm trying I'm trying to focus on this on these packs is everyone is like gotta like stay dialed in on this thing all right here we go we got the mysterious fossil to start it off here another mysterious fossil I think I've ever seen two in a row the same before kabutso we got Onyx we got Geodude we got Graveler I wonder if that's an error with the two mysterious fossil cards in a row then they obviously can double up on cards in this set and packs Geo dude again but I don't think I've ever seen him back to back like that good job maybe this will be an extra good pack I'm a joke can I get him a champ we already got him a champ we don't need it we got oh the OG venusaur's back in legendary collection as a hollow on the fourth pack Pull It in honestly one of the best cars you could get I would say I would say it's probably one of the best Hollows that's nuts TV destroy where you at Team Bulbasaur where you at on this one this is big this is big okay all right all right I'm gonna check on that in a second but I gotta see what's behind here what's behind door number one or two I don't know alrighty come on just making a reverse for you to sort of go with this one make it a reverse to go with this one What's it gonna be What's it gonna be me out the reverse dude not bad we'll take it two Hollows on four packs four and by the way dude the hollows are crazy look at these things Venusaur Hollow can I pull that up oh my God there's so many cars I can't even it's like they're everywhere Venusaur PSI 10 uh goes around a thousand dollars if I can find the nine I'll tell you but there's a million cards in this set oh my God they're everywhere in a nine around uh 150 200 I think okay sleeve up everything I'm gonna do a recap on Thomas's packs right now two Hollows on four packs is really good plus you get the four reverse uh fireworks cards that are just perfect for today on the fourth of July I don't know how you could I don't know I don't know how you I okay check it out I'm gonna get all the all the reverse fireworks cards real quick for Thomas I'll show you guys here they are we had Meowth Kabuto Psyduck and ride on then not like that we got two Banger Hollows we got Venusaur and we got Machamp two base set cards right there Legendary Collection a forty thousand dollar box one of the toughest boxes you could ever find in the Pokemon TCG getting opened up live in the poker cave right now if you guys are here for this one make sure you say what's up in the live chat because uh could be the last time we ever do this one like we have opened up a legendary collection box one other time but it's literally like almost four years ago it's crazy all right we're gonna continue right now Thomas thanks for jumping in congrats on all those polls I need to see some massive like fireworks cards coming up now I think I think they're gonna be coming nah nah screw that they I know they're gonna be coming I know they're coming Jennifer K 507 42 you got one booster pack and it's gonna be the OG starters baby okay here we go Jennifer you got one pack let's make it happen for you just on one single pack of legendary collection you could potentially pull you could get two like imagine getting it the Charizard Hollow and the Charizard reverse fireworks card in one pack that would be the greatest pack of Pokemon cards like you could probably ever open up the decorated double Banger pack you will ever see that's even physically possible we got Bill we got magic cards we got some base set more base set potion we got uh Psyduck we got Golduck we got some Psyduck action and we got sealed we got dugong all right come on come on we got seal again you ready for this are we ready for this oh my god oh you did oh dude one back oh you already know what I was thinking you already know because you all were thinking the same thing we love nine tails though but you can't jump you know what you're thinking it's it's like obvious oh my God one bad magic baby follow up the knights Hills follow up the night Tails follow it up oh my god let's go baby ain't no way this is real life right now ain't no way this is real life right now ain't no way oh my God what what Jennifer Jennifer oh my God nah ain't no way that just happened what a dude I can't even handle this right now oh my God which card is better that's the thing I don't even know which card would you rather have right now nine tails Hollywood dark dragon knight fireworks dude this is unreal oh my God I gotta put him in card Savers hang on I gotta try to look up some of this it takes a second because there's so many cards nine tails Hollow I love oh wait wait wait wait wait I'm on the wrong spot nine tails Hollow PSA ten two thousand dollars for what is happening hold on let me double check that before I say stuff like that what apparently that's the last one sold but it was like two years ago so take it with a grain of salt PSA 10 2000 nine tails uh dark Dragonite bro that's gonna be oh God what dark Dragonite uh reverse yeah dark dragon knight reverse uh in a ten it's like sixteen hundred dollars or something was it in a nine oh my God I'm just gonna need people in the chat to help me out with this because I can't sit and like search this whole time uh because there's just too many Dragonite Dragonite Dragonite reverse in a nine is still nine hundred dollars what bro Dr Dragonite is literally one of the biggest cards you could get oh my God okay okay I gotta stop looking up stuff right now yeah this is still 900 even you get a 9 on the dark dragon it's still a 900 card Jennifer that's insane and it's still the dark dragon it's still like not even in the top 20 most valuable cards in the set that's how crazy this set is I told you guys weren't messing around today all right all right here we go yeah this it would be so much easier if Chad could help me put a 10 price and a nine price for every Hollow in Reverse Hollow we get in the chat we make it so much easier I use the psa's uh auction prices Tab and you can just go to like recent sales it was like I just I can't stop I'll be stopping like 100 times in the video that's insane Jennifer congratulations you have Insane luck that's I'm sorry that's the best pack I would say so far am i that's my favorite pack so far anyway oh my God even though the nine tails was insane followed up with a dark dragon knight reverse crazy pack all right let's keep it going [Music] Jennifer Alan and going for two packs 507-44 keeping it going here we got the starters and we've got the birds baby let's go all right we're gonna start actually you know what you tell me which one should we start with chat starters or Birds put it in the chat starters if you want starters or Birds I'll choose one person in the chat okay choose one person in the chat to decide it right now maximum thank you for gifting one membership banana Fox YouTube appreciate the Dono Michael H I think for 18 months dude Woodstock thank you for becoming a member Jessica thank you everyone remember Eric thank you for eight months Mississippi trains thank you for the don't know Pokeball or bike with 20 months baby let's go okay yeah that was a perfect time to start up the street uh phase days says go with the birds all right Birds it is we're going with the birds let's start off with this one all right Alan let's continue with the craziness Legendary Collection people it doesn't slow down right I don't even like I'm trying to even just start to read chats that you guys have said and I can't even slow down with this this right now it's just intense I mean it's really like crazy Pidgey we got Corrales potion Charmander all right there's gonna be a fire this is a fire pack right here okay fire type pack baby buy your tie pack right now if something could happen oh my God please please you know what we need to happen right now Charmander Charmander Charmeleon come on come on ponyton Rapidash come on come on holy Todd though we're at the ramp for a second okay okay here we go come ah go boot top it's not Hollow rare but that's fine because every pack could still end with the craziest thing you've ever seen in your life let's see if we can do it right now come on oh Dratini the dark Dragonite evolved all the way down to Chichen it was so beautiful that's an insane card to get honestly for the fireworks pattern that looks amazing oh dude I want to see Dragonair now you can play with us like that we have the dark Dragonite from rocket we got drakini as well from base set but now give me the Dragonair from base set two please we need the Dragonair we need Dragonair all right um this is going in like that and then we got one more pack for Alan let's go all right all right so I remember Charizard Gengar Vaporeon Snorlax Blastoise Mewtwo um Articuno uh everybody's here in this set Alakazam everybody's here in this set okay let's go Metapod Caterpie we got Knitter in all right come on anything's possible anything's possible we got Bill execute we got me out grimer nasty goo come on turn this up crazy bedroom okay it's fine come on reverse come on fireworks come on fireworks oh oh the wind I even worse than a meter what's a Weedle why are you gonna do us like that all right the most fancy Weedle you'll ever see in your life is right here as a reverse fireworks pattern all right Weedle going in as well no Hollows on those two but again you always get the fireworks you have Dratini and a weed will go in it for Alan appreciate you jumping in Dratini is a is a banger though honestly to get somebody said your teeny PSA 10 about a thousand honestly Dratini I wouldn't doubt it let me double check that now because now I'm curious Dratini Georgina [Music] now I want to know for sure Dratini Dratini where are you ten that's why I can't stop and look takes too long there's about 400 not a thousand see now I can't I can't rely on chat either that's no it's like 400 in a ten okay these are going in Alex appreciate you jumping in still continuing on Legendary Collection right now people somebody said nope it's just a flashy Worm for me oh which would you rather have Dratini or Weedle Dratini we got Cody B with one pack 507.45 let's make and let's look at this again let's just get a close-up shot like look at this how one of you just hold the Legendary Collection Box in your hand freshly opened up look at that all right Cody one booster pack it's the starters are you doing any giveaways every single day pretty much yes check the description down below to see all the winners for the last two weeks and for the live stream giving away a crazy reverse fireworks pattern right shoebox topper we got radicate rats attack my boy there we go Bulbasaur oh and Ivy sword let's go yo this pack is actually fire Bulbasaur Caterpie there's a real true worm right there Metapod Hatter P come on come on little red come on we see something crazy oh that's Moltres not Hollow oh it's not holiday okay all right all right that's fine our reverse is gonna be no way no way no way no freaking way no freaking way oh my God oh my God oh my God no no no way no place no oh my God the greatest skank guard the greatest Gengar you could ever get oh my God this dream Gengar it's the Gengar that you own oh my god dude you gotta be kidding me right now Gengar if this card gets a PSA 10. it's worth between 12 and 13 000. Cody we need a second to breathe I need a second to breathe I need a second to breathe oh my God you did not you did not we did not just pull that bro oh my God I gotta look at the card I have to look at this thing oh my God please don't have a print line please don't have a print Line This is insane this Gengar right here is the OG fossil the reason it's number one it's insane because it's Gengar it's my boy but number two is like there's only 10 of these that exist in a 10 or something like that it might be less it's actually ridiculous okay please don't have a print line Gengar come on buddy come on buddy you gotta be kidding me you guys kidding me exactly dude is that clean oh my God I think it's clean oh my God bro there's not a front line there's no front line there's no print line there's no print line there's no print line PSA you better be watching this take some notes tiny little thing down there dude oh my God oh my God you gotta be kidding that is insane that is insane dude Cody oh my God you're insane dude the front is actually ridiculous like I don't think I've ever seen a nicer front of a Gengar before Oh my god dude oh my God oh my God that is nuts bro what the only other card higher up than that is like the Charizard cards value-wise oh my God Cody you are insane all right it's going in free Cody oh my God bro I can't believe that see that's what I'm talking about there wasn't even a hollow in that pack and you literally just pulled out the craziest card in the entire opening so far oh let's go y'all give me some YouTube I need a Mewtwo now I need I need an LS 507 46 you got three going big baby okay I see you I see you one with the legendary birds two with the starters and three with the evolution somebody Chad tell me which pack to start with please what do we do in the birds birds starters or Evolutions let me know chat one person will decide which one we open unreal Maggie somebody said the nine goes for around 1100 by the way so if it's a nine boom ten boom all right I think this box was made for me I think this box was actually made for me right now I'm gonna choose one person in three seconds three two one we're going with um the Bambino fan says the starters starters it is why not we'll go with the starters all right and now good luck three packs let's see if we get our next hollow out of this box we got three so far haven't seen one in a minute but it doesn't even matter because every pack can be insane no matter what Abra Kadabra Abra I need Alakazam now drowsy oh snore legs oh my God Snorlax wait what they put you in as an uncommon oh used to be a rare dude it's drowsy Gastly Hunter give me a Gengar Hollow then oh gasly what is happening with this bag oh it's Electro no but that's okay because as you saw in the last bag everything changes when you get to that fireworks car come on baby oh Neato Queen solid dude solid the Neato Queen Hollow dude that's solid I love the uh the pink in the background why is my camera keep going out of focus crazy enough they could keep up in here right now the Neato Queen though we'll take it the rare it should be a rare is that right yeah the rare fireworks baby all right let's keep going Neato Queen let's go to the next pack it's getting wild in here I actually can't like I'm close to not being able to handle this thing right now okay here we go here we go here we go pack number two we got the nidorina we got the Nidoran we got bill we gotta execute we got me out grimer execute I want to see something wild I need to see a crazy Hollow right now we need to get we need a charger we need a charger come on oh okay that's not what you want to see energy retrieval fireworks pattern because yes you can get the trainers they put every card in as the reverse even the trainers all right trainer going in we still got one pack come on come on now last pack magic let's go chat let's pack magic in the chat right now we need last pack Magic oh I don't know what is happening in my camera right now hang on one second put last back Magic while I do this real quick camera's like bugging out we good be back be back hello there we go okay good let's see if that fixed it okay let's pack magic baby come on you know here we go here we go here we go all right pack number three Magnemite oh the boss is way Giovanni solid card both sword Pikachu we got Tauros magnemites Pikachu's back again Sidra Boltz orb oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no way oh my God this cannot be real this is a simulation bro I can't handle this oh my God what is happening oh my freak dude I can't handle it I actually can't handle this right now oh my God you gotta be kidding me right now you actually have to be kidding me right now you have to be kidding me right now what else can we get in this pack we just got the Gengar Hollow we literally just got the reverse fireworks one like four packs ago okay okay come on come on follow it up follow it up follow it up follow it up oh scoop up dude doesn't matter though the Redemption round with the Gengar freaking hole dude you can't make this up oh my God how do we get both of them this is nuts this is actually insane hold on let me let me just up too let me see if I can even pull this up hold on hold on hold on the crazy thing is wait the crazy thing is oh my God the hollow one can I even find any hold on hold on hold on when's the last one oh my God this one doesn't even exist either there's no sales how many of these are how many of these are in a ten hold on hold on hold on Gengar what there's none bro there's literally zero there's literally zero that existed this card's never graded a 10. these cards never great at a 10. hey this card was a 10. oh my God is All I'm gonna say oh dude if you got a 10 on this this will be the most viable car in the entire set I'm gonna assume that this card probably always has print lines on the hollow thank you whoa oh my God dude hold on this has a couple Corner things dude I don't think there's a print line do you guys see any what do you guys think oh my God that's nuts I didn't really I didn't even know that there are no that is crazy there are no uh there's there's none of these in a tent there's literally none that exists in a ten what that front is actually crazy the only thing is there's a couple things on a couple of Corners I don't know you guys tell me we got three fireworks and that last pack magic baby it worked like a charm we got a Gengar Hollow uh maybe it's a cgc10 you know what I'm saying you know what I'm saying you know what I'm saying you know what I'm saying all right all right next next pack next pack nice bags guys I'm sorry okay next pack is Michael S 507 47. 507 47 with one pack and it's gonna be Mewtwo I don't know what to call this one legendary Pokemon not legendary Pokemon cool Pokemon I don't know um YouTube Machamp Alakazam Michael S one pack baby one pack baby Michael get ready here we go here we go here we go baby come on we gotta say it's true we gotta say a slash say it's true we got the right horn we got the Doduo and the dodrio the doe Duo Pidgey Growlithe come on all right it's time for some one pack Magic Michael oh my God oh my God I gotta stay cool I gotta stay cool because there's something else behind this I gotta stay cool I gotta stay cool oh my God oh my God okay oh my god oh oh my God what's gonna be behind it oh my God if it's no no I can't handle this what is it what is it what is it oh oh my God stop stop stop oh hold on oh my God what oh my God what I can't do this I can't handle this right now oh my God boys oh my God dude is too much this is too much oh my God no oh my God we just one up the greatest pack we just won up the greatest back Charizard Hollow and Gyarados reverse oh my god dude Charizard Hollow PSA 10 12 to 13 000 if it hits a ten think Gyarados oh my God I pulled the Gyarados Gyarados do we even have any I can't I can't keep pulling up tabs what is happening right now oh my God somebody pinched me right now please this is the greatest Legendary Collection Gyarados doesn't even exist how what is there like 110 I don't know Gyarados doesn't even exist another card that does this doesn't exist in a 10. so that's anybody's guess right now hold on hold on hold on hold on now I need to know oh only seven exist in Italian girls oh my God oh my God you just easier I can't oh Michael wait Michael S is this somebody wait hold on is this who I think it is wait what hold on I think this is I'm not sure if it is this part wait is this wait wait wait wait wait I don't know if it's you or not dang it it's somebody that I'm thinking but I don't know if it's actually you or not but if it is I know all you look for is Charizards Michael S pulling in oh my god did this one up is this the best pack right now is this the I don't even know anymore I can't do it's just like so insane that we keep getting crazier packs Charizard Hollow Gyarados reverse I gotta look at this thing dang dude these cards keep Hollows keep coming out so nice is it skarsard oh my God I thought it was is this skarsard the dude literally the Charizard pulling King oh my God wait the back is actually perfect the bag is actually perfect oh my god dude wait we could be dealing I gotta take this out I think this is a 10. hold on dude the back is actually perfect on this thing wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I gotta look at this I gotta look at this closer oh my god dude why we're not getting any print lines there's no print line there's no print line oh my God ladies and gentlemen this is just what we do legendary collection opening up an entire box pulling out some of the uh we're not even halfway down the Box and we've already had some of the greatest pulls you get out here some of the greatest double Banger packs actually lost my mind like 50 times already it's insane let's keep it going Charizard Hollow pool what else is this box have in store for us Simon W 507 48 with two packs going for two again look we're not even halfway done this thing yet we're not even halfway done this thing yet oh my God the craziness right now all right Simon continue with the madness legendary collection an opening like this rarely rarely rarely ever ever comes up and today was our day to make this happen Sandshrew ryhorn and it's turning into literally the craziest oh I think one of the craziest openings we've ever had I actually can't believe this so Duo Pidgey Growlithe but what else can make this even better I can think of a whole bunch of things Pidgeot non-hollowing the rare that's all right though we can follow it up oh The Magikarp Gyarados devolved into the Magikarp still a sick card where's the magic card fans Magikarp there's actually huge Magikarp fans uh if you don't know that a lot of Magikarp cards actually go for a ton because there's so many people that just love collecting Magikarp like you might not realize it true oh my God it really is true hang on is this for real wait I gotta double check before I say this hold on I just want to see if that was a one-off sale or what apparently last one sold October for two thousand dollars on auction Magikarp PSA 10. okay well that's Magic card there you go I told you that's why that's why you gotta check every single one that's insane Simon with the with the w pool right there Magikarp baby oh yeah the people in the shower saying yeah crazy right you might not realize it but yeah that card right there if you can get it in a 10. ridiculous a lot of these cards are ridiculously rare all right let's go Bulbasaur Ivysaur Bulbasaur Caterpie Metapod I can predict them now at that point Caterpie now it's gonna be something different then Iran did Arena yep and are rare after this one it's gonna be oh the Golem non-hollow from fossil that's fine well let me follow it up baby let me follow it up oh Simon Simon just getting the Banger reverse Hollows it's saying the fireworks are going off today it is insane here in the pool game I cannot just can't believe the craziness that we've had Moltres another Banger look at that Magikarp and Moltres the team you would never expect teaming up there Magikarp and pop Moltres I'm just gonna try check really quickly I don't think this might be another one that I just can't find anything on because it just doesn't exist let me say give me one second all right seriously if you guys are enjoying this video do me a solid smash the like button there's like 7 000 people watching we only got around 2 000 likes see if we get that to like 4 000. yeah there's like no tens of this card is there uh it might be around a thousand and it's hard to say there's like I don't think there's barely any tens of this I don't have time to check everything though but yeah I mean you got Banger cards you got some Banger cards I'll say that all right let's keep going we're getting closer to being hit like through this thing we got we're getting closer but still I mean I can't I can I just there's been so many packs that have just blown my mind on this thing all right we're continuing Parker s 507 49 you got one pack I've seen plenty of one pack magic today one pack here we go let's see what we can get good luck Parker I want to see a reverse Charizard I want to see a reverse Charizard we still got plenty of Pokemon that we gotta pull here speaking of we need Blastoise we need you too we need other legendary birds we need Alakazam I mean the list goes on this is ridiculous list that's our Hollow sorry that's our heart that's our rare that's our rare but it's wild up come on let's spot him oh seeing true saying true reverse fireworks we'll take it all right Sandshrew going in Parker appreciate you jumping in saying shrimp by the way like I said I don't have time to look up price on every single one of these but there could very well be card like a Sandshrew or just like a basic Pokemon that there's like one or two that exist in a ten that's still like thousand two thousand three thousand dollar card you don't you know you just have to look look at every single card but I just don't have time otherwise the stream will be like an extra hour and I gotta get to grilling after this Camellia s two packs hex 507.50 we have the starters we got Mewtwo all right we're almost halfway there how much I'm gonna start this I'm gonna start with the starters let's start with the starters why not all right let's see what we could do come on baby let's go and plenty of cards left that we still haven't seen like there's a there's the list of cards is so long it's ridiculous Pidgey Squirtle dark war Turtle we need Blastoise now Squirtle tentacle Tentacruel come on baby tons of cool ocean ammonite coming up on our rare it is a badger already oh my God okay the first of two ready let's blow it up let's follow it up we gotta go right now we gotta go right now oh good that real do you want to pack doesn't end it really doesn't end oh my God the hollows are so clean so this is crazy look at this bro literally even the hollows that normally would have a print line are like more likely just like oh wait wait sorry there's a tiny if you look great where it's ears oh where his ears would be see a little bit one actually because I was gonna say this one's usually Articuno that one it's pretty tough Banger artwork dude look at this fossil baby fossil baby and Kadabra speaking of Kadabra cadaver just came back in the latest Pokemon set and honestly the last set cadaver was in I don't know this might have been the this might have been the last one cadaver was in does anybody know can somebody tell me in chat this might have been the last one cadaver was in ever or very very close to it if not the last one that's crazy [Music] Articuno around 2300 if it were to hit a 10 it does have a print line I have anything on Kadabra okay let's go hold on pack number two come on all right all right all right The Majestic frozen turkey I like that okay we've got Vulpix energy retrieval more ball picks Evie Arcanine we got bill right to tell eradicate another one ready ready Come on follow it up followed up followed up jinx as a rare how could you do that Skyridge was the last one okay so pretty close Jake's into It's gotta be some crazy oh my God what is it oh it's Charmander let's go dude that's solid yo I saw the red Charmander that's crazy Charmander my boy it's the OG artwork but with freaking fireworks how can you beat that these are the best reverse cards Pokemon's ever made in my opinion but what do I know they're they're good they're really good Charmander baby Charmander reverse oh my God are you kidding me wait Charmander reverse let me double check let me double check before I say what I think yeah last one sold two months ago for two thousand dollars 2 000 in a PSA 10 on charmand dude you just got the lineup look at this packs Charmander reverse cadaver reverse in an Articuno Apollo somebody said dang that's not the best pack that's a pretty good pack dude it's a pretty good pack if you ask me especially if that Charmander is like a 10 or like really like perfect it's a pretty good pack [Music] let's keep going Eric s 507 51. all right now we got one more pack on the left side and then we're gonna move into the right side of this box here we go I forgot to mention at the end at the end of the stream I'm gonna be opening up a couple of shadowless packs you guys have seen sometimes we open them up and it gets pretty wild all right here we go Eric you got one pack let's make it happen Slowpoke challenge entertaining oh there's Dragonair I need that in Reverse that'd be so sick with the fireworks pattern Magnemite bosses away Bellator Pikachu we got Nido Queen come on come on oh exeggutor reverse fireworks pattern baby we'll take it what did they put that in us a rare okay they put the executors uncommon before right yeah I think it was uncommon yeah they switched up the Rarity on a lot of these executive actually looks car looks way better with their I mean they all look way better with the with the reverse fires what am I talking about but that one actually looks like a lot better with it versus without it all right that is going in for Eric so plenty of cards left to find on our Legendary Collection booster box opening one of the rarest boxes in the world getting opened up right here live in the Poke if you're live make sure you say what's up in the chat we're setting off fireworks today for the fourth with the Legendary Collection Adrian G back at it 507 52 one pack and we're starting off the right side as you guys can see it's going down on the right side we got about 18 packs I would say Adrian let's make it happen on this one come on Blastoise come on YouTube come on Alakazam got Charmeleon Charmander Ponyta Rapidash Ponyta I'm from the future I know Vulpix not nine tails I don't know what it's gonna be energy retrieval oh there it is man Adrian with the Jolteon Hollow jungle reprint and legendary collection these Hollows look so sick Bro please I need this to be an absolutely crazy double Banger for Adrian one back magic it exists come on oh it's a freaking you got to be kidding me it's a freaking I was like getting ready to see an Alakazam or like a Mewtwo threw a Pidgey at us oh this looks crazy dude the hollows are so freaking clean it's insane there's no print lines on this one that I see I don't think oh wait is that one no that's part of the artwork I don't no it's part of the artwork right oh no for sure but Jolteon looks amazing it looks amazing tiny little thing right there Wild a Jolteon Hollow and a Pidgey reverse right behind it craziness anybody have info on the Jolteon in a tent let me know let me know let me know I don't feel like stopping and looking when I can tell you it's probably crazy as long as they exist in a 10. all right crazy pack one pack right there Adrian making it happen let's move on to the next one all right next person up we had Simon B 507 53 with one booster pack Legendary Collection come on people smash the like button on this video this never happens this never happens are we ready we got Charmeleon Charmander Ponyta Rapidash we got more fire type here Vulpix energy retrieval Vault picks we got an Eevee exeggutor see it looks way better with that fireworks pattern exeggutor the rare come on come on Simon oh the Golem reverse this car looks way better with it so Golem's gonna be the reverse fireworks pattern going in yeah I appreciate all you guys hanging out here in the live chat say what's up hanging out having a good time I love to see it all right all right all right Simon I want to interact more with the chat right now I'm just trying to like Focus like super focus on this Legendary Collection Box because I don't want to mess anything up last thing I want to do is mess up on this box but uh I appreciate all you guys hanging out here all the new members we have early P 507 54 two packs all right Harley ready we got one we got two actually you know what chat tell me starter or Evolutions which one should I open first let me know starters or Evolutions I'm gonna choose one person I gotta rehydrate on this before I pass out here let's give it more nine for 12 months dude in with six months right hand becoming a member the money with the Dono thank you for all you do to support smaller streamers car party stream raids Etc you're a legend I appreciate you all right we got Ben back at it what's up Ben yo Ben do 30 points I haven't seen you in a minute I see you dude you came back at the perfect time to make an appearance all right Dusky says Evolutions all right Dusky the evolutions we'll start off with that one just because you said so what's the Box topper I'll show you that after these two packs because I'm giving it away to one subscriber so you might want to hit the Subscribe button right now all right Harley let's make it happen Nidoran Nidorino we got Weedle and Kakuna another Weedle we got Spiro are they ready watch this we got it we got hit on the beat ril into oh nice way to make up for that nice way to make up for that nine tails maybe fireworks pattern insane all right we made up for that beat drop that was the worst beat drop pull I've ever done in my life but we definitely rebounded there with that nine Tails Insane can I pull that up uh hold on nine tails night tails night sales around two thousand oh no I'm sorry around a thousand in a PSA 10 on the reverse so many Crazy Cards in this side it's ridiculous okay let's continue let's continue we got the starters up next here Arley let's get it oh yeah we are live today all right ready got Mankey moving into rocket primeape another Mankey Onyx from bass potion Rhyhorn Sandshrew say it slash say it's true magnaton non-hollow let's make up for it again we gotta make up for it again come on oh my God what did some Baggers dude you definitely made up for not having a hollow in your two packs Articuno reverse fireworks freaking pattern crazy thing is I don't know you guys tell me if you have if you could choose this Articuno with the fireworks or the regular Hollow version from this what would you pick I'm actually curious just tell me reverse or just matter of fact for any I'm very curious about this hang on I'm very curious uh uh pull hold on it's gonna pop up in a second version of a card from this set would you prefer prefer to pass I want to see I'm actually have no idea what the poll is going to be or what the results are gonna be Hollow or reverse fireworks okay boom I just put the pull up you're gonna see it pop up in the live chat just vote on that I'm like just genuinely curious what what you would say like if you guys choose between one or the other if you had the Articuno Hollow or the Articuno fireworks reverse I'm I'm just curious there's no right or wrong answer I'm just I just want to know what people majority people would would vote Harley pulling in some bangers right now 1500 a ps600 Articuno there's a lot of big cards Corey c 507 55 you got one booster pack all right let's go I'm gonna check that poll in a second I'm gonna check that poll in a second Lisa I appreciate you watching Rick what's going on all right we got Gastly and Haunter more gasly action Slowpoke thrown in there challenge Slowpoke again Dratini Dragonair Dratini dude I cannot believe we got both Gyarados reverse and Hull and Gengar Hollow in reverse that is insane dude come on man this set is wild you cannot deny that you cannot let's follow this up with something massive come on Corey let's go let's go all right ready are we ready oh Kakuna Matata all right dude that's still a nice pack Gyarados looking like just so they're so clean like the Halls are genuinely super clean crazy Gyarados going in throw in a price if you want on the chat I'm Gonna Keep I'm gonna keep going okay keep stopping I gotta keep going all right that was a nice pack Gyarados and Kakuna all right what else like right now there's a there's a big list of cards that I really would love to see here uh that I still want to see even though we pulled so many but like we got the Charizard Holo spoiler alert if you missed it uh but I want we gotta get that reverse fireworks Charizard that's like such an iconic card to pull from this Set uh it's and it's the most valuable it's the number one most viable card in the set unless you count that Gengar that has zero in a PSA ten I think it would honestly beat out that Charizard zero exist in defense Daniel M 507 56 it's gonna be one pack and it's gonna be the legendary birds all right here we go here we go Spiro fearow we got Spiro Abra cadabra Abra again we got drowsy Snorlax drowsy again come on come on oh my God the hollows keep rolling dude let's go we got hit by Lee baby all right followed up with the hitmont lead kick into oh man I find out what are the odds of that Kakuna into a Metapod what is that what Hitman Lee is sick though hit my lead baby can you get hit my chain in this I don't actually know because there's so many cards in set I cannot keep track of them all it's crazy all right that is some more one pack Magic one pack magic right there hang on one second all right check it out check it out check it out we got Hitmonlee and menopause craziest all right next up oh here we go Bobby T's back baby 507 57 let's get it Bobby all right we got the birds Let's see we get somebody said they smell a mime don't you dare say the word MIME in here you can't say that is this even in the sand [Laughter] they didn't put mime in the set there's no mind baby beautiful we cannot miss on this there we go we got Bobby in the chat just shot two years right there all right wish Bobby luck let's go let's see if we get some bangers out of this pack for you come on Bobby let's bring back the luck see if we can get that reverse Charizard Hollow come on Slowpoke let's set off the fireworks we got challenge we got slow poke Dratini we got dark Dragonair your mimes cannot hurt me okay we got Dratini again come on Magnemite the boss's way all right I think we're coming up on our rare come on after this one I lied both sword the rare is gonna be oh Pidgeot donoho rare but we're gonna make up for it with the reverse fireworks pattern come on come on Charizard reverse Charizard reverse What's it gonna be oh the Doduo reverse not the best not the best it's not the best no Duo actually looks crazy with the uh the color of the card with the fireworks on this one like super reflective Duo no Duo uh fireworks going in all right all right all right all right if only you were Charizard buddy you're the wrong chicken you're the wrong bird that's not really a bird chicken you know what I mean going in all right appreciate you jumping in Bobby no dude no Duo had to foil our plans there we got Matt C up next though 507 58. we're keeping it going Legend collection guys make sure you stick around this is like this doesn't happen ever ever so you might not want to miss this might not never happened again genuinely all right potion energy Rhyhorn we gotta say it's true say it's slash say it true again Rhyhorn do Duo dodria don't do it come on come on oh Neato King if oh you were a hollow but it's the non-hollow Neato King it too sin slash sand slash uncommon fireworks reverse right there going in for Matt all right sand slash fireworks baby that's what it is today it's all fireworks is all fireworks today plenty of crazy cards left for us to try to pull here Legendary Collection released in 2002 May of 2002 over 20 years ago up next we have Eric n 507 59. come on Eric got one pack yeah there's uh the same common cards and stuff like that just because this set was made for players mostly to be able to build their decks and uh they put a lot of like the same ones in the same packs too so Rapidash Ponyta rap nope not Rapidash Vulpix energy retrieval Vulpix again got Eevee in there we got Arcanine we got bill come on Eric we got our boy oh whoa I forgot oh that's sick I forgot it was this one that's wild dude this Mewtwo is originally I believe a black star promo and they put it in that's crazy I completely forgot about that so weird seeing it in the set crazy oh that's crazy I completely forgot yeah if it makes sense that's wild that they put this in here so you get this one is as a reverse I guess can you get us a hollow no I ought to double check I don't think you can that's crazy I want that in Reverse now all right come on oh the armor star reverse dang I completely forgot about that Mewtwo being in here I'm a star going in all right all right I'm gonna check that Mewtwo real quick cause now I'm curious because I completely forgot about that completely forgot about that Sue reverse It's gotta be that one as reverse right yeah okay now I see it because I've never you know what it is I haven't seen it as of not Hollow and if I did it like a long time but yeah the reverse we gotta get the reverse of that that's so sick all right we got as a non-hall but you cannot get this as a regular Hollow you can get it as a reverse though see if we can do that all right all right all right all right let's keep it rolling no Blastoise where's the Blastoise at we are still got a decent amount of backs left still looking good next up Jason L 507 60 and you got one pack come on B2 you're right on the front of this pack you're right on the front of this pack baby let's go all right here we go we got nidorina Nidoran built execute meow grimer's still so much crazy stuff we can get in this set like there's still a ton grimer so let's start getting it scoop up oh let's go baby Pikachu reverse honestly one of the best heroes you can get because the Pikachu is just so iconic Pikachu reversed from Jungle oh man that's crazy that's actually crazy to get that because this card is so like iconic and I remember like when the crate like The Craze I say like the 2020 2021 craze everybody was like buying jungle Pikachus for some reason so the reverse one like low-key is is like even better um actually Pikachu reverse is very valuable if you get into 10 too uh hang on it is hang on let me see if I can pull it up real quick yeah out of 10 uh well it's hard to say maybe 2500 to 3 000 in a ten it's kind of hard to say on that one because it hasn't been one sold in a really long time but in a nine around 500 bucks Pikachu jungle another banger all right the one pack Magic even if you don't get a hollow you can still get a hit Daddy a 507 61 you got one pack up and it's gonna be the starter Pokemon getting closer to the end of this thing but we're still going shout out to Britt for holding down with oh my God you put all the poles in this is nuts there's so many all right I really need to see that reverse Charizard though all right bow picks started off here Evie Arcanine nice Bill we got our boy we got eradicate got our boy again Bulbasaur Ivy sword what's that what's that what's that oh dark slow bro let's go I forgot you were in the set I'm sorry buddy that's crazy all right dark Slowbro looks so sick in this all right ready dark Slowbro into all the Onyx reversed one pack magic has been non-stop today it's crazy dork slow bro man this said just it is just fire it truly is a legendary collection like they the name everything is perfect for this set why is there cowbell I cannot listen to that too much cowbell way too much okay Onyx going into the one pack magic boom all right let's continue let's continue all right staying focused on this one here we go next up we have Salvador r507 62. with one pack all right here we go one pack magic yet again let's make it happen oh actually I gotta check on that pole too whoa okay sorry I asked you guys and you can still vote which version of the car would you prefer to have from the set Hollow version of the reverse fireworks reverse fireworks it's way ahead right now with 71 29 Hollow I think I'd rather have the reverse Hollow the reverse fireworks pattern as well if I could choose Arcanine bill our boys back better than ever Bulbasaur Ivysaur Bulbasaur again canopy oh Hypno non-hollow let's follow it up all it takes something crazy in the back of this oh just don't do the trainers just don't do the trainers as the reverse that's the only thing about this set although the odds of getting trainer as the fireworks is pretty low considering there's a bajillion Pokemon you can get as a reverse Salvador I'm sorry potion reverse probably not the best one definitely not the best one Eric s 507 63 with one pack we're getting closer to the end of this thing guys all right here we go mysterious fossil Kabuto onyx we got Geo dude come on Eric Graveler Geodude again Machop from rocket I've not seen a single Machop I don't think maybe we did I can't remember no we did what am I talking about the joke come on come on come on come on come on come on good job just kidding attention to this one all right on nun Hollow but it's fine it's fine we can make up for him you can make up for right now come on Pidgeotto not bad the iconic Pokemon that Ash cards give it right over Pidgey go right to Pidgeotto all right honestly pretty cool the Pidgeotto always liked Pidgeotto all right Eric appreciate you jumping in now we are getting pretty closely on this Legendary Collection Box somehow already I don't know how but we're getting close there's still a handful of cards that I would love to see more than a handful more than a box could even have honestly [Music] all right we have Adrian oh 507 64. it's gonna be this one the evolutions now we have one two three four five all right five final packs still want to see if we get that reverse Charizard what else do we want to see a bunch of things Sandshrew ryhorn doe Duo I have to look at the list because I can't remember there's so many uh Charizard reverse I mean I can't remember a Snorlax reverse would be sick not gonna lie Mewtwo as a reverse would be sick uh the right shoe dark Raichu Hollow would be nice um dude there's so oh my God there's so many cards Alakazam there's a lot so drip dodrio dojo Pidgey growless we got potion Charmander dark freaking Persian baby from rocket that is so sick how are the hollows so clean in this set it's actually kind of crazy and so nicely centered you guys notice that it's ridiculous all right we're gonna follow it up baby dark purse YouTube oh that's actually song I love Ivy sword that's a solid pack that's a solid pack right there but yeah dude look at that crazy Legendary Collection man I remember I remember I think I probably opened like two of these boxes back in like 20 probably like 2016 honestly 2016 maybe one in 2016 one 2017 just like casual but they were like so much cheaper back then they're still like a good chunk of change but not nowhere near what they are now I remember those days they'll just be chilling not not even on video or anything just like it's crazy Ivysaur reverse and dark Persian Hollow nice lineup on the one pack magic right there all right so we're moving on to our next person it's gonna be Sam D 507 65 final four packs see if we get some of these big big time pools Matthew T y'all appreciate the kind words last time you're one of the packs when you were 11 says violet yeah it's crazy all right actually yeah that came out when I was 11. 2001 2002 I actually just turned 12. Charmander we got Ponyta Rapidash we got Ponyta Jake I appreciate it I never will full picks energy retrieval full picks again Evie come on Arcanine we need that reverse Charizard I bet it's gonna be in this one it's gonna be in this one Moltres non-hollow oh I wanted to see this one oh dude see didn't I say it this one looks crazy with the fireworks dark dragon there yo we actually got Dratini Dragonair and Dragonite all with the reverse fireworks patterns that's crazy that Dragonair artwork is so nice from base set that's like my absolute favorite non-hollow rare that you get from base set is Dragonair well not I mean the dark dragon from rocket but the other Dragon I just like dragon air cards from the OG wizard of the coast days but anyway that's pretty solid Dragonair reverse goes for around 800 in a 10. same with the one pack Magic all right we have I think three packs left right I think it's like three yeah three packs final three packs already that's crazy all right get ready for final three action here we're gonna make a count we got Tori H 507 66 final three packs coming up baby final three packs coming up Mr chocolate four months says the reverse Charizard's getting pulled today all right let's make it happen then here we go ready final three packs not many more shots but we've had some insane packs today Beyond craziness Bulbasaur Caterpie Metapod fireworks on the fourth I mean dude it's a Once in a Lifetime thing right now Nidoran and nidorina Nidoran again we got bill all right come on come on oh it ain't over yet final three packs baby dark freaking Dragon right now is a hollow you gotta be kidding me Tori all right ready we're about to make this to the best pack of the entire video the entire stream right now follow it up baby bow it up oh Seadra yo what oh my God look at that card that is so sick that is so sick I didn't have the energy anymore I can't even like this box truly has destroyed me the Box truly has destroyed me it's around 1800 in a PSA 10 on the dragon okay I can't this is too wild the box is too wild oh my God like this I think for the first time I've genuinely been defeated by a booster box destroyed me it's actually destroyed me in a good way the first time I could barely get through a box opening the dark dragon I Hollow and The Siege reverse for Tori one pack Magic oh all right final three packs are gonna be amazing that was third to last okay next up Joseph Mark g507-67 one pack second the last pack here we go final three packs are bangers yo poke surge what's up dude 23 months she's calling the Charizard let's get it Pokey stock thank you performance as well Ben with 14 months wild wolf becoming a member appreciate you all right Joseph Mark here we go we got Kadabra Abra drowsy Snorlax let me get that as a reverse almost lost her drowsy drowsy ghastly Haunter gasly slow poke all right come on Golem all right let's see a handful of Goldman Halls today and the reverse one but behind the Golem it's gonna be oh tentacle on the first split second that it was gonna be Blastoise Blastoise where are you buddy oh all right such a cool that's a cool all right so we do have one more pack show me fire in the chat if you want to see that reverse fireworks Charizard show me water if you want to see a Blastoise any Blastoise show me oh something's maybe that maybe that Gengar emote for for Mewtwo would be sick that Mewtwo reverse I don't know whatever you want to see that we haven't pulled yet let's go let's end it with something insane and remember after this pack we're gonna be opening up two shadowless booster packs pretty much immediately after it's a crazy day okay and then after that I'm gonna be announcing the next live booster box opening that's gonna be in two weeks from today and it's a box that I have never opened up on the channel and you guys know there's probably like five or probably less than five boxes in the whole Pokemon TCG history that we haven't opened up it's one of those it's it's a big box Dalton a53227 the chat is going wild right now all right let it run let it run let it run here we go less back magic Legendary Collection baby let's make it happen this has been an insane opening what a day to be able to open this up on the fourth with the fireworks going all right we gotta end this thing right here with something crazy come on let's make it happen Dalton good luck here there goes nothing we got Rhyhorn Joe Duo dodria Doduo don't Trio we got Pidgey we got a Growlithe in there potion Charmander Charmeleon please please right now if there be any time it'll be right now if that's not his sign I don't know what is come on Needle King all right all right all right all right all right the reverse It's gotta be the Charizard right and three two what oh my God oh my God what oh my God what is this happening oh my God oh my God oh my God you don't make this up bro you don't make this up oh my God the greatest moment of the Channel's history oh my God I might pass out I might pass out am I passed out bro you don't make this up you can't it's literally the greatest moment on the channel that's literally the greatest moment on channel oh my God oh my God bro oh my God oh my God oh my God what in the yo yo I don't I don't know I'm telling you I don't understand it some of the things that happened I genuinely don't understand how impossible I don't like that'll never happen again I don't I don't think I think we peaked I think we peaked bro that is that is it that is the moment I don't think I I don't I don't think we'll ever have a better I don't think dude we literally that's it we peaked it's uh it's over it's all downhill from here you can't beat that you literally can't beat that oh my God what happened oh my God the best card in the entire set the most valuable card in a PSA 10 goes for me this is the card fifteen thousand dollars I'm like shaking right now I can't talk I'm literally shaking oh my god dude this is this is the card this is it I was the last card in the entire box I don't know what to do oh my God it's over I started I know what is happening I don't I don't know how'd that happen can somebody tell I felt like that was a dream dude Charizard reverse fireworks oh my God PSA 10 goes with like 15 grand that is literally this is this is the biggest moment that we've at this is you cannot beat this beat that oh my god dude I literally shake it sounds so bad like not even just my hands my whole body's shaking I'm just like my body is like just like giving up on me at this point I can't even like move oh my God where do we go from here where do we go from here I'll tell you where we go we're opening two shadowless packs two guaranteed shadowless packs right now right now Dalton congratulations uh the biggest card opened in the last pack oh my God yeah we need to see I need to see some of these cards back if you guys grade them please like tag me send an email with a picture if you like dude I need to know like I I need to like I'm like these are some of my children here okay like these are getting sent out I need to know what happens to them like I need to know where they're what they're what they're up to like a year from now six months from now like you gotta tell me please like this this card especially Dalton you gotta let it snow dude please this is like a Monumental like historical moment here in the Poke cave gotta let us know what you do with this card even if you just put in a binder just send me a picture please Dalton we're begging you okay look you weren't in this opening and you were spectating watching if you're subscribed you can enter for the Dark Ride shoe fireworks reverse box topper okay all you can do is be subscribe smash the like button on the video and then leave a comment in the comment section once the live stream ends it's going to be very soon just refresh the video in the comment section will open up giveaway winners are announced every two weeks in the description of the live streams there's giveaway winners this live stream right now from the last two weeks all right let's open up a couple shallows packs to end this thing off before we open up the two shadowless packs we're gonna just open up one neogenesis Japanese pack for John P 53-2-2 let's hit a Lugia while we're at it John good luck we're just gonna grab one randomly because they all have Hollows in it and then we're opening two shadowless packs right after this one God man I can't that is like the last moment of any sports game you could ever back picture with with a millisecond left on the buzzer and it just like tied at the end and that just ends it and then like that was such a crazy moment that is actually the the biggest moment we've ever had like I can't I can't believe that I can't believe that all right let's go who got Whooper baby we got Merrell but it's so wild that happened I still I'm gonna be I just leave it crazy dude it's magic chuckle oh into the mechanium nice we got a starter fully about baby oh man yo Pokeball with the donuts dude calling it bro appreciate you man oh my God Boba squirt Manders not too many not too many openings made you scream like that one yeah me too and you guys know I scream but like that was on another level oh man Josh with the 33 months less back magic poke it down let's go baby that's right crushing it on that one yo Cody thank you so much for the donut dude Nick thank you very much for pulling that reverse oh that was you let's go you had to reverse Gengar thank you very much for pulling me the reverse Gengar I had to drop from the stream after that and to work uh wish me luck and getting a PSA 10 on it's going straight to PS dude Cody have a good day send me send let me know what happens with the Gengar please I'm very curious we all want to know for a lot of the cards that we saw in this opening because that's just crazy but yeah I'm very happy that I was able to pull that card for you that was definitely another one of the biggest moments possibly yeah that's like a top three moment for me easily all right John got that Meganium Hollow but right now we're opening a couple of Shadows packs all right we have Khalifa H with one shadowless Blastoise and one shadowless Venusaur pack 53 219. all right and right here are our shadowless cards our shadowless packs with shadows cards inside but anyway we're gonna grab our venusaurs first because they're on top all right we're just basically gonna just mix these up we're gonna hope we get some craziness like I don't know maybe a shadowless Charizard that'd be pretty nice but here we go we're gonna go with that one and then the Blastoise all right buddy come on come on Blastoise we'll just go in we're just going can't even think about it all right again these are guaranteed shadowless but which one should we open first I'm gonna pick I'm gonna go with the Venusaur first Venusaur shadowless Khalifa good luck on this one I'm hoping we could just wait let's just let's just continue the crazy Charizard imagine we've got a shallow Charizard Legendary Collection Hollow Charizard and legendary collection reverse fireworks Charizard in the same stream that will never happen ever again this will be the only time ever ever guarantee it next impossible we got the we got the uh Hollow charger from Legend collection we got the reverse fireworks pattern from legendary collection battle this baby catalysts come on here we go these are long crimp by the way trading card game on the bottom lemon tradable game cards straight from a booster box and getting opened up my God unreal today oh man okay we're going three from the back on this one fingers crossed we can get a hollow or two today start off with a seal we got revive all shadowless check it out Nidorino it's crazy this is right one step below the first edition base set shadowless first edition bit is always shadowless but you know what I mean the only thing he doesn't have is the stamp we got our boy ratat is all day it's amazing we got that lightning energy we got a ghastly we got Doduo my body is just like not functioning anymore we got psychic energy we got Tangela let's follow it up come on oh this Charizard would be amazing right now it would be so freaking amazing here goes nothing oh oh no what is today what is today man oh my God oh my God yo dude oh I don't even know man I don't even freaking know anymore oh my god oh and I'll tell you something dude Venusaur looks so much better shadowless it looks so much cooler dude I love the greens on this thing you gotta be kidding me man oh my God bro you gotta be kidding me dude you seriously gotta be kidding me today holy dude I can't I seriously cannot I seriously cannot today red no like come on bro like no no like at this point I should just be walking on clouds I should just be able to walk outside just start walking around clouds like this is unreal you got to be kidding me dude what is This Love Today oh my God sometime yo when you're on it when you're getting those hits and you're just like pulling cards left and right it doesn't stop you just take them all when you get them sure and then you go back and sometimes you have bad luck again but I'm taking all the good luck today dude I'm literally taking all the good luck in the entire like world right now for this one stream oh my god dude seriously man I should just open up another box of something for myself like a whole like a crazy box with this luck oh my God sorry I just gotta look at this one more time the poker clouds like a talk the Poke of gods blessed us all yo it really has 2800 PSA 10 appreciate the info on that one I don't have any energy to be able to look that up oh my God somebody said Blastoise in the next one let's go no corruption says open to first edition face now dude don't tempt me seriously do not tempt me I might have to film a video after this one though maybe I'll film opening a first Dead base pack I have some oh maybe it's our time it's my time for the first edition base at Charizard maybe maybe I gotta film a video after this one maybe I open up have I still have a handful of first Dead base packs I've been saving them maybe our time maybe it's our time to pull it I don't know all right doesn't matter it's not it's gonna leave it's time right now first off we got a blast choice maybe Blastoise pack let's follow it up let's just follow it up dude come on followed up at this point here we go and I will tell you dude I need to keep track of all the polls we got from the Shadows box because I've had we've had this box for a while now um and like dude I S we seriously have pulled the crazy stuff from the shadowless box it just doesn't end anyway here we go Rhymes I still have the Pack I bought from your OG oh my god dude that's so old school dude imagine we both just pulled Charizards our time is finally here oh my God okay I almost didn't do the pack trick because I'm used to Legendary Collection facts one two three bro what is today yo Mount kill I appreciate you dude thank you for the donut good to see you Billy's cards what's up dude powder TCG what's up dude good to see you oh my God all right I'm a choke jinx full heal energy removal it's crazy day Magnemite we got the water energy ran diggle it come on babe let's follow it up let's follow it up Abra that's our sign fire energy we're gonna end this stream out I literally just pass out I'm just gonna go straight to the hospital if this is shallow Charizard back here all right in three two what oh the evolution spray dude cannot complain on the craziness that we cannot no there's no can't say it you can't say a word oh my God one of the craziest honestly one of the craziest things we've ever had on the channel I think the craziest moment we've ever had on the channel was that last Legendary Collection Pack I really do I think that was like one that I think that was literally the craziest moment unbelievable all right we're gonna end it out here but hang on one second remember I'm giving away this box topper this dark Raichu uh reverse I mean this is a serious car like I would assume this in a 10 is probably like oh it's got to be like over a thousand dollars by the way it has a whole set list back there too I don't know the exact it's it's a really big car okay so make sure you enter the giveaway all you do is make sure you're subscribed smash the like button leave a comment in the comment section once the live stream ends just refresh the stream it's gonna end in like 30 to 60 seconds refresh the stream in the comment section open up leave a comment in there every two weeks giveaway winners are announced but from today I'm gonna be opening up a box that I've never opened up before on stream and I can count on one hand how many boxes we have not opened out of the entire TCG is probably like three or four at this point but this box of almost four years of having the channel we haven't we haven't opened it until two weeks from today all right so it's gonna be going up on the poke.com in just a second here as soon as I show on the street screen it'll be available um hope to see you guys there hope to see you guys here every single day for Pokemon content this is what I love to do uh uh and yeah all right so next not this Tuesday the following Tuesday two weeks from today we're gonna be opening up an entire Booster Box oh ex power Keepers we're going in on gold stars the uh legendary dogs maybe we're going to or the evil am I talking about the evil I can't talk the evolution gold stars are in here a ton of EX cards there's even a crazy Charizard Hollow in here and a ton more um literally never open this up so it's going down on July 18th at 3 P.M Eastern Standard Time gold star hunting I cannot I hope we'll go gold star oh my God all right guys uh I think that's where we end this thing gonna go barbecue and uh have some fun I don't know I need my voice is going after that one but anyway yeah uh that's gonna do it I guess I got stream smash the like button your way out edge of the giveaway as soon as I end it refresh the video seriously you might want to enter the giveaway for this it's a crazy card all right guys it's gonna do it hope you guys have a great day and I will see
Channel: PokeRev
Views: 367,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon cards, legendary collection, pokemon cards opening, pokemon cards unboxing, pokerev, pokecave
Id: T0l0SiJkypU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 45sec (6705 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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