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this looks like it's gonna be canadian oh my gosh you're kidding the very first one is a w wait a minute guys look at this that could be silver oh we do guys we have a silver let's see what we got guys three two one hello everybody and welcome back to coin shortage hunting as you can see laid out across the table here we have 10 rolls of each denomination pennies nickels dimes and quarters we're going to be going through these rolls and seeing what we can find of course as we go through the rolls we'll be using the quince coins coin roll hunting placemats to aid us in our search and show us what we want to be looking for in each denomination we've got dedicated placemats for the pennies and nickels and then the dimes and quarters are going to be combined on the silver stacking placemat which features dimes quarters and half dollars as well as always if you want to pick up one of these placemats to aid you in your own cornrow hunting you can head on over to quinnscoins.com and i'll put links down in the description below and with that being said let's go ahead and jump right into the hunt all right guys check this out these are the notes that i left on this particular set of coins we're looking at all copper pennies i believe that these are actually going to be all copper all the enders that i saw were copper coins like you can see that's definitely copper and then this one over here these are actually pretty cool because there's actually canadian enders on these ones so hoping for some good canadian coins as well maybe some old ones right there as far as nickels go we actually got a 1953 ender which as you know we keep anything before 1960 so let's take a look at that one yeah that's definitely a good sign for these nickels some older nickels in there maybe we'll even see a buffalo nickel come out that definitely would be cool as far as quarters go there was one american samoa ender so that's going to be a 2009 a fairly low mintage on those and then as far as the dimes go ah we didn't really see anything and on top of that they smell like smoke so those definitely came from a smoking household which isn't great i can even smell it right now like i said we're gonna start off with those two enders right there so let's grab our penny placemat and dig in all right so let's see where do we have the canadian ender it's not that one it should be over here on this side this one actually doesn't look super old uh this is probably in the 70s or 80s but uh yeah let's just uh dive right in and see what it's going to be so look right off the bat guys opening up that roll those all look copper to me let's just grab that canadian ender off of the uh and there and see what that's going to be man that's a nice shiny one i think it's going to be copper 2. yeah look at that 1973 oh i really hope there's some wheat pennies in here some nice older wheat pennies with some luster left on them would be awesome that is a 1971 right there fairly old and uh take a look at that guys all right let's dump them out we'll do a zoom here so you can see what's coming out of the roll i don't know maybe i should preserve these rolls too they're actually kind of cool it says made in usa steel strong tubular i've never seen a roll like that before so maybe the next few i'll try to preserve but uh yeah let's just dump them out and see what's gonna see what's gonna be in there i'm seeing a lot of copper but no wheats so far all right let's keep going yep i think that oh there we go guys we got our first wheat penny right there almost was an ender also otherwise you know i would have seen that but uh there we go we got our first wheat penny coming out nice looking coin right there let's flip it over and it's in 1958 denver so very very young wheat penny that is as as new as they can be actually if you look at our placemat here you see 1958 for the wheat pennies let's see if there's going to be any more wheat pennies in here man this is awesome guys you don't see rolls like this too often and look at that we even got some nice looking uh older coins in 1968 right there yeah that is really cool i don't know that one almost looks like it's been polished or something very cool i think i'm gonna have to put all of these coins to the side because i just love seeing all that old copper look at that nice 1973 right there these are absolutely amazing i thought that was gonna be a wheat penny oh there we got a wheat penny coming out so that is the second one on the roll there's a 59 right on top of it this one actually looks like it could be older as well it's got some uh some some damage up there on the top part of it let's go ahead and flip it over see what we got for a date three two one oh no it's not super old i think that's a 50 denver could be a 56 but i'm gonna go with 50 on that one so pretty damaged there once again though getting down to the end of it we have even more nice shiny copper coins coming out like i said oh my gosh i wish i could have gone back to the bank and gotten more of these i definitely should have but uh yeah so that is what we are dealing with guys two week pennies out of the first roll let's get into the second one now and then i'll probably uh speed up the hunting a little bit for you so that is the non-canadian ender right there let's take a look over here this one 1964 is even older so that is actually going to be a young head canadian penny right there and that is the last year that those were made so that is going to be uh definitely a cool coin to see let's go ahead and pull it out here and see what else we're going to get probably gonna be some more wheat pennies in here i would i would imagine i haven't seen any so far but we'll keep on pouring here and there we are we got uh down to the end of it all right so i'm not really seeing any wheat pennies in this batch let's let's take a look though there is that uh canadian right there 1964. i'll show you the obverse on that actually a pretty good looking coin right there so definitely uh something that i will take i do like finding those older canadian coins even better i like finding oh actually look at this guys we do have a non-uh copper coin right there that's a 1984 here's a 1983. i think maybe these were rolled around uh i don't know probably in the 80s sometime that would be pretty cool a lot of actually 83 84. 84 is the newest i've seen so far but look we got another young head coming out right here it's probably going to be yup another 64. so that was right on the money all right let's see if we're gonna get any more wheat pennies out and if not then we will just go ahead and get onto the very next roll i do see another canadian coming out down here take a look at this so we got uh oh actually that's a bird scent right there guys look at that 1967 centennial year i call it a bird scent it's actually a rock dove but uh that's one of my favorite coins to find in the canadian series so that is an awesome one to see come out as well not seen any wheat pennies in here though so with that being said i think we're gonna go ahead and get out of the next roll all right here we go roll number three just gonna slide these out and see what comes out for us just in case anything crazy pops out oh i'm already seeing a wheat penny right there in 1949 let's see what else we're gonna get there's a canadian and another canadian all right i'm thinking there could be some uh some more wheats in here so let's just work our way through it real quick we got a canadian right there and that one is going to be 1977. all right so keeping on theme with the 70s there's another canadian right there that one's an 81 all right so getting into the 80s now for the canadians see if we're gonna get any more wheat pennies next to that 1949 which we saw doesn't look like it all right so there is our wheat penny and that one is 1949 and there's the wheat back that's a nice looking coin of course it's it's actually not copper it's it's zinc all right so that is rule number three let's get down to roll number four all right here we go roll number four ready to slide on out and let's see what we're gonna see oh there's a canadian right there what is that 69 okay so not old enough to be a young head or anything like that what is this i think that's just a yeah it's just a memorial pretty beat up here's another canadian oh 61 right there it's getting back there and it's definitely going to be a young head let's just take a brief look at all these here so we'll pull that young head out right there that is pretty cool the oldest we have found so far and there's the reverse or the obverse rather that we saw a little bit earlier we got our 69 right here i'll just pull that one to the side and that looks like about it for that roll getting down to the end of roll number nine right now and we just got another young head canadian it's a 1962 so we'll put that one to the side so i haven't found a wheat penny in in a while all right guys here we go roll number 10 our last chance to get some of the good stuff at least out of the pennies that is i'm excited to get into the nickels though because we do have at least one ender there so let's see if we're gonna get something out here once again lots of good copper coins now some people do actually keep just the copper coins they don't even care if they're wheat pennies because copper is worth more than a penny uh at this current time so it is possible to make a profit on it i don't think it's uh super efficient and you know maybe it's it's an investment that uh in the future it'll be worth even more to make it worth your time i will say though it is illegal to melt down copper pennies at this time so don't try it uh those ingots with 95 copper are probably gonna look pretty suspicious but uh yeah so all right guys it looks like that is it for the pennies we were kind of loaded there in the first roll uh with the wheat pennies and then it kind of tapered off at the end there but anyways let's go ahead and get into nickels now and for that we will trade out our penny placemat with the nickel placemat and i'm actually going to flip this over to the other side so we can take a look at some of these key date and low mintage ranges the reason for that is because like i said earlier we do have an ender on these nickel rolls actually a pretty cool looking roll as well i like the design but basically it's a 53 so if we have a san francisco mint mark on the back side of that coin the reverse then we will have a low mintage coin below 25 million minted so that would be pretty cool so uh yeah let's just go ahead and dive into it and uh we'll grab that one off the end let me see if i can actually preserve this rule as well because i do like the way that this looks so here we'll just push it out like that and there is the reverse but i'm gonna flip that back over so you can't see it just yet there's our 53 and let's see if we're gonna get that san francisco for the low mintage guys three two one oh unfortunately no there is no mint mark on the right hand side of the monticello so that is going to be a 53 philadelphia so that is not actually going to be on any of our lists but anyways we'll just take a look at the rest of these coins let's see if we can get a buffalo to pop out for us that would be very cool i'm not seeing it so far though all right so let's take a look guys this is the first roll of 10 and we are already on the board with a 1953 as i always say i keep anything before uh 1960. and right here we have a denver reverse popping out for us that means that this this coin is at least as old as 1964. let's flip it over and see if it's a keeper three two one no 61. so very close i think i saw another denver reverse ender coming up though right here and this one i don't think is gonna be a keeper now that's a 62. didn't look old enough to me all right let's keep moving on through here see what i always want to pay attention when you're getting customer after rolls what is the newest date that you see so far it has been 2 000 maybe 2001 but i haven't seen any of the jefferson modified yet so i i do like that because that means that these were probably turned in a while ago like you can see all of these coins are just regular jefferson nickels there is a 2000 denver right there that's looking very new so i think these are probably turned in around 2000 which is or not turned in per se but at least wrapped in 2000 now this might be a different story because this is a different uh wrapper right here and actually in fact most of these uh have that wrapping instead we have a couple of different ones but uh yeah so we got a 53 out of that first roll i don't really these are pretty standard wrappers so i don't really care about uh ripping these ones let's just rip into it and dump these out see if these are going to give us any luck either all right right here this looks like it's going to be canadian oh my gosh guys i have never i don't think i've ever found a king george nickel it's definitely canadian and it's old it's probably in the 50s or maybe even older that is awesome i see another canadian coming out over here also old this actually could be 99.9 nickel i think it is look at that oh no it's not just very close you have to be let's see yeah uh 1981 or older that's an 83 this is definitely going to be older than 1981. this is amazing guys look at that all right so i i will say this there isn't a chance for silver unfortunately on the nickels if you found a canadian quarter or dime like this you would have a silver coin at least 80 percent uh but this is just a uh well i think it's made of 99.9 nickel so yeah we got king george it goes from 37 up through 52 same as the pennies let's flip this over and see what we have for a date guys let me just do a zoom in here so you can get the full effect of it and here we go three two one oh my god 1939 that is awesome guys oh my gosh i thought this was going to be in the 40s for sure maybe 50s 39 is amazing that would be that would be a good jefferson nickel to find i have never found anything like this in the canadian nickels hopefully there's more like it because these are awesome now like i said guys um it is kind of hit or miss when it comes to customer wrapped rolls i think we definitely hit it good on the nickels already let's see what else we can get in this particular role so i see a 2005 coming out of this one so that that leads me to believe that these are definitely different than these like two different people turn them in and let's keep going here see what else we can find i am definitely excited we got a 60 right there so that's very close to being a keeper i would say that uh whoever turned these nickels in probably wasn't paying super close attention based on that uh king george canadian coin coming out i just saw we got a 1958 right there and that's going to be a denver so not a low mintage coin if we got the 58 philadelphia that would actually be low mintage in there i see a 2014 so yeah these are definitely turned in more recently i would say or wrapped more recently at least let's go ahead and open another one if we don't find anything i will uh just take the rest of it off camera and turn it back on when i find something good but if we do find something well i think we should probably just keep on going here yeah i'm liking the nickels so far guys i don't know about you that looks old okay so let's work our way towards it yeah that is definitely going to be old there's a 63 right there i saw the uh reverse mint mark there's there it is guys 1948 is the year on that i don't think that that comes up actually no 48 s would be low mintage let's see if we get the san francisco guys three two one oh close we got the denver so that is not going to be on our low mintage list but still a keeper because it is old let's keep on moving through here and see what else there is to find i am loving these nickels so guys i actually i should say this so i have been trying to get a nickel box for a few weeks now the only two nickel boxes that i was able to get actually ended up being completely uncirculated 2021 coins which is kind of what led me to doing another coin shortage hunting video because i know if i go into the bank and ask for 10 rolls of each denomination i'm probably gonna get some good stuff like i have here but if i go in and ask for a box there is a chance that it's going to be a completely uncirculated box which doesn't make a super interesting video so that is kind of what led us to uh making another coin shortage hunting video despite not really being in the coin shortage anymore at least not in my area but anyways let's uh go through this next roll here see what else we can find i thought we had something there but yeah all right so also guys keep in mind keep in mind that we need to be looking out for the 2009's those are low mintage we have a 2021 right there so these were definitely turned in recently we can say that for sure all right so we got a denver reverse right there what's that one going to be oh very nice guys 1954 we just keep hitting it with these nickels every single roll so far has had something good and uh that's definitely the best find right there i don't think i can top that because it's it's just i you know i've been thinking when am i gonna find a king george the sixth nickel because it seems like it should happen i found the young heads before although i haven't found a whole lot of those but yeah we finally got one alright so roll number five was our first skunk out of the nickels we're moving on to roll number six going back to this design right here which as we saw earlier i think these were all turned in or at least wrapped around 2 000. so this could be good hopefully we can get yeah i'm seeing some older looking coins in there and i didn't see any buffaloes or anything like that but definitely looks older to me so let's just work our way through these once again not seeing any of the jefferson modified no bison nickels from 2005 or anything like that everything looks like it's 2000 and earlier there's a 2000 right there it's cool to find stuff like this it really is all right here we go guys this is where i was thinking uh the old funds might pick up this looks old for sure let's take a look at that and flip it over to reveal the date yep 1957. pretty common right there but uh definitely cool to see and that is actually what i was looking at guys look at that 1949 i believe that if we get the 49s that is actually one of the rarest jefferson nickels that you can find this one looks like it's in decent shape would be really cool to see an s on the back of that guys let's take a look three two one no it's not going to be the s there is no mint mark on that unfortunately so that is just going to be another coin added to the pile all right guys nothing in roll number seven moving on to roll number eight now let's take a look oh wait a minute what the heck is that we got some left okay a lot of crazy stuff going on here first of all i'm seeing a canadian this could be 99.9 nickel if it's 81 or earlier let's take a look yeah definitely 1977 so we got some nickel bullion right there and i don't know if you guys have seen nickel prices have been pretty volatile recently uh going up pretty high so that is a definitely a metal that you want to hold on to actually guys i see a 1939 coming up followed by well after this blue one right here let's work our way towards that 1939 here we go guys coming up on it right now let's take a look at that so 1939 if we have a mint mark on this whether it's a d or an s we have a low mintage coin and possibly a key date coin i believe let's take a look here three two one uh no mint mark unfortunately but definitely cool to see a 1939 one of the oldest jefferson nickels you can get and uh let's compare it to our canadian 1939 we get the two 1939 so far that is very cool from two different countries so much good stuff has come out already i think nickels are probably going to be the favorite on this hunt unless something crazy happens in the quarters or dimes like maybe we'll find a silver who knows all right so coming down to the end of it here guys we have a reverse denver ender right there that might be older no it's a 64. all right i think that is going to do it guys with that being said we're going to get on to the quarters and for that we're going to be swapping out our nickel placemat for the silver stacking placemats which features dimes quarters and half dollars across the front of it and i'm going to focus on this section right here where we have the quarters states and territories up through 2009 now 2009's kind of a special year that is when they did the dcn territories and that would include the american samoa which is what we have on the end right there kind of a cool uh coin to see uh you'll notice that all of these quarters are actually machine wrapped i don't know why but usually when i get coins they do end up uh being machine wrapped for the quarters for some reason i don't know why that is but you can see right here we don't really have any silver at least it doesn't look like it from the edges here i do see a nice shiny one right here though let's take a look at that oh that would explain it it's a 2021 so that's kind of a cool point as well um if you're looking if you're interested in the quarters there's a lot of really cool stuff to look for obviously a lot of variety we have so many different designs for every year that's come out since 1999. there is our american samoa right there 2009 a pretty cool coin if you ask me all right guys we are on the second roll take a look at this this is something i wasn't expecting to see quite yet i heard these were in circulation but this is the first that i have seen this is actually a 2022 quarter and this is featuring maya angelou it's part of the women's series which is going to be going from 2022 up through 2025 and speaking of the women's series there's actually a new silver stacking placemat coming out very soon actually pretty much as this video is dropping that is going to feature the women series because this only goes up to america the beautiful which ended in 2021 so there's actually going to be a new series on this place matt and this right here is actually going to be the coin on that spot so this is very cool the first that i have seen of 2022 now i know that this other side over here a lot of people aren't a fan of it um this is uh you know another depiction of george washington some people say it's not as flattering as uh the original depiction which you know we can put an example up right here yeah there's definitely some differences there um he's facing the other way i'm not going to put my opinions in on it just yet i will uh you know i got to think about it a little bit because this is the first time that i have seen it in person uh you know it's really it's not as bad i think that it gets a bad rep um but yeah so that is what we have right there 2022 the first one that i have seen come out so i think i will put that one on the side we may be seeing more of those uh in these rolls but anyways guys i'll just keep moving on through here i'm gonna be putting my 2020s and 2019s to the side so that we can take a look at those a little bit later there's a 2019 right there just checking for the w's like this one right here i'll put this one to the side so we can flip for w's a little bit later but anyways guys with that being said i'll go ahead and get on to the next one and let you know what else i'm finding all right guys we're down to our last roll of quarters here i've been saving my 2020s and 2019s over here so that we can take a look at those together uh towards the end those are just the ones that i didn't already see the reverse on so since this is our last chance for silver i figured we'd uh open this one and take a look at the edges together to see if we're gonna see any type of silvery edges and of course all of these rolls for some reason haven't been opening the best there we go uh but yeah i'm not seeing any silver there so we'll just dump them on out here and take a look at what's inside so here we go all right so there's a 2020 right there that one's just a philadelphia and let's see if we're gonna find any more 2020s 2019s always looking at the mint mark you definitely don't want to pass up that w mint mark they're getting way harder to find these days um but yeah all right let's keep moving here guys we're almost down to the end of this roll there's a 20 20. we saw the midmark there for a second it's just a philadelphia and that is going to do it all right so guys we found three bicentennials in those ten rolls and that's what the those look like some people have actually been comparing the bicentennial to like the 2021 because it's one of those one year only designs these are everywhere right now though so they're not gonna be like super difficult uh to find i did find another 2022 to uh add to the collection so far it's all been maya angelou and then uh i found a couple more 2009's as well we got a puerto rico and a u.s virgin islands so now all that's left to do is take a look at those 2020 and 2019's i think i'm actually going to grab it from this end and we'll just take a look at the mint marks and see if we're going to get any w so let's go ahead and do that now you're kidding oh my gosh guys the very first one is a w okay let me let me get a better handle on these and let me put them down i'm just holding them by the edges here so i'm not going to be touching the face of the coins all right look at this guys the very first coin is a w and it's got the v75 so we know that's going to be a 2020 rather than a 2019. i still haven't been able to find any 2019 w's maybe that'll change here though because i know there's a few in the stack and i am shaking all right here we go let's pick it up off the stack here it's been so long since i've found one of these underneath it it looks like it's just going to be a philadelphia but look at that guys it's going to be a 2020 we got the west point mint mark right there also looks like it's in pretty good shape all right here we go let's reveal the reverse three two one and of course it is the national park american samoa the face of 2020 as you all know uh the significance of the bat in that year that is awesome i think this is my second american national park uh american samoa 2020 west point coin that is so cool guys these are so rare all right here we go let's see if we're gonna get another one i definitely wasn't expecting to even get one like i said i i thought that they had all been pretty much picked out of circulation at this point because it's been so long since i've been able to find one even with full boxes of quarters but anyways let's keep moving here and see what else we can get on the stacks we got philly philly philly it looks like they're all going to be philadelphia yeah all philadelphia so far there's a denver right there and a philly denver philly philly denver philly denver philly philly coming down to the end philly and denver okay so the one was right on the end and it was a west point how crazy is that let me just give you another look at that west point coin because it's been so long since we've been able to find one on the channel absolutely stunning right there really nice quality especially for it being 2022 already these things have been in circulation for a bit so it's nice to see them still coming out in good shape like that a couple of nicks but really not too bad that is a just a beautiful coin to be coming out i think that may even top the nickels which is crazy to say i thought the pennies were going to be the best then the nickels then the quarters oh my gosh if we keep this trend up who knows what's going to be in the dimes speaking of dimes why don't we go ahead and move on to those now so i'll dump all these quarters into the box and we're going to be keeping with the silver stacking placement we have the dimes up here across the top of it and uh you know what i think this is what we're gonna be hoping for guys a silver roosevelt dime would be great what would be even better is a mercury dime now barber dimes kind of out of the question i i don't see people find those too often uh i did find one in a penny roll though one time which is pretty crazy but uh yeah so we're gonna be getting into these dimes right here now i actually have this little tool right here which is gonna help me a lot with this because basically all we're gonna be looking for in dimes is silver given that these are all customer wrapped rolls uh it's going to be a lot easier to just dump them into this little device here and then we'll be able to easily check for uh silver dimes so all right let's go ahead and get these out of there out of the roll wow a lot of these are looking almost like brand new so there we go i think we got all of them out and we can check those edges for silver now uh i'm not seeing anything that looks like conventionally silver it's it's difficult sometimes with the dimes because they're so small this one kind of looks strange to me let me grab that one real quick no it's it that's just a regular dime how about this one over here no i don't think so sometimes that older silver has like a black color to it so you got to be on the lookout for that as well especially that that's especially true with things like barber dimes but anyways i will take a look at these you see this block over here like all of those look completely brand new but yeah i will look at these uh off camera here i'll be looking for 2009's stuff like that uh you know that's rare in other denominations as well i'm just curious to see why are why are all of these looking so brand new oh probably because they are brand new there's 20 20 20 21 20 21 again and uh yeah all right so guys i will take a look at these dimes off camera and then i'll just turn it back on if i find something that's worth showing all right i am halfway through the dimes right now and straight up not having a good time this cigarette smoke is almost like making me itchy i'm glad i'm wearing a glove because i remember when i was handling these uh rolls before i i was definitely feeling it it was it was making me itchy and now my arms are kind of like starting to all right anyway yeah nothing even remotely interesting coming out of the dime so far we got something right here though what is this gonna be it doesn't i don't think it's gonna be silver but it definitely looks weird yeah it's not silver 1996. all right guys we'll keep keep trucking through it and see if we can find anything oh wait a minute guys look at this that could be silver okay so we're on our second to last roll let me turn it this way so it's a little easier i don't know we may have a silver right there it also could be a canadian and usually that's the case but uh let's just kind of pull this aside and see if we have something american oh we do guys we have a silver are you kidding me okay i think we may have just had it not you know what i don't think a silver dime's as good as a west point quarter but it's definitely something i think that may make the smoke all worth it let's take a look at this guys i'm gonna pull this out here and yeah look at that we got a silver roosevelt dime right there all right so let's pull that out and reveal the date here we go so do we have a mint mark yes we do you can see it right there on the left hand side of the torch we have a denver mint mark showing up nice silver dime right there let's see what we have for a date i'm gonna get i'm gonna guess 1964. let's see what we got guys three two one yep 1964 it is that is probably the most common of the roosevelt dimes but silver nonetheless that is awesome so no canadians at all so far we do have one silver dime very cool all right that actually gets me excited for uh the rest of these i will look at these in just a second but we do have one more roll to open up so let's see if we're gonna get back to back silvers here and here's our last roll it's actually similar to the last one which was uh like these this diamond pattern and uh here let me push these over so we can put this right here and then we will dump out the rest of these coins and see if we can get another silver guys i'm actually excited now that that definitely picked up the pace uh uh you know based on the last few that definitely weren't super interesting all right i think i dropped a couple of them so i'm gonna need to check everything very carefully but uh do we see a silver here i do not so i think i dropped maybe these two now i'm not seeing it all right guys i will take a look at the rest of these coins we do have a silver which is a very good way to end this hunt if you ask me uh but yeah i'm going to check these for 2009's and anything else that we're on the lookout for and then we'll go ahead and jump into the wrap up all right guys welcome to the wrap up on this coin shortage hunting video so for the pennies we started off with those thought they were gonna be the best and it definitely didn't turn out to be the case we did get three wheat pennies though a whole bunch of young heads and a bird scent as well so pretty cool stuff to find but coming down here it's crazy we didn't find any king george vi is in the pennies which is usually where we do find those but we did actually get one in the nickels which is just insane now usually when you see a coin like that you think oh yeah i got silver unfortunately not the case with nickels um but still very very cool definitely the oldest canadian nickel that i have ever found in a roll so that definitely is a nice little milestone we also got another one of the 99.9 nickel canadian nickels right there and then a non-nickel one over here so we kind of got like a trifecta going on in the canadian nickels along with a whole bunch of older jeffersons as well none of them were low mintage or key dates but still cool to see a whole bunch of them to come out in just 10 rolls now moving down to the quarters we were able to get our first 2022 maya angelou quarters right there so that was really cool to see we also got three 2009's we got the american samoa puerto rico and the u.s virgin islands only missing two out of that series in just 10 rolls is pretty cool of course the very best out of the quarters and probably the best coin of today's hunt was that west point 2020 national parks quarter which you can see right there that is one of my favorite designs that was actually featured on the placemats for quite a while uh until we switched over to frederick douglass and now we're going to be switching to a new one in just probably a week here is when i'm going to be revealing that and then as far as dimes go we thought we were going to get skunked right at the very end though we were able to snag a silver so just so much variety in this hunt something really great coming out of every denomination i am definitely happy with this coin shortage hunt of 10 rolls of each denomination this one definitely turned out really well and i'm happy with the result guys real quick before i end the video just wanted to mention one more time if you're interested in picking up these coin raw hunting placemats we have penny nickel and silver stacking placemats you can head on over to my website at quincecoins.com and i'll put links down in the description below and of course with that being said that's going to pretty much do it for this one thank you so much for watching make sure to go down below and leave a like if you enjoyed subscribe if you're new because i post new videos like this every single week i always bring you along with the hunts and having a good time and as always i'm quinn and this is quinn's coin signing out and i will see you in the next one
Channel: Quin's Coins
Views: 101,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ryan quinlan, quin, quin’s coins, quins coins, quinn, coin, coin roll hunting, silver, detecting, quin coins, qian's coins, coin roll hunting dimes, coin roll hunting pennies, coin roll hunting quarters, coin roll hunting nickels, nickels, pennies, dimes, quarter, quarters, coins, rare coins, coin shortage, coin collecting, coin collection, coins worth money, coin hunting, coin hunting pennies, coin hunting dimes, coin hunting nickels, coin hunting quarters, silver coins
Id: vxJOhWCP-04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 51sec (2091 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 23 2022
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