I Never Thought I'd Live to See This Car Company Go Out of Business

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graev up your engines well another electric car company Bites the Dust Fisker the electric Fel company filed for bankruptcy and they're selling all their assets because of course no one wants to buy them regular companies are losing enough money for GM they're losing billions a year building electric cars why on Earth would they want to buy a failed electric car company right now the straw that broke the camels back was they burned through all their cash in order to deliver their Fisker ocean EVS to the United States and Europe they had to do some right so they spent all the cash they had on hand to deliver the cars they got nothings and left and now down the toilet they go now a big company like Ford I just read an article claimed that they're losing a 100,000 bucks on every electric vehicle that Ford sell right big company right they can afford to some extent even then they're worried about it company like Fisker that started up now down the toilet they go they go bankrupt nobody wants to buy the company who want a right mind we buying electric vehicle company these days right so now Fisker joins CA Lordstown and electric Last Mile solutions they were all companies that went bankrupt cuz they used the cash that they did have to try to build vehicles to deliver but it was too little too late and on the toilet they go and to top it all off the few cars that Fisker did make were under investigation by us Regulators for discrepency so they were attacked on all sides here Mr Fisker that's they named it after right megalomaniac my Fister cars named after me yeah well they went down a toilet maybe you should follow them here's what he says like other companies in the electric vehicle industry we have faced various market and macroeconomic headwinds that have impacted our ability to operate efficiently what a line of horse manure you built vehicles that people don't want they didn't buy them you didn't make enough of them and now it doesn't exist anymore it's a quote from them after evaluating all options for our business we determined that proceeding with the sale of our assets under chapter 11 is the most viable pass forward for the company they're selling everything that that's not a forward pass for company it's the end you know The Money Pit is now being filled in and it won't exist anymore now the funny thing is you can see the hand right on the wall in 2023 Fisker made over 10,000 vehicles but they only delivered 4700 so they sold less than half of the ones that they made nobody wants these things right so another electric car company bites the dust and I say good riddens electric cars the solution to a problem that does not exist they create more problems than they solve right and they're starting to fade away they're not efficient vehicles for building they cost too much there's no infrastructures there's so many things wrong with battery electric cars make your head spin right and all these idiots jumped on the bandwagon cars now the wheels are falling off and we find out that yes indeed it looks like it was a pretty stupid idea that didn't have anything vested in reality and the fantasy is starting to fall fall apart now when the rubber hits the road and they're finding out God people don't want to buy these things they're not well made this particular company was under investigation by the government for safety regulation stuff on the cars so I mean let's face the facts electric cars not ready for Prime Time Well Kia now has a class action lawsuit that they settled about their engine blown up and of course there's more lawyers involved than you could possibly shake a thousand sticks at so there's probably so many rules on what you can get and how you get paid now it covers all these and even more of Kia just Google yundai engine class action lawsuit settle and you see all the different specifications they have theoretically they'll give you money they they'll pay you if you had an engine changed or if you sold the car and lost value they're supposed to make the differential up but we all know how that crap goes when Ford did that one with their dual clutch automatic transmissions that went on in fiestas and a bunch of their other cars I had customers with them and they offered them peanuts they say stuff like we will pay anywhere from $1,500 to $25,000 and of course they always offered 1500 two grand so if You' sold one of your kids cuz the engine blew up they probably offer you you know 500 bucks or something then they say they'll give people $150 good faith yeah if I had a Cy engine blow up and they offered me 150 bucks for good faith I tell them I'll give you good faith yeah they settled the class action suit but if you owned one of those maybe you could get a little bit of money out of them check it out you know but take my advice just don't buy the stupid things in the first place they don't make them very well they don't hold up over time who wants to get involved in legal crap you want to buy a car for transportation to get you safely from point A to point B for years and years and years and if that's what you want don't buy a ky if you end up in court over the car you bought let's face it not good cars not a situation most people when be in well it seems endless maybe it will be the Tesla cyber truck now they've canceled some deliveries because their giant windshield wipers aren't working right now if you saw they got these weird windshields so they have these humongous one wiper system you know why cars have two wipers because if one breaks maybe the other one will still work it's a backup right well these only have one now the stock that holds the wiper is 62 in long I mean it's like as long as a man and the blade itself is 50 in long and there's all kinds of reports of the Motors failing in them yeah real quality control all Eline people on them say hey these wipers have a mind of their own they stop in the wrong position and sit there one guy had one here's what he said I had to sit in the Dunkin Donut for 3 and A2 hours and call Tesla roadside assistance cuz they couldn't see it was raining so hard they took it to the service center said it'd be a few weeks before the wiper motor could be replaced if you don't understand I have to keep telling people Tesla makes Vehicles they don't make spare parts almost all of their stuff is made to build the stupid cars something breaks they don't have spare parts available they're using them all to build the vehicles that they're building when they do break can you imagine a regular car you know let's say the wiper motor breaks on your Ford right go to a discount autoart store buy the motor put it on and way you go no well it's going to be weeks they don't care about their clientele you think they'd have an infrastructure where each dealer is going to have a few spare parts no it doesn't work that way since there really is no true dealer Network right they just sell them direct there's people who work on them but hey if they can't get spare parts and they cost a Fortune they're not going to have them lying on the Shelf they're going to just say okay it's going to be 3 weeks before you get parts I've seen people wait months to get parts for Teslas especially if they get in an accident think about that you get a car in an accident gee it's going to be months to fix it so not only did they recall a bunch because the accelerator pedal stuck well now the wiper don't work and you're out in the rain and there you are stuck face the facts waer Motors are electric motors right you think at least one thing the guy could make in Teslas would be electric motors or electric cars but you know I guess not that's asking for too much check it out radical new magnet without rare earth metals is going to change electric motors forever they always come up with these things right new oh we don't need rare earth magnets anymore we'll make our own these things are so in the beginning phase right this was done by artificial intelligence in a UK company that claimed they developed in 3 months a magnet doesn't use rare earth metals at all and it's 200 times faster than normal all these Laboratories and there're oh here's what we have let's wait until they Mass produce these things right not make some one little toy motor oh look it's radical right it's 200 times more powerful blah blah blah blah they give all this horse manure out then when it comes to the real world they either can't build them or they're not 200 times as powerful or they break all the time now if you want to follow up more it's very interesting technology it's a British company that's called materials Nexus now they claim it took AI artificial intelligence three months to design a rare earth metal free permanent magnet and they claim it can be produced at 20% of the material cost and a 70% reduction in material carbon emissions compared to rare earth magnets currently on the market yeah they always give you these glowing things some experimental thing right they haven't mastered notice the use of the words may they're always coming up with these things and they act like it's a done deal it's not a done deal nobody's making car motors out of this stuff yet look at all the people that kept saying we we got solid state batteries solid state they still don't have solid state batteries for cars you can't bet the farm on something that doesn't exist and so here's a radical thing it doesn't pollute much blah blah blah blah blah yeah let's get cars have these motors in and have them run and drive them around and see what happens and to make it even more hilarious they're bragging about AI artificial intelligence did the whole thing la la la all I have to say about artificial intelligence is it's called artificial intelligence for a reason it's artificial it's not real right it's just computers right and as the say goes garbage in garbage out everybody's jumping on the bandwagon of artificial intelligence right hey I like to says be about what artificial intelligence tells you cuz half the time it's total nonsense and then people start believing it because oh AI said this is so question things don't accept what people just throw out at you it's here comes the Savior right no no it doesn't work that way so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos remember to ring that Bell [Music] n [Music]
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 112,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: auto, auto repair, car, car diy, car repair, cars, diy, how to, mechanic, repair, scotty kilmer, car review, bad cars, bad cars not to buy, bad cars to buy, best car brands, car advice, car brand, car brands, car buying, cars you should stay away from, terrible cars, worse car brands, worst, worst car brands, worst car brands ever, worst cars, worst cars to buy, worst cars to own, bad car brands, do not buy, worst car, car company, company, bankrupt, bankrupt company
Id: ndTEqodKyQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2024
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