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[Applause] hey you guys what's up welcome back to another wildlife photography adventure and today we've got something super cool last time i was out looking for wild turkey i actually discovered this area this beautiful area by this riverbed and a couple of things caught my attention one was there's these red bushes that kind of look like just these fiery little um i guess balls of fire that i was really hoping that i could get some bird shots on so if we could do that that would be amazing but then beyond that there's this beautiful river scene here with some still water and some rapids and i wanted to catch it on a day where it was raining so it's actually doing a kind of like a light sprinkle right now it rained really hard all last night and it's starting to let up now so it's pretty light right now but just a beautiful gorgeous day to be out with the wet grass the wet reeds and um just the the sprinkles across the water the river water as the raindrops hit it and so it's a beautiful day to be out and explore this new location i've never gotten to see before so we're out here today not uh i didn't have a particular plan of mine because like i said this is the first time i've ever been here but um wow what a gorgeous place i was literally talking to another wildlife photographer the other day about how the number one country on my bucket list to go to is norway because i love the green rolling hills and a bunch of other aspects of it but these green hills these are probably about as close to norway as we ever get around here just a gorgeous setting and really truly a beautiful place to be unfortunately we got um a bridge right here um i mean that's kind of how i discovered it was driving by it and car i was like wow that's a gorgeous beautiful place i need to pull over at but um but yeah um so we get a little bit of car noise so i apologize for that ahead of time but um but pretty cool there's no one out here today with us um so really got this place all to ourselves got a lot of red winged blackbirds that i hear calling i think the males are starting to build their nests for the females doing their territorial displays so got plenty of that going around seeing a black phoebe heard a belted kingfisher out in the distance um saw an osprey originally fly by when i first got here great egret flew by as well um so who knows we might be able to get some beautiful shots um today we're just gonna see what we can find so the rapids were a little bit too loud for me to explain to you guys what was going on over there but we got um some cool shots of a black phoebe in the rain just with his head just peeking right above the rock got a few shots of spotted sandpiper got to capture some footage of his little tail bob which is pretty funny always to watch there's two common uh mergancers down the river way down that way and i really want to see if i can try to capture some of them probably won't be a very easy task because i'm going to have to approach them already and they're a little bit more skittish typically so probably not too easy of a task but it'd be really awesome if i could get some cool shots of them so cool you guys so i was walking along the side of this hill here to get to the commoner cancer back there and um got to see um a rufus crown sparrow pair the two of them um hop down the hill next to me amongst the flowers really cool really beautiful gorgeous birds um they're pretty uncommon up here so i don't get to see them too often what's really unique about these birds is that they always like to travel in pairs so that's one really cool thing first of all is that they're always in a pair of two second of all they can't fly very far actually which is pretty weird so they're very localized birds and they always are on the side of like rocky dirt uh grass-covered hills so um that's literally pretty much the only place you'll ever fly because they'll fly up and down the hill all day long and in very short bursts because they can't fly i think the longest recorded flight of one is like 300 feet like ridiculously short so really interesting unique bird and really cool i was able to see him right now [Music] so we are starting to camp out now down by these uh fiery little bushes i was talking about and i think these will make for some pretty cool shots um mostly in the bushes that are a little bit taller not red there's a lot of yellow rumped warblers and ruby crown kinglets but i'm really hoping if we get lucky we might get one or two down in these fiery-looking twigs and could get some really cool shots of these guys you guys so it's just starting to sprinkle just lightly lightly again after it stopped for about two hours three hours and we're starting to get some yellow room dwarf ruby crown kinglets out on these fiery branches and i'm getting some cool cold shots we had a yellow rumped warbler stop by and give me some really close detailed looks super excited about those got one really cool one portrait style of a ruby crown kingly off to um kind of amongst the branches with just a pure red background gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous i wish i could have gotten this crown in that shot but it wasn't uh showing off at the moment but really cool images and i'm excited to uh show you guys some of these ones [Music] wow so what an incredible day out adventuring exploring this new place my soul is just so content and happy and excited i love being able to just explore a new place especially like a beautiful green river canyon like this on a mystical morning with some sprinkles some rain and just this beautiful river these fiery bushes and just uh just it's so good to be out nature it gives my soul just so much life and i hope it feeds your guys soul as well thank you guys so much for watching this wildlife photography adventure with me if you guys like this type of content make sure to hit subscribe below and i can't wait to see you guys in the next wildlife photography adventure oh my god airplanes trucks freaking sun coming out every other freaking minute this is the challenge of vlogging i have to wait for all these things to pass and it can be really annoying sometimes because when it's my point exactly
Channel: Jeremy Neipp
Views: 1,274
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: birding, wildlife photography, bird photography, Panasonic s1r, s1r, wildlife photography how-to, bird photography how-to, wildlife adventure, sigma 150-600, wildlife photographer, bird photographer, Panasonic wildlife photographer, wildlife film, wildlife video, nature photographer, morten hilmer, sigma 150-600mm wildlife photography, endurax camera backpack, nature photography, wildlife photography vlog, ruby-crowned kinglet, kings river, wildlife photography for beginners
Id: rTStxQSQ6Us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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