Better Wildlife Photography. 3 Easy Tips for better images.

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[Music] [Music] guys i get it i'm on instagram with you i scroll through pictures and i see this amazing image of a warbler and i'm thinking holy cow how did he get that image i scroll down and i look it's 15 000 worth of gear and i had that feeling that feeling of i'm never going to be able to take these types of images and the fact is gear matters guys i'm not going to sit here and tell you gear doesn't matter but the three things i'm going to show you today are going to help you get better images with an inexpensive setup so what i'm holding in my hand right here is a thousand dollars i paid 500 for this lens i paid about 475 dollars for this body it's a 300 millimeter f4 and a nikon d7200 the first six years of my photography career we'll call it a career it was me walking around in the woods was taken with this camera so i had to get creative and the three things i'm about to tell you were the things that i learned through sad experience tip number one is pretty straightforward it's get closer all right guys i'm going to show you a couple of videos camouflage in the first video it's me with a little bit of camouflage on if you look close yeah you can see me and i'm sure if you've got a bird's eye that sees ultraviolet and all that good stuff probably not the best camouflage take a look at the second video that's me wearing a blue jacket just dropping around out in the weeds you're gonna be less visible if you wear camouflage duck hunters and all those guys don't wear camouflage just because it looks cool the ducks if they can just have a second where they don't see you and they can get a little bit closer that might mean a better image for you so spend a few dollars get on amazon see if you can find something pretty cheap and give it a try all right guys this next one's a little bit controversial so if you like me less after seeing this forgive me but i'm not going to stop doing it it's called a 99 cent birding app i use bird call literally 99 cents you can scroll through all the countries united states united kingdom australia which hopefully one day i'll go there what i do is i find the birds in my area i put them in my favorites and when i see one like the american yellow warbler i just press the button and guess what guys it works the birds come in closer and you get better shots let me give you a little caveat though be careful doing this too much don't put so much pressure on the birds that they just freak out and they're fluttering and they're fighting with each other watch the bird behavior look at the amount of people that are in the park with you you're not the only guy in there using this stuff so pay attention to bird behavior be responsible with these apps and just know that they are useful they work all right guys the second tip is easy as you can possibly get it's called get eye level i'm with you i've been the guy that walks around on the boardwalk i see a heron in the water i just take a picture of them but i want to show you a couple of images the first image is a beautiful tri-colored heron that's me walking on a boardwalk i see them i take a shot of them look what's 10 inches behind them water reflecting the sun right back into my camera you get this blown out image it's hard to control the exposure now the second image you'll see that i'm squatting down i'm looking out over the water and guess what guys this was taken with a 70 to 300 millimeter f 5.6 you can buy that lens today for 150 the third tip is just simply watch your backgrounds i want to show you another image this is a junko i'm looking up in the tree there's busy branches all over the place he's looking off to the left there's a stick running across his butt take a look at the next one there he is eye level compressed background you can see it the image is simply better by the way both of those images taken with a 600 millimeter f4 and a nikon d850 so even with great camera equipment you can take some pretty crappy images guys look i hope these tips help get out and try it get out there get eye level with your images watch your backgrounds and try to be a little more sneaky you're going to get better images take your time be patient with yourself and if you need any help ask around there are many of people out there that are willing to help you i got a lot of help along the way and i'm so grateful for all that i received and if you have a question send me a direct message put it in the comments i want to do what i can to help you make better images thanks for watching [Music] camouflage yeah yeah and then like i'm recording all that it's going to the bloopers yes look look at my hair i gotta wear a hat it looks crazy i mean it's a reflection is it is it as bad as it looks on camera yeah don't put a hat on i will i'll show you until then i'm putting a hat on
Channel: Bayou Josh
Views: 1,016
Rating: 4.961165 out of 5
Keywords: nature photography, wildlife photography, photography tips, instagram tutorial, igtv
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 41sec (341 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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