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this amazing minecraft animation it's all about zombies it zombie families and they live in a little village I believe what some villagers look at them you're so happy it's mommy it's daddy and it's their little daughter it's just oh no oh oh no it's a golem all he said he's protecting these he's protecting the village Minh no oh the villager is here he says no don't touch the zombie family you're not Oh what wait you just popped out of nowhere it's a zombie golem oh no what is he doing what is he to the villager where did this guy just come from what's up with him Oh the wizard there with the wizard a witch what's their plan what's happening oh the wizard he which made this thing Oh No dig depth definitely yeah definitely not having it Oh Megan if this zombie golem is not happy he's not happy right now [Music] nobody can help him Oh No what's that what would they they just pull out of their pockets their pills he just took two pills no we all know what's gonna happen now he's superpowers oh no the the zombie just turned into a mega zombie and he's helping out the villager you sit down zombie golem or possessed Gollum I don't even know where you are yes good good job zombie you did an amazing job no oh no I think he's going rogue he's gone crazy he seems to be Joker hey at least at least the villagers all right I think he's gonna go crazy oh boy we better follow about what our to see what's happening over here so sad okay so in the meantime the king of the the village keeps walking around but you know this is something a lot of pumpkins and watermelons on the floor over there buddy oh and you know there's a few zombies walking around but those are usually okay right oh no these zombies I'm definitely not okay they're eating villagers are you flipping kidding me - eating the flippin villagers I could treat these villagers that's not okay but oh the King doesn't he doesn't mind too much he's just like you know what happens these things happen in the Minecraft world oh but he's never seen a guy that big before oh boy this is bad he's never seen a zombie this big and this strong it is life oh boy yeah you should you should be scared but if all this some crazy creature he's gone insane he's just he's taking out all the villagers oh no oh he's the king now oh okay that's what he wanted to do alright nice look at this dude he's the kid needs a zombie cake meanwhile the family is like oke and all the other zombies stay noticed they noticed that they have a new king yes we have a king look at this dude look at this chunga's it's just oh my goodness this dude's humongous this is this is a big boy and he's carrying around the King either you know didn't treat him well or I don't know what's happening over there are they taking are they all going to the village now they're pretty much or outside of the village they pretty much turn everybody into a little zombie okay they turn everybody into a zombie and now they're like you know we visited his town and F let's let's go to the forest but this guy he's still in there there's still a few villagers they they were chilling in their houses apparently what's your plan there oh these guys yeah they were scared too oh the guards oh they're the guards they'd even try defending from the zombies there a doubt zombie was way too big for that and then the golems the iron golems that are supposed to protect this place I don't know they they didn't really protect it that well they they kind of fought each other and is that the zombie tell them where the moss giant whatever I think kind of looks like the zombie Gollum who knows they are just like yep that's it that just happened and then this guy do of them are sleeping but I don't know what this guy is doing is he drawing something is he drawing a painting of what happened today meanwhile in the zombie village hobbies need to sleep too a lot of people don't realize that zombies need to sleep you know how else do you think you know what what else do you think they do after such a long day this is um be library there learn about how to eat brains you know cuz that's what zombies do you know like this is the brain this is the frontal cortex three four vertex this is another cortex and then this is the Hema plop plop in the blue block meanwhile somebody's also love to cook you know that they love cookies they love chicken I'm in zombies love chicken it's just silly to think that zombies only eat humans I mean they also eat chicken clearly and they have a good taste because they also love cookies so meanwhile over here they've been prisoned they've imprisoned the king of the village how could you how could you do something like this buddy Wow why why oh and now this guy is the king of course this dude is the king but he turned from a big angry zombie to a little bit of a smaller zombie his family is like pretty sad about it too and that guy is not allowed to talk oh no she just wants daddy this is what's gonna happen what's gonna happen they're like yeah you know kids they cry they cry all the time but he's like no I want my kid to be happy how can I make my kid be happy again look at that that's what the village used to look like and it's flippin beautiful it's looking beautiful so the King knows his daughter is unhappy and I think we all know why well I thought at least that they were gonna release this villager but seems like they're not is he carrying a pizza box is he really carrying a pizza box well they're they're gonna go I think they're gonna go back to the village and make up for what they did you know in their place well they have a nice little base over there and it's it it's a nice underground tunnel over here I guess meanwhile right over here in the village this look it's a little kid missing missing his his daddy's king or did he make a beautiful drawing what what happened I know what I wouldn't know what he's looking at you can hear something hello what's over there oh he made a beautiful drawing oh the little zombie girl misses him there in the relationship loved West's friends that's why oh now I get it the iron golem protected of her well I mean he protected her from the iron golem and look how beautiful this drawing is because they're like each other they're going she they have an interspecies relationship zombies and humans living together at the end of the day this was a love story meanwhile if these guys still walking around here having a good time you know everybody's okay don't chill her out guys we can be peaceful with each other oh that's a nice little blue pill what does that do why why would you take a blue pill for Amazon what is it gonna do they're there they're running into the prison I guess why are you gonna give this give this - oh they turned all these villagers into zombies and they put them in prison but the zombies have pails that turn them back into humans oh you see love and everybody's back to normal now yes oh and that that's like his daddy or mom this is so sweet this zombies the zombies and humans they can live together oh and then in the guard sitting down the poster that says danger guard you're the best you're the best and meanwhile they like each other - ah this is so cute it's a thousand lights all blows another video if you enjoyed this microphone nation Dimitri click on the screen right now where there is another amazing minecraft animation
Channel: Kwebbelkop
Views: 1,422,328
Rating: 4.7853723 out of 5
Keywords: funny, child, family, gaming, game, moments, games, comedy, challenge, kids, kid, family friendly, fun, entertainment, kwebbelkop, minercraft, minecraft animation, minecraft animations, animation, animations, reacting to, reacting, reaction, react, greatest minecraft animation, greatest minecraft, minecraft animated, reacting to minecraft, world's greatest minecraft animation
Id: yiRFZyoojsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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