I, me , my self realization | Lenaa Kumar | TEDxStTeresasCollege

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very good morning to all of you thank you tedx Center is US college for giving me this opportunity and honor of sharing my experiences with this fantastic audience on this esteemed platform it was a hot summer afternoon in a non-air conditioned train coach I was three years old and very talkative and absolutely enjoying the attention I was getting from everyone around me and the old man sitting opposite us asked me what's your name little one and I said Lena and he said oh wow what a lovely name what does it mean and I went I looked at my parents and they didn't seem to have an answer either oh I can still feel the awkwardness and the confusion that question created in me at that age when I came to know that the theme of this event is Elaine the ray of light I couldn't help think about the connection it has with my name Lena most people I meet almost all of them ask me the meaning of my name since that day and for the longest time it was a source of embarrassment and confusion for me and then I came into films and I struggled even more with this uncommon name uncommon in India that is and then at the age of 25 my dear friend I call her Anita aunty gifted me a keychain with my name and the meaning of my name embedded on it and lo and behold I realized that Lena means light what a relief it was for the next time an interviewer asked me the meaning of my name now you all Must Be Wondering if my name Lena meaning light is significant enough to be part of a tedx talk on the theme Elaine the ray of light the point in the story I want you to remember is the awkwardness and the confusion one feels at not knowing something so personal as one's own names meaning that's all you need to remember really in that story and I promise you this will make more sense after what we're just about to do but for what we're about to do I need all of you to participate I would love for it if you would shout out your answers when I ask a couple of questions do we have a deal wow oh I love the energy of this room already okay so my first question is do you believe that you can be an enlightened being a self-realized person wow everyone can those who do not believe raise their hands everyone here believes that you can be an enlightened person do you already have a way of doing that do you already know how you're going to do that I think not but it's just great that so many people in the room actually believe that it is possible because as far as I have found out Humanity's greatest self-limiting belief is the belief that self-realization is not for everyone it is for some uh special few for some very lucky souls for it's not for everyone is what Humanity predominantly believes so what I would love to do today and with so the support of so many people who really believe like I do that self-realization is our Birthright let's shatter this self-limiting belief today and in its place Empower ourselves with the ability to maximize and utilize our full potential yeah let's do this have you ever said my body my body we all say it so many times a day have you said my mind so who is saying my body my mind who is claiming ownership of this body and mind answers me more answers I I me myself I am saying my body my mind so naturally the next question is what am I what is I what is the meaning of the word I why do all of us call ourselves I you have an answer now are you feeling a little uh an easy anxious confused like little Lena did when she didn't know the meaning to her name and knowing the answer to this question what am I is so far more important than knowing the meaning to one's name right would you like me to give you the answer to the question the answer is so simple it's going to seem ridiculous and that's exactly why it stays in our blind spot the answer is life l-i-f-e omnipotent omniscient omnipresent Eternal and infinite life is what you are One Life many bodies one life every one of us calls ourselves exactly that same eye if we all just together said I in one voice it would still be that same one life do you want to try that out at the count of three shall we all say I together one two three I everyone just say I loud enough let's get that energy inside our bodies bubbling because we're going to go to the next question shall we say I once more can everyone say I one two three I see we can say it in unison and it really means exactly the same thing We Are All One Life in many forms so the question we've got the answer to the question what am I I am life easy and simple don't take my word for it please do your own deductions uh after this and this immediately leads us to the question then who am I and now that we have the answer to what am I and we are all self-realized like you all believed we can be we are self-realized so what is who am I is the next question and the question who am I is a question of self-actualization self-realization and self-actualization are two aspects self-realization can happen in an instant like someone can just tell you something and it can just click and the light turns on and we have realized that's all it takes but self-actualization does not happen in the mind as self-realization does it happens in the body self-realization is knowing in your mind what I am self-actualization is being in your body who you specifically are uniquely are so what determines Who You Are it is remembering that you are life itself the one life that is in all bodies and Minds owns all bodies and Minds yet is a very specific expression here to have very specific experiences through that form keeping this in mind every choice every decision you make in life is going to determine who you show up as in the world and that how you show up in the world is what determines Who You Are and I think this is such great news to know what we are and then be able to decide who to be it is empowering at the deepest core level this realization for me really change the way I created myself in every role I played in real life and in real life from the kind of student I am to the kind of friend I am to the woman I am how I show up in the world how I carry myself off is we make choices and decisions every single moment of our life and that is what life is living is so the only reason why I shared this with you is that I have spent almost all of this lifetime looking for the simplest answers to these basic questions of what am I and who am I most of us don't even think about this because it's like okay this is not important and but for me this has been a preoccupation and I think it has taken up all these years of my life in the mind instead of actualizing through the body as much so the only reason I share this with you is out of the love for all of you that you don't have to reinvent the wheel if you spend some time and you find that this Clicks in you you can then use this information to start actualizing yourself knowing that you are all powerful all resourceful life itself in a form with a given name you just start making those choices that Unleash Your unlimited potential and live that life of fulfillment that you came here on Earth to live may you be Elaine the ray of light that illuminates the path for all of life thank you
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 991,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: English, Individualism, Life, Motivation, Self, Self improvement, TEDxTalks, Value, [TEDxEID:51579]
Id: IkP1vOHQvms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 14 2022
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