I Married Stardews Wizard and It was Everything I Ever Wanted.

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after playing through the Gunther marriage mod and being brought to my knees at how incredible it is I had the urge to play through another mod from the same Creator except this time I wanted something with a little bit more magic so today prepare to break Carolyn's heart because we're gonna be marrying stardu's reclusive dilth the wizard okay we're back with the blue chicken and I'm kind feeling like I want to become Abigail's stepdad to be honest with you because I'm feeling like there's a little bit of magic brewing in stardew Valley and I'm feeling like I'm like I'll marry the wizard today actually possibly like void Essence ah we could give him some void Essences I want to find out what was the magic that Carolyn saw that got her to come over here instead of Pierre you know hello you were you in there wait why is he green what this throws the Abigail Theory completely out the window oh the seasonal portraits I kind of like it it kind of works did you happen to see my ex-wife what is purple again do you think she lives alone I don't want to know oh the divorce still runs hard for him I can make you forget about her I like how we've just met him and he's talking about his ex-wife that's that's the worst thing to say on a first date no hearts and he's single the dilf of the valley is ready to mingle baby let's go right in between all my Ex-Wives hey Mr Magic Man you ready to sprinkle a little bit of magic in my life stormy days the only time I can commute with certain amulet elements it is a delicate business I'm a bit of a delicate business too if he was to handling those sort of things oh what are you Brewing there hey is that my hair in that potion how'd you get that it's powers are mini yet alone it is worthless such is it's lot in life wait what are you talking about Focus your mind today chicken here I uh I found this on the ground and your daughter I mean Abigail's room do you want this it's very useful for my studies I know we all know Crystal girls but have you ever dated a crystal guy before was it I'm a Sagittarius does that work with you Beware of the Wilds during spring for the nature itself is cursed to me you know I'm not a fan of this accent hang on I need to figure something out for him he's got kind of the way of speaking like Elliot does but he's a bit gruffle like Willy you know it needs to be somewhere in between the two but where are the wild subject that's not that's not that's not right hey do you think he eats these like his daughter not all flowers are loved where some see a rose either see only Thorns be careful who you enchant with flowers found freely were you hitting on me back sorry I keep walking into oh sorry I just let myself in are you ready too confusing using how go is your quest with the junimo's the what oh the [ __ ] the community dude no I magic mumbo jumbo let's just pretend like we don't know what he's talking about then he'll drop it right the spirits in the community center have you forgotten already I thought to find you more keen of mind I think that was an insult do try not to disappoint them I have something for you a lesson the persuasive energies of the world come closer I shouldn't have put a pause between those two words do you see the symbol yeah you're gonna be summoning like payment what is that this is a gate a portal to another world a world only made of blocks where there's a dragon that that that covers an egg and for some reason you have to just punch tree it's really strange but it's a pretty cool game you should try it out all window through which I compare it kind of looks like somewhere where you would sacrifice someone wizard is that is that what I'm here for have you ever encountered an elemental yeah the blue squishy thing yeah I've talked to Emily that would be a slime I shall not pass your ignorance I belong to them for that you may count yourself lucky oh I'm dropping the ball on this one they're really seen by the common human they show themselves only to the truly special son like myself are fortunate enough to seek and find them eventually forming a bond can I be your Elemental wizard those spirits that you have encountered in town are not Elementals there's something more derivative and some plastic those stolen tree going oh he's saying too many big words for my brain dude I might be too ditzy for this man I'm not even gonna lie he's saying a lot of big scary words I believe it is safe to say they have taken an interest in your fate and whenever a spirit takes interest so must we all is he taking interest in me serve the world chicken you know what was it yo my world I don't think we impressed him that much it's a lot of work to run a shot it's a lot of work to keep a marriage running pier and you don't seem to be doing that very well I've been seeing some wild fruits in the forest lately oh is that what you call them this is how Japanese people draw Americans and animes why does he look like that does the wizard leave his Tower at any point is he just like me for real oh my God he's over there I didn't even hey what's going on was it the energies during summer allows for easier methods of the mysterious Can You Feel the energies I can feel I can feel a little energy between a little bit of energy here wait does that mean we can stoop through his house while he's not there is that a bong did he take that from Sebastian's room he's very messy for a wizard like how hard is it to just use like a clean up spell to just get the books off of the ground have a solar essence [ __ ] that was garbage I scrolled just [ __ ] my bad all right we got four hearts with the dilf wizard what is he gonna say to us my guess is for the curse of the shrine of Illusion of it if you use it for your own gain and not to reveal your true self your time on this Mortal plane is cut short are you telling me that because I made myself look like a blue chicken I've like got the Shinigami eyes and my life has been cut in half because of it so if I go down and like made myself look like I don't know foreign [Music] like the Wizard's type in my opinion dude we look totally like his type he's gonna love us oh [ __ ] Nino you need one heart with Linus also you don't have to tell me twice Linus have I got the perfect thing for you wait hang on food not from the garbage can but instead from the ground I'm gonna be honest flight with you Linus I'm kind of just using you oh they're having a boys night sleepover are you gonna talk about the cutest girls in The Valleys the river rages with possibilities well unusual it is a tangled tapestry we weave to follow a single thread impossible especially when someone is playing with the strings so you have noticed as well hard not to notice indeed this is real riveting conversation between two adult men come closer Carline there is no need for you to hide amongst the bushes oh my God I was standing there the whole time I didn't even see me it seems that I'm not the only one who has noticed the way the energies swirl about you though he may not be a master of Elementals Linus is she yes enough to sense the truth without divining you hold fate in your hands Coraline what will you do with it extort it from my own gain I do need the money it is a dark energy that swirls around you soon the tide will turn and if you are not Vigilant the delicate balance may fall be prepared seek the energies car line we will meet again yeah hopefully not with Linus interrupting us next time well that was interesting I don't really know what to take away from that please don't destroy my tin well now you've put the idea in my Headliners I don't know how to say the Wizard's real name I was looking at it before stream and there was a good five minutes of me trying to figure out how to say his name and I never understood how to do it resmodius resmedis is how I always say it but that doesn't seem right what if I just called him rhythmidis yeah the rhythmatist the Risen hey resmedis what's going on sorry [ __ ] me I'm sorry I didn't mean to give you that piece of wood I'm gonna start giving you just garbage that I carry in my back pocket whereas our wizard boy use that little magic on me oh he's all blue oh wait I actually like this look on the wizard I have had Troubled Dreams in which I met the children I never had they ask about me where I have been what I have done she usually just hangs out at the star drop like on the weekends you can just go ask her there if you want I wake up with a hollow feeling it's strange I've always wanted to have children and yet so it goes I wonder what it all means oh he wants to have kitties Jess already looks like his daughter just adopt Jess oh it's a running storyline my perplexing dreams continue Night by Night regrets and choices gone bad a style my subconscious as soon as I drift into unconsciousness to question oneself who's natural yet this goes well and Beyond have I made you start to question your life choices and you being a recluse who just stays in your house all day am I changing him what do you have for me on a Wednesday what awful life decisions are you regretting today in my dreams I've been fighting a version of myself that has only existed in theory visit you with green here there's an evil version where all my desires were realized and drove me mad he tries to get out and each night I stop him I wouldn't say having a kid is an evil desire or is it my dream is a haunting me into the day children that don't exist my evil side why is he like oh children are so evil what what has he got against to the kids only during winter as such assaults if possible I have two weak car line seeing you inspires me to keep fighting given to the urges given to me I mainly deal on Edibles I mean all power to you man but don't let the cops see you oh Carolyn looks so pretty oh my God she's so bad dude oh no wonder he has nightmares haunting him he fumbled this bag I would be having nightmares too I have not slept I refuse to confront my dreams again this is not healthy instead I've been trying to read read books did he fall asleep oh you we were mid-conversation he just fell asleep he's still [ __ ] and crying because you didn't have a child and I've come to terms with my feeling I may not be a father but I can still be a good person oh character development I hope you can forgive me for my oddness of late Carla you have seen me in my moment of weakness and it just makes me want you even that little bit more I I I need to give this man the life he wants okay so to get the six heart event we need to have two hearts with Leah I don't want your gift that puts a little spanner in the works doesn't it listen guys it's not cheating It's Magic is someone there oh my God where did you come from you scared me you're the one who lives in that Tower aren't you this is really awkward a grown wizard man walking up to Leah by herself in the middle of the forest a little bit weird resmedis won't even lie just maybe back off a little bit don't walk closer to her what the [ __ ] did I just say what did I just say what are you doing how is it suspended as a pendulum what what are you talking about oh he's saying how is it hanging oh he's oh my what get back away from her what is he doing did Leah just pull out the paper spray at this point what is up he's learning just going for a little little stroll oh what's this my ex-wife and my future husband talking together hey what's going on how's it going this guy just walked out of the trees over there I think he's speaking in tongues it's really freaking me out you go through a divorce and try to be normal Leah I guess she has have you been studying slang again cut it out you're scaring Leah I have had an eye-opening experience with the modern invention called the television I've decided to play my newly learned phrases in casual conversation in an effort to form new connections with the people of this town how do I fear that was just God awful don't try again loser it's a good start but I think you should practice with someone who knows what you're doing perhaps you are right you're really just trying to ask what's up indeed why not just say that did I not he doesn't know perhaps I require more practice Coraline you seem to have a strong understand ending of these matters would you be willing to teach me your ways I offer apologies younglia when we meet next I hope to be more adequate and the ways of mortal communication is he Immortal that must mean he's got a lot of money right well that was weird you know what's weirder hanging out with your ex-wife in the middle of a forest alone I hope he doesn't make a habit of sneaking up on people and shouting Waters up canis lupus familias what did she say what is this Harry Potter mumbo jumbo dude that means his dog today I will focus on the positive things I have a new friend a new car line for that I am thankful the Festival of ice has begun let's actually go see what he says at the festival of ice I didn't even know you could go all the way this way wait there's an igloo here is this usually here I didn't even know this was over here what are you doing what are you doing here I prefer to watch from afar rather than engage can you see them from here what is your eyesight alright resmedis you got something for me and you're in your long Tower oh dick decorated for us oh that's cute seven ounces of swamp Moss one crow feather solar Essence Ash sir and still it fails to take I did not hear you enter you have caught me in the midst of some rather delicate work what are you working on is that a love potion I find myself in need of a way to produce artificial energies for my own use I uh have not been sleeping lately I know that's all you could speak about for the past week I hope to remedy that with this ritual but I have only cheap frustration tell me Carline what do you do when you cannot sleep sounds like a you issue me personally never had that problem I take my sleeping bag and lay underneath the Stars instead it helps to remember where I am and where I came from that sounds horrifying and super existential I think you would love that let's go with that one that is a nice sentiment I fear thoughts of where I have come from or only sabotage my efforts however so I am doomed to toil until I succeed or fall under my own cauldron what are you heading to are you going to the sacrifice area stop him leave him alone stop him why would I stop him I want to see what he's doing wait if I don't stop him is he gonna throw himself into The Cauldron we'll we'll stop and we'll get in the way you wish for me to attempt to to rest I assure you I've I've tried what if we don't stop him he just disappears to the Minecraft world oh very well if I must but know that I'll only be back at this as soon as you walk away oh we're happy with them look at him sleeping in their headless don't let me dream oh no he's gonna have a nightmare he fell asleep well what do we now we're just kind of watching over him as he sleeps what do we do I'll stay a while just to be sure all right this is a little bit creepy did you have a good rest sir after traveling far to find a cure for my mother I found an old woman who understood how to heal I tried to bring her to my mother but she too was sick she didn't last the trip wait wait my mother she didn't back to his mother and then halfway through the trip this old woman just died and he's just limped with a body and then when he gets back his his mom's dead too there's no wonder he can't speak to women if I had been able to heal I would have cured my mother if I would have been able to heal I could have saved the old woman what is he expect he dragged the sickly old like 120 year old woman away from away from her house and then she dies and he's like oh I didn't see that one coming oh this is a continuation of his story he heard about it as my story and wanted to teach me an Arts I then began to learn it from under him and when he died I continued his work I have sought long and read much to find an answer how can I cure people using the energies someday I hope I will know have a good day Caroline learn something new I'm gonna learn how to be a good girlfriend dude he looks sunburned oh male could it be from a lovebird oh what the hell it actually is mail from him but it's like unmagical male like it usually is it's just he just actually just wrote on a piece of paper for me greetings Caroline many Untold wonders are shouted amongst the trees today in particular a strange energy stirs in the forest if you would like to learn fit here to Fourth that's not a word unknown Secrets me me in the hidden Woods north of my tower the secret Woods oh it's blocked don't worry because we even though it's a block we have magic we have oh oh we have oh [ __ ] how does this work again no wait go [Music] oh just disappeared with magic Wow that's incredible wow this is so pretty snow dropping the void appearing this is so magical oh car line you came yep I have devoted much of my life to Divine God [ __ ] damn it dude I'm really struggling with this I have a degree in Communications and I can't say words in this goddamn stardew Valley mod I've devoted much my life to deviation and communication with ill understood life forms as such I have lost much of what comes naturally in human conversation it is difficult for me too uh how is it said talk to a woman Caroline listen opened your mind open your senses can you hear it my heart pounds and my chest more fiercely than I have ever known it too are you telling me to listen to your heartbeat that's both horrifying and Incredibly romantic the energies of the earth surge around us it can be no accident I have made no mistake even the trees can sense how I feel for you I thought such a thing beyond the realm of possibility after my ex-wife okay don't don't don't bring up your ex-wife in this situation that is like the worst thing you could possibly do I get nothing for her now I care already for You Caroline you have Enchanted me Caroline Oh I used my metric spell to make him mine yay The Love Potion worked he's brainwashed he hasn't actually been that oh my God he just disappeared that was the most magical thing he's done yet as far as my conversation skills will carry us but if you should like to stay a while I might teach you to listen to the Earth now that was The rizmaster Wizard that I've been wanting my name is I still don't remember wait he doesn't know his name he doesn't know what m stands for Mark his name's Mark the M Den doesn't stand for anything it stands for Mark I suppose I can make something up Mages a good wizardly name or should I try mundane Mark I I I told you come up with Mark this is what I'm saying you're marked resmedis the rizzen wizard you want to get married Mark do you think Carolyn's jealous that we're getting married this could have been you Carolyn but now you gotta settle for your little Loveless marriage with a man who doesn't even look you in the eye Carolyn why did you come closer were you on every word with me you won't have a word with me on my wedding day huh you whenever you want to make this all about you Carolyn oh my god did you install a sacrifice pet that is so sweet I love you so much yeah what what noise can I make imagine now we've married him he's like no finally I can stop at the voice I've been putting on for 200 years is I have finally I can speak to you in my real voice nah I did I had to dream about it better where's your dragon oh God I married into that I got up early and fed all the farm animals oh I wish your food hate this one what you guys weren't meant to find out about this yet pretend you never saw this for your own good okay oh he's in the kids room I figured the room could use a little more decorating oh yeah just to you just put a stone slab in the middle of the baby's room that's exactly what a kid wants Jesus Christ no wonder Carolyn left his ass wait what is this I could have ten hearts with this Haley if you guys haven't picked up on it at the moment that's my cat oh my God wait this is incredible we're looking out over the winter mountains do you dream car line just about Farm stuff I just dream about parsnips that's it I think sometimes I think but I never remember them such is not uncommon some days I open my eyes oh my God that Bird's gonna hit us watch out some days I open my eyes to down and wonder if I have not woken at all such sights as I awoke too can only be a dream and yet more and more often overnight I'd find myself lying awake not as I used to do because sleep refuses to take me but because I find my waking world too enthralling to give up even for a few hours nothing I have done in my life makes me deserving of this this life and love we share it's more than I ever dreamed happiness has always been a Fickle and fleeting Beast how could it ever be more what the the [ __ ] is that a is that a robot is meru spying on us happiness is what we make out of it we're all as happy as we let ourselves be I never believed such a thing before and yet you may be right I brought you up here to show you this you can see the entire Valley from up here when I came to this town was with the intention of living out the remainder of my days in in quiet Solitude for a time that seemed I would no one pays much mind to The Eccentric living in the tower on the outskirts at an obscure Village then I met you and you allowed me to wonder again thoughts I hadn't thought for a hundred years drifted through my mind and I thought perhaps it would not be so bad to Shin some of what I once was not all history is meant to be forgotten damn it he's making me damn bad ah it's all it's all sweet and kind [Music] wait what happened did he throw me off the cliff am I in heaven oh my God the bird's going right for me look we can climb a mountain I think I accidentally pressed the skip button you tore down my walls and planted Seas where they stood you patched pieces of me I never expected to heal oh my God my savior complex is riding so high right now and others that I hadn't known were broken in the first place what did Carolyn do to you I told you we had Many Adventures ahead you and I the future is strange like that it takes what you think and understand and twists it around on you I never knew the half of it if I had I probably would have fled I don't know what the future holds for us and for once I would rather not know let it be an adventure wait that's so and when it long last it comes to a close let there be fireworks in place of a slow Fade to Black that felt like the end of a movie oh that's the thing wizarders oh and won't be in fireworks and into eternity no actually it it looks more like divorce papers that you get in the mail tomorrow because we need to make a trip to Lewis and as romantic as that was I'm kind of more into his daughter and I'm feeling like a free woman you're gonna get those fireworks in the mail tomorrow I hope they're a blast hi Mark you have no business being here leave me be okay have fun it's just a shame he took his sacrifice pet [Music]
Channel: Nino Kito
Views: 274,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nino, Nino Kito, Stardew, Stardew Valley, Stardew Valley Gameplay, Stardew Playthrough, Stardew Valley Wizard, stardew valley wizard tower, stardew valley wizard cutscene, stardew valley wizard quest, Stardew Valley Wizard Marriage Mod, stardew wizard mod, meet the wizard stardew valley, The Stardew Love Story You Never Knew Was Possible., Stardew Love, stardew valley wizard marriage mod, Romanceable Rasmodius, Stardew Wizard
Id: jwu1pEp8uz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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