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where's lsah oh he's almost home okay beautiful where is he probably at the loser store buying some stuff why call him a loser I didn't I just said he was at the store for a loser store yeah you're a loser I'm not though I'm winner ow you have no girlfriend no job no friends what what do you have I'm a [ __ ] if it makes you feel better what oh my god what thought I had more funny ones that's just me nobody hunting guys me to item on League of Legends Shh google it you're such an ass I'm gonna die no you win this keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going okay you got as real heal and looks flushed keep going keep going nice dude your level four in there little three why are you fighting okay why isn't see us important like why am I gonna skip all this just to go in because you can just literally murder them yeah but I thought CS was important I'm pretty sure you taught me this a long time ago it is important but when you have an opportunity to kill you take it especially in low elo and especially when you're playing drive it good to auto your your your poke is good yes I know everything else sucks [ __ ] though who might coaching is a lovely year old boy on Xbox Live go go where tell me Otto's you want to be pokin you can't always so like this all too close you saw me poke last game I will go under turret but sometimes it's just not the right you need to be confident in your movement that was I am there you go look at those autos you just [ __ ] it on him are you kidding me now looks a zoom I'm gonna go in on Lux in a second yeah you have a little six lead with your II lead with your E so when you go in you wanna come home you guys win this you guys win this yeah I know I good size so that's fine I [ __ ] that up so bad but it's fine it worked it worked it worked it worked it worked I [ __ ] that I did I did so but that was so bad that's event Oh what are you doing I'm admitting it was bad I need drops for my [ __ ] after that one look mate look what's happening midge look what's happening with look at them look at them so you can let old Oh a lot of times you can pick up kills from somewhere you're not even you're like from far away because right now you have 210 Draven sex yeah if you cash those in you get big money so you want to look for any opportunity to get a free kill yes I see I see just keep going on her keep going on her nice holy [ __ ] that's a big payday joke donated $2 do you know what 50 cent did when he got hungry 58 d hahaha no Kayla's chainage big I missed it that's fine good [ __ ] look at what's happening look at what's happening I don't not better the game she says hello mr. Sam I'm gonna teach you something on the bounce back of this wave the wave is gonna meet in the middle of the lane you're gonna wait for Lux's cute okay plush eat your Gregor's has [ __ ] [ __ ] keep going keep going oh you have a million lifesteal Gullu I forgot there's someone behind you guys there's someone behind you guys I mean I don't care I don't care iceberg yeah keep going he has no he hasn't W has no W he has W okay nice try oh I don't I don't understand what healed them what he open triumph look what's happening mid I see they're going what am I suppose what do you mean I see you won't even look at them I'm looking at my Alec in my side I like in our side I how many eyes do you have there's only two both eyes are side eyes you're done you're playing while keeping in mind looks cute which is really good thank you but you need to be more aggressive if you want to 1v9 in this game yes I do okay let's go what does this Lux doing she's in ting use your E okay alt nice job c ii someone is caught out of position you need to recognize it hello LS yeah I I noticed that she shouldn't have died here yeah I couldn't agree more with you and still holding on to the heel for some reason hey I said I didn't want to get listen OS can you be nicer or how about this how this how about we coach San Joey's together because he has a lot of work I don't I'm smurfing yeah so when there's a huge fiery ring on the map you don't want to walk into it usually that's how video games oh here you go with your edginess when someone else comes in the call well [ __ ] you you know what I don't need you okay Ellis is better then go ahead a let's take it away no no no continue I want him to see your coaching my coaching is pristine is it yes it's really good I mean you're [ __ ] six and three it takes a [ __ ] Kayla Abby you actually have some pretty okay mechanics that's what I'm saying when I when I first tuned in I thought it was Tyler yeah I'm better at dreaming than parlours okay I don't need to tell you I can I even in one be ones multiple times he's very bad he's not good player and he tilts too easily you can just calm and hold int that is true wait Killa what's your actual rank I don't have a rink I've been banned too many times every time I get close to doing better you guys every time I'm close to ranking up I get bad good flash this is good this is good keep [ __ ] me you want to use your autos because you have lifesteal I did these replacements yeah this is the last one so I'll get bronze here well this one like to be completely honest is not your fault at all there's not much you can do unless you're like that much better um so where do I see this yeah this is opportunity yep now if I just needs to land the art she's in she's here oh my god my fight it needs a map god bless his little heart Oh Point Blank baby good old and get in there I can't your distance keep your distance you can cut it yep oh we could have played that better mechanically yeah I think it's time for the game remove here enter key /f F enter no I'm gonna do it I'm gonna come back I'm gonna steal this from doesn't deserve it can you buy the item cannon yes sir okay nice guy executioner's to URI Oslo just try to win wall your acts against a jungle camp just to give you an idea of what you were playing in you just tried to deny you wait no this is good he's 185 why are we flashing why do we keep going keep going he's no W big old think nice oh yes yeah Kane Ok Go Go Ezreal Ezreal yeah okay um target selection is a problem Gianna oh my god oh my god wait you're so good for what just give you a shrinking that was crazy now just barren it not snow I mean you you you can you can solo it you can solo it it's bronze no no no one will actually come to you just solo it just a little bit Sancho bees is so upset right now because this is working keep going yes Jeremy your lesbian bar my place doing yeah you're left selling your life stealing your life you know what this gonna be 50 55 oh my god okay nice you got it is old old you have lifesteal you have Lulu it's fine you live maybe not okay no no they clean it up it's okay yeah they got this can he are can he just are oh my goodness I hate this he'll wolves yellow wolves wolves wolves wolves because they have lower armor so you get more damage so you heal more Malphite press are you [ __ ] reject reject I waited so long for him not press are easy who the hell says reject who streams have you been watching me that's my word cuz I try not to say I've actually changed reject to Renekton because it's less tos well it depends which TOS you're talking about because industry mo that [ __ ] doesn't fly but you got look at the screen what do you think I got your in Kadeem low OH [Music] you
Channel: Sanchovies
Views: 114,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sanchovies, yassuo, moe, karim, twitch, league of legends, LoL, league, tft, irelia, challenger, diamond, Funny, best irelia na, best irelia plays, best irelia player, best top laner, top lane, twitch rivals, tcs, loltyler1, tyler 1, tyler1, 100T, irelia guide, pentakill, imaqtpie, nightblue3, gosu, trick2g, voyboy, tfblade, boxbox, moe yasuo, irelia montage, camille montage, best camille na, camille, jax, vladimir, best vladimir na, shiphtur, pokimane, best irelia
Id: CSZ0olsfkcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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