I made Smallant join my CROSS-GAME Randomizer

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I have truly no idea how long this run is going to take us yeah well well what what is the longest run of these you've done in the past and what were the parameters I have done a three game solo basically what the the three games I'm playing right now and it took me 9 and 1 half hours wait wait wait wait wait whoo whoo who wait you just said three games took you how long I convinced smallen to join one of my multiworld randomizers and if you don't know what that means let me explain a multi randomizer takes all the items from multiple games shuffles them around and then puts them back randomly across all games so when you collect an item or get an achievement in one game it can unlock something completely different in another in this video small and I are both playing three games each Pokemon Emerald Super Mario 64 and Minecraft a check is something that unlocks an item ability or a recipe and the checks for the games today are as follows in Pokémon Emerald all item balls key items badges HMS TMS and items given to you by NPCs are checked in sm64 every Star except for 100 coin Stars oneup boxes cap switches and pink bubm buddies are checks in Minecraft the only checks are advancements excluding extreme ones like eating every food or the infamous how do we get here to name a few additionally every game has its own individual randomization going on like randomize Pokemon moves and abilities in Pokemon emeralds randomly plac levels in Super Mario 64 and crafting limitations and structure randomization in Minecraft if you add up all the checks from the six game multi world you have over 1,000 things to check the goal is for small and I to beat both Pokémon Champions Bowsers and Ender Dragons as fast as possible if you like these type of videos check out my archipelago multi play playlist in the description and without further Ado I hope you enjoy this video all right um then we're going to start are you ready I'm ready all right we're going to start in three two one go go bam Devon goods you got the Devon goods okay yeah I have an end City so I'll get an advancement right there the city at the end of the game you yeah you can get the elytra one as well right away basic uh if there was an elytra yeah oh never mind yeah if there was one but oh wait I have I have one advancement I don't know what it's from anyways see I sent a oneup mushroom to you yep yeah okay good you sent me you sent me Progressive resource crafting which means I can make ingots now I couldn't before do we have a star yet in Mario or no welcome to the I do have a star in Mario sweet sent you you a first star too I think so you can open the first couple doors if you get one star in Mario 64 is that one star for both of us or one star for one of us specifically just one specific player okay so it's one instance yeah okay o okay I got um The Rock smashing told me to get items in here this is a this is one without any chests you dummies why' you guys tell me to go up here all right I'm I got it wait cow Tipper doesn't exist cow Tipper does exist I just killed a cow and it didn't give me anything uh you it's uh get leather is the advancement basically oh get leather I see it didn't drop any leather yeah yeah yeah fair enough got it and for for we need 70 Stars yo thanks for rock smash yeah that's a that's a really important item essential have a zinc I'm sure that's important as well is he going to get lucky to skip lucky luy through skip I I'm I'm playing on this I don't you guys can't you can't see it but I'm playing on an Xbox controller I don't think I'll get I don't think I'll get this skip absolutely not I'm I'll probably fall into the moat that that's worse don't do that yeah I fell into the moat that's what I mean chat that's what I mean I've never played on this controller before also I only know 16 of the 120 stars is that going to be a problem Oh God have you never ran 70 star no Oh I thought you did I thought we were going to be like almost even in Mario absolutely not I've only done 16 star I you'll be fine grind it heavily though you're so much better than me in Minecraft it'll be fine yeah speed UPS I'm a boy sorry chat I'm a boy today you you always want me to be the girl and and technically the girl is faster but I'm going to die Minecraft uh and you're going to die in my what and I gave me a master ball oh yeah you got the adventure it's it's all strategy wait a master ball yo let go catch Rayquaza or something gladios I'm picking it I got lus as a starter nice I got salaman Salam okay okay it might not matter though because you know you level five we're going to have to catch a better one yeah we we we might find like the super or something out of nowhere oh and then Super R you get like a level 50 or something yeah yeah yeah yeah okay oh wait you have to jump to the cannon so it must be that island in the middle then that's what you were talking about yeah that's what I was talk about I'll make it I'll make it oh God chat I just want you to know that on one of the Minecraft on one of the Super Mario 64 120 Star World Records cheese died there so I'm actually still on the same level as cheese if I do it again then you can make fun of me chat can I make this jump oh I landed on the tree huge how do I talk to this thing nice take an item bro I unlocked the cannon I think and it is taking its time it's a Red Ball Red Ball you got gold ore gold ore in Minecraft okay but you can't cook yet you need to unlock the furnace first oh true okay I might as well keep playing this then structure Compass nether fortress nice so those structure Compass compasses they show you to the nearest structure um so I can find the nearest Fortress for me now and if it's like spins like crazy that means it's it's not in this dimension in a different way gotta yeah I'm going to try to write the carpet to the top of the house and room all right while playing Minecraft we'll see what goes what happens man it's a penguin oh what right yeah I got the Penguin Star in CCM I don't think that's a penguin you don't think it's a penguin nah it's like a yeah okay okay he agrees with me chat I'm right I remember I have iron what can I make iron tools iron armor is a goal or a thing that I could do what version are we on uh you need no you need Progressive armor as well so every oh every type of material is like a progressive upgrade so Progressive weapons Progressive tools Progressive armor and you only start with the absolute base so when when you first start the game you can only make leather armor you can only make stone tools and weapons but then you unlock more as we play that well I think I can still even with that I could probably do some stuff here I got some ideas all right I was going to trim my armor bro but I don't have any resources yeah I was going to have some drippy as hell armor and that's an advancement unless it's not an advancement coal I don't think you can do it with coal chat all right I don't think you can trim with coal and even if you could I don't want to be that that guy that has coal Armor All right I'm going to lock myself in a hole really quick and then move on I have truly no idea how long this run is going to take us yeah well well what what is the longest run of these you've done in the past and what were the parameters I have done a three game solo basically what the the three games I'm playing right now and it took me 9 and 1 half hours wait wait wait wait wait whoa whoa whoa wait you just said three games took you how long but I got trolled by Minecraft for like 4 hours uh-huh but TR trust me it's not going to be that bad oh and also something uh very important I I need to sell it a little a little bit better I think um when one of the six games is finished all of the remaining items that are in that game are just released immediately and sent to the other games oh so when we huge yeah when we actually finish a game that's a ton of items just being released and potentially snowballs into you know another game being able to finish that yeah okay okay be one game got it so that's that's why I think six games isn't going to be much slower if at all than three games okay yeah we'll have a big pearl then the key and metal cap in HMC is a is also a random stage so oh just random yeah you might want to check that at some point yeah I could do that at some point why am I standing in the piss is do only have one way in one way out chat am I dumb don't answer that uh every time I answer that asked that question I get the same answer I Mario is stuck I'm going to switch game oh I do have the basement key Mario you're right you're right you're right okay I I'll finish this like a little segment and then thank you chat oh did you make a wooden sword yet in Minecraft yeah ah okay I did oh I found my bed recipe huge that is actually huge all right there you go strength oh I gave you strength or I gave me strength that's your strength okay okay I'll take a strong hm thank you very much can we learn all HMS all right what else can we get in hazy Mage cave chat weird wait back to Mario it's so quiet oh wait I had eight Stars right I found a star oh wait there's a one star thing here I can get wait where does this lead I think I'm dumb I I should know where this leads usually oh this one right wait wamps I forgot wamps it's been like a year since I played this game okay I'm an old man and there's like an island over somewhere with a star somewhere do I have the Wing Cap I have to vanish from you I don't know what I'm doing bro I have not played this you can't W jump there I'm a tire I doubt that I think you're just is a regular plumber you're not a tire bro damn get chucked stupid oh he hit me Power Star thank you we're 10% of the way there so based on this pace how many power Stars you at I'm at 10 you're at 10 okay I'm at seven so we're about 10% done 45 minutes in 7 and 1/2 hours easy that would be fine yeah no problem box bike oh you can use that better than I can maybe cuz you you've actually done speedruns of like real emerald right I've done one run wait really I thought I thought you and that was like a week ago too oh yo small LS chat can you um remember where every level in Mars for led to for because he might have to return to them later thank you no no no I I I remember my brain is I think well no I don't it's clicking the right stick is ground pound that's what's going on oh you got stick click okay I was so confused I was like what's going on it's the controller yeah I'm I'm like that one time that uh Steph Cory was uh you know hitting the B basketball and the one it didn't come back to him and then then he was like it's the floor that's the problem and then it was the floor I've actually seen that video I know what you're talking about yeah the player discovered a dead spot on the floor of the chase Center Court at one point he misses the move made repeatedly notices something wrong with the bounce and finds the dead spot that's just what that's what happened to me so this is just a question for the people that you know haven't played a ton of Super Mario 64 in my chat how many red coins are there in each stage just for the people that like aren't super familiar with the game oh my God a you get one in 16 star I'm so sure you do yeah yeah I do I was just I was just making sure chat knew there's also you can also play Sudoku in archipelago Sudoku yeah it's more of a meme where if you can't do anything else you can play Sudoku and then you unlock hints wow I died to Invisible W great invisible wall in what Pokemon no what in Mario ah my bad I'm going to let the Wall-E thing go out and I'm going to check out Minecraft wait is Wall-E not existing is that cut out uh you have to do the catch Tor oh wait do you did you kill Wall-E no you oh my God you killed Wally yeah he's dead wow I bet you killed Scott too yeah Scott's dead too you murdered Scott he's pointless he's so cool he has sunglasses and everything yo I got role play you like that move keep using it okay oh oh in in the The Escape rooms in the Escape rooms okay yeah he meant in the Escape rooms chat I think my Mario is stuck again oh I need to make a hole right let's get some seeds bam a star sick all right switch game again wait what again I'm just switching game again I can't be bothered I'm scared of Minecraft I'll be honest it only knows fly and I know bounce and it's faster so you're winning I just win these let's go I just win these it cannot hit me easy oh one Pokéball um I'm checking I'm checking yeah nor North there's one Pokéball oh my God I'm stuck in powdered snow powder oh my God freezing in Minecraft ever seen this just punch it out you can punch it out it's fine oh okay have you never encountered I've never seen this no oh I'm actually dead what the hell and this is an advancement too you need to walk on powdered snow with U leather boots oh true yeah I put on my leather boots wait you didn't put on your armor I I didn't find the the spawn chest that you did okay I got a use l you got what a pearl from an Enderman huge is this a goat uh yes I am that's true uh wait isn't there float with a goat or something I've never done this oh yeah put him in a boat put it in a boat and then right in the boat just like place a boat beside and like nudge him into the boat and then yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you got it hey let's go that was a candy C nice okay um is there anything that ISO item I gave you enchanting oh that's nice okay huge okay I love this instant text oh it's beautiful give me the Le oh but they aren't checked so they're just optional got it got it I just killed three cows zero leather what the what luck crazy maybe 1.18 no 1.18 is full of goat bro I had this I I never have bad dreams I had this craziest bad dream last night and I I spent like an hour I woke up like 6 hours after I went to sleep I usually wake up exactly 7 and 1/2 hours after I fall asleep like I set in alarm for 8 hours after like I'm going to sleep but I I wake up at 7 and a half I woke up at 6 hours and I was like in my head for an hour and a half cuz I had this dream that just kept going and it was like it was about how there's like this curse of people that came to my house house there was like their their eyes would turn black and then they would get like sucked into the sucked into this black void and the only thing left is like this this scar on the universe that was just in the shape of their eyes and it was floating and it was right beside my desk right here and so oh freak I talk toy again and if anyone ever looked at the scars their eyes would turn black and in 12 minutes I remember it being specifically 12 minutes they would get sucked in as well and and it was this whole lore and it just kept going and I tried to stop it and and I couldn't I couldn't stop it dude it was crazy that sounds scary yeah and I was like I I didn't want to come downstairs cuz I was like what if it's there what if it's right there beside my desk cuz I remember I the thing is if if you looked at it directly it would happen but if you look at in your peripheral vision it was chill so I was always like kind of like looking around it and I'm like one of these days I'm accidentally going to look oh my God yeah and I remember this one dude with an eye patch came in and he wasn't affected cuz he only had one eye and he couldn't look at it with both eyes so then in the dream I started winking the whole time so I remember just walking around like this might oh you can't see it but one eye is closed I can imagine it I think it was because I watched Mist recently the Mist oh no like the the movie I died to a Wither a Wither yeah no for or like a Wither SK okay with with skeleton withon another a random with you spawn a wither what language do you speak uh German English Swedish Italian Japanese and I'm kidding I'm speak German English okay I was like man you got you got a it's like Italian and Swedish you got like the Southern and Northern bits wild all right I'm getting my blaze rods now I'm getting like eight I think eight is safe oh yeah eight is totally safe wait did you you said you got eight rods already no I died again oh am I at 12 Stars yet because I'm just I would just play Mario I'm I am at 12 now let's go back to Mario oh you can make uh iron tools oh my iron I think so because you got Stone before or can you not did I get stone I don't remember I've been running around with wooden tools oh you can make stone at least then maybe more dude I'm done with Mario again goam all right I'm I'm I'm going to try to beat that rival I might have to improvise really hard though I still haven't beaten rival and emerald because he's too difficult to beat it's crazy that you haven't played can you not catch anything until then no I can o double Flinch yo live oh let's go I'm through just had to just double Flinch needle arm and I'm through that that one well first try totally ooh structure comes n city all right let me see if they're in this Dimension or not they are not in the overw world so probably the ne ooh a grass type if you see a grass type at any point throw a ball why there's a check that requires you to show a grass type to someone really yeah I just need to get this pig to take fall damage oh did you get a saddle yeah oh nice I'm trying to fall damage it I do not know how people are meant to do this humans were not meant to hurt pigs or something in Minecraft the way I do it I put I put the pig in a hole then I build a hole next to the hole that's deeper and then I build a connection leg tunnel and I push the pig through and as it's falling I jump on it that makes sense it's it's a complicated setup but it gets the jum done if you don't have the the carrot on a stick there we go oh that was too much work you got it oh and I can surf that's really high level Pokemon oh nice huge wait you can just surf do you have Surf and the badge for yeah I have Surf and the badge yo wait oh yeah I can use rock smash wait oh my God you unlocked so much stuff for me yeah uh there's a there's a I think there's there's a star over here but it just isn't letting me look in that direction am I right I'm pretty sure there's a star across the way but I cannot see it that's actually so dumb that it doesn't let you just look at the star mhm what happens if you game over we restart the whole randomizer I think oh yeah I don't know don't qu me on that can I just jump Chad is that possible that I can just make this jump I can't see because the game isn't letting me turn the camera I'm just going to jump whatever what's the worst that can happen oh no the morbin time thing Spawn from one random troll tweet yep I use that like term a lot like guys it's Mario time and he maried away I I have played Tik Tock clog once and it was my casual playthrough it was dude I I gave him too much credit for Mario eight years ago I don't even have like that you know you know when you play a game as a child when you play it as an adult you're like oh my God this is so easy I don't have that I never played this as a kid the first time I played this I was 19 and I was like the controls are kind of wacky that's what I got got but I got this wait I'm just thinking about this I'm pretty sure the first ever I think it was either one or zero star run was your run your race at gdq your first Mario speedrun you ever saw was me yeah I think it was you now I'm thinking about it super Super Mario 64 yeah you doing like a one or zero Star Race and didn't you get zero star yeah I did zero star at gdq yeah that was crazy that was crazy best gaming moment of my life people were like freaking out about that and I was like this seems cool they're so hype small and new about before I knew about him yeah to be fair though I didn't know about you until I started copying your no exp ideas no slightly before that okay okay um I oh I sent you oh thanks for the basement keyd basement key for wait what is this oh the Mario basement key so you can get more levels done now okay okay is there some trick to this that I don't know I just thought you swim down at good rates it's just called like good swims or perfect swims and then you you gain more speed than the stream pushes you back all right just need you just need a good Rhythm all right let's look for some more surf encounters maybe I can find a better main chat yeah we he got it let's go okay okay Dark World I'll get dark have any notches notches notches help so much I didn't really realize like it's it's crazy how you just like hold one hold the other one 64 in Galaxy without notches is awful yeah I believe that I just caught an Aeros with levitate an ose levitate okay oh they said a one box okay wait like down there really near the star I didn't even notice that one all right I'm going to get the star first so I don't have to do it [Music] again I nailed this right oh yeah nailed it what apparently when he falls on his back he still has forwards momentum oh pearls make sure you have inventory space in Minecraft what did you get oh ender pearls okay wait I need to go back to Minecraft then I did not have inventory space are they I recom I recommend just making like a double chest near Your Spawn for stuff like this all right so you don't lose it I'll take myself out really quick Chad what's up with these encounters where is some wood what is this to beeper tunic around OS okay he so slow nah please one more repel all right let's see if I can kill Bowser at least all right there we go gay Bowser is dead long live gay Bowser or whatever why do they say that the king is dead long live the king he's dead how can he live long like what's the big deal the new king wait so they're they're celebrating the new new king the moment the Old King died that seems a little disrespectful to the Old King it's like saying oh man small ant died but his son's pretty great like what doesn't the son feel a little guilty then you know you're kind of stealing your father's Thunder a little bit I don't know what's going on either do I I'm in slate Port right now do I take the boat to lilov or do I go North to marille Lily all right we're taking the boat let's go probably the worst choice but we're rolling with it your housemate puts the peanut butter in the fridge that's weird that is weird you want to eat a rock or something like they got to get like a a power tool to get the peanut butter out then I I put things in the fridge that other people consider weird but peanut butter that's weird wait what what do you put in the fridge that's weird I put my bread in the fridge I'm thinking about whether that's okay or not and my chocolate chocolate but I have a good excuse for the chocolate one okay yeah what because in Europe chocolate's actually good and high quality and doesn't have like stabilizers in it so when you put it in the fridge it's still soft it's just a nice cold touch on your tongue interesting so how do we feel about Wing Cap level is the one star worth it well if you can get the red coins yeah and then the switch is another check okay I did the switch oh you you missed the it's actually just impossible to aim and they aim Mario's hit boox is dishonest in the the bucket recipe oh huge yep thank you X speed bro I'm getting nothing good I guess there's a lot of just regular items in Pokemon that makes sense the most of them are just like crappy Pokemon items come here big guy something's didn't want that coin anyways yo wait oh you got cut wait you got cut that means uh oh yeah I can use it yeah potential main switch if the keown's good no I'll catch it maybe it has huge power huge power Cliff aable I would definitely mean oh my God it actually has huge power dude I I I found a level 30 clefable which is two levels under what I'm currently Ming and I'm like clefable sucks but if it has huge power on me it guess what it had hu it has power yeah huge dude level five Trio 35 I mean what if it what if it's good all right I'm playing Pokemon yeah I am getting so many things cuz you unlocked the rock smash for me yeah yeah with rock smash you use all much yeah um is this the fish where do you get the good rod is it the good rod is AC surfing across you can't get that one yet I think okay okay how how do you have you played the uh like breath of the wild or te the G randomizer at all no I've never played that game actually wait really is my Zelda record is pretty rough I've played not like the yeah I'm not a huge Zelda fan really I played Wind Waker HD and Major's mosque 3D that's the only two upate okay I mean breath of the wild is a completely different genre to those games with um I'll probably give it a a go at some point you were racing just to like get us certain word right wait did I just get the balance badge yeah I sent you a balance badge do you have surf or no okay I I do have surf I think no do I I think I have died not surf I need to pay more attention to the game instead of just chatting but I mean I am in the just chatting category so it's kind of accurate I am just chatting and oh there just happens to be a game in the background and it's taking up 75% of the screen it'd be funny if you change category every time you change your game uh yeah that' be crazy that'd be crazy if heis does that he has that set up but I don't so I'm almost out of Pokemon things to do and then I'll force to play Minecraft oh no okay dig is another Power Star for you okay are the suit sack rewards randomized need one more and I can play Mario oh my God yeah look at that oh another Power Star yo go do the Mario stuff do do the Mario okay so you've been playing AR for 2 and a half hours now okay what's what's your initial opinion what do you think it is very just it's just very well done like it just works it just works I know which is it's crazy it just it just works and it it considering how complex you think this would be like I don't know what you had to do on your side to set up the server stuff up but nothing I did everything you did I think Mario's done again I'm crushing who's this kid that I just met in front of maille let's make a an axe axxe Stone axe bam and let's make a iron pick wub bam let's make a diamond pick cool oh diamond pick isn't anything I keep forgetting uh some type of diamond armor is something though right so let's do that oh I can never mind what about iron armor I can't make iron armor yet I'll make a shovel um guess we go down to Lily Cove or no not Lily Cove blade Port I need to play more all of my games are mixing together yeah that's I rap's been why you put down a bed I died again oh I guess she gets the one I didn't use I see I have a bed I have a I'm going to put down the bed I'm going to survive this let's go seven I'm not leaving on seven again absolutely not last time three eyes broke and there was Zero eyes in the portal oh man where are we going now I'm I'm just going to aim as he walking around I got the child uh what I killed the child you in Minecraft that explains less okay how you doing over there take game I'm doing so well I'm getting some stuff okay why is it here we go here we go there we go not today thank you have a focus band what can I do now we can go to the nether we'll get a bunch of advancements for that let's go tactical fishing let's look at advancements really quick um crafting a new look oh wait not to concern you or anything not to concern you but I am running out of things to do in all three games soon I so I'm going need you to find me my upstairs key or rock smash badge or something okay yeah you're just going to be waiting okay uh what a deal power of books I just did one and it didn't do anything for you which was interesting um caves and cliffs probably just almost anything in this tab can't be done then I assume have you been to the ne yet or no no I'm about to is there still stuff you can do in Mario or no not really there might be some uh but it would be really slow anyways there's a power star in Super Mario okay it'd be really funny if you were locked behind me it wouldn't it I mean okay so there there is a setting in archipelago in general that most people use it's called progression balancing oh so we have to do an even amount no the general idea is that if you if something is available for like a really long time it's more likely that that is what's going to unall you so for example okay if you get a key item into another key item that unlocks more and more things but I'm still locked at the first part of my game it's more likely that my unall is one at one of the earlier things in your game okay I see I see so one of my games is just really far behind yours it could be like an early Mario check or like a item you missed in Pokemon uh probably not something you've unlocked like late game probably one of the red coins that I kept dying on and was like I don't want to do that right now it's probably it it could be Minecraft as well there's a lot of Minecraft stuff that I've kind of just been not really doing all that often so I'm going to I'm going to grind out some Minecraft stuff really quick here and get all caught up directly under my spawn there is a massive Fortress there you go went in the nether no in the over world in the over world yeah yeah I mean entering and and Blaze Rod all right I have eight blaze rod Wither Skull can get too I have Wither Skull already wish you could fall asleep as M as fast as Mario I probably fall asleep as fast as Mario like once I'm like okay I'm going to sleep it's probably like I think the longest it's taken me to fall asleep in the last 3 weeks is like probably 4 minutes Jesus are you just that exhausted at the end of the day no it's just you just turn it off I don't know maybe I am that tired at the end of the day I I do stay relatively busy but I don't know I just tell my brain it's time to shut off I I put on a video sometimes and just watch that and then I get like 3 minutes in and I'm a fallen asleep so I turn it off and then and then I'm gone we still haven't met have we you were supposed to go to Paris I think yeah I didn't I'm not going have we not met have you never have I never been to like a gdq with you at all have you been to any gdq yeah wait really I've been to like three of them wait which ones what the three before Co I went to all of them have we never met I think we've definitely at least seen each other oh that's funny I don't remember this yeah I have four items left in Pokemon that's it yeah all right I'm I need to get you rock smash ASAP yeah all right what I give you I gave I just keep giving my stuff myself stuff I'm trying to give you things in Minecraft nothing is working okay uh tactical fishing is another Advan I can get that's really easy okay okay I almost have enough obsidian to just build a portal by myself that's so close though like I from just ruined portals I think they increased the ruined portal spawns in this it feels like that yeah cuz there's like a lot of Rune Rune portals around here yep only tan Liza and then I'm out of things and I don't know how I'm going to beat them because I'm like 10 levels lower what kind of like traditional speedruns have you done recently you've been on like you do a lot of like modified game stuff Have You Done many like just unmodded play the game speedruns um Mario Party All board speed runs okay uh and I've done a little bit of Galaxy speedruns recently how how did you start the whole streaming thing well I watched speedruns uh well I actually I watched twitch for like the League of Legends stuff back then and I randomly discovered like I was looking at the top five games on Twitch at the time and it was like World of Warcraft League of Legends counter strike and then there was Mario 64 I'm like what people play old games on here that's amazing why why are there so many people watching this freaking Mario yeah it was like thousands of people watching someone play Mario and I checked it out it was speedruns and I was fascinated so I watched that for like a year was sigic sigic okay that makes sense and like a year later I tried it myself while I was streaming and it was really fun people came in helped me like the community was already like cool back then and yeah that's cool that's how it kind of went off although my first ever streams were Pokemon randomizers actually not like it was nuzlock challenges huh wait nuz loocks you were doing yeah I did randomize on Nuzlocke did you win it your first ever won probably not don't remember but yeah the whole point I started streaming actually was because it sounded interesting to me to be able to play single player games again but not on my own with like an audience because the only games that really like got me the enjoyment back then was like multiplayer games like League of Legends and World of Warcraft have a hyper potion I'm good thank you I'll do that then what El I'll use the hyper potion he just sent me just to get the point across space debris Bastion REM where is it e Alliance oh it doesn't it doesn't appear mid battle in this game yeah you got okay um in red blue it actually does a pyramid battle it's really cool I mean red blue they completely part right they have it's it's all been decom and stuff is Village I think Emerald is decom too oh my God there's a vill another Village that's so crazy I can trade now it's another advancement so the I right clicked to get the think the Villager out of the bed and I may have just killed myself this happens to everyone that plays archipelago Minecraft um okay I mean I make sense it's just I never really made the connection that right clicking the bed is what explodes them I thought it was sleeping in the bed that explodes them cuz I couldn't sleep in the bed I was just kicking him out have you thought about cosplaying as Gordon Freeman who's Gordon Freeman again just to remind me again it's a Batman character uh okay what wait why did you laugh is he not a Batman character are they screwing with me oh I believe it wait no wait is he yeah it's like uh one of the assistants assistants in Batman what like Robin yeah the other one the other Robin he's the halflife protagonist that makes more sense I believe that oh hey I'm in a very precarious position I have a question for you okay I have an answer for you you ever you go into a man's bathroom convention restaurant anywhere really doesn't matter okay and going into a bathroom got it um have you ever had a conversation with another dude in the bathroom in the bathroom yeah I don't think so uh that's that's just not a place where you talk right yeah no I don't think I've ever like talk to someone like maybe eye contact maybe if they're like really weak we uh did you talk recently no no no I've got I've gotten ask this question from a friend Kung Fu and she says in the girls bathroom it's completely different they make like they look out for each other they ask if they need anything they make friendships for life and and all that yeah it's it's the uh it's the neutral zone if enemies become friends everyone is the same that's what I've heard personally my enemies uh become even stronger enemies in the bathroom yo that hyper s me actually clutch right now yeah yeah yeah I'm I'm thoughtful like that my sh holy crap how does aom do so much damage this got to be huge power aom I was a bridesmaid at the wedding a girl I met in the bathroom that's what I'm saying this stuff happens okay not to concern you yes I'm going need you to like almost done earlier checks I think I could also still unw myself somehow I haven't tamed yet either that is an early one for me all right I'm out of things in Pokémon entirely no items left uh so I'm just going to chill here until until we can't move wait you literally have nothing yeah literally nothing I did everything all right well I gave you a potion all right I'm going to run through some Pokemon stuff that I've probably missed I'm going to go buy some Harbor mail I guess I received a storage key what oh that's from you let's I might need to go back to the beginning of Pokemon a table animal but there's there's so much snow biome here like oh there's a ruin portal huge o okay all right uh here I got you a tm2 I got me a tm27 no I got you a power star I I think I have enough to enter the nether here but I should really tame an animal I should really have tried to unall Mario dude powder snow is so annoying oh my God keep falling Mario might be easier than doing that maybe I mean I pretty much did everything in Mario I think that I could like I don't have the key I I keep sinking in snow this is so annoying boots on I'm out of Lea boots they broke oh wait they break from walking on no from dying too often taking fall Dam and what not okay white herb from a lady near a flower this one I got surf yo there you go more on wall okay uh when can you use surf which which gym you need the balance badge I have the balance badge that's huge okay oh no wait oh no you have so much left now and I don't yep my whole map just turned green because I can I found a Bastion I can do stuff at least yeah okay and a another entrance coup things I'll be I'll be fine just do your thing okay just keep doing checks you'll be fine archipelago item I sent another Power Star to me [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it's it's definitely the play to look for a horse not a dog right yeah horses just right click a bunch they're not bad at all I just I haven't found a biome where they can spawn yet though did they reduce surfing wild Pokemon rates this is crazy no no I've been surfing for like 3 minutes and I haven't had a single encounter didn't you use a repple oh my God chat yes I used a repple so I don't get weak Pokemon boting Sim I've been boating for 10 minutes so sad that they misprogrammed the zig zigon on the on the hiking thing yeah I've seen it it's like a lost um animation yeah that they just coded wrong no hiker this time how many times you seen the hiker once or twice only are you ready for a a myriad of unlocks right now I'm ready cuz I'm I'm going to get like at least three unlocks nice uh there's a load Stone in this Bastion I found my waterfall yay hey moreon walls only my items allowed okay then we get uh what else is here we get the heat badge Flannery The Herb Shop charcoal from the dude okay for you again what else am I going to get Progressive armor are making are making armor immediately I gave you something the go goggles from the Rival okay I have to go beat the gym all right I'm going to go beat the gym real quick get three items yeah I guess I have the gym to Locks don't I maybe it's gym two it very well might be gym two that oh that is that is yeah that would add up maybe worth you did walk past that 3 hours ago I may have but who's to say if that was it's all good though I'm I'm still getting stuff done in Minecraft I might just Farm my pearls now I'm in in a warped Forest I got I got a I got 50 exp for me yay I gave you tm4 how useful that's so good all right okay wait I have one more item though one more item coming in hot I got a rare candy cat stop making fun of me for saying the that it's like a Rubik's Cube but it only has six sides all right you guys don't know what I know about Rubik's CU okay who's who's making fun of who now chat huh dude wood that wooden axe man wood are you still stuck with wooden tools I'm still stuck with wooden weapons I'm up to diamond tools though oh a diamond ax is better than any at iron level it's is better to use um axes for combat yeah but I can only make wood so wait but you said oh you wait yeah wood is uh X is considered a weapon really not a tool yeah what the heck whoa whoa whoa Minecraft chill what was that sound was it like a cave or something in Minecraft it was like a random like horror piano in in the nether oh my God what the hell and it only lasted like two seconds okay oh my God it's what's going on this is actually terrifying I've never heard this before what what are you doing I don't know I'm just walking around oh my God it's you I looked at Discord what the hell man is that the warden sound because I've never found one before no I just clicked on a random soundboard sound dude the creeper gave it away dang it I was like oh my God wait I found a I found a creeper I was going to hit you with the huh okay I got you four I got me four diamond or in Minecraft and I got me a power star that's so good okay um so you're just completely locked and I keep getting stuff and it just keeps giving me things I mean I'm still I'm still doing I'm getting advancements done in Minecraft I still I'm at 32 so I still need a couple to be even able to finish oh you have to have 40 to finish yeah yeah otherwise the dragon doesn't spawn neither of us have Brewing or the second floor key yeah so we can't beat it oh my God I found ancient debris out of nowhere I don't think I've ever found ancient debris before wait you just digging yeah oh my God oh my God I can't make [Laughter] armor wait okay this might this might be it I got you a nugget ah how many stars are you at no 52 you caught up so you eight Stars ahead of me yeah give myself the magma with that okay where was HMC for me Chad HMC and DDD I can actually do stuff in yeah Bo is good too okay okay second floor key was sent to you wait oh he did wait that that's the unlock that's the big one you needed right that's the one yeah let's go I'm not I'm not doing moving Reds I'm not doing moving Reds at TTC absolutely not you aren't I'm going to use the key small gave me and do some other yeah I don't think it's worth it you're trying moving Reds yeah I I just fell off and died almost immediately it's like even harder than the the moving RS they do in speeduns because you have like slow moving they do it with fast moving they should just have TTC be stopped by default and then it's no issue yeah they should stop putting TTC in the randomizer I agree HMC has a metal cap room where Dory is oh does it yeah no I haven't been there yet oh yeah probably a whole level in there can I make this I doubt I can make this can you not wall jump on this wall you can and I can't make this like I said no big deal we just run up oh no no did you die I got I got knocked off a ledge and then invisible walled back towards the ledge and there was nothing under it no one star away from 50 which would be another unall for me no wait what happened Mario broke his back ouch that happened to me once breaking Mario's back not mine okay thanks for clarifying does Mario have arthritis that's a good question what disease might Mario have Mario had a disease what is the most likely diseas room to have is there like a Game Theory episode on this or something that we can reference or when you're speed running I think he pretty much always has uh like terminal velocity I got one level two levels in Pokemon in in Mario snowman lost his head is there anything special I got to do here talk to the Snowman next to the chimney and then you lie down until you see the other platform where he's supposed to go just follow the path follow the path got it oh he killed me do I need to be ahead of him [Music] yes uh it okay I was ahead of him but he it still fell okay he's already ahead of me how do you get ahead of him oh so Mario stores speed oh we passed him okay maybe too much speed no there's there's two zones you have to hit two zones all right oh you got it you got it you got it keep going keep going did I hit them yet okay keep and you keep going to the right of the little platform yeah yeah yeah yeah I think you got it I think you got about five Mari there about P yeah damn missed okay so you might want to go just a tad faster and maybe go like 10 Mario behind it yeah just run ahead don't like don't long on oh yeah look at that that's faster okay it's a lot faster and then on the slope where you like go up and back down again don't don't hold back hold into it and you keep your this this looks good what you just [Music] did well you didn't you may have not gone F fur like further back you got to stand behind the platform all right so you guys are standing like right here yeah yeah even like that is good hey kick the heck out sucks get kicked have I even gone into this painting yet have I even entered jrb oh my God it's metal cap stage yeah I've never seen this before I give you a power star is that 50 oh yeah yep that's 50 that was bab let's go basically huge yeah Brewing would be big I think I can beat Minecraft as well oh either of us can beat Minecraft we're just missing the Brewing ANC man or like the rest of rather how many how many badges do you have in Pokemon uh two three go I have three yeah I have three as well that's so bad it's okay once we unlock all of our games once we unlock all of our games we'll not it'll give us all of the badges at once once we beat Minecraft like in unison I don't think I've ever seen this like ever in any people oh I can just jump into there and get a star is it that easy the waterfall there this is my first time playing N64 Mario no I have like a 15 minute 16 start time I think 15 no no way can't remember it was pretty good we we played for a month and it's not 15 there's no way it's definitely not 15 no I got sub 20 on my first day I know that it was a 16 16 is more believable but it's really difficult to no actually no you're not getting 16 in a month I got a 16 and no way actually yeah I need prove I don't buy it I I got a 16 5x yeah oh okay okay damn that's really good on the last 10 minutes beat me by like a second wait is there a cannon unlocked around here uh in TTM yeah cuz you can like launch with the cannon or something I'm pretty sure yeah it's by that wooden bridge you just go like there's one what do you aim like there or something ah [Music] uh I just can't move chat how many ocean water levels are jrb there like a bunch actually DDD jrb aquarium I oh I guess with dry world yeah that's true that's my favorite stage with dry world yeah I love that stage I think the gimmick is cool and I love the town wait do that is so stupid bro the chests shock you underwater how are you supposed to know the order try eror Tri eror how does this guy have a better PB than me I haven't played these levels that's so funny okay it's back left right what the hell no it's back middle oh they reset oh wait they reset if you get one wrong that's who designed this game they need a Stern talking too CH does anyone remember where J was I feel like I've been to every level twice I don't I can't remember never mind I okay I gave myself an escape rope man how does just keep happening I'm just giving myself stuff all right time to go to sleep Mario Mario's out of things again convert you coward and Pokemon is two so we'll work on some Minecraft stuff I guess I give you fly by the way have fun oh nice but I need the feather bed no okay have you opened the cannon in TTM beats me where would that be this is your first time playing Mario 64 stop asking me that Chad it makes me feel bad I've beat the game in 7 minutes before 13 let's go yo surely 13's going enough chat right because we're going to get a drop of Pearls at some point t mountain sucks what the how was I supposed to know that that's like the most do design I've ever seen doesn't Telegraph that you're about to die and then it's like oh hey you're dead now now I got to climb up the whole Mountain again cuz one of the rock walls is randomly a magic portal with no no indicator of that it is what is it here is it that one where is it how is anyone supposed to know that it's actually impossible I just I just grabbed [Music] him are you fighting with a monkey not anymore imagine I die on the way down okay have a Pokeball wow two bones all right what's the safe amount of bones for the have with the KN badge oh okay well thank you dude I'm just running around looking for obsidian to mine because I can't make it myself and I don't remember where my other portal was all right I get two more obsidian then I die I unlocked your cannon in thi no damn kind of kind of [Music] big we get to fly at least once um well unless it's in Victory Road then I won't fly if my last you have to go through victory road all the way oh I mean yeah we might not we might not be able to fly at all actually it's true just live one just live one come on just live one let that's all I ask live one live one yes and then burn burn burn burn burn burn burn burn yes bounce okay all I need was a burn oh can you did you hear all of that yeah oh my God that's all right this is Swift so we dragon breath you don't have to unmute for your commentary oh mute for your commentary I mean you're run through my whole team yeah I am being run right it's fine though the feraligator is slowly losing HP every turn I'm sure it's okay he doesn't have a super effective move now so my Mr MIM is going to come in and he's going to smack him with a miss ball and it'll finish him off cuz he survives the ra another star I found my own strength I got the stuff to do oh let's go nice you unlock strength huge okay I can do well something much I give you a star how many stars you at in probably 59 yeah okay we're pretty much even then I got the storage key oh more stuff to do they don't call me no they don't yet the end is approaching as soon as one of us gets Brewing it's it's going to snowball so hard where is the lady for hidden power I can remember Brewing all right I'm switching I'm switching yeah go beat Minecraft cuz you can just beat it now right yeah yeah yeah yeah I can just beat it is brewing necessary uh in this one you have to get it to uh craft eyes a vendor I assume ah this snow I dude I'm at least favored I don't I don't like Minecraft anymore it's crazy how much snow you found yeah it's just everywhere mhm okay what else am I missing there we go we're at 62 star s in Super Mario 64 I have one two three badges and I have almost all of the advancements for Minecraft I just need brewing in Minecraft so we can almost beat I mean eight more stars for this and then a key I need um for Minecraft just brewing basically I can do the other stuff we'll probably have everything for Pokemon most likely maybe we'll see there'll be a good chance man why is everything Cliffs and thick Forest man New Angle 20 you still need wood for beds didn't have a good wood you just get in the library no I think I'll I'll dig back up all right that's enough let's go uh surely it's nearby CH oh my God I'm in a cave oh no how deep is this there's no way 31 can it be this deep oh 1.20 it goes down to like 40 potentially oh no it's infested with this blue garbage oh good luck don't get don't get a warden also uh the so each sort of whenever there's like an opening that counts as a room and it's almost never more than like four or five oh yeah I I know I know how to loc okay just making sure yeah even with the knowledge of that though it takes sometimes ages to find it let's go this way ah found it zero I portal every time classic I don't think the Bow's going to last man I'm going to have to first try this with 10 beds surely I can do that oh I don't have obsidian oh I can mine it it's fine okay purch is happening I didn't do itam oh no Chad that's really bad wait what's bad sorry I'm having an argument with my chat but what what what's bad for you uh I I failed the bed Strat and my bow is almost dead and I don't have oh that's going to be a fun one okay I'll be fine I'll be fine you got this you got this oh shears is for spider web cobweb can you turn cobweb into string oh God damn it no you can't it's all good I got my crossbow all [Music] right the part of uh medicine until it is [Music] they're your luxury bones yeah of course they're just optional teeth are a side quest I didn't think I could dig back under her and keep attacking that worked though big really is coming hope be ready okay I'm ready I'm so ready I'm looking oh when she's PCH there's no arrows they don't work no no no no like she's just flying around oh okay oh there's a crystal still going I didn't see spy glass okay where else can I get she was getting healed a little bit if I had seen the health bar I would have noticed that she's healing and I she would have probably been down ages ago and I did freak out about the beds that was on me though I I forgot to turn on hit boxes so I I just guessed dude what is going on how is she not dead yet I did so much is there another Crystal I missed or something there it's it's almost done almost there over there what did you have one of you started your oh you did it I got it I got it okay wait wait wait wait oh my God I need to see everything you just unlocked holy crap oh my God all right I I'm at 69 I can't finish Mario oh no okay wait let me I can't beat any of the games no way nope I did not get the key to the second floor and I did not get Brewing that's such a bad seed what the hell yep I I have 70 stars but I don't have the key for upstairs well you'll be done immediately once you get the key that's nice Le I still can't rock smash I still can't rock smash I still can't fly I didn't get 70 Stars blj chat did you just tell me to blj oh you can't even do that right blj the door to upstairs is locked guys never watch rock smash let's go you you can't blj to create a loading zone that isn't there a star I can finish Mario yo okay and then you can might you probably unlock my thing let's go also this level 33 celby keeps freaking freezing me and it must have Serene Grace or something cuz it's using powder snow and I've been frozen this slack off celby is killing me right now how power to slack off wait you in there already you're fighting the boss yeah okay oh you miss to throw one yeah okay it's fine it's okay I'm in all right here's the Mario release all right here's uh two releases for me I gave you I gave me a one up and you got oh here we go Power Star Progressive armor Master armor Progressive armor that's it I might give you more advancements my magma emblem okay I still you gave me fly a while back oh God I'm going to get so many items in here you're going to be done everything cuz all you have is Pokémon now yeah but I I'm still I'm still missing three badges and an HM so I'll be playing Pokemon with you for a while okay okay I'm going to go back to Minecraft cuz I could probably do a couple of things now my yo there you go more tools for agressive tools okay it may have appeared we have rolled a not so optimal seed a little bit tricky sending me a lot of items though soad you can use now and you got the magma emblem you said right yes I guess that's a couple of items that is a ton of items you can do Magma base I'll be small and best employee so many items I just need I just need two things I need a key I need Brewing I be Minecraft and I be Mario that's all I need it's not that too much of it's not that big of an ask is it I don't think so we're still under what I was hoping for we're still on like sub eight Pace that's good uh here I found a mind badge yo huge actually huge that that actually helps right yes okay Elixir you are getting so many items yeah I'm picking up 10 every minute you could just go in a random direction for 1,500 blocks dig down and find the stronghold true actually just just do that and then have it all have all the eyes but if the sm64 key is hidden your sm64 it could be could be yeah it could it could be that one game remaining like worst case scenario he has to his Brewing is in his Minecraft and his up floor upstairs key is in his Mario yeah that would really suck well I I cannot help him the odds of that are low because I don't have a lot of checks left good news for you is you get to skip like half of the levels in Mario because you need the key uh yeah they're all right although I feel like most of them like American style mashed potatoes I don't like them wa wait what's different about American I didn't realize there was a difference yeah they're like they're like two creamy and cheesy I like them a little rustic cheesy yeah I've M potato would they put cheese in it or like milk or cream or something like I don't like it all right going to the abandoned ship wait I can't dive I can dive want to dive I'm going to dive through the abandoned ship it's like triple of views what what game are you playing right now I am on Pokemon right now why did you just unlock the I sent you the basement key which is new marel new marille oh that's a bunch of items isn't it yeah there's five items in there oo let's go and they're really fast oh no man I might be out of items soon I can't I wouldn't be able to help you anymore I wonder if there's something like super simple that we forgot I'll check your track out let's have a look man I didn't miss anything obvious did I Mario and your Minecraft tracker let's have a look do you have the Wing Cap no do you have Bo Cannon unlock no oh I got the cannon unlock just now oh there it is that you should do B okay oh you forgot the first star in DDD oh no the first star in DDD what's the first star in DDD I got the first star in DDD it was it was on the ship no that's the substar the first star is the chests in the first room there's four chests I got those uh not not according to the tracker I got the for and did no wait no okay are there like three different stars with four chests there no there's one in jrb and in DDD that's it oh there's two levels with the same puzzle yeah you have to go back to DDO I don't remember this is like an early one I'm I'm checking the early stuff where are they again Chad does any you found Snowman's Land and you've done one star in it there is so many checks in snow wait no I did Snowman land I did this I got all of them in the snow one wait there's two snow levels oh no oh y all the items are hoarded in the ice level oh my God I did cool cool Mountain chests in the current oh this room oh wait what's the order when you spawn it's to the right of the hole then the one closest to the hole then the one left of the hole and then and then the one in the middle okay so not that one got it all right to the right of the hole it's a circle ah this is one okay that's not to the right of the hole all right it's got to be this one [Music] then it Seaside chests there's no chest in Seaside that are like this that are this God awful no then the one closest to the ho I don't I I don't know where you're are the second one is the one closest to the hole Yeah okay and then the next one is the one on the other side of the room and then the one in the middle middle one's last he's got this he's got this the chest refuses to it's not it's you have to touch it from the front you have to like swim into it from the front oh yeah I'm I'm hitting the [Music] front okay it wasn't the one closest to the center the one closest to the War pool's last that's that's not what I heard that's what I said the one in the middle last oh I heard the one in the middle is next no okay when you spawn it's to the right of the hole then the one closest to the hole then the one left of the hole and then the one in the middle the hole is not the whirlpool wait there's a there's a hole it's not the whirlpool the hole is not the whir pool I was talking about the hole to the next room sorry oh this hole oh war is the last one yeah yeah I'm good I get the star and you say this one is easy Harbor mail now Bo I don't know where Bo is does anyone know where B is I would I would do Snowman on first because um Bo you just unlocked so that's unlikely it's like 20 did you like actually do the 602s yeah like no sleep 602s yeah yeah yeah yeah what I've done like 20 of them 20 how many is that just like a 24 hour that's like my thing dude that's that's how I grew my channel back then really was 602s yeah I did the first one you did the first ever 60 that's you yeah that was 10 years ago you started the 602 yeah what he's learning you're like half responsible for the existence of my channel those were those were like the First videos after Mario a you did the 62 I yeah I've done it I didn't know that wait the whole thing yeah yeah I didn't multiple sitting though I not know this about you what the hell yeah that was like one of my first things it was my first time playing Super Mario one of the Super Mario games and I was did you do the whole thing in one sitting or no uh no no I was multiple CS oh okay okay yeah and then after that I did all unique moons as well so I kind of went up you on that so sorry well well well you know but it was over like a week week and a half that I did it so yeah oh Chad how are you feeling how long has it been just under 7 hours actually like time wise we're doing we're doing still fine I was expecting this to take about as long about as long as me doing it solo but I also like overestimated his Mario skills a little bit yeah damn oh I found my water came up before yo wait that means you can just be Pokemon now or no you your badges no I'm still I'm still missing two badges and I'm done I got a good feeling about your run though I think you're going to find Brewing any moment if it's just me needing to unlock items it's going to be a long stream chat be careful in there wait oh my God that platform was so thin why did they make it so thin what did I say it's a repple sorry it's not even a great ball it's a reppel it's a oh no wait what is mini and what is big is it mini Mario or or mini or big Mario the world is small okay that makes more sense I'm like there's nothing there bro I'm certain there's nothing there to see I'm tiny Mario there's nothing I'm tiny in thi this box yeah that one you walk past it a many times Progressive weapons okay okay that was snowman's big head can I just Cannon up there you can shoot into it with the cannon oh maybe you're right about it being easy oh he doesn't ledge grab he's stupid 130 the eye when you set for a great ball what do you mean at Great Ball on Pokemon it's not great throw to the [Music] eye easy easy a power star sent to 360 kism in a game he's already beat great oh my God I talk to Rayquaza and I have to walk back because I still can't fly still has hinted anything like how we never hinted arip the only time I hint is if I've beaten oh my God no not for me rain BGE I got you the rain badge is that good is that good did I do good yeah it's really good oh the eag has three checks oh I don't know what he was doing I saw him sideways I saw him upside down there I have no idea what that was yeah I would get the vanish cap and then there's the boxes and the cannon open dude the cannon guy don't forget the Canon guy there's a cannon guy in here it was a pink guy yeah pink guy all right I'll go to B now that we have the cannon I guess there's a star here oh you give the wing I sent you the Wing Cap you can get more stars now in B wait wait just get that star you you were right there I I just spent 10 minutes getting the Reds oh never mind here have some ender pearls that you don't need wait there's a ton of items in Victory Road I should probably get these first because the the other items I'm missing are also waterfall checks all right let's see if I can find something else early game for you because that you just got the wing so that's unlikely you you gave up on wiggler I gave up on wiggler oh I forgot about him you never beat wigler forgot about the wiggler yeah make wiggler squ oh right yeah I got a game over and I just left I remember now it's not connected in any way I just want to [Music] know oh my right was a worm pole oh my God random Evolutions there's no random Evolutions though oh I thought everything bro see Wiggle all over me absolutely oh my God he just he just jumped Dude jrb where's Jr B chat Jolly Roger Bay the one with the ship anyone remember that where that was Minecraft credit ended oh no that's one you know the Minecraft credits oh how long do they go for like 20 minutes like 90 minutes really yeah they that's really they're so long now 76 minutes it's a video game Marvel movies have like 10 minute long credits that's not true and that's like that's like a whole country working on those movies I heard that the credits for Pirates of the Caribbean is longer than the movie itself do they keep it how do they play it in theaters well they just cut it after 5 minutes or something if I ever make a movie I'm going to make the credits at least 10 times I lik that the movie that way you know like all those people they worked on on the movie so hard that you know a million people worked on the movie but you know you still only get 10 minutes of credits cuz a million people worked on those 10 minutes and that's why it's so perfect thank to my mom's my my mom and my mom's mom and my mom's mom's mom and my mom's mom's mom's mom and my mom's mom's mom's mom's mom actually you can only do that like what like 47 times or something before you run out of people with the moms moms moms yeah then you're not thinking humans anymore what that doesn't sound right these just refuse to line up this is actually the game is trolling me bro you got this I sent you a bucket the bucket recipe finally so J jrb Reds is I think what was it JB Reds JB Reds Y and yeah that's that one's really easy they're all in the clams not to alarm you is there one what but you're out of checks no I have like four left and then I did the entire game that'll be one awful one in my game I I'm assuming it's in your game I've never had to do this much in in one single game okay the the red coins you're working on right now I I I have really high hopes for here we go here's the red coins is this going to be it if it's not one up mushroom um how do you drain the moat you you haven't you haven't been to vanish C oh god oh no he's got this okay I drained them all right that's what that's what that means yeah yeah yeah all right how many checks does that un oh it's a whole level it's level I forgot about the loading zone down here wait this so true yeah shifting sandland right was this one again you just do like something like this or I can't remember I'm dead okay tm31 have fun with that okay I'll teach you a trick you can long jump to the boss platform from that platform you just fell off on yep and double wall kick and you get you get on top easily okay yeah you wall kick off the boss platform then off the wall and onto the B PL got you what is he doing is this like a circle what's going on time to beat the game here we another Power Star I don't know did you ever enter metal cap um enter metal cap where is that again well in in HMC there's the level I don't believe I did so that's another whole level well I got feather badge so I'm going to start flying places in Pokemon o and I think I'll be able to clear a lot more checks more quickly there right is that worth it no no I I yeah this is faster checks for sure honestly yeah just get just focus on Fast checks at this point because you need either the second floor key or Brewing so and the you Pro it's yeah yeah yeah yeah actually you're completely right one of them is definitely where you are I can't find the last item in viory Ro I've been in here for hours all right I'm out of items you're just out I'm completely done all right um I can I can still go to I guess E4 for like the fly point and then I'm going to position myself oh my God I can I can power up Sudoku and and form hints with soku looting three book to you which you don't need okay great and I jump kick another thing I don't need okay by the way there's always the option to hint if you if it's getting to like you know nah to you though started 4 hours earlier we started 5 hours earlier than I normally start stream or something my math might be off there it might be only as long as you're good then I'm fine going for The Full Experience on the first one keep in mind this the seat we have today is actually really bad yeah some people say that it really doesn't actually it the the true fun doesn't begin until hour eight chat so just you wait wait does that mean do you have all the badges no I'm missing one badge okay I'm I'm going to award you the the TTC Reds okay okay sure um because that is not the way it's supposed to be anyway better not be something real good that'll feel disappointing I can I can Hint it first Hint it let's go and then you can still achieve it yourself what well there's your feather badge wait you couldn't fly still yeah I was walking the whole time oh my God you walked everywhere I just realized we yeah we just got his last wait does that mean you can beat the game now yeah I'm done with my games oh my God I'm done zero of mine and you are done all of yours I think krism won this Co-op I think he won this Co-op too he want hint location no do we no we don't need hints we don't well unless you want to we don't need hints no no no no no no no I don't want to I don't want to I just want to know what the TTC red star is that's all oh yeah yeah okay that's fine yeah tttc red because that one is not supposed the way it's supposed to be I don't want to like get spoiled on where anything is actually I'm using fly once yeah they need to fix the the TTC clock arm not being available on levels like wi cap I'm still releasing a couple items I mean could be brewing for him the only way my release items which is like five um are useful for you if if if there's something that you had to unlock for me first because release is never part of logic like release is never required to beat another so your release is not going to help me is what you're saying like most likely yeah okay so it's all on me got it we get Brewing or key we unlock an enormous amount of stuff chat you're likely we're like done after Brewing yeah like if I get one of those things chances are we're done if we get a key or brewing your metal cap level is extremely likely to have something important as well oh was it if your chat yeah if your chat remembers where HMC was okay do you guys remember what HMC is chat do you I don't you have to go down to n you can just long jump off your back yeah oh invisible ceiling yeah there's an invisible ceiling all right what is it lethal lava lands well there's just Stars there's no cannons no and no boxes got so just there's six checks here do I have to walk all the way no yeah you do you got this you can slide down that like Middle Island uh and as you're sliding you jump to the double door that might save you some time probably you like you keep all the momentum of the slide crazy that you don't get kicked out into this level here yeah that's something they could fix because the randomizer does that already I I just want to I want to die bro boil the big bully I died on the [Applause] stairs got why is the most lethal level deep in a maze [Music] broo do they come back you're stressing no it's never going to come back 16 iron yay um I mean there's ways but yeah you can you could ground pound Nessie um so she lowers her head then you get on her head and you can control her by looking in the direction that's crazy stop moving all right you said if I slide down I can get up into the door okay oh sweet I'll do soku actually yeah that's a good idea sodoku archipelago soku every time I Sol a soku you get one random like a fullu board yeah Minecraft or Pokemon second floor key it's happening oh my God I could go beat this game now let's get the Brewing combo let get the give me brewing and then give me everything I need to be Pokemon and then Pokemon will still take forever cuz I have a level four 37 fet oh God like that's the best Pokemon you should have like you should have like 12 candies or so H we'll see okay I brain wait until after I need to just tell my brain to wait until after cuz my timing is just like off I guess I don't know we're done what I wonder if it's lag related [Music] okay please go please tell me this unlocks brewing and I can go beat Minecraft it unlock bre you got Brewing let's go Brewing right there [Music] okay let's go and then uh what does Pokemon look like Pokemon he's missing two badges and he's releasing like 80 items in Minecraft so it's likely going to be the end yeah okay are you okay it's just I can finally beat the games no it's archipelago zoku I'm trying I'm trying to we're wa we we're watching your stream together okay okay we get a random item revealed from your Pokemon game yes oh you didn't don't you have beds with you want to place one what will'll be well even if if I fall into the oh it's keep inventory never mind we're fine I forgot it's keep inventory storage room item I only missed slightly chat all right hey look at that we're we're at the starting staircase look at that no only one definitely didn't miss it yeah I definitely did not miss okay let's take not there there it is oh my God wood in the lava freaking me out okay I made it what the heck is this gener ation never seen anything like it that was close dude what oh my god I've actually never seen anything like this generation you I'm going to be if you die I'm going to be mad all right I'm going to wait for it to perch I should have learned zero cycle bro do you know zero cycle no I've never done that you know what it is though right okay that's yeah I know what it is all right this side wasn't one of your most watched stream fineberg when you tweeted about it or or am I thinking of someone else oh all right I beat the dragon just barely I know it's when you can't see the HP bar it's impossible dude all right so that gave me zero badges no it's not done yet it's not done yet it's not done so when is it done cuz I'm seeing the credits right now and I yeah yeah sometimes the Minecraft release fail fails so I'll I'll do it manually One Moment One Moment okay you got nothing I got nothing well I just need to find I just need to check every item in Pokemon now well okay let's see you have um how many how many are missing in Pokemon you have a remaining it's a lot it's a lot you're 69% done in Pokemon how many checks are in Pokemon 239 so you're missing 40 like 34 you're missing 73 checks but we let's we're doing my rules when I do when I'm there's exactly one item left okay the last item is hinted it removes a little bit of the RNG grind at the end so you have to find one more item one more item all right hey an item badge please please uh if it says archipelago item I know it's bad uh yes that is point yeah at this point yeah I mean the gym leaders could have the badge but ideally we just bind the badge you know like right here ESC BR you get one more here and then you get one one more in dord just talking to a guy that's true yeah he looks like a he looks like a nerd a nerd all right all right a nerd look at him what a nerd Stone badge oh it was left behind Norman it's happening oh it hit me up so what's the item rain badge it's the last badge rain badge it's working okay wait it says it it's in little rout town amulet coin from Mom visit mom I did already I talked to Mom she didn't give me it is it only after you beat Norman yeah it's after you beat Norman oh my God everything was locked behind Norman got to say hi to Mom okay shout out small a mom okay now I just go beat the game right like I don't need to do any St stuff yeah this might still be an adventure do you have X items no I recommend buying them in rusoro okay I'll fly to rusb once I'm done it has stabed surf also you have you have Sky uppercut right no I have a high jump kick no as a TM I think do I oh it use sub bro it's setting up on me this thing's crazy like in between fights you might want to consider not risking missing a high jump kick and dying I have X accuracies oh okay you're fine are you Chris having race no we teamed up I won the co-op today another crit it's it has a 50% crit rate this is crazy 60 to 70% I use seven full restores on a totodile it's the first guy why using fly when it has substitute uh I was wasting his power points okay okay you have the most power points detect oh my God it detected my high jump kick this thing's crazy I swear to God if it does again no I'm not even I'm flying I'm not even risking it now he's going to dick oh my God I can't beat him just use sled he double detected it's not very effective it no sled bomb is neutral what I thought PCH wait what whoa wait when since when is poison not resisted by dark this is news to me never never has been this is complete news to me you're plus five it's a merro you'll kill it with a cut mro's got okay defenses I think I can't I don't know [Laughter] actually with E I guess back track here maybe with eeve light and eeve training and a competitive nature in a good partner in VGC doubles 60 HP 42 defense in both okay maybe I'm wrong but but I don't know he's going to beat me too it cor fish level 57 all right X speed he said one of them is enough I'm using two and we sweep critical hit best thing it has for me Pikachu and sludge bom and it died another critical hit and it's dead another critical hit maybe nah be oh crap I used fly on a freaking Layon didn't get my down input whatever it's just WHL poool yeah speedrunners rely on them to beat the game usually right that's like speedruns they okay the final fight will be hard because we only have twox attacks this is the final fight this is the last thing this is the champion right there that's the champion I'm about to finish like two seconds from now okay time is when archipelago tells us time is so it's like right at the Hall of Fame somewhere okay G though sub 10 let's go sub 10 hours beating six games across two people in under 10 hours and everything is random in in the wrong order and we have to figure it out as we go I mean that's not too bad 9:40 where is my time 9 hours and 40 minutes GG good I think games I mean you know it just showed you what it how bad it can be but it'll never happen again they way it will never happen yeah the seeds will never be this bad nope never thanks for playing it was fun yeah and see you next time yeah I will see you around by bye-bye don't forget to like And subscribe for more videos like this and I'll see you in the next one thank you so much for watching and [Music] bye-bye
Channel: 360Chrism
Views: 120,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: archipelago, super mario 64 randomizer, pokemon randomizer, minecraft randomizer, multiworld randomizer, archipelago randomizer
Id: b3sbU06qs1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 58sec (5998 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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