I Made REALISTIC CatNap With Flocking | Poppy Playtime 3 Mighty 8K 3D Printed Smiling Critters Toy

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I am toymaker Zedabyu and I am extremely  meticulous when it comes to screen accuracy so   when we decided to make the most popular smiling  critters – Catnap, who scored a landslide victory   through the "extremely" fair community polls, I  knew we had to pay the Playtime Co factory a   visit to borrow the exact Catnap 3d model for  this video. Unlike the catnap we made in the   previous video who is all cute and fanmade, this  catnap is the official one that you saw stalking   you throughout the entire chapter 3, who is  bigger, hungrier, and so much cuter, right?  His 3d model has been ripped by some overly  enthusiastic fans on the internet and this is   as accurate as you can ask for. And here is a rare  close up look at his sculpture, which looks really   menacing from this angle, with his sharp nails,  and he is sooo skinny his spine is showing at the   back. Honestly I never noticed that all his limbs  and even his neck are kinda reattached with these   black strings so it’s really cool we get to admire  his design up close. One of his most iconic poses   is when he started to stand up to pray at his  self-made shrine of the prototype and obviously,   that is the one we are going to recreate in real  life. With the animation bones readily available,   we just needed to load the exact animation into  blender and that is how you puppet his lifeless   body into the pose that you want. Then from  there, we can just simply export him out into   Zbrush to do some modifications. Now, if you don’t already know,   Poppy playtime is notorious for their  really, let’s just say efficient animations,   where they only animate the parts you can see,  and basically leave the rest untouched because   you are not supposed to see them anyway, unless  you go out of bounds to do some extra curricular   exploration. And when you first see Catnap at  his shrine, you are supposed to be up top on the   bridge staring at him from afar, or you might  not notice him even when you are a seasoned   gamer *Oh hi, I could’ve very easily missed that*. So when I was checking out the model, the 3d model   in zbrush, I noticed that his tail has merged with  his leg and it’s also clipping through the floor.   The more crazy thing is that his hands are visibly  distorted! At first I thought that something might   have gone wrong with the ripping of the bones or  something, but after revisiting that very scene,   the palms are indeed distorted ingame as well,  which makes sense because you are not meant to   be that close anyway, so I had to manually nudge  the wrist back into place, and with some digital   magic, we duplicated and mirrored the hands  over to the other side to save some time.  One thing about game models is that they defy  physics, like the eyeballs are literally floating   in space, so in order to make him 3d printable  I extended a pole from the base of eyes straight   into his skull so that they can anchor onto his  brain. The other thing is that they are usually   really low in resolution, so you’ll have to  subdivide it further to make them smoother.   However, that also means that some parts like the  symbol on the zipper will lose its shape. Luckily,   there’s a way to combat it. By isolating  the respective edges, we are able to crease   them separately, as you can see by  the extra lines along the edges,   then when we subdivide it, its going to be  smooth all around while keeping those edges.  The other part that lost some details was the  ribcage, which I feel is the most defining part   of this catnap, so I decided to resculpt the  ribs to make them more pronounced, and lastly,   I added some zipper details onto the existing one  since it didn’t have any, and then I realized that   it’s too big for our printer! We’ll have to  separate him into parts by cutting his limbs   off and adding some keys to reattach them later  on. I also hollowed them, placed some supports,   and now we are ready to print, with the  Phrozen mighty 8k and Aqua vanilla 8k resin,   which is a great combination to print medium  detailed prints because it has a pretty good   sized build plate with an incredible 28 microns  resolution that the 8k resin can capture.  And after just 14 hours, the skeletal remains  of a dismembered catnap has been reproduced,   and compared to our previous print which had some  errors with the base, we managed to fix them this   time thanks to the advice we received in the  official phrozen facebook group. So make sure to   join the group and don’t be afraid to ask for help  from this very helpful community. The thing IS,   now it’s slightly harder to remove the prints  from the plate right now compared to before, so   I might have to tune the settings a little  in the future. But with some force and   determination, we got him off the plate. I prefer to remove the supports before   curing because they are softer fresh out  of the printer, and while we do that,   let’s take a moment to thank our supporters on  Patron, ko-fi and youtube membership for their   support, and if you wanna have early access to  videos make sure to join us and help us make   more videos. Thank you very much. And now we can  cure it in our mega cure S for around 10 minutes,   and carry on with our post processing. The good thing is we are going to try   flocking for the first time so we might  not need to sand him too smooth or fill   up any tiny holes like we did before. Still,  we have to get rid of some of the protrusions,   give catnap a much needed manicure to trim his  ingrown nails, provide some dental deep scaling   for his mouth, and fill up the holes that we made  when hollowing with some uv clay because we don’t   want the flocking to go through. But before we  flock, I wanna glue his arms together and then   flock them at the same time. They fit pretty  well but there’s still some gaps in between,   so I went in with some uv clay again, sand  them smooth, and we will let the glue to cure   for the night and come back tomorrow. *later that night* why is it so bright? did I forget the switch the lights off  huh? Is that cat nap? I don't remember leaving him in this position... is he praying to my 100k play button? *breaths in* Oh crap. Morning guys, I had a pretty weird nightmare last night. Anyway,I wanna paint some parts first  because his palms and feet are not supposed to be   furry, so let me clean the airbrush. For the  blacks, I’ll just use the spray can because I   literally just cleaned the airbrush, then for the  feet and palms I am airbrushing some lavender,   and we can get to masking. I’ll be masking the  eyes and mouth with some bluetac to protect   the blacks, and then just some tapes  for the hands, and it’s time to flock.  Apparently there’s something called electrostatic  flocking, which is basically magic to me,   and I’m no magician so we will be doing it the  regular way. And spoiler alert, we kinda failed   because we grossly underestimated the amount of  flocking we need, and I only bought like 20gs of   purple flock. ALSO, we didn’t have the  appropriate applicator to apply things evenly   because I wasn’t going to pay 33 bucks for  a couple of extended toilet roll without the   toilet paper, so I tried following a tutorial by  drilling my own cup into a made-shift flocker,   which didn’t work for me, maybe because I didn’t  have enough flock in the first place, and it’s   barely coming out at all. I also mixed some paint  into the modpodge before applying it so maybe that   also affected something as well idk but basically  there’s a lot of bald spots and I had to resort to   shaking the cup like I’m salt addict adding more  salt to my fries. Honestly, I was going to give up and postpone this video,   but then it struck me that, catnap is  clearly malnourished, it’s not unrealistic that   he’s balding in some areas right? So I just  went ahead to cover as much as I could, I was   literally pouring the flock out of the cup in the  end because I was running out, and I DID run out   so I used some other colors for the tail, and then  I gave every single part a thorough airbrushing,   to cover up as much as I could, and I think  it kinda worked? Like the main areas looks   great, the texture is velvety, and only the sides  are slightly reflective but it does give off some   nice contrast, right?? Especially when we unmask  the hands and they are slowly coming together!  The most satisfying part was unmasking the zipper,  and painting it chrome to make it look metallic,   and the entire thing looks really really  cool. I painted the crescent gold,   applied some black nail polish to his toenails and  fingernails, and for his Frankenstein-esque limbs,   I had to remove the flocking on the strings  with a tooth pick, and then paint them black   one at a time to make them look more accurate. As for the head, we plucked out the bluetac   carefully to reveal the really creepy eyes,  and mouth, paint the nose black, darkened   the inner ears, inserted the eyes, and painted it  white. then we put on his brains and we are done!  Catnap from poppy playtime, flocked to  bring the textures to a whole new level,   and even though there very visible flaws, I think  it suits the character pretty okay so I am not   going to throw him away. I had an incredible  time making this, I hope you have enjoyed the   process as well, if you did, press like to let  the algorithm know , and I will see you next time!
Channel: Zedabyu Creations
Views: 126,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one sixth scale, custom, hot toys, sculpting, painting, timelapse, customize, formlabs, 3d printing, art, 1/6 scale, sideshow, 3d printer, custom figure, sculpt, sculpture, pixologic, zbrush, acrylic painting, figure painting, poppy playtime, poppy playtime chapter 3, catnap, smiling critters, flocking, 3d printed catnap, making catnap, catnap plush, poppy, playtime co, plush, shrine, catnap praying, catnap praying to prototype, catnap shrine, prototype, mob entertainment, dogday, cresent
Id: O9evMLlDVN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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