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hey what's going on guys welcome back to the survival series episode number two boys so i'm walking back to the house at the end of last episode episode one i actually died so it's kind of sad but i'm walking back to the house down oh is that my house that's not my house whose house is that this is my house no it's not did someone do something to my house i'm so confused is this moose's house oh my gosh okay so i haven't been on the server for a little bit so i haven't really seen much does anyone have any food though does he have any food oh a white bed that's weird let me see if i can get some food here and then i'm what i plan to do this episode is i'm super excited guys uh because i want to do a lot of awesome okay i always got this rotten flesh wow thanks thanks moose all you got is rotten flesh that's it gets me rotten flush today but guys the plan for today's episode is to go to my house and basically i want to make it a lot better i mean when we ended off last episode it was a terrible house it was just ugly i want to make it a lot better i want to do a lot of improvements to the house and then basically call it a day so we have a beautiful house to come home at at the end of every episode so let's go to the house all right is that my house did someone remove the stilts on it someone messed with my house what did they do oh my gosh it's upside down that that was my staircase it's upside down someone flipped my house how do you even do that how do you even flip a house upside down how how and who how and who did this i don't even know who did this was it moose or was it shark oh my gosh oh there's something in here oh i'm okay what is the okay literally they flipped the house upside down who does this the door's not upside down but i mean then again how do you flip a door upside down you'll be the one behind these bars after my diss track it's going to be more fire than your nether and your mum in the meantime chew on these bars so you can prep big mouth i feel like this is moose shark doesn't talk like this you be the wind behind these bars if they may distract moose definitely flipped my house either that or shark helped him i don't really know guys what happened but we need to get revenge i'm not like i spent so long making this beach house like they they just they didn't even work on their houses like shark's house is literally a dirt hut my house was beautiful and it was gonna be so great and then someone decides to flip it upside down i don't know if it was shark and moose i don't know if i was assuming it was just moose that's what i'm gonna assume uh but we need to get revenge on him today boys we need to get revenge you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna take all those items i'm gonna hide them below my house and then i'm going to delete his whole entire house i'm literally going to destroy the whole entire house i'm going to get a pickaxe i'm going to do it i'm going to flip and do it boys this is not okay moose wants to start the game like this i'm not starting the game like this dog this is not no his whole house is gonna be deleted well i'm going to literally break every single block and it's gone i know this is a little bit next level savage boys but he flipped my house upside down i might be going a little bit out of my way here going a little bit savage but guys this this is the point of the series it's the beast average you know part it's called prank wars minecraft survival prank could you stop i'm gonna go up in moose's house i'm gonna see if he has anything that i can spare maybe some wood or something i'm literally gonna oh hey creeper come here come here creeper come on there you go there you go thanks for helping me all right sweet he had a chest with something in it was it the chest downstairs ah i think it was this chest yes okay i'm going to take everything oh he's got oh he's got pickaxes perfect hello hello excuse me trying to uh break this chest so i can literally just get up that's not nice can i could i just grab this real quick thank you thank you very much okay i'm just gonna take this i'm just gonna mind my own business okay cool all right guys so i'm gonna go down here i'm gonna get me some let me see where these two pickaxes at so i'm going to completely delete his whole entire house this might be savage like i said it might be savage but his reaction is gonna be priceless and then he's probably gonna try to do something back to me or maybe yo i should make it look like shark did it yo i should make it look like shark did it that's what i could do i could basically blame it on shark now i know that's even more savage but you gotta remember unspeakable is a savage you can literally just call me unsavageable so i think we're gonna begin the uh the process of destroying his whole entire base we're literally just going to dig up the whole entire base like literally just eat it and i'm gonna leave a sign right where his base was i'm gonna be like shark boy got hungry and he thought your base was a lava cake that's what i'm gonna do that's what i'm gonna do boys excuse me ma'am thank you thank you very much now this is probably gonna take a while to literally destroy his whole entire base but i mean hey we got time we got time we got time i got time you got time yo it looks like he was actually still working on his base because there's not a cobblestone part that goes around this side of the wall so this is gonna be savage boys i like it i wish i could get tnt though that would be so much easier to destroy his base just with tnt instead of just you know literally breaking everything by hand all right got three stone axes uh we're about getting into chopping it's time to get the chop and we're gonna remove this top part of the base first um and then we're just gonna slowly delete everything else so the first part of the house is almost done this is actually taking a while it's a very tedious process really wish i had some iron but i really don't want to go looking for iron like iron is so hard wait there's iron under my house what am i doing with my life there's iron literally under my house and i've been sitting here like just mining with this little stone axe no i'm gonna go get this iron boys uh if i can even figure out or remember where it is i think it was right down this little hatch don't just fill the wind okay so there's some iron right here hopefully we can get three oh okay that's plenty plenty enough for three pieces of iron and we got five pieces sweet okay so let's grab the all my inventory is full okay do i really need his doors or a wooden pickaxe that's almost dead now not really all right so i got some iron uh i'll probably go smelt it at moose's house just to be a savage you know use his house to smell iron that literally is gonna destroy his base basically or make a flint steel and set his face on fire not a bad idea to get rid of all the wood yo that's actually not a bad idea do you have any flint on me i do have some flint on me yo i'm gonna smelt and see if i can just set his base on fire and try to get rid of everything all right i'm gonna use like these things to smelt with because uh minecraft i'm gonna use like his bow and stuff to smell and get iron ingots to destroy his base how savage is this i know guys this video is like next level savage but i mean this is the whole objective of this series basically um is to be savages well there's a limit to where you can be so savage like this is like me almost crossing the limit because the series is still supposed to be a survival series we're not supposed to just prank each other that's it we're still supposed to actually survive but let me use some more of his items just for that yeah okay cool all right let's craft where is it a flint and steel let's craft two of these sweet all right let's try to set his base on fire and get rid of everything oh wait no it's because it's raining oh no maybe i could set the fire from below there we go some of the the rain might put it out but i mean hopefully we can get oh it's spreading quick boys okay we're gonna have to wait till it stops raining because this is a lot more effective way because i really don't need his wood i can care less uh especially birch wood i'm not going to use birch wood to build with um if i needed the wood i would probably break it and keep it but i don't need birch wood so burning it i feel is much more efficient and pretty much the water's putting it out so let's wait let's wait till it gets sunny all right boys it is sunny now so let's go ahead and just set this whole thing on fire let's use all of this flint and steel we're just going to use this thing like crazy i want to make sure this whole entire house is just burnt to smithereens all right so we're going to use this okay so that foot and steel was used on the bottom side now let's use this one for the oh my gosh we can't even get up here we literally can't even get up to the base anymore oh the whole thing is on fire oh my gosh okay let's use the splint steel to get maybe some extra parts that we missed oh my gosh literally this whole base is on fire guys oh my gosh moose is gonna be so mad at me i really hope he doesn't watch this video i mean moose normally doesn't watch my youtube videos so hopefully he doesn't watch this one um but moose if you are watching right now everything happens for a reason and uh just so you know we're we're still friends maybe i mean if you're gonna drop a diss track on me i don't know about that but um we'll see we'll see all right see that was a lot easier than actually yo you know be savage you know it would be savage if i leave yo i should leave his furnaces his chest and his bed and everything there but just destroy the whole house that's what i'm gonna do that would be savage that's what i'm gonna do i'm flipping doing it boys so i'm gonna destroy every single block but i'm gonna leave like his furnaces and everything right there all right let's destroy this here we go oh this is so so savage and i gotta destroy that chest because that chest was not there before all right so let's take this one there we go all right some items oh wait no we can pick up all items i thought our inventory is full okay so this is what we're gonna do we're gonna leave his house just like this literally we destroyed his whole house but we left everything that was in the house alone uh these double chests are both empty um i'm pretty sure one of these yeah i'm gonna take this i'll take this too yep i'll take all that stuff just to make sure is there anything else in any of his other furnaces uh yeah okay so all his furnaces are empty uh these chests are both empty okay sweet so that is like that's savage right there all right let's go up to the house here um don't really do anything in this chest okay so i'm gonna go underground right now do you have any dirt on me do a little bit of dirt on me okay i'm gonna go probably let's just steal dirt from shark's house i don't want to destroy it from the ground because that make that might make the ground look you know just not right i'm going to steal all the dirt off shark's house i'm just going to troll both of them i'm a savage at this point all right let's just destroy all the dirt off shark's house um shark again we're friends dude we're friends i'm just i just need some dirt okay i don't want to i don't want to like destroy the land i mean you got a beautiful house my guy oh look he's going to reveal all your redstone this is cute he tried his best to cover up all this redstone but little does he know it's about to be all exposed oh exposing shark boy there's so much dirt up here i literally can't destroy all of it this is gonna look so weird though because it's just gonna have the wood left on his house did destroy a little bit of redstone accident i'll put that back for shock all right let's pick up all the dirt that we didn't pick up i know there's a couple pieces right here and then one right there one right there i just want to pick up all the dirt so it looks clean you know it looks clean it looks good and we got a little bit more dirt to destroy all right there we go there we go all the dirt has been destroyed now we just gotta pick it all up you know it's gonna be even worse yeah let's close the door oh my gosh okay so the reason i need the dirt is because i'm gonna put uh these chests full of moose's things under my house and then i'm gonna kind of bury them all right so we got a double chest and we're pretty much gonna put everything in here i need to learn some commands for this i feel like there's a faster way to move these things other than clicking on hello do you play minecraft hello let me just let me just put all these items in the chest then you can kill me okay give me one second please zombie's not killing me there's literally a zombie standing right in front of me hi how you doing goodbye see you later had a good time all right so now oh wait we actually need the dirt i'm dumb i need the dirt to cover up my tracks here so let's completely cover this area up to where it doesn't even look like you know no one was here dog now it's gonna look a little bit obvious now but the grass has to kind of grow back there we go okay doesn't you know doesn't look you know minecraft dog doesn't even you didn't see anything okay cool all right so this episode has been uh a little bit savage i'm actually gonna remove this stuff by the way because i do need one of these signs to put in front of moose's house how do you get iron bars though that's my question oh well i could probably use the iron bars yo what if i caged all his things in iron bars like all those items like the furnaces and everything that would be hilarious i'm gonna use one of these signs i'm gonna put it under his base i'm gonna be like sorry moose i was really hungry and i thought your base was a lava cake not saying it's anyone i'm just saying you know it kind of looks like shark did it that's that so sorry moose thought your base was a lava cake savage flippin savage dog i think i'm gonna keep the iron bars i think i can use them for you know what i should put him around shark's house yo that would be funny and i can't wait to see these guys reactions if you guys want to see their reactions they'll probably be on their channels um because you know i can't really like record their react i mean i might be able to record them i'll try to get their reactions guys and i'll try to see if i can get them but they're probably going to be on their channel so go check them out i'll leave links in the description not to their reactions but to their channels because they're probably not uploaded yet but they will be in a day or two they really want to get both of their reactions i think that would be hilarious i'm going to use all these iron bars around shark's house you know this is actually a really good idea if if anything shark uh should actually thank me like this is making his house look really okay that made it look ugly let me remove that one this is actually making his house look really nice because it's like really open and stuff so shark you should uh you should thank me for this this is a really good idea this is an upgrade to your house that you had before before it was very ugly but now it's like in caged and uh in iron bars i'm gonna put something on the door what should i write i that's it just gonna leave it as high brick boss was you bowie all right so the second sign says brick boss was here bowie i'm trying to act like moose so basically what i'm doing is i'm blaming okay so this hopefully they don't see my episode like watch it watch this video so i'm blaming uh the base that was destroyed i'm blaming that on uh shark so it looks like shark did it and then shark or what what happens is like it's gonna be like moose gets on the server he's gonna get mad at shark for destroying his base but and then he's going to go do that to shark space and then shark will be like oh what the heck man because it says rick ross is here so i'm basically like hiding from this and i'm acting like they're fighting and i'm not even in this i'm going to tell moose um before he records this episode because i'm going to be like hey moose you got to go record a survival episode i'm gonna be like by the way i just minded my own business i saw that you trolled me dude you know i thought it was really funny but i'm just gonna actually take this uh series seriously and i'm actually i actually want to play good so i'm not gonna mess with your base or anything i'm going to tell him that off camera and let's see what he says but guys with that being said i think that's going to wrap it up for this episode i really want to see how the reaction is i think it's going to be really funny if jess moose and shark kind of fight it out when i'm actually doing all this stuff i think that's gonna be absolutely hilarious but guys don't tell them in their comment section don't tell them do not spoil the surprise everyone close their mouths you gotta keep this a secret between me and you guys so guys with that being said thank you all so much for watching hopefully you guys have enjoyed this episode if you did be sure to leave a like and give me some ideas in the comment section below of how i should troll them next if they come back control me because what if they actually find out it's me and they team up against me and troll me i'm gonna need some really good ideas guys so comment them in the comment section below some really good and creative ideas of how i control them and how i could get revenge so guys with that being said have a safe and fantastic rest of your day i'll catch you guys tomorrow in another minecraft video
Channel: UnspeakablePlays
Views: 2,465,708
Rating: 4.8945274 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakableplays, minecraft pocket edition, minecraft pe, mcpe, mcpe beta, mcpe alpha, minecraft trolling, trolling, traps, funny moments, funny, moments, mods, mod, gaming, game, custom, maps, map, challenge, how to, facts, creations, secret, crazy, pocket edition
Id: 65_gzy5YFq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2017
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