I Made Mario in Cuphead Style

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cuphead an excellent hard to play if you're a piece of [ __ ] gamer platformer shooter is about to get a DLC like in 3 days to celebrate death I decided to do something extraordinary I decided to remake the old NES Mario game into cuphead style at least it's first level because you know I've got like three days before the DLC is released but I don't know how to code so to pull this off I teamed up with my good buddy Eugene hey man how you doing he's in what now I've got my man so there's nothing to stop us now so this will be how we made Mario in cuphead style in three days or Cabrio the parody game first we need to redesign the characters cuphead has a specific style of design called rubber hose according to this article rubber horse animation was the first animation style that became standard designed in the American animation field the defining feature of the style is rubber hose limbs why the style fell out of fashion during the 1930s there has been a minor revitalization of it in recent years like in the cuphead game and the cuphead show so these are the original Sprites and designs from the Mario game and this is how they look in our game for legal reasons let's make clear that this dude is Caprio get it he's an electrician on his way to save Princess peer and defeat Bowser this little turret is well little third and last but not least Kula turtla please don't hurt us Nintendo now the most challenging part on my part the animation I had precisely a number of Sprites to animate let's go through them right now we have Idol Mario running Mario jumping Mario and dying Mario I made this one in a way it is in cuphead with ghost Mario because it looks cool now the enemies the mushroom dude was kinda easy no turn animation just walk cycle and dead body frame Kula turtle on the other hand was a bit harder walk cycle turning animation and his dead body frame the shell which needs to rotate if move I also [ __ ] up the design at first so I had to do him again apparently he's standing on two legs as he does in new games the last thing to do was the pipe plant or pipe flower I don't know and a bunch of smoke explosions done so we have finished all the animations for Caprio the parody game I mean almost but look at him pretty neat the only thing to do now is to repaint the level background and animate items and blocks I tried to do backgrounds in a modern and lazy way in Photoshop and I bet if I would want to spend more time looking for watercolor brushes and textures it may work but time is time and I don't have one so after this background I came up with another idea let's do the backgrounds the way they did it in the game the cuphead game old and super cool looking way real watercolors actual paper absolute awesomeness I did a test painting and it came out great so let's do this at first I split the original map into a few parts few small islands like in cuphead's first run and Gun while I'm painting the background why won't you use this moment to subscribe and like this video to support the channel and there you go thank you then I painted the pipe the blocks and the castle with the flag thing but I forgot to animate the flag and there was no time at the end of the deadline to do so so I decided to just leave the flag on the ground that should do it the last few things to paint were nature in the background and some props for the menu so the backgrounds are finished time to cut them in Photoshop and match them together into a final piece of art nice I still need to do some animated features and cutscenes but you will see those in the final result now let's head out and see how Eugene is doing hello guys so I need to tell you something I don't know how to make a video like I never made one but I do a little bit of programming so it's gonna be all right right [Music] it seems that Eugene is doing great I also hired a multi-talented fellow animator of mine might to compose a song for this game Mario team but in cuphead style so yes we have a custom soundtrack now and it's fire [Music] now it's time to take a look at the game footage but before we do that let's go through some game mechanics together look at this beautiful menu after pressing any button the game begins oh that's gorgeous look at him he can run he can jump and he's dead so there is a death screen for that like in the original Mario brutality you can interact with blocks I wonder what is in this one oh it is a polyphilotic informal fungi that contains salocybin which turns into obsilocin upon ingestion which is responsible for the Psychedelic effects or simply a mushroom everyone knows that mushrooms make you bigger right at least in the original Mario well I did not feel like doing those variations of animations for bigger Mario as well so now instead of getting bigger after consuming the mushroom you simply die LOL enjoy the restart here some of the frames for a better day enemies are working pretty good as well if they hit us bam with that if we hit them they are dead that is pretty much how beach volleyball works also if you beat the [ __ ] out of the Kula turtla his shell will stay on the ground for further actions like bowling and stuff I know what you're thinking about cryptocurrency I mean the secret level the hidden area the treasure room that we actually managed to get this into the game the answer is yes once you get onto the secret level pipe you will enter the inevitable death well that would be it for General mechanics let's see if we can actually finish this level and no worries guys there are surely no bugs here [Music] um right well let's dive into the gameplay I'm not sure that you're ready for this masterpiece however here it comes [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you I have to say this is awesome I expected or at least funny project to do but it ended up really great unfortunately we can't release the game for obvious reasons but we had a great time working on it anyway I hope you like it if so please consider subscribing I kinda need to get this channel on 100K Subs ASAP because I already told my mom I have them also don't forget to check out Eugene's Channel I'm pretty sure that there will be a really cool content soon take care and see you next time also don't forget to play the new cuphead DLC on Nintendo switch so are we good now
Channel: Pizohed
Views: 357,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pizohed, pizzaheadman, animation, animated, Mario, mario, mario in cuphead style, Cuphead, cuphead, cuphead dlc, cuphead gameplay, cuphead dlc gameplay, mario gameplay, mario game remade, mario remake, mario bros remake, mario parody, super bros mario, I made mario, making game, game, new cuphead, mario cuphead, mario in cuphead, Game remake, game remake, making of, nintendo, Luigi, cuphead style, game dev, cuphead art, mario art, mario redesign
Id: bEP8k974dS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2022
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