I made it to the FINAL Madden Gauntlet Boss & the Level was IMPOSSIBLE...

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i'm not allowed to get out of this chair until i defeat the madden 22 gauntlet our current high score is 34 and you know what that's not good enough today we've got to beat the entire theme problem is never in my life have i ever beat the gauntlet so well i might be here for a few years now the main question is like how do i go about this and the way i go about this is i do whatever it takes to complete this challenge so first bit of business what team do i use i've been debating on what team i should use i need a good quarterback need good receivers needs good running backs need good defense i think that arizona cardinals are the team that i'm going to use and i completely forgot i can't choose what opponent i come up against you know what i'm going to sit here and load into the gauntlet until it gives me the freaking jets or somebody similar maybe the lions jags i'll take it oh boys it's now time for a miserable few hours welcome to the gauntlet let's get this thing going boys first attempt we have six lives some of them are easy some of them are really hard you have to get through 40 levels to beat this thing you guys know what the gauntlet is by now it's just not going to be as easy as you think that one was easy but wait till i have 75 guys trying to tackle me with two blockers she's gonna get a first down here i think it's every five levels you do get yourself a boss and some of them are so freaking tricky the thing is dudes if you don't like rage you might not want to watch this entire video because i am guaranteed to get mad at least 17 times today unhealthy blood pressure levels what is that did we literally just get sacked oh there we go that's great what a start nah dude i'm restarting this i'm not beginning my day like this oh these are the ones i hate when you get play locked in somebody because you can't like control how well your cpu blocks but i can control get into the qb okay that's more like it if you guys do appreciate me being a psychopath and putting myself through misery it'd be very appreciated if you guys could drop a huge thumbs up and also subscribe the channel if you haven't trying to hit a million subscribers by the end of the year if we do so we're giving away five next-gen consoles to my subscribers at random that's if and only if we do hit a million subs by the end of the year so take that millisecond that does take to click that subscription button if you have have a chance to win one of five free next-gen consoles why the heck not okay it's actually let me pick my own play this time this is odd so all you have to do is get a first down and i literally can just scramble for it like some of these are so easy so this one's pretty simple i just have to stay within the lines and not get tackled i have five seconds to do so you literally just run around and stay in the line boom easy money already on to level five this will be our first boss of the video and it's going to be actually not a boss so i guess it's every six levels last level was a boss you idiot don't mind me dude i'm just freaking waffling literally this video spiraled me into a week-long sickness so there's gonna be a lot of odd moments in this video seriously i got sick as soon as i finished recording this stupid video this is just an excel burst this is one of my favorite ones just run to the side even though it's james connor not the fastest in the world easy wait why didn't it give me a boss i am so confused why didn't i get a boss we normally get a boss at level five okay i'm not asking questions once again he's got to complete the level here and just one pass and that's already level eight this has been a fantastic start so once again all you need a little bullet pass here deandre hopkins easy money this potentially will be our first boss of the video their freak it is avoid the hot spots and score a touchdown in the play without getting tackled or going out of bounds so it's always about strategy so what i'm gonna do here with james connor although he's not the fastest buck in the world follow my blocks then go all the way left hopefully i'll run everybody there we go dudes once you do this gauntlet like five six thirty seven times like i have throughout this year it gets easier as you learn the strats this has actually been a great start already on the level 10 and i haven't lost a life yet but now we have to sack the quarterback and like this all doesn't come down to me these are the ones that stress me out when i get to them jj jj boom baby let's go oh no did we just get glitched oh don't tell me we just got glitched oh this happened in a prior video where just in the middle of the gauntlet you just start flying around on a guy dang drone oh i'm telling you bro i cannot go one day without having to deal with friggin ea sports is nonsense dude i want to play the gauntlet i don't want to fly around on a freaking drone we got to level 11 without losing a life and we're just gonna have to sit here fly around look at the practice field well boy sat here for about five minutes and i might as well just go ahead and just do the inevitable freaking restart thank you ea for providing us a great game you idiots okay so at least this is a little bit better we already have an extra life challenge this is only level three i think so if i earn success on this rep i get an extra life which maybe this was all meant to be i think this was actually pretty simple all i have to do is just run through that little line and that should give me a seventh flight okay let's go just kidding yay sports i love you oh i actually for some reason am so bad at these all i have to do is shed the tackle oh my god i really didn't shed anything but i still made the tackle this one i just had to pass for a first down maybe james connor oh the little check down i love it now this one is one of my favorites i think it should be pretty simple because they always take horrible pursuit angles to the ball look at that so simple that boss was easy gonna scramble kyla murray that's why i chose the cardinals ladder challenge success on the rep would jump your score three levels failure on the rep will make you fall a level that's strange what is this what is this i swear to god this is the worst company of all time what do you want from me how am i supposed to complete this challenge you can't just restart the one level you have to restart the entire freaking gauntlet oh my god dude this company's so bad i'm just gonna try quitting the game completely and hopefully that refreshes something well boys time for another boss we've had to completely reload in we're playing against the football team now because i can't be asked but if we actually do complete the level here more than likely within the next two levels we'll be once again attached to a drone and have to fly around the practice field until the rest of eternity jesus had enough of this stupid freaking company oh now i'm blocking that's right this is that level this is that freaking level oh funny enough actually broke all those tackles but this was probably the most tilt-filled level of the entire game because the running backs are stupid well we've made it to level 11 where the difficulty is finally media let's see how long we can actually keep on continuing the gauntlet until we have to get attached to a drone and fly again oh please get to the quarterback jj watt get to the quarterback please get to the it just literally like the game i didn't do that the game like took me and flew me finally kill them finally thank you level 14 i'll have to run through all these spots like can i stiff-form him i did i stiff-arm you no it's like how am i like how am i really supposed to do this i guess just run away from them just do the ducky with them or something like that i have eight seconds left think maybe there we go thank you we have three lives to go with 25 more levels to beat these are pretty easy normally just punt the ball as far as i want to yeah there you go should land in the middle on the level 16 woo so all here i have to do is just tackle with x okay that was simple you have to do here is run for the first down get outside james connot the fastest man in the world but we'll take that another punt this one's a little trickier but yeah it should land right there in the middle and level 19 here we come another boss already so i have to oh this is the one where i have to pass it it has to land on one of the freaking squares dude i have as much time i think as i want to and i just got to be careful here gotta be careful gotta be careful eventually well this should be easy no you didn't keep running to the spot maybe stay in the freaking circle dude please bro oh thank you at least we've gotten halfway done without being attached to a drone these is where it says it begins to get difficult but here on this little fly route he should have him beat yeah easy on the level 21 at least we can get as far as possible here maybe we can get an extra life challenge that would be beautiful the first time i've ever seen a triple option the wrong decision you didn't even tell me what to do well we already have a freaking extra life challenge on level two success in this rep earns you two extra lives okay this could be huge so all i have to do is pass through the hot spot so all i gotta do is with the quarterback yes it is just block for me they're not moving they didn't move that should be easy bro we have eight lives that is huge it sucks though because i'm not confident because i mean this could be going great in level 11. you know just the players turn invisible like i can do anything about that we'll make the most of it though you see these are just so calm and make me feel at peace again just run away from the guy okay that kind of scared me for a second but literally that same level we've done the same play every time it's worked already onto another boss these are always so simple like i would rather not have to make contact with the stiff arm i do like i think they purposely program some of them to be stupid but then other times they're just like it's just impossible are you serious oh this is the worst boss of the entire game i could probably lose all my lives right here because the running back you watch them he'll take the snap and just run all the way to the left even though every single defender goes all the way to the left so it's literally like you they have to break every tackle you're screwed because you can only block one guy he just does not follow his freaking blockers fix your game [Music] stay in bounds you idiot so this is cool another ladder challenge success in this rep will jump your score with three levels if you fail you'll fall too oh i'm tiny that's just great like are they slow or something like can i do the little little jig can i get outside here oh this is so easy i think [Music] oh you've got to be kidding me sitting back chilling sitting back chilling there we go james connor thank you like we should be at level 14 right now stupid game dave and collins kill him kill the man boom we have another freaking ladder challenge so i just run oh this is the easy one yeah yeah yeah all i have to do is do a doggy here and yes let's go okay okay ball doesn't lie ea sports dumb game we have another boss back to back so this is once again one where i just have to score touchdown and if i can manipulate like the angles here this should be easy i think think yes thank you on the level 15 six lives to go boys i really really hope this is the one for my sanity another ladder challenge what is going on i take it though it's really the very next play so here intercept the pass and run for a touchdown last time i think this was where all the players were invisible so at least to start things off here everybody's present i think the level should actually work because there's no invisibility how am i supposed to intercept that ball with the big man is this once again one of those levels where i'm not gonna be able to complete it i have to intercept the pass run for a touchdown step in front of the wide receiver it has me on the big man but i'm all the way in the right side of the field he's not going to throw it to me over here have to run all the way to the left like how am i ever ever going to complete this level huh lost two lives again you guys i i just i'm just glad some of these videos get uploaded because you can see how incompetent this company is how does some of the stuff that gets put in this game get past their testers how does somebody get paid to test the game and not notice that the guy on that last level was on the complete opposite wrong side of the field like i know we're doing well here we're on level 18 now with six lives to go for the end of the day like i still don't think i'm gonna complete it because i feel like i'm gonna get to level 39 being the final boss level and everybody be invisible like come on that is the impossible level you guys see me play impossible in the title well it literally is impossible because it's impossible oh here we go this one again i really really hope we can complete this first try and we're not going to please bro please bro boys we've made it halfway through the gauntlet and we still have five lives to go now this is where the difficulty gets up the hard but like this one's easy all the punch challenges for the most part are always so simple on the level 21. hard to get a first down so i get to actually pick the play here i might just scramble again you're in seven roll out to the left i mean he's wide open i can just throw it there we go christian kirk doesn't have to get a first down here i guess i could scramble for it again and kylo murray is why i picked jabra choose a pass protection left right or max protect based on how the defense is lined up with their pre-play adjustments and make the catch well that's complicated it's gonna max protect here and hopefully just throw this little drag and throw it right into a freaking defender please bro make this catch thank you get me off of that level we have 16 levels to go with only four remaining lies we have a freaking boss again score touchdown during the super bowl media day this is gonna be great we got freaking guys with cameras all around us it said don't run into my teammates i have no teammates on the field what do you what do you mean i mean these guys are so slow that shouldn't be a problem that's what i said about the previous one but yeah they're absolutely freaking moronic i'll take it though all i have to do is prevent a first down on the play throw it to me i dare you throw it to me there's just there's no way if he would have caught that complete a pass for first down before the time runs out the dig is kind of sketchy to be fair too i always suck at these i don't know what it is about it i just stress out like when you see what i'm saying my player just didn't make contact i'm just strafing i'm strafing i'm just see what i'm saying it always comes down to one freaking level that i lose all my god dang lives on man there we go jesus 12 levels to go with only two remaining lives one level away from level 30. our high on the year is 34 so can we at least beat that here so i have to make the tackle and they have three offensive linemen so that should this is gonna be great this is gonna lose all my freaking lives right here more than likely oh they have more than they they have about 75 offensive linemen okay this is get off the i i can't get off the block i mean i just can't what do you want what do you want what a dumb boss get off the block great game ea sports great concept this game is gonna break me what a weird extra please bro for my sanity my sanity stay up stay up get away from this defender thank you trying this all over again at least now i came up against all freaking lions like i said you know been here for about an hour playing this stupid freaking game mode trying to get back to level 30 and this is just one of the stupidest freaking levels of the entire game i've came up against multiple times and i lose lives every single time because you have somebody blocking and then you know your other player gets to sack and you lose your life on the level thought we finally we're gonna be able to make it back to level 30 but now we have to come up against another broken freaking level dude like he did he blocks you and he just he gets throw off you know that was a swat [Music] you sure i swear this is horrible are we so open stay oh my god boys we have made it to level 29 finally took me an hour to get here but here we are oh what do you know the same exact boss as before well made it all the way back to level 29 just to lose three consecutive lives because this level's freaking broken i mean it is the lions this time i mean i shed at him i i he just he just holds on to me like what you want from me how am i supposed to complete this level how is anybody supposed to complete this stupid level can i run backwards for a second from backwards and just get away from them come on come on come on are you are you serious are you serious get there get there oh my god we made it to level 30. we have two lives to go now we've made it to the elite difficulty use left stick up to lead the pass downfield to the primary receiver and complete the catch who is that that's you please bro please i beg you i beg you to make this catch how is he supposed to make that catch how is he supposed to make this catch seriously there's like 17 defenders there this is the dumbest game ever i swear to god i guarantee you not one employee at ea sports played we have for the first time made it to level 20 with seven lives to go oh level 21 please give me easy levels i beg you dude two hours in and i can't take this much more oh gosh these are the ones where i fail every single time at a clamp number eight i'll try my best to clamp you there's just no way there's no shot you catch this football he cut you see what i'm saying geez finally not had a problem on this boss whatsoever because these players are so clunky and so slow just cut back to their side of the field we are on to level 25. now to cover again here have isaiah simmons running a slant there's i swear he caught it again he caught it again thank you jesus christ horrible game all right this one should be pretty easy once again bullet pass now it's on level 29 and i really hope it does not give us that same boss and this gave us the same boss great this is the most impossible level on this entire game i don't even want to know what level 40 is i'm running backwards just get away from get away i i fell on the ground i fell on the freaking ground bro nah bro get oh there's there's no way to disengage from the blocker i don't care what the game says oh please oh please run them out of bounds please bro we have 10 levels to go two lives left please and i mean please can this be the one where we can finally for the first time ever complete the matted gauntlet i beg for myself and my sanity [Music] of course she's gonna come down with it he's out of the freaking zone right he's out of the zone yup this is where we in the video i i can't take this game anymore anybody that worked in this game anybody that tested this game out that was your job find another job
Channel: RBT
Views: 994,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: madden, madden 22, gameplay, game, challenge, madden challenge, rbt, giant, size, gauntlet, funny, boss, new, mode, madden gauntlet, record, madden 22 gauntlet, mini games, level, playthrough, walkthrough, how to, tutorial, completing, finishing, beating, impossible
Id: bVyBlVW8eiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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