THIS Virtual Production App STUNNED Top Filmmakers

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the iPhone on top of this camera I'm holding is running an insane new app so I've brought it here to the BSC Expo one of the biggest filmmaking events of the year to launch it to the entire film industry the app is likecraft Jet Set the sponsors of this video and it allows you to do camera tracking for visual effects green or blue screen mixed reality or full-blown virtual production just by popping an iPhone on top of your main cinema camera now i' had about a month of prep to put together our demo to make sure that everything actually worked but when you get to the place you have basically 10 hours to get everything rigged up and working we had to set up a blue screen scene our Unreal Engine environment which is a garage full of cars and our actress Lucia is going to be bolting this axon transmitter to the front of one of those cars when you look through the viewfinder on the phone yeah it was pretty awesome actually and we were also showing everyone who came to the booth a live render preview of our unreal Ed environment and cinema camera composited live and I'll show you the final result of that later in the video now let's have a look at this rig cuz this is really integral to demo the first thing we have here is a zcam body and on the front a teina 29 mm lens and of course key to everything is the Jet Set app which is running on the iPhone the iPhone app is calibrated to match with the 29 mm teina Le we can tell that by looking at the phone and it gives us a field of view of the teina 29 mm that's kind of all you need you need a camera a lens and the app but there's a lot more going on here because it's a demo and there's a lot to show people the phone is actually outputting into one of the ACC transmitters and then out to the monitor which is just above the there's also another iPhone on the back here which is serving as our clean feed monitor that's getting a feed from the axon cimo Pro so there's a lot of cables going on here on the back you've got the axon transmitter another one straight into Unreal Engine so I can see our blue screen scene that we're running at the moment and the not being composited with the cgc L real and then that's being sent onto the screen as well so we're we're doing a lot so that we can show people up there but this rig this setup is not really what you need for visal production it's generally speaking a great deal simp then the VIP showed up and yeah they did we're talking about AR cook lenses there were a lot of people coming up to me and they had a lot of questions I was just going to say there's a lot of happing is there this is mostly our demo what you only really need to shoot is the camera and the phone and then if you're calibrating you can use the SEO and we were able to give people the camera rig as well testing it out and getting to see whether it's got any lag or latency and seeing if they can break it like no lag I mean there's only the little bit of lag that is between the axon and the F we also had the app running on a couple of iPads as well so people could walk around and test it out they could just explore my garage environment everything was working so so well until it wasn't um we seem to be having a bit of a problem I think our tracking is working fine but but our video is getting a lot of lag whatever is coming out of the laptop is just stuttering like mad without live render preview this demo Falls flat on its face so I'm going to go fix that now this is this is interesting because the video signal that's coming into the computer uh is also choppy something's happening before it gets to the laptop so it's not a problem with the TV it's not a problem with unreal but like I suspected it might be because unreal can be quite heavy and the laptop's getting quite hot but none of that is causing this kind of stuttering line something else is going on in in the middle so time to check the connections I think that was a long night I was really hoping that I would have that problem solved on day two but we can't stay in the building overnight than I would have done but no I had to go back to the hotel and just pick up the threads of that problem the next day so it's day three it's been so busy I'm quite tired that rig is really heavy you know Dan knows okay a message for anyone who uses the cam link 4K and this is really really important all I need to do right here is just refresh the signal I just go to the menu and reselect hamlink 4K and now the video Smooth and this only happens because I go back to in real to change something like the latency delay perhaps and all of a sudden it causes the stuttering on the video I think this means we can get our live render preview back yep that simple took me so long to find that problem and I'm glad that I solved it but it's back that is really cool the relief is actually very real it's lucky the lighting preview was working working again because Philip Bloom showed up of course I just looked up and he was stood next to me wet self and [Music] continue anything similar yeah I just met Philip Bloom um W I mean they say don't meet your Heroes but uh no he's cool and you let me just chat on about lra I'm I'm done for the day what about you and because we filmed our demo with jetset cine with a calibrated lens file and we synced our footage using a digital slate I've been able to put together a final comp result [Music] I think that there's so much here that I just didn't get to see and I'm going to try just before the end of the day maybe to see a few more things there's some uh robot arms in uh in operation right now so we could have a peek I caught a glimpse of it yesterday and I'm just desperate to have a look yeah come have a oh wow have a good oh come on how was it if you're holding the trigger move your hand up all right I press the trigger and then oh okay so it live follows your hand moving that's bunkers if you wanted to get to a really rough position and then it later that makes a lot of sense just go like Yeah by this point I've had a couple of weeks to reflect on how the event went and I'm so pleased with what we managed to pull off because this is not easy stuff and usually if something goes wrong or breaks that's it because you don't have long to fix things but what surprised me most were the reactions from the people who came by the booth and there were a few I guess the first one would have been just what is this how does this work what's going on but once people had that information it's what they did with that that was most interesting the next question was always uh the base level is free for the app to be downloaded and tried and then it scales to about 80 a month for their City level one guy was so so shocked that I had to put him on the phone with one of the founders of lightcraft Elliot and he was on the phone with him for half an hour telling him he was going to break the film industry how true that is I have no idea but that is a very strong reaction we are talking to people by the way who are either going to be using a Mars system which cost 5,000 anything beyond that up to Moses is going to cost you 25,000 easy and it's not just a tracking system that's the point this is a fully managed pipeline so it includes tracking but it's so much more it's lens calibration it's sending files and sinking them to Unreal it's uh sending them over to other packages like after effects it's it's a lot the other reaction was just plain excitement I imagine most of these people from the Indie crowd where they could see that this was not going to break their budget but did everything that they already wanted it to and they just really really enjoyed getting their hands on the gear and testing it out this has been such a positive experience for me and I'm really glad that I was a part of it and I do want to give a quick thank you to Elliot Mack and Bill Warner for getting me involved it's a wild ride and I look forward to covering likecraft Jeter in more detail because there is so much coming to this thing I'm looking forward to sharing it with you I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Joshua M Kerr
Views: 61,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: virtual production, iphone, unreal engine, unreal engine 5, unreal engine filmmaking, real time tech, unreal engine virtual production, green screen, green screen virtual production, iphone virtual production, easy virtual production, bsc expo 2024, accsoon seemo, accsoon cineview se, filmmaking, filmmaker, 3d camera tracking, real time camera tracking
Id: PbNDjmsX_0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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