I Made a Tutorial Series for @NVIDIA-Studio - Blender Project Overview

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this video is all about the tutorial series I made about this project for NVIDIA Nvidia Kings of gpus runs a YouTube channel called Nvidia Studio on which they present some key features of their Solutions with tutorials made by Leading creators of the industry and last July I received an email from an art director at Nvidia to discuss an opportunity to make a series of tutorials on that very Channel but as my channel is still very small compared to other creators I first thought it was a scam but after checking everything it seemed really genuine So after talking a bit more we get to the terms basically I can propose anything I want as long as I can produce a series of videos made of 5 to 10 parts around 5 to 15 minutes each and most of all I will get an RTX 4080 in exchange for this work and it really helped to develop this project really quickly even in a scene with not much optimization so thanks a lot to them so now that I know I can propose about anything I need an idea that would be both interesting to me and to the people watching the tutorials I brainstorm a bunch of ideas that would use a bunch of really interesting geometry setup such as building a movie opening sequence making a case study of what I do for a living so a short product commercial making a really short 10 shot movie about a tree that grows or about a painting that is looking for the perfect frame making a procedural skate park skateboards and much more but no one really excited me both for the final result and the process itself and then I found the perfect idea for me as I am running more and more about anytime I'm not behind the computer as hinted by this short movie I made a while ago so the final idea is to make a fully procedural animation about trail running so I would have a Terrain that is generating procedurally using geometry nodes and a character running on on top of it with his running speed depending on the slope of the terrain and even playing different animations if he is running or walking and also if possible procedurally generate some design this is quite a big project with a bunch of different parts but the development of it went pretty smoothly for the most part and with the recent release of blender 3.6 we also have simulation zones to play around with the whole project can be split into four different technical blocks that I need to figure out independently creating a procedural Terrain blending between different animations syncing the different animations and generating the sound design the Teran generation would be pretty easy to do with scale blending for some elements and a lot of instancing and more to make elements appear and disappear the only tricky part will be to use a chunk system for the world in order not to compute a lot of elements which are too far ahead or behind the character then the animation blending part is a pretty interesting issue to tackle people following me on Instagram might have C a glimpse of this as I experimented with animation blending quite early on I first experimented with blending vertex position by index between different copies of the mesh with different animations but this kind of Def blending isn't really that pretty and robust in the end I used vertex weight to blend the influence of different Armature deform modifiers which is really neat and can work in real time then we have the issue of thinking the animation because a work cycle is longer than a run cycle and if you blend this between two different animations with different feet placement it can look really weird and in my case I will blend between five different animations from mix ammo to have a bunch more details the solution I ended up using after way too much trer on error is to work on the playhead position of nla strips unfortunately drivers don't work there even with the geonode data to driver work around so I had to create a really small script to bake the geometr data to key frame the evolution time of the nla strips the solution isn't isn't the most elegant as you need to run the SC every time to update everything but it is the easiest to implement I have another solution in mind that would use bone constraint and this time it should work in real time but the setup is way more cumbersome so I need to work a bunch more on this before I can present it so stay tuned another part I struggled with was to make the procedural sound design I wanted to push this project as far as possible so I experimented with Max MSP pure data Aon live Reaper and also consider touch designer to procedurally generate ambient sounds I spent way too much time with this but I can really see the potential of Noe based sound synthesis using pure data but in the end I went for Ambient sound design from sound libraries like soundly and for the footstep sounds I sync them with a mediscript generated from blender and use in abon live and the final part which I didn't talk about yet was to make the animation loopable so that even with procedurally generated terrain and procedurally computed animations I wanted the final position to be the exact same as the starting position it was quite a challenge but I managed to make it work by hacking the simulation Zone with a bunch of math to override my simulations during a set transition duration and with all that figured out and a first complete proof of concept I could get to record the tutorials and for that I also had to relearn how to make tutorials because this will be the biggest tutorial series I made yet so I changed my recording workflow to be way more efficient and in the end I didn't have to make much retakes and do too much voice over after the fact as I could record everything with a bit over 6 hours of rush and a final tutorial duration of a bit above 3 hours and so after much work the tutorials went live between December and February the final project is split into 10 different parts with the following content in part one we make the initial setup of everything in part two we build the infinite Teran generation part three is all about procedural animation speed in part four we make way more detailed procedural environments in part five we design a custom character with cool outfit part six is about making procedural wooden bridges in part seven we continue the environment with elements having custom animations like Trail signage and some cool tree growth animations in part eight we add other biomes to show the process of making much more in part nine we finally make the animation loopable and part 10 is all about the final compositing and the song design itself so if you want to make your own version of this you have all the information you would need and don't hesitate to share it with with the # Studio share so that you could be featured on the Nvidia Studio Instagram Channel now even with all those tutorials and the really cool result the project isn't complete for me yet I want to add at least two new biomes and environments for example snow and rain and a bunch more things to make it really interesting in longer versions I first want to make a 2 hours long version and maybe even a 12-hour long version which will be a single procedural loop with no repetitions whatsoever during the whole ation so who knows what we could discover there so stay tuned if you might be interested to see that I might even go live on Twitch to continue this project hope you like this video don't forget to like And subscribe to support me thank you so much for watching and see you next [Music] time for is for for
Channel: Alexandre Albisser
Views: 10,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: topstitches, blender, blender 3D, Edge loops, vertex groups, animation, cloth, clo3D, marvelous designer, teaser, simulation, procedural, easy, Running, trail running, sport, shoes, nature, peaceful, nvidia, nvidia studios, tutorials, invitation
Id: 3zA9zEBqpC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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