I made a Scientifically Accurate Barney and Friends

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hi folks my name is Adam and I like to make tiny nerdy things and I wanted to make a dinosaur but like a really colorful dinosaur so this week I made Barney [Music] now obviously Barney isn't your bog standard T-Rex given that he seems to live in harmony with a slew of little edible children but I figured as far as the scale is concerned a standard T-rex skeleton will do the trick his head's gonna have to be significantly larger though since he's capable of speech but it also answers the question of just how punchable a dinosaur would be if it could talk and the answer in Barney's case is very punchable Bernie's bones are made of Armature wire while his body is an assortment of aluminum foil recycled from last night's dinner if I were being a touch more poetic I would have used some plastic for his bones since plastic is made from oil and oil is decomposed dinosaur fossils but I don't think plastic bones would hold up well in the oven also I'm not really sure that the whole plastic as dinosaurs thing is even remotely true at this point but it would have made for a good story here and I'm not one to let something as silly as the truth get in the way of a story otherwise I've got Barney's bare bone body built up and mounted on a block of wood so I can get onto the bulking of the body with Clay stage of the sculpting at this point I'm really only concerned with getting Clay on the body in roughly the right places really I'm just sort of after a lumpy dinosaur-esque look and design before I get on to adding the detail the top of Barney's head will get mounted on the exposed Armature sticking out of the body but the bottom jaw I'll just let hang unsupported I'm using cosplay which is nice and flexible and there's enough of it here that it shouldn't really matter in terms of being able to support its own weight so once I've cut the jaw to roughly the right size I can start to add clay to build up Barney's oversized Noggin in reality most of my sculptures have heads that are two to three times too large for their bodies anyway so having a character that is designed that way is a really nice change of pace for me that being said one side sat back and looked at the body I realized I'd built the head larger but hadn't lengthened the Torso to account for it so he's a bit too squat looking fortunately it's easy enough to behead Barney and elongate his neck a bit so there's a bit more torso to work with [Music] foreign attached and the neck thickened up to support it I can start to carve out his mouth add the detail around the cheeks and the lips then get to work adding lots of gnarly detail to the inside of his mouth I'll then use my ball stylist to poke some rough surface detail onto the surface to add some rough detail than a little hole filled with a teeny tiny ball will be his teeny tiny eyeball I can then add some wonky skin folds and wrinkles around the eyes before moving on to the rest of the body I'll bulk up his beefy calves and legs then a long noodle of clay attached to his spine will be his spine I guess then I'll elongate his tail a touch before moving back to the neck so I can finally start to add all the finer details mostly this involves adding some seemingly random trenches and dips to insinuate the impressive neck muscles that must be required to keep his over large head Aloft then I'll wrap lots of extra wormy wormy dealies along his neck like great big veins I suppose that's exactly what these are so making them look like veins is probably appropriate I'll then carve some shallower trenches into his sides where his ribs will be visible through the skin since Barney is a healthy boy so much like a dog you should be able to see his ribs through his chest then I can start to add lots of little worms of clay over the ribs and along the front of the body which will be the various lizard-like skin folds foreign having successfully achieved an adequately wrinkly front end I can go back to the back end and start to detail the muscles of the legs as well as ADD plenty of wrinkles and skin folds towards the tip of his tail finally once I'm happy with how his body is looking I can go back to the head and start to finish off the last of the finer details starting with that row of wrinkles that make up the back of his lumpy next section I'll then carve some scarves and divots into his lips then add some little lumps of clay before blending them in and repeating this process around his eyes and along his head towards the tip of his nose a couple sniffing orifices in the front will finish off the surface so I can add some gnarly detail to the exposed strip of lip that connects his top and bottom jaw before finally stabbing a bunch of pre-toothed tooth holes that can then be filled with lots of little pre-baked teeth now with the teeth in place I can then get to adding the last of the surface detail which is all the little Nicks and scuffs and scars and other dinosaur related things to do this I've draped the body in a sheet of cling film so that I can haphazardly hack away the body with a small smooth hook the hook will scar the skin underneath while the cling film will keep the edges soft eventually leaving me with a really clean looking wrinkly dinosaur body all that's left to do then is give him a tongue I made off camera then it's into the oven to bake so I can drill a couple holes for arms Barney's little T-Rex arms are kind of like little people arms since he's got some little biceps triceps and an ample upper deltoid but instead of little hand at the end he's got a pair of tiny two clawed thingies also one of my patrons asked if I could make sure his palms face inwards instead of downwards since apparently the T-Rex was less of a slapper and more of a Clapper some final wrinkling of the arms so they blend in with the rest of the body but before I can make his feet I need to make the thing that he's gonna be standing on which of course is gonna be that little turd BJ I grew up watching Barney which is probably why I turned out to be such a well-adjusted adult but even at a young age before cynicism in the cruel realities of Life jaded my perception and turned me into the turret of a man I am today I knew BJ was the worst I couldn't quite put my finger on it at the time but I always hated his smug snide attitude so of course if I'm gonna be making a realistic Barney then I'm definitely putting a defeated BJ's lifeless body below his feet BJ was a protoceratops which is like the more well-known triceratops's great-great-grandfather but without the triple horn instead they had a big scoop on the back of the head which was used as a double bowl to separate the guacamole from the salsa when they were eating nachos BJ's gonna be lying on a sign in the dirt and I only need half his face so I'll chop off one side and then lay them flat on a baking tray so I can start to add the rest of the detail this is mostly just the addition of an eyeball his beak and a side horn then I can attach a big lump of clay for his body plenty of extra lumps of clay will bulk the body out and give him both Dimension depth and a tail then I can thicken up his belly and attach a couple of licks the beauty of making BJ on a side is that I only need to make one side of his legs since I can pretend like the other ones are just buried in the mud and I don't need to add any Armature to his legs since it's not like they're going to be supporting any of his weight otherwise the legs in place I can start to refine the shape of the muscle and add some detail to this otherwise moon-shaped blob of gray Dino clay like Barney BJ is going to be getting lots of little lizard wrinkles to help spice up that boring flat body but instead of the scarred look I'm gonna be using this Trypophobia inducing roller to add lots of little bumps and scales [Music] with BJ's Body finished I can stick Barney in place to make some mounting holes and then I can add some battle damage from Barney's murderous Rampage then it's into the oven to bake before wrapping BJ in a layer of cling film and reattaching Barney so I can get to work making his feet the cling film will keep Barney from sticking to BJ while I scoped his feet but it will still allow me to get the correct angle for the foot and the position of the toes I can also easily remove Barney from BJ's Body to smooth and finish the detail as well as add the talons before popping him back and place to layer up his little toe scales I'll do the same thing for the other leg and it's into the oven for a final bake and I'm ready to start the painting I'll start by painting Barney's Underside with a dark green followed by a dusting of lighter green then a much darker green wash to add some shading I'll then wrap BJ in his cling fill covering so I can fit Barney on top and add that initial base coat of purple I'll then add some strategically placed lighter highlights with a pink before blasting the whole body again with a darker purple wash for more of that recessed shading to highlight all the wrinkles and folds I can then pop Barney off BJ and give his Underside a dry Brushing in light green and his top side a dry brushing and light purple the soft fleshy bits of his melt lips and gums will get a messy wet blend of Pinks purples and reds and I can paint his nails black with a blended gray gradient I'll then paint his teeth white followed by a deep umber wash and a final touch of white on the tips to make them look a little more toothy before finally painting his eye which will get a Yellow base coat with an orange Blended Center and a single little black slit in the Middle with that Barney is finished then I can get back to BJ and remove his protective covering I'll then base coat him in a bright bright yellow followed by an orange wash for shading I can then paint his belly green before aggressively dry brushing everything yellow to make the scales and knobbly bits stand out against the orange shading behind it it probably would have made sense to paint the green after doing this but I didn't do that for reasons his toe Talons and toothpick get a black to gray gradient then I can paint the little BJ appropriate red dots around his eyes and legs [Music] foreign gets a sickly pale yellow eyeball with a sad little gray Iris that I can paint all his battle wounds with a terracotta and red wet blend that then is BJ finished so I can fit Barney in place however we're not done yet though since I wanted Barney to look extra fabulous which means covering his body in a thick coat of purple fur to do this I'll first remove Barney from BJ then wrap BJ in a much abused cling film sheet to make sure he doesn't get a coat of fur as well then I can load up my static grass applicator with a load of This truly awful purple fur before painting all the parts of Barney that I want the fur to stick to I figured his top half will be furry while the bottom half can stay lizardy then it's just a case of aggressively shaking the purple fur onto Barney and hoping for the best there was some leftover white Tufts of grass I forgot to remove so he's got a tiny bit of longer white bits but otherwise the purple top coat looks pretty good I can smooth it over with my finger so it's standing a little less straight on end then I can free BJ from his cling film prison and put the two best buds together without my Dynamic Dino Duo is finished and all I need to do now is make an appropriately dinosaur based Berry BJ in so Barney can stand triumphant to make said bass I'll start with as little square of XPS foam which I'll base coat black the black paint will help my mud layer adhere and to make my mud I'll combine some Mod Podge dirt rocks hole filler and brown paint the whole filler will be the body of the mud the Mod Podge will help give it strength and the rocks and dirt will add a bit of texture and of course the brown paint makes it look like mud all this gets mixed together into a tasty looking crunchy chocolate pudding we'll then spread this Rocky chocolate pudding onto my black XPS base and spread it out to cover the entire surface before dropping BJ into the center and pressing the mud around his body so it looks a little more natural oh then stick Barney into both BJ and the mud before adding some rocks and detritus to the still soft and sticky mud to liven up the scene a little bit once the muddy mixture has had a chance to dry I'll refill my static grass applicator with a mix of light and dark green static grass paint the base with some glue then add a nice thick layer of grass around the Dinos finally I thought the purple of Barney's fur was a bit too flat so I filled my airbrush with a bit of pink so I could add some lighter bits and Stripes to break up the monotony of that single color then I can coat his mouth in a layer of high gloss varnish touch each of the eyes then mix that varnish with a bit of red ink to really goop up all the various open wounds as well as give Barney a bit of strawberry Jam's smile otherwise with that finished we're all done here and onto the Glamor Shots [Music] thank you [Music] thank you as always a big old thank you to my wonderful patrons of patreon and a special hey how are you to my newest patrons Simon Peck Damon Smith Callum Tyrell valentine33 John Freeborn Corey rice Emily zathayos Mark Healey and Maria and happy birthday Libby you are the beautiful purple feathery fur that blankets the Hideous wrinkly body that is this channel let me know in the comments down below which beloved childhood character you would like to see get the Barney makeover next as always if you really truly hated this video then probably don't subscribe because this is kind of what I do and if you hit that notification Bell then you're gonna get notified of videos that you hated um so don't do that otherwise we'll uh see you next time cheers foreign [Music]
Channel: North of the Border
Views: 950,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: made a Scientifically Accurate Barney and Friends, Barney and Friends, Barney the dinosaur, t rex, realistic t rex, realistic dinosaur, tyrannosaurus rex sculpture, clay sculpture, feathered dinosaur, fur dinosaur, North of the Border
Id: iRVI88omaxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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